#carey van dyke
jerichopalms · 2 years
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#150: Don’t Worry Darling (2022, dir. by Olivia Wilde)
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bkenber · 2 years
'Don't Worry Darling' - Well, Actually, You Probably Should
‘Don’t Worry Darling’ – Well, Actually, You Probably Should
Going into “Don’t Worry Darling,” I wondered if the hype for this film had inadvertently hurt it. This is the second directorial feature from Olivia Wilde whose first film, “Booksmart,” was one of my favorites of 2019, and people like myself became ever so excited to see what film she would tackle next. It also features quite the cast with Florence Pugh, Harry Styles, Chris Pine and Nick Kroll…
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geekcavepodcast · 2 years
Don’t Worry Darling Trailer 2
Victory is an the idealized experimental company town in the desert where the men working on the top-secret Victory Project and their families live. CEO Frank’s 1950s societal optimism anchors every aspect of the the inhabitants’ lives. Alice and Jack are two “lucky” residents. “While the husbands spend every day inside the Victory Project Headquarters, working on the “development of progressive materials,” their wives...get to spend their time enjoying the beauty, luxury and debauchery of their community. Life is perfect, with every resident’s needs met by the company. All they ask in return is discretion and unquestioning commitment to the Victory cause. But when cracks in their idyllic life begin to appear, exposing flashes of something much more sinister lurking beneath the attractive façade, Alice can’t help questioning exactly what they’re doing in Victory, and why. Just how much is Alice willing to lose to expose what’s really going on in this paradise?” (Warner Bros. Pictures)
Don’t Worry Darling stars Florence Pugh, Harry Styles, Olivia Wilde, Gemma Chan, KiKi Layne, Chris Pine, Nick Kroll, Sydney Chandler, Kate Berlant, Asif Ali, Douglas Smith, Timothy Simons, and Ari’el Stachel. Olivia Wilde is directing from a screenplay by Katie Silberman. The script is based on a story by Carey Van Dyke, Shane Van Dyke, and Silberman.
Don’t Worry Darling hits North American theaters on September 23, 2022.
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adamwatchesmovies · 8 months
The Silence (2019)
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While The Silence is based on a 2015 book and production started in 2018, let’s not kid ourselves. This lousy movie was released because of its similarities to the far superior A Quiet Place. Poorly written, with unmemorable monsters and frustratingly stupid characters, even if you’re starving for a movie in which blind threats stalk a family that knows sign language, you won’t be satisfied.
An underground expedition unleashes ancient creatures dubbed “vesps” upon humanity. These blind, carnivorous pterosaur-like beasts will tear you to pieces if they hear you make a noise. Luckily for the Andrews, they’ve all learned sign language following their daughter's partial hearing loss. Ally (Kiernan Shipka), her brother Jude (Kyle Harrison Breitkopf), their parents Hugh (Stanley Tucci) & Kelly (Miranda Otto), their grandmother Lynn (Kate Trotter) and family friend Glenn (John Corbett) flee the city looking for someplace quiet but soon learn the monsters aren’t the only threats.
Upon release, there was some controversy surrounding the fact that Kiernan Shipka isn’t actually deaf (unlike Millicent Simmonds from A Quiet Place). In this film’s defense, Ally isn’t quite deaf; she’s just losing her hearing. The movie makes it pretty clear she can occasionally understand what people are saying even when they’re not signing. Unless that’s just a mistake on the filmmaker’s part. I wouldn’t be surprised if it was.
The casting isn’t the problem. Everyone’s charismatic, sympathetic or appropriately sinister. The issue is the writing. I know these characters don’t know they’re in a horror movie but their situation isn’t THAT difficult to understand. There are flying monsters that eat anything that makes noise. DON’T MAKE NOISE. As soon as they jump in the car and bring in their dog but no cookbook entitled “Man’s Best Friend Makes a Tasty Dish”, you know these people are going to struggle with even the most basic life-or-death scenarios. They've seen the same news footage of sidewalk-covered gore and people screaming for their lives as us. Why so dumb?
