#caissy rogers
lovelygirlnicole15 · 8 months
Stickmintober 2023 Day Eight: CCC
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This takes place in my Magician Heroes Au
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This prompt was made by @androidcharles
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androidcharles · 8 months
The Tragic Tale of Cody Night
Gonna probably file this one under "not posting on AO3" but anyway, a bit of a sort of backstory on Cody Night and how they got to be who they are, against their better wishes. I'm gonna also classify this under Whump and Hurt with No Comfort. There's mentions of suicide, of course in terms of triggers and some bad transformation stuff in general.
Other then that, I hope you... enjoy the story?
Alex and Eric belong to @bluetorchsky
While not mentioned by name, Caissy Rogers belongs to @lovelygirlnicole15
Cody woke up that morning, stretching as they gazed at the calendar, feeling a strange pit in their stomach. Their birthday was in a few days. And after that, it would be another week before the anniversary of them being hired at the CCC. They let out a small sigh as they pushed themselves out of bed, heading into the bathroom to brush their teeth and comb their hair.
They looked at themselves in the mirror: dusty brown hair, bright light blue eyes. They smiled as they took a deep breath to center themselves before they exited their room.
They had opted to live in the complex in the dorms, due to the fact that they didn’t want to live with their aunt anymore. They didn’t have much anyway, so it wasn’t like it was a huge loss. They casually ignored the people passing by, saying good morning to them as they concentrated on getting to the cafeteria to get coffee and their bacon/egg omelet.
“Hey, Cody! The usual today?” the cafeteria staff lady said, a big warm smile on her face. Cody only nodded as they waited patiently for it to be prepared before heading off to a table to eat by themself.
After eating, they deposited their tray and dishes onto the conveyor before they headed to their work station. They had only been a class 3 anomaly inspector for about a month, but they were already impressing their coworkers around them. Especially their mentor, a man by the name of Jet Rocket, whom Cody was growing more and more attached to.
They hated it, really, growing attached to the first person to give them the time of day, but something about how Jet looked at them while he rambled on and on about his little brother in the military (Arnie? Armand? They forgot really.) and other various subjects made them feel comfortable around them.
Either way, once they headed to their desk to report for duty, they were stopped by Jet himself, a big smile on his face.
“Hey, Cody! Today’s your lucky day!” Jet said, “We have a very special assignment for you.”
“Huh?” Cody only tipped their head to the side as Jet gestured for them to follow, walking through some levels they weren’t even allowed in. Which was strange, because Jet often dealt with anomalies up to level 15. Cody got a bit worried as they headed to the airlock of the generator room of the level 9 wing, where three other employees were waiting for them.
“What took you so long, Rocket? We were gonna start without you!” one of them said, smirking.
“Had to pick up our young’n here,” Jet said, slapping Cody’s back.
“Ah, that’s right, you’ve almost been here a year. Yeah, letting them see just how intricate and powerful our generators are is mandatory,” a second employee said.
“And dangerous! Not only are they powerful and intricate, but also highly sensitive! If something goes horribly wrong-” the third employee piped up before Jet put up his hand.
“Now you can stop your rambling, George, because nothing will go wrong. Besides, the boss said it was a minor thing, so we should be done in about thirty minutes,” Jet said, “Ready to go Cody?”
“Um, sure,” Cody said as one of the employees opened the airlock hatch.
“Alright, once we enter the airlock, there’s a suit to put on. Do not take it off under any circumstances. Contact with the dark matter can have some drastic consequences,” Jet said.
“D-dark matter?” OK, now Cody was a bit worried. Minor little chaos anomalies they could handle, but dark matter?
“Nothing will go wrong kid,” one of the employees reassured him as he slipped on his suit, “There’s a lot of precautions in place in case an emergency occurs and we’re right behind you. We’ll do the heavy lifting and you can just observe.”
“Nah, Cody can help too. They just need some guidance. Right Cody?” Jet smiled at them from behind the glass of their suit as Cody nodded his head.
“Alright, let’s move out.” The group exited the airlock as they walked into the chamber. Cody looked up and saw a small machine surrounded by several gauges and dials. A window in the small machine revealed a strange liquid as it moved and pulsed with dozens of little stars. Cody was almost mesmerized by it as Jet called for them to meet with the group.
“Alright, you need to release the pressure Rodney. George, check the gauges to make sure that nothing is destabilizing. Let us know if something is out of place. Jet, you need to take these tools and start unscrewing this stabilizer. Do it carefully, because any wrong moves will cause the machine to spark,” one employee said, “Cody, just stay behind Jet and do as he says.”
“Yes sir…” Cody positioned himself behind Jet as he got to work watching him unscrew the stabilizer.
“Cody, hand me the other stabilizer Monty brought in, alright?” Jet asked. Cody handed it off to him as he quickly switched the stabilizer with the other one.
“This part you have to do in at least thirty seconds. If you don’t, the whole thing goes up,” Jet said, “It’s pretty intense.”
“Why are we using dark matter to generate energy?” Cody asked.
“It’s efficient. And it’s in everything,” Jet said, “It’s the only way to power the things we have going here.”
“It’s in everything? Including us?” Cody asked.
“Pretty much. Though, dark matter is also very dangerous. It can distort your body and do some funky shit to it,” Jet said, “It should be fine though. As long as we repair it safely and carefully, it won’t escape. I promise.”
“And if does?”
“Then I’ll make sure you’re the last person it gets onto.” Cody felt a bit touched by that comment and for the first time ever, felt like they belonged.
The rest of the repairs were a bit boring after that though, but after some time had passed, the group had finally finished everything up. Cody still felt like they could have done more to help, but other then checking a few dials and handing off a few parts, they weren’t exactly much of a big help.
“Alright, time to head out!” Jet said.
“I was hoping this would take a bit longer. I’ve got a mountain of paperwork on my desk I am not looking forward to,” George muttered as he went to open the airlock. There was moment of silence as he attempted, over and over again to open the airlock before he gazed at them with a bit of worry in his eyes.
“Guys… the door’s stuck.”
“Damn! I told them that they need to come down here to check the doors every now and again and look what happened! Slackers, the lot of them…” Monty shouted.
“Now now, let’s calm down. The emergency phone is over there. Cody, you know how to operate it, right?”
“Y-yeah…” Cody said.
“OK, I know you’re panicking, but everything is going to be OK, you hear me? Just dial the number and let them know we’re in here. They have a manual override they can use to unlock the door they can get us out.”
“It’s called the jaws of life, Jet,” Rodney said, smirking a bit.
“It’s OK, just call them,” Jet said. Cody felt a bit reassured as he walked to the phone and dialed the number.
“What’s going on down there?”
“The door… it’s stuck and we need to get out. We’re on level 9 in the dark matter reactor,” Cody said.
“Section A or B?”
“The one… that was broken?”
“B? Well, we’ll be right there. It’ll be a few minutes, so sit tight, OK?” As the other person on the line hung up the phone, suddenly he heard a concerned voice behind him.
“Uh, guys? The stabilization is going down!”
“What? I installed the new stabilizer properly! How could that be happening?”
“Jet, what did you do?”
“Let’s not play the blame game. C’mon we need to fix this before-”
It all happened so fast. First a crack appeared on the window of the dark matter reactor. Then, a pool of dark liquid started to rush out, as the group tried to head towards Cody, who was frozen in fear.
“CODY!!” Jet shouted as he ran towards them and picked him up. The dark liquid lapped at Jet’s feet as his legs wobbled.
“JET! NO!” Suddenly an explosion went off somewhere behind Jet and Cody as he fell to the ground. Cody tried to scramble to get to the corner as alarms went off around them. They heard another explosion, a scream, maybe? Or maybe they screamed, who knows.
And suddenly their suit tore on one of machines.
And the dark matter started to seep in.
Cody felt their head spinning as they blacked out, only for a few minutes, before finally coming to, hearing the CCC employees voices going nuts. They tried to call out to them as they grabbed them. They could only hear little snippets of what they were saying.
“They’ve been exposed! Be careful!”
“This is bad!”
“Quarantine, they have to get quarantine right away!”
- - - - -
Cody must have fallen asleep at some point, because when they woke up, they were in a small padded room. They looked around, trying to figure out where they were when they saw the medical wiring attached to them. But that wasn’t the worst part. They gazed at the dark matter on their arm and part of their leg, feeling a bit woozy as they glanced around.
“Good evening, Cody.” Cody jumped at the intercom, shaking as they looked around.
“Where… where am I? Where’s Jet? Where are the others!? Are they safe?”
“Now, Cody, before we give you the details, we might as well tell you what happened to you first. You were very lucky, because there was a lot of explosions occurring in that room. However, you were exposed to dark matter because of the tear in your suit. So unfortunately, we have to keep you in quarantine until we can find a way to get it off. Which we have before, it won’t be hard. But it may take a while,” the voice explained.
“What about the others? What about Jet and George and-”
“They are… they unfortunately perished in the meltdown. Jet was protecting you when he was impaled by the explosion. Another had been injured too greatly by the explosion. And two of our employees were consumed by the dark matter. We’re lucky the same didn’t happen to you,” the voice explained. Cody felt a bit dizzy as they lay back down on the bed, feeling like they had just swallowed a ton of bricks.
