#café-staff waddle dee
candycatstuffs · 2 years
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This image has been living rent free in my head for days now.
Based off this
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nookisms · 3 months
Hey so like, Kirby doesn't get paid for working at the café in Forgotten Land, which like, okay, that's not cool of Manager Waddle Dee, but Kirby did volunteer with no contract. But now I'm worried.
Does Café Staff Waddle Dee get paid? Because they're working full time. The rest of the shops seem to be independently owned, so the waddle dees running them would get paid. But the café seems to be the only place with a manager, so I'm very concerned about the working conditions. You don't have a coworker during lunch rush, which seems like an oversight. Yes it's a minigame but also in universe where did the Café Staff Waddle Dee go. Is that his break. Did you take his shift so he can take a break.
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quanblovk · 2 years
The greatest warrior in the galaxy goes shopping with the shadow of the greatest swordsman.
▪︎Chapter 1: A mysterious encounter!
▪︎Chapter 2: Shadow Cashier Dee's fate.
▪︎Chapter 3: A new friend or foe?
(Reccomended reading music)
The sight of Dreamland's Pupupu mart was nothing like it's mirror version. The moment Dark Meta Knight stepped into the store, he was instantly greeted with a much livelier atmosphere than usual. The difference was big enough to catch him off guard, everything was so much more colorful and light-hearted. The shop's theme song blasts through the speakers as the customers happily shop to its tune. Staff members would energetically advertise their products and give out free samples, cashiers would engage in cheerful conversations with the dustomers checking out. Waddle dees waddled, Waddle doos doodled, everyone enjoyed shopping at Pupupu mart! Though they were abit skeptical at the knight's appearance, they paid no heed to it and continued about their day. The dark knight lets out a silent sigh of relief under his cape and searches for the soup aisle. The variety of products and cleanliness of the whole area certainly made an impression on him, Dreamland's Pupupu mart truly was something else entirely. The shelves were full of unfamiliar brands with a whole assortment of flavors that he'd never tasted before. Mirror Pupupu mart only had maxim tomato and onion soup cans, which weren't always fully stocked at times as well. Although it was tempting to try out a new flavour, Dark Meta Knight shook it off and scanned for the bright red can with the letter "M".
Finally, the knight found it, the nutritious tomato paste. He quickly walked towards it and reached out. However....
"F-fancy seeing you here? Meta Knight? No...you aren't him...you're...."
He recoiled back and hastily pulled up his cape. That shitake mask...those horns...those eyes...it was no mistake, that was the temporal warrior himself, Galacta Knight, shopping for the same soup cans as he was. Why is he here In a place like this?
"Meta Knight's twin!"
"You're his brother! That torned cape, those crimson red sabatons, your glowing eyes....there's no mistake. You're Meta Knight's evil twin!"
"Ahh I'm joking, I never liked the concept of a "good" and "evil" twin anyways. It's too biased and cruel. I still can't believe people gave you the nickname "Dark Meta Knight"."
What the hell is he talking about?
"*Ahem* sorry, I forgot to introduce myself. How rude of me. My name is Galacta Knight and yes, i am the Galacta Knight- The greatest warrior in the galaxy. Or whatever title people know me by, there's...so many...."
"So..." the warrior steps closer towards the dark knight, lowering his eyelevel to match his. "What brings you to this place?"
[-pause music-]
What's with that look? Place? Is that implying something else other than this store?
Does he know? Does Galacta Knight know he was Meta Knight's reflection? If he does...then that means he's been toying with him earlier...but why? Is he suspicious of him?
"Hmph, I'm just here to pick up my groceries. It doesn't concern you-"
"And you expect me to believe you so easily?"
The galactic warrior approaches closer, pratically almost touching the mirror knight's forehead. Never before had Dark Meta Knight truly feared anyone, including Dark Mind. But...
As his eyes met with the piercing red gaze of the temporal warrior's, every fibre of his body stood on edge. Even a fool could realize how dangerous this situation is-!
Dark Meta Knight still held his composure despite Galacta Knight's overwhelming presence. He wasn't going to let this stop him from getting what he wants. Afterall, leaving now would mean giving up and that definitely wasn't an option for the dark knight.
"I don't know what you take me for, but I can assure you, I merely came here to shop."
"No, that's not the only reason why you're here. I know what you're doing."
What? But he really WAS there to just buy tomato soup...unless...no, it can't be- how could he possibly know about- that's impossible. The chance of Galacta Knight knowing of his project were near to zero, not to mention that this bird wasn't present during Dark Mind's invasion-
"You're not only here to shop, you're here to....avoid your brother."
..........this couldn't get any more ridiculous.
[-Resume music-]
Galacta Knight backed away and assumed a more friendly tone.
"I know when someone's purposely trying to avoid someone. You're trying to hide from him, aren't you? Did you have a little sibling quarrel?"
Dark Meta Knight grumbled underneath his cape and glared at him. The knight desperately wanted to snatch the soup can and leave as he wasn't going to waste time with this man. But then, something appeared in his mind. Didn't Galacta Knight have something to do with those Jamba Hearts prior to his imprisonment? This changes everything, because the warrior's knowledge on them was very valuable to him. Knowing this, the dark knight decided to play along with whatever his new "friend" had in store.
