#cae’s ask section
counterculturecryer · 23 days
are you awake yet? ur my guy rn i wanna chat
Morning, it’s 6am. I can probably talk soon I just need to get stuff done and wake up
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mediacrity · 3 months
Hey, intro post
no discrimination and blogs with unethical content, minor —anyone who’s weird will be blocked and reported
Hey, I’m Cae. This blog is for purely reviews and media recommendations. I’ll be reviewing albums, shows, films etc.
please be respectful of everyone here
TWs given
(E) - explicit
I won’t be responding to personal asks, but use it to clarify TWs if needed and ask about a piece of media and stuff.
secondary blog for @counterculturecryer
might be useful so here’s my intro post on my main blog
tags I’ll be using (tagging these for easy access):
for my reviews: #cae’s saying stuff
for my recs: #cae likes these
for my ask section: #cae's ask section
okay cool, thanks and I hope you enjoy
background is a shot from Cat City by vewn
song rec: Better by Makari
Spotlight artist: Searows on Spotify
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shummashum · 5 months
Zeus Brundle Ch13 [7~11]
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she's trying to help him, huh
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I think so too how can she have such a way of thinking? I will never be able to do that
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well somehow the atmosphere seems to have normalized then isn't this devil's whisper useless anymore? let's give it to Klaus! but don't just pass it up, make a deal: handing this over to them on the condition that they keep quiet about everything that happened in the labyrinth then everyone will be happy
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erm… no I don't think so I bet he always steals snacks from his younger siblings
Just then, Hiro seemed to sense something and went into a state of alert, getting ready to draw his sword at any moment.
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come to think of it, the subtitle of this chapter was Minotaur… well it's more important to at least know what's going on than to stay still and meet sudden death let's go
So they hustled over to the collapsed section.
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oh…? who might it be is there anyone who can come out now? All of the season 6 comrades have already appeared, and there's no way Remb is controlling Minotaur
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huh how how did he escape
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aha… he didn't lock them up, he just shifted them but didn't he say that you would slowly go insane without the magic in earrings, they all seem to be quite mentally healthy.? probably they succeeded in all of their sanity rolls
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well I honestly think it's natural for him to be angry about this! losing the devil's whispers is a problem that can never be solved with a few simple accident reports, perhaps he should take responsibility and leave the Ministry
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but you know, isn't the situation a little better though compared to the past -- when you had no idea where, when, or how the brooch was lost, now the whereabouts of the brooch and the culprit are clear
but even if they fight, Klaus is at a greater disadvantage, isn't he? he'll be incapacitated if Hiro uses dimension rip just once hey you guys can't you stop at this point and discuss the rest after you return? what are you going to do if Minotaur attacks you while you're fighting like this
Just then, Alfonse stepped in.
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the screen became too bright again I can only see the light stop detonating a flashbang right in front of my eyes!
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oh…….. this line feels quite nuanced
And he asked Zeus why he brought them to the labyrinth.
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if you wanted cooperation, you should have provided an appropriate explanation from the start,,, you've been acting like a freaking villain and you're looking for a favorable view
I've been thinking about it, and I wonder if his unhappy ending is probably related to this? like, he'll be punished somehow because he offended the Ministry. you're expelled!!
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but I think the one being fooled is an idiot in this case,,,,,,
While they were watching the monster's rampage, Cae said something very important.
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huh then the plan to escape by destroying the labyrinth could not have been accomplished in the first place glad it was stopped somehow
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spanishboone · 4 years
All things “se”: Guide on How to Use It Properly
Se in Spanish is a very popular topic that many people want clarification on and So What I’m going to do it combine all the post I’ve made about the different uses of se and compile it in to one large post by copy and pasting my previous post from years past. I’ll also provide the individual links for each section. 
Passive “Se”
Original link to: Passive “Se”
I got a question a few days ago about how to use/better understand the passive se in Spanish but accidentally deleted it.
The first thing you should know about it is that it can be translated a few different ways:
1. You (generalization, no one specifically) do something.
2. To be + past participle
3. One (generally) does something.
4. We do something
5. They (without specifying who “they” is) do something.
(These below are some of the most commonly used ones in Spanish)
Se puede comer en las calles - You/one can eat in the street.
Se necesita un pastel para la fiesta - A cake is needed for the party. / We need a cake for the party.
Se habla español en Colombia. - Spanish is spoken in Colombia./They speak Spanish in Colombia.
¿Cómo se dice…? - How do you say…?/ How does one say…?
Whenever you see se puede, translate it as “you can/you are able to” or “one can/one is able to”.
Se habla will almost be translated as “(Language) is spoken”. It’s most commonly used in that form.
Se dice will almost always be “you say”. In other cases, it can be “it is said.
Se busca means to be wanted
Se vende can mean to be "for sale”
NOTE: The passive se also works in the plural form. The singular form is followed by “que” or and infinitive verb like shown in the examples above.
The pluralized form of the passive se is used to STRICTLY show what is being done or and SOMETIMES what “they do” The form where it shows what is being done is the most common translation. Here are some examples:
Se comen (las) manzanas por la mañana. - Apples are eaten in the morning.
Se hacen muchas cosas. - Many things are done.
Se compran tornillos en la ferretería. - Screws are bought in the hardware store.
¿Sabes donde se hablan 3 idiomas? - Do you know where they speak 3 languages/Do you know where 3 languages are spoken?
One last part I want to mention is how the passive se is used for accidental occurrences. It’s formed by using the 3rd-person-singular or plural passive se with indirect object pronouns. The indirect object pronoun will determine essentially “who” did the action in English. In Spanish, however", it shows what was done by whom. it’s formation will be (se + I.O. conj. verb with plurality agreement). Here’s some examples:
Se me olvidó el libro en casa. - I forgot the book at home.
Se me olvidaron los libros en casa. - I forgot the books at home.
Se me cae el tenedor. - I drop the fork (accidentally)
Se me caen los tenedores. - I drop the forks (accidentally)
Se me despistó el niño. - I lost sight of the child.
Se me despistaron los niños. - I lost sight of the children.
Se me fue. - I lost it. (in thinking process)
Se me escapa. - It escapes me (a thought or thing)
Just use caution when using the passive se with “escapar” and “ir”. In the cases, it can be translated as “those things did that thing to me.
When trying to figure out which way of translating would be best, just go through the different forms and ask yourself which one makes the most sense. Sometimes a few different ways make sense.
Link below ↓
HERE IS ALSO A LINK to a post that @spanishskulduggery made a while back that is helpful on the Impersonal se topic. Click that link! If you don’t already follow spanishskulduggery, go do so! You won’t be disappointed
“Se” as an Indirect Object Pronoun
So a few days ago, I received an ask a few days ago for tips on remembering direct and indirect object pronouns in Spanish.
For starts, both the indirect obj. pronouns and are the same EXCEPT in the 3rd-person singular and plural (usted/él/ella & ustedes/ellos/ellas). This makes it easier to remember which one to use in each case.
Direct Object Pronouns
me - me te - you lo/la -you formal./it nos - us os - you pl. los/las - you plural/them
My German teacher in high school made was the one who made it clear to me the difference between D.O. and I.O. pronouns since the book definition was too wordy and confusing
For D.O. Pronouns, think of it as WHAT you are doing.
It’s WHAT: -you eat -you do -you smell -you hug -you see -you kiss -you play -etc.
Te amo — I love you ( you’re WHAT I love)
Los ves — You see them (they’re WHAT you see)
Lo comen — They eat it (it’s WHAT they eat)
Indirect Object Pronouns
me - me te - you le -you formal./him/her nos - us os - you pl. les - you plural/them
For this, think of it as TO WHAT/FOR WHAT you doing something.
Le doy una manzana — I give her an apple (TO WHOM I give the apple)
Nos hacen un favor — they do us a favor (TO/FOR whom they do a favor)
Les escribimos una carta — We write them a letter (TO/FOR whom we write a letter)
NOTE: Whenever you must use both indirect and direct objects in the same sentence with the same conjugated verb (ex. te lo doy — I give it to you), you MUST put it in the order of I.O. + D.O. + conjugated verb).
Be careful when using these because when in conjunction like the example given above, le and les get changed to se
Se lo traes — I bring it to him
Se los muestro — I show them to them
Se lo leo — I read it to him
I hope this was able to help you better understand how/when to use them.
“Sé” with an Accent Mark
When we have sé with it an accent mark, it can mean 1 of 2 things:
First person singular conjugation of saber Yo lo sé - I know
The informal singular command of saber ¡Sé tú mismo! - Be yourself!
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overthefjords · 3 years
I Do (Finally)
The proposal I wrote out months ago and forgot to post here >:3c
June 2008.
Aleks had been watching the storting like a hawk for the past few months. A gender-neutral marriage bill was being passed around between the members, and they were considering having it put into effect in the new year should it pass. Sure, there were already protections in place in Norway for same-sex partnerships, but… Marriage was something different. Something Mathias and himself had been longing after for literal centuries.
It was one thing to say this is my partner, my significant other, my love. But it was something else to have the proof in the eyes of the law, in the world, that you were wed.
So, when Aleksander got the heads up that the storting had passed the bill and it would be announced later in the week, he started concocting a plan.
He was going to propose to Mathias as the news was breaking. He was going to get all of their loved ones and go out to dinner altogether. A quick call to the other Nordics, the Low Countries, and their other friends was the first order of business, and then going about the restaurant reservations. KöD Oslo, one of the favorite places that the pair usually reserved for special occasions like anniversaries and birthdays.
The ring was plain and nothing fancy, but the runes engraved on the inside spoke louder than the platinum band would suggest. They were tiny, wrapped around the entirety of the inside of the band itself.
From the dawn of the realms until the end of time, you are my one love, unrivaled. No mortal man nor beast could take you from me.
It would be a lie to say that Aleksander had not had this planned out decades in advance, that he did not set down a deposit on Mathias' engagement ring during the 1950s as the Dane was recovering from his brush with death. They both had been waiting for this for literal centuries, and Aleksander would be damned if he wasn’t almost entirely prepared for this.
The last call he needed to make was to the jeweler, putting down the rest of the money on Mathias’ wedding band, paying the extra charges for it to be started on immediately.
Now, all he had to do was wait, and not say a thing to Mathias.
Such a feat was easier said than done, especially because the both of them had been waiting for this for almost forever, the chance to be fully married in the eyes of everyone; the law, their nations, the world. It was lucky that he was able to control himself when he saw his boyfriend every day for the next week, lucky that he didn’t just drop to one knee as soon as the neurosurgeon had stepped out of his car that evening.
But wait he did, and it was luck that the Norwegian had an endless supply of patience. If he was going to do this, he wanted it to be perfect.
The day was perfect and warm, the arrival of summer in Norway called for extraordinarily long and comfortable days in Oslo. Mathias had the window rolled down, his hand extended out from the car and waving through the air currents as they drove from the house into the city, the both of them dressed up for the occasion. As far as Mathias knew, there was no special occasion, just a get together with friends and loved ones at their favorite place
The ring box was inside of the pocket of Aleks' dress pants, the same pocket where he stowed his keys and wallet so as to not arouse suspicion for him carrying something in his pockets.
"Who all is supposed to be here, Aleks?" Mathias asked, fingers sliding between his partner’s as Aleks’ hand was resting on the center console.
"Mm," Aleks tapped his thumb against the steering wheel for a moment. "Bastian and Christiane, Ludwig, Sigfrid, Sigurd, Mikael, Gunnar, Timo, Emma, Willem, Gemma, Toni, Naia, Arthur, Francis, and I invited Alfred and Matthieu but I’m not sure if they’ll be here.” He said it as if inviting their overseas friends was no big deal, as if collecting so many of their friends at all was nothing more than a casual summer dinner. He failed to mention the Aussie and New Zealander that he’d invited as well, Kyle and Cae. That, surely, would throw up more red flags than inviting the North Americans.
“Quite a gathering,” Mathias replied, “Are we getting an entire section to ourselves, then?”
“It’ll most likely end up that way if they all seat us in one section, anyway.” Aleks did in fact reserve the dining room off of the garden, but that was his little secret. He had requested at least half of them to get there ahead of time, that way the rest would trickle in at a somewhat normal pace once Mathias and himself had arrived.
Aleks pulled the car into a spot outside of the restaurant, leaning over to exchange a small, sweet kiss with his partner before brushing a stray ball of lint from his shirt. “I think my brothers are already here.”