“I’m sorry about all this Cody. But we’re gonna do everything we can to get that dark matter off of you. You won’t have to worry much if we do this right,” the voice said, “You can call me Dr. Eliza. I’m here with Dr. Quartz and Dr. Thorn. We’re gonna do everything in our power to make sure you make it out of this alright? Alright?”
Cody nodded their head, not sure how to feel anymore as the voice on the intercom said:
“Let’s get started.”
- - - - -
One whole month had passed since the dark matter had attached itself to Cody’s body.
Despite all the treatments that the CCC had attempted, there were none that were truly working. The dark matter had spread much more since that day. It was now covering their entire arm and threatening to spread to their torso. The dark matter on their legs had spread to their pelvic region and was already making its way down to their other leg.
They didn’t know how to really feel anymore. They were scared, but at the same time, they were angry. They were sad, but at the same time, they felt like they had to accept his fate. They wanted to die so badly…
And yet the urge to go on was stronger then ever.
Dr. Thorn was the only person who was watching them right now. The other two scientists had gone out to get lunch, with the promise of bringing Cody some. They said they were getting StickDonalds and Cody reluctantly agreed, which was weird, because last they checked, they hated StickDonalds. Maybe the dark matter was messing with their sense of taste.
Suddenly the door opened to the airlock and they jumped, looking up and being greeted with… a strange man? Not one of the scientists, that’s for sure. Only a strange, very old looking man with bright blue eyes and dusty brown hair entered the room, holding a brief case in it’s hand and wearing a sharp looking blue suit.
“Who are you? You know if you don’t wear a suit, you’ll be exposed to the dark matter,” Cody said, their voice raspy.
“I can assssssure you Mixxxxxter Night that I am very familiar with the propertiessss of… dark matter,” the man said as it gazed at Cody.
“I see that you’ve been… adjussssting to your circumstances despite your attitude,” the man said, pacing around Cody as they shook with a bit of fear.
“What do you mean?” Cody asked.
“Well, obvioussssllyy, the universe exxxxistsss in sort of… balanccesss, Mixter Night. Balanccess that require some form of sacrifice, regardless of how the third party feellssss. You know perfectly well what I mean, Mixxxxter Night,” it said.
“Who… who are you?” Cody said softly.
“You can call me Mr. Mann for the time being. I am what you call… an auditor of sortssss. I go through the multiverse looking for circumstancesss such as yours and correct them. For instance… that explosion that occurred in the dark matter reactor… you would have died if not for my interference…”
“What? You… you made me into this?” Cody said, shaking a bit as they gazed at their arm.
“That was purely coincidental. I can assssure you that you would have sssuffered… grave injury if I hadn’t interfered with you, Mixter Night,” Mr. Mann said. Cody gritted his teeth, feeling tears surface they shook.
“You did this to me… you… you made me like THIS! I may never go back to normal! I-!” Cody started to shout as Mr. Mann shook his head.
“I can’t take full resssposibility for your state, Mixxter Night. I can only tell you what happened and what may happen in the future becausssse of this…” Mr. Mann said, “Just know that I may be in need of your… servicccesss in the future.”
“Like hell I’d help you with anything,” Cody snarled.
“You may not have a choice Mixxxter Night… You may not… have a choiccceee…” Mr. Mann said softly as it walked out of the chamber.
“Cody?” Dr. Thorn said, “Cody are you feeling alright? You sounded like you were having a nightmare.”
“There was… a man…” Cody said softly, not sure how to describe it.
“What kind of man?” Dr. Thorn said, trying but failing to hide the concern in his voice.
“A man with a briefcase. It had blue eyes and brown hair like mine…” Cody said.
“Oh greater ones above…” They suddenly heard talking on the other side of the glass window that concerned them greatly. Something about an anomaly, level 15.
“It’s alright Cody, that man is… completely normal,” Dr. Thorn said, “Dr. Quartz is bringing your food in now. I know you said you didn’t like StickDonalds, but we got you something anyway. I hope that’s OK.”
“It’s fine…” Cody muttered, gazing at the door as it opened the smell of fried greasiness entered their room. At least they were feeding them for the time being.
Cody never saw that strange entity again though.
- - - - -
Cody was in a horrible mental state.
The dark matter had successfully managed to spread to a majority of their torso, abdomen, and pelvic region. The tests they had used to successfully remove dark matter in the past were not working. They felt the dark matter creeping up on their neck as part of their arm and head were the only things left that had not been completely covered.
They noticed their hair and eyes had changed as well. Their hair was slowly turning lavender with bits of sparkles in them while their eyes had become dark blue. Their mouth had become a big black hole on the inside, with little specks of stars in them, which meant that the inside of their body was changing drastically as well.
The scientists had tried everything to get the dark matter off, from frequency tests, to electrocution to a strange scraping device that felt like someone was peeling off their skin. But the dark matter was still there.
“Cody, are you alright?” they heard Dr. Eliza ask. They gazed at the ground, trying to feel anything, but could feel nothing but pain and hurt. They gazed at their hands, feeling tears spring into their eyes.
“I want to die,” Cody softly whispered.
“I want to die so badly… why won’t you guys just kill me already?” Cody said, shaking as they gazed at the window, not even able to see the scientists that were… at this point torturing them.
“Cody, I know you feel awful, but-”
The scientists sat in stunned silence as Dr. Thorn rushed to adjust the collar on Cody’s neck. They had put it on them to keep them stable, but their mental state was causing the collar to work in overtime.
Meanwhile, Dr. Quartz pulled something out from under his desk and walked towards the door.
“Milo, what are you doing!?” Dr. Eliza said.
“Granting their damn wish. I can’t take it anymore…” Dr. Quartz said.
“Dr. Quartz, you know that this isn’t ethical! If the Director finds out about this-”
“The Director should come down here their self and see the state this kid is in!” Dr. Quartz shouted, “I’m pretty sure they’d understand once they find out…” Dr. Quartz exited the room and it was quiet for a few minutes as Dr. Eliza felt sick to her stomach, gazing at Cody, who was grasping their head, muttering to them self.
Finally, after what seemed like several hours, Dr. Quartz appeared once again, a gun in his hand as he walked towards Cody. Cody gazed up at him as he aimed the barrel of the gun squarely at their forehead. The fear and hurt in their eyes was pretty obvious, but they didn’t seem to fight back.
“Kid… are you sure you wanna do this?” Dr. Quartz asked, “You know that… this isn’t the answer right? There are several CCC employees who have suffered a fate similar to yours. They go on anyway. I’m not saying you have accept what you’re becoming. I’m just saying there’s so much more you can do. Please… don’t make me do this.”
Cody only stared at Dr. Quartz blankly.
“Kid, I’m begging you, I don’t want to do this! Just say the word and I’ll walk out right now!”
“Shoot me…” Cody was shaking, they were obviously afraid, but they nodded their head, “Just kill me already… please…”
“PLEASE!” Dr. Quartz shut his eyes, reluctantly pulling the trigger. Dr. Thorn watched in horror as Dr. Eliza covered her eyes.
The sound of the shot reverberated through the room as the bullet went square into Cody’s forehead. Their eyes were filled with tears as they felt the pain of the shot go through their skull, but didn’t feel any different. They didn’t black out, they didn’t feel like they were going to the other side.
Instead, a glowing lavender liquid began to pour out of their head, slowly in little blobs as Dr. Quartz stared at it with great fear.
“Oh no…” Dr. Quartz said softly, reaching into the suits pocket and scooping it up. Cody passed out as Dr. Quartz exited the room, being careful to take the gun with him as he entered the observation room again.
“Dr. Quartz, are you OK?” Dr. Eliza asked, trying to hide her relief that the gun didn’t work.
“You see this shit? It’s liquid stardust. Magicians consider this a miracle. It’s like an ultimate cure-all, comparable to the philosopher’s stone,” Dr. Quartz said, “If that kid has this in their body, it’s far too late. They’re never going to die like a human. They’ll never die at all.”
“I’ve increased the stability on their collar but… it looks like the dark matter is spreading some more,” Dr. Thorn said.
“Milo…” Dr. Eliza said softly as Dr. Quartz set down the jar before angrily shoving some papers on the ground, sitting down at his chair as he shook.
“Dammit… Dammit all… we can’t save them… we can’t fucking save them…” Dr. Quartz said softly.
- - - - -
Cody remembered the day it happened like an awful nightmare. One minute they had crawled into bed, unable to really talk or see much due to the dark matter spreading across their face and the next they had felt every emotion at once in their bodies.
Pain, misery, despair, hurt, laughter, sadness, destruction, it was all there. The feeling of hatred and sorrow, combined with the misery of acceptance and hope had overflowed in their body like a glass full of water under a sink, the faucet continuously running with a mixture of emotions.
They didn’t know what had transpired in those few days, but by the time things had finally calmed down and they had stabilized into a human form, they were practically miserable. They stared at the reflection in the mirror. Their whole body, head to toe was now dark matter. They had completely turned into dark matter.
They were no longer human.
They looked human, sure, but their humanity was put into question as they spent the past week or so after that enduring tests that made them feel much worse. It was very clear they had no way of offing them, so they just had to accept that this was their fate. They would sometimes go to sleep on those nights, hoping they’d wake up on the day before it happened.