"Hah, I knew it!"
Galacta Knight lightly chuckles and swiftly steps over to his side, playfully patting his shoulder. As he does so, the warrior looks fixedly on the small bits of white paint on Dark Meta Knight's pauldron, noticing the scratches. But before he could think of anything, the knight immediately pushed him off and burried his face further into the dark fabric.
"Don't touch me."
"Ah, sorry, sorry. It was wrong of me to treat you so friendly even though we've just met. You just remind me of your brother, thats all. Haha!"
Dark Meta Knight had no idea why Galacta Knight was acting so friendly towards him. It was....very strange. He was not used to this feeling. Even though he did experience kindness from a fairy and her human, something about this encounter was much different.
"Come on, what are you standing around for? You're here to pick up groceries right? Then let's do it together, that would buy you more time to avoid Meta Knight."
It wouldn't hurt to look around, even though he only had enough for a maxim tomato soup can. Before he could finish his train of thought, he felt his hand getting grabbed through his cape.
"Let's go!"
Galacta Knight lightly pulls his hand, signaling Dark Meta Knight to start moving. He turns around to smile warmly at him as he does so, despite knowing his mask would cast shade over it. In response, the knight sighs defeatedly and follows along.
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goldendragonleaf · 1 year
Waddle Dee Town Headcanons
*looks at how the name of my blog is called lair of lore*
*looks down and realizes I haven't shown off like any lore*
whoops! uh, have some Waddle Dee Town hcs from FL. I made like a short description for every notable dee (plus an extra) so be warned that it's long under the cut.
Café-Manager Waddle Dee (Cafdee): She's might be his boss, but she's also the Pandee's friend too! You can often find Cafdee trying to comfort a sobbin Pandee about his food being too delicious. She also runs on like 12 cups of coffee per day and is tired from lunch rush hours, but they make do! Café-Staff Waddle Dee (Pandee): A bit on the timid side and has social anxiety™. mans is self conscious about the fact that his cooking is the reason why the beast pack is raiding the town. His cooking is excellent though! (which is why lunch rushes are so frenzied every day) Commentator Waddle Dee (Repdee): A true announcer at heart, Repdee loves his job and can't help but commentate everything he sees! He's actually pretty brave and energetic, and everyone around town knows and loves him! (even if he is a bit annoying with how loud and often he commentates sometimes) Delivery Waddle Dee (Deelivery): Although he's the youngest dee with a job in town, Deelivery is very hardworking and kind to everyone he works with! Deelivery is in charge of importing all the goods to all the other services in town, as well as mail! Due to this, the rest of the dees often come over saying that he should take a break… Game-Shop Waddle Dee (Tildee): He's the main reason why taxes are so high/everyone is so poor in waddle dee town. A shame that his games are so popular too; Tildee is jokingly hated on due to the notorious level that shall not be named, but he's actually a pretty nice guy! Mans is very honest, and donates most of his star coins to charity/helping other dees! He's also the oldest working dee in town. Item-Shop Waddle Dee (Elixdee): Has a friendly rivalry with the cafe, but they're more often than not business partners. He's pretty new to the business scene, and is great at chemistry! Also the local pharmacist, yes, Elixdee makes drugs. At least they're prescription!
The Deedly Dees (bass-Baridee, electric guitar-Guidee, drums-Thrumdee, and keyboard-Clavidee): Baridee is the leader and the most intense of all 4. He's pretty gruff and blunt, but has the best interests for the Deedly Dees in mind. Baridee's favorite type of music is hip-hop, and will quite literally die on that hill. Clavidee's the 'nice girl' of the group, always excited and going "yayyy!!!" She loves pop music and everything cutesy and pink! Guidee is the most chill and easygoing, and loves lofi, the blues, and jazz. Thrumdee is the least talkative out of the 4, but has the loudest music tastes. In fact, his neighbors have to deal with blaring loud rock music most nights (which Thrumdee will not apologize for). Minion Waddle Dee (Mindee): A kid, but also smaller than the average dee of his age. He loves bananas, and idolizes the King! Mindee is also friends with Gorimondo, and generally a fun-loving child all around! He's also my favorite,,,,,,,,,, Trader Waddle Dee (Tradee): Nicknamed "Trashdee", Tradee is a scammer with an entire hoard of rare stones that he scammed out of all those poor dees. In fact, it's gotten to the point where he's as bad as Magolor… If you can't tell I really hate him Usher Waddle Dee (Videe): Your classic theater kid, he's quite dramatic with the way he talks, even in normal conversation! Videe is bigger than other dees, and it's not because of what you think! He's actually quite buff and works out a lot, and could take on Meta Knight just fine! Of course, no one knows that, but if the other dees did they would probably treat him quite differently. Weapons-Shop Waddle Dee (Smithdee): The 2nd-buffest dee after Videe, Smithdee has spent most of his life oogling all sorts of contraptions, and was the main builder in the construction of Waddle Dee Town! Quite energetic despite his age, he's a big softie and would never hurt anyone.
