#but we also veg out and watch flicks with snacks
inkblot-inc · 2 years
Yelena introducing Jaws to everyone as “my best friend Jaws” even though they probably already know who Jaws is. “Director Fury, I would like to go on a mission with My Best Friend Jaws.” Like, it’s basically a title now. They’re both very proud of it.
it's a badge of honor really 😌
"Me and my best friend jaws are going upstairs,"
"have you seen my best friend Jaws? We're going to go buy Red 2 for movie night."
"My best friend Jaws can cook better food than this, Kate Bishop."
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fleetwoodmactshirt · 4 years
roadtrip headcanons (requested)
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i think they’d all have a different vibe and a different energy. i didn’t really rank them best to worst, i just explored what i think the vibe of a road trip with each of them would be like. i also let loose and slipped in some super self-indulgent personal hcs/one-shot au idea that is a WiP about ezra as an intriguing handsome stranger you encounter on your solo cross-country road trip. as a treat. s/o to @ithinkhesgaybutwesavedmufasa​ for suggesting whiskey’s fav song.
frankie morales is the road trip king. no matter how spontaneous, frankie can whip a road trip plan together smoothly. he’s got a spacious truck, he’s got a cooler, he’s got the coziest blankets, he’s got the travel pillow, he’s got the camping gear, he knows the best scenic routes, he’s got the best classic tunes, he’s got the best snacks. he makes homemade sandwiches and burritos, wraps them tightly in tin foil. he heats up frozen pizzas, cuts them into slices. he stores it all in the cooler for lunches. when the supply runs out, you gorge yourselves on burgers and fries at roadside diners. but every morning he’ll stop in the nearest town to buy some apples, or some fresh fruit/veg of some kind. if they’re ripe he’ll get avocados that he’ll cut in half for you both to scoop out with a spoon to eat plain while you sit together in the bed of his truck in the shade of a lake you’ve stopped at for the afternoon. but he surprises you with your favourite junk food and snacks. he lets you borrow his cap if the sun is in your eyes; he’s got a spare, more threadbare one in the glove box. he’s low key done the research on the best places for stargazing; you lie back nestled together under a blanket, in the bed of his truck, gazing upwards; you listen as he describes the constellations, tracing them out with his finger.
max phillips. business road trips but max’s...condition necessitates driving at night only. liminal spaces. driving through the night, sleeping in business hotel rooms during the day, dust motes floating in the thin streams of sunlight peeking through the cracks in the curtains you’ve pulled shut. you see incredible sunsets and sunrises from the highway. you also see some undeniably weird shit late at night on road trips with max. he watches you eat breakfast food at 2 am in neon lit 24/7 diners. while on the road he passes you lots of candy throughout the night; he stocks up from the hotel vending machines. but no matter how much caffeine and sugar he tries to fuel you with, sometimes you’re lulled to sleep by the peacefulness. you nestle your head against max’s shoulder; it’s not the most comfortable position to drive in but he can’t bring himself to readjust and shift away from you. solitary brightly lit gas stations that are like an oasis of light breaking the pitch darkness. the two of you feel utterly alone sometimes; the world has shrunk down to only you, max, in this car, driving along this empty, dark stretch of road, a blush of purple on the edge of the horizon signalling the dawn.
based on how oberyn canonically took his daughters to explore an abandoned holdfast, i think his road trip energy would be all about the journey and not the destination. road trips with oberyn and ellaria would be meandering and adventurous. sometimes you’re riding shotgun and sometimes you’re sitting in the backseat with ellaria laid out and napping beside you, sun hat dipped down covering her eyes, her long legs stretched across your lap. if the three of you come across a motel you enjoy he’ll feel no urgency to leave; the days blur together and soon you’ve spent a week soaking up sun by the pool and sleeping in late entangled together in a pile of limbs after long passionate nights. day by day you may not even travel very far; he wants to stop and explore. hike amidst rock formations, swim in hot springs, explore the local museums; whatever catches his or your fancy. if he sees a billboard on the side of the road advertising local caves, or a petrified forest, or hears rumour of nearby ghost town that’s all but disappeared off the map, you’ll suddenly find yourselves veering off down small country roads, hours from the highway, seeking out pleasure, adventure, mystery. 
marcus has a hilton rewards card so you’re staying at hilton garden inns every night. clean sheets. comfortable beds. complimentary breakfast. it’s very pleasant. middle class fancy. holds out his hand for you to drop some snacks into his palm so he can remain focused on the road while you’re both munching. let’s you curate the spotify playlists.
