#can't stop juicin'
thedaily-beer · 1 year
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Burgeon Can’t Stop Juicing’ Hazy IIPA (Picked up at Windmill Farms). A 3 of 4. A really nice big IPA with lots of juicy tropical fruit and citrus in the nose and body. There’s a nice grapefruit pith-like bitterness in the body, and this has a nice thickness that others miss.
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xxitslivxx · 5 months
Cuphead rap lyrics 😱😱😱
Take a sip of this, I'm an itty bitty Cuphead
One sentence in, I've already made a pun, yep
Picking up steam, wonder why they call me hothead
Struck a deal with the devil, now I'm rackin' up debt
Yes I made a dumb bet, no need to get upset
I'm a cup of trouble, have you seen my mugshot yet?
Step in front of my finger gun, and you drop dead
Wallop all your bosses, leave 'em all jobless
They'll never stop me from runnin' like a faucet
I'm a full cup, don't you ever try to top it
You can never touch this, but you can kick the bucket
I'm meant to be drunk from, but not to be trusted
Heads up, hit the deck, Mugman
You don't really wanna get your head busted
I'm a dirty dish, who needs a rough scrubbin'
After doing these devilish deeds, God damn!
I'll stop this train even if it's haunted
"Where's my ship?" Sorry just sunk it
Hopping like a frog, duck and dodge your punches
Won't shed a single tear when I'm choppin' onions
Spent all your breath huffin' and puffin'
Just to get dumped on by a cup for nothin'
Unless all you wanna end up dead
You do not mess with a Cuphead, 'nuff said
Do not mess with a Cuphead, 'nuff said
Do not mess with a Cuphead, 'nuff said
Do not mess with a Cuphead, 'nuff said
Do not mess with a Cuphead, 'nuff said
You'll never catch me cryin' over milk I spilled
My head ain't empty, but who knows with what it's filled?
I took the devilish gamble
Nothing that a Cuphead couldn't handle
And now it's time to foot the bibbadibibitty-bill
Any line that you happen to draw
Is a line I'll be stepping across
Trapped in a world lacking any natural laws
Have you had your coffee yet? 'Cause I'm off of the walls
My demons need some exorcise
A little caffeine oughta get 'em energized
Will we ever get to heaven when we die?
Can't get any worse, we already bet our lives
Forget fairy tales, they're fizzin' out
I'd like to pick a fight with that prick, Micky Mouse
I'll kick his ass then I'll knock Walt Disney out
I'll leave 'em with a taste of toxic in their mouth (no!)
My hand's been dealt, it's a bad draw though
I'll go all in when the rest all fold
Look's like I'm on the last straw so
Better tell the devil th-that th-that's all folks!
Come see what we been brewin'
Something to keep ya movin'
Must be the beat I'm boomin'
Hit me with that funky music
How do we keep on groovin'?
Once could say we been juicin'
Beepin' boopin', looney toonin'
Time for you to face the music
You'll never catch me cryin' over milk I spilled
My head ain't empty, but who knows with what it's filled?
I took the devilish gamble
Nothing that a Cuphead couldn't handle
And now it's time to foot the bibbadibibitty-bill
I feel like the holy grail
Just hope I don't go to Hell
If so that won't go so well
I've been bad, but no one tell
I'm much more than just cup
Raise a toast and pick me up
Pour one more and drink it up, but don't choke
'Cause I'm not the kinda cup you should be chugging from
I'll get the jump on ya when I run and gun
Working for Lucifer is a ton of fun
"You two, do my bidding" done and done
I'm a jazzy chap who'll leave you razzle-dazzled
After I whoop and wallop your ass in battle
When I'm stuck up shits creek without a paddle
Just imagine, the glass is half full
You'll never catch me cryin' over milk I spilled
My head ain't empty, but who knows with what it's filled?
I took the devilish gamble
Nothing that a Cuphead couldn't handle
And now it's time to foot the bibbadibibitty-bill
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tsuki-sennin · 8 months
Majesty descends!
...this is gonna be a long one, maybe; a lot seems like is gonna happen here. Get yourself a snack, perhaps.
I had a long weekend. Our AC broke, a bunch of our carpet had to be ripped out, and I couldn't sleep in my own bed. What better way to unwind than with our pals So-tan, Mashin, Tsuba-san, and... Agatha. ...yeah, those're not gonna stick around.
Spoilers, I guess...
-Baby Jesus is now literally Baby Jesus.
-I can't get over the fucking name Skearhead.
-Be strong! ...clearly you're gonna have to if Majesty's stickin' around~!
-Whoa! That was a whole sentence right there!
-I see Minoton is still in the opening credits despite having been fired.
-Dai Henshin!