Our heroes prove themselves too stupid to live numerous times. They forget to lock doors, invite shady (and murderous) strangers into their homes, fail to establish lookouts when there might be signs of trouble, discard useful weapons, etc. You’re so frustrated with them that when the flying devils whittle down the party, the odds of survival seem to increase. You start wondering if it's deliberate. "Maybe this movie will have a sense of humor about itself." It sure would help make The Silence more fun.
The story feels like a YA novel crossed with one or several other, better movies. Time is spent fleshing out the world by introducing religious cults and director John R. Leonetti establishes a romance between Ally and her “best friend”, Rob (Dempsey Bryk). All so we can map out exactly where the story will go before we get into the dystopian, post-apocalyptic world that’s sure to come in the sequels. We’re left on an ominous note. Will the vesps adapt to the one environment that keeps humanity safe, or will humans adapt to a soundless lifestyle first? To this question, all you can do is roll your eyes. There’s a reason why movies like A Quiet Place and Reign of Fire skipped right to the world being nothing but smoldering ruins. Deadly as the monsters in this movie may be, they’re not that smart. In fact, they’re hilariously dumb in at least one scene. I’m pretty sure you guys will be fine if you learn to shut up.
The film isn’t all that clever or well written. For instance, the idea of a soundless world isn’t well explored at all. Tremors was doing this kind of thing way back in the day and it isn’t the only one but writers Carey and Shane Van Dyke only scratch the surface when it comes to the concept. Without likable characters, novel twists or some kind of out-of-the-box thinking, you can’t help but notice the unconvincing special effects.
If you’re determined to watch The Silence, here’s what you do: first, you watch A Quiet Place. You have fun getting scared. Then, you watch this and you laugh at the attempt. Otherwise, don’t bother. (May 29, 2021)
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Don't Worry Darling (15): Basically a remake of XXXXXX... but that would be a spoiler.
#onemannsmovies review of "Don't Worry Darling" (2022). #dontworrydarling. Pugh rocks in this mystery thriller I really enjoyed. 4/5.
A One Mann’s Movies review of “Don’t Worry Darling” (2022). Like three of the last four movies I’ve reviewed, there’s a lot of furore about “this film”Don’t Worry Darling”: Shia LaBeouf being hired and fired (according to director Olivia Wilde for his “combative” acting style); alleged tensions between the cast (leading to ridiculous news stories like “spit-gate”); and tensions between the cast,…
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retropopcult · 2 months
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The cast of Coach, 1989
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Filmfolk from Hollywood on the second leg of the 10,000 mile trip to location filming of Trader Horn left New York for Africa on the Ile de France, March 29, 1929. Left to right: Harry Carey, who played Trader Horn; Edwina Booth, who played Nina T, W. S. Van Dyke, the director, and Duncan Renaldo, who played Little Peru.
Photo: Associated Press via Shutterstock
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randomfoggytiger · 2 months
Kibbe Body Types, Part 2: David Duchovny
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Gillian Anderson's Kibbe analysis here; beginner's guide here.
We're going to have to do this analysis a little differently.
David Kibbe has a thorough quiz to type your body correctly... if you're a woman. So... I'm going to have to go around the mulberry bush a bit to arrive at David Duchovny's Kibbe Type.
...Why don't you tag along with me? We'll find out together.
(Spoiler: I already know his Type.)
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(**Note**: You can skip this section if extra reading isn't your thing.)
Kibbe identifies female bodies through their height, their hips, their chest, their waist, and their shoulders. However, male bodies are a whole different ballgame: width is the key measure-- of greater importance even than height-- as well as the softness or "fleshiness" of the frame.
THANKFULLY, Aly Art's got my back with this video.
Now: we must identify the yin-- soft, delicate, short, light-- qualities and separate them from the yang-- strong, tall, lean, vertical, angular, sharp-- qualities. Everybody has a blend of those two traits slapped on their skeletons; but Kibbe tried (tries) to keep it as simple as possible.
There are five basic body types; and those five types are divided into yang (sharp) and yin (soft) variants.
Dramatics-- 100% yang energy: tall, lean, strong, hard. They look angular and heavy. Typically have smaller eyes, prominent nose and chin, and thin lips.