roadtrips with javier are always last minute decisions to just take off, head to a gorgeous but isolated beach you’d heard about that’s a few days from here. he doesn’t get many opportunities for long stretches of time off, so when he does you don’t hesitate. you might not even wait for a rational time to leave. it’s midnight and you guys just speed off into the darkness. you just threw some essentials into a bag, jumped in his jeep, and booked it. you gotta buy toothpaste and toothbrushes at a gas station, and you borrow javi’s deodorant stick because you forgot yours. greasy fast food containers, half-empty cigarette packs, and snack wrappers litter the dashboard. his aviators perched on his nose, one hand resting on the wheel, the other curled around your thigh, javi on a road trip is relaxed. he’s leaving all his burdens, his worries, everything weighing on his chest, all of it, behind him. literally, the more distance you guys put between yourselves and where you were, the more uplifted his spirits. when your favourite song comes on the radio, and you’re shimmying in your seat, he can’t keep his eyes off you, his gaze flicking between you and the road. he sings along under his breath, bobbing his head almost imperceptibly and tapping his fingers on the steering wheel, a slow smile spreading across his face.
whiskey pulls up to your house at 5 am on the dot, the obnoxious custom sound of the horn of his bronco rattling the windows and scaring the birds out of the trees lining the street. country music jams ONLY. you argue over his taste in music; does he enjoy being a walking cliche? he will not accept any song that doesn’t have a twang to it. he’d be an aux cord hog if he knew what an aux cord even was. so much for your favourite spotify road trip playlists. “spot fly? spot what fly, where?” still has mixtapes he made himself, the same ones he’s been playing since forever. forces you listen to all his favourite songs, the ones he knows all the words to, while he obnoxiously sings along and ignores your eye-rolling. but he doesn’t ignore how your feet start tapping absentmindedly to toby keith’s ‘whiskey girl’. the corner of his mouth quirks up in a smirk that quickly becomes a broad grin as he reaches over to smack your thigh, laughing he’ll make a country girl of you yet. startled out of your daze, you vehemently deny you weren’t enjoying the song, he doesn’t know what the fuck he’s talking about. he insists he knows the best places to stop, which means you always end up driving far off the highway to some little mom and pop diner that has killer apple pie for lunch. in the evenings you always end up in some honky-tonk bar that’s joined to a motel and yes, there’s line dancing, and yes he manages to twist your arm and convince you to join in. 
ezra…..as a man who’s floated from planet to planet, following jobs and leads, for the better part of his life, he’s found himself smooth-talking his way into being a lot of people’s unexpected travel companion out of necessity over the years. road trip ezra is on the run from someone or something; maybe the law, maybe not. all you know is this beautiful, mysterious stranger you met under dubious circumstances somehow, with his roguish grin and drawling accent, his kind eyes and eloquence, convinced you to let him ride along with you. you ran into him in the grungy diner attached to an even grungier motel in some desolate nowhere town. you recognized him; he’s unmistakably the lone figure on the side of the dusty road, his thumb stuck out, that you drove past yesterday. you’d driven past but that blonde streak had been unmissable and you won’t admit it but you’d felt his gaze on you long after you’d left him in the dust. ezra’s endless chatter on the road isn’t unwelcome; he knows seemingly innumerable facts about local folklore, flora, and fauna, and he never seems to be depleted of stories. you’d made the conscious and contrary decision to make this cross-country road trip alone, rebelling against a lot of cautionary advice, but somewhere along the way loneliness had creeped in under your skin and settled there. this handsome stranger may have an edge of danger to him but later when he’s bringing you to heights of ecstasy in a motel room you won’t give a damn.
maxwell lord flies everywhere in a private jet. the worst.
din djarin’s entire life is basically one long never-ending road trip. but in space. i figure earth-bound din on a conventional road trip would basically be how we see him: no nonsense. no frivolities. no music; travels in total silence. gets where he needs to go. stops for soup, as needed. stops for repairs, as needed. stops to work an odd job with some really sketchy people for some gas money, as needed. din’s road trip energy would be like that john mulaney joke. you’d see the mcdonalds sign lit up and shining in the distance and plead for him to stop so he’d pull into the drive-thru, order one black coffee and keep driving. except if you’ve got the baby with you; he gets a chicken nugget happy meal for the kid. he’s a good papa! and of course you’d get whatever you wanted too, he provides and cares for his loved ones after all.