“I have no doubt,” Mathias replied with a slight chuckle, brushing his nose against Aleks’ as he leaned over the center console. “They are nothing if not exceedingly early to everything.”
“You’re telling me,” Aleks says with a laugh, sliding out of the car and rounding to the passenger’s side. “Mikael likes to show up at my office an hour before our meeting and then pester me until I’m ready.” Once Mathias was standing on the curb next to him, Aleks went ahead and locked the car, resting a hand on the small of the Dane’s back and walking with him into the restaurant.
Already waiting for them were the Nordics, of course, taking up one of the central circle tables in the dining room, leaving two seats side-by-side for Aleks and Mathias.
From there, the dining room began to fill with their friends, usually arriving in pairs and with bright, cheery smiles. The room swelled with chatter, a small gathering of nations joined together for only one thing, kept hidden from one Danish doctor.
The chatter gave way to dinner, which did nothing to hush the rabble in the room. They were surrounded by so much happiness, so much joy, and Aleks could not be more grateful that so many of their friends were able to make it, and could pack the dining room for this.
The volume in the room only fell to a hush when Aleks stood up, resting a hand on Mathias’ shoulder.
“I wanted to thank all of you for coming on such short notice,” He started, giving a small smile to the tables surrounding the one the Nordics were all sitting at. “I know I only gave you a week to get here, but the fact that you’ve come means the world to me. To us.” Aleks catches Mathias’ slightly confused expression out of the corner of his eye.
“The storting has signed into legislation a marriage bill,” Aleks continued, his voice even and careful. “That, come the first of January, will change the definition of marriage in Norway.”
This was it.
“That being said, I have a very important question to ask.” Aleks turned to Mathias, who was staring at the Norwegian with those wide icy blue eyes of his. He took Mathias’ left hand in his, smoothly dropping to one knee before the Dane with a navy blue ring box in the palm of his hand.
“Mathias Nikolas Anker, you have been my steadfast companion for nine hundred and fifteen years. You are unendingly kind, intelligent and I have had the absolute privilege to be the man that is allowed to love you. You have shown me and taught me more than I could ever in my entire life begin to thank you for. You took a blood-soaked and scarred young man and loved him until his edges were not so sharp, and until he learned how to love you in every way you deserve to be loved. We have tested one another, and have been tested in countless ways. There is no one else on this planet that I would rather see every sunrise and sunset with until the end of our time here on Earth. Would you do me the honor of marrying me?”
Nestled in the navy velvet of the box was a gorgeous platinum band, the center of the band bearing a brushed look while the edges were kept reflective. And of course, the inside had the raised runes that Aleks had meticulously chosen.
There were barely a handful of heartbeats between Aleks’ question and Mathias flinging himself into the Norwegian’s chest, Mathias’ arms thrown around his shoulders while he pressed his face into Aleks’ neck. The Dane was sobbing, fingers curling into the short hairs at the back of Aleks’ head and clinging to him as if his life depended on it.
There were a slew of garbled questions interspersed among those heart-wrenching sobs, mostly asking if he was dreaming or if this was really happening. Aleks did his best to answer the questions, resting his head against Mathias’ and rubbing at his back, the ring box still sitting open in his other hand.
Aleks didn’t really need that yes; he took the hysterics as one.
“You’re alright,” Aleks murmured against Mathias’ temple, slowly standing up and letting the ring box snap shut so he could stow it in his pocket once again. Even as they stood, Mathias’ arms remained around Aleks, the Dane standing up on his tippy toes. “C’mon, let’s go outside,” Aleks suggested softly, guiding the inconsolable Dane out of the dining room and onto the patio.
Aleks, with his arms wrapped around Mathias, walked the both of them over to the raised garden planter that took up the center of the patio. He slowly sat down on the edge of it, Mathias sitting in his lap automatically. He didn’t want to be apart from Aleks, even in the slightest at the moment.
With Mathias still roughly sobbing against the Norwegian’s neck, Aleks rubbed slow circles into the Dane’s back. “I found out about a week ago that they were passing it,” he said quietly, head resting atop Matti’s. “It’s been officially signed by Harald as of noon. The official announcement comes tonight. I wanted to ask you the afternoon I found out, but I needed time to get your ring finished and everyone here.”
“Aleksander,” Mathias cried, gripping the Norseman tighter and making Aleks laugh softly as he continued to rub at the Dane’s back. “We can get married…”
“Mathias,” Aleks echoed, rocking his sweetheart slowly and kissing the top of his head. “We can, but only if you say yes.”
Mathias sniffled, lifting his head to look at Aleks and butting their foreheads together. “I haven’t wanted anything more. For as long as I’ve loved you. So yes, of course, I’ll marry you.”
Aleks lifted his hands to Mathias’ face, wiping his tears away before kissing him for just a moment, a bright smile growing on his face. “We’re getting married.”
“Uh-huh,” Mathias mirrored that smile, thumbs rubbing against the side of Aleks’ face. “Can I see my ring?”
Aleks chuckled, stealing another little kiss before digging in his pocket and presenting the ring box once more. He popped the box open, pulling the ring from its confines and taking Mathias’ left hand in his own.
“No, let me look at it,” Mathias insisted softly, taking the gorgeous band from Aleks’ fingers, turning it over in his hands. It was beautiful, the afternoon summer sun catching the polished edges and diffusing from the brushed parts.
That is when the Dane caught sight of the raised runes on the inside, slowly rotating the ring as he read them. What was written there choked him up, looking up at his fiancé with a watery smile. He was getting all choked up again, letting Aleks slide the ring onto his finger before throwing his arms back around the Norwegian and tucking his damp, splotchy face against his neck once again. “I love it,” He warbled, hiccuping through another bout of sobs.”I love you…”
Aleks lost track of time from there, merely continuing to rock his sobbing husband-to-be, letting him cry against his shoulder and his neck. There was nowhere he’d rather be right now, even with a dining room full of their friends and family.
That early evening dinner service bled into warm twilight, and their friends and family slowly joined the pair in the garden, wine glasses and dessert plates in hand. Taking in the pair sitting together, all smiles and gentle affectionate touches, they all knew that of course Mathias had said yes.
“When’s the wedding?” Christiane asked with laughter, passing a glass of dark liquor to the Dane, who took it gratefully with his left hand, now bearing that lovely silvery band. The wedding would not be for a good while. They’d waited so long for this chance, the ceremony would be perfectly intimate, and the reception full to bursting with life. Just as Mathias would want it.
Seasons passed between that teary-eyed proposal and the warm spring day of their ceremony, the new greenery of the trees glistening with dew from the night before. They were witnessing two births on this day, one of the land in spring and one of two lives being officially joined as one after deserving of such a gift for so long.
Of course, things would go smoothly for all who witness it. The same could perhaps not be said for the grooms in question. Anxiety came easily to the Dane, who was pacing his hotel room with shaky hands and a pale face despite all of the efforts from his groomsmen to help him relax. He was naturally high-strung and high energy, and with nothing to focus on besides getting ready, his head was running away with itself.
That was what Aleksander was told when Bastian came to get him, the Norwegian busy fitting his cufflinks into his button-down.
“He won’t settle down.” The Belgian looked rightfully concerned, standing in the doorway, half-dressed with concern etched on his young features. “I’d say I’m surprised, but I’m not,” Aleks said with the barest of knowing smiles. His own groomsmen, his brothers, were all getting ready in their own rooms. There was no need for him to lord over them right now. He had a sinking feeling that he’d have bigger things to help with than fixing Mikael’s tie. “Send him over here, Bastian, if you would.”
With a sharp nod, the young man left the room, leaving Aleks alone with his dress uniform spread out on the end of the bed. He knew Mathias hated the bowties that came with the Naval outfits, but he had wanted them both dressed in them for the occasion. It’ll just give Aleks all the opportunities to fix them when they get crooked and steal little kisses in the process.
“It’s bad luck for you to see me before the wedding,” Came the quietest voice from the doorway a few minutes later, a familiar hand wrapped around the doorframe.
Aleks cast a soft glance in Mathias’ direction, moving to rest a hand over the Dane’s where it gripped the door. “My love, I don’t know if that applies here.” He says this tenderly, twisting his fingers through his husband-to-be’s and coaxing Mathias in from the hallway. “You’re not exactly a bride, and neither am I. That’s the entire point.”
Aleksander’s words make his partner laugh, though it's weak and uneasy as Mathias is brought into the room, the door shutting with a soft click behind him. There was nothing here that they had not seen before; dress uniforms were standard, and they’d seen each other in a plethora of other states than half-dressed. And yet, the anxiety did not listen to reason.
As soon as that door was closed, Mathias was in the Norseman’s arms, head tucked against his chest. This was his safe place, Aleks knew this, and the Norwegian wrapped his arms snugly around his love.
“What’s going on in that head of yours, Matti?” Aleks murmured after a few minutes of silence, the quiet hum of a fan in the background the only noise besides their breathing.
“I’m scared.” It was a lot for Mathias to admit this, and Aleksander knew this. His love was the one to put on big, happy faces to cover up his concerns, to push it away to deal with later, so the plain admission spoke to the depth of his fears.
Though, Aleksander could not fathom why the Dane was so afraid. They’d already done all of the really hard things that couples do, and even more so because of who they are. The taller of the pair was going to ask why when Mathias just supplied the answer outright. “It’s…” He takes a shaky breath, turning to put his cheek against his love’s chest and lifting cerulean eyes to meet navy. “Scary to show just how deeply I love you. It's just been for us for so long. Showing how deep everything for us goes is terrifying.”
Aleks gets it, he does. They had to hide their love for literal ages. It makes sense to be apprehensive about putting all of that on display, though it's not ever been a secret. “Making it official is a lot.” An affirmative hum from the Dane was followed with a soft huff. “We should’ve eloped.”
“There’s still time. I can book us a flight to wherever.”
“No. I'm tired of hiding us. You know how I am.” Mathias finally leans back a bit from Aleksander’s embrace, chin tipped up to gaze up at the man he loved.
Making an affirmative noise in the back of his throat, Aleks just smiles at his beloved. His hands lift to cradle Mathias’ face, gently butting their foreheads together. “Just so you know, I have been proud to love you for every single moment of all nine hundred and sixteen years, and I am just as proud today as I was our very first night together.”
Aleks watched tears flood Mathias’ eyes, and brought his sweetheart into his arms once again, feeling the doctor’s fingers curl into the back of his shirt. “I know you’re very private about your feelings, but no one can take us from one another. Not anymore. Not ever again.”
Those sniffles devolved into little sobs, with Mathias’ arms slung around his partner’s neck in an attempt to get as close as humanly possible to Aleksander, who merely lifted Mathias off of his feet and held him in his arms.
Lucky for Mathias, Aleksander was always prepared. A quick wardrobe change later and the pair were just lounging on the bed, Mathias in one of the Norwegian’s sweaters and a pair of the Dane’s own joggers. They had hours until the ceremony, and Mathias was dozing off in Aleksander’s arms, far calmer than when he’d arrived.
“Wake me up a half-hour before?” He’d groggily murmured against Aleksander’s tear-stained shoulder. Thankfully, he’d also brought backup suits for the both of them. Aleks didn’t think their dress shirts would survive an impromptu nap. “I still need to look handsome for our ceremony.”
“Of course, kjærlighet.” Aleks would not argue that Mathias never looked anything less than, even when the Dane was exhausted out of his mind from work and wearing those awful green scrubs.
He’d loved Mathias in sickness, in health, in life, in death, through good times and bad, and all of what those standard vows would say. He’d love Mathias to the ends of their existences, from the dawn of time until the end of the world.
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@gingerreggg whee it still continues
Heads Up- Part 7 (Joseph x Bust!Caesar)
"You sure this is the right place?" Joseph asked Suzi as they toured the art supplies section of the local shopping center.
"Sure! Loggins and Messina are Professor Lisa's main suppliers of art materials! They also offer them wholesale for cheap prices. We're gonna need it..." she whimpered, eyeing her wallet sadly.
"Professor Lisa?" Joseph asked. "As in...Elizabeth Joestar?"
"Oh, you know her?" Suzi exclaimed.
