#catalyst reread commentary
astromechs · 3 months
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this is what i'm talking about when i say one-sided toxic old man yaoi
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dottores · 2 years
Hi Cat!👋 Having to come back and reread chapter 9 of LDA to get my initial thoughts out was so hard for this chapter. This one was so gut-wrenching and absolutely broke my heart you have no idea; I thought the previous chapter was sad this one was something else. 😥
I get that Ran's intense feelings for us gets in his way to comprehend the logical things we do but my god that fact this his first thought, no hesitation, is to get back to Rindou and us just makes me melt, and then I’m crying because he quickly corrects himself about how can he possibly rely on us. Not that I blame him considering we haven’t given him or Rin any reason to trust or rely on us in years but still. He tried so hard to convince himself at first that this was a scheme of ours to get him out but then doubted that and instead focused on “saving” us from what we have become since we have never given up on him in the past. The fact that he’s thinking about helping us when he’s literally in a life-or-death situation just speaks volumes about how much he loves and cares about us.
I really love the first flashback it was just so cute and wholesome, made me absolutely giddy 🥰. Ah and the back-and-forth banter, I know I mention every time but I just adore back and forth dialogue and you do it so well especially in the flashbacks to portray not only our ages but how close we’ve all become. Hehehe Ran’s a wimp and I totally believe it. Tbh I personally would be jealous of the girls always asking about them tho I wouldn’t show it but the assurance that they were ours just put the biggest grin on my face. 😊
But omg going back and forth between cute flashbacks and then back to Ran getting beaten just gave me absolute whiplash and he’s trying so hard to convince himself that we will be there to help him but there’s that little seed of doubt starting to show that’s winning. 😟
I loved the idea that we have a matching tattoo when you first mentioned it (in ch 2 I think) and I’m really happy that we get to see the flashback of them proposing the idea to us. So, getting confirmation that one of them would step back to try and allow the other the chance to get with us is nice to know I predicted it but I got it all wrong lmao I thought it would be Rindou the whole time. Though I guess he kinda does the same and they both just stand back waiting for someone to make the first move. In the past I feel that it would have to be us that made the move, it would have been kind of risky for either of them to take that chance for a number of reasons. Rindou getting shy about the design was hella cute and Ran having a battle in his head over his feelings and trying not to show them and make Rindou upset just got me all asdlkfjds inside lol.
God the flashback of us not following through with a promise is the catalyst for that seed of doubt and I can’t even blame Ran, I would have been livid to the point of hatred as well. It's just so heartbreaking to see all this from his point of view, from the present beating to the flashbacks of both good and bad times involving us. The fact that us abandoning them is the reason they joined Bonten tbh I don’t know how to feel about it. Sad that we pushed them into it so they could get their minds off us I guess, but as a reader happy just cause Bonten timeline is dope lol.
UGGHHHH😫 Ran’s “I knew you would come” fucking killed me cause in reality he didn’t, he really didn’t know he just hoped and could only hope cause the only other option for him was to die there.
This whole chapter had me all teary-eyed and it was hard to get through because of all the pain he showed and not just the physical beatings but emotionally through all the times he tried to take a step back from us or when we were slowly splitting from him and Rin. HNNNNGG it was so sad but so well written and portrayed you always do such an amazing job on each chapter I just can’t. 😩
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dude :( ran loves us n rindou so much, we’re literally the only thing he thinks about/worries for. in his mind as long as the 2 of us are ok, nothing else matters
HAKSKKAKSSKS WHEN YOU KEPT SAYING RINDOU WOULD BACK OFF I WAS LIKE 🤭🤭🤭 chapter 13 flashback actually gets more into depth with that situation hint hint ;)
i actually wasn’t going to make ran having “given up” the reason they join bonten but then i was like 👀👀👀 yk what
dude i could not find the words to describe how ran felt the moment he realized we had come to save him.☹️☹️☹️ he was so ugh idk like it wasn’t just a relief from the torture but it was also confirmation that we still care of him, and we would still put our neck out on the line for him and god he needed that so bad
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spaceorphan18 · 5 years
thedorkmark replied to your post “Thinking about All the Other Ghosts”
i always found it interesting how spot on RJ's fandom meta was when she was so specifically not at all on tumblr (i get the feeling she spent many years in other fandom spaces tho). but yes, it was a snapshot of a kurt and blaine from earlier seasons that doesn't quite hold up if you consider how their characters changed. but i always wondered how, given RJ loved to use dave as a catalyst for kurt in her stories, she felt about him coming back and dating blaine....
invisibleraven replied to your post “Thinking about All the Other Ghosts”
I feel like I'm one of the few Klaine fans who really didn't even LIKE this series. I mean I read it, it was okay, but I have never felt the need to revisit it. Kinda overblown and over hyped for something that is just kinda...meh? I feel the same about Little Numbers too. Both overrated by fandom for mediocre works.
canadian-tiggergirl replied to your post “Thinking about All the Other Ghosts”
We have very similar thoughts. I haven’t reread it for years, but I remember liking the story but not feeling like there were any elements of the Kurt and Blaine I know in the characters.
Kind of replying to everyone at once...
I like this story as a regular superhero story that I would read.  I’m not sure that I like it as a Klaine story, which I find interesting.  The reason I wanted to do it on the podcast is that I found it interesting on a meta level - the fic discusses a lot of fandom things that I find fascinating to explore and have a conversation about, which is my primary reason for doing it.  I also think it lends itself to conversation in a way most fanfic doesn’t.  
Which isn’t a criticism of other fics or fic writers or the genre of fanfiction as a whole.  I’ve read some absolutely beautiful and complex writing in this fandom alone.  And there’s stuff that’s simple and fluffy and absolutely fun.  And even though I’m not doing podcasts on it - I think it’s all worthwhile and I appreciate just how much amazing talent gets poured into all of these works.  
That said - like I said earlier, the main reason for doing All the Other Ghosts is the meta commentary about fandoms itself that I think is fascinating enough to have a long conversation about on the podcast.  Plus, y’all know how much I like superheroes.  But the interesting thing that’s coming out of it - is that while I enjoy so many elements of the fic, the more I ‘study’ it, and the more I’ve studied Glee as a whole on my own, the less these characters feel anything like Kurt and Blaine.  I’m still struggling to fully articulate why - because there are still elements there, but that’s what the podcast has been for.  