Wise Waddle Dee (aka Bandee): Unknown to everyone, Wise Waddle Dee is actually Bandee from the future. After learning so much throughout his years of adventuring with Kirby, Bandee decided to travel to the past and help his younger self bloom. That one dee that walks around watering flowers (Rosedee): A gardener at heart, Rosedee is in charge of taking care of the flowers around the main plaza, and is actually dating Elixdee! Her job would be a lot easier if Kirby stopped trampling the flowers and if the rain stopped taking its water back…
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willidleaway · 1 year
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I would like to note that the café experience itself is quite nice. it’s basically the level of service you expect in Japan, and the staff (who aren’t dressed as Kirby characters, but wear white café uniforms with Kirby Café-themed pouches) can handle very odd questions like ‘do you still put the scarf* on the wintry Kirby burger if I order it with the retro face?’, which you might imagine is very important to me.
in terms of whether the food actually tastes good, Kirby Café’s strengths lie not so much in the ‘main’ dishes, but rather the dessert items and the drinks, which shouldn’t be surprising for a café. I can vouch for how lovely the dessert items are! I had a really hard time deciding between all of them (including one that Kirby is supposed to have hand-assembled!**) but went for one of the winter event exclusives (featuring nuts and berries that Kirby and Waddle Dee are supposed to have foraged from the forest of Whispy Woods, so that’s just as good). plus, if you want the birthday service (which is very well used—I think there were three or four birthday congratulations in an hour!) you need to order a dessert plate anyway.
speaking of the birthday service: you do have to request it at time of reservation, but you don’t have to dine in on your exact birthday! just bring ID to show the café staff (a foreign passport is just fine) to prove that it’s your birth month. you can also choose whether you want a silent congratulations message or a fairly conspicuous one where music plays in the store. normally I wouldn’t be caught dead opting for anything like the latter ... but seeing as how this was probably the one time in my life that I'll get to dine in at Kirby Café, I went for the one with music. plus, going to Kirby Café is the one and only way you get to hear the birthday congratulations music (a very nice triumphant mix between Happy Birthday and Green Greens), since it’s not on either of the Kirby Café soundtrack CDs!
[* incidentally: the scarf on the wintry Kirby burger isn’t cheese, as I expected for some reason, but egg. the snowflake thing is delicious sugary candy stuff though, as expected.]
[** for Kirby’s hand-assembled parfait, you’re supposed to get an adorable postcard illustration of Kirby assembling said parfait with gusto. the staff had to sadly inform me that they were out of the postcards ...]
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cwgames · 2 years
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Café-Staff Kirby: Kirby's taking on his side gig at the counter of the Waddle Dee Café! He's dressed like a focused employee, but he's secretly fighting the urge to gobble up each dish himself. This might be his greatest struggle yet... Stay strong, Kirby!
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Fishing-Pond Kirby: Ahhh. Kirby's doing a bit of fishin' at the ol' fishing pond. He looks super, super relaxed... Hey! Pay attention, Kirby! There's exciting stuff swimming in that pond, including the legendary "Bling Blipper" of Waddle Dee Town!
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Wise Waddle Dee: when you need wisdom, visit Wise Waddle Dee! He always has a tip handy and seems to know a lot about this new world. His magical encyclopedia can collect and share rankings from all over the world! (Where did he even find the that book?!)
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Delivery Waddle Dee: This delightful delivery Dee works for Waddle Dee-liveries on town. He gets helpful items to your doorstep with blinding speed! Kirby's handwriting makes it hard to read the Present Code sometimes, but this kind soul approves the orders anyway.
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Café-Staff Waddle Dee: This short-order cooks loves to feed his fellow Waddle Dees at the café in town. He even kept them fed after they crashed in the new world! His cooking smelled so good... which is how the Beast Pack found them. Now that the café had been rebuilt, it's time to get to work!
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Game-Shop Waddle Dee: Step right up, step right up! Tilt-and-Roll Kirby. The other Waddle Dees loves to play his game. In fact, they wouldn't stop asking him for more! That might explain why he added the daunting Extra Hard difficulty.
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Item-Shop Waddle Dee: This enterprising Waddle Dee opened his own item shop in town. He sells special items that will help you out. He also supplies the café with an Energy Drink that he makes by hand. They have a special business arrangement: two Energy Drink for three Kirby Burgers!
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Wild Frosty: The mysterious vortex brought Mr. Frosty to the new world too! He arrived shortly before Kirby and immediately joined the Beast Pack. (The change and wardrobe must have made it an easy choice.) It's tough to be the new guy, but his fellow beast love working with him.
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Strong-Armed Beast Gorimondo: Gorimondo consider the local shopping mall to be his personal territory. As part of the Beast Pack's executive concil, he's in charge of capturing Waddle Dees and gathering food. He tends to eat all the fruit himself... He just can't help it! This behavior has earned him an earful from his boss more than once.
Kirby Collection Vol. 1
And that concludes all the figurines now to move on to volume 2
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Café-Staff Waddle Dee! They’re delivering a maxim tomato. To who?
Probably Kirby!
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hoshi-no-mahoroa · 3 years
Chapter 4: A Powerful Enemy? Dedede Café
Bandana Waddle Dee gathered his staff at Castle Dedede, one by one.
"Are you joining the staff too, Sir Kibble?
"Correct. I’m in charge of cutting all kinds of fruit and cake with my cutter."
"What about you, Broom Hatter?"
"I clean the floor. After that, I do the dishes."
"And Knuckle Joe?"