Hoping that they would wake up in their room, thinking what an awful nightmare this was and they would go back to doing their work like it never happened at all.
They were nineteen years old now. They would be nineteen for the rest of their life, no matter how many birthdays passed.
After a whole week of this, the scientists had come in bearing a new collar. They carefully put it on them and adjusted it so that they would remain stable as long as they were wearing it. Apparently it came with a special lock that pinched the back of their neck, but they didn’t worry about it too much.
“Cody, we’re going to ask you a few questions. I hope that’s OK with you,” Dr. Eliza said, “First, what is your full name?”
Who’s Cody? I’m Cody. I guess I’m Cody. I don’t feel like that guy anymore…
“Cody?” Dr. Eliza asked.
Right… I’m Cody.
“Cody Achilles Night,” Cody said.
“What gender are you?”
“I’m… nonbinary.”
“Who is the person that ran your department before your accident?”
“Dr. Jared Wheeler.”
“Where do you live?”
“Manhatten, outside of New Stick City, in the CCC dorms.”
“Alright and one last question. Are you alright?”
Cody gazed at their mattress, trying to figure out if they should answer honestly or tell a lie.
“No… I’m not. I hate everything. I just want to be dead…” Cody said softly.
“Well, that’s what we figured,” Dr. Eliza said, “Alright, this new collar should hopefully work as intended, but just in case, we’ve brought a sort of… test subject forward.”
Dr. Quartz stepped forward, not wearing a protective suit as Cody gazed at him. This was the same person who had attempted to put a bullet through their head, the same person who had attempted to kill him.
“Kid, I need you to touch my hand. And… if you can touch without infecting me, we’re gonna take you out of this room and… you’re gonna try to live your life. Hopefully.” You could almost feel the sadness in his eyes as Cody reluctantly put his hand forward before touching Dr. Quartz’ hand. It didn’t do much, though it had been so long since Cody had felt human contact that they almost wanted to grab his hand and just hold it.
Unfortunately, Dr. Quartz had pulled back before they could do anything as he nodded his head.
“Good… that new collar is a lot more powerful then the old one. That’ll not only keep them stable, but they’ll be able to do the work they need to do,” Dr. Thorn said as he started to take off his own suit.
“Alright, Cody. We’re gonna get your all dressed up and you can follow us to the examination room for your next steps,” Dr. Eliza said. Cody nodded their head as they followed behind them, not exactly feeling as excited as the other scientists were as they were given a plain white t-shirt and a pair of CCC brand sweatpants.
They were lead to an examination room and told to wait a few minutes, but it had been about fifteen before a new face had popped in, the scientists right behind him.
“Alright, according to Dr. Eliza, Thorn, and Quartz, you seem to be stable enough to continue work physically. However, they know that mentally you aren’t in a good place. You would often talk about how you wanted to die in the later weeks of the procedures and Dr. Quartz, against all protocol, attempted an unauthorized life ending scenario,” the doctor said as Dr. Quartz looked away, a bit ashamed.
“However, if it wasn’t for that, we wouldn’t have known how deeply the dark matter had affected you. So here’s what’s happened, in case you need a refresher; The dark matter that has infected your body has completely covered you and changed your molecular structure. You are no longer classified as a human being as a result of this. So you have two options at this point.
“One is that you’ll be sent a remote town near a CCC facility, where you’ll be monitored for the rest of your life. The other option is to continue your employment here. However, considering your obviously damaged physiological and mental state, not only will you be demoted back to level 1, but you will also be given routine therapy sessions with our company therapist until they determine that you’re mentally stable enough to be promoted,” the doctor said, “So, what do you want to do?”
A voice in the back of their head, a familiar one, seemed to tell them to go to the town. For some reason, that was itching in the back of their mind. But at the same time, they knew if they went out there, they would never be the same again.
Either option sounded awful.
Spend the rest of their isolated in the middle of nowhere with a bunch of other unlucky CCC agents or continue to work here where they could potentially hurt them self even more.
But on the other hand, knowing that something was telling them to go to the town was not exactly the best option. So they had no choice.
“I’ll just stay here… and continue my work,” Cody said softly.
“Alright. We’ll let the overseer of the level one division that you’re on your way back. We’ll get you acquainted with your therapist and of course, we’ll try everything in our power to make sure you feel comfortable despite your circumstances,” the doctor said, “Do you have any further questions?”
“Are you sure you can’t just kill me?” Cody said. Dr. Quartz exited the room quietly as the doctor sighed.
“How about we start by getting you acquainted with your therapist?”
The next several minutes were a bunch of paperwork, talking, and other nonsense that Cody didn’t really pay much attention to. They didn’t pay much attention to the therapist they had received. Not like it really mattered, because they were going to have to see them twice a week for the next several weeks.
After that, they were sent back to their room. But the place looked unfamiliar to them. Almost foreign, like they had just moved in for the first time. They gazed at the desk near their bed and saw the pictures of them self, when they were younger to when they first got hired. The pictures looked foreign as well, like they were pictures of someone else.
They headed into the bathroom and stared at them self in the mirror. Their hair, now a striking and sparkly lavender, was a mess, with half of it covering their face. Or lack thereof, as they were now faceless, with a void covering where their face was. They stared at their hands, shaking as their eyes began to water as they covered their face.
They didn’t know who they were anymore.
Cody rose out of bed, wondering if they should just call in. They had felt like shit for the past twenty years since the accident and calling in didn’t really feel like an option anymore.
Since the accident, they had become more increasingly distant with their coworkers, only exchanging hellos and goodbyes casually and only speaking up when it involved work.
They didn’t think much of it anyway. After all, in their mind, they could really never be friends with anyone or anybody. But apparently that all changed not too long ago.
They walked out of their new dorm room as a group in the hall greeted them, all smiles as Cody let out a half-hearted “Hey” response. The CCC had recently transferred them to West Mesa, where there were apparently an anomaly that had caught their interest. An anomaly that happened to be a former employee/test subject of the organization.
“His name is Henry Stickmin,” he remembered his boss telling him, “I know it’s a stretch, but he was recently involved in several events that made him a… center of interest to us. So that’s why we need you to keep an eye on him and his little friend group. Make note of everything he does and above all else, don’t make contact with him if you can help it. Just observe.”
So they had their bags packed and sent on their way to the West Mesa facility. And there, they met some pretty interesting folks. Very friendly too… he had forgotten the further south he went down the Great Continent, the more friendly people had gotten.
Still, they went to the cafeteria to get their usual coffee with a bacon/egg omelet. Along the way, they saw Alex Springcurl, who was surprisingly by himself at the moment.
“Good morning Cody!” Alex said cheerfully. Cody jumped at the greeting as he stared at Alex, who was all smiles, “How are feeling this morning?”
“I feel… not really great…” Cody said, letting out a sigh, “I’m sorry, do you need something?”
“Oh, nothing. I was just wondering if you wanted to sit with us today,” Alex said. Cody shook their head.
“No thank you…” Cody said before they walked off. Eric had just walked by them, carrying two trays as he looked at his husband hopefully.
“No good. I swear that kid is a tough egg to crack,” Alex said, “But I think if we apply a bit more pressure.”
“Let him come around on his own. I’m pretty sure once they really get used to the place, they’ll be more then happy to try to make some friends,” Eric assured him.
“Yeah, he’s only been here a week after all. Those New Stick City folks sure are distant, aren’t they?” Alex said.
Cody went through the line as the cafeteria lady tried to strike a conversation before handing them their food, a little ticked off at their coldness as they found an isolated area of the cafeteria before sitting down to eat.
“Hey, Mixter Night?” Cody looked up to see a young lady with bright eyes with snowflakes in them and beautiful blonde hair standing near him, all smiles.
“I noticed that you’re always eating by yourself here and I was wondering if maybe you wanted to sit with my friends. I promise we’re all friendly!”
“I’m fine, thank you.”
“I said, I’m fine! Just leave me alone, please…” The girl looked a bit heartbroken as she walked off, glancing at Cody one last time before heading back to her group.
They would just have to adjust and get used to this. They glanced at their hand as they sighed, trying to keep them self from crying.
All they had to do was just work. No distractions, no funny business, no anything.
Even if it made them feel awful.
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Oh boy
Henry: Mrs Bullet, I swear I didn't mess with the timelines this time.
Bill Bullet: Relax Stickmin, i didn't come here for that, you see, the CCC has been keeping an eye on Trixelia even since we found out about her powers, and let me tell you that you and your friends are not the only ones who were victims of Trixie's madness.
Binta: Really?
Bill Bullet: Yeah, three of my best agents here were also victims of her madness, this are Heidi Kenji (the black hair girl), Caissy Roger (the blond hair girl) and Kendall Russell (The brown hair guy).
Heidi: Hello!
Caissy: Hey!
Kendall: Sup!
2 notes · View notes
atlanticcanada · 2 years
Why you might see ATVs driving on some streets in Shediac, N.B.
Drivers can now use off-road vehicles on some streets in Shediac, N.B., as the town looks to increase the use of nearby provincial trails.