"She's my mom, I didn't know you were a student of hers..." Joseph sighed, Suzi apparently not having made the connection with the Joestar surname. Having his mother be a renowned professor in the field of visual arts was quite a burden on Joseph. He wasn't especially close to her, and the few memories they had together were of her being strict and of high expectations. She was distant both physically and emotionally, yet the weight of her achievements rested heavily on Joseph's shoulders.
He was glad to have a little apartment to himself once he turned 18. A small place he could call his own, and have a little freedom to express himself.
Though as of the moment, it was no longer a home solely his.
"I wonder how Caesar's doing back home, alone." Joseph whispered to Suzi.
"Oh, relax," she laughed, as she felt the types of clay on exhibit trying to find one matching Caesar's consistency and texture. "I made sure the door's locked and he has stuff to keep occupied, he'll be perfectly safe."
Caesar cautiously thumped his way across the house. It was the first time the clay bust had been left home alone since the day he came to life, and he felt uneasy.
He'd promised Suzi and Joseph he wouldn't cause any more trouble after last night's fiasco. Still, Suzi felt it was better off to be safe than sorry, and spent the early morning Caesar-proofing the house. She removed any platforms low enough for Caesar to jump up on-- she'd measured his highest jumps at five inches-- to keep him from trying to climb up dangerous places, and she'd also put bubble wrap on hard objects such as table legs and sharp corners in case of him bumping into things.
Caesar frowned. He felt he was being infantilized, treated like a baby. He chuckled snarkily to himself in hindsight, given that he was after all only a week old, and whether that would classify him as a baby, even with a grown man's mind and personality.
And besides, as much as he detested admitting it, he knew what Joseph said the previous night was true. He indeed was just a helpless, limbless chunk of clay. He could only bounce his heavy, squishy torso slowly across the floor with much exertion, and hardly anything more. Who knows what could happen if he'd found himself alone outside?
Yet he still felt a sense of yearning for the great forbidden outdoors, as he looked dreamily out the window. He wondered how far he could possibly go. He'd managed to make it to Joseph's lawn last night, and couldn't think how much further he could have gotten if Joseph hadn't caught up with him. Hopping on his neck was slow and hard, sure, but if there was one upside to being made of clay, it was that he never felt tired or sore from moving the way he did, and briefly contemplated if he could have explored a good distance in his new world hadn't it been for Joseph's advantage of legs.
But each little squeak of his varnished torso with each hop reminded him of Joseph's painstaking effort he took the previous evening to repair him. How he'd gone out of his way to make sure Caesar wasn't in pain, and was always in tip-top condition. How he'd shown him genuine friendship even if the artist was silly and exasperating at times. Hell, the very fact that he'd kept Caesar at all instead of disposing of him or destroying him out of fear was already something the stubby clay being was already very grateful for, and he felt that, after all he'd done for him, it was better off not giving poor Joseph any further heartache.
He turned his eyes toward the books and art supplies that Suzi left behind for him on the living room floor. Perhaps there was a better use of his time than getting himself into trouble.
"This much for a dollar?" Suzi cheered with glee. "Sure, we'll take it!"
"How much clay do we need?" asked Joseph, lugging several other blocks in a heavy basket. Suzi had insisted on different types of clay closest to the kind that Joseph had made Caesar from, to test which one would suit him the best.
"Not enough to make a whole body, of course!" she giggled. "At least not yet."
"So do we like, start by giving him an arm? Or some pecs?" Joseph giggled mischievously, imagining the possibilities.
"We'll get there bit by bit," Suzi reassured. "Soon he'll be a complete person!"
"I hope so," mumbled Joseph doubtfully. "I hope we complete him in time for me to graduate..." Joseph scratched his head.
"Well, I think we better get going home now." Suzi said, double-checking the supplies to make sure they had all they needed. "I'm sure Caesar's been waiting."
"Hey, Cae," Joseph announced as he entered the house. "Sorry we took so long."
There was no familiar greeting thumps this time, however, so Joseph went to the living room to investigate.
And then his jaw dropped.
Caesar, during their absence, was painting.
He'd found Joseph's art box, the same one he'd meddled with on the first morning, and, using one of Suzi's paper sheets on her clipboard as a canvas, was using a watercolor palette. Joseph watched in amazement as Caesar, dexterously gripping the paintbrush in his lips, dipped the brush into the paint, and with a coordinated rotation of his head and a flexing of his mouth, he streaked the brush across the paper, forming a line of color on the sheet.
The painting itself wasn't much: it was little more than an abstract mess of different, haphazard streaks of color looking like a cross between a kindergartener's doodle and a Jackson Pollock painting. But the fact that it was made by someone without limbs and only a few days old was a tremendous achievement in itself, and Joseph couldn't hold back a tear of joy.
Caesar was so preoccupied with stroking the brush, that he scarcely noticed Joseph entering the room until Joseph called his name. Caesar flinched in surprise, dropping the brush as his mouth popped open in shock.
"Joseph! I-I didn't know you were here! I'm sorry," he said apologetically, making a few hops on the floor to turn himself to face Joseph. "I was just bored and wanted something to do, I hope you don't mind."
Joseph gestured to the painting with great amazement. "I didn't know you had such a talent for art!"
Caesar looked up at Joseph and grinned.
"I am art," Caesar said proudly, trying to stand as tall as he could, which was just a bit more than Joseph's knee-height.
"How did you do it?" Joseph asked.
"A lot of patience, a lot of persistence and a lot of bouncing," Caesar replied with a chuckle. Joseph couldn't help but notice, as Caesar smiled, that his nose had flattened slightly and his front teeth were slightly crooked, likely from their unintended use as substitutes for fingers.
"You've done a wonderful job, but I think you overdid yourself," Joseph said, gently lifting up Caesar off the ground. "You need just a little bit of fixing," Joseph said, imagining the struggle of Caesar having to use his nose and teeth to move things around.
It was hard being just a head.
"Okay, this won't hurt a bit," Joseph said, as he gently squeezed Caesar's soft clay nose back into shape.
"Ah, that's better," the bust replied, as he sat once more on his birthplace: Joseph's working table. "I couln't help but squish my nose a bit to push that art box of yours along."
A wide grin crept across Joseph's face.
"Well, the good news is that you won't have to do that anymore!" he said, gesturing to a large block of clay on the opposite end of the table, still wrapped in a thin layer of plastic.
Intrigued, Caesar carefully bounced closer. "What-- what's this? What does this mean?" he asked, perplexed.
Suzi followed into the room with a huge smile, carrying another clay block.
"We're making you a body, Caesar!"
Caesar's eyes grew wide with surprise. "Could...could you really do that?"
Joseph shrugged. "I don't know, but I think it's worth a try!"
"We're gonna experiment a bit on how to pull this off," Suzi said, peeling off the plastic covering of the clay block. "We guessed we'd build on you bit by bit so you gradually get used to having more of a body."
"Gee, I never thought," Caesar said, gratefully. "Let's do this."
The two artists began with a stub of a right arm, all the way up to an elbow. Perching Caesar onto the workbench, they began to outfit him with the stump, using Suzi's anatomy reference guide to scale and sculpt the limb.
"I wished I had that book sooner," Joseph laughed, as he smoothened Caesar's newly attached arm nub. "Then I wouldn't have settled for making only a bust."
Soon the stubby appendage was tacked on, and Joseph began to paint. He stroked and blended with the same amount of dedication he'd given Caesar's head, shaping it as to merge with Caesar's shoulder seamlessly, texturing it perfectly as to look almost like human skin, until at last, painted and sculpted, it looked perfect, like a natural outgrowth of Caesar's rudimentary body.
"Go on," Joseph said encouragingly. "Try to move it."
Caesar strained and struggled to do just that, staring at the new limb intently, with determination, but the elbow-length stub refused to budge. Not even a wiggle or a twitch, no matter how hard Caesar tried, the arm stub remained a motionless deadweight.
Caesar looked at Joseph, clearly worried.
"Jojo...I can't."
Joseph felt a sinking unease. He reached out to touch Caesar's skin. His head and neck felt oddly warm like always, warm like a living person's skin despite being textured, and having a consistency, like clay. But there was a sharp divide where the new arm met his torso-- beyond that line, the clay of the arm felt cold and lifeless to the touch. It felt dead.
"Something's wrong," Joseph said. Suzi came over for a closer look.
Pulling out a pin from a box of supplies, she sharply poked the arm stub. "Feel anything?"
"Nope," Caesar sighed.
"How about this?" she asked, poking a bit higher.
"Still nothing."
Suzi poked the arm higher and higher, but Caesar felt nothing. But after several pokes, she reached the line where the warm, living clay met the useless stump.
"Ouch!" Caesar cried as Suzi jabbed him finally at a spot he could feel.
Suzi shook her head. "Maybe it's because it's incomplete? Should we try finishing a complete arm and hand?"
"I'm not really sure how sentient clay bust anatomy works," sighed Joseph, "but I suppose it's worth a try. After all, Caesar only came alive once I completed his head."
Caesar shuddered at the prospect of coming alive before his head was completed, but sighed in relief that he only did animate once it was.
"Just hold on for a while, alright Cae?" Joseph said in an attempt to reassure the anxious bust. "Hopefully you'll soon have a body."
Joseph sat down and ruffled his brown messy hair in frustration.
This, as it turned out, was a lot more complicated than it had first seemed.
(Previous Chapter)
(Next Chapter)
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1market · 2 years
Military Synthetic and Digital Training Solution Market Market: Growth, Trends, Future Opportunities, Analysis and Forecast To 2025 |Research Informatic
Military Synthetic and Digital Training Solution Market - Overview-:
The Global Military Synthetic and Digital Training Solution Market size is predicted to reach USD 17.56 Billion by 2026 growing at a CAGR of 8.9% over the forecast period of 2021-2026. The producers ensure that the hardware and software utilized in the military's synthetic and digital training solutions are properly matched for their planned use. Organizations in the business are growing their interest in innovative work to ensure that clients (military faculty) get the best conceivable recreation climate.
Cross-Domain simulations and super high-loyalty vivid encounters are two significant specialized advancements in the business. A few innovative and non-specialized deterrents face the business, including consolidating programming and equipment and working on an open organization. Notwithstanding, these are projected to be deliberately gotten rid of the market after some time.
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Military Synthetic and Digital Training Solution system can likewise follow and identify other aerial vehicles. Inferable from the rising criminal operations with the robot, the worldwide Military Synthetic and Digital Training Solution market is relied upon to fill more in the figure period. Military Synthetic and Digital Training Solution Technology safeguards enormous public spaces, air terminals, and basic foundations, for example, arenas, war zone locales, army bases. Here the electro-optical and infrared sensors are sued to recognize the robots.
 Military Synthetic and Digital Training Solution Market - Dynamics-:
The examination report clarifies the changing statistics in the Military Synthetic and Digital Training Solution Market that is relied upon to affect demand and supply. In addition, it digs into the administrative changes that are anticipated to move or break down the growing tendency of the market.
Driver: R&D activities towards the development of a military simulation system are increasing the market demand.
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Military Synthetic and Digital Training Solution Market - Competitive Study-:
Under this section, readers will know critical competitors and the procedures they adopt to experience undue advantages in the Military Synthetic and Digital Training Solution Market in addition, this fundamental analysis will enable readers to acknowledge which contender contributes more to the market.
Key Players in the Military Synthetic and Digital Training Solution Market consist of:
·         Airbus S.A.S.
·         Boeing
·         CAE Inc.
·         ECA Group
·         General Dynamics Mission Systems Inc.
·         Indra Sistemas
·         S.A.
·         Kongsberg
·         L3Harris Technologies Inc.
·         Leidos
·         Leonardo S.p.A.
·         Northrop Grumman
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Military Synthetic and Digital Training Solution Market – Segmentation:
The segmentation study carried out in this report helps the Military Synthetic and Digital Training Solution Market players to boost productivity by cantering their organization's endeavors and assets on those market segments, which proves most positive to their objectives.
The segments are done based on:
By Immersion Technology
·         Partially Immersed
·         Fully Immersed
 By Components
·         Hardware
·         Software
 By Business Model
·         Direct Purchase
·         Pay-as-Service
 By Type
·         Aerial Simulator
·         Naval Simulator
·         Ground Simulator
·         Cyber
 By Applications
·         Combat and Personal Training
·         MRO Training
·         Leadership and Skill Assessment
·         Medical Training
·         North America
·         Europe
·         APAC
·         RoW
 Key Benefits of the report-:
1. Reveals insight into the restrictions present in the worldwide Military Synthetic and Digital Training Solution Market that can hamper the development of the market in the coming years.