"I'm the bouncer. My job is to guard the café from bad customers! When possible, I’m a waiter and show customers to their seats and take their orders."
"Alright then. Let's get going!"
While everyone was buzzing about, the door to the hall opened and King Dedede appeared.
"Thank you all for gathering here for me." The Great King said gravely.
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Burning Leo whispered: "I came here for the Waddle Dees’ desserts, not for you, Dedede..."
"Hmm? What did you just say there, Burning Leo?"
"Nothing, nothing at all!"
Dedede looked around and continued. "As you may have heard, I have decided to build the finest café in all of Dream Land. It’s called the 'Delicious Deluxe Dessert Café', or Dedede Café for short!"
The Waddle Dees (and the rest of the crowd) clapped their hands in unison.
"The location will be the garden of Castle Dedede. You will be responsible for building the furniture, kitchen and other necessities. I expect you all to make something gorgeous that’s worthy of being called the Great King Dedede’s cafe. So, let's get started!"
Everyone went out into the garden in a huddle. Bandana Waddle Dee unfolded a piece of paper and said: "These are the blueprints for the chairs and tables. Everyone, please follow these instructions."
"All right!"
Everyone started cutting wood and building chairs and tables according to the blueprints.
"I've also made a design for a sign. Cut a board into a circle and paint the words 'Dedede Café' on it…"
"Waddle Dee."
A harsh voice rang out. Bandana Waddle Dee turned around and saw Dedede standing there with his arms folded.
"The sign is important," he said. "I hope you've come up with a beautiful design that properly represents me."
"W-well… Beautiful… Actually, I tried to make a stylish and cool sign…"
"Let me see."
King Dedede took up the design and immediately, his face turned grim.
"What's this? This is way too plain!"
"Too plain…?"
"Yellow letters with a red border on a blue background… What? That's boring!"
"I thought I’d pick the colors that’d represent the Great King the best…"
"You can’t represent me with some plain colors, you need something flashy and sparkly… That's it. We're going to use colorful light bulbs to represent the letters."
"Light bulbs...? But there's no power source nearby."
"What are you talking about? We have Sparky."
When he heard his name being called, Sparky, who was busy cutting wood, jumped up.
"Correct. You'll be our power source. You'll have to use all your strength to make the light bulbs on the sign shine so bright that everyone will know how great I am!"
"But I'm not strong enough for that!" Sparky grumbled, but King Dedede was too enraptured by the idea to hear him.
"No, no, no, wait a minute, it's too small as it is. Waddle Dee, make the sign at least ten times bigger."
"Ten, ten times bigger… Light bulb sign..."
There's no one who could eat near such a bright sign. Bandana Waddle Dee was on the edge, but of course he didn't want to disobey the Great King's order.
"Oh, I get it…"
King Dedede looked around at the inhabitants working on chairs and tables, and then grumbled again.
"Ugh, what a bunch of boring chairs and tables!"
Bandana Waddle Dee hastened to explain. "I tried to design a comfortable chair and a table that lets you easily lay out the food…“
"These designs are too plain! Is it really that difficult to design something that actually captures my greatness properly?"
"Yeah… Let's see…"
"These designs won’t do. What we need is something that radiates a powerful aura!"
"Chairs and tables with a powerful aura… Hmmm…"
"Something that's fun and exciting to sit in! Oh, I've got just the perfect idea!"
"P-perfect idea?"
This made Bandana Dee feel uneasy. Dedede’s “perfect idea” was bound to be bad, but it seemed that the king had a lot of confidence in it.
"It's a chair that suddenly jumps up and down. And so does the table, of course."
"We're going to make a thrilling roller-coaster chair that will make everyone squeal!"
"U-uhm… Great King… Great King, we're building a café, not an amusement park…"
"Fortunately, we have Bouncy on our side!"
Bouncy, who was busy hammering nails, nearly flipped over when she was called out by her name.
"Yes, you. You're good at jumping up and down, aren't you?"
"Y-yeah… but…"
"Gather your people, crawl under the chairs and tables, and jump."
Bouncy jumped up and down and ran for cover. Bandana Waddle Dee said frantically: "Great King! If the chairs and tables bounce around like that, the food will be destroyed!"
"That's fine! The Dedede Café will be the first ever super exciting café where you can enjoy deluxe food and dangerous thrills at the same time! It's wonderful! Our reputation will spread throughout the galaxy!"
King Dedede turned over and laughed out loud.
"Uh… Ummmm…" Bandana Waddle Dee was troubled.
King Dedede smiled and said: "The most important thing in a café is, of course, the food. If the food is bad, it doesn’t matter if the sign, chairs and tables are perfect. The café will be ruined anyways."
"So true!"
Bandana Dee took out his notepad, ready to finally have some decent café talk.
King Dedede said: "When I think of food, I think of meat! Prepare a meat dish of the finest quality, so good that it will melt your tongue!"
"Meat, yes! What do you think of meatballs and chicken sandwiches?" Bandana Dee said, jotting down the ideas on his notepad.
"Oh, that's good. And the thing I want to focus on the most is the desserts!"
"Yes! Ice cream and cake and…"
"Mmm! Meat ice cream, meat cake!"
Bandana Waddle Dee dropped his pen.
King Dedede licked his lips and said: "It's ice cream and shortcake filled with juicy grilled meat!"