Meanwhile -  I’m hesitant to ever say that one piece of writing is better than another - because I just don’t think you can judge and compare art/writing/etc that way.  But I do think, by sheer nature of how fandoms work, some things get praised, and then overly praised.  
I, myself, cannot stand Little Numbers - probably the most famous of Klaine fics.  I think that it’s a cute set-up, with a messy ending, and that’s about it.  And I realize I’m in the minority on that - but it just doesn’t speak to me.  That said - I totally understand why this fic wouldn’t work for people, and that’s okay to say! I don’t promote hatred towards any work - or its author, but it’s okay to not like a thing. 
And I’ll say - while I’m doing all this talking about ATOG and Grey - I hope people understand that I’m not presenting it as - the best Klaine fic that’s ever been written or as something I’m trying to tear down, but as an interesting specimen of fic that has me personally interested in breaking it down and discussing on an intellectual level (Because I’m weird like that). 
To wrap up answering @thedorkmark‘s question - while I don’t think this version of Kurt or Blaine would ever break down (I’m seriously worried about the high level of codependency these characters have - and one of them might hurt themselves at an actual breakup) I think RJ herself would be more open than you think to Blaineofsky? I only say that because she got Kurt to On My Way level of forgiveness with Karofsky in ATOG, so he’s not the ultimate villain Kurt originally thinks he is, and Kurt’s able to see him as a victim himself.  
But I also think you’re dead on in your observation that her drawing on early canon doesn’t hold up.  For Kurt, she was deeply inspired by very early Kurt (and On My Way’s weirdness) and left turned him from there.  While the Blaine she knew was literally an open book, and she began writing him at a time when he was way less defined, therefor was more of an open to interpretation kind of character.  
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pilferingapples · 6 years
Reread Thoughts on 1817-A Joyous End of Joy, Since I am Probably Too Behind to Even Try to Do BrickClub Posts Now
One of the  things about the 1817 Double Quartette  crew that I am...not aware of how much it's intentional commentary and how much is from Hugo just trying to accurately convey a certain Type of people but
The grisettes aren't really friends in any enduring way-- they're Workplace Hangout Buddies, getting along as long as they're brought together by the guys they're dating.   The dateships break up, the friendships follow; it would be Work to keep hanging out--finding time in their schedules and so on-- and they haven't connected enough for the work to be worth it. This is not particularly a sign of bad faith or even a tragedy in itself, IMO; it would be great if they HAD connected, but eh, sometimes people just don’t. *
But it hardly seems like Tholomyes and his friends are "true friends" either.  
Sure,they have fun together; they share the same cruel sense of humor and the same downtime distractions. But read the conversations at Bombardas-- are any of them  really listening to each other? They're all constantly trying to score points off each other, stepping on each others' lines, making veiled threats about stealing each others' girlfriends.  
There's none of the genuine coversational interplay we see later with the Amis, because that would require actually listening to each other--and there's definitely none of the genuine debates and attempts to course-correct each other. Of course there isn't; really challenging and understanding one another is a level of Giving a Damn that none of them is even pretending to have for each other. 
--Eh,the shallowness of their interactions and their implied personalities could be a whole essay on its own, but I don't expect there's a lot of debate about the basic point: the wine of these friendships is pretty damn watered down and probably started out as vinegar anyway. 
But when the quartets break up, the students apparently go on being "friends".   And the grisettes, who if they're no closer to each other also aren't any less close, don't.
Which means there's another factor going on here besides just them not really being very close.
There's the question of who's being socially encouraged to stick together, and who's being socially encouraged to drift apart. 
And there are a lot of ways to sort how the grisettes are encouraged to drift apart rather than the students--class, gender, etc-- but there’s sort of umbrella issue that’s covering all of them:  that there's power in associations, in lasting ties--even casual ones. 
The government of the time--both Les Mis canon era and the actual time it was written-- knew that. That's why there were so many laws forbidding various kinds of people to do exactly that--associate.  Basic Authoritarianism there, really; keep people who disagree with you from even hanging out, and you keep them from organizing resistance. 
But there are informal ways of distancing and alienating people from each other, and keeping them from helping each other out of a situation that doesn't benefit them. 
What Tholomyes and his friends have REALLY been learning in their college years is that it's in their best interest to hang together-- that they represent a sort of shared cause of profit and status, and they'll be best served by cooperating with other men of their general station in life...
and the grisettes have been learning the same thing.  
That is, they've been learning that  wealthy guys of a Certain Station can make their lives much easier and more comfortable (at least financially) and that the key to accessing that relative comfort is pleasing  those men. They have this idea because it's TRUE, these men do have money and advantages that can help them.  It's highly likely that none of the grisettes have been paying their own rent for a while, in these relationships; it's explicitly stated that Dahlia's doing this to avoid working, for the sake of her hands.  They're getting a life of luxury...for as long as they keep their boyfriends' interest. 
And that means the grisettes are learning--or have learned-- to line up all their emotional and social energy  towards getting, or keeping, relationships like this. It also means that they don't necessarily see other women like themselves as allies , even if they aren't seeing them as competition. And that keeps them from discovering the advantages they might gain from even casual connections with each other. 
(and all of this interacts so weirdly  with Hugo’s idealization of Cosette’s isolation later on, which is a lot of why I’m so unsure if this was all an intentional point of his!) 
So...yeah. It's no crime or flaw of character to lose track with casual acquaintances when the shared experience that brought everyone together is over.  I've certainly done it plenty myself.  But also: even these very personal choices are being shaped by the larger social machine that serves as the great antagonist of the story, IMO. 
 *that the grisettes aren’t close friends, and thus offer no real support network, is of course a factor in Fantine’s tragedy-- but in the cascade of isolating events of her life, really, this is neither the catalyst nor the deciding factor, any more than any other person she’s interacted with not bonding with her is. 
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clonerightsagenda · 7 years
TLC DVD commentary: Finishing up
Oh boy, the Dave dysfunction junction. I reread this so many times while doing revisions that trying to read it now gives me a headache, but there’s plenty of general comments to make here.