2. The report introduces a reasonable focus on how these limitations can be transformed into circumstances when surveyed appropriately.
3. Developing ways of life, tax collection arrangements, and buying forces of different economies have been examined in Military Synthetic and Digital Training Solution Market incredible detail.
4. Displays generation and income estimates for the worldwide market, creation and utilization estimates for local needs, output, income, and value figures for the worldwide Military Synthetic and Digital Training Solution Market.
5. Offers a forward-looking point of view of the Military Synthetic and Digital Training Solution Market by giving nitty-gritty insights giving brisk data about the market's general advancement throughout the conjecture time frame.
6. Improves decision-making capabilities by presenting accurate to an extended picture of this vast Military Synthetic and Digital Training Solution Market.
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           Some Points from Table of Contents of Global Military Synthetic and Digital Training Solution Market:
Major points from Table of Content:
Chapter 1 Military Synthetic and Digital Training Solution Market Overview 1.1 Product Overview and Scope of Military Synthetic and Digital Training Solution 1.2 Military Synthetic and Digital Training Solution Market Segmentation by Type 1.2.1 Global Production Market Share of Military Synthetic and Digital Training Solution by Type in 2020 1.2.1 Type 1 1.2.2 Type 2 1.2.3 Type 3 1.3 Military Synthetic and Digital Training Solution Market Segmentation by Application 1.3.1 Military Synthetic and Digital Training Solution Consumption Market Share by Application in 2020 1.3.2 Application 1 1.3.3 Application 2 1.3.4 Application 3 1.4 Military Synthetic and Digital Training Solution Market Segmentation by Regions 1.4.1 North America 1.4.2 China 1.4.3 Europe 1.4.4 Southeast Asia 1.4.5 Japan 1.4.6 India 1.5 Global Market Size (Value) of Military Synthetic and Digital Training Solution (2014-2028) Chapter 2 Global Economic Impact on Military Synthetic and Digital Training Solution Industry 2.1 Global Macroeconomic Environment Analysis 2.1.1 Global Macroeconomic Analysis 2.1.2 Global Macroeconomic Environment Development Trend 2.2 Global Macroeconomic Environment Analysis by Regions Chapter 3 Global Military Synthetic and Digital Training Solution Market Competition by Manufacturers
TOC Continued….
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Not Yet Knight ~ 1
      “My lady, the horns are blasting!” Scream a young teen boy as he raced into the back rooms of the building. “Someone’s requesting shelter; I think it’s the Kings Own or the Riders.”
        “The Riders never announce their approach.” A woman’s voice called out from under a pile of blankets on a tarnished cot. Slowly she made herself visible, moving to straighten her wholly tunic and leggings to look more proper. “Send the reply and take two others to go and bring them in. I will help start the preparations.”
        “Yes’am,” grinning he turned to run.
        “And Palt,” She called out.
        “Yes Lady Cae?” Leaning back in the door way.
        “Send back a count of their number as soon as you get there.” Sternly Cae’s crisp amber eyes started intently into face, “First thing when you get there, the total number.”
        “Yes’am” Sheepish he answered before running off to do his errands.
        Quickly, she grabbed her tall wooden staff and walked towards the main section of the building. The return call telling their guest they were welcome had sent other who lived with in her boundaries into a flurry of activity. Very few of residents were adults; mostly they were children and teens as young as a few months to the age of sixteen. Both boys as girls worked to set up the stables designed to be expanded in case of guests or emergences against the far wall of the fort under the watchful eye of the head groomsmen. The old temple was transformed from classrooms into bunks by the oldest girls while they kept an eye on the infants.
Cook Lynette had some children working hard in the kitchen, filling pots of water to boil, washing dishes, and peeling vegetables. Walking from the main building to the adjacent corridor, Cae admired Roran’s infirmary as he refreshed the spells as those he was training checked the empty beds for any dirt or evidence of old illness.  He smiled and nodded to her as she passed by walking into the largest meeting room. The cleaning of this room as a daily chore, the large walnut wood table shone with a faded sheen.
        The sound of Palt’s horn drew her from the room to listen. The signal was clear, unmistakable, and sickening to her ears. Taking several deep breathes she readied herself for the flood of excited panic that would be overcoming her people.
        “My Lady!” Called Arton, current head of the stables. “Did I really just hear the right? 100 men and royalty?”
        “That’s what I heard,” She took another long breathe and looked at the eager young man. “Double out stable length and send Arah to come find me.”
        Without replying he ran smiling like a fool to obey. Not much later Arah’s blonde hair could be seen fighting its braid as she ran to Cae.
        “You heard the call?” Cae questioned to nodding young woman. “We will need to move the Youngers to the classrooms and make their rooms appropriate for such honored guests.”
        “All three rooms?” Arah’s eyes growing large as she tried to process moving 27 youngsters into two small rooms with no help.
        “Gather any who can be spared to help you on my order.” Smiling, Cae sent her away.
        As the last of the stable was secured into place, Cae heard the call to the walls. Her guards, armed boys and girls, stood at attention waiting for her permission to open the gates to their guests. Chain mail glistened through the trees as they approached. Roran soon stood beside her in his mage robes assuring her that it was indeed their majesties and the Third Company of the King’s Own. Palt rode with them, the image of loyal servant, blowing the request to open the gate. The old gates squealed at the pressure of being opened wide for such a large group as Cae descended the steps from the wall. Within a few moments, King Jonathan of Conte, Queen Thayet, and Lord Raul handed off there mounts to those who was in their charge as walking towards her.
        Smiling, Cae knelt on one knee in the mud before them.
        Palt spoke, bowing to their majesties, “May I present our leader, Caetry, keeper of Salen.”
        “Please stand,” King Jonathan’s voice was a pleasant tenor as he spoke to her. “We are very thankful for your hospitality.”
        “We are honored to serve you your majesties.” Keeping her head down as she rose, she looked out of the corner of her vision she could not help but be swayed by their majestic looks alone to like them.
        “Buri had told me about this little gem the last time we had come this way,” Thayet smiled curiously at the woman in front of her. “Do you have any students who are ready for the riders?”
        “Three who wish to join the riders and four determined to join the King’s Own your highness,” stealing a glance, Cae added shaking her head, “I’m convinced they are just trying to cost me our entire savings so they can accomplish all their visions of grandeur but I will not hold them back.”
        “Lady Caetry!” A tall man of bazir descent called out as he rushed towards them. Bowing hastily he swooped her up in a hug before the amused royals. “I have saved up coin so I may adopt one of the next batch! Whom shall I take?”
        “Matre,” Raul smiled, surprised at this reserved man’s show of eager affection. “Are you leaving the company? What’s this about adopting?”
        “Forgive me my Lord,” This time he bowed properly to them, his bright smile a contrast to his dark skin, “Lady Cae raised me and several others of the Own and Riders. She works hard to make sure those in her care are protected, fed, and trained for many different tasks. Several of us agreed when we were accepted into the Own that we would save money out of what we earn to help pay for those who were to come after us.”
        “Excuse, Majesties, but shall we go into the mess hall? Matre I will introduce you to the next batch later.” Curtsying Cae turned sharp eyes towards Matre, which he ignored, before leading the way. “My students will show your men to the stables and rest areas, My Lord Raoul.”
Opening the door she allowed their majesties guest to be greeted by the group of the Kings Own who were already resting within at the long tables. Raul leaned against the door frame near her as she watched them carefully before turning to him, “Something to say my Lord?”
        “Buri told me to tell you if she find out you’ve been skipping meals again she’ll beat you,” Grinning as Cae nodded knowingly as he added, “you know you’ll have to answer for that Lady comment don’t you?”
        “Don’t worry about me, my Lord,” Grinning over she shoulder at his friendly black eyes. “I have my tale to tell when they ask and if Buri is planning on beating me… well, I may never have to tell it.”
        “It isn’t wise to lie to their Majesties,” Concern overcame his features as he watched her playful grin. “Jon is well enough as Kings go but he can tell if you are truly lying to him.
        “They will prefer the lie to the truth, my friend. I can promise you that with ease.” Cae’s smile turned sad before she walked away to check on the younger tenants. The Hall of Children was abuzz with life and noise as anyone too young for work played, learned, and listened to stories. To her joy, one of the nine year old girls was practicing bowing and curtsies with the eager group of four and five year olds.  If it was any other monarch she would have laughed off there shenanigans as pointless but with these? They had a reputation of loving and showing kindness to children.
        Smiling Caetry went and spoke with the older girls, saw the arrangements they had mad for everyone to sleep, and checked what food they had stored up. All but the last task was satisfactory, Cae knew she was going to have to send out some of her older children to work. The fields needed tending but that could wait until sunrise tomorrow.     
“My Lady?” Arah called down the corridor, interrupting Caetry’s concentration on the calculations she was working on. To her surprise Arah was holding a limp toddler in her arms.  “My Lady, there majesties are requesting a word with you and Torni won’t wake up.”
        “Give’er here,” Cae took the small child on her hip knowing she was not used to this many people and so much noise. “Torni, sweet one, you are ok. Wake up now.” Feeling Torni’s back with her hand she realized that she was much too warm. Remembering the fever that had already taken two infants panic crashed over her as she calmly fought to keep the fear out of her voice, “Arah, will you go get Master Roran? Quick as you can?”
        The younger woman left through the mess hall at a run. Walking up to the edges of the make shift throne room, worry overcame her features for the child in her arms. Everything about how Torni was behaving was wrong. The almost two year old only twitched in her mothers’ arms as Cae was torn between going to the throne and taking the child to the infirmary herself. Roran was taking far too long and their Majesties had taken notice of her. Keeping an eye on the door, Cae watched as Raul bent to speak quietly with the King and Queen before nodding permission for her silent plea. She ran as fast as she could with the little ones still body.
        “Roran!” She bellowed, finding Arah sobbing as she banged against the think, locked door. Caetry was no longer afraid of waking the still child.
        “What?” The mage yelled at his leader, his gift radiating around him, clothes drenched in sweat. “I was in the middle of assisting with a surgery! What in the god’s names is so import…ant?” Reaching out his hand, he felt Torni’s head as his anger faded into sorrow.
        “She is gone, Roran,” Cae whispered coldly, blue-black power radiating from around her. “I called for you half a bell ago and you did not come and we lost another one.” Gulping she looked up into his overly bright eyes. “We lost mine.”
        “Cae, Cae I’m sorry,” reaching to touch her arm her was thrown into the open doorway by her dark gift. Taking deep breaths she forced herself to have control and her power faded. She noticed the healer Roran had been assisting, Sir Nealen or Neal, frowning at the child in her arms. Holding out his arms Roran couldn’t meet her disappointed eyes as he spoke, “I will prepare her for burial… my Lady.”
        Cae hesitated looking down at her mini self. Same nearly black hair, amber eyes, and mouth always prepared to smile.
        “My Lady,” Arah whispered as tears flood her cheeks. “Their Majesties are still waiting for you and I have to… I have to tell the others about Torni… that the Black God sings her lullabies.”
        “I envy him.” Trying on a smile, Cae failed, although she didn’t dare to cry. “I will go before their Majesties and return to kiss her good night.” Without another word she walked all the way to the door of the mess hall. Standing there for a moment she summoned in her mind the person she wanted them to see: calm, respected, in control. Carefully she forced herself to smile and refreshed the image of her clothing for them to see; only those who knew her well would not be fooled by such a weak mask. Pushing through the door several hopeful glances sought her face only for her to look down in avoidance.
        “Caetry, are you ready to speak with their majesties or do you need to stay with the little one?” Speaking quietly Raoul hunched down closer to her head as he offered her his hand.
        “I am ready to meet with their majesties, My Lord.” Placing a trembling hand on his, she added in a whisper, “The Black God cares for her now as he cares for all those we’ve lost this fall.”
        Startled Raul’s brows pulled close together as he led her to curtsy before the monarchs. Speaking loudly he address them, “May I present Caetry, Leader of this Fort and Keeper of Orphans?”
        “Trainer of the Queen’s Rider and the King’s Own,” The King replied smiling as if he sat on his golden throne and not a worn out stuffed chair. Handsome as he is, he could make any area appear as a place. “Her Majesty and I thank you, Caetry, for your hospitality.”