Benedict Cumberbatch, Sean Connery, Charlton Heston, Ricardo Montalban, Errol Flyn, Daniel Craig
Soft Dramatics-- predominant yang energy with some yin added: softness and fleshiness added to their sharp, angular frame.
Dean Martin, Christian Bale, Matthew McConoughy, John Travolta, Nicholas Cage, Clark Gable
Flamboyant Naturals-- strong and hard, but with wide, blunted edges. They appear sporty or athletic: moderate to tall height, wider shoulders, and slimmer waists and hips.
Calvin Klein, Dick Van Dyke, Harrison Ford, Clint Eastwood, Tom Selleck (maybe), Michael Landon (maybe), Joe Biden  
Soft Naturals-- like the FNs, they are wide, and blunted; but their width is softened by added fleshiness, appearing slightly less tall, less dense and more delicate. They sport plusher, softer cheeks, lips, torso, and thighs; and often appear "cuter" than FNs, Ds, and SDs.
Alan Alda, OJ Simpson, John Wayne, Robert Redford, Robert Conrad, Bing Crosby, Tom Cruise, George Clooney, Gene Kelly, Brad Pit, Gene Hackman
Dramatic Classics-- is an even, "average" mixture of yin and yang elements with a slightly more dominant yang presence. They have a very blended bone structure with tauter cheeks and more predominant facial features.
Carey Grant, John Ham
Soft Classics-- is an even, "average" mixture of yin and yang elements with a slightly more delicate yin presence. They have a very blended bone structure with softer lips and fleshier cheeks.
John Slattery, John Glenn, Gregory Peck, Bryant Gumbel
Romantics-- is 100% yin: smaller, shorter, softer, more delicate. No sharp angles. They appear gentler, less harsh, less "brutally" masculine than their Dramatic and Natural counterparts.
Colin Firth, Leonardo DiCaprio, Elijah Wood, Simon Baker, Richard Gere, Michael Jackson, Omar Shereef, Billy Dee Williams, Elvis Presley
Theatrical Romantics-- is 100% yin with a taut touch of yang to their features: narrow, delicate bones instead of fully-rounded, softly-widened angles.
David Kibbe, Orlando Bloom, Prince, Johnny Depp
Flamboyant Gamines-- an uneven mixture of yin and yang elements, with more pronounced yang in their angularity and sharpness. They have small, rectangular muscularity: angular facial bones, smaller shoulders and torso, some tautness to their physique.
Jimmy Kimmel, Frank Sinatra, Neil Patrick Harris
Soft Gamines-- an uneven mixture of yin and yang elements, with more pronounced yin in their rounded curves and softness. They appear the most "cute" of the types: an even smaller Gamine, with softer cheeks, softer noses, softer lips, bigger eyes, smaller hands, etc.
Fred Astaire, Robert Downy Jr. 
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David's frame is dominated by prominent, long vertical lines-- dare I say, blunt edges?-- and shoulders that appear-- or are?-- wider because of his narrow waist and hips.
Using this previous post as a rough guide to map out his features, DD has pronounced yin-- softer cheeks, rounder nose, softened jawbone, softer flesh over his muscles-- but not enough to cover or dominate the long, strong bones in his frame and overall musculature.
I have my suspicions, and they swing Soft Natural (not enough T-bone shoulder to fit Flamboyant Natural); but let's put this theory to the test.
But you ask: how are we going to type the Man, the Myth, the Monotone without a handy dandy reference guide?
Easy peasy. We compare him to other body types and notate the differences.
David and Gamines
We're eliminating Gamines first because their shorter lines, shorter stature, and more angular or rounded bodies are in direct opposition to his longer, denser lines.
Compared to DD's wider shoulders, denser frame, and squarer facial features, Jimmy Kimmel and Lucy Liu (and Theatrical Romantic Gillian Anderson) appear more"weightless", angular, and narrow.
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Soft Gamine Winona Ryder and Halle Berry appear weightless as well; but their angular features are tempered by an added layer of softness that corresponds with the fleshiness of David's face.
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David and Romantics
We have a look-a-like for this section: Richard Gere, a pure Romantic.
