#but yeah this concept has plaugued me ever since u mentioned it elijah so i just wanted to write it out shdbvdhdb ty for letting me do that
synchlora · 4 years
newsagogo & hot chimp & party poison im too lazy to find the symbols for them
oh boy this is gonna be really fuckin long cause i spent way too long imagining the scenario where Party meets the DJs.
some background on this scene to give Party more context: Party was a juvie hall for some time in the city and had a tracker placed in the back of their neck by BLi. they got this removed but they were attacked during this process and the person removing it was killed, so they have an open gash there. they had to immediately run and got lost in the underground, eventually making it to the desert where they wandered along the road in really rough shape.
and mild trigger warning bc i do mention a dead body here and looting. nothing in detail but it is mentioned!!
anyway, without further ado here's some shit i wrote way too fast bc this hc scene is very vivid in my mind:
“Told ya we shouldn’t’ve gone out this far,” Hot Chimp rolled her eyes at Newsie’s snarky comment, rasped out through the thin, hot desert air.
"Well maybe if you’d’ve known our directions worth half a shit we wouldn’t’ve gotten lost out in Zone 3 for two hours,” Chimp raised an eyebrow at the ‘joy sitting next to her and the two of them couldn’t help but crack a smile. They both loved an adventure, albeit one on a day as hot as this may not be ideal. They were just headed out for a quick supply run out to Zone 2, but had gotten hopelessly lost at Cherri’s vague instruction of “somewhere out by a rock that looks kinda like a skyscraper” as if half the cliffs out here didn’t look exactly the same.
It’d been several very long hours of driving the van out in sweltering heat, and the two of them were somewhat on edge from the temperature. Trying to drown out the overwhelming heat, Hot Chimp turned the dial on the radio up and let some music blast loudly before Newsie could protest. But rather than the usual disgruntled mumbles of her partner, Newsie suddenly gripped her shoulder and shook her to get her attention. Chimp dialed the radio down and gave a puzzled look before looking to where News was pointing.
Out on the side of the road, there was a body.
Obviously, it’s not uncommon to come across dusted ‘joys out in the zones, but this one looked like they were just a kid, couldn’t be older than 17. They didn’t even look quite like they were dressed right for the desert, wearing torn up scraps that were duller than anything you’d see out in the desert. This was a city kid, some random rebel so desperate for escape that they wound up getting ghosted as soon as they tasted some real freedom.
Chimp grimaced at the sight, pulling the van over to the side of the road a few yards off from where the ghosted kid lay. She gave News an unsteady look and she returned a little nod before they both got out of the car. Tragic as deaths out in the zones may be, if you’re dusted it means you don’t need your gear anymore. And there’s no point in wasting any good materials for some foolish idea that the dead may care.
The two ‘joys headed over to the body, holding their hands up to the blistering sun. They’d have to be fast, couldn’t waste any water on sweating it out while getting some supplies that may not even be worth it. News reached down to the corpse first, placing a hand on their neck to ensure that they were in fact dead and there was no hope of taking them back to be another of the many strays that Cherri takes in. Chimp looked over to her partner who simply shook her head, signalling her to start rummaging through the dusted kid’s pockets.
Not a whole lot to speak of: a couple carbons, a jacket that may be worth patching up, a good pair of shoes (which seemed like they may even fit), and- best of all- a knife that wasn’t even rusted. Just as Newsie began to lift the body so that Chimp could slip off the decently salvageable jacket, a sudden gasp of breath and an ungodly scream escaped the lips of the previously-believed-to-be-dead rebel.
Newsie and Chimp both leapt back, dropping the supposedly ghosted rebel hard on the ground, their head making solid contact with cracked up asphalt. Chimp’s gun was drawn in a heartbeat and Newsie held hers pointed low at the figure that was groaning in pain before them. The wide-eyed ‘joys stared frantically at the kid that they swear was fucking dead just a minute ago.
The dazed city kid began to stumble to their feet and Chimp practically jumped back.
“Don’t move a fucking muscle, batt rat!” Chimp held her ray gun steadily, not batting an eye at the stranger that had just come to life in front of her. The young rebel looked up to the two ‘joys, only seeming to fully process that they had weapons drawn and pointed at them in this moment. They opened their mouth to speak but quickly shut back up. Whether it was out of fear or dehydration (if this kid could even dehydrate much less die), the two DJs didn’t know.