This is another one Skiba helped me with, bc I was new at this and struggling. These days I'm much more confident - I'll probably touch it up when I do the DC, since I was never entirely happy with it, or maybe that was my soul protesting devoting 16 pages to Strider drama. I’d have to go through carefully to remember which bits are mine and which are his, but the ‘pasted together with mansweat’ is definitely his. I don’t think I’ve ever used ‘mansweat’ in my life. Good word tho.
This conversation was inevitable - in Homestuck if there are two versions of someone they'll get into a fight, because why wouldn't they? We all have things we dislike about ourselves. We don't want those rubbed in our face. Dave's denial of time travel is a perfect catalyst, because Davesprite has internalized his "role" so hard he can't imagine someone denying it. Neither can full conceive of a use of time powers beyond the 'generating doomed doubles' thing because they were raised by a Prince of Heart and learned self-destruction. 
This is also a big culmination of the depersonalization Dave learned as a self-defense mechanism. He tries to act like his dead doomed selves mean nothing to him, because if he didn't, that would psychologically destroy you very quickly. And that works for a while, but once you *become* one of those selves, then that's turned on you. He's also developed some survivor's guilt that he diverts into paranoia (if he feels guilty that they died and he didn't, then they must hate him for it, therefore they are an Enemy) which fuels this argument even more. 
The real villain here, naturally, is the alpha timeline. Dave sees it as a trap. Davesprite sees it as validation. What it really is is a system set up by Lord English to profit himself and no one else. In canon, Dave complains that LE isn't a good villain because it's ambiguous how he ever hurt them. The story never does a great job of emphasizing how he has really hurt them at every turn, forcing them into situations and punishing harmless choices that simply didn't serve his agenda. That’s why he’s the bad guy, even more than a few explosions out in space.
I like to think I write Dave and Davesprite differently enough that it's clear who's talking even without the appellation. I can certainly tell the difference (I have on occasion deleted a section of dialog I wrote for one of them because 'it sounds like the other one') but then I’m the writer. Mostly those differences stem from different attitudes, but this conversation is a good example of a more surface-level difference I implemented. If I come up with a good piece of figurative language I'm going to use it no matter what, but in general, I key the similes and metaphors they use after the people they've been spending time with. Dave is more likely to use literary allusions (Rose) or crude bodily comments (Karkat), while Davesprite is more likely to use science (Jade) or tv/film references (John). (As a side note, I observed that in canon Dave is more likely to use film references when talking to John, so both are more likely to use them when talking to or about him in TLC.) Dave also occasionally uses a bit of legalese (Terezi), and Davesprite does it once or twice after BAA, although he gets real pissed when he notices.
God these early pages are just littered with errors from that old gif-making method. Plenty to fix in the DC. That being said, Dave getting punched so hard his shirt freaks out is p funny and may need to be preserved just because. I actually had them both scuffling a little, but the beta reader switched it up to just be Ds decking Dave, which I think worked out. They're both so surprised that he actually did it that things settle down pretty quickly rather than escalating.
Page 94 is a reference to the 'Karkat is too upset to be rendered in a less shitty manner’ panel.
I actually think it's interesting to explore Davesprite as the aftermath of the heroic sacrifice trope. Because you're supposed to die, but you died doing something useful, so you get lauded for it afterward. But when you make that sacrifice and you *don't* die... there's no room for you in the story anymore. You can only ride on those laurels for so long, and then you start wondering what the point of you is. I tend to think the heroic sacrifice trope is kinda fucked, especially with children, which I’ve talked about before so this lets me explore how toxic that mentality can be.
I sort of touched on this in a recent post - a tuesjade I think - but you can look at that with a lot of the kids. John is the archetypal pure hearted hero... who only manages to maintain that genre-typical innocence and optimism because he’s repressed everything else. Dave is the reluctant hero who ends up finding far more happiness in being part of a team rather than being the solo figure saving the day. Jade starts out as the ‘wise sage’ figure but is repeatedly cut down to size and has her dreams ruthlessly crushed by the canon narrative anyway, and Skaia was only showing her what it wanted to in order to guide her choices. She didn’t have a “special connection” as much as she was a pawn. And Rose is the one who looks at the fairy kingdom and the animals who want to crown her queen and instead joins up with the white witch, without even being offered candy as a bribe. And you know what? I think she was right.
p 96 Gill was in a print making class doing engravings that semester lmao
I was going to just cover this bit for this post, but there are only a few more pages before I get to the bucket death, so we might as well keep going. 
JOHN: kissing a dead person was weird, but it wasn't that bad. JOHN: i think kissing an alive person might be weirder. ROSE: Really, now? JOHN: wait, was that a weird thing to say? JOHN: i meant because then they'd be awake and expecting stuff and... JOHN: forget it, let's go back to talking about jack.
Technically aro/ace John would be indirectly violating our neither promote nor prevent shipping policy. I at least attempt to maintain this policy, as this is management 101. If you follow policy, you can point to it as justification when some angry person shows up in your inbox. Of course I am only half the team and can only sigh meaningfully when Gill over there is like ‘so Dirk and Jake are gonna hold hands for an entire scene’. I sigh meaningfully so often that she probably thinks we have a gas leak. Anyway because of policy it's not explicit but it does impact how I interpret and write him, so it's kinda there. Nothing binding though.
It wasn't intentional, but it's fitting that John (Breath player, aspect of freedom) ends up freeing both mind-controlled girls, even if it was done unintentionally. Breath doesn't like to be constrained.
And we're done with the requested segment!
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dailyaudiobible · 5 years
06/21/2019 DAB Transcript
2 Kings 1:1-2:25, Acts 13:42-14:7, Psalms 139:1-24, Proverbs 17:19-21
Today is the 21st day of June. Welcome to the Daily Audio Bible. I am Brian and it’s great to be here with you as we reach the exact three-week mark of this month, it's the 21st. So, we’re crossing over the three-week mark of the sixth month of the year and that lands us at the threshold of the book of second Kings, which we’ll begin today. So, we concluded the book of first Kings yesterday, which brings us to the threshold of the book of second Kings, but we’ll just be picking up where we left off.
Introduction to the book of second Kings:
First and second Kings were one continuous document. Actually, first and second Samuel and first and second Kings were all one document at one point. These have been broken up over time and different eras for ease of use and ease of finding things. So, there's nothing specifically that we need to go over as we move into second Kings as far as the territory. We’re simply picking up where we left off and moving forward. That's always a good thing. It's always a good thing to reach these little lines of demarcation, these little accomplishments. So, we've accomplished first Kings and here we go. We’ll launch into second Kings. We’ll be reading the first two chapters and we’re reading from the Amplified Bible this week.