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'Oh, ummm… Great King… wouldn’t that taste the same…"
"Ice cream and shortcake are completely different, you idiot!"
"But, I mean, it's dessert. You can’t just..."
"That's okay! I'm a meat lover, you know. I can't get enough of it. And don’t forget about the meat juice and meat soda, of course!”
Bandana Waddle Dee couldn't imagine what that would taste like. Dedede's eyes bugged out and he screamed.
"The thrill of the Dangerous… Café, it makes my heart go crazy! From appetizers to desserts to drinks, it's all meat, meat, meat! A café of meat, for meat! Oh my! It makes me so excited!" Dedede added, waving his fist in the air. "That Whispy Woods café won't stand a chance against our perfect plan. My café will become the most popular in the whole galaxy!"
King Dedede's high-pitched laugh rang out.
Chef Kawasaki has taken a long-awaited break from his restaurant to visit Whispy Woods. There, Kirby was trying to make chairs and tables, but he was having a difficult time without Bandana Waddle Dee’s help.
"Hey, Kirby, good job."
Kirby looked up when Chef Kawasaki called out to him.
"Hi, Chef Kawasaki."
"I've brought you something, as a ‘thank you’ for your hard work everyday."
"Brought something...?"
"It's my new pizza, and I’m considering putting it on the menu at the café…"
Chef Kawasaki presented a pizza with colorful fruit toppings. Kirby threw aside the chair he was working on and shouted: "Whoa, that looks so good! I'll have some…!
Before Kirby could open his mouth to inhale the pizza, Chef Kawasaki quickly withdrew it.
"Why…? Can't I just eat it?"
"It's just that, as I said before, I don't want you to eat the whole thing. I just want you to take your time and savor each bite."
Chef Kawasaki handed Kirby a fork and knife.
"I don't want to do this. Just let me eat it now!"
"No, no, no. I want you to taste it and tell me what you think. I'm thinking of making pizza the centerpiece of this café."
"Huh? Is the menu gonna be pizza?"
"No, no, I mean I want it to be the most popular menu item. We're going to build a big stone oven here, so we can make the best stone-baked pizzas with a crispy crust!"
"Stone pizza? Pizza with stone? That sounds weird..."
"It's not like that at all… Well, you should try it anyway!"
Kirby took a bite of the pizza and squealed.
His eyes were glazed over, his whole body was twitching, and he looked like he was about to roll over.
"It’s...  It’s... It’s... It’s amazing! So good, so good!"
Unfortunately, Kirby was too absorbed in eating the pizza to say more, so Chef Kawasaki took it over.
"I topped the pizza with fruits and served it with custard cream to make it both refreshing and sweet at the same time. I was also particular about the appearance of the fruit, so I cut it in different ways…"
"Thanks for the food! I want another one!"
Kirby had devoured it all in a matter of minutes. He looked like he was almost about to swallow the plate. Chef Kawasaki looked satisfied.
"Did you like it?"
"Yes, yes, yes! I want more, Kawasaki!"
"We'll continue tomorrow. I've got lots of ideas for pizza for you to try out. Tomorrow, I'm going to make a pizza with seafood…"
Just then, something fluffy flew through the air. It was Bronto Burt. He flew over Kirby's head and said: "Yo, Kirby, Chef Kawasaki, do you hear me?
"You know we're busy with the café, right?"
"I got some more info on Dedede's Café. He's recruited every resident he could find, so he's got a whole staff now."
"What? A staff…"
"I was just out of town, so that helped. But Burning Leo, Chilly, and most of the other residents were all turned into staff."
"Moreover, the café that Dedede is planning to build is a mess. The design of it is amazing, but the menu is just terrible. It's got meat cakes and meat juice! It's crazy."
"Meat… cake? Juice…?"
Chef Kawasaki was horrified at the thought.
"That's just awful! I don't know what they're thinking. How do they expect customers to come to a café like that…?"
However, a sudden voice interrupted Chef Kawasaki's words.
"...Sounds tasty."
It was Kirby, who grumbled: "Meat cake… Meat juice… Meat… that sounds so good…!"
"I wanna try some of that! Meat cake, meat juice! Please make that, Chef Kawasaki!"
Kirby was so excited that he almost grabbed Kawasaki's hand.
"Oh, calm down, Kirby…"
"We can't keep going like this!" Kirby said with a serious face. "We'll have to come up with a new menu too! Or we'll lose to Dedede's café!"
"I've been thinking of all kinds of new menu items, like fruit salad, omelets and soups, as well as stone-baked pizza…"
"That's not good enough." Kirby looked up at the sky. "We have to come up with a menu that's just as awesome as meat cakes and meat juice!"
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"...I think I can beat those by a long shot…"
"I don't wanna be defeated by King Dedede," said Kirby forcefully. "So I'm gonna come up with a new, wonderfully tasty menu that will blow everyone's mind!"
"Oh… Kirby… I'll handle the cooking part… you just need to make the chairs and tables…"
Chef Kawasaki knew all about Kirby's lack of cooking sense. But Kirby was very motivated.
"It's fine. I'm confident in my cooking!"