Chimp stood still, nodding over to News who remembered suddenly that she had a radio. She took out the radio, calling to Cherri to let him know what the fuck had just happened. Not too many details, just that they’d found a near-dead city kid that’d scared the everloving shit out of them. She took a while to explain the events of the past few minutes and a garbled voice came back over the static, talking for far too long. Chimp could tell by the exasperated look on Newsie’s face exactly what Cherri had said. He’d never been one to turn down anyone who’d needed help, dead or not.
Newsie rolled her eyes and looked back between the previously-ghosted kid on the ground and to her partner who, while appearing steady, was truthfully scared as all shit. She’d never let it show though. News looked up to Chimp, looking tired but also pleading, knowing that Chimp wouldn’t exactly be happy about bringing home a half-dead city rat. But Chimp knew just as well that she couldn’t leave the kid out here, and that Newsie wouldn’t let her.
By this time, Party’s whole body was burning. They had no fucking clue where they were. One moment they were stumbling through the underground, the next they were bleeding out along a road, and the next they were being held at gunpoint by the two brightest people they’d ever seen in their life. Their head was still spinning from a mix of dehydration, blood loss, and the nasty crash their head had when they went falling into the asphalt road. Speaking of asphalt, Witch, they’re really burning up. Every bit of skin that so much as touched the road burned hotter than a stove.
They watched their captors (is that what you’d call them?) as they appeared to discuss what to do with them over some device that spat static and garbled words. After the shorter of the two seemed to finish the conversation they’d had over the little black box, the taller one all too suddenly approached them, ray gun still drawn.
“Get up,” she practically spat out the words, “we’re headed back to the station,” she hesitated with a sigh, shifting a glance back at her partner, “and apparently we’re taking you with us.”
Party sat there stunned, hardly able to even imagine moving their aching limbs and unsure if they could even walk anymore.
“Well? Are you gonna get up or are you gonna let yourself burn up out here,” this time the shorter ‘joy spoke up from the seat of a van that was parked a few yards away from where they sat.
“We don’t need to take ya back,” the person near them didn’t offer so much as a hand to help them to their feet, but they took that warning as final. They stumbled to their feet, breathing in sharply between clenched teeth as they painstakingly stood up and staggered over to the open van doors. All the while feeling the presence of the taller ‘joy directly behind them, watching every move.
They practically collapsed into the back seat of the van, slipping in and out of consciousness as the car went roughly over the uneven terrain. Every jagged movement of the van sent Party into another spiral of sharp pain, sending shockwaves from the open wound in the back of their neck. They tried their best to steady themselves in the back seat of the van but they could hardly stay awake long enough to even register half of their surroundings. They heard a foggy conversation in one brief window of wakefulness.
“I don’t know, we shouldn’t be so rough on ‘em. Like that’s just a kid, Chimp, we don’t know shit about them,” the voice sounded like the one that spoke to the little black box earlier.
“You saw what the fuck happened, News! I jus-,” the other voice, seemingly named Chimp, paused to tap anxiously at the steering wheel, “I don’t know what the fuck just happened back there but that ‘kid’ wasn’t alive when we first found ‘em,” that one sounded more like the ‘joy that had yelled at them earlier.
“Still,” the smaller joy (was her name News?) breathed a long sigh, “Just let Cherri deal with ‘em I guess.”
The other voice seemed to soften and took on an apologetic tone, “I’m sorry for bein’ so spooked earlier. ‘S just that scared the livin’ shit outta me,” she paused before her voice picked up somewhat as she elbowed the other ‘joy, “didn’t wanna lose ya to some zombie kid.”
A couple of giggles escaped the shorter ‘joy’s lips at the remarks made by Chimp about the ‘undead’ rebel in the backseat.
“Witch, how do we even begin to explain this one t’ Cherri?” News chimed in through more laughter. Chimp’s gentle chuckle broke through the conversation as well.
“Dunno, ‘m sure his religious ass will probably eat up whatever story we give ‘im though,” she paused and went into a dramatic more masculine voice, “Oh you’re sure they were dusted? Well that can only mean one thing, ‘s gotta be some sorta divine intervention!” the shorter ‘joy bust out into a full laughter that filled the van with a smile you could feel more than see. Party’s head panged with immense pain as the laughter rang out in their ears. They slowly slipped back away into unconsciousness as the van harshly jolted them around in the back of the car.
and that's all!! not to leave it on a cliff hanger but bro ive got even more ideas abt Party meeting Kobra and everyone else and that's a whole other long ass story that i wanna write too sgvfhbfhbgj. hope this is comprehensible, i have no clue how to write dialogue
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