Okay. So, as we began the book of second Kings, Elijah the prophet was taken into heaven by a whirlwind. And, so, most of our interaction with Elijah happened in first Kings, and now his successor Elisha is becoming the prominent prophetic voice throughout the land and we’ll follow that in the coming days.
Then in the book of Acts we are on a journey with the apostle Paul. So, the first part of the book of Acts really allowed us to get into the story of the apostle Peter and then we experienced Saul's conversion and how he became the apostle Paul and know we’re accompanying him on his first missionary journey. And we’ll notice this, not only through the book of Acts, but also through the writings of the apostle Paul, that the gospel was a lightning rod and a lot of the animosity was focused upon Paul because he's bringing the message, but it's kind of like what we were talking about yesterday with the prophet Micaiah and Ahab and Jehoshaphat and how Micaiah came and delivered the truth, the King, Ahab, didn't listen to it and he lost his life but he was warned. The truth causes a reaction, right? It can be rejected, or it can be accepted, but it causes a reaction and we’re seeing this lightning rod that the gospel has become and Paul continually facing angry mobs for one reason or another, but behind all of that, all of the animosity, all the jealousy, all the inciting, people against them, many hearts were being awakened. And those awakened hearts, they awakened other hearts and there were more and more followers of Jesus everywhere that Paul went and we’ll continue to see that.
And then in Psalms today…in Psalms today…one of my favorite passages of Scripture in the entire world. We’re basically asked to consider where is God not. So, to the Psalm says, “if I go up to heaven, you are there. If I go down to the grave you're there. If I ride on the wings of the morning, if I'm on the other side of the ocean, even there your hand will guide me, and your strength will support me. And we could go on rereading that Psalm. Memorizing that Psalm is so orienting. Like, when you feel lost in the dark, nothing's making sense, everything’s been tipped upside down, just reading this Psalm is reorienting. There is nowhere you can go to escape God's presence. So, no matter what's going on as we move through this week, remember, God will be present in every thought and conversation and action that you take no matter where you are, no matter what's going on. We just must become aware of His presence. He’s not distant, He’s near. And absolutely, we should be comforted by that, but we should also be sobered by it because it invites the question, “if there is nowhere that I can flee from God's presence what would I rather not God hear me say or see me do?” And that can be quite a check and that can stop us and we can thank God for that, because anything that we would rather God not witness, those are the things that are seducing us away from God, and those are the things that are clouding us from being aware of His presence in our lives.
Holy Spirit, we invite You into that. We invite You to begin to reveal these things. As we go through this day, help us to observe ourselves, help us to be aware, there is nowhere that we can flee from Your presence, and may we find comfort in that, but may it also be a catalyst to help us observe ourselves and the things that we would try to hide from You. Those are the things that are pulling us away from You. Come Holy Spirit we pray. In Jesus’ name we ask. Amen.
dailyaudiobible.com is the website, and of course, its home base, its where you find out what's happen’.
And we have been sharing the good news of the global camp fire Family Reunion that’s coming up here in a couple months, August 31st through September 2nd. That’s Labor Day weekend here in the United States, which makes a long weekend and a great time to come to the rolling hills of Tennessee and come together and get to know each other by more than voice. We’ve been taking this journey together for so long now, all of these days that we've made it this far into the year and we have some territory to go before the Family Reunion, so it’ll be nice to just, you know, go somewhere where everything is held in common, like we’re all on the same page and we’re all moving in the same direction, and we know each other by heart. So, if that appeals to you, and I hope it does, come on out here to Nashville by the lake and we will have a splendid time together. There’s plenty to do, plenty to do for you and your family. So, you can get all the details at dailyaudiobible.com in the Initiatives section. Look for Family Reunion 2019 and we will look forward to seeing you here in Tennessee.
If you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible, you can do that at dailyaudiobible.com. There is a link, it lives on the homepage and I thank you, thank you for your partnership. If you’re using the Daily Audio Bible app, you can press the Give button in the upper right-hand corner or the mailing address, if you prefer the mail, is PO Box 1996 Spring Hill Tennessee 37174.
And as always, if you have a prayer request or comment there are a number of numbers you can call depending on where you are in the world. If you're in the Americas, 877-942-4253 is a number to call. If you’re in the UK or Europe, 44-20-3608-8078. And if you are in Australia or the lands down under, 61-3-8820-5459 is the number to dial.
And, as always, if you have a prayer request or comment, 877-942-4253 is the number to dial.
And that is it for today. I'm Brian I love you and I'll be waiting for you here tomorrow.
Community Prayer and Praise:
Hi, this is Natalie from Alabama. I’ve never called before but I enjoy listening to the Daily Audio Bible. I was actually thinking about calling in today because I have anxiety and depression and my anxiety is making me pretty much incapable of doing a lot of things. I can’t even serve at church because I couldn’t stop crying. But then I heard the prayer request line today, Doug called in and he had the exact same problem and he’s in Alabama and I was just so encouraged to know that I wasn’t alone in feeling this crazy. And I really hope that Doug gets the help he needs and that I get the help I need. And if you all could just pray for both of us because it’s…it’s a debilitating thing sometimes and I…I feel like I’m pushing away people that care for me and I need them, but I keep pushing them away. So, that’s not good. Satan’s trying to isolate me, and it sounds like he’s trying to isolate Doug too. So, thank you very much family for praying for us and I’ll pray for Doug and all of you and I hope God gives y’all a great week and thank you very much. I love you. Bye.
Hi this is Jane Ruth in Nebraska and I just wanted to say how totally grateful I am to the Daily Audio Bible and to the changes that are already happening in my life just because I’m being more consistent. First of all, I wanted to say thank you. Thank you so much to everyone that calls in, to everyone that prays, to everyone that answers a prayer, and everyone that answers a praise. I wanted to say something about addiction but a solution that I have found in my years of recovery is the five D’s. And this is something that I’ve learned. I have five fingers, praise God, and I use the is in every urge that I try to deal with. Distract, Delay, Discuss, Deep breathe, and Drink water. Distract, Delay, Discuss, Deep breathe, and Drink water. Whenever I have an urge, one of those things or more will help. I’ve been praying for every one of the requests that I hear and crocheting. And I’ve been crocheting shawls even though I have a tremor and I’ve been on disability for a long time. And praise God, I just keep making shawls and it’s just been an incredible gift. I can be reached at Jane Ruth…no…I can be reached at [email protected].