Compared to DD's wide shoulders, slim torso and hips, and more defined musculature (even at his skinniest), Richard is composed of rounded curves, more delicate facial and skeletal bones, and a soft layer of flesh over his torso, arms, thighs, and legs. Even at Richard's fittest, there was still a softness present in his body that could not be chiseled away or hidden.
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The two Romantic Type women below-- Drew Barrymore, pure Romantic; Gillian Anderson, Theatrical Romantic-- again highlight the density of David's structure, bringing out a "heavier" presence than the Gamines had previously.
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David and Classics
Is David a Classic Type? Frankly, no-- his bones are too long and dense to be moderate and balanced; and he, even more frankly, looks terrible in very quaffed, groomed, and buttoned-up outfits.
Compared to DD's length and width, Dramatic Classics appear more proportionate, their touch of sharpness blending in with-- not rivaling-- the balance of their frames. DC Carey Grant's more balanced edges bring out the angles in DD's face, more so than the Gamines or Romantics did.
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By contrast, Soft Classics' proportionate frames contain a touch of softness-- Meryl Streep's yin calls forth David's, appearing more rounded instead of angular or blunt.
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David and Dramatics
Compared to David, Dramatics' structure is more elongated, narrow, and angular. Dramatic Benedict Cumberbatch has sharper, more prominent features; less width across his shoulders and torso; and barely any yin to speak of in his face.
(I also suspicion Tea Leoni as a Dramatic; so sneaked her in here.)
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Soft Dramatics have the elongated sharpness of the Dramatics with a soft, fleshy padding over the tautness of their features. Compared to SD Christian Bale's sharpness-in-spite-of-his-softness, DD's softer, blunter edges become more obvious.
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David and Naturals
And last but not least, we reach the native soil of David Duchovny's body type.
Flamboyant Naturals are a close but not perfect match-- their elongated, blunt width not only matches but exceeds DD's shoulders, torso, arms, legs, and facial features. FN Harrison Ford looks denser, more muscular, and even more athletic when compared to his softer brother from a different mother.
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Soft Naturals: finally, David is home! Soft Naturals have the width and length of the FNs Types softened and slightly moderated by an added, pronounced yin quality. Their face, lips, arms, torso, and slim waist appear less blunt (if no less wide); and the dense musculature of their frame is less noticeable in comparison.
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Now that David's found his SN kind, I shall pack him up a little box lunch of good wardrobe advice to take with him. ...Or that was the theory, except it is notoriously hard to get my hands on Kibbe Body Type advice for men.
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I shall do my best to transcribe and transform Aly Art's excerpts (here) from David Kibbe's Metamorphosis book:
"Soft Natural: it is the overall combination of the very soft yin with the yang undercurrent. Slightly soft and fleshy body type on an angular frame combined with an appealing, innocent essence.
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Height: moderate.... Bone structure: slightly angular bones, slightly broad shoulders, moderate to slightly short limbs, slightly leggy look also possible. Blunt or small and irregular facial contours-- nose, cheekbones, and jawline. Hands and feet are moderate and fleshy, or slightly small and wide. Body type: slightly soft..... Facial features: full and rounded. Round eyes, round eyes, full lips, soft cheeks. Nose tends small and wide; or slightly irregular, blunt or wide. If overweight, the body tends to become extremely soft and fleshy, with the waist thickening. The upper hips, arms, and thighs tend to collect excess weight most rapidly.
"Physically, you are basically angular in bone structure-- although this is softened by a fleshy body type and full facial features.... To disperse your soft yin undercurrent..., we want to develop an appearance that could best be described as fresh and sensual....
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"Shape: Asymmetric and irregular curves-- elongated ovals, wide circles, ellipticals, and so on. Relaxed geometrics with rounded edges, easy swirls. You might not look as good in sharp geometrics; in wide, chunky, and boxy shapes; in plain, symmetrical shapes; in overly ornate shapes.
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"Line and silhouette: unconstructed silhouette with shaping, particularly at waist. Relaxed lines with subtle drape and flow, particularly bias cuts.
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You might not look as good in wide, shapeless silhouettes; in sharp, severe silhouettes; in symmetrical silhouettes; in fitted silhouettes.