        “It is an honor to serve you, your Majesties,” She bowed once again, smiling as she fought to acknowledge the queens’ beauty instead of her own sorrow.
“Commander Buri mentioned that if we were to ever come here you would have a request of us,” Words fell easily from the queens ruby lips. “You have showed his Majesty, myself, and many of our people kindness. What would you request of us?”
        “Commander Buri is far too kind for thinking of me to you, Majesty,” Smiling, she force away her angry tears, she wanted her daughter back but not even the king could or should do that. Instead she spoke the answer that Buri would have expected from her. “I would be honored if those in my care may assist your people while there are here. Any advice that can be given them before they begin their training for the Riders and the Own would be greatly appreciated by us all.”
        “Knight Commander,” The king turned towards Raul speaking in a drowl, royal way. “I would imagine you could assist in seeing this request fulfilled?”
        “Of course, your Majesty,” He bowed before tilting his head like an innocent child. “I could meet with those closest to joining the Own? If you have what is required I may be able to take them sooner.”
        The tempest of emotions raged inside her as she kept her face calm and kind. He doesn’t know that I lost my child and he is asking to take my others, he has no idea of my pain, I must be in control. “You are all kindness my Lord, we currently have the ability to send two of the four.”
        “How long do you think until you’d be able to send the other two?” Baiting her with a grin to match Raul’s the King chimed in.
        “After the harvest I will have enough for the third,” Cae’s pleasant façade slipped with her concentration. “If I spoke to Baron Cooper and Lady Alanna, they may be willing to sponsor a student again and allow me to pay them back throughout the year, your Highness.”
        “George and Alanna have sponsored your students before?” Surprise was plain on Raul’s handsome face.
        “They have only sponsored my Riders so far my Lord, but they may be willing to trade work,” grinning at the knight, Cae turned back to their Majesties. “Excuse me, please, your majesties. Your and my lord’s rooms are prepared if you would care to rest before supper.”
        “Thank you, Cae,” Her Majesty gracefully set her hand on her husband’s arm as he went to question her further. Thayet’s lavender gown fluttered like butterflies as she walked up to kiss Cae’s cheek and whispered. “We can finish this discussion later. Is the little one you took out earlier well?”
        “She is well in the Black god’s care, highness,” Dropping her mask for just a moment that the queen could see her sadness before pulling in pack into place with a smile.  With a curtsy she pulled away and looked down until the twins, Arah and Arton, had led then back towards their chambers.
        The men of the Own greeted her with smiles, thanks, and offers to help anywhere needed. Her own people waited huddled away from the new comers, mourning. It wasn’t until Cae had joined them that Matre noticed the crowd and pulled the others who had been raised there to hear the news. She lied to them of course, telling them that she hadn’t realized the severity of the illness and had taken Torni to Roran too late for him to call her back.  
Cae allowed them a few minutes of apologies and prayers before she sent her people back to work reminding them that harvest would begin in the morning. The men of the own asked others which tasks to begin. Cae was pulled to the door as Cook pressed a dark crimson rose bud into her hand before she too returned to work.  All of those who belonged to Salen help overbright eyes as she nodded each to go back to work. Everyone who saw her put a fist by their heart and bowed, a sign of respect and mourning. ‘Our sorrow for your sorrow,’ they whispered.
        Holding the rose carefully in her hand, Cae walked into Roran’s domain. Nodding to the healers and those in training who were working she went into the small morgue where her little girl lay as if she was sleeping peacefully. Someone had followed her into the room but she didn’t turn to look as she brushed through the child’s hair with her fingers. Drops slipped from her eyes as Cae bent down to kiss her forehead.  Gently she placed her little arms to hold the rose across her chest like the princess in her favorite stories. A light hand rested on her shoulder, to her surprise, Cae looked up into the face of the Queen of Tortall.
        “She looks a lot like you,” Thayet whispered, smiling sadly at the sad young mother. “The black god takes wonderful care of our little ones.”
        “The Black god sings her lullabies,” Cae’s sad smile did not deceive the queen but she had to be strong. Desperate to change the subject she looked back to the busy room, “It seems that quite a few of your people are injured.”
        “They were a group scouting the area; we came to rescue them from the bandits.” Frowning towards where the injured were cared for, “Thanks to your people, we lost none to the Black god’s mercy.”
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counterculturecryer · 23 days
( ^-^)ノ∠※。.:*:・'°☆
doin magic in ur ask box
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topmarketnews · 3 years
Healthcare and Medical Simulation Market 2021 Share, Trends, Segmentation And Forecast To, 2026
The global Healthcare and Medical Simulation Market research report 2021 available on DecisionDatabases covers top company players in various countries along with analyzing the market trends and growth rate. Segment analysis by types and application helps in bifurcating the Healthcare and Medical Simulation market and understand each product type. This report provides information on various market factors such as market size, share, manufacturer's data, growth, and forecast till 2026.
The key market players for the global Healthcare and Medical Simulation market are listed below:
 3B Scientific Gmbh
 3D Systems
 Kyoto Kagaku
 Sakamoto Model
 Surgical Science
Click here to get a FREE Sample Copy of the Healthcare and Medical Simulation Market Research Report @ https://www.decisiondatabases.com/contact/download-sample-20456
The Global Healthcare and Medical Simulation Market Report is equipped with market data from 2016 to 2026. The report gives a market overview covering key drivers and risk factors. The report is bifurcated by top global manufactures mentioning sales, revenue, and prices as applicable. It also evaluates the competitive scenario of the leading players. The report expands to cover regional market data along with type and application. The report forecasts sales and revenue from 2021 to 2026. The detailed sales channel is also covered in the study.
COVID-19 Impact Analysis on Healthcare and Medical Simulation Market
The global pandemic COVID-19 has affected the Healthcare and Medical Simulation market directly or indirectly. This study covers a separate section giving an explicitly clear understanding of the aftereffects of this pandemic. The detailed study highlights the probable outcomes of this global crisis on the Healthcare and Medical Simulation industry. The impact study on production, supply-demand, and sales provides a holistic approach to the future.
Do You Have Any Query Or Report Customization? Ask Our Market Expert @ https://www.decisiondatabases.com/contact/ask-questions-20456
Why Purchase this Report?
A robust research methodology has been followed to collect data for the report. Data, thus collected passes through multiple quality checks to ensure the best quality is served.
The report gives a holistic view of the competitive scenario of the Healthcare and Medical Simulation market
The latest product launches along with technological changes and development are covered in the report.
The data analysis in the report helps in understanding the anticipated Healthcare and Medical Simulation market dynamics from 2021 to 2026.
DecisionDatabases has a vast repository of data, therefore, we can accommodate customized requirements also.
The graphs, tables and pie charts, and info-graphics covered in the report will help in a better understanding of the report.
The market drivers, restraints, upcoming opportunities, and anticipated restraints cited in the report will assist in making an informed decision.
To better understand the market scenario, the Healthcare and Medical Simulation market is segmented as below:
By Types:
 Anatomical Models
By Applications:
 Medical College
By Regions:
North America (U.S., Canada, Mexico)
Europe (U.K., France, Germany, Spain, Italy, Central & Eastern Europe, CIS)
Asia Pacific (China, Japan, South Korea, ASEAN, India, Rest of Asia Pacific)
Latin America (Brazil, Rest of L.A.)
The Middle East and Africa (Turkey, GCC, Rest of Middle East)
The content of the study subjects includes a total of 14 chapters:
Chapter 1: To describe Healthcare and Medical Simulation product scope, market overview, market opportunities, market driving force, and market risks. Chapter 2: To profile the top manufacturers of Healthcare and Medical Simulation, with price, sales, revenue, and global market share of Healthcare and Medical Simulation in 2018 and 2019. Chapter 3: The Healthcare and Medical Simulation competitive situation, sales, revenue, and global market share of top manufacturers are analyzed emphatically by landscape contrast. Chapter 4: The Healthcare and Medical Simulation breakdown data are shown at the regional level, to show the sales, revenue, and growth by region, from 2015 to 2020. Chapter 5 and 6: To segment the sales by type and application, with sales market share and growth rate by type, application, from 2015 to 2020. Chapter 7, 8, 9, 10 & 11: To break the sales data at the country level, with sales, revenue, and market share for key countries in the world, from 2016 to 2021 and Healthcare and Medical Simulation market forecast, by regions, type, and application, with sales and revenue, from 2021 to 2026. Chapter 12, 13 & 14: To describe Healthcare and Medical Simulation sales channel, distributors, customers, research findings and conclusion, appendix, and data source.
Directly Purchase the Complete Global Healthcare and Medical Simulation Market Research Report @ https://www.decisiondatabases.com/contact/buy-now-20456
About Us:
DecisionDatabases.com is a global business research report provider, enriching decision-makers, and strategists with qualitative statistics. DecisionDatabases.com is proficient in providing syndicated research reports, customized research reports, company profiles, and industry databases across multiple domains. Our expert research analysts have been trained to map client’s research requirements to the correct research resource leading to a distinctive edge over its competitors. We provide intellectual, precise, and meaningful data at a lightning speed.
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kerryblog · 3 years
Global Medical Education Market Analysis by Size, Share, Growth, Latest Innovation, Trends and Forecast 2020-2025
Global Medical Education Market Research Report portrays the distinct Medical Education industry aspects like the growth drivers, CAGR value, market share and size. The forecast and present Medical Education Market estimates with a historic assessment of Medical Education Industry situations is conducted in this study. The well-defined market facts like technological innovations, investment feasibility, growth strategies, and SWOT analysis is studied precisely. The Medical Education Market volume, value, size and market share is evaluated in this report. The Medical Education Industry chain structure explains the pricing pattern, upstream raw material supplier analysis and downstream buyers analysis. The study is bifurcated based on top Medical Education Industry players, applications, type and regional analysis.
Request A Free Sample Report Here:https://www.reportspedia.com/report/business-services/2020-2025-global-medical-education-market-report---production-and-consumption-professional-analysis-(impact-of-covid-19)/81346#request_sample
Top Key Players Profiled in This Report:
Healthcare Training Institute, New Jersey Olympus America Zimmer Biomet Institute American College of Radiology Harvard Medical School Stanford University School of Medicine Gundersen Health System Siemens Healthineers TACT Academy for Clinical Training Apollo Hospitals Johns Hopkins School of Medicine GE Healthcare Institute CAE Healthcare
The revenue segmentation and in-depth business portfolio of eminent Medical Education Market players are carried out in this study. The developments and emerging sectors of Medical Education Industry are analysed to enhance the decision-making process for innovative and profitable business plans. The fundamental Medical Education market outlook from 2015-2025 is covered in this report to predict past, present and forecast statistics. The industry chain structure, import-export details, sales channel analysis, and market share is studied.
The manufacturing base, labor cost, raw material cost and sales channel of Medical Education Market are described in the report. The share of the market, and the manufacturing process has been deeply studied. Presentation of the indicators of the regional presence of the market in different regions, price, and gross profit for the period 2015-2020. The report provides information on the production, import, export and consumption patterns. The Medical Education Market status, SWOT analysis, business plans and dominant market players are studied. The Medical Education Market share segmented by region for 2020 is presented in the study.
Market Segment by Type,
On-campus Distance Online
Market Segment by Applications,
Cardiothoracic Training Neurology Training Orthopedic Training Oral and Maxillofacial Training Pediatric Training Radiology Training Laboratory Others
If You Have Any Query | Ask Our Experts: https://www.reportspedia.com/report/business-services/2020-2025-global-medical-education-market-report---production-and-consumption-professional-analysis-(impact-of-covid-19)/81346#inquiry_before_buying
The company profile covers the end-user applications, sales channel analysis, competitive landscape view, and expansion plans. The industry plans & policies, value analysis, downstream consumers and Medical Education market dynamics are presented. The sales value, industry share, growth opportunities and threats to the development are explained. The contribution of worldwide players to the Medical Education Market and its impact on forecast development is analyzed in this study. The global position of Medical Education Industry players, their profit margin, volume analysis, and market dynamics are studied.
Implemented Data Sources And Research Methodology:
The Medical Education Market details are obtained via primary and secondary research techniques. Information on the vendors, suppliers, industry experts, and other sources. In addition, this study will examine the various distributors, service providers and suppliers. Besides, Medical Education Report also states the competitive scenario, SWOT analysis and market size. The supply-demand side of Medical Education Industry is analyzed by the data gathered from paid primary interviews and through secondary sources. The secondary research techniques involve the Medical Education data gathered from company reports, consumer surveys, Government databases, economic and demographic data sources. Also, product sources like sales data, custom group data and case studies are analyzed.