-I have to admit, her poise is quite admirable.
-I think it'd be flat out impossible for her to lie, considering this is a main cast of like 6 people. Literally who else?
-Oh, there she is
-Underg Boss.
-You seem a very sad man, Skearhead.
-Y'know I agree Ageha. Learn from everybody else!
-Hot damn, Sora.
-Senpai Cure...
-The Skyland Hundred Crack Fist is beyond a two year old's reach.
-Sition: Have you given this album a listen? Did you love it, did you-
-...what manner of concotion is this, Mashiro?
-Lemon juice...
-Infinite sour hell
-Oh yeah, what does Majesty use to transform?
-"I'm afraid it's fingerprint locked."
-Something extremely marketable that only Majesty can become.
-He got Ranborged.
-Not even their own get a say in this process.
-"The princess means nothing to us anymore. It's only natural that we shift our priorities."
-Kick into a punch.
-I have to wonder just how this process works on living creatures. Them possibly dying is something we've established with Shalala, but I like to imagine Underg Energy amplifies all of someone's worst traits.
-Minoton's fighting it...
-Something only Elle-chan has in her.
-Rip it right out of her own heart!
-Oh, hello! God, you are long!
-Oh damn, she's got spikes!
-Descend, mystical nobility! Cure Majesty!
-On my planet, this is a symbol of hope.
-Wasting absolutely no time, are you kiddo?
-She's so brutal, I love it.
-She has mastered the Skyland Hundred Crack Fist.
-Seems poor Minoton has yet to escape their grasp.
-Majesty in 3D. She's real.
-Majestic Chroniclon
-It's like night and day between her and Majesty.
-"Don't run in the house like I'm doing!"
-Hello, Kingy!
-Awwww, Mashiron.
-Damn, even got ancient languages.
-And now this monument is made of acrylic plastic.
-"There could be demons! Dragons! Demon Dragons! Dragon Demons!"
-They grow up so fast, huh Mashiro?
-Nothing to it but to follow her along that path.
-Doing Shrine shenanigans.
-Ultrawoman Elle...
-The Bull of Heaven comes crashing down.
-Oh, okay
-Sure, put your friends in stolae. ...or I guess in Tsubasa's case a tunica.
-The wall ate them.
-Oh hello
-This place looks like a
-Majestic Chroniclon~!
-Sealed away forever. No more books.
-Holy shit, he just
-Smashed through
-Nothing stops the Juggernaut.
-Time to go.
-"Princess time. >:3"
-Absolutely love this battlefield, by the way.
-Holy shit, there's so much detail here
-...y'know, suddenly I completely agree Prism's concerns.
-He's juicin'!
-Cure Majesty's will be done.
-Hearts as one!
-Man, I just realized that Tsubasa's still the shortest Cure here.
-Not even as tall as a two year old.
-It's okay buddy, you'll be a valuable member of the Short King Army one day.
-Oh wait, aaaaaaaaah danger oh noooo
-Majestic Chroniclon!
-Take off into the soaring world!
-PreCure! Majestic Halation!
-Purified... for real this time.
-Oh I'm sure it doesn't, Skeebo.
-That nickname, that's gonna stick.
-"I've well and truly lost, Pretty Cure. Perhaps we shall meet again one day."
-Ah, in the credits for real this time.
-Oh fuck Battamonda
-Jesus Christ man, clean your kitchen.
-You sucked, you got fired, that's it.
-Kabaton seems to be scaring you just fine, pal.
-Into the drain with you! It's where you belong~!
-You are a tremendous bitch, you know that?
-The princess loves flowers...
-Heckled by kindergartners.
-Even in their old age, the flowers still have tremendous beauty.
-"Might I peruse your work up close~?"
-Her mojo has been thrown off...
-Oh man, I feel that so hard.
-You plagiarizing fuck
-Here comes Skeebo. Sorry you're still not in the opening.
-Here comes Sora-chan~!
-"Wow~! Clearly this is beyond me, but I love the way it looks~!"
-"This is just like the hit book."
-Seeing this man explode into nerves is quite cathartic.
-Suppose Tsubasa doesn't see it either.
-"Get him!"
-Batta :)
-"Underg Energy. Arise."
-"Kyoborg. The power difference compared to a Ranborg made from a model T. rex and a Kyoborg made from a skateboard and a toy disc is, if you'll pardon the phrase, radical."
-"Bye bye :D"
-"Time for war."
-Majesty bitch slaps Kienzans. Good to know.
-"On and on, as per usual!"
-"So it is."
-Live in fear, Battamonda.
-What an odd visual metaphor you've made, Mashiron.
-His malice has completely been overtaken by his incompetence.
-What a fun set of episodes this was.