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Once Bitten, Twice Stupid prt.3
Balmeria Roadhouse was as it always was at stupid o’clock in the morning. Two road trains parked up in the back parking space. Another sitting at the diesel pumps, the driver sitting inside the roadhouse taking a much needed break. Pulling up at the bowser, Lance heard the click of the pump release, the roadhouse on the older side where a pin needed to be entered instore before you could use the bowser. Shay was definitely on, her brother Rax also worked there, but he’d seemed to take a real dislike to their group, making one of them go in and ask to use the pumps instead of being a normal civil person. Yeah, he fell into the people that thoroughly annoyed Lance, but Shay... Shay lit up the room. Her smile was bright, hair always dyed shades of blue, huge silver hoop earrings that surely had to hurt her ears, then topped off with an ensemble that threw back to the golden years of “emo”. When she joked about it, a little bit of him died on the inside. It was hard being 44 when his friends were young enough to be his kids.
Pidge climbed out after Hunk, as Lance started fuelling up. The rain was coming again, he could smell it on the air. Maybe making a run for snacks hadn’t been the brightest idea mid-storm, but you never knew what would happen. He didn’t want to pressure Hunk, not after the tour from hell, but seeing Shay might just be thing his friend needed to perk him back up. Leaning back against his car, he closed his eyes and let himself just be. He loved this life. Out of all his “lives” as Lance, this was the most peace he’d ever found... as a near on hermit.
Hearing the slow roll of tires over wet gravel, Lance paid it no mind. The pump handle clicking to indicate the tank was full. Shaking the last few drops out the nozzle, he set the handle back in the cradle with a sigh. It should be illegal that filling a tank cost $90. He could still remember when it was $1 a litre. Back in the good old days and all that. Heck, when he’d been 20 it’d only been 65cents a litre. His precious girl was killing his bank account... but he’d never say that out loud, at least not with Pidge in earshot. And not with his Mami in earshot either. She mistakingly thought he kept his girl around out of some sense of misplaced guilt over his condition, not because no other car made him feel quite the way driving his bronco did. Giving Shay a wave on the security camera, Lance double checked his wallet in his back pocket before shoving his hands in his jacket, then making himself jog over to the roadhouse door as if he was scared of getting wet. As he jogged he noticed that the people who’d pulled up were one of those “people” who park way too close to the front door with the bonnet hanging over the edge, making the walk way smaller than it was supposed to be. From the look of it there were two of them in the black sedan, their car practically screaming for attention. Good luck with that, Lance was more interested in the road train by the diesel than two rich kids taking their car for a joy ride.
Letting himself into the warmth of the road house, Lance headed straight for the drinks at back. Grabbing two bottles of coke, he also snagged a bottle of orange juice for the morning. Carrying the drinks up to Shay, Hunk was spluttering over Shay’s flirting. Neither of them were aggressive enough to make that first move, Shay’s bubbly personality came from being in customer service, the “real” Shay was a shy blushing mess especially in the presence of Hunk
“Hiya, Lance. How’s it going?”
“Any day my glasses decide not to fog up is a win. How’s the night been?”
“Slooow. Seriously slow. Must be the weather, all the smart people are staying home”
Lance laughed as he nodded
“Yeah, it’s the night for it, alright. Hey, we were thinking of having dinner at mine on Saturday night, can you swing it?”
Shay shook her head, her gaze flicking to Hunk, then back to him
“I’m working both nights this weekend”
“It doesn’t have to be Saturday. Friday works too. Or Monday. Actually, any night works. One of the perks that comes with working from home”
“I can do Friday... are you sure you don’t mind?”
Now Shay was sounding like Hunk. They’d be the sweetest couple
“I wouldn’t have asked if I wasn’t. It won’t be anything too fancy, maybe dinner than vegging out in front of the TV. I mean, please don’t feel pressured at all to come, I won’t be offended. I was just thinking how nice it’d be to actually hang out outside of this place”
Shay nodded quickly
“That sounds fun. I’ll finally be able to meet Blue”
With her blue hair, Shay had thought Lance was talking about her whenever he mentioned “Blue” to Pidge and, or, Hunk. His cooing over his precious princess making her uncomfortable. Shay remained in the dark until Pidge started teasing him mercilessly over Lance buying his baby girl a bigger and better cat tree to celebrate her first birthday
“She’s a bit of a snob, just so you know. Oh, you totally don’t have to bring anything, but I know what parents are like, so if you drink bring a bottle of that and we’ll pretend it’s for me”
Shay laughed. Lance felt as if the gift giving had slowly slipped from society, a bit like dinner parties
“Sometimes you sound like my dad”
Pidge slammed her palms down on the counter, excited to have someone agree
“I know, right?! You should have heard him earlier, I could have died of shame when he was talking about being “totally radical!”