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"Details: details should be loose, relaxed, delicate, slightly intricate, and very creative. Any detail that suggests a bit of antique or the earth is excellent. Shoulders should not be sharp or stiff. Necklines should be loose and soft, not closed, restricted, or fussy. Simple draped necklines; soft cowls; soft notched collars; clean lapels; shawl collars; and so on. Waist should be defined, although loosely: there can be a slightly blousy effect with the top draped over the waistline, or a slightly dropped waist as long as the silhouette is fluid. Gathers and falls should be deep, full, and soft; sleeves can be full and flowing, or gently tapered at the wrist with minimum detail.
"Trim should be delicate and antique, shearing applique, and so on. You might not look as good in sharply tailored detail, in no detail, in overly fitted and fussy detail, in animated, perky detail."
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David Duchovny's gonna do and wear what he's gonna do and wear. And that's just fine.
Thanks for reading~
And take care of yourselves.
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screenmovie · 8 months
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Don’t Worry Darling, directed by Olivia Wilde and written by Katie Silberman Carey Van Dyke and Shane Van Dyke (2022).
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lolotheparagon · 1 year
Jim Carrey Movies That I Recommend and Have Aged Well:
The Mask ** - You get a cute movie about a shy guy wanting to date Cameron Diaz and ends up becoming a Looney Tune man cos of a Norse mask and ends up getting the police and the mafia after him. It’s pure unfiltered fun. Even if it has a bit of that 90s stink.
The Grinch *** - While it does reek of early 2000s writing, it’s a decent Xmas movie about how consumerism around Xmas sucks, learning to trust others again and getting revenge on your bully who’s ridiculed you since childhood and Carey’s hammy as fuck in this movie. Seriously he’s the only reason I’m recommending this movie at all.
Bruce Almighty - Some sexist jokes and a shitty third act misunderstanding aside, it’s a fun movie that takes advantage of its plot about a guy with literal God powers but learns a lesson in appreciating the small things in life. Which is an important lesson to learn if the main character’s a white guy with a good job, nice apartment and a hot wife.
Yes Man - it’s ultimately Liar Liar but with learning about openmindedness being the message rather than honesty. Also it’s more soft and less raunchy than its spiritual predecessor and l like that.
Batman Forever - yeah he was in this. Riddler has never had such an ideal casting choice until Wally Wingert came along. The movies just jam with bats on it, you’ll love it
Horton Hears a Who - Its a shame Blue Sky Studios shut down cos this is the most accurate adaptation of a Dr Seuss book and it also knows how to have fun with being a kids film. Also it’s meme-tastic.
Mr Popper’s Penguins - no seriously it’s a wacky kids movie. It’s not the end of the world. I love how Carrey only took on this movie just to tap dance with a bunch of penguins like Dick Van Dyke, who is his hero. That’s really sweet.
Sonic movies - the only time Jim Carrey has been funny in recent years. I don’t really watch his content anymore cos of obvious reasons. (anti vaxxer) but it’s nice he’s returned to his silly roots.
Liar Liar * - it’s an inherently sweet movie about a dad trying to learn a lesson in honesty to save his relationship with his son. Although Fletcher winning back his wife as well is a bit of a stretch. Has this movie never heard of exes that are amicable to each other?
* - Liar Liar is really into men being SA’d for a joke and it’s really uncomfortable to see Fletcher get roped into sex by a senior executive and him getting fondled and forcibly kissed by his female client. Wasn’t the 90s all about stopping workplace harassment?
** - There was one scene in the Mask where he seduces Cameron Diaz and it reeks of Pepe LePew vibes. Although things didn’t go too far apart, the fact we didn’t have a scene of Stanley immediately regretting that or at least have him and Cameron Diaz’s character bring that up during the jail scene later on really bugs me. Also Stanley’s sleazy friend pisses me off.
*** - Someone on the crew was really horny for Martha May Whovier (mostly cos she’s played by Christina Baranski) cos she’s clearly only there for fanservice. Seriously she wears slutty Christmas dresses, there’s a scene where Grinch’s face gets plastered into Martha’s cleavage, the mayor simping for her is played by Jeffrey Tambor is just creepy. What’s even worse is that during a flashback scene we see a younger Martha May suggestively licking a lollipop at a young Grinch during class… YIKES. I don’t care if that was meant to be a joke it’s still fucking creepy.