The bylaw comes after debate and approval by town council, a public information meeting in October, and final approval by the province’s Department of Justice and Public Safety.
“With so many improvements to the trails system for off-road vehicles, we needed to ensure that access was improved in order to maximize their use by tourists and others who travel between communities on them,” said mayor Roger Caissie, in a news release.
“As well, public safety is of utmost importance, so we need to ensure that drivers of these off-road vehicles know and obey the rules of residential area traffic. Following discussions with various stakeholders, including Quad NB, the RCMP and the Province of New Brunswick, we’re confident that can be done.”
All-terrain drivers cannot go over 40km/h, must drive in the same direction as traffic and have to stay on the “extreme right” side of the road, according to the Town of Shediac. Drivers must have a valid driver’s license, proof of registration, insurance and a trail pass. Both drivers and passengers also have to wear a helmet.
According to the town, the new bylaw allows all-terrain vehicles on:
Riverside Drive between Lino Road and Webster Street
Webster Street, Harper Drive, Chesley Street between Webster Street and Main Street
Donat Street, du Vestiaire Street between Donat Street and Main Street
Sackville Street between Harper Drive and Main Street
Weldon Street between Main Street and Belliveau Avenue
Belliveau avenue between Weldon Street
Pleasant Street, Bellevue Heights and Pellerin Road
All-terrain drivers have to comply with all provincial Off-Road-Vehicle Act regulations.
The president of the Greater Shediac Chamber of Commerce says opening up some streets to off-road traffic is good for tourism and will make it easier to get to gas stations and restaurants.
“There are people who travel quite long distances on their off-road vehicles along New Brunswick’s trails system,” said Sophie Belliveau-Doiron, in the release.
“We need to adapt as a town in order to accommodate them and the business they bring to our area. This is a large, untapped opportunity for us, and I’m pleased to see these forward-thinking regulation changes while ensuring public safety.”
Residents looking to learn more about the program can contact the town’s director of community living at (506) 531-2237.
from CTV News - Atlantic https://ift.tt/4BEgVbc
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Here is a supercut of The Wizard and I from the musical Wicked. It features every understudy actress from the United States If anyone is missing that is because no audio exists of them to my knowledge. Each part of the song was randomly assigned to each actress. Under the cut is the order of appearance:
Alyssa Fox
Chelsea Krombach
Brandi Chavonne Massey
Stephanie Torns
Hannah Shankman
Vicki Noon
Carla Stickler
Olivia Polci
Jenna Leigh Green
Shayla Osborn
Dan'yelle Williamson
Maria Eberline
Caissie Levy
Emily Rogers
Angel Reda
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meandmypagancrew · 4 years
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Chet’s Challenge, day seven:
Someone who’s single
(Princess Mary in Natasha, Pierre, and the Great Comet of 1812, Alfie Bryne in A Man Of No Importance, the trio in The Lightning Thief, Ché in Evita, and Queen Elsa in Frozen)
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mysticalhearth · 3 years
A Gentleman's Guide to Love and Murder - Broadway - November 24, 2013 (Lanelle's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Jefferson Mays (The D'Ysquith Family), Bryce Pinkham (Monty Navarro), Lisa O'Hare (Sibella Hallward), Lauren Worsham (Phoebe D'Ysquith), Jane Carr (Miss Marietta Shingle), Joanna Glushak (Lady Eugenia D'Ysquith and others), Eddie Korbich (Magistrate/Actor/Mr. Gorby), Jeff Kready (Tom Copley/Newsboy/Actor/Guard), Jennifer Smith (Tour Guide/Newsboy), Catherine Walker (Miss Evangeline Barley and others), Price Waldman (Barber / Detective) A Gentleman's Guide to Love and Murder - Broadway - January 18, 2015 (Matinee) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Jefferson Mays (The D'Ysquith Family), Bryce Pinkham (Monty Navarro), Lisa O'Hare (Sibella Hallward), Catherine Walker (Phoebe D'Ysquith), Barbara Marineau (Miss Marietta Shingle), Joanna Glushak (Lady Eugenia D'Ysquith and others), Eddie Korbich (Magistrate/Actor/Mr. Gorby), Jeff Kready (Tom Copley/Newsboy/Actor/Guard), Jennifer Smith (Tour Guide/Newsboy), Price Waldman (Chief Inspector Pinckney/Newsboy/Actor) NOTES: Bryce's last show before his return in July. A Gentleman's Guide to Love and Murder - First National Tour - September 29, 2015 (Preview) (SunsetBlvd79's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: John Rapson (The D'Ysquith Family), Kevin Massey (Monty Navarro), Kristen Beth Williams (Sibella Hallward), Adrienne Eller (Phoebe D'Ysquith), Mary VanArsdel (Miss Marietta Shingle), Kristen Mengelkoch (Lady Eugenia D'Ysquith and others), Christopher Behmke (Magistrate/Actor/Mr. Gorby), Matt Leisy (Tom Copley/Newsboy/Actor/Guard), Megan Loomis (Tour Guide/Newsboy), Ben Roseberry (Chief Inspector Pinckney/Newsboy/Actor), Lesley McKinnell (Miss Evangeline Barley and others) NOTES: Beautiful capture of the tour which launched in Chicago. There's tiny bits of washout when the camera is in wideshot due to the spotlights of the stage. Terrific cast and a wonderful tour of this production! A Gentleman's Guide to Love and Murder - First National Tour - April 24, 2016 (SJ Bernly's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: John Rapson (The D'Ysquith Family), Kevin Massey (Monty Navarro), Kristen Beth Williams (Sibella Hallward), Adrienne Eller (Phoebe D'Ysquith), Mary VanArsdel (Miss Marietta Shingle), Megan Loomis (u/s Lady Eugenia D'Ysquith and others), Christopher Behmke (Magistrate/Actor/Mr. Gorby), Matt Leisy (Tom Copley/Newsboy/Actor/Guard), Ben Roseberry (Chief Inspector Pinckney/Newsboy/Actor), Lesley McKinnell (Miss Evangeline Barley and others) NOTES: A great capture of the tour. The cast is solid, and the audience is energetic. There are no blackouts, no obstruction, and no washout. It’s filmed in 16:9, with a mix of wides, mediums, and close-ups. The sound is excellent. Includes curtain call, John and Kevin’s BC/EFA speech, and playbill scans. A+ Gentlemen Prefer Blondes - Encores! - May 12, 2012 FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Megan Hilty (Lorelei Lee), Rachel York (Dorothy Shaw), Aaron Lazar (Henry Spofford), Steven Boyer (Pierre/Louis Lemanteur), Brennan Brown (Steward/Mr. Robert Lemanteur/Gus Esmond Sr.), Stephen Buntrock (Josephus Gage), Simon Jones (Sir Francis Beekman), Deborah Rush (Mrs. Ella Spofford), Sandra Shipley (Lady Phyllis Beekman), Megan Sikora (Gloria Stark), Clarke Thorell (Gus Esmond Jr.) NOTES: Filmed from the back of the balcony. Many heads appear in the frame to start, then when the filmer gets his bearings, the video improves greatly. There are a few times (mostly at the beginning) when the filmer replaces some poor video moments with still shots. These still shots are less than 2 or 3 minutes of the entire show. Overall, a great video, and Megan Hilty is amazing Ghost: The Musical - Berlin - June, 2018 (Rumpel's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Nikolas Heiber (u/s Sam Wheat), Willemijn Verkaik (Molly Jensen), Marion Campbell (Oda Mae Brown), Andreas Bongard (Carl Bruner), Mischa Kiek (Willie Lopez), Nicolas Christahl (Subway Ghost), Klaus Seiffert (Hospital Ghost), Chasity Crisp (Clara), Denise Lucie Aquino (Louise) NOTES: Very Limited trades 3:1 Ghost: The Musical - Broadway - July 28, 2012 (SunsetBlvd79's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Richard Fleeshman (Sam Wheat), Caissie Levy (Molly Jensen), Da'Vine Joy Randolph (Oda Mae Brown), Bryce Pinkham (Carl Bruner), Michael Bladerrama (Willie Lopez), Tyler McGee (Subway Ghost) NOTES: Great HD capture of the show toward the end of the run. This is a great capture compared the previous one from March, with the changes that were made from the previews and with the original Oda Mae Brown. Despite what the reviews said, this is one show I thoroughly enjoyed and wish it had a better life on Broadway as it deserved! A- Recording with mostly zooms and a few wide shots. Great views of the effects. A Google Drive link is floating around that contains the wrong VOBs for Act 1-3 and Act 2-2; make sure you get everything! Ghost: The Musical - Hamburg - January 13, 2019 (Closing Night) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Riccardo Greco (Sam Wheat), Roberta Valentini (Molly Jensen), Marion Campbell (Oda Mae Brown), John Vooijs (Carl Bruner), Mischa Kiek (Willie Lopez), Marius Bingel (Subway Ghost), Alex Bellinkx (Hospital Ghost), Enny de Alba (Clara), Tamara Wörner (Louise) NOTES: Poor picture Quality, no zoom but captures all action and great sound Ghost: The Musical - Hamburg - January, 2019 FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Riccardo Greco (Sam Wheat), Roberta Valentini (Molly Jensen), Marion Campbell (Oda Mae Brown), John Vooijs (Carl Bruner), Mischa Kiek (Willie Lopez), Marius Bingel (Subway