“Much retro, so lame”
Huffing are the pair, Lance grabbed a pack of gum to toss in with everything else
“Remind me why I associate with all of you?”
“For the laughs. Oh, we better move, they’re coming in”
Spying on the two guys from the flashy car, the group moved aside as the door chimed. Shay swapping tills so she wouldn’t have to start ringing up his purchases from scratch
“You guys got everything you want?”
Pidge nodded happily
“Shay’s rung up my two slushies. I decided I needed one of each instead of two raspberry”
“I really should have only let you get one. You’ll be awake all night from all that sugar”
“Jeez, thanks, dad...”
Pidge made the telephone gesture with her hand, raising it to her ear. She played along with her fake fall, humming and nodding a few times before holding her hand out towards him
“The 1970’s called, they want their idiot back”
Swatting at Pidge’s hand, Lance felt a bump against his back. No apology was forth coming as Shay served the two strangers, the taller answering Shay’s polite attempts at small talk. At least one of them wasn’t a total douche.
When the pair left, the group moved back over. Shay finishing off scanning the last few items
“That’s $143.95 all up. Pidge said you were having a movie marathon when you got home?”
Fishing his wallet out, Lance pulled out his credit card, handing over as he shook his head
“She might be, but I’d hardly call it a movie marathon when she’s watching over what she taped tonight. Hunk and I are about ready to call it night”
“That sounds like a good plan. The weather’s supposed to turn bad again”
Entering his pin, Lance waited for “approved” to show on the reader, before taking his card back and sliding it away
“I heard that too. That’s why I’ve got to get these two home. If you write your number on the receipt, I’ll add you and chuck a text to confirm. You know where my house is, don’t you?”
Shay giggled, printing off the receipt like Lance has suggested
“Seeing it’s the only house on the road, I don’t think I can go wrong”
When the door chimed again, Lance turned out of habit. He hadn’t seen the diesel drier leave yet, so had thought maybe the man was waiting for someone. Walking back in, the taller of two strangers was scratching the back of his head. Greeeeat. The guy wanted a favour. He could tell by the way he was forcing himself to appear casual
“Hey, me again. My brother and I just tried our car but it doesn’t seem to be turning over. You don’t happen to know anyone around here that can help us out?”
That was what google was for. A quick google search would tell the man the towing service was shut for the night, unless he wanted to call someone in Platt.
Shay took the question in her stride, being a roadhouse she’d probably dealt with this kind of thing before
“That depends. If you need to reach Platt tonight, then you’ll want to call a Platt number for a tow. If you can wait until tomorrow, my friend Hunk here is the son of the town’s mechanic”
“We were actually hoping to stay a few days in town, you know, check out the old museum and that. My little brother’s really into photography. We’ve got a hotel room back in Platt, so I guess I need the number for that towing service”
The stranger scratched the back of his head again. Lance knew he was staring, but it was kind of hard not to when the man had a massive scar across the bridge of his nose
“I’ll give them a call, but they might not want to come out with the storm rolling in”
“Yeah, my brother was taking photos of the sky tonight, that’s how we ended up here in the middle of the night. I’d really appreciate it if you could”
“No worries, you’d be surprised how often it happens. Do you and your brother want to sit inside and wait?”
“No, thanks for the offer, but he’s not exactly a people person. I’m Shiro, by the way”
“I’m Shay. Welcome to Garrison”
“Thanks. I’ll just browse while you make that call. Thanks for this and for calling”
“It’s fine. They love me there because I send them so much business. Go ahead and take a look around”
There was no way that Lance was leaving Shay with a creeper. Hot or not, he didn’t know the man. An ordinary person wouldn’t be running around with a scar like that, his mind unhelpfully pointing out it could have been the result of a car crash or some kind of accident where he’d smacked his face hard against a pile or a corner. Whatever it’d been, Shiro had done a really good job of it. He carried himself with an air that Lance couldn’t quite put his finger on. Like he was hiding something, but exposing himself all at the same time. Shaking himself out of those thoughts, he settled on the fact that though he’d never see the man again after this, he’d be unfortunately stuck remembering him and always wondering about that damn scar.