"I've got a great idea for a dessert. I'm gonna marinate Whispy Woods' fruit in miso and mix them with custard cream, then top it with kabayaki and lots of strawberry jam…"
"No, don't do that, Kirby…"
Chef Kawasaki almost fell over.
Bronto Burt laughed and said: "That recipe sounds like a waste of fruit! Right, Whispy Woods?"
But there was no reply.
Bronto Burt and Chef Kawasaki looked up at the tree. Whispy Woods had closed his eyes tightly. He had a pained expression on his face.
"Whispy Woods? Is something wrong?"
"Hm… mmm..."
Whispy Woods opened his eyes. He was trying to smile, but his eyes were glazed over. His voice lacked energy.
Chef Kawasaki said with concern: "Are you sick?"
"No, I'm fine. Just a little sleepy."
"Oh, well… that's good…" Chef Kawasaki looked up at Whispy Woods. "Good luck with that. The success of this café depends on the deliciousness of your fruit!"
"Oh… I'll take care of that."
Whispy Woods may have said that, but his voice and expression were still a little tired.
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reserved-kirby · 7 years
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Kirby: Battle Royale - Datamine Findings [Spoilers]
I’m sorry that this is coming out so late! Once I finished collecting things I really had to take a rest, I stayed up all night for this so I was fairly tired by the end of it all. Either way, due to the length of this post and it’s spoiler content, click the “Read More” to continue.
To start off, the following abilities are in the final version of the game:
Sword Cutter Beetle Bomb Spear Fighter Ninja Whip Parasol Hammer Doctor Tornado Ice
King Dedede, Meta Knight and Bandana Waddle Dee are all present in the game as playable characters. It is unknown how they are unlocked normally, but it likely has to do with story mode. Their unlock messages are as follows:
"Meta Knight is now in the Collection Lists! You can use this in Battle Mode and Online Battles after it's unlocked."   
"Waddle Dee is now in the Collection Lists! You can use this in Battle Mode and Online Battles after it's unlocked."   
"King Dedede is now in the Collection Lists! You can use this in Battle Mode and Online Battles after it's unlocked."
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These are all the playable character icons. As it has been pointed out, in the demo, there are 17 ability slots; the last one is the Random select, similar to Smash Bros. and other games. The poll ability isn’t present whatsoever in the retail game, so it’ll likely be added in as a free DLC update.
As previously revealed on the Kirby Twitter account, the game has alternate costumes. Aside from special circumstances, all abilities have their default gear along with three alternates. They are listed as such: Sword: Gigant Helmet Newspaper Hat Dyna Helmet Ultra Sword Hat* Cutter: Sir Kibble Helmet Mohawk Knight Helmet Beetle: Hornhead Helmet Woodpecker Helmet Hydra Helmet   Bomb: Foley Cap Bomb Cap Boom Cap Qbby Cap* Spear: Javelin Knight Helm Devil Horns Sectonia Mask
Fighter: Knuckle Joe Hair Wrestling Mask Goriath Hat Ninja: Bio Spark Helmet Topknot Samurai Helmet Whip: Whippy Hat Gymnastics Leotard Daroach Hat Parasol:  Bouncy Umbrella  Paper Parasol Fancy Umbrella 
Hammer: Dedede Hammer Toy Hammer Grand Hammer Replica 
Doctor: Chemitory Hat Nurse Cap Sacred Hat 
Tornado: Twister Helmet Pinwheel Kracko Hat 
Ice: Mr. Frosty Freeze Hood Snow Bowl
Bandana Waddle Dee: Sailor Hat Straw Hat Animal Hat Café Cap*
Meta Knight: Dark Meta Knight Mask Party Mask Mecha Knight Mask Galacta Knight Mask*
King Dedede: Knit Cap Gentleman's Hat King's Crown Masked Dedede Mask*
Ultra Sword Hat, Qbby Cap, Café Cap, Galacta Knight Mask and Masked Dedede Mask are all amiibo-locked, so you’ll need the Kirby Series amiibo and the Qbby amiibo to unlock everything.
Here are all of the ability moves. If the move is listed as an aerial move, it can only be used during a jump. If it’s listed as a charged move, you need to hold a charge before it can be used.