Ghost), Alex Bellinkx (Hospital Ghost), Enny de Alba (Clara), Tamara Wörner (Louise) NOTES: Filmed from first row. Great capture of the full show. Ghost: The Musical - London Workshop - February 13, 2010 FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Oliver Tompsett (Sam Wheat), Natalie Mendoza (Molly Jensen), Sharon D Clarke (Oda Mae Brown) NOTES: Proshot, stand and sing performance. Ghost: The Musical - US First National Tour - January 12, 2014 (SunsetBlvd79's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Steven Grant Douglas (Sam Wheat), Katie Postotnik (Molly Jensen), Carla R Stewart (Oda Mae Brown), Robby Haltiwanger (Carl Bruner) Ghost: The Musical - West End - October 4, 2012 FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Mark Evans (Sam Wheat), Siobhan Dillon (Molly Jensen), Sharon D Clarke (Oda Mae Brown), Andrew Langtree (Carl Bruner), Ivan de Freitas (Willie Lopez), Scott Maurice (Subway Ghost) Der Glöckner von Notre Dame - Berlin - 1999 FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Drew Sarich (Quasimodo), Ruby Rosales (Esmeralda), Norbert Lamla (Frollo), André Bauer (Phoebus), Chris Murray (Clopin), Andreas Gergen (The Archdeacon) Der Glöckner von Notre Dame - Berlin - August 14, 1999 FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Drew Sarich (Quasimodo), Ruby Rosales (u/s Esmeralda), Norbert Lamla (Frollo), André Bauer (u/s Phoebus), Chris Murray (Clopin) Godspell - Brazilian CEFTEM Production - September 4, 2015 (Papa Rose 2015's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Bruno Fraga (Jesus), Oscar Fabião (John/Judas), Bernardo Dugin, Carol Botelho, Gabi Porto, Giovana Rangel, João Telles, Laura Zennet, Lyv Ziese, Vinícius Teixeira NOTES: Excellent video of this marvelous production. Some heads at the bottom of the screen when it isn't zoomed in, but they only block the actors' feet. Gone With The Wind (Martin) - Palais Des Sports De Paris - 2003 FORMAT:  MKV (HD) CAST: Laura Presgurvic, Vincent Niclo, Sandra Léane, Dominique Magloire, Cyril Niccolaï NOTES: ProShot Grease - 8th UK Tour - October, 2019 (hitmewithyourbethshot's master) FORMAT:  MTS CAST: Will Haswell (u/s Danny Zuko), Martha Kirby (Sandy Dumbrowski), Louis Grant (Kenickie), Rhianne-Louise Mccaulsky (Betty Rizzo), Darren Bennett (Vince Fontaine), Peter Andre (Teen Angel), Jordan Abey (Doody), Ryan Anderson (Roger), Damian Buhagiar (Sonny Latierri), Eloise Davies (Frenchy), Natalie Woods (Jan), Tara Sweeting (Marty), Kevin O'Dwyer (u/s Johnny Casino) NOTES: Shot from the right mezzanine. Has some great closeups, mediums and wide shots. Some heads can obstruct at times, bu don't take away from the action. Audience is really loud and kinda badly behaved. Grease - Grease: Live (FOX Special) - January 31, 2016 (Pro-Shot's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (SD) CAST: Aaron Tveit (Danny Zuko), Julianne Hough (Sandy Dumbrowski), Carlos PenaVega (Kenickie), Vanessa Hudgens (Betty Rizzo), Jordan Fisher (Doody), Carly Rae Jepsen (Frenchy), Kether Donohue (Jan), Noah Robbins (Eugene Florczyk), Elle McLemore (Patty Simcox) NOTES: TV Special aired on FOX on Jan 31 2016 Grease - Manila, Philippines - August 15, 1995 FORMAT:  VOB (no smalls) (SD) CAST: Lea Salonga (Sandy Dumbrowski) NOTES: Quality loss Grease - Second Broadway Revival - July 28, 2007 (Preview) FORMAT:  VOB (no smalls) (SD) CAST: Max Crumm (Danny Zuko), Laura Osnes (Sandy Dumbrowski), Matthew Saldivar (Kenickie), Jenny Powers (Betty Rizzo), Stephen Buntrock (Teen Angel), Ryan Patrick Binder (Doody), Daniel Everidge (Roger), Jose Restrepo (Sonny Latierri), Kirsten Wyatt (Frenchy), Lindsay Mendez (Jan), Robyn Hurder (Marty), Allison Fischer (Patty Simcox) NOTES: Good picture and great sound with nice closeups throughout with a head in the way only once or twice for a few moments. Grey Gardens - Off-Broadway - April 30, 2006 (Closing Night) FORMAT:  MKV (SD) CAST: Christine Ebersole ("Little" Edie Beale / Young Edith Bouvier Beale), Mary Louise Wilson (Edith Bouvier Beale), Sara Gettelfinger (Young "Little" Edie Beale), Matt Cavenaugh (Joseph Patrick Kennedy Jr. / Jerry), John McMartin (J.V. Major Bouvier/Norman Vincent Beale), Bob Stillman (George Gould Strong), Michael Potts (Brooks Sr. / Brooks Jr.), Sarah Hyland (Jacqueline Bouvier), Audrey Twitchell (Young Lee Bouvier) The Grinning Man - West End - March 12, 2018 (Highlights) FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Louis Maskell (Grinpayne), Julian Bleach (Barkilphedro), Sean Kingsley (Ursus), Sanne Den Besten (Dea), Amanda Wilkin (Josiana), Ewan Black (Trelaw/Osric), Mark Anderson (Dirry-Moir), James Alexander-Taylor (Mojo), Julie Atherton (Queen Angelica), Sophia Mackay (Mother/Quake), Jim Kitson (King Clarence) NOTES: 1920x1080 YouTube rip. Highlights, filmed at an angle from the second row with some obstructions throughout. Highlights consist of: Act 1, Labyrinth, A World Of Feeling, Only A Clown, Curtain Call. Groundhog Day - Broadway - March 16, 2017 (Preview) (NYCG8R's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Andy Karl (Phil Connors), Barrett Doss (Rita Hanson), Rebecca Faulkenberry (Nancy), John Sanders (Ned Ryerson), Raymond J Lee (Ralph), Andrew Call (Gus), Josh Lamon (Buster), Gerard Canonico (Fred), Heather Ayers (Mrs. Lancaster), William Parry (Jenson), Michael Fatica (Chubby Man), Travis Waldschmidt (Jeff), Joseph Medeiros (Deputy), Taylor Iman Jones (Lady Storm Chaser), Rheaume Crenshaw (Doris), Sean Montgomery (Sheriff), Jenna Rubaii (Joelle), Tari Kelly (Piano Teacher), Vishal Vaidya (Larry), Katy Geraghty (Debbie) NOTES: This is the first preview where the set broke down after about 15 minutes and the rest of the show was performed "concert style". All announcements (both over the speakers and onstage with the director/cast) are included in the video. In Act 2 Overture, The music stops for a second and then restarts. During the mid finale scene which is before when Phil runs around town doing “errands”, Matthew Warchus comes out and informs everyone that they will skip scenes due to the tech issue and just go to the scene of the song where Phil and Rita have their dance and from there.  
Groundhog Day - Broadway - March 20, 2017 (Preview) (NYCG8R's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Andy Karl (Phil Connors), Barrett Doss (Rita Hanson), Rebecca Faulkenberry (Nancy), John Sanders (Ned Ryerson), Raymond J Lee (Ralph), Andrew Call (Gus), Josh Lamon (Buster), Gerard Canonico (Fred), Heather Ayers (Mrs. Lancaster), William Parry (Jenson), Michael Fatica (Chubby Man), Travis Waldschmidt (Jeff), Joseph Medeiros (Deputy), Taylor Iman Jones (Lady Storm Chaser), Rheaume Crenshaw (Doris), Sean Montgomery (Sheriff), Jenna Rubaii (Joelle), Tari Kelly (Piano Teacher), Vishal Vaidya (Larry), Katy Geraghty (Debbie) NOTES: Better capture of the fully working performance than from the first preview vid. Nicely filmed in HD with clear picture and sound; complete show; great video
 Groundhog Day - Broadway - April 1, 2017 (Preview) (SunsetBlvd79's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Andy Karl (Phil Connors), Barrett Doss (Rita Hanson), Rebecca Faulkenberry (Nancy), John Sanders (Ned Ryerson), Raymond J Lee (Ralph), Andrew Call (Gus), Josh Lamon (Buster), Gerard Canonico (Fred), Heather Ayers (Mrs. Lancaster), William Parry (Jenson), Michael Fatica (Chubby Man), Travis Waldschmidt (Jeff), Joseph Medeiros (Deputy), Taylor Iman Jones (Lady Storm Chaser), Rheaume Crenshaw (Doris), Sean Montgomery (Sheriff), Jenna Rubaii (Joelle), Tari Kelly (Piano Teacher), Vishal Vaidya (Larry), Katy Geraghty (Debbie) NOTES: Excellent HD capture of the new musical based on the movie. Such an amazing set and Andy gives a terrific performance. The set malfunctioned once and they had to pause and restart the song. Guys and Dolls - Fourth Broadway Revival - March 18, 1992 FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Nathan Lane (Nathan Detroit), Faith Prince (Miss Adelaide), Peter Gallagher (Sky Masterson), Josie de Guzman (Sarah Brown) Guys and Dolls - North Shore Music Theatre - October-November, 2012 (Pro-Shot's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Jonathan Hammond (Nathan Detroit), Mylinda Hull (Miss Adelaide), Kevin Vortmann (Sky Masterson), Kelly McCormick (Sarah Brown), Wayne W Pretlow (Nicely-Nicely Johnson), Jamie Ross (Arvide Abernathy), Ben Roseberry (Benny Southstreet), Jessica Sheridan (General Matilda B. Cartwright) Gypsy - West End Revival - 2015 (Pro-Shot's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Imelda Staunton (Rose), Peter Davison (Herbie), Lara Pulver (Louise), Gemma Sutton (June), Dan Burton (Tulsa), Julie Legrand (Electra), Anita Louise Combe (Tessie Tura), Louise Gold (Mazeppa), Billy Hartman (Uncle Jocko), Scarlet Roche (Baby June), Lara Wollington (Baby Louise), Patrick Romer (Pop) NOTES: Note from Blvd-on-Sunset: Two versions exist. One is broadcast by the BBC, has the logo watermark at the top left corner and is being traded at 540p. The other is released by Universal Studios in 1080p on BluRay and can be found on Amazon Prime Video (UK only) Check with traders which version they own.