Shay was brisk on the phone, she laughed at lot, Hunk practically melting in pining over the sound. Two quick phone calls later, Shay hung up her phone, swapping back to her customer service face
“Shiro, I’ve got some good news and some bad news”
Replacing the magazine he’d been flicking through, the handsome stranger wandered his way back to the counter. Shiro laughed nervously, something making Lance’s skin prickle
“I’m not sure I like the idea of bad news”
“Well, there’s been an accident in Platt, the storm knocked a set of lights, so they won’t be able to send someone until tomorrow. The good news is that Hunk’s dad runs the local autoshop, he can take a look first thing tomorrow morning. The bad news is you’re either stuck waiting the next 12 hours in here or we can try getting you a room in town... you could probably call a cab out from Platt, but that’s going to cost about as much as getting a room”
Shiro sighed. Lance didn’t blame him. Being stuck sucked arse
“Don’t worry, man. My dad will sort you out tomorrow”
Hunk tried to comfort the stranger, Shiro looking at him properly for the first time
“Uh, thanks for that. I’m Shiro...”
Pidge stepped forward
“I’m Pidge, that’s Hunk and this loser is Lance. We can give you a ride back in town if you need”
Lance stepped on Pidge’s foot. He wasn’t a damn taxi service, for all he knew this guy and his “brother” could be serial killers
“Really? That would be fantastic. You three are locals right, you wouldn’t happen to know of any good places to stay?”
“Sure do. We know everything about Garrison. Hey, why don’t you crash at Lance’s tonight, then he can give you a lift in tomorrow when he drops us off?”
Lance ground his foot down. He didn’t want two strangers in his house. It was his house. Access was limited to people he actually knew and liked... a grand total of five including Shay
“What? They’re stuck. It’s the nice thing to do”
Damn Pidge and her “niceness”. Shiro scratched the back of his head again
“I don’t want to put you out...”
“Nonsense. He’s got enough rooms. And it’s only for the night. What kind of people would we be if we left you stuck?”
“At least let me pay...”
“Already taken care of. The only thing is you’ll have to ride in the back of the rust bucket out there. This one refuses to get a new car”
Lance huffed
“There’s nothing wrong with my car. She’s got four wheels and starts”
“When she wants to. Go let your brother know what’s going on, while we finish up here”
“I will. Thank you so much for this. You three really saved our butts tonight. So, the bronco, right?”
“Yep, that’s the one”
“I guess we’ll get settled then... Are you sure it’s no trouble?”
“It’s fine, go on, we’ll be out shortly”
When Shiro left, Lance rounded Pidge. Tempted to keep his foot on hers, but scared he’d apply too much pressure and accidentally hurt her
“What the fuck was that?”
Pidge fluttered her eyelashes
“What was what?”
“Volunteering my house? We don’t know them”
“Exactly! I saw you staring”
“Because he’s got a big arse scar across his nose...”
“And now we can find out why”
Lance rolled his eyes, trying to keep his panic internal
“And what if they’re both serial killers?”
“You’re just being stupid. It’s a guy and his brother. Oh! Maybe they’re into ghosts, everyone who comes here’s into ghosts”
Hunk groaned
“Pidge... Lance is right. We don’t know them”
“Too bad. It’s only for tonight. Consider it our good deed for the year”
Shay giggled
“I thought that was that tour of yours”
Pidge jumped up and down on the spot excitedly, grabbing Lance by the arm and shaking him
“Oh my god, that means two good deeds in one day! Karma, here we come!”
Karma could fuck off. If there was any kind of karma in the world, he wouldn’t be what he was now. He wanted his cat, his bed, and not to have two strangers in his goddamn house. Packing their shopping neatly into a bag, Shay placed two slushy cups down on the counter with a clatter as the lids slipped off
“Whoopsies. Anyway, I won’t keep you guys any longer. Lance, you’ll text me right?”
“Sure thing, Shay. Pidge, get your damn slushies so we can go”
“Do you think they want slushies? We should get them slushies. That’s the nice thing to do right?”
“If they wanted slushies, they would have got their own”
Blowing a raspberry at him, Lance knew that Shiro and his brother were getting slushies whether they liked it or not
“Shay, two more cups please!”
God, Lance was done. Grabbing the bag off the counter, he shot Shay a tired smile
“Wish me luck”
“Better you than me. Have fun”
Like that was going to happen. With a wave, Lance wandered towards the door. Behind him Hunk had been nominated to help Pidge with her slushies. What kind of idiot just opened their home up to strangers? His Mami would be so disappointed... Actually, she’d tell him it was the right thing to do, which only made him feel worse.
