#cardan freaking greenbriar
starrynightsxo · 1 month
I keep seeing snippets of the prisoner's throne (which I am yet to read) and one of the snippets is cardan saying liar "fondly" and I just want holly black to put me out of my misery and let me bloody perish.
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sweetvillainjude · 3 months
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The way I would do anything to read this part in QON for the first time again, when you realise Cardan had always known it was Jude. The build up from her standing on trial as Taryn, Cardan’s annoyance that makes you think he believes her… and then the slowly rising hope when he asks her to come to his chambers, because he HAS to know it’s Jude. The way I was holding my breath because I wanted them together again SO badly, and then the first thing Cardan says when they’re alone being, well, didn’t you get my letters?
—Like !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Just INSANE. the tension. the power. the execution. chef's kiss. the way I felt so unhinged reading this scene because I missed them together SO much. it was such perfection
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chaiichait · 6 months
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I will be as sober as a stone carving, just as soon as I can.
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clockworkbee · 1 year
when they're so desperate to be with the one they love that they don't even care if they get hurt in order to stay together
“Come with me, then,” he said. “Stay with me. I saw the look on your face when you saw the horses of the Hunt. You would do anything to ride again.” Suddenly furious, Mark leaned down over him. “Not anything,” he said. His voice throbbed with low anger. Kieran gave a slight hiss. He caught at Mark's shirt. “There,” he said. “Be angry with me, Mark Blackthorn. Shout at me. Feel something.”
—Lord of Shadows, Cassandra Clare
“We're staying together,” he promised. “You're not getting away from me. Never again.” Only then did she understand what would happen. A one-way trip. A very hard fall. “As long as we're together,” she said. [...] Then Percy let go of his tiny ledge, and together, holding hands, he and Annabeth fell into the endless darkness.
—The Mark of Athena, Rick Riordan
“I've been broken for weeks,” he said unsteadily, and she knew what that cost him, that admission of lack of control. “I need to be whole again. Even if it doesn't last.” “It can't last,” she said, staring at him, because how could it, when they could never keep what they had? “It'll break our hearts.” He caught her by the wrist, brought her hand to his bare chest. Splayed her fingers over his heart. It beat against her palm, like a fist punching its way through his sternum. “Break my heart,” he said. “Break it in pieces. I give you permission.”
—Lord of Shadows, Cassandra Clare
“Can I?” he asks. Can you what, Simon? Kiss me? Kill me? Break my heart? I touch him like he's made of butterfly wings. “You don't have to ask.” I say it loud enough that he'll hear me, over everything.
—Wayward Son, Rainbow Rowell
“You cannot hurt yourself, Daisy. You must not. Hate me, hit me, do anything you want to me. Cut up my suits and set fire to my books. Tear my heart into pieces, scatter them across England. But do not harm yourself—”
—Chain of Thorns, Cassandra Clare
Come home. Come home and shout at me. Come home and fight with me. Come home and break my heart, if you must. Just come home.
—Queen of Nothing, Holly Black
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“I hate you the most because I think of you. Often. It’s disgusting and I can’t stop” - Cardan Greenbriar, The Cruel Prince
I swear I was freaking out when I heard this.
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murasaki-cha · 3 months
The Prisoner's Throne spoilers!!
He wishes he could trust his sister as he once did. He wishes that he could be sure she trusted him.
You know, it's truly remarkable how at least 90% of the problems in both series set in Elfhame would be solved if Duarte-Greenbriars just, you know, FREAKING TALKED!! Like at least The Prisoner's Throne would have finished in 30 pages max.
"Hey Wren I know I apologised already for lying to you but I do in fact love you dearly. In fact you could be the only person I have ever truly loved for you might be the only person that has truly seen me instead of my title or the idea of me they have created in their head."
"Hey Jude I don't, in fact, want to be heir, I don't want the throne and this entire thing is suffocating me. Also why do you take birth control?"
"Wren I am insicure about my power and my entire sense of personal identity in general because of said power as I'm constantly thinking that I'm nothing but a shell of a person born to please others and I'm undeserving of love."
