#carson radrat
supercoolsuperqueer · 3 months
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he has been lobotomized and wants that stupid pathetic robot
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supercoolsuperqueer · 3 months
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a shitty comic thing befoerw bed B]
Radrat and Joshua did not get along at first lol
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supercoolsuperqueer · 29 days
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fucking freaks....... god...
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^ Real Carson Radrat Reaction ^
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supercoolsuperqueer · 4 months
My courier OC trying to slide into General Oliver's DMs before immediately getting blocked and a hit put out on him
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supercoolsuperqueer · 3 months
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heartaches by the number :[
this is what he gets for following radio signals for shits and giggles
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supercoolsuperqueer · 3 months
In honor of me finally finishing Honest Hearts
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I sure hope he had fun while enjoying his national park vacation!!!! :]
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He gets lobotomized next week!!! :3
fr tho, getting through that DLC was so fucking difficult because I didn't pay attention to the beginning warning and I went in at like level 11 instead of 15 like I was supposed to :[ I made it tho!!!
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supercoolsuperqueer · 3 months
Look who's back from Big MT!!!!!
here are all his scars so far :3
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Info abt them below the cut (TW: SH MENTION)
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More info about each scar!!! :
He has no nips bc it's wasteland top surgery. They could not be salvaged rest in peace nipples...*
This one's pretty obvious. He does run his fingers over it when he's thinking, tho.
Got too silly in a bar and got fucking glassed*
Was slashed across the face in combat and was also attacked by a gecko there
It was a baby, BUT STILL
He doesn't remember getting those, but he was probably around 17 or 18??? *
7, 8, and 10. Despite getting his brain back, Radrat decided he liked not having to worry about those extra bits. He didn't mention it until he was cuddling with Arcade and the lack of heartbeat gave was disturbing to say the least.
9. His SH scars are from when he still lived at home. He doesn't fully remember the injuries themselves, but he has fragmented memories of the nights spent crying at home.
*no memory of event
I could not be bothered to draw his full back view or feet sorry lol
fr tho idk how to draw feet
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supercoolsuperqueer · 3 months
IK he isn't House aligned but this is him asking for shit to have in the Lucky 38 Presidential Suite bc it's funny
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supercoolsuperqueer · 3 months
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this is lazy but im still oc posting :3
that's his official formal outfit that he stole and wore to the Strip
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supercoolsuperqueer · 27 days
So in his first ref-sheet post, it says that he didn't know his name upon waking up and the name "Carson Radrat" was just written on the inside of his courier bag. And getting into Lonesome Road has inspired new lore!!!
Basically, his original name is not Carson Radrat. When the "real" Radrat had picked up the chip job, he soon figured out that people would be after him for it. So what does he do? He finds some random kid to take the job instead! The original Radrat runs off leaving my oc to get shot by Benny, erasing nearly all of his previous memories and finding the name in the bag, thus becoming Carson Radrat.
Where I'm going with all this is: Ulysses is expecting the original Radrat. Chances are, it's been so many years that he doesn't notice a slightly different voice coming through the probably distorted radio. Also, Radrat is wearing some NCR riot gear he found before actually entering The Divide, so even when Ulysses is watching him through The Divide, he still thinks it's the same Carson Radrat who delivered the original package. When Ulysses finally gets a real look at the guy he's been talking to, he realizes that it's not the same man who caused the destruction all those years ago. Instead he sees a complete stranger, one that's too young to have delivered that package.
(also side-note, my little guy isn't even from the West, but that's for a later lore post)
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supercoolsuperqueer · 3 months
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she dead on my money till I begin again
version w/o writing and more oc lore below cut
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Welcome to the Sierra Madre!!!
Radrat found himself here after following a mysterious radio signal out of curiosity. He misses his friends but at least he's going to have an epic situationship with some ghoul who's a former pre-war star :]
Fr tho he is terrified and miserable!!!
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