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bkenber · 2 years
'Don't Worry Darling' Movie and 4K UHD Review
‘Don’t Worry Darling’ Movie and 4K UHD Review
The following review was written by Ultimate Rabbit Correspondent, Tony Farinella. “Don’t Worry Darling” is a film that immediately caught my attention when I saw the trailer for it back in the summer.  I was impressed with Olivia Wilde’s feature film debut in 2019’s “Booksmart,” and the trailer for “Don’t Worry Darling” made me excited to see what she was going to do with her sophomore…
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coolscriptcovers · 2 years
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DON’T WORRY DARLING written by Carey Van Dyke and Shane Van Dyke. Cover + first two pages. From the original script that sold with Olivia Wilde attached to direct and Katie Silberman attached to rewrite. Finished film was credited to Silberman with the Van Dykes receiving shared ‘Story by’ credit. 
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harrylovesmitski · 2 years
Will the Spiraling Publicity Harm ‘Don’t Worry Darling’ at the Box Office?
A series of missteps on the promotional trail has raised questions about the film’s viability and its director, Olivia Wilde.
It was one of the hottest projects Hollywood had seen in years. Eighteen bidders. An ascendant female director. Florence Pugh, the actress of the moment, shooting upward like a rocket. “Don’t Worry Darling” was set up to be a smash.
But now, the $35 million production is being referred to around town as “Kill Your Darlings.” Over the past three weeks, the once highly anticipated movie has become a spectacle in all the wrong ways, with its director, Olivia Wilde, self-immolating on the publicity trail. Now all eyes are on the box office as the film — one of only three Warner Bros. is releasing theatrically through the remainder of the year — debuts nationally on Sept. 23.
Signs of trouble began appearing in March when Wilde’s personal life became entangled with her promotional efforts on a stage in Las Vegas, where her introduction of the “Don’t Worry Darling” trailer was co-opted by a process server presenting her with custody papers from her ex-fiancé, the “Ted Lasso” actor Jason Sudeikis.
That spiraled into internet gossip over Pugh’s lack of substantive promotion for the film, which led to reports of a clash between the director and the star over the rumored on-set affair between Wilde and Harry Styles, the pop star in his first major film role. (Wilde has declined to discuss the rumors other than to tell Vanity Fair that stories that she left Sudeikis for Styles were “completely inaccurate.”) Things ratcheted up when Wilde told Variety she had fired Shia LaBeouf, the actor first cast in the role that eventually went to Styles, only to have LaBeouf dispute her account with both audio and video evidence backing up his contention that he quit.
The saga peaked this month in a tense news conference at the Venice Film Festival, which Pugh did not attend. When asked about the controversy, Wilde tersely replied: “The internet feeds itself. I don’t feel the need to contribute. I think it’s sufficiently well-nourished.”
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Wilde declined to comment for this article, canceling a long-scheduled interview last week just hours before it was to take place. A representative for Pugh also declined to comment.
This scandal ranks rather low on Hollywood’s outrage meter. Stephen Galloway, the dean of the Chapman University Dodge College of Film and Media Arts and the author of “Truly, Madly,” the story of the whirlwind romance between Vivien Leigh and Laurence Olivier, characterized it as “a messy fling.” But the “Don’t Worry Darling” situation is high-profile enough that it could have the power to dim the excitement around Wilde’s potential ascent as Hollywood’s bright new directing talent.
The film centers on Alice and Jack (Pugh and Styles), a wildly-in-love married couple whose idyllic 1950s existence belies a more sinister reality. Originally conceived by Carey and Shane Van Dyke (the grandsons of Dick Van Dyke) in a script that was featured on the Black List, a compendium of the best unproduced screenplays of the year, “Don’t Worry Darling” was rewritten by Katie Silberman (Wilde’s “Booksmart”). It became the subject of a bidding war, with the New Line division of Warner Bros. landing the title thanks in part to its commitment to releasing the film theatrically.