"Hey Cardan I am not in fact actively plotting treason and your eternal demise upon my hands so I hope you're not planning the same. In fact I'm exploiting myself in order to get rid of any possible plots of future treason against you and my sister."
"Hey dear family please stop trying to shelter and/or force opinions or positions upon me for my safety as I feel like I am nothing but a burden for you all and do constantly blame myself for every misfortune that has befallen you guys all this time and constantly doubt my own worth."
"Hey dad, fuck you."
Like I know, where's the fun in that but like, just imagine it. Therapists could write entire research papers on these guys.
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beloved-daydreams · 8 months
Folktober2023 Prompt: "Coraline AU" 🚪🍷
An attempt by
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Hosted by @jurdannet and @jurdannetrevels
📘 1 400+ words
😎 Characters: Cardan, AU "human" Jude, Jude
✒️ Tags: drunk Cardan, silly, sweet, hallucination (?)
📢 Summary: Cardan finds a mysterious door while drunk and decides to walk in. What he didn’t expect though, is that on the other side he’d end up in the human world, meeting a Jude that grew up there and has no knowledge of Faerie. A silly conversation ensues.
Cardan had made it past a mysterious door in the palace. He had never seen it before though, maybe he was just so drunk out of his mind that he had imagined it. Yet past the door, there was the human world. Okay. Well now there’s no doubt about it, not only is he drunk, he’s also high off his ass.
The door behind him had disappeared. Now, how to make it back?
As he was quietly freaking out, a girl appeared out of the not so dark shadows of the human world (because of the light pollution) and tapped him on the shoulder.
"Yo, you good?"
The girl looked exactly like Jude, well, aside from not having a missing finger. But somehow he could still feel that this was Jude, not Taryn. She was wearing jean shorts, high boots that ended just under her knees and a huge red and black sweater that had a stylized "Brooklyn" print on the back. She looks like what Jude would’ve looked like had she grown up in the human world away from Faerie, Cardan thinks.
At his question, the girl looked surprised.
"Yeah? Sorry. Do we know each other?"
Cardan blinks. The very "overly-human" looking Jude blinks.
"Uh you just seemed really lost there, and it’s late. Oh wait, I know. You must be someone from my school, right? I’m really sorry, I’m bad at memorizing faces and names… Though with how handsome you are, I’m surprised I forgot."
Cardan has no idea how to react or even what to say. Should he even say anything, actually? She looks him up and down, almost scrutinizing his clothes before something seems to click in her brain.
"Ooooh so you’re like, cosplaying, right? Nice. What character?"
Under the streetlights, despite not being his Jude, this Jude is also incredibly lovely and pretty. Oh well. If this is a dream then Cardan will at least enjoy himself, why the heck not. What is she talking about? Cosplay? Cardan digs his mind and remembers his nephew Oak desperately trying to explain to him some human words and terms. He’s pretty sure cosplaying was something like a roleplay.
"Um. I’m Cardan. Cardan Greenbriar from…" He pauses. If he were from a story what would the name of the book even be? "...I suppose The Queen of Swords would be the title." Jude blinks at his peculiar way of phrasing his answer but she shrugs it off. When Cardan had first read Alice in wonderland, Alice seemed to obviously be the Jude of the story. Now, knowing her better, she might actually be the Queen of Hearts. Though swords might fit her better.
The Jude from the human world hums.
"Never heard of it. Sounds like a fantasy type of story though, with like- love, war and betrayal. Lots of frustrating betrayals that end in more wars, then more love."
Cardan laughs awkwardly. Why is she nailing this? This Jude’s fiction literacy must be high, unlike his Jude who’s less interested in books than scheming. She then asks for his real name, in a panic, since he cannot lie on his identity, he asks her to call him by his "cosplay name" whatever the fuck that’s supposed to mean. Hornless Jude laughs at his dedication to the character. Then they walk, she explains how he must sober up so she can lead him home to safety.
"Why don’t you think about your safety first, Jude?"