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irwinkitten · 5 years
days like this | l.h, m.c, c.h, a.i
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pairing: none prompt: not this time notes: last day of the birthday countdown fic week! day five!! thank you so much for the love you’ve shown this week. i’ve enjoyed writing something with the prompts and i’m hoping it’ll keep my mojo going as i continue to work on the various things i’ve got planned. this is just entirely soft and fluffy and i hope y’all love it. small masterlist of the fic week can be found here warnings: none word count: 2.3k!
You knew that she was excited beyond reason knowing that her favourite uncles were finally back from touring.
Your daughter was practically begging you to ask them to come and visit, the last time she’d gotten so see them was months ago when they were touring in the city.
“I’ll ask them little bird, but I can’t promise that they’ll come around. They only got home yesterday and they’re going to be tired.” You warned and her face fell for a second.
“But I can see them this week?” This made you smile.
“Of course, they wouldn’t pass up a chance to spend the day with you, you know that. They might just be too tired to come around today.” She nodded before disappearing upstairs to her room, a loud banging telling you that she’d gone to the plastic drum kit that Ashton had bought her for her last birthday.
Opening the group chat you had with them, you sent the message.
‘I have a tiny human who has realised you guys are home. When you’re up for it, drop by later this week, you’d make her day.’
Heading to the kitchen, you began to make some lunch for the two of you as your phone pinged.
‘I think bug snuggles are required for recovery.’ Your eyes saw that was from Michael and you laughed.
‘Only if you’re up for it, I’ve told her you guys might be too tired to come around today so it’ll be during the week.’
Ashton was the next reply
‘I’ll bring some snacks. See you in thirty.’
This set off a discussion of various snacks followed by varying times from each member. You sent the eye roll emoji followed by a heart before making sandwiches, knowing that if they were bringing snacks, she wouldn’t eat anything else.
“Little bird, time for some lunch.” You called up, the banging stopping as she came rushing downstairs, the small toy drum sticks grasped in her hand.
She pulled herself up onto the dining room chair, setting the sticks on the table which made you laugh, snapping a photo and sending it to the chat.
‘Looks like someone has her sights set on her future career.’
‘Bass is better, I’ll teach her the right instrument.’ Came from Calum not even a minute later.
‘She’d still say that drums are the better instrument.’ You sent back as you ate your own food, placing the phone face down on the table.
“Did they answer mommy?” She asked between bites and you hummed in response.
“They’ll see. But no promises.” She nodded her head as she finished her food and helped you with the dishes, her giggles echoing through the kitchen as the water splashed the both of you as you filled the sink up.
Once the dishes were done and set on the side to dry, she was about to rush upstairs before there was a knock on the door, the sound of the door opening making her turn to you in confusion.
“Did we forget someone was coming round today mommy?” Your lips curved into a smile at her question.
“Why don’t you go see?” She scampered from the kitchen, making you countdown in your head from three.
As you hit one, she squealed.
“Uncle Ash!” Her giggle reached your ears followed by his own.
Making your way through, you found yourself grinning at the sight before you. Ashton had your daughter in his arms, her lips pulled back into the biggest grin as he peppered her face in kisses.
“And how’s my drumming replacement, huh?” She giggled, her face ducking away into his hoodie in embarrassment at his words.
“M’never replacing you.” She mumbled and he laughed.
“Good to know, lovebug.” She beamed at the nickname before squirming to get down from his arms. He obliged and she headed upstairs, her lips pulled back into a grin as Ashton greeted you with a warm hug.
“She’s so your favourite.” You teased him as you kissed his cheek.
“Just watch, Mike will arrive and I’ll be forgotten.” The two of you laughed as he followed you into the kitchen, placing the bag on the counter that contained various goodies. You peered in it for a second and laughed.
“She’s definitely gonna have a sugar crash. You all are.” You commented as he made himself comfortable, grabbing a drink.
“That’s the point. I think the others have the same idea of relaxed clothing. Means we can keep up with the little lovebug but also not feel uncomfortable if we do crash.”
“It’s a good job I ended up getting those big corner sofas otherwise there’d be no room for you all.” Came the tart reply and he laughed.
The door knocked once more and before you could even call for your little bird, she was flying down the stairs as the door started opening. You peered from the kitchen to watch your daughter launch at Calum who caught her with ease.
“Uncle Calum!”
“Ooft, hello to you too princess.” You laughed and she glanced back to you, her lips pulled back into a wide grin.