Hey DAB brothers and sisters I just wanted you all to pray with me today for my pastor. He’s going through some stuff right now. He was planning a trip to go see his sick mom in Israel and he found out that his I was having some problems. So, he went to get it checked out. Turns out he’s got a detached retina which they won’t let him fly with. So, he’s getting surgery for that today and then overnight last night he found out that his mother actually passed away. So, just heavy for him right now. Yeah. Just pray for his healing physically. He is still planning to go. So, in addition to just, you know, him and his family as they’re trying to deal with the loss of his mother, I also want to pray for an opportunity for him to talk with his father about all of this. He’s got a bit of a tough relationship with him. And, so, I just pray for an opportunity there and for God to be in the situation for all of them. So, pray with me about him. We love him, he’s a great friend, he’s a great pastor, and a great man of God. So, thank you all for that. Appreciate it.
Hello, this is Zach calling in from North Carolina. I called for my wife Kelly and I to be able to have a child a few months ago. We’re doing the IVF for a few years. Our child was born on June 10th and his name is Orson Scott and he was born with multiple heart defects and is currently on a heart and lung machine at Duke Hospital in North Carolina. He was born at UNC Hospital and airlifted within 15 hours of birth to Duke. I’m asking for prayers for my son Orson, that he’s able to come off the heart and lung machine and then be able to come home and that the doctors and surgeons are able to repair everything. And also, pray for my wife Kelly and our two other children as they go through this and this stressful time with my son in the hospital, my baby boy Orson, just keep him in your thoughts and prayers. Thank you so much. Amen.
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lucifercaelestis · 7 years
Sheith Fic Rec Part 2
Hey, so I’m back with more fics. Honestly I haven’t read that many fics lately, kinda distracted by trying to write my own, here’s to hoping it goes well, right? But the fandom deserves something nice in the light of all the troll fics that were posted. I was wondering if I should update my old rec list? Or should I combine this one and the other one into one massive list? What do you guys think? Anyway, same formula, titles are links and bolded, italics are my commentary. Happy reading!
Link to the last fic rec masterpost: http://lucifercaelestis.tumblr.com/post/157021445683/sheith-fic-rec
One-shots (Canon-verse)
orbit by Recluse (T) 21k
"Hey, nice to meet you. Keith, right? I'm Shiro."
Shiro and Keith’s backstory fic, and wow, I was not expecting how it all happened. 11/10 would read again
grief by Recluse (T) 4.5k
There are five stages.
Obligatory Keith grieving over Shiro fic.
it’s not a star i see (it’s always you) by janie_tangerine (E) 18.5k
in which both Keith and Shiro are stuck with birthdays on dates they don't like. Meeting each other makes it more than just a bit better.
Birthday fic that combines Keith’s backstory and major Keith feels with Shiro and god just read the fic please, it’s worth it.
Break Out by reinkist (E) 10.8k
An unexpected reaction to the alien plant life forces Keith and Shiro to have to reevaluate what their relationship is, and what it could be.
Sex pollen fic. Warning for dubious consent. Trope-y as it is, I like how it forces them to confront with certain things.
Falling Forward by flyingisland (T) 3.5k
Shiro is a romantic catastrophe, even with an excellent wingman like Pidge.
Pining Shiro is the best.
crash collide into space by ohmygodwhy (T) 2.6k
Shiro’s gone and all he has left of him are a shitty couch and a few pictures on his phone and dog tags that he’s afraid to touch because touching them feels like accepting the fact that Shiro will never touch them again. If he holds them for long enough any traces of Shiro’s touch will be wiped away and replaced, like they were never there to begin with, like Shiro was never there to begin with.
They deserve to be happy together goddamnit.
distance and the time between us by samalane (T) 7.2k
If Keith had known that an impromptu dance party was the much needed catalyst concerning his and Shiro's non-relationship, he'd have signed himself up for one a long time ago.
Alternatively: in which people get drunk, dance, and confess for the second time.
I love the tiny details inserted into the fic, a different kind of backstory/friendship between Shiro and Keith and how hopeful it ends.
My Favorite Tune Is The One That Sounds Like Me And You by starticker/ @starticker (T) 3k
The Castle of Lions malfunctions again. Fortunately, the results are much less sinister this time around.
(Honestly, Keith preferred the murder attempts.)
This is so cute and I love the moment of realization that occurs later in the fic.
Paint it Black by BossToaster (ChaoticReactions)/ @bosstoaster (T) 4k
The team accidentally discovers that the Art of Painting will almost immediately knock out everyone except Keith.
Keith takes advantage of the peace to do one of his favorite things: Draw. More specifically, drawing Shiro.
This really is cute, but believable. Also, they all need a break and they got it, thank god.
make my heart bleed out my chest by ShirosRedKnight (SweetFanfics)/ @shirosredknight  (E) 5.5k
Fuck, my head hurts so bad, Shiro groans to himself, raising his hand up to touch his pounding head. What the hell did I do last night? And why the hell does my body feel so heavy?
He’s gone through a fair number of bad hangovers but Shiro’s never had one where his body feels like it’s weighed down by rocks. Right as he starts to raise himself up on his elbows, there’s the softest snorting noise from his chest. Shiro opens his eyes and stares blearily down at the dark head resting on his chest.
What the...
Keith’s fast asleep on his chest, arms sweetly curled between their bodies. His confusion turns to sharp dread as soon as he recognizes Keith. But the feeling swiftly turns to embarrassed dismay when Keith’s sleepy wriggle makes Shiro realize they’re both naked in his bed. He’s naked in his bed with his best friend slash the person he’s been crushing on for months.
I’m all for mutual pining, especially pining Shiro. The feelings were very nice and I love how it’s resolved.
(Don’t) Stand (So) Close To Me by marinoxx (E) 11k
A certain cadet phases into Shiro's life like a vision, or maybe a dream. He hasn't fallen for him, definitely not. It's just impossible to resist unraveling the heavenly enigma that is Keith.
TL;DR: Keith's been stimulating Shiro since the Garrison and nothing has changed just because they're in space.