Now “Don’t Worry Darling,” which is set to debut in more than 2,000 theaters, is in jeopardy of falling flat. Based on pre-release surveys that track consumer interest, box office experts had predicted roughly $20 million in opening-weekend ticket sales. In recent days, those estimates have cooled to about $18 million. Surveys have shown that ticket sales could be as low as $16 million. Warner Bros. declined to comment on box office projections but an insider at the studio who was not permitted to speak on the record said it had always expected about $18 million and that interest had not fluctuated.
Early reviews have not been kind. Rotten Tomatoes currently has the film hovering at a 38 percent score, squarely in the rotten category. Many critics have mentioned the scandal surrounding the film. The Los Angeles Times critic Justin Chang wondered whether Alice could be “a more fitting stand-in for Wilde, a talented director trying to fight her way out of a misogynistic system, one that wouldn’t blink twice at a male filmmaker in a similar position?”
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Is the reaction to the tabloid controversy misogyny at work, as Chang suggested? Male directors, after all, have a long history of both becoming combative with the press and engaging in on-set affairs. Or will this become a case of Hollywood adding Wilde, a daughter of the journalists and documentarians Andrew and Leslie Cockburn, to the life’s-too-short list, meaning that this episode will overshadow her talent? Some question, given the rift with Pugh and her dispute with LaBeouf, whether talent will want to work with Wilde in the future.
“There’s some degree of sexism in this,” Galloway said. “Male directors have done this for decades and gotten away with it. A female director does it and it explodes. That’s unfair. On the other hand, what she did is wrong, just as it was wrong for all the male directors to behave like male chauvinist pigs. Part of me feels bad for her being judged by a different standard. Part of me says, ‘There is a modern standard which we should all be upholding.’”
What’s next for Wilde is not clear. She was scheduled to follow “Don’t Worry Darling” with “Perfect,” about the gymnast Kerri Strug. But according to three people with knowledge of the project who were granted anonymity to discuss its status, Wilde abandoned the movie after asking for multiple rewrites from different screenwriters before walking away, believing the script was still not ready for production.
“It became clear to me that this year was a time for me to be a stay-at-home mom,” she told Variety. “It was not the year for me to be on a set, which is totally all-encompassing.”
She has two projects in early development: a new Marvel movie, which two people involved said was “Spider-Woman,” and an untitled holiday comedy that Universal Pictures has had in the works since 2019.
Some believe the attention caused by the scandal could bring more moviegoers to theaters, following the adage that there’s no such thing as bad publicity.
“I think that even a title like this with A-list talent attached, increased awareness in this challenging marketplace totally can help people to know that it exists, it’s out there and it’s coming soon,” said Joe Quenqua, a veteran strategic communications executive.
Warner Bros. is continuing with its original marketing strategy. The studio announced last week that its Sept. 19 IMAX experience, which will include a screening of the film and a live question-and-answer session in 100 locations across the country, is the fastest-selling live event in IMAX’s history.
Wilde will be in attendance. Pugh will not.
via The New York Times
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He said, “we’re saving the best for last”!  The Detroit Social Club closes out Warren’s Concerts at the Square 2023 on August 20th
Warren Cultural Commission Brings to You The 50th Thomas H. Carey “Concerts At The Square” 2023 Series Featuring The Playing Blues, Motown and More This Sunday August 20th From 7:00 PM To 9:00 PM At Warren City Square Located at One City Square Drive Just east of Van Dyke and north of 12 Mile Rd. (Behind the Chase Bank) Bring your lawn chair or blanket In case of rain, the…
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biographyonair · 11 months
Who is Mary Carey Van Dyke?
#biographyonair #MaryCareyVanDyke #actor
Mary Carey Van Dyke is a well-known person in the entertainment industry not because of her work but due to marrying her husband Barry Van Dyke who is an American actor famous for his roles in crime and medical drama series.
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fun fact the dvd (to play movies) was named after actor dick van dyke. I know it's like, digital video disc, but it was going to be called VDDF (video disc digital format) but they changed it to dvd to honor dick van dyke. also his like grandson wrote the movie don't worry darling staring Gemma chan. only ones of these facts is true.
Story by grandsons Carey and Shane Van Dyke!
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