#but you really think Roxy wouldn't be pissed at him for crashing into her and taking her fucking eyes??
spoopy-arcade 8 months
This'll be a weird question but I've been thinking about this since I watched a video discussing hot takes within FNAF and wanna discuss it with other people.
How do you feel about people who still cling to the idea of Roxy being a narcissistic bully because of the stuff she'd say while hunting Gregory, despite being hacked into/possessed?
Cause honestly, I think it's funny how apparently Roxy gets flack for saying some mean stuff while under the influence of a hack. At the same time, people will go to the ends of the earth to defend William Afton or Monty (if he really did kill Glamrock Bonnie I mean).
It's SO fucking stupid and I hate it 馃拃
And I fully agree with the last part, people out here (youtube and twitter people) treat Roxy as a full on evil bitch while defending and wanting to fuck a literal child murder and abuser. And we don't know if Monty killed Bonnie or not, but if he did, no one's gonna say anything lmao. (Even people who think he actually did kill him, they still love him and are fully riding him, but nooo RoXy StIlL bAd Bc ShE mEaN 馃槨馃槨馃が馃が)
I guarantee you that if Monty (or a "male" animatronic) was in Roxy's place, no one would say jack shit and some people will only think he's so hOT 馃槴馃槴 for it
I really don't see Roxy as a narcissist, the game clearly showed us that Roxy deals with a lot of self esteem issues, and I think she just talks to herself so she can feel better. And the whole "bullying" thing when talking to Gregory, I really believe it was just her being hacked by Vanessa/Glitchtrap to get to Gregory.
AND RUIN LITERALLY SHOWED US THAT??? Roxy clearly had a close relationship with Cassie, and there's a reason why she's Cassie's favourite. Roxy apologized for scaring her when she recognized her voice, and when she heard her again, she welcomed her back and talked to her so sweetly and was just so gentle with her?? NOT TO MENTION HER BEING THE ONLY ONE TO BE AT HER BDAY!!! AND PROTECTING HER FROM THE MIMIC DESPITE CASSIE DEACTIVATING HER AND POSSIBLY DYING FOR HER
After all of that, you're still going to tell me that she was always a narcissistic bully who cares about no one but herself??? BLOCK ME THEN /SRS
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twaigsayswhat 6 months
HCs about the Scream (96) cast seeing FNAF
I've had some time to think abt this, so say the murders never happened and the kids are just a dumb friend group. Btw this is mindless self indulgence. (Stuilly, Tatum/Sidney yk) WARNING FOR POTENTIAL SPOILERS BELOW THE CUT!
Is actually highkey a little nervous to see it. She isn't big on scary movies but wanted to go cause it seemed good and she had a vague idea of the lore (blame Randy and Billy)
Dresses up with Tatum
Sits between Tatum and Billy
gets startled during specific scenes (iykyk) but otherwise enjoys herself.
Her favorite was probably either Max or Vanessa.
Tatum wanted to see this purely because it was a big thing. She doesn't know the lore (And prolly doesn't really care tbh).
She and Sidney dress up and Tatum goes all out. (She's prolly glam rock chica or roxy)
Is next to Sidney with her bag on the seat next to her.
Sits unphased through the suspenseful bits and thinks the movie is goofy. Is moreso glad that Sid liked it.
Thought Vanessa was hot.
Not the biggest FNAF fan but knows all the lore and is so pretentious about it.
Dresses up as either the purple guy (I really feel like he would and I don't know why...) or a security guard.
Is next to Stu with a random person on the other side.
Is inches from strangling Stu with every comment he makes throughout the film.
Doesn't get scared at all and thinks the scares are lame. (the only thing that gets him is the scene with Max)
Didn't like how the movie strayed from the lore but isn't against watching it at home to rip on it. (loved the special effects and technical work though)
Is a Mike fan, but in the non thirsty way. Also thinks Vanessa is hot.
He was ready to see this movie from the moment it was announced. Is a fnaf fan, knows the lore because of Billy and Randy. He will say things wrong around Randy to piss him off, but will ask Billy to explain it to him just to watch Billy ramble.
Dresses up as Springtrap. (come on. You know why.)
Is between Billy and Randy.
Will lean over to make comments to Randy throught the film. Let out a loud laugh when MatPat was on screen and cheered at Cory's cameo. Kept making jokes about William Afton and Shaggy, and calling Mike hot.
Thought the movie was great. Keeps saying "I always come back" whenever he enters a room though.
Die hard Doug stan. A Mike fan, but in the thirsty way
This man knows the fucking lore. He was secretly kinda excited for the film to come out. He gave Stu a crash course of the lore the month leading up to the films release.
Dressed up but very lowkey. (shirt with the color of the animatronic) Looked very out of place next to his four overdressed friends/boyfriend, but didn't mind.