Very nice Pining Shiro, just really good garrison Sheith tbh.
baby loves to dance in the dark by Itgoeson (M) 8.1k
“Believe me, I’ve got better things to look at than Shiro’s eyes when he’s working out,” Lance mutters. Keith doesn’t think he’s supposed to hear it.
Featuring: Shiro's eyeliner, Schrodinger's relationship, Keith and Pidge on a mission for Voltron, Hunk and Lance on a mission to figure out Shiro's beauty secrets, and healthy relationships.
I love this author’s take on Shiro and Keith’s dynamic, the inclusion of the others was great too, all in all, A++.
Loving Me’s Like Chewing on Pearls by Itgoeson (Unrated) 18.4k
Shiro works through some issues, the team bonds, and foreign planets have their own wars and conflicts. Voltron finds a way to make it all work, no matter how hard life gets.
I’ve already said that I love this particular author’s take on Shiro and Keith’s dynamic, but this fic hurt me real good.
Young, and in Fields by verdenal (T) 3k
Or: 5 times someone caught Shiro napping on Keith, and one time no one saw Keith sleeping on Shiro. [pre-s2]
Finally they get to rest! I’m all for them getting a break, bless you OP.
The Closest I Get by inkfishie/ @inkfishie (E) 10.7k
“I want to kiss you,” Keith says, voice hushed.
His breath is a warm puff against Shiro’s mouth. They practically are. Kissing, that is. Shiro can feel the tickle of Keith’s mildly chapped lips very close to his own. It’s tempting. Shiro presses closer and nudges his nose against Keith’s. He breathes in their closeness.
Keith and Shiro spend Valentine's Day together following Shiro's Year in captivity.
Very nice and very hot Valentine’s day fic, please read for the feelings.
One-shots (AU)
those imprints your soul left behind by wolfsan11 (T) 4.1k
He wonders, at times, what he’s meant to be doing. Mortals come and go, hurricanes lash at his home (his prison) before moving on to haunt another stretch of water, but he? He remains. Unstable and unknowing, yet permanent.
There must be some purpose to him here. Surely.
In which Keith is Te-Fiti and Shiro is also Te-Fiti, until the day Shiro goes missing. Then, there is only Te-Ka.
I never knew I needed this until I read it, so many emotions just !!!!
Unfold Your Wings As You Fall by Aer (G) 10.3k
There's nothing Shiro wants so much as he does for Keith to fly with him.
When I read the summary, my mind just started chanting ‘Wing AU, Wing AU, Wing AU’ very excitedly. I’ve been waiting so long to read a Sheith Wing AU fic and this one did not disappoint.
Loved The Stars Too Fondly by armedarchaeologist (G) 3.1k
Keith fell in love with the stars in the sky and the stars on his arms.
A soulmate AU where whatever you write on your body appears on your soulmate's.
Sheith soulmate AU with stars??? Definitely a must-read.
Complete Multi-chapter (Canon-verse)
hello, i love you, won’t you tell me your name by perzimon (T) 12.3k 2/2
Keith's human enough to have wisdom teeth and unlucky enough to need them extracted. The team despairs.
Best humour I’ve ever seen in a fic, I was laughing the entire time I read this, and still laughed every single time I reread it.
For Everything a Reason by flyingisland (T) 23k 3/3
In Keith's life, the only true absolute was that everyone would always leave in the end.
Obligatory Keith backstory rec, but not obligatory at all because reading this was fantastic!
For Your Actions are Mine by wolfsan11 (G) 3k 2/2
The Red Lion has awaited her Paladin for years, but the figure who fights to reach her is neither what she expects nor wants. Yet, after her imprisonment, perhaps this little one is simply what she needs.
The Black Lion has been left in the dark for far too long. Strung between her two Paladins, old and new, past and present, is that much more difficult. In the end, it comes down to trust and saving each other.
The Lions!!! And Sheith!!! I love this combo, we need more of this.
Strengths and weaknesses by Latart0903 (E) 90.3k 28/28
“You're obviously not the same person you were before Kerberos, you-” Keith aborted his rant.
“We...knew each other? Before? So, we were friends?”
“Something like that…”
Or: How Keith and Shiro's paths cross prior to Kerberos
Garrison Sheith backstory, all the way up to Shiro’s arrival on Earth. 
Ongoing Multi-chapter (Canon-verse)
LAZARUS by Glossolalia/ @fenri (E) Currently 10.5k, 2/9
A binary black hole is a system consisting of two black holes that orbit one another.
Shiro's unforeseen disappearance and Judas play forces Keith to claim his place as Black Paladin, but after a series of obstacles, Keith finds himself stepping down to let someone other than Shiro and him adopt the title 'Black Paladin.' With only the mask of his mentor to guide him and a failing sense of place, Keith has to flip the coin of 'How to Fight a War.' Paladin or Blade of Marmora? Love or chasing a ghost? One of the hardest life lessons is understanding there's a fine line to everything.
“Oh, sweetheart—he liked you, didn’t he?”
The words are a blade beneath the ribs, but instead of scooting backwards, Keith grabs a bar and yanks himself forward. He presses his forehead to the cool steel and yearns. It’s his turn to breathe hard.
“Not Shiro.”
I cannot begin to describe how much this fic has hurt me, please read it.
When You Rise by Dragonescence (M) Currently 21.3k, 6/?
For a year Keith waited for Shiro. Now Shiro waits for Keith, haunted by his newly-returned memories of their relationship, praying to whoever who would listen for his baby to wake up.
He's not the only one struggling. And when Keith does wake up, the Voltron family are up to the task of dealing with the changes that follow. Because that's what families do.
Warning for not really graphic rape/non-con in the beginning if I’m not mistaken? Not between the main pairing, but… This fic is really good, I love how the author incorporates all the other characters into the fic.
Sleeping With Ghosts by lemoninagin (M) Currently 10k, 2/3
No one else had ever been loved so deeply by Takashi Shirogane, loved so steadily and enveloped with such care and passion, only to have it cruelly ripped away from them without a moment’s notice.
No, no one had.
No one but him.
A study of Keith while he was in that desert, really sad but worth reading.