Beetle - Horn Upper, Horn Flurry, Back Slash, Spiral Horn (aerial), Rocket Horn (charged), Dive (after Rocket Horn), Forward Lunge, Slamming Drill (after Forward Lunge)
Bomb - Bomb Throw, Big Bomb Throw (charged), Bomb Dunk
Cutter - Cutter Boomerang, Jump Cutter (aerial), Hyper Cutter (charged), Final Cutter
Dedede - Hammer, Hammer Twirl (aerial), Dedede Hammer Throw (charged), Giant Dedede Swing
Doctor - Bouncing Capsule, Flash Spark (charged lv1), Sleeping Gas (charged lv2), Remedy (charged lv3), Clipboard Bash
Fighter - Quick Jab, Vulcan Jab, Rising Break, Sky Kick (aerial), Giga Force Blast (charged), Kick, Spin Kick, Final Spin Kick
Hammer - Hammer, Hammer Twirl (aerial), Hammer Flip (charged, 2 lvl.), Big Hammer Drop (aerial, charged, 2 lvl.), Hammer Swing
Ice - Ice Breath, Ice Sprinkle (aerial), Ice Wall (charged), Ice Ball
Meta Knight - Horizontal Slash, Meta Multithrust, Decisive Slash, Knight Spin (aerial), Dimensional Strike (charged), Piercing Slash
Ninja - Shock, Flurry Swipe, Stealth Slash, Ninja Kick (aerial), Pyrotechnics (charged), Knife Throw, Wind-Up Trick (charged), Ninja Jump (jump while holding button)
Parasol - Parasol Swing, Parasol Dive (aerial), Parasol Shield (hold), Parasol Drill (charged), Circus Throw (after Parasol Drill), Parasol Spin
Spear - Spear Thrust, Multispear Attack, Pinpoint Thrust, Windmill (aerial), Gale Thrust (charged), Spear Throw
Sword - Horizontal Slash, Successive Slash, Cleave, Sword Spin (aerial), Spin Slash (charged), Drill Stab
Tornado - Tornado Attack, Hyper Tornado, Big Tornado (charged), Tornado Dash
Bandana Waddle Dee - Parasol Swing, Parasol Dive (aerial), Aqua Shot (charged), Parasol Spin
Whip - Whip Strike, 100-Whip Slap, Whip Tornado (aerial), Crash Typhoon (charged), Whip Grab
To finish the ability section, there’s an oddity. Axe Knight is a character in the game, but it’s unknown if he’s playable. His data is all labeled as a normal, functioning player character, similar to Kirby’s abilities and the other confirmed unlockables. However, he’s also missing several things. He has no player select icon, lacks some coding for certain modes and has no unlockable text. Several things point to him being a character created solely for the Story Mode (possibly Meta Knight’s partner in the tourney), but there is a chance that he’s just not totally finished. Either way, his moveset is based around Cutter Kirby.
There are ten different game modes in the game overall. To list them out...
Apple Scramble - “Attack Mini Whispy Woods when it has apples to make them fall. After you pick up apples, throw them into your collection area, which is blue. After pulling the lever, you'll score for apples that go down the chute. High score wins!” Maps -  Starter Forest, Double-Cross Forest, Bramble Forest, Fenced Forest, Double-Cross Forest (again?)
Slam Hockey - “Try to hit rivals with the puck as many times as you can. High score wins! You can send the puck toward rivals in two ways: give it a smack or throw it! If a rival throws a puck at you, catch it by pressing R at just the right time.” Maps -  Normal Arena, Obstacle Arena, Stretch Arena
Battle Arena - “The last one standing when all rivals are KO'd wins! To knock out rivals, attack them until their health hits zero. Press A repeatedly to wake up if KO'd. The more you faint, the longer it takes to recover.” Maps -  Deluxe Coliseum, Battle Coliseum
Robo Bonkers - “Attack Robo Bonkers and do more damage than anyone else to win! Throw missiles into cannons to launch them. It's a great way to damage Robo Bonkers! When Robo Bonkers falls, go for multiple attacks. Try for greater amounts of damage per hit.” Maps -  Robo Bonkers, Robo Bonkers DX, Robo Bonkers SDX
Coin Clash - “Pick up coins while attacking your rivals for theirs. The one with the most coins wins! You can take even more coins from rivals by doing greater amounts of damage to them. You'll drop coins until you get the ghost off your back. Use B to dash and Y to jump.” Maps -  Central Room, Dual Room, Trap Room, Party Room
Flagball - “You'll score when the ball connects with your blue flag. First team to seven points wins! If a flag falls to a lower level, you can grab it and run it around the field! A double flag will appear later in the game. It's worth double points. Great for a comeback!” Maps -  Beginner's Beach, Flagger Beach, Footfall Beach, Lopsided Beach
Ore Express - “Toss as much ore as you can into train cars. Get more points than your rivals to win! Throw ore into a gold train car if you see one. You'll get double points for that ore!” Maps -  Wayward Plains, Twisty Tunnels, Logjam Pass
Crazy Theater - “You'll enter a series of quick challenges. Hit the max number of wins before your rivals! In a question challenge, knock rivals off the correct answer!” Maps - Dream Theater
Attack Riders - “Attack your rivals to take away their chips. Whoever holds the most chips at the end wins! The more chips a competitor has, the easier they are to take. Greater damage gets more too. When the vehicle's gauge is full, press Y to attack. Avoid taking damage or you'll fall out!“ Maps -  Attack Biker, Attack Tanker Rocket Rumble - “Grab as much fuel as you can and throw it into your rocket. The one with the most fuel wins! Attack your rivals' rockets to knock loose blocks of their fuel. Then steal it for your own! Get into your rocket before the 10-second countdown is over. Just jump in, or you won't score!” Maps - Space Center
The final boss in the game is named Dededestroyer Z. He shares some code with the Robo Bonkers battles, so it likely takes place in a similar scenario (circle arena, robot fight, etc.). In this fight, Dededestroyer Z seems to take control of the Kirby Printer and creates mass hordes of enemies for you to fight. The objective of this final fight is  "Defeat all rivals before they beat you!". While this all goes on, Dededestroyer Z will also attack you using lasers, fist slamming attacks and more. Bandana Waddle Dee joins in this fight to help you, too; he seems to give you something called the Golden Missile, likely to deal the final blow.