Is between Stu and Sidney.
White knuckle grip on Stu's hand during the first half hour from excitement. (his face was fully stoic though)
Liked the movie enough but probably wouldn't watch it again. (He and Stu see it another six times) Thought the animatronics were cool looking though.
Liked Afton (yk why), Mike and Vanessa. (His favorite animatronic is either Bonnie or Foxy and I'll die on that hill.)
Okay thats all, sorry I'm insane.
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crescentmoon-flower 9 months
Rewatching winx season 4 for nostalgia and realizing how wierd some things are
Episode 9
Yes we get it ogron, you want the white circle, no need to keep repeating yourself.
Ah yes Jason queen, I hate him
No musa, friends don't have anything better to do when you're on an important phone call
Thank you bloom for jumping to help
The last time we hear musa be the lead singer in this season :(
Cute artu~
Why didn't roxy have the circle from the beginning
You of all people? What do you mean bloom?
Thank you helia for being the only one with common sense
Sky you can't ditch your job for a surfing contest, you either brandon
Riven and nabu Bonding, awwww
Hah! I take it Sky and Brandon can't actually surf
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Stella, please do some couples therapy, you're opinions on dating aren't really very healthy
King erendore? Oh wait I forgot this happened
Flora is right and I loved blooms oh no, she sounds so resigned
Artu is so smart
How exactly does nebula know roxy's name?
You know the first time I watched this I assumed nebula was a witch, forgive me but I think all of her actions here lead to that assumption
Why is Stella getting the vision of roxy?
They walked out so awkwardly
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Didn't the girls just leave the bar? Now they're back inside as if they never left
Didn't musa read the book of fairies? She should know about the wings
Hah! Duman's reaction was funny
Yeah beat his ass girl
I find it both odd and yet very realistic that the wizards don't recognise nebula
Oh wow nebula's pissed
Love how all but ogron dodged, shows how his power effects his fighting style
Wait? She waited for centuries? Again with the lack of consistency with the time line people
You know what would have been cool? Roxy transforming into nebula's fairy form
This whole ass fight looks so pathetic
Run away boys, run away
How old is nebula if she was in the book of fairies?
How are defense shields supposed to help?
..... that somehow worked?
Also love nebula talking to roxy out loud while possessing her
How the absolute hell did that work?
Love the personality change, roxy would've totally freaked out if this were the first few episodes
Also love how nobody's questioning the man dressed like royalty with GUARDS in a bar talking to waiter about royal responsibility
Speaking of the royal seal....
Hah! He guessed right
The pawn shop owner must be absolutely baffled
That has to be morally questionable, why did you do that musa
Erendor has very good points, but still whose ruling erakleon?
Couples adorableness, naaw
Also good job riven, your really trying
Surprised nothing broke on that crash
This episode is summarised by Sky and his dad are about to cause a political crisis, and Roxy's brain has been stolen by bling.
Episode 10
Roxy is the most realistic character here right now
I love how opposite bloom and roxy are, meeting magic one embraces it the other rejects it
Stella you own a business, of course you work alot
Seriously, how does belief in magic weaken the wizards? They had magic before humanity forgot fairies
What's up with musa?
Stella, please don't, at least one person will think your insane
Wtf tecna? What frequencies? Do humans give off frequencies when in trouble, what are you searching for panicked screeches?
Thank you for asking the good questions musa
No, no, turning a pet into your double to take care of a shop is a terrible idea, aisha
There is no need to apologise for perfectly reasonable reactions roxy
Isn't the loft directly above the shop? Where is musa going to meet riven?
Aaaaaaaaawwwww nabu's shirt is too big in such a cute way!
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That man in the background looked so confused why the girls presented the door to tecna
The girls in the shop vaugly remind me of the trix, wouldn't that have been a plot twist lmao
Haha, this is backfiring so bad!
Why did the girls gasp? The knew Stella was going to say that
Also that guys reaction would probably be mine too
Haha! I already said that someone is going to think they're crazy
I'm not going to coment on the riven/musa drama with Jason here, it annoys me so much
Jason is just so oblivious to all that's happening
Stella already convinced several humans about fairies, just do what you did before?
Roxy is so wise for her age, and so right
Useless mcguffin wings, they could just fly (but I do love the designs)
Noooo, we don't actually hear musa sing?
Safety rule people, don't crowd around a burning building it could collapse and you are taking away the authority's attention
That dude barely even cares he's looking at mythological beings hes just worried about that poor family
The call for help sounds like Stella
The little girl looks like miele
the wizards are immune to fire, they just walked through it
just casually going to leave while taking this random girl with us- wonder what the bystanders thought
Super hearing residents
Riven, think before you speak
Jason, don't talk about situations you don't understand even with good intentions
I said the idea of turning pets to doppelganger is a bad idea
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