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Let’s Do The Time Warp Again: Les Miserables
The order goes West End, Broadway, 2006 Broadway Revival, 2014 Broadway Revival
Jean Valjean: Colm Wilkinson, Colm Wilkinson, Alexander Gemignani, Ramin Karimloo
Inspector Javert: Roger Allam, Terrence Mann, Norm Lewis, Will Swenson
Fantine: Patti LuPone, Randy Graff, Daphne Rubin-Vega, Caissie Levy
Eponine: Frances Ruffelle, Frances Ruffelle, Celia Keenan-Bolger, Nikki M. James
Marius: Michael Ball, David Bryant, Adam Jacobs, Andy Mientus
Thénardier: Alun Armstrong, Leo Burmester, Gary Beach, Cliff Saunders
Madame Thénardier: Susan Jane Tanner, Jennifer Butt, Jenny Galloway, Keala Settle
Cosette: Rebecca Caine, Judy Kuhn, Ali Ewoldt, Samantha Hill
Enjorlas: David Burt, Michael Maguire, Aaron Lazar, Kyle Scatliffe
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swag-boots · 6 years
Bootlist Update
So my bootleg list up for sale.
These are VOBS or original MP4s, so no MP4s from youtube (not that I dont love a good youtube boot :)  
Prices are:
Videos:  $5 for 1 /  $8 for 2 / $10 for 3 / $12 for 4
Audios:  $2 for 1 / $3 for 2 / $4 for 3 / $5 for 4
You can check out the details and full list here:  https://swag-boots.tumblr.com/bootlist  (I’m updating this as often as i can, so please be patient with me.)
If theres something specific your looking for, please dont hesitate to ask,I’ll check my collection :)  Just send me an email or a DM.
I’ve just updated my list to add the following video VOBs:
9-5 w Alison Janney Stephanie J Block and Megan Hilty
42nd Street
After Midnight w Fantasia Barrino
Aladdin Broadway 
Allegiance w/ Lea Salonga, George Takei, Telly Leung
American Psycho w Benjamin Walker, Alice Ripley, Jennifer Damiano, Dave Thomas Brown
An Act of God w Jim Parsons
An American in Paris - Robert Fairchild, Leanne Cope, Veanne Cox, Jill Paice, Brandon Uranowitz
Annie Get Your Gun w Megan Hilty
Bright Star - Final Perfomance
Bring It On - LA and Broadway w Taylor Louderman, Adrienne Warren and Ariana DeBose
Cabaret - West End Revival 2006 - CONTAINS FULL FRONTAL NUDITY
Catch me If you can - Seattle and Broadway w Aaron Tveit
Constellations (Play) w Jake Gyllenhaal and Ruth Wilson
Disaster! w Roger Bart, Adam Pascal, Faith Prince, Rachel York, Kerry Butler
Disgraced (Play) w Josh Radner and Gretchen Mol
Ghost the Musical w Caissie Levy
Harvey w Jim Parsons
Hedwig and the Angry Inch w Andrew Rannells
Hedwig and the Angry Inch w Lena Hall as Hedwig
In Transit w Justin Guarini, Telly Leung
It Should Have Been You w Tyne Daly, David Burtka, Sierra Boggess
Parade In Concert w Jeremy Jordan, Laura Benanti, Ramin Karimloo, Andy Mientus, 
The Boy From OZ w Hugh Jackman (Opening Night)
The Addams Family Chicago w Nathan Lane, Bebe Neuwirth, Terrence Mann
The River (play) w Hugh Jackman
The Curious Incident Of The Dog In The Night Time - NTLive
Romeo and Juliet w Lily James and Richard Madden (ProShot in black and whote)
M. Butterfly w Clive Owen and Jin Ha
Harry Potter and the Cursed Child Broadway 2018
Again If theres something specific your looking for, please dont hesitate to ask,I’ll check my collection :)  Just send me an email or a DM.
I also added my Audio list here: https://swag-boots.tumblr.com/bootlist  It was last updated in January I think.
Follow my blog for more updates. Thanks!
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kayla1993-world · 2 years
Shockwaves ripple across province in wake of People's Alliance defections
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People's Alliance supporters in New Brunswick found themselves bewildered and without a political home on Thursday, while some francophone Progressive Conservatives were questioning their own futures in their party.
The stunning defection of two Alliance MLAs to the PCs--followed immediately by the dissolution of the Alliance as a party--continued to reverberate both inside the New Brunswick Legislature and across the province.
"It's kind of sad day. It's kind of end to it," said Doaktown village councillor Art O'Donnell, who came within 35 votes of getting elected as an Alliance candidate in the 2018 election.
“It was a controversial party, but they stood for some good things, and I feel bad. I feel actually a little betrayed by PANB.”
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Meanwhile, a PC candidate who welcomed Higgs and other Tory ministers to campaign alongside him in the 2020 election said he was tearing up his party membership card in the wake of Wednesday's political earthquake.
"These two individuals as MLAs in the party they were in, the People's Alliance, reflect what I don't want to be associated with," said Mathieu Gérald Caissie, who ran in Shediac Bay-Dieppe.
He said he feared that having former leader Kris Austin and Miramichi MLA Michelle Conroy join the government would slow the advancement of language equality in the province.
Austin has insisted over the years he doesn't oppose official bilingualism but objects to some ways it's implementing, such as the creation of two language-based regional health authorities and the requirement for bilingual ambulance paramedics.
But those positions have been anathema to francophones who see those measures as constitutionally required and fundamental to their minority-language rights.
Austin and Conroy said Thursday on CBC’s Information Morning Fredericton that they still favour merging the health authorities and eliminating the official language commissioner’s position.
“I will not change my views just because we changed a colour,” Conroy said.
That led the Liberals to accuse Premier Blaine Higgs of making "backroom deals" to weaken language rights for the two MLAs joining his government.
"What a sad day yesterday," Liberal Leader Roger Melanson said during Question Period in the legislature Thursday, as Austin and Conroy listened from among the PC benches.
Higgs said the two new MLAs will adhere to the PC party constitution "without question" like any other member, including its support for official bilingualism and language equality.
"One could say this is good for the future of reducing language tensions," Higgs told reporters, "because now a party that was being labelled as an anti-bilingual party no longer exists. It's gone."
Caissie said, however, that the two MLAs should have been required to sit as independents until we officially nominated them as PC candidates for the next election, a way for party members to give their approval to the move.
The Alward PC government passed a law to that effect, but the Liberals later repealed it.
"It would be wise to say 'OK, if you are for the Acadian community, prove it and not just jump from one party to the other,'" Caissie said.
The premier said with no law in place; he acted based on his own dealings with Austin and Conroy, that persuaded him they were trustworthy.
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The three-member Alliance caucus elected in 2018 helped keep Higgs's minority government in power until the 2020 election.
Caisse ran as a PC candidate for the 2020 campaign.
He said the earlier PC-Alliance arrangement was easier to defend to voters than this week's defection.
"Here you have it being made official. It's one thing to talk to other parties... but it's another thing being the People's Alliance, with their policies and positions one day, and the next day being welcomed as MLAs in the PCNB."
Not all francophone PC members condemned the move, however.
Former PC MLA Réjean Savoie says he has “not a bit” of hesitation in seeking the nomination as the party candidate in a June by-election in Miramichi Bay-Neguac.
He says he’ll explain to voters how Austin and Conroy have committed to adhering to the PC constitution.
"If they understand the process of how it happened, there shouldn't be any problem."
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For Alliance supporters, the issue was more existential on Thursday.