Astronomy in Reverse by nsfwlings (E) 3.2k
Shiro and Keith’s friendship kicks off almost immediately when they meet, despite Keith’s initial wariness of Shiro’s kindness. It becomes something much more to Shiro, but he’s not willing to admit it; instead they fall into a mutually beneficial sexual relationship with no romantic strings attached, as is Shiro’s usual way. As for Keith, it takes the Kerberos disaster to hit home what Shiro really means to him.
Or: A gradual falling in love based on mutual respect and attraction, but not without some misunderstandings and an unwanted alien abduction throwing a spanner in the works.
Sheith FWB au, set in canon, with them gradually falling in love??? I can’t ask for anything more than this.
Ongoing Multi-chapter (AU)
Let’s Play by risotto (T) Currently 17.9k, 4/?
Voltron: Legendary Defender, is the action-RPG reboot of an 80s classic with graphics and gameplay more befitting the 2010s. It’s the latest sensation, popular among the retro gaming crowd and Millenials alike. And, like with most trends, Keith’s late to the party. Sort of.
(Alternate summary: Keith meets Shiro and the others online and they play video games like the dorks they are. Also, Keith develops a crush.)
Voltron gaming AU, everyone is in-character and sweet, sweet slow burn, what more could I ask for?
The Professional by TruebornAlpha/ @runicscribbles & @itdans (E) Currently 8.8k 1/3
Shiro is trapped in a life of expectations and responsibility. The black sheep of a prominent business empire, he struggles to come to terms with the tragedy that knocked his life off course. He starts looking for solace through unconventional means.
Keith is ready to offer his services for a price, and it doesn't hurt that Shiro looks so good on his knees.
Dom Keith, AKA sign me tf up.
Series (Canon-verse)
little star chasers by ohmygodwhy (T) Total 23.4k 3 fics
there's an empty space between keith's clavicle and the top of his ribcage, and sometimes he thinks one of shiro’s smiles could fill it up forever, even before he reaches the stars.
The descriptions are so lovely and amazing and the characterization, especially Keith’s,  is just so good!
Series (AU)
Voyager by dawnstruck/ @dawnstruck (E) 39k
The bastard prince of Galra develops a fascination with the human champion and the stars are all too familiar with unlikely lovers.
In all honesty, this one was a guilty pleasure that turned into plain fascination for the dynamic this author has created between them. I can’t wait to see what happens next.
Not So Private by Skalidra (E) 3.2k
Shiro knew it was a bad idea to let Keith talk him into fooling around in the semi-public showers. Knew it, but did it anyway. It's not entirely surprising that someone walks in on them.
Whistles innocently, it’s better than the description for sure.
Late Night Thirst by weabooflower (E) 6k
Keith is having trouble sleeping and ventures out to get a drink.
The title speaks for itself…
sweet revelation by stimhack (E) Currently 32k, 7/?
Keith Kogane needs to let off some steam after coming into contact with way too much Takashi Shirogane, the golden boy of Galaxy Garrison. He ends up with a paid subscription to PaladinsLive and a hard-on for a faceless stranger behind a webcam, but his crush on Shiro isn't getting any easier to handle. One hot guy ruining his life is bad enough, but two? Keith's hormones are going to be the death of him.
Camboy Shiro fic, enough said.
Vertigo by flyingisland (E) 6.2k
Mixed up laundry and unspoken feelings put Shiro in a precarious situation.
The whole situation is both hilarious and deeply sad somehow.
Reasons by Ithiel_Dragon (E) Total 15.3k, 2 fics
Tooth rotting fluff, angst, and smut. No real plot. Yet anyway.
I like all the feelings going on, the uncertainty and push-pull of their relationship.
Brand New Moves by flyingisland (E) 5.4k
Did Keith want to reward him, or punish him? He’s starting to feel like it’s a little bit of both.
Keith in lingerie fic, surely something we all need.
lend a helping hand by aubadezayn (E) 4.4k
omega!keith is about to go into his first heat since having left earth, and there's a distinct lack of sex toys/aids in space so alpha!shiro offers his totally "platonic" assistance. his hand vibrates, who knows why? it does though, and he's going to help keith get through the week with minimal pain because that's what friends are for right?
or omega!keith and alpha!shiro pine after each other desperately and are oblivious to the other's desire for them.
Omegaverse pining pwp…
Something Else by Mool (E) 14.7k 3/3
Keith noticed something was different with Shiro.
With a suggestion of trying something new with their sex life, Shiro starts acting differently around Keith. With prolonged gazes, lingering touches, and a newly insatiable appetite, Keith isn't one to complain. But as their sexual adventures progress and Shiro's actions become more pronounced, Keith starts thinking it's something else.
Sounds like there's plot but it's actually just a whole lot of smut.
Lots of smut and some misunderstandings but the ending was A++.
Bang Bang by ashinan smut (ashinan)/ @ashinan (E) 2.7k 6/?
A series of NSFW Sheith prompts received and completed on tumblr
Some of these are just really...wow. 10/10 would definitely read again.
Closet Confessional by evaunit0 (E) 5k
Keith is a cadet notorious for being on any and every disciplinary list, and Shiro starts noticing it.
Garrison Sheith PWP...
Clear Intentions by HiddenEye (E) 7k
“At least, he's relaxed, though?”
He only shoots her a smirk, and she rolls her eyes before going through the tablet again from where she sits on one of the chairs near the windows, legs folded neatly on one another. “I don't know why I even ask the obvious. How stupid of me.”
He shrugs. “I thought you knew my intent.”
Everyone needs to relax in some way right?
Post S2
Unchanging by madkingray/ @madkingray (G) 2.3k
“Does it bother you?”
“Does what bother me?”
Keith doesn’t look at him, staring down at his lap. His voice is hesitant and quiet, like it’s hard for him to ask (knowing Keith, it probably is). “That I’m part Galra?”
“No,” Shiro answers immediately. “It doesn’t bother me. Having Galra blood doesn’t make you Galra. It doesn’t automatically mean you’re like the ones we’re fighting every day. You’re still you, Keith, and that’s all that matters to me.”
The hurt/comfort post Ep8 fic we all need.
echoes (i’m right here) by katebishoop (Unrated) 3.3k
Shiro disappears, but he never really leaves.
This hurt me quite a bit.
constant state of the damned by HiddenEye (G) 4.3k
The dark attire he wore was a contrast in the room he was in, a stranger among the midst, Galra among Altea. Shiro wondered how he felt about that.