“Is uncle Lu and uncle Mike comin’ too?” You tried to hide your grin, but as her eyes practically lit up, you knew that you’d failed and she’d put two and two together.
“Does this mean movie day?” Calum asked, playing along as his eyes widened, looking between you and her. You snorted.
“I guess it does mean movie day. Wanna go get changed into some comfy clothes little bird?” She beamed as Calum set her down and she went running once more. You laughed as he wrapped his arms around you in greeting and you could feel the stress of the last few weeks melt away.
“And how is our favourite mom?” He asked once he’d let go and the three of you began to migrate towards the living room, snacks and drinks in hands.
“Stressed. It’s been a tough couple of weeks. I know that there are some kids giving her a hard time and she’s lashing out in return. I got called up to the school twice. First time because one girl had thrown something at her and she retaliated by pushing her over. Second time she hadn’t done anything but because the other girl had pushed her over and hurt her, I was still called in.” You explained as you tied your hair back, a soft sigh escaping.
“I take it work weren’t too happy about that?” Ashton asked quietly and you gave a sarcastic laugh.
“My boss has been a right bastard about it. Made a comment about her dad needing to be around to deal with her.” They flinched at that.
You’d been devastated the day that you’d received the call that her dad had been in a car collision and died. They boys had always been an active part of your little girl's life, but you knew they were stepping up, just like her dad would’ve wanted them to.
“What did you do after that?”
“Made the complaint to HR, told them the situation because he threatened to not pay me. They said that it was noted down and he’s now under investigation. All of us are suspended from normal work until the investigation is complete.”
“Are you at least getting paid?” Ashton asked, stunned. You nodded.
“Yeah, it’s full pay thankfully. She just thinks I’m on vacation from work.” You explained quietly when you heard her footsteps come flying down the stairs. They understood the silent request to not talk about it in front of you little girl.
Just as she launched upon Ashton, making him laugh, you heard the door go once more. Her head shot up from his chest where she’d rested it and you laughed.
“I’ll go get it.” You pushed yourself from your spot next to Cal and you were greeted with the door already opening, revealing Michael and Luke. You couldn’t help but giggle. Michael held five pizza boxes and in Luke’s hands you spied two bottles of wine.
“You guys are ridiculous.” You finally muttered before stepping aside so they could carry on through to the kitchen.
“You love us really.” Michael sang back. You grinned.
Luke dropped a kiss to your cheek as he passed on by, making you laugh as you pushed him towards the kitchen, closing the door behind him and following them both. When you reached the kitchen, you were pulled into a warm hug and you sighed, returning the hug tightly.
“You guys are the best, honestly.” You murmured in Michael’s ear and he pulled back, grinning.
“Oh we know we are. Now, where’s my cuddlebug?”
“Living room. We’re vegging out there.” He grinned, heading past you and you found yourself in another set of arms.
“Hope you don’t mind us bringing the wine. Figured that you could use a bit of a break too.” He murmured and you nodded your head against his chest.
“It’s fine. But if any of you guys drink, you’re not driving.” He grinned down at you as you pulled back, your tone stern.
“Yes mom.” He teased before you shoved him towards the living room.
When you followed him, you found yourself grinning. Michael had thrown himself down on the spot next to Ashton, and your daughter had immediately crawled to the spot between them, her arms wrapped around him.
“Hey, no cuddles for your uncle Lu?” Luke whined and she shook her head and he pouted before leaning over to ruffle her hair, making her beam back at him.
“I’ll cuddle you later uncle Lu.” You knew that she would as well. If there was someone she loved to cuddle, it was Michael. But Luke was a close second in her eyes.
He laughed, leaning over the back of the sofa and planting a kiss to the top of her head before he sat on the other sofa.
“What movie are we watching then?” Calum asked and she thought about it for a second.
“Tangled!” You snorted at that as you switched on the TV, flicking it onto Netflix and pulling up the movie before settling between Calum and Luke, your head resting on Calum’s shoulder as the title began rolling, your eyes darting over to the three on the second couch, her body pressed tightly between Michael and Ashton as she mouthed along to the dialogue.
“We’ll get her hooked onto a new film soon enough.” Calum hummed and you laughed.
“This will still be her favourite. Thanks for coming around and spending this day with her though, I know you guys only got back yesterday.” You felt a soft jab to your side from Luke.
“Hey, she’s worth it and we can’t let our favourite niece drive our favourite mom mad from watching the same film over and over.” He teased with a grin. You rolled your eyes in return, but smiled nonetheless.