“I’m of course very disappointed by how things played out,” said Rudy Walters, president of the party’s board of directors since last November. “We worked really hard to build up what we had as a party and it feels like a lot of that has ended now.”
Walters says he was aware Austin was thinking of resigning as leader, but didn't find out until Monday that he was going to dissolve the party completely.
He and the party's executive director had hoped to keep the organization alive and maybe look for a new leader, though he admits it would have been tough to carry on.
Still, he said, "I believe they have consulted better and given the board and the membership opportunity to continue."
He said it surprised him that under the provincial elections law, a party leader has the authority to single-handedly dissolve it as an entity.
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Austin said in an email message Thursday that he consulted "several" board members and supporters and the dissolution of the party wasn't a condition imposed by Higgs.
"The board had several members resign over the past couple months and it was clear the internal structure of the party was eroding which coincided with support overall," Austin said.
Walters said while many Alliance supporters will probably follow Austin and Conroy to the PCs because of their personal reputations as good MLAs, he won't be among them.
He said he joined the Alliance because of its opposition to corporate subsidies and he doesn't believe the two new PC MLAs will have enough influence on that issue.
“That’s truly what got me involved and I don’t see that message coming from the Conservatives,” he said. “I think that is something that is so entrenched in the Conservative party that it’s never going to change.”
O'Donnell said he spoke on Wednesday to someone who had been planning to run for the Alliance in the Southwest Miramichi-Bay du Vin riding, another byelection scheduled for June.
"He got crushed," O'Donnell said. "He found out an hour before there was no longer a party."
The village councillor said he’ll be encouraging people he knows to look at individual candidates in the byelection, including a potential Liberal candidate from Doaktown, rather than the party they represent.
O’Donnell said he felt the Alliance had played a role on the political spectrum by raising language issues and other subjects that the two major parties didn’t want to touch.
"I liked the fact that we had a third party that was in there… that was trying to do that and I hope the big parties, the big two, will do that.
"But I don't know. I don't think it's going to work because Kris seemed to be that guy, that good leader who was going to 'make' that third party, and now that he's crossed the floor, it's not looking good."
0 notes
morganbelarus · 7 years
Reactions to the death of a Fox News titan vary wildly
Roger Ailes speaks at the Hollywood Reporter celebration of "The 35 Most Powerful People in Media," in 2012.
Image: Stephen Lovekin/Getty Images
The past two decades saw Roger Ailes rise from obscurity into perhaps the most influential and allegedly abusive person at the intersection of American politics and media.
That rise earned him rabidly loyal fans, begrudging respect from others, and an army of detractors, which is easy to see in the comments that flooded Twitter after his death was reported on Thursday.
SEE ALSO: Roger Ailes, embattled former Fox News exec, dead at 77
Ailes launched Fox News in 1996 and turned it into a megaphone for right-wing politics in the United States. He was ousted from his job as head of the network last year after former Fox News anchor Gretchen Carlson sued him for sexual harassment. Other women made similar accusations, and soon media outlets churned out articles on the culture of sexual harassment (and racism) that Ailes enabled as he built his network.
After news of his death broke, reactions ran the full spectrum of emotion.
A lesson of today: if you live as an abusive, cynical scoundrel who loves nothing more than your own power, no one will cry when you die.
Anand Giridharadas (@AnandWrites) May 18, 2017
For better or worse & the ignominious end 2 his reign at Fox News, the impact of Roger Ailes on American politics & media was indisputable.
David Axelrod (@davidaxelrod) May 18, 2017
Roger Ailes has died. Wow. Sending deep and heartfelt condolences to everyone who was abused, harassed, exploited, and unjustly fired by him
Marc Lamont Hill (@marclamonthill) May 18, 2017
Roger Ailes behaved egregiously toward women in his organization and changed our culture for the worse, making people dumber and angrier.
Josh Barro (@jbarro) May 18, 2017
Today America lost one of its great patriotic warriors. Roger Ailes. For Decades RA's has impacted American politics and media.
Sean Hannity (@seanhannity) May 18, 2017
Its OK to be happy when bad people die
Barry Petchesky (@barry) May 18, 2017
Just because he's dead doesn't mean you have to say something nice about him. Would he give you the same break?
Jack Shafer (@jackshafer) May 18, 2017
Unless the man committed genocide or some crime against humanity...let him rest in peace. Decency is possible.#RogerAiles
Prox (@proxcee) May 18, 2017
Roger Ailes ruined the lives of many women during his brief time on earth. May he be appropriately rewarded in the afterlife.
Xeni Jardin (@xeni) May 18, 2017
Statement from Rupert Murdoch on Ailes http://pic.twitter.com/zqZvEPATsA
Hadas Gold (@Hadas_Gold) May 18, 2017
Yes, Roger Ailes was a TV genius. He also had an apparently monstrous personal life and nasty, dangerous editorial instincts.
Sam Stein (@samsteinhp) May 18, 2017
Whatever your thoughts on him Roger Ailes was the single most influential political-media figure of our times
jimrutenberg (@jimrutenberg) May 18, 2017
Roger Ailes, despite all the vile shit he pathetically did to gain wealth & to make himself feel powerful & virile, died anyway.
Caissie St.Onge (@Caissie) May 18, 2017
WATCH: Trump's outrageous insults throughout his campaign
More From this publisher : HERE
=> *********************************************** Post Source Here: Reactions to the death of a Fox News titan vary wildly ************************************ =>
Reactions to the death of a Fox News titan vary wildly was originally posted by 16 MP Just news
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lovelygirlnicole15 · 2 months
Do you think you can tell us more about your CCC OCs?
My CCC Ocs (Caissy Rogers, Heidi Kenji, Kendall Jeffrey and Russell Willmer) have been working for the CCC for 3-5 years, and they're all high ranked members.
Heidi is like Charles, always cheerful and calm.
Kendall tends to be joker and enjoys watching drama.
Caissy is very flexible and tends to fix things with calmness, but she can lose patience if she gets annoyed a lot.
And lastly Russell usually insults in Arabic language because he's from Arabia Saudita, and he's stubborn sometimes.
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ovc-bulletin · 5 years
Happenings at OVC
Monday, August 12, 2019 10:00 am Room PAHL 1812 (Seminar/Defence) Room PAHL 4837 (Examination/Defence) 
Interested Members of the University Community are invited to attend the Final Oral Examination for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in the Department of Pathobiology, of Alexandre Léveillé
Thesis Title: “Scratching the surface: Diversity among the first sequenced extrachromosomal genomes of parasites in the suborder Adeleorina (Apicomplexa) with a focus on Hepatozoon species.”
Examination Committee: Dr. Geoffrey Wood, Chair (Pathobiology) Dr. John Barta, Advisor (Pathobiology) Dr. Todd Smith (Acadia University)Dr. Claire Jardine (Pathobiology) Dr. Matthew Bolek, External Examiner (Oklahoma State University, United States)
Tuesday, August 13, 2019 9:00 a.m. Room 1642, Biomedical Sciences - Seminar 10 a.m. - Room 2527, Stewart Building - Exam
Danielle Halucha, MSc Thesis Defense, Biomedical Sciences Supervisor: Dr. Jeff Thomason
Title: Asymmetrical Limb Loading in Thoroughbred Racehorses as a Possible Cause for Injury.
Tuesday, August 13, 2019 10 a.m to 3 p.m. OVC Cafeteria
Summer CORE Program poster presentation
The Summer Career Opportunities & Research Exploration (CORE) Program students share project advancements and results with colleagues and the OVC community.
More information at https://ovc.uoguelph.ca/core/poster
Wednesday, August 14, 2019 9 a.m. Room 1812 Pathobiology
Ab Thaivalappil - Final Oral MSc, Population Medicine
Wednesday, August 14, 2019 Seminar: 9 a.m. - Room 1642, Biomedical Sciences Exam: 10 a.m. - Room 3648, Biomedical Sciences
Reem Sabry, MSc Thesis Defense, Biomedical Sciences
Supervisor: Dr. Laura Favetta
Title: The effects of BPA and BPS on microRNAs during bovine oocyte maturation and early embryo development.
Wednesday August 14, 2019 2:00 p.m. Room PAHL 1812 Examination to follow, in Room 2527, Stewart Building
Interested members of the University Community are invited to attend the Final Oral Examination for the Degree of Master of Science in Population Medicine by Courses, of Jocelyn White of the Department of Population Medicine.