It was then Shiro saw the way his fingers flexed before the Galra spoke, “How long do you plan to stand there?”
I will hoard every BoM Keith fic close to my heart, my eternal weakness.
Abundant of Denial by HiddenEye (T) 4.2k
“I was simply pointing out how you don't usually expose about yourself in front of strangers.”
“I don't.”
“Nothing to be ashamed of, as you see,” Ulaz continued, and his light tone made Keith tense more. “The Blade doesn't forbid relationships.”
Keith couldn't escape the type of interrogation the members of the Blade would give him even if he wanted to, especially if this had to do with his lack of personal life.
Sequel to constant state of the damned, with Keith’s numerous father figures and lots of teasing!
we can only do our best (to recreate) by wolfsan11 (T) 7.3k
With the loss of Shiro still fresh on their minds, the Paladins try and cope by revisiting happier memories. Keith ends up revealing more than he means to about how he and Shiro first met.
Or, Keith struggles through the Garrison, meets Shiro and gives him a less-than-stellar not-quite-first impression.
Obligatory Shiro is gone and the team bonds during his absence with added Sheith backstory and Keith feels.
Coelestis by WhisperingOrchard (E) 9.9k
Their love was birthed among the cosmos, thriving in a plane of existence neither fully understood. Of only two things Keith was certain—that their time together was limited, and that he would make the most of said time with his ever fiber.
Keith and Shiro's "first time" together in the astral plane.
Loving all the star imagery and just how pretty it was, if kinda sad.
Handful by HiddenEye (T) 13.1k
Keith pinched the bridge of his nose. “Okay, if you're a purple baby who just discovered the concept of moving from one place to another on your own, where would you be?”
A mission that was supposed to be easy swerved into a loop when Keith found something buried deep under the debris, one that made the team think of building beds, baby-proofing every corner of the castle, and thinking of ways to calm down a clingy Galra.
I’m not really one for kidfics, not unless it’s really, really good, but this one was. It shattered all my expectations and left me wanting more desperately.
Worth the Wait by mikkimouse (T) 3.1k
The Castle of the Lions is huge. Even after living in it for as long as he has, Keith still boggles sometimes at how freaking big it is. With only seven people and five sentient robot Lions living there, he could spend days wandering the halls and never run across another person.
And yet, finding a time that he and Shiro can be alone, without any interruptions, is impossible.
A+ humour, and I just love certain lines. Also the end was just great, very fulfilling.
Ground to stand on (with you) by snofeey (Unrated) 9.2k
“How do you feel about it all?” Shiro asked. “The being part-Galra.”
Keith shrugged. “At first, I didn’t want to believe it. Especially with those nightmares. But now? Doesn’t really matter, I suppose. Trying to think about it like being Asian. Affects what I look like, not who I am.”
Shiro smiled. “You’re amazing, you know that? Not everyone would be able to say that.”
There had been too much revealed by the Blade of Marmora for anyone to be comfortable with. Keith's disappeared, Shiro's wondering how to apologize, and Allura's furious. But a late night has Shiro and Keith working through fears and worries, lingering anxieties, and the fear that this new revelation brought with it, and in the end, they stand taller for it.
Post ep8 character fic that I needed, thank you.
In my right hand there’s the great unknown by PaladinofFeels
After the fight against Zarkon Shiro wakes up but soon realizes that he's not home. He's not even in his universe. He's stuck jumping from alternative universe to alternative universe, watching how tiny decisions change everything about their lives.
It's not always for the better.
Now he has to find a way to go back home, even if he doesn't understand why this is happening to him in the first place.
Shiro jumping through alternate universe fic, really sad but somehow hopeful too?
Distal Coordinates by saltyseaachips (E) Currently 21k, 4/?
All his life Keith had been fighting things he doesn't know of yet.
(Later he finds answers and questions in a person and place he's never dreamed of.)
BoM Keith with such an interesting plot? The suspense is keeping me hanging off the edge of my seat.
Disowned by kittypox (M) Currently 28.4k, 8/?
The ultimatum was clear and simple: betray the resistance and be reunited with his son or die a traitor and have his son used regardless. The choice is obvious to Thace, but he knows team Voltron will not give up one of their own so easily. There may be a way to salvage the situation, but the Galra have more than one back handed card to play. Meanwhile, Shiro is determined to do anything to get Keith back.
I am so excited for this fic, I can never anticipate what’s coming next and it’s amazing!
The Alpha Hunter by kittypox (E) 18.3k 4/?
Back in the leader seat after 3 years of imprisonment Shiro struggles to maintain his focus pursuing the end of the Galra empire while fighting a war with himself. He is the alpha, the leader, but he doesn’t feel that way any longer. He had prayed that Keith would be able to pull him back from the brink, but his mate is distant, hostile even. They have both suffered but they’ll suffer more if they don’t mend their bond. It’s a solution that sounds easy in theory, but not so much so when Shiro realizes his mate has picked up some unsavory past times in his absence.
Really heartbreaking future fic with ABO-verse ties.
Picosecond by Glossolalia/ @fenri (M) 23.5k
It's been eight years since the fall of the Galra Empire. While most of the Paladins of Voltron have gone their separate ways as friends, it's the Black and Red Paladin who've parted on uncivil terms. At Commander Allura’s side, Shiro is now a married man and father overseeing the birth of the universe's peacetimes, and Keith, a bounty hunter, is avoiding any association with the newly established Interuniversal Alliance for Planetary Peace.
It’s by accident Keith finds himself working alongside the man he's tried to run from.
It’s by accident Keith finds himself in the same man's bed.
Future fic that fucks with my heart, man, The dread that I feel reading this fic is only equaled by how much I need to read it. Warning for infidelity, but honestly, I’m pretty sure you’re still gonna want to read it.
318 notes · View notes
astromechs · 3 months
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i forgot about this; really interesting insight into coruscanti society in the last days of the republic
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astromechs · 3 months
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i forgot this, too; jyn, my spring baby 🥺
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astromechs · 3 months
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that's the thing i'm sensitive about
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astromechs · 3 months
galen and lyra's dynamic honestly reminds me of reed richards and sue storm
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astromechs · 3 months
krennic's continued petty refusal to call jyn by her name and instead solely refer to her as "the child" is so fucking funny
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