There Are 8 Sections In Medical Education Report As Follows:
Section 1: Objectives, Definition, Scope, Medical Education Market Overview, Market Size Estimation, Concentration Ratio and Growth Rate from 2015-2025; Section 2: Medical Education Industry Segmentation by Type, Application and Research Region; Section 3: Top Regions of Medical Education Industry (North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Middle East & Africa, South America) with the Production Value and Growth Rate; Section 4: The Changing Medical Education Market Dynamics, Growth Drivers, Limitations, Industry Plans & Policies, and Growth Opportunities are Explained Section 5: An analysis of the industry chain, Manufacturing base, cost structures, Manufacturing, sales and Distribution Channels, and Downstream Buyers Section 6: The Top Medical Education Players, Market Share, Competition, Market Size and Regional Presence is Specified Section 7: The future trends of the market, consumption, cost, production forecast and growth estimates are analyzed. Section 8: Lastly, Vital Conclusions, Research Techniques, and Data Sources are Listed Thanks for reading. We also provide a report based on custom requirements from our clients.
Get Full Report With Complete TOC: https://www.reportspedia.com/report/business-services/2020-2025-global-medical-education-market-report---production-and-consumption-professional-analysis-(impact-of-covid-19)/81346#table_of_contents
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Next Generation Energy Storage Technologies (EST) Market Exponential Hikes by 2028| Duke Energy Corporation, NextEra Energy, ARCI, Johnson Controls, LG Chem Ltd, Samsung SDI Co, Mitsubishi Electric, BYD Co, Robert Bosch GmbH
ESTs can be classified into electrochemical storage as in batteries, electrical storage as in supercapacitors (SCs), magnetic storage as in superconducting magnetic energy storage (SMES), kinetic storage as in flywheels, and chemical storage as in hydrogen.
Lithium-ion batteries are by far the most popular battery storage option today and control more than 90 percent of the global grid battery storage market. Compared to other battery options, lithium-ion batteries have high energy density and are lightweight.
Energy storage systems, also known as batteries or thermal stores, allow you to capture heat or electricity when it is readily available, typically from a renewable energy system, and save it until a time when it is useful to you.
Request a sample copy of report @ https://www.reportconsultant.com/request_sample.php?id=78887
Key Players:
Johnson Controls
LG Chem Ltd.
Duke Energy Corporation
NextEra Energy Inc.
Edison International
Samsung SDI Co. Ltd.
Mitsubishi Electric Corporation
BYD Co. Ltd.
Robert Bosch GmbH
ABB Group
Tesla Inc.
CATL Corporation
Panasonic Corporation
Report Consultant sheds light on the market scope, potential, and performance perspective of the Global Next Generation Energy Storage Technologies (EST) Market by carrying out an extensive market analysis. Pivotal market aspects like market trends, the shift in customer preferences, fluctuating consumption, cost volatility, the product range available in the market, growth rate, drivers and constraints, financial standing, and challenges existing in the market are comprehensively evaluated to deduce their impact on the growth of the market in the coming years.
Market segmentation by technology: Analysis of Technology Maturity, Performance & Commercialisation
Mechanical (Innovative Pumped Hydro Storage (PHS), Advanced Adiabatic Compressed Air Energy Storage (AA-CAES)
Isothermal CAES & Liquid Air Energy Storage (LAES)
Chemical (Hydrogen Storage & Fuel Cells)
Electrical (Superconducting Magnetic Energy Storage (SMES)
Electrochemical (Lithium-Air, Lithium-Sulphur, Lithium-Ion, Magnesium-Ion & Zinc-Air Batteries)
Thermal Technologies for Renewable Energy Sources (RES) Integration
The report also inspects the financial standing of the leading companies, which includes gross profit, revenue generation, sales volume, sales revenue, manufacturing cost, individual growth rate, and other financial ratios. The report also gives an industry-wide competitive analysis, highlighting the different market segments, individual market share of leading players, and the contemporary market scenario and the most vital elements to study while assessing the global Next Generation Energy Storage Technologies (EST) market.
The Next Generation Energy Storage Technologies (EST) market report is extensively categorized into different product types and applications. The study has a separate section for explaining the cost of raw material and the revenue returns that are gained by the players of the market. The segmentation included in the report is beneficial for readers to capitalize on the selection of appropriate segments for the Next Generation Energy Storage Technologies (EST) sector and can help companies in deciphering the optimum business move to reach their desired business goals.
The research study includes the latest updates about the COVID-19 impact on the Next Generation Energy Storage Technologies (EST) sector. The outbreak has broadly influenced the global economic landscape. The report contains a complete breakdown of the current situation in the ever-evolving business sector and estimates the aftereffects of the outbreak on the overall economy.
The Next Generation Energy Storage Technologies (EST) market report provides successfully marked contemplated policy changes, favorable circumstances, industry news, developments, and trends. This information can help readers fortify their market position. It packs various parts of information gathered from secondary sources, including press releases, web, magazines, and journals as numbers, tables, pie-charts, and graphs. The information is verified and validated through primary interviews and questionnaires. The data on growth and trends focuses on new technologies, market capacities, raw materials, CAPEX cycle, and the dynamic structure of the Next Generation Energy Storage Technologies (EST) market.
This study analyzes the growth of Next Generation Energy Storage Technologies (EST) based on the present, past and futuristic data and will render complete information about the Next Generation Energy Storage Technologies (EST) industry to the market-leading industry players that will guide the direction of the Next Generation Energy Storage Technologies (EST) market through the forecast period. All of these players are analyzed in detail so as to get details concerning their recent announcements and partnerships, product/services, and investment strategies, among others.
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The report contains historical revenue and volume that backing information about the market capacity, and it helps to evaluate conjecture numbers for key areas in the Next Generation Energy Storage Technologies (EST) market. Additionally, it includes a share of each segment of the Next Generation Energy Storage Technologies (EST) market, giving methodical information about types and applications of the market.
In the end, the Next Generation Energy Storage Technologies (EST) market is analyzed for revenue, sales, price, and gross margin. These points are examined for companies, types, applications, and regions. To summarize, the global Next Generation Energy Storage Technologies (EST) market report studies the contemporary market to forecast the growth prospects, challenges, opportunities, risks, threats, and the trends observed in the market that can either propel or curtail the growth rate of the industry. The market factors impacting the global sector also include provincial trade policies, international trade disputes, entry barriers, and other regulatory restrictions.
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awesomechrisharry · 3 years
Robotics Surgical Simulation Systems Market Strong Growth Inannual Results | 2020-2025
The research report on Robotics Surgical Simulation Systems market as well as industry is an in-depth study that provides detailed information of leading players, qualitative analysis and quantitative analysis, types & end-users; historical figures, region analysis, market technology landscape & restraints, strategic planning, and a precise section for the effect of Covid-19 on the industry. Our research analysts intensively determine the significant outlook of the global Robotics Surgical Simulation Systems market study with regard to primary research & secondary research and they have represented it in the form of figures, pie charts, tables & other pictorial representations for better understanding.
To Know More Details About This Report, Get Sample @ http://www.acquiremarketresearch.com/sample-request/348147
The report on Robotics Surgical Simulation Systems market claims this industry to emerge as one of the most lucrative spaces in the ensuing years, exhibiting a modest growth rate over the forecast period. Enumerating a highly exhaustive outline of Robotics Surgical Simulation Systems Market size, this report is also inclusive of the total valuation that the Robotics Surgical Simulation Systems industry presently holds, a brief segmentation of this market and Robotics Surgical Simulation Systems market growth opportunities of this industry in addition to its geographical expanse.
Major Key Players Covered In This Report:
3D Systems, CAE Inc., Mentice AB, Mimic Simulation, Simulated Surgical Systems, ToLTech, VirtaMed AG, Voxel-Man, Vrmagic
Robotics Surgical Simulation Systems Market Analysis by 2020
This research report based on ‘Robotics Surgical Simulation Systems market’ and available with Acquire Market Research includes latest and upcoming market trends in addition to the global spectrum of the ‘Robotics Surgical Simulation Systems market’ that includes numerous regions. Moreover, the research also expands on intricate details pertaining to contributions by key Manufacturers, import & export, demand and supply analysis as well as industry size, share growth of the Robotics Surgical Simulation Systems industry.
The specified segments and sub-sections of the market are explained below:
By Product Type:
Conventional Surgery Simulation, Minimally Invasive Surgery Simulation
By Application/End-user:
Hospitals, Academic Institutes and Teaching Hospitals, Commercial Simulation Centre
By country/region:
North America
South America
Middle East and Africa
Check Discount @ http://www.acquiremarketresearch.com/discount-request/348147
Frequently Asked Questions About This Market Research Report:
What are the latest trends, and strategies followed by leadings companies?
What is the market share of each Major Players specified in this report?
What are opportunities for Robotics Surgical Simulation Systems investors and market aspirants?
What are the major product types and which applications are known?
Which countries are analyzed in this report?
What is the market size, and demand for Robotics Surgical Simulation Systems on a global level?
What is the CAGR value of Robotics Surgical Simulation Systems Market?
About Us:
Acquire Market Research is a market research-based company empowering companies with data-driven insights. We provide Market Research Reports with accurate and well-informed data, Real-Time with Real Application. A good research methodology proves to be powerful and simplified information that applied right from day-to-day lives to complex decisions helps us navigate through with vision, purpose and well-armed strategies. At Acquire Market Research, we constantly strive for innovation in the techniques and the quality of analysis that goes into our reports.
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stanleystangele · 4 years
Robotics Surgical Simulation Systems Market Strong Growth Inannual Results | 2020-2025
The research report on Robotics Surgical Simulation Systems market as well as industry is an in-depth study that provides detailed information of leading players, qualitative analysis and quantitative analysis, types & end-users; historical figures, region analysis, market technology landscape & restraints, strategic planning, and a precise section for the effect of Covid-19 on the industry. Our research analysts intensively determine the significant outlook of the global Robotics Surgical Simulation Systems market study with regard to primary research & secondary research and they have represented it in the form of figures, pie charts, tables & other pictorial representations for better understanding.
To Know More Details About This Report, Get Sample @ http://www.acquiremarketresearch.com/sample-request/348147
The report on Robotics Surgical Simulation Systems market claims this industry to emerge as one of the most lucrative spaces in the ensuing years, exhibiting a modest growth rate over the forecast period. Enumerating a highly exhaustive outline of Robotics Surgical Simulation Systems Market size, this report is also inclusive of the total valuation that the Robotics Surgical Simulation Systems industry presently holds, a brief segmentation of this market and Robotics Surgical Simulation Systems market growth opportunities of this industry in addition to its geographical expanse.
Major Key Players Covered In This Report:
3D Systems, CAE Inc., Mentice AB, Mimic Simulation, Simulated Surgical Systems, ToLTech, VirtaMed AG, Voxel-Man, Vrmagic
Robotics Surgical Simulation Systems Market Analysis by 2020
This research report based on ‘Robotics Surgical Simulation Systems market’ and available with Acquire Market Research includes latest and upcoming market trends in addition to the global spectrum of the ‘Robotics Surgical Simulation Systems market’ that includes numerous regions. Moreover, the research also expands on intricate details pertaining to contributions by key Manufacturers, import & export, demand and supply analysis as well as industry size, share growth of the Robotics Surgical Simulation Systems industry.
The specified segments and sub-sections of the market are explained below:
By Product Type:
Conventional Surgery Simulation, Minimally Invasive Surgery Simulation
By Application/End-user:
Hospitals, Academic Institutes and Teaching Hospitals, Commercial Simulation Centre
By country/region:
North America
South America
Middle East and Africa
Check Discount @ http://www.acquiremarketresearch.com/discount-request/348147
Frequently Asked Questions About This Market Research Report:
What are the latest trends, and strategies followed by leadings companies?
What is the market share of each Major Players specified in this report?
What are opportunities for Robotics Surgical Simulation Systems investors and market aspirants?
What are the major product types and which applications are known?
Which countries are analyzed in this report?
What is the market size, and demand for Robotics Surgical Simulation Systems on a global level?
What is the CAGR value of Robotics Surgical Simulation Systems Market?
