#catch my hands zeus istg you’re gonna get it
Constantly thinking about quest deadlines. Like, I understand there needs to be not only the danger of monsters and gods and such, but also the clock ticking for the storyline to be so compelling, but also like DAMN you’re choosing 12 year olds to TRAVEL ACROSS THE COUNTRY and you’re giving them what? A week? 10 days? It varies, but every time WITHOUT FAIL the gods are like “oh yeah btw you know this life threatening journey? Be back on Monday”.
Additionally, they do this to kids, 12-15 year olds who have DISABILITIES!!! Bro can get an extra 30 minutes on a standardized test with an open book policy but GOD FORBID he gets more than seven days to fulfill a heroes quest. You can’t look at me and tell me this is not just another “tee hee fuck you” from the gods, like less than three days into their journey in the Lightning Thief, Percy, Annabeth and Grover were like “hey we have time, let’s go completely off track and go see the Gateway Arch! Let’s not take this margin of free time to try and get ahead, I wanna see some cool shit!” And I support them, I adore them, but really? You’re looking at Mr. Jackoff and his ragtag band of hyperactive, vaguely autistic preteens and you’re like “yeah they’re gonna get there on time”. Be SO FR right now.
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