#cant wait to make him suffer even more when kenma enters the picture
melianlmao · 2 years
Pancakes For Dinner
Chapter Two: Rinnie Poo
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Warnings: Cursing as always, Mentions of Y/n and Suna being Fwb, Alcohol
A/n: Lmao torturing one of my favorite boys is kinda fun. After all this is said and done I'm gonna have to write some tooth rotting fluff to make up for the pain I'm putting him through. Enjoy!
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You lay your phone down beside you where you lay sprawled out on the king sized mattress in Atsumu's guest room. 
You sigh and get up, heading into your brother's enormous living room. His whole penthouse apartment was huge and luxurious and must cost a fortune to rent. 
"They must pay good money for playing with balls." You joke, nudging Atsumu's shoulder playfully.
"Why do ya always gotta put it like that?" He groans, but you can see the smile that overtakes his face. 
You laugh as he slides you a drink. 
"Alcohol this early into the night?" You question but take a sip anyway. 
"Oh come on, it's a celebration." He grins and you roll your eyes. 
As if on cue the door bursts open and in comes Osamu, Suna, and a blue eyed brunette. 
"Well well well, look who's all grown up." You whistle and Melian grins.
"Well well well yourself." He laughs pulling you in for a hug. When she lets you go, Atsumu gives them a drink and they chat idly with him as you wander over to the couch where Suna sits, man spread and his arm over the back of the couch. 
You sidle up next to him right in the crook of his arm and hand him a drink. He takes it with a wink and sips it without a word as you pick up Atsumu's remote, and login to his Netflix. 
He watches you scroll through the movies with hitched breath. He missed you so much more than he'd ever admit. Even if the two of you were nothing more than Best friends and occasionally fuck buddies. 
His feelings for you had long evolved from just sexual and platonic, but he knows it's not reciprocated. 
But here in the soft glow of the kitchen lights where your brothers and Mel chat and laugh and the flicker of the tv screen he can't help the way his heart skips a beat when you turn to him and ask if he wants to watch whatever movie you'd stopped on.
He just nods, scared that if he talks it'll come out broken and weak.
You take another sip of your drink and feel the warm buzz enveloping you as you settle into Suna's side. Mel, Osamu, and Atsumu all flock in from the kitchen and spread out on the giant leather couch. 
About 20 minutes into the horrible horror film you and Mel are catching up and then comes the question. 
"What do you do now?" They ask and you can feel the wave of nerves. As a college student in the states there isn't so much one can do to make a livable wage so you'd started a small YouTube channel where you'd sing covers of your favorite songs to keep your mind off of money troubles.
But it didn't just become a way to keep yourself occupied outside of school, before you knew it you had hit almost 8.5k and you were making money from it.
You moved to Spotify and even more profit came back from your simple hobby. 
Suna had known since day one, you were excited to share your talent with your best friend, but for some reason you'd kept it a secret from your brothers. 
Maybe it was because they were both successful. Heck, Osamu owns his own restaurant and Atsumu is a professional volleyball player, and you just sing other people's songs.
Alas, the alcohol makes you brave so you pull out your phone and pull up your YouTube. 
"I do song covers on YouTube and Spotify and get paid." You say as Mel's eyes widen in surprise. 
"No way! I love your song covers, a friend introduced me and I haven't been able to stop listening!" She squealed.
Osamu and Atsumu had the same shocked expression and Suna chuckled.
"I'm guessing they didn't know?" He asks but it's more of a statement than anything.
"Wonder what else they don't know." You purred, running a finger down his jawline. 
"Wow okay right in front of my popcorn guys?" Osamu clears his throat as you laugh and turn your attention back to the movie.
"Rinnie Poo, your best friend who you could never date" lets out yet another sigh and tries his best not to read into the way you cuddle into his side. 
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