The following NPCs are present in the game:
Groggy Waddle Dee Buddy Waddle Dee Dedede Meta Knight Axe Knight Bat Meta Knight Kirby Printer Waddle Dee A/B/C/D/E/F/P Soldier Waddle Dee L/R/A/B/C/D Spear Waddle Dee A/B Reporter Waddle Dee Camera Waddle Dee AD Waddle Dee TV Waddle Dee Mic Waddle Dee Fake Kirby A/B/C/D/E Waddle Doo A/B/C Guide Board A/B/C Knuckle Joe Elevator Crank Handle 
The entirety of the Kirby Twitter news cast is here! Aside from the NPCs, there are characters called Waddle Dee Buddy, Waddle Dee Spear and Sandbag in the game. Compared to Axe Knight, it’s highly unlikely that these characters are anything more than story mode and/or tutorial characters. Sandbag is used in the online waiting room, too.
While we already have a fair bit of the OST in the game’s demo, there’s a lot of files that still aren’t present. This includes two Staff Credits themes, two Meta Knight themes, two Dedede themes, various boss themes, some more minigame themes and a couple things relating to the end of the game. I’ll be uploading the demo’s OST after this post goes live, too, so stay tuned for that!
To finish this off, I’d like to thank the elusive Popcorn for helping me, once again. He managed to snag the demo and send it over, so none of this would be possible without him!
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willidleaway · 1 year
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an epilogue, of sorts: here’s the flagship Kirby Café location at the base of the Tokyo Skytree! didn’t think I’d go to the Skytree and not complete my trip by visiting both permanent locations of Kirby Café, did you? (I wonder if the Nagoya pop-up location will also turn into a permanent one ...)
this café is right at the foot of the Skytree, effectively, so Kirby and Waddle Dee are beckoning you from right across the Main Entrance that leads to the observatory elevators. a (probably very old) thought: in-universe, the permanent location is supposed to be chosen because it’s closer to Whispy Woods. does that mean that in the Kirby world view, Whispy Woods is Dream Land’s equivalent of the Skytree? hmm.
of course, I didn’t need to dine in, but I did fancy the takeout menu. while waiting for my order to be ready, I spent about an hour sorting out luggage storage and then wandering around the shopping centre, including the dedicated Kirby Café store just a little distance away from the actual café. I definitely spotted a few Kirby Café bags while visiting the Skytree, so it seems to be a popular money sink.
but even if you don’t want to buy anything, go to the innermost nook of the store for a lovely Kirby sketch. made in celebration of the second Kirby Café soundtrack CD, it’s signed by the series general director and most (if not all) of the HAL Laboratory sound staff! (and probably drawn in the first place by Kumazaki the general director himself, if I had to guess ...)
after all that wandering, I went back to pick up my order without any issues. I ordered two burgers because I realised I was probably going to get to Narita airport in the early evening right around tea, so I had one at the Skytree and held onto the other to eat at the gate. easiest plan I ever made and executed, although obviously the poor Waddle Dee burger was a little cold by the time I got to the airport and got through security.
and thus ends the pilgrimage. it truly is difficult to review absolutely everything that makes Kirby Café such a delightful experience. (not a cheap one by any means, but not an exorbitant one either in my opinion.) I almost forgot to note, for example, how the receipts you get from Kirby Café have little cute illustrations on them!
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but in terms of practical advice for those that are in the fortunate position of being able to visit a Kirby Café location and are interested in visiting, a few points:
if you want to dine in, having a reservation is absolutely essential. I saw at least one parent with child visiting from abroad who not only spoke no Japanese but also had no idea that one does not simply walk into the Kirby Café at Tokyo Skytree. (they probably also just thought Kirby Café looked cute and weren’t prepared for how popular that viewpoint was ...) reservations for the Kirby Café in Tokyo basically fill up not that long after they open up for the following month (on the 10th of each month, at time of writing). if you don’t have a reservation, you’re not going to get a table. this leads to the following corollary:
if you want to dine in, the Hakata location is your best bet. reservations are much easier to get, and some days don’t even ever fill up. so if you’re looking specifically for some dine-in desserts and possibly the birthday service, I really recommend the Hakata location. it’s no less delicious (based on my Kirby burger cross-location taste test), and while the Hakata location is smaller, it’s still packed with charm and atmosphere. plus, there’s a lot to see in Kyushu and western Honshu!
if you don’t want to go to Fukuoka, consider being satisfied with takeout. you can still get a Kirby burger, and if you’re sufficiently lucky you might get away with going in through the wrong entrance and walking through the café area to the takeout ordering queue, getting a peek at the wonderful atmosphere of the dine-in area that way. the Tokyo location also has the advantage of a dedicated goods store, in addition to the goods shop at the café exit that’s common to both locations. and, well, it’s all right next to the formidable Whispy Woods Skytree!
other points I think are fairly guessable, like ‘it helps to speak a little bit of Japanese if you have specific requests like paying part of the total with cash and the rest from your Suica balance’ and ‘the 85-minute time limit is actually longer than you may think, so relax and enjoy Kirby Café at your leisure’.
at the end of the day, if you’re a Kirby fan and are able to experience Kirby Café, I’d recommend making a trip. and whether you dine in at Kirby Café Hakata or order takeout at Kirby Café Tokyo (or both!), you can’t really go wrong!
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