About Us:
Acquire Market Research is a market research-based company empowering companies with data-driven insights. We provide Market Research Reports with accurate and well-informed data, Real-Time with Real Application. A good research methodology proves to be powerful and simplified information that applied right from day-to-day lives to complex decisions helps us navigate through with vision, purpose and well-armed strategies. At Acquire Market Research, we constantly strive for innovation in the techniques and the quality of analysis that goes into our reports.
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transtrendhumanity · 7 years
a week feels like a very short period of time but we do want to do weekly system check-ins, so let’s do one now. on time for once.
callon is fronting, as has been the usual lately. for a while we thought cilla would become longterm core, but i guess that was just a stress front. overall we’re doing very well right now, but we’re spending a lot of time at work etc acting as a singlet, so it’s been slightly difficult to keep track of everyone. i think that documenting front shifts on our recovery twitter has been helping.
aren arrived this week. or like, stepped out of the shadows, more accurately. he’s been ghosting around for months. he’s dueling venic in the back room of the main house now. i think vaccine won the chess match, so by all means it should be them playing the next game, but they left to set up their own office in azdien’s basement.
vex is still brainstorming about scrapbooking. jace has moved on to contemplating knitting projects. i wonder if we still have our smuppet crochet pattern memorized...
moving into the main room, perien is on the couch with amelia and floret now. i feel really bad for skipping over kyr in our last roll call. we’re commissioning a short fic for kyr, so kye’s a bit emotional about that. amelia still seems very tired, but i think sea’s slowly recovering. we’ll probably have to discuss system roles again soon.
gabbi is bringing over dessert squares and tea for them. floret encourages nir to borrow ethan’s chair and sit with them. cilla and echo are curled up together. echo is sleeping, and cilla is keeping an eye on the nearby conversation.
i think nitexx headed to the treehouse to talk to kayden. upstairs, remm’s room still seems to be in sleep mode. haze is sleeping as well, and seems restful. im knocking at riley’s door.
nessie answers but tells me to hush. i guess riley is sleeping? si’s been somewhat active wrt searching tumblr for other kin though.
raliel doesn’t seem to be around.
heading outside and looking down at the shoreline, rayn is very quiet. maybe it’s asleep a- oh nope, it woke up, it’s excited to see gh0st again soon.
there’s noise coming from the treehouse. the ladder is down, so i climb up. questioning what “i” look like, i start wondering if elster is cofronting with me.
nitexx has somehow converted the tv stand into a makeshift stage. zir and kayden are standing on top of it, singing along to some of kayden’s favorite music. it’s really nice to see zir up and about again, even if it doesn’t feel like ze’s particularly able to front lately, even now. i thought ze had been coming to talk to kayden about his robot life, but i guess they got distracted.
kitt, surprisingly, has shifted back into is human form to heckle them about having shit taste in music. they are completely unphased, it seems to add to the mood if anything. kei is leaning against the back wall fiddling with their knife, but they seem pretty amused. vite is really into it. nero seems less so. tobias has come to check it out, and is standing with nero towards the back of the room. i think nika is on sier way as well. i ask after jody, but i think they’re asleep.
by the time i leave the treehouse, nika is singing a ballad. ethan looks on curiously. trysten is coming up the hatch to watch, but i’m not sure sie intends on participating much.
i head to the mansion. azdien is clearly awake for once, sorting the books in vaer reading room. drohen is helping vaer out. darion let himself out of the room to smoke, but he’s just in the front hall, instead of actually being outside. for shame. no one seems to really mind, though.
asking after kisoquine, i get the sense that xe’s in a place that actually suits xyr, but i have no idea where in headspace that actually is. it’s not in any of the known levels of azdien’s mansion, but it might be in a secret second basement? i get the impression that the entrance is more of a portal than a door. drohen might have helped.
yeah i think it’s like, under the mansion, significantly.
vyrn is in there, too.
phasing up through the floor to the actual basement feels weirdly slimy. vaccine’s study looks very proper.
upstairs, i catch sight of someone in the kitchen. to my surprise, jody is making kraft dinner. they sheepishly say that it’s a midnight snack, despite it being lunch time. it actually does seem to be slightly dark outside though. maybe an 8pm feeling. i guess time passes differently in headspace.
asking after micah, i catch them slithering past my feet towards the front door. i guess they’re interested in the treehouse karaoke party as well, although i suppose they’ll just be watching if they’re unable/unwilling to change back into a human form.
oh i forgot to mention yacinthe. i did get the impression of someone else like actively enjoying the party along with vite, but i couldn’t recognize cer at the time. my apologies.
since elster is cofronting with callon in taking survey of everyone, ze’s not in the library, but their section of it looks as luscious as ever.
we trek to corian’s cabin. corian offers us tea, and makes a backhanded comment about the noise from the treehouse. i think they’re just upset that nika left them alone with nine, who is sleeping. tyto comes upstairs shortly after we enter, apparently intending to console corian before they decide to start oozing slime. eir eyes are still a bit red-edged, but ey seems calm.
kestrel and ailecent aren’t in the basement. they’re actually out on the roof today. kestrel’s wings stretch majestically behind aer. ailecent is also looking majestic and notably non-human. ae seems to really have kinned deep-eyes white dragon, but like, a bird form of it. ae has five wings sprouting from a large halo. and ae has more eyes than fit on aer head, blinking in and out of holographic existence around aer head. ae seems angelic in a very biblical sense, and is, just slightly more than usual, radiating white light. i feel like i can sense xykiel nearby, but cae’s still no more than a glimmer of light, so it’s hard to tell.
skye is in faer less tangible form as well. faer northern lights illuminate the slowly darkening sky. rayn waves up at faer, and fae leans down to kiss its forehead, light dancing across its spots.
i ask after raliel. wav turns out to be out on the cliffs again, watching skye’s light show with a sense of serenity, and maybe a tinge of homesickness.
aloe is hiding inside. ae had a sort of intense experience just after aren showed up, blogging cleancore for an hour while the rest of us tried very hard to let aer front without letting aer connect to our physical setting. we didn’t entirely succeed, but we kept aer from outright having a panic attack. ae is in a glass box on skye’s counter, which we know instinctively is sterilized both chemically and magically. we don’t do more than stick our head into the cabin before leaving again.
gail is prowling nearby. it seems disapproving, but unlikely to act on it.
our connection to ooze ocean is very limited right now, but not in a bad way. void simply doesn’t think we need voids presence, and void is uninterested in the party happening in headspace.
we head back to azdien’s mansion to investigate the new rooms.
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throwawayblog-blog1 · 7 years
Dirk @prettyboypng or mod jas @gbptboys is a pedophile and manipulative
@prettyboypng other URLs he’s used include aroacehawkeye, planet-eater, dyscalculiacdonnie, officialbrobot, ocpdmaxie, bipolardirk, deadglitchkid, circuitsbreaker, swordself, deadmettaton, soulrxsonance, chipotanakni, and shadeslayer
i’ve included specific warnings in front of paragraphs and receipts, but global cws for suicide baiting, emotional abuse, csa, pedophilia, and child porn solicitation.
whether you read this or not, i would strongly recommend blocking and staying far away from dirk if you’re a minor.
uhh, i’ve never made one of these things before. i am writing this post because he’s continually managed to brush his actions off and manipulate how people perceive him so he just seems like a victim of unfortunate friend drama, and with the content of his actual actions, i find this frankly really fucking disturbing and i don’t want other people to be hurt or taken advantage of by him. I’m tired of him escaping accountability.
i’ll split this into two parts. the account concerning csa will be first, and then i’ll be adding mine and other’s experiences with him below.
#child porn cw #pedophilia cw #csa cw this section will address csa and child porn solicitation
so this doesnt come from me, but from a minor who had been friends with dirk for a while and recently began suspecting they’d been sexually abused by him. i’ve been asked to rewrite what they told me in my own words and keep it totally anonymous in the interest of their comfort and safety, so i’ll be replacing any mentions of their name with lark.
lark mentioned that when they first met dirk they admired and idolized him and made that very apparent to him, and also that they dont ever remember being excessively complimented and praised by him like most everyone else was (i describe this happening below), which they believe is evidence of emotional manipulation and not just a coincidence.
lark confided in me that, despite how immediately beforehand dirk would ask lark if they were a minor and they would say yes, he talked to them about intensely personal nsfw subjects, such as masturbation, and his sexual desires. he would also express frustration when lark would mention having a crush on anyone but dirk, even though dirk shouldn’t have any reason to want a minor to be interested in him, even jokingly. he did this after he had turned 18, and while knowing that lark was a minor having literally just asked them himself, as if that absolves him of any fucking responsibility.
lark also recalled another incident where they and a friend (who was an older minor at the time) got onto the subject of drugs, alcohol, and nudes and other sexual pictures while in a conversation with dirk. their friend sent a suggestive picture of themself, and dirk sent one that he’d accidentally taken while taking photos for his nsfw blog (which lark stressed they and their friend ended up having access to, something that dirk brushed off because it was a ‘cool URL’). it eventually culminated in lark feeling pressured to send a suggestive photo of their own, which dirk did nothing to stop beyond reverse-psychological platitudes like “dont feel pressured to just because we’re doing it”. dirk did nothing to tell lark or their friend “hey maybe dont send sexual pictures of your bodies to me, because theres no reason that i would want to encourage that sort of thing as an 18 year old adult man, unless i’m a fucking predator.”
i understand this is a very serious thing to be presenting especially without receipts, but i’m an adult and wouldn’t feel comfortable handling receipts of that nature because it concerns sexual events with a minor, and warning people about dirk while maintaining anonymity is really important to lark.
this section will address emotional manipulation and bullying, specifically concerning me and my wife @gendfleur​
i should start by saying that i don’t have many receipts for my own claims about him because i don’t have access to all of his old blogs where some of the worst of the posts were, and i’ve also changed computers so i can’t grab any of our old Skype logs. i’m conscious of how this might make people even more critical of my claims, and so i’ve taken care to remember as much as i can and to be as detailed as possible with the receipts i do have.
some brief background about my friendship with him: we met in september 2014 through a homestuck fictionkin skype group, and were close until june 2015, when i cut off our friendship. rose had been qpps with him since before the network was made, and they broke up in december 2015.
towards the latter half of our friendship he started flipping between showering me in positive attention and then ignoring me cold shoulder, which was kind of a red flag for what was about to happen.
dirk has a habit of giving people excessive praise and admiration often in public tumblr posts, making them feel special and wanted, and then making extreme emotional demands and using passive-aggressive bullying tactics, such as deliberate ignoring and vagueposting, to manipulate his friends into complying with them. he’s done this in private with almost everyone i know who has experience with him, and he’s also done this publicly with his mutuals in the past.
example posts of this from his old blog @circuitsbreaker, plus transcripts:
[sorry i know you guys don’’t care i'l geta round to replying to the nice replies i got earlier later okay]
[*keeps refreshign to see if someone wil lsay “no i care!”* *nothing* okay]
[mkay yall will get Up in Arms when i make a joke abt a dairy product but when i have my posts tagged #like/reply if u read# or im asking for help or posting about something thats important to me yall drop off the face of the blogosphere……. alright]
[nobody cares about me and nobody cares about what i say and nobody cares about things that are important to me and nobody listens to me anyway and nobody cares about me !! haha nice!!!!!!!!!!!!!]