Project Title: “Identifying manipulable factors that have the largest impact on sense of belonging to a southwestern Ontario university community”
Examination Committee: Dr. Olaf Berke (Chair); Dr. Andrew Papadopoulos; Dr. Jennifer McWhirter; Dr. Cathy Bauman
Advisory Committee: Dr. Andrew Papadopoulos (Advisor); Dr. David Pearl (Co-Advisor)
Wednesday August 21, 2019 9:00 a.m. - 10:30 a.m. Room PAHL 1810  Presentation Room PAHL 3826
Interested members of the university community are invited to attend the final oral examination of Michael Edson, Department of Pathobiology, candidate for the M.Sc. Degree
Defense/Examination: “Plasma MicroRNA profile in canine appendicular osteosarcoma”
Advisor: Dr. Geoffrey Wood
Examination Committee: Dr. Sarah Wootton, Chair of Examination Committee, (Pathobiology); Dr. Geoffrey Wood, Advisor, (Pathobiology); Dr. Alicia Viloria-Petit, Advisory-Committee Member (Biomedical Sciences); Dr. Roger Moorehead, Non-Committee Member (Biomedical Sciences)
Wednesday August 21, 2019 9:30 a.m - 10:30 a.m.| Room 1812, Pathobiology, Ontario Veterinary College Examination to follow, in Room 2527, Stewart Building
Interested members of the University Community are invited to attend the Final Oral Examination for the Doctor of Veterinary Science Degree in Population Medicine, of Michelle Caissie of the Department of Population Medicine
Thesis: “N-acetyl cysteine as a potential treatment for persistent breeding-induced endometritis in the mare”
Examination Committee: Dr. Jason Coe (Exam Chair); Dr. Tracey Chenier; Dr. Joanne Hewson; Dr. Robert Foster; Dr. Elizabeth Woodward
Advisory Committee: Dr. Tracey Chenier (Advisor); Dr. Cathy Gartley; Dr. Ron Johnson; Dr. Joanne Hewson; Dr. Elizabeth Scholtz
Thursday August 22, 2019 1:00 pm Room 1812, Pathobiology Building, OVC Examination to follow in Room 2511, Stewart Building, OVC
Interested members of the Ontario Veterinary College are invited to attend the Final Oral Examination for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy of Clemence Nash of the Department of Population Medicine
Thesis Title: “An Investigation into Dairy Cow Welfare in Canada, a Cow and a Human Perspective”
Examination Committee: Dr. Stephen Leblanc (Exam Chair); Dr. Deep Khosa; Dr. Trevor DeVries; Dr. David Kelton; Dr. Cassandra Tucker (UC Davis)
Advisory Committee: Dr. Derek Haley (Advisor); Dr. David Kelton (Co-Advisor); Dr. Jason Coe; Dr. Trevor DeVries; Dr. Elsa Vasseur
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Magician Heroes Au Introduction.
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Henry: Hello my friends!! The name's Henry Stickmin! I'm the leader of a group of heroes with super powers named: The Magician Heroes! Together we will stop an dangerous criminal named Trixie Sparkwoof! She's an dangerous criminal that escaped The Wall right after the rest of the Toppat Clan was arrested and send there! According to Bill Bullet she has really unstable and dangerous powers and she uses them to threat the whole world with fear! But me and my friends are not gonna allow her to continue threatening with fear! She will face the consequences of dealing with the Magician Heroes! Right guys?
Ellie: Of course Henry!
Binta (Oc): Heck yeah!
Charles: I'm ready to save the world!
Dave: I'm kinda scared, but i won't let my fear to stop me from trying to stop Trixie!
Kendall Russell (Oc, Note: He prefers to be called by his last name): Oh yeah!
Caissy Roger (Oc): Let's do this!
Heidi Kenji (Oc): Alrighty! I'm gonna try my best!
Henry: That's the spirit! Also, allow me to explain our powers, i have the ability to control the Light (Or Photokinesis), everyone knows Ellie's force power (Or Telekinesis) but she has her powers more improve, Binta has the ability to control nature (Or Terraforming), Dave has the ability to creater portals or teletransportation, Charles has the ability to control air, fly and create tornadoes (Or Aerokinesis), Heidi and the ability to control water (Or Hydrokinesis), Kendall (Or Russell) has the ability to control fire (Or Pyrokinrsis) and lastly Caissy has the ability to control ice (Or Cryokinesis)! And if you have any questions about me and my squad, just ask us anything you wanna ask! We'll be happy to answer your questions! Right guys?
Ellie, Binta, Charles, Dave, Heidi, Caissy and Kendall (Russell): Yeah!!
Henry: We'll be waiting for you questions and we'll answer them happy to answer them!
Magician Heroes Arcs:
#The Beginning of Everything Arc (Done).
#The Born of New Heroes Arc (Done).
#The Magical Practice Arc (Done).
#The Magical Title Arc (Done).
#The Great Rescue Arc (Done).
#The Captured Toppats Arc (Done).
#The Sickly Toxin Arc (Working on it).
3 notes · View notes
atlanticcanada · 1 year
Rough road: should the New Brunswick government help maintain private streets?
Mike Greene is trying to make the best of a bad situation.
The Pointe-du-Chêne man sits on a lawn chair in the middle of a giant puddle with a measuring tape, not far from where he lives.
Green calls Queen Street and Fernwood Avenue two of the worst roads in all of the Maritimes.
“I actually had an ex-navy buddy visit me this weekend past who has been in many war zones. And he said he’s been in a lot of war zones all around the world with roads a lot better than this and I thought that was pretty telling,” said Greene.
The two private roads are the main arteries in the cottage and retirement community.
There’s no doubt they’re in rough shape, but who is responsible for maintaining them?
Not the municipality of Shediac, according to mayor Roger Caissie.
“The municipality does not provide any maintenance to residents who reside on private roads, whether they are in former local service districts or within the former Town of Shediac municipal limits,” said Caissie in an email.
However, the province does provide some services.
Department of Transportation and Infrastructure [DTI] spokesperson Tyler McLean told CTV News the roads are provided winter maintenance services and grading of the private roads is normally carried out twice a year if required.
Once in the spring when plowing is completed and in the fall to prepare for snow removal.
“All additional work on these roads is the responsibility of the private road owner,” said McLean in an email.
Greene doesn’t think that’s fair to tax-paying residents.
“Those permanent residents are paying full municipal taxes and the cottage owners are paying double if they’re not permanent residents. So we’re all paying a large amount of taxes basically for garbage collection and some sewage and that’s it,” said Greene.
Shediac municipal councillor Harry McInroy thinks the same.
He believes DTI should be doing more for residents in the area.
“What they do provide is what’s called a courtesy service,” said McInroy. “Considering the amount of tax dollars that are collected for road maintenance from the Pointe-du-Chêne area, there’s certainly a lot of money that could be put back into upgrading the roads somewhat.”
McInroy suggested having gravel added when grading takes place.
“I’d like to hold DTI to the highest level it can provide through its courtesy service,” said McInroy.
McInroy said he’s been told it will be at least two weeks before grading work can be started because the roads are too wet right now.
Area resident Don Duncan said he drives around Queen Street every day to get home.
“I don’t dare take my vehicle down through there,” said Duncan.
Duncan said someone in the Parlee Beach community has to step up to see that roads are properly maintained.
I think that’s the big thing because it’s a private road,” said Duncan. “So, somebody is eventually going to have to say, ‘Okay, we’ve got the resources, we’ve got the money,’ every year or every couple of years to do repairs on the road for us.”
McInroy, who lives nearby, said he pays almost $1,200 a year for a provincial services tax levied on properties in Pointe-du-Chene just for road maintenance.
“I would encourage the Department of Transportation to spend some of the money that it does collect through residential taxes from Point-du-Chene [residents] and bring it back to apply to some upgrades to the existing roads,” said McInroy. “In my case, the Department of Transportation and Infrastructure doesn't even come on our road.”
McInroy said there is an area homeowners association that was responsible for getting a section of the busy Belliveau Beach Road paved last fall.
“The association was very effective in making arrangements to get a grant, actually from the government oddly enough, to have the road repaved, patched and repaved for that particular section,” said McInroy.
from CTV News - Atlantic https://ift.tt/jQhcO1g
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daysofsamdandtime · 6 years
Day Five
After arriving back in NYC around 5.30am it was back to the hotel to get a bit more sleep before we were off to the spy museum SpyScape.
SpyScape is an interactive museum that takes you through the cracking of the enigma code, FBI double agents selling secrets to the Russians, online hacking and the Cuban middle crisis secrets. Starting with questions based around personality, brainpower and risk scoring your key qualities. Coupled with tests in deception using facial analysis when given questions to answer truthfully or falsely. A surveillance test in a circular room and finding certain instances, people or items from around 50 different screens, and a special ops test with a laser maze and rapid button hit tests.
After being given our spy roles - mine was an intelligence analyst - we headed down to Atlantic Theatre Company for the matinee of This Ain’t No Disco a new musical with music, by the composer of Hedwig and the Angry Inch, which is set in the art world of 1979 and 54 below. Striving artists trying to find their place in the city. This show had such a strong cast with an electric score and a really intriguing storyline, watching the different characters achieve their goals or fall short and end up somewhere they didn’t expect was really unique. Full of standout performances this was a really enjoyable performance.
After making our way back to the hotel via a theatre shop to get a few gifts for people we headed out to Sardis for dinner, first getting a drink upstairs in the bar and heading down to the dining room and sitting just below the caricatures of Rogers and Hammerstein and Laura Osnes and Cory Cott, accompanied by a great meal was a very cool experience and I did spend most of it star spotting on the walls!
Frozen was purely magical. Hearing Caissie Levy belt out Let it Go and Monster was worth it in itself. The scenic design of the show was amazing creating the magic of Elsa’s powers as the entire stage turns to ice and transforms before the audience. Filled with such a strong cast and an extended score from the movie that brings more color to the world around Elsa and her sister Anna, whose solo True Love was definitely a highlight. Frozen was a delightfully Magical show.
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