The girl looks up to the starless sky.
"Hmm. I’ll be fine, I’m familiar with the surroundings. Also…" She punches the air in a couple of swift motions. "I’m trained in MMA! Pretty cool, right?"
Cardan’s confused at whatever those letters mean, unfortunately Jude takes his confusion as disbelief.
"Oh come on, I’m serious! I know it doesn’t look like it because my sweater is hiding my upper body but- Agh. I’ll just show you!"
She takes the sweater off, revealing her abs and firm arms. She was only wearing a sports bra underneath… Cardan is unsure if checking out this Jude would be cheating but he can’t help himself. Satisfied with how the boy looks bewildered, crownless Jude puts her sweater back on.
"See? Anyway. I don’t know what you were smoking but it’s gotten you high as fuck bud. Still can’t remember where you live?"
Cardan shakes his head since he can’t open his mouth to lie. He does remember where he lives with his awesome and hot wife but he’s not sure how to make it back.
"I’ll be fine. There’s no need for you to lead me anywhere, I’ll find my way back once I’m sober."
"Uh-huh. You say that but you were getting high. Alone. In an empty street while cosplaying some ethereal elf prince."
"King now. Not prince."
"Gee, sorry." Very human Jude rolls her eyes with a smile on her lips. She must be thinking that the guy is cringy for committing to the bit so hard. Nonetheless she’s amused by this encounter as well. Cardan looks at her relaxed smile in awe, he wishes he could also make his Jude smile like this. Unfortunately, his Jude is much more difficult and shy with her smiles.
"... And you know, that King has a very amazing wife. Thus the title."
"So the wife is the main character?"
"Mh-hm. She wields a sword and is skilled in the arts of war. And she rose to power in a land where she didn’t belong at first."
Hornless Jude whistles.
"She sounds like a badass."
Now that’s a word Cardan knows. Again, thanks to Oak but this one was way easier to grasp and remember.
"She is."
"Is the King any good then?" She asks half-mockingly, yet her tone is gentle.
Cardan ponders.
"He’s… a great pillow to sleep with."
"A clever and funny boy."
"Uh-huh. And let me guess: he’s fun at parties?"
"Oh, absolutely. He’s the King of revels."
"So, with a bit of an alcohol problem? It checks out."
"It checks uh- yes?"
Cardan is not sure what checks exactly, all he knows is that the alcohol problem is in fact there and oftentimes, the only way for him to not drink at all in a day is to make a promise to Jude after she scolds him about it. His Jude. Now that he thinks about it, just before he walked through that door wasn’t he drinking again?
A voice rings out in his head. Cardan Cardan Cardan. He looks at crownless Jude and his vision blurs.
The next time he opens his eyes, he’s lying on his bed, probably looking like he’s completely out of it while Jude is calling out for him, slapping his cheeks not so gently and tugging at his clothes. Probably trying to take them off so he can sleep tight.
"Cardan." Jude utters, clearly unimpressed by his sorry state.
"My Jude!" Cardan cries out happily as if he hasn’t seen his wife in days, despite him literally dreaming of her any day she might not be home in his arms. But there she is.
"God. I was gone for only a day and one night, is it really so unbearable to be without me that you absolutely need to get drunk?"
"Ahaha, you have no idea!"
She rolls her eyes, exactly like the Jude in his dreams. My recollections of her are so accurate. Cardan tells himself, proud of his visions and vivid manifestations of her. Needily, he pulls his beautiful wife towards him.
"Come here…" His eyes are sparkling over the haziness, no matter his state, Cardan always lights up at the sight of his wife in front of him. Jude thinks he’s silly but enjoys it nonetheless. Giving up, she joins him.
"You have an alcohol problem, Cardan, please try to cut down on it."
"Yesss anything for you, Queen of swords. But oh- Whenever will you call me by a sweet nickname???"
Jude laughs under her breath at how ridiculously cute her husband is.
"Yes yes hubby. Anything for the King of getting shitfaced."
