goldendragonleaf · 1 year
Waddle Dee Town Headcanons
*looks at how the name of my blog is called lair of lore*
*looks down and realizes I haven't shown off like any lore*
whoops! uh, have some Waddle Dee Town hcs from FL. I made like a short description for every notable dee (plus an extra) so be warned that it's long under the cut.
Café-Manager Waddle Dee (Cafdee): She's might be his boss, but she's also the Pandee's friend too! You can often find Cafdee trying to comfort a sobbin Pandee about his food being too delicious. She also runs on like 12 cups of coffee per day and is tired from lunch rush hours, but they make do! Café-Staff Waddle Dee (Pandee): A bit on the timid side and has social anxiety™. mans is self conscious about the fact that his cooking is the reason why the beast pack is raiding the town. His cooking is excellent though! (which is why lunch rushes are so frenzied every day) Commentator Waddle Dee (Repdee): A true announcer at heart, Repdee loves his job and can't help but commentate everything he sees! He's actually pretty brave and energetic, and everyone around town knows and loves him! (even if he is a bit annoying with how loud and often he commentates sometimes) Delivery Waddle Dee (Deelivery): Although he's the youngest dee with a job in town, Deelivery is very hardworking and kind to everyone he works with! Deelivery is in charge of importing all the goods to all the other services in town, as well as mail! Due to this, the rest of the dees often come over saying that he should take a break… Game-Shop Waddle Dee (Tildee): He's the main reason why taxes are so high/everyone is so poor in waddle dee town. A shame that his games are so popular too; Tildee is jokingly hated on due to the notorious level that shall not be named, but he's actually a pretty nice guy! Mans is very honest, and donates most of his star coins to charity/helping other dees! He's also the oldest working dee in town. Item-Shop Waddle Dee (Elixdee): Has a friendly rivalry with the cafe, but they're more often than not business partners. He's pretty new to the business scene, and is great at chemistry! Also the local pharmacist, yes, Elixdee makes drugs. At least they're prescription!
The Deedly Dees (bass-Baridee, electric guitar-Guidee, drums-Thrumdee, and keyboard-Clavidee): Baridee is the leader and the most intense of all 4. He's pretty gruff and blunt, but has the best interests for the Deedly Dees in mind. Baridee's favorite type of music is hip-hop, and will quite literally die on that hill. Clavidee's the 'nice girl' of the group, always excited and going "yayyy!!!" She loves pop music and everything cutesy and pink! Guidee is the most chill and easygoing, and loves lofi, the blues, and jazz. Thrumdee is the least talkative out of the 4, but has the loudest music tastes. In fact, his neighbors have to deal with blaring loud rock music most nights (which Thrumdee will not apologize for). Minion Waddle Dee (Mindee): A kid, but also smaller than the average dee of his age. He loves bananas, and idolizes the King! Mindee is also friends with Gorimondo, and generally a fun-loving child all around! He's also my favorite,,,,,,,,,, Trader Waddle Dee (Tradee): Nicknamed "Trashdee", Tradee is a scammer with an entire hoard of rare stones that he scammed out of all those poor dees. In fact, it's gotten to the point where he's as bad as Magolor… If you can't tell I really hate him Usher Waddle Dee (Videe): Your classic theater kid, he's quite dramatic with the way he talks, even in normal conversation! Videe is bigger than other dees, and it's not because of what you think! He's actually quite buff and works out a lot, and could take on Meta Knight just fine! Of course, no one knows that, but if the other dees did they would probably treat him quite differently. Weapons-Shop Waddle Dee (Smithdee): The 2nd-buffest dee after Videe, Smithdee has spent most of his life oogling all sorts of contraptions, and was the main builder in the construction of Waddle Dee Town! Quite energetic despite his age, he's a big softie and would never hurt anyone.
Wise Waddle Dee (aka Bandee): Unknown to everyone, Wise Waddle Dee is actually Bandee from the future. After learning so much throughout his years of adventuring with Kirby, Bandee decided to travel to the past and help his younger self bloom. That one dee that walks around watering flowers (Rosedee): A gardener at heart, Rosedee is in charge of taking care of the flowers around the main plaza, and is actually dating Elixdee! Her job would be a lot easier if Kirby stopped trampling the flowers and if the rain stopped taking its water back…
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