[i really am leaving i was jsut saying gn to rose but js Proof most everonye deosnt actually cae: really big difference on notes on my post saying no one cares and then on all my other posts. yall just dont want me to be Sad well heres a thing u can prevent it by Liking my Posts if you Read them like i have In the Tags now! conveicneit right. whatever]
and because these posts are a little old (the most recent of those was january 27 2015) here’s an example from a more recent blog of his, @soulrxsonance, proving that even half a year later (this was posted august 25 2015) with less frequent guilt-trip posts, he hadn’t actually changed his behaviour
#self harm cw http://archive.is/XECIx
[thanks like, the one personwho said anything to glaceon (note: a system member of his) when she asked for thanks for stopping me from self hamring,thaks everyone else for not,caring,atall,thanks,the intrents abotut o be turned off so bye]
wrt me specifically, i’m schizophrenic and autistic so social interaction is really exhausting. this is something i made very obvious by talking about it casually around him and in tumblr posts that he could see, but despite that he went out of his way to make me feel shitty for not being able to live up to his demands (they were random and hard to discern because he would never be straightforward about it but usually if i failed to be present for his breakdowns, like all his posts, tell him frequently that i loved him, talk to him whenever i had free time, or other exhausting bullshit then he would start the guilt-tripping), and often in a very roundabout way through vagueposting and ignoring me, which he would also get increasingly frustrated at me for not understanding... despite the fact that i’m...... schizo and autistic, so i’m shit at understanding social subtleties and hidden messages in peoples behaviour. i have no doubts that he understood this about me also, and yet he did nothing to de-escalate his behaviour.
one clear example of this that i can remember but can’t find a receipt for is when he was having a meltdown on tumblr and was asking for people to tell him they loved him, but after it was over he confessed it was just because he was trying to get someone specific to say it, who he was afraid didnt like him as a friend anymore. this was really obviously about me, because it was around the end of our friendship when he was already namedropping me when he thought i wasnt online like ‘i dont think cerb cares about me anymore’ (which is relatively innocuous but when aggregated with everything else he did, really goddamn bothered me)
another example i remember is when i came out as a nonbinary lesbian after id’ng as a trans guy for the entirety of my friendship with him up to that point. i came out through a post on my blog and stated that i’d had to contest with internalized trauma and abuse to get to a point where i could admit i was lesbian, and he vagued about this later on, saying roughly ”a lot of my friends who used to be trans dudes have been coming out as nonbinary girls lately and it makes me feel like my boyness might be fake too”. i understand that he’s also trans and so i can imagine the thought process behind making a post like that, but i still found that incredibly insensitive and maybe even borderline misogynistic of him.
being friends with dirk was making me suicidal because of the stress of his manipulation (and at this point, trying to interact with him when i was able seemed to be fruitless because he would usually ignore me anyway). so, one night in june 2015 i sent a very diplomatic message to him saying, in essence, “i love you but this isnt healthy for the both of us, and im sorry if im misreading but i think this is for the best”, and then deleted him and unfollowed him.
this is where i remember things getting really, really scummy and panick-inducing for me, because he started vagueing and namedropping me even more frequently, on his public blog for all his friends and my friends to see. i dont know the real extent of this because it seems he deleted certain posts at some point and i was never interested in checking his blog to see for myself back then, but i had mutual mutuals coming to me for months, telling me that he was running his shit off saying something vicious about me.
an example of this (i know this is kin drama lol, and i want to emphasize that i’m aware dragging petty kin drama into posts like these is usually frowned upon, but what i’m focusing on here is how wildly he blows me just fucking finding a kintype out of proportion and the fact that i only talked about this on my blog after i cut him off, strongly implying that 1) he was stalking my blog 2) he was getting someone else to stalk my blog or 3) someone following me was relaying info about me to him for kicks)
[tfw someone who told you you couldnt be friends with them anymore is now kin of yourere favorite fucking pokemon thats also incredibly personallyyl important to you because it reminds you of good parts of your childhood and of good memories of your family an firneds and its just a really personal thing and now it FUCKGGKKNGNG  RIUIIENEND  OFOOFOOFREVVVVVVVVVVVEER]
here’s a statement by @comorbird​, a good friend of mine who was also mutuals with dirk and had access to his vent blog after i deleted him
#death wish cw #stalking cw
Tumblr media Tumblr media
it kind of speaks for itself. this also proves my suspicions that he stalked my blog.
like, i get being upset over losing a friend. i’d understand it if, instead he vented about it in private.
but the fact that i knew he berated me openly, on his public blog for all our friends and mutuals to see, was fucking humiliating, triggered my paranoia very badly, and kept me on edge for months. i’m still appalled that he would do that instead of at the very least keeping it to private conversations, especially since he knew that i’m schizophrenic and that i struggle with paranoid delusions and that sort of shit. and even then, wishing someone who very politely distanced themselves from you was dead and stalking their blog is a ridiculous, extreme reaction to have.
rose was part of our friend group, and shie had been dirk’s qpp since before i knew them both. in the latter half of dirk and i’s friendship, hyr and i became pretty close, at some point even admitting we’d developed crushes on each other. in our talk about this (probably sometime in april or march 2015?) rose told me, roughly in hyr words “i’d totally be down for romantic dating but dirk gets jealous really easily so i’m afraid of broaching the subject with him. maybe sometime in the future though.” eventually rose came to realize that this was evidence that shie felt like dirk was controlling hyr romantic life despite them only being platonic partners, and we said fuck it and started dating in august 2015, after i stopped being friends wtih him just to clarify.
dirk noticed that we stayed close after i cut him off, and he unapologetically guilted rose for being friends with me and then eventually for dating me, bringing up how much he hated me in front of hyr and expecting hyr to go along with it, and getting very frustrated when shie would defend me or shy away from the topic. this had a really negative affect on hyr for a long time, forcing hyr into meltdowns and making hyr suicidal to the point of being institutionalized involuntarily around july or august 2015, and he did nothing to stop himself or tend to hyr hurt feelings. shie felt like shie couldn’t publicly talk about me lest shie would make him upset, while i was genuinely suffering panic attacks whenever i saw him on my dash.
so like i mentioned, rose was institutionalized against hyr will, and as this was happening dirk decided it would be a great time to contact me in an effort to... reconcile for rose’s sake, i guess. i don’t doubt he only decided to do so at that point to escape possible accountability for allowing the situation to boil over like that, and so he could safely make me feel like shit in a situation where i was under tremendous pressure to just smooth things over, especially since he brought in a friend of his to 'mediate’ or whatever (not their fault, i totally blame him for that). for the whole time he just told me how shitty he felt for me to “cut him off so suddenly”, how it “fucked him up”, that “he couldn’t really trust anyone after that” - and when i asked if i could also unload, he refused on the grounds that it would “just make him angry again and ruin his mood”.
rose has also confided in me countless times about the endless emotional demands he made on hyr, and the vicious guilt-tripping he would subject hyr to when shie couldn’t meet them. shie is also very mentally ill and was struggling a lot at this point in hyr life with being homeless and going in and out of inpatient care.
it’s also important to mention that dirk called both rose and i his “dependeds” (a term for people with dpd to refer to specific people they tend to rely on emotionally more than others), and he used that as a tactic to turn us into objects with no needs of our own, and to force us to feel morally responsible for him. this was something he dropped on me with no warning a couple months before i cut things off, and to be forced into that kind of responsibility without even asking me if it was okay made me very uncomfortable. i’m not blaming him for having dpd or saying all people with dpd are like that, but it was just another thing he specifically did.
i do have some receipts for what i described above.
these are some examples of him vagueing about rose on tumblr, which i feel demonstrate some of the guilt-tripping tactics he used, making sure that rose would come back to his blog and see how badly he was doing when shie couldn’t be there.
[nattt (note: a nickname dirk had for rose) isn t onlune i skyed fleur (note: old pronouns rose used to use) when i s=woke up and fleur hasnt responded pelase goet back online so i ew can wtchsomething]
[lms if yo u like me more than you like horizon (note: an alternate name that rose uses) edit.// and dontnn fucking lie to make me feel better]
[“hm wow my depended isnt here and idk when fleurs coming back so i guess i better throw myself into listening to aesthetic and/or angsty indie bands and only caring about that” - me, apparenalty,]
[i know im fukkincg pathetic i know im a huge fucking loser for not doing anyhting like this earlier and i know im gonna be in the club with people who have been fucking doing this since like middle shcool or some shit!!!! jsut tell me if i should go to the meeting or not ffuckkginf my dpended is unreachable ust fukcing tell me what to do please thankss]
this chain of posts is specifically about times when rose was in the hospital, which goes to show how goddamn classy he is for using hyr suicide attempts to make hyr feel like shit
#overdose cw http://archive.is/nMGV4
[the last tiem the ac went out rose fucking ovserdosed so im (:]
#suicide cw http://archive.is/duyCL
[LIk   e  last time fleur was ther e for fuckkkign 2 weeks or a month o r something and we called each other nearly every day and i stil lwanted to fucking kms adn now its been like a week minus the weekend and i havent heard a fucking wor d and idk if fleurs okay or if fleurs staying longer or if fleur thinks im mad or if fleurs mad at me or fi fleur doesnt want to talk to me or hates me or is leaving me  o r if fleurs calling someoen elese nstead of me or if fleur s even  fc uk kign  A l i v e anymore and its tearing me up. thats meant  to be tering like tearing paper not taering like crying]
[i keep having dreams that fleur will just pop up in the group chat im in with fleur, replying to smth, with no explanation, no hello, no hey im back, and ill be like “woah woah woah,, are you back? is that u?” and fleurs like yeah ofc and im like “ur really here right, its not a Dream,” and fleurs like “no im really back!!!” and im like “im not gona wake up and u  wont be htere right” an d fleurs like no dw omf but. here we fucking are.]
[i bet rose hmfucking hates me and doesnt ever want to talk to me again or doesnt care about me at all its either that or fkeurs Afuckign DEAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!]
these posts are from after they broke up, but also show how guilt-trippy he was
[fleur didnt “see me in fleur life anymore really :/” and then when i shut down and fleur asked to break up and i said fine fleur was all relieved bc fleur was worried abt my reaction like 1. i guess im that fucking pathetic and predicatlbe and fucjckkdfnknlsd fscc d tht fleur just knows im gonna flip out and was already scared to talk to me bc of it Lol 2. ii fucking was already broken up w fleur ever since fleur said fleur didnt see me in fleur life anymore but didnt want to brekau p uwu like what the fuck does that mean who says that everyone i lvoe is just going t o  fuckingn tlel me they dont see me in their life none of them really do rn anyywaso]
#gore text cw #neck trauma cw http://archive.is/ilXdx
[idk  i just idk fleur cares so much for hym and i cant do it it makes me want to cut my throat open and i dont even care about fleur anymore but im still upset about it i just cant do it im gonna take out my contacts and have a big cryfest]
these are examples of him playing the victim wrt to me cutting him off
[no wonder he cut me off i deserved it i deserve all bad thigns i m such an annoying piece of shit im surprised he was even friends with me in the first place no wonder he cut me off im horrivle and annoying and more work than im worth no wonder they left me im not worth it im not worth anything no wonder fleur didnt fight for me or take my side or care at all im not worth it i dont deserve anything]
[i thought i was one of hys closest friends but he cut me off like i was nothing and no one even fucking knew he did it until i told them he did. also fleur fucking knew that he was planning on doing it and didnt say a word to me this entire time until months after when i was having yet another massive breakdown about it so glad to know i mean absolutely nothing to the people who i see as literally the most important people in my life and that my not being in their life doesnt effect them at all and they dont even care to tell me when theyre talking about me behind my back about how annoying i am and how one of them is going to leave me in the dust]
http://archive.is/yKvpZ (it’s pretty long so i’ll just paste some choice bits)
[because of one of my past close friendships im fucking terrified everyone whos important to me is actually just planning on and thinking about how/if they should abandon me.] [mm fuffkkcinng iim so sfucked up over this honestly it was suppsoed to be ““““““““the best dcisisiong uuwuuwuwu” or sommemthing and its fucking ruining my life i cant thin k  and i cant talk to anyone and i cant not talk to anynoen] [and i dont ahve any sort of reason to know or think or beleive that this wont happen because that ther person was thinking about it for fucking weeks and weeks] [fucking weeks and weeks of planning on leaving me and pretending everyhting was fine, of me thinking we were friends! of me trusting that person! of caring! i cant  fucking trust anyone and that person doing that literally just prved it]
[i dont even remember how long ago that happened honestly . its just kind of melting into “last month” the same way missioui is just “last year” #adn im fucking reliving it over constantly just like missouri how great! the 'clean break' systme really fucking works doesnt it! really fuc]
#suicide baiting cw for this last paragraph. eventually rose and dirk broke up around december 2015 (idr exactly) and then he blocked hyr unceremoniously, and it was at this point that rose went to his vent blog to unfollow it and saw a post that said, roughly “i hope cerb fucking kills hymself and that rose is devastated about it”. i don’t have a receipt for this because he’s since changed the url of the blog or deleted it altogether. it’s not all that surprising to me anymore anyway, with what i learned from sid telling me that he wished death on me pretty frequently.
that’s the end, i guess. if you have any questions i can try to answer to the best of my ability, i’m doing my best to be honest and transparent about this so i’m happy to clear up any confusion. please block dirk for your own safety, especially if you’re a minor.
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