-Obviously Elle completely wrecking shop is the big thing, but there's a lot of great growth for Mashiro that really elevates it beyond a lot of sixth ranger-type intro episodes.
-Baseball Sora~!
-"...what are these based balls?"
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certified-sane · 2 years
Once, a long time ago, there was a wise Zen master. People from far and near would seek his counsel and ask for his wisdom. Many would come and ask him to teach them, enlighten them in the way of Zen. He seldom turned any away.
One day an important man, a man used to command and obedience came to visit the master. “I have come today to ask you to teach me about Zen. Open my mind to enlightenment.” The tone of the important man’s voice was one used to getting his own way.
The Zen master smiled and said that they should discuss the matter over a cup of tea. When the tea was served the master poured his visitor a cup. He poured and he poured and the tea rose to the rim and began to spill over the table and finally onto the robes of the wealthy man. Finally the visitor shouted, “Enough. You are spilling the tea all over. Can’t you see the cup is full?”
The master stopped pouring and smiled at his guest. “You are like this tea cup, so full that nothing more can be added. Come back to me when the cup is empty. Come back to me with an empty mind.”
Take a sip of this, I'm an itty bitty Cuphead
One sentence in, I've already made a pun, yep
Picking up steam, wonder why they call me hothead
Struck a deal with the devil, now I'm rackin' up debt
Yes I made a dumb bet, no need to get upset
I'm a cup of trouble, have you seen my mugshot yet?
Step in front of my finger gun, and you drop dead
Wallop all your bosses, leave 'em all jobless
They'll never stop me from runnin' like a faucet
I'm a full cup, don't you ever try to top it
You can never touch this, but you can kick the bucket
I'm meant to be drunk from, but not to be trusted
Heads up, hit the deck, Mugman
You don't really wanna get your head busted
I'm a dirty dish, who needs a rough scrubbin'
After doing these devilish deeds, God damn!
I'll stop this train even if it's haunted
"Where's my ship?" Sorry just sunk it
Hopping like a frog, duck and dodge your punches
Won't shed a single tear when I'm choppin' onions
Spent all your breath huffin' and puffin'
Just to get dumped on by a cup for nothin'
Unless all you wanna end up dead
You do not mess with a Cuphead, 'nuff said
Do not mess with a Cuphead, 'nuff said
Do not mess with a Cuphead, 'nuff said
Do not mess with a Cuphead, 'nuff said
Do not mess with a Cuphead, 'nuff said
You'll never catch me cryin' over milk I spilled
My head ain't empty, but who knows with what it's filled?
I took the devilish gamble
Nothing that a Cuphead couldn't handle
And now it's time to foot the bibbadibibitty-bill
Any line that you happen to draw
Is a line I'll be stepping across
Trapped in a world lacking any natural laws
Have you had your coffee yet? 'Cause I'm off of the walls
My demons need some exorcise
A little caffeine oughta get 'em energized
Will we ever get to heaven when we die?
Can't get any worse, we already bet our lives
Forget fairy tales, they're fizzin' out
I'd like to pick a fight with that prick, Micky Mouse
I'll kick his ass then I'll knock Walt Disney out
I'll leave 'em with a taste of toxic in their mouth (no!)
My hand's been dealt, it's a bad draw though
I'll go all in when the rest all fold
Look's like I'm on the last straw so
Better tell the devil th-that th-that's all folks!
Come see what we been brewin'
Something to keep ya movin'
Must be the beat I'm boomin'
Hit me with that funky music
How do we keep on groovin'?
Once could say we been juicin'
Beepin' boopin', looney toonin'
Time for you to face the music
You'll never catch me cryin' over milk I spilled
My head ain't empty, but who knows with what it's filled?
I took the devilish gamble
Nothing that a Cuphead couldn't handle
And now it's time to foot the bibbadibibitty-bill
I feel like the holy grail
Just hope I don't go to Hell
If so that won't go so well
I've been bad, but no one tell
I'm much more than just cup
Raise a toast and pick me up
Pour one more and drink it up, but don't choke
'Cause I'm not the kinda cup you should be chugging from
I'll get the jump on ya when I run and gun
Working for Lucifer is a ton of fun
"You two, do my bidding" done and done
I'm a jazzy chap who'll leave you razzle-dazzled
After I whoop and wallop your ass in battle
When I'm stuck up shits creek without a paddle
Just imagine, the glass is half full
You'll never catch me cryin' over milk I spilled
My head ain't empty, but who knows with what it's filled?
I took the devilish gamble
Nothing that a Cuphead couldn't handle
And now it's time to foot the bibbadibibitty-bill
Source: Musixmatch
Songwriters: Timothy Christian Ames / John Warren Gelardi
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