Cardan snuggles in his wife’s arms and an image of the other Jude flashes in his mind. I’m trained in MMA! Pretty cool, right? It’s a comforting thought to believe that a Jude who would grow up in the human world would also have arms as strong as his Jude. But still, this is truly home and she belongs here. Not anywhere else, not in a world where he wouldn’t have been able to meet her.
That moment when you realize that this fic is just Cardan bragging about his wife... to his wife from another world 😂 God this is just- well, it’s so very Cardan.
And don’t forget: If you’d like to decrease the amount of my sad girl hours, please consider leaving comments/tags! 💖
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mylovecardan · 1 year
I'm gonna just say it out loud, I ABSOLUTELY HATE JUDE DUARTE!!!
She can fight like hell, is the literal queen of faerie, married to Cardan freaking Greenbriar and gets to kiss him anytime she wants. That bitch is living MY dream, how freaking dare she😭😭
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mavencaloreswife · 3 months
i just finished the wicked prince by holly black… this series is getting a DNF. i didnt even like the first book but everyone said the second book was better so i read it (it was not better). the book is titled after cardan but i literally forgot dude was in the book because he appeared like ten times the whole book and all he did was dumb shit. the whole cardan and jude relationship was stupid. this dude literally tormented her for the entire first book and then his excuse was that he was trying to be worse than his brother thought he was… like ur fucking weird i dont fw u like this dumbass jude. DONT GET ME STARTED ON JUDE. SHE IS THE DUMBEST PERSON LIKE DID U SERIOUSLT THINK CARDAN WAS JUST GONNA MARRY U IN PRIVATE AND NOT HAVE A TRICK UP HIS SLEEVE? (cowboy like me reference??) taryn also pissed me off even more than she did originally. betraying ur sister multiple times for that ginger freak is actually so embarassing for u. still don’t understand how jude actually thinks of madoc as a father but he literally killed her parents. me personally im not forgiving that???? all the other characters like balekin ghost bomb roach nicasia orlaugh or howver the hell u spell it they are all so boring and flat. vivi and heather no one cares. i usually enjoy politically-centered books with fantasy and shit but this was just not it for me.
the only part i liked was that cardan’s last name was greenbriar like the greenbrier plant. PAINFULLY ANNOYING JUST like he is. i also liked when he said he liked women who threaten him. i can relate to this. thank u for ur time guys 😄👍.
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boudicca · 2 days
no couple has ever matched one another's freak like jude duarte and cardan greenbriar
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starrynightsxo · 2 months
person: explain the jurdan "miscommunication" trope.
me: *through sobs* HE EXILED HER *weep* AS A JOKE *wail* AND SHE TOOK IT SERIOUSLY *wallow* BUT HE WAS JUST TRYNA IMPRESS HER *sniff* BUT SHE DIDNT REALISE *cry shouting* COS SHE LET HER FEELINGS GET IN THE WAY *momentary pause* HER *blubbering* FEELINGS *sob*
*cue angsty screaming*
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cruelprincae · 1 year
friendly reminder that the first thing cardan freaking greenbriar did as a high king was to make human ensorcell and smuggling into elfhame illegal and punishable by imprisonment should it ever fall to his attention. since the beginning of his ruling, humans were willingly hired in elfhame, their work was heftily rewarded and if they wanted their memories erased then only THEN would they glamour them into forgetting. Granted, not everyone is bound to obey these new set of rules and Folk who want to enslave humans will always exist but cardan went out of his way to make it illegal when eldred, clovis and mab never even bothered. he's already a better ruler than all of the previous monarchs. "only out of his spilled blood can a great ruler rise" and cardan was already great to begin with :D
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riverstyxsarts · 3 months
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I see fanart of cardan greenbriar and think “he has a tail already….let him be MORE of a freak” i have not read these books yet so maybe he is
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clockworkbee · 2 years
ever think about when Oliver Marks thought,
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and Cardan Greenbriar thought,
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ivystitches · 2 years
cardan just did not fuck about with those letters
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Cardan Greenbriar energy
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