“As long as you know that you guys don’t have to compete for our affections, then I’m all for you guys having days like this.” Luke grinned.
After the first film, Michael declared it was time for pizzas, making her gasp in delight as he pushed himself off the sofa. You went to join him, grinning as your little girl moved from Ashton’s side, crawling onto Luke’s lap and snuggling with him.
Whilst reheating the pizzas, the two of you talked quietly, catching Michael up with what was going on.
“Please tell me you’re looking for a new job?” He asked as you helped him put the second pizza in the oven to reheat.
“I’m looking, but nothing so far.” You sighed and he rested a hand on your shoulder in comfort. You smiled at him softly.
“If you need someone to look after her, you can always drop her by mine. Southy adores her and we both know how territorial Southy is.” This made the two of you share grins as you changed the pizzas over.
You could hear from the kitchen as she told the other three what she’d done at school, the various drawings and big things she’d accomplished.
Accepting the glass of wine from Michael as you two carried the pizza boxes through, a bright grin on your daughter's lips as she scrambled from her spot on Luke’s lap to open the pizza boxes, you could only watch in amusement as she picked the cheese one and returning to her spot between Michael and Ashton.
As the conversation moved onto the boys talking about tour, telling her small stories that had her giggling into her food when she took bites as they talked, you felt a sense of relief that at least if anything, she had four men in her life who would do as much as they could for her.
“Mommy, did you really go on tour with them once? And did uncle Lu really try to prank you with the bad doughnuts?” And a Luke whined in protest as you giggled, you felt more and more relaxed as the conversation flowed from one story to another, her eyes and ears taking in everything before they began to get heavy and she curled closer to Michael, all of them pausing for seconds to yawn.
“How ‘bout we nap cuddlebug? Then we can watch some more films.” Michael bargained with your child and she thought about it for a second before nodding her head.
It didn’t take much longer as the others seemed to be following her lead and even you couldn’t stop yourself from curling into Calum’s side, his arm squeezing you gently as your eyes surveyed the room.
“You rest as well, you need to look after yourself as well.” Calum hummed and you chuckled softly before allowing yourself to relax, the warmth of your home and a full stomach lulling you into a relaxed nap, feeling like things were going to at least go up from here.
tag list: @cals-babylons​​ , @glitterprincelu​​ , @calumspeachy​​ , @wrappedaroundcal​​ , @cosmocalum​​ , @mistletoemichael​​ , @talkfastfletcher​​ , @hereforlukescruff​​ , @astroashtonio​​ , @catchinqcalum​​ , @roselukes​​ , @5saucewho​​, @babylon-uncrowned​​ , @dontstopisagoodsongchangemymind​​ , @therainydays4​​ , @asht0ns-world​​ , @silverchainbee​​ , @hidd3nfangirl​​ , @doodleasouarus​​ , @empathycth​​ , @mylovehes​​ , @songforhema​​ , @kinglyhood​​ , @youngblood199456​​ , @makecoffeenotwars​​ , @5squash​ , @negative-love​​ , @softboycal​​ , @kinglycalum​​ , @you-of-ghost​​ , @meetyoutheremgc​​ , @lmao5sosimagines​​ , @lietoash​​ , @aw-hawkeye​​ , @biggestslutforcalum​​ , @drummerboy794​​ , @itjustkindahappenedreally​​, @mycollectionofnuts​​ , @coreybryanttrash , @abitloudforanaccousticset​​ , @boytoynamedcalum​​ , @teampreator​​ , @dukehoods​​ , @dweebluke​​ , @calumhampton​​ , @lashtoncurls​​ , @toofadedtofight​​ , @gigglyirwin​​ , @blue-skies-are-alright​​ , @hearts-to-the-sky​​ , @tiddlerrr​​ , @all-i-want-is2b-loved-by-you​​​ , @thesensationalcalum , @ashtxns-hxe​​ , @cakeassx-blog​​ , @dancingonanemptywallet​​ , @rotten-kandy​​ , @vipclifford​​ , @musiclover1263​​ , @rosecoloredash​​ , @jpgluke​​ , @cathartichaoss​​ , @5secondssofssummer​​ , @cozyfivesos​​ , @balsamichood​​ , @cliffordstxngue​​ , @lukesbellas , @myloverboyash​​ , @cxddlyash​​  , @gabiatthedisco​​ , @rosesfromcth​ , @gorgeouslygrace​ , @calumsssparkle​ , @valentinelrh​ , @meetashthere​ , @softforcal​ , @notoriouslyhood​ , @hotmessmichael , 
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