#but tbh im sus of kazz w anything to do w arlo
mashiee · 1 year
Arlo headcanons please please please gimme
ok so
i hc that he has 4 older siblings, but was separated from them pretty early on due to [REDACTED] so he was practically alone his whole life, with the occasional step in from valerie
*[REDACTED] is a whole Thing, so send another ask in if you want me to talk about it and go into detail abt my hcs for arlo family/family dynamic(s)
this is very much why he so easily believes her and why he seems so much more adamant about the hierarchy compared to other characters
also why he acts like an only child despite having four older siblings
his sister has tried to reconnect with him but its a work in progress
he collects antique buttons and very much has a hyper fixation on them
yes he is autistic, tbh i probably dont even have to say that
bee allergy, esp hornets
hates wearing shorts outside would rather die than wear them out it feels so weird to him
honestly im not entirely sure what i hc arlos gender. it tends to switch between cismasc and amab demiboy. also sometimes tho its amab nonbinary or agender
also a bit unsure about pronouns. he/him for now but if i end up going for nonbinary or agender later on probably it/its pronouns. or maybe they/them
speaking of being queer he has internalized homophobia (possibly via valerie) so he probably doesnt come out until much later in life
he struggles with allowing himself to be feminine or sometimes even androgynous. was taught growing up that he has to be masculine and strong
its being worked on
plays animal crossing a lot
probably the only video game he plays. aside from maybe like. tetris
probably plays with elaine whether he knows its her or not
gay asexual
says he prefers dogs bc theyre more obedient but in reality he prefers cats
multiple times in a week he'll have moments where he'll suddenly Realize just exactly how Tall. he is
prefers reading over movies/tv/yt/etc. it just isnt as interesting to him. also he prefers things that are physical and that he can feel
acts all superior and shit but in reality hes super self deprecating and thinks he'll never amount to what is expected of him
was deprived of having hobbies and playing as a child so he's very much discovering his inner child as he grows and gets further away from the box he tries to mold into
likes adult coloring books a lot
cant stand repeating sounds it makes him dissociate
derealizes a lot
cant recognize himself in a mirror most of the time so he just. doesnt have them. and when in places that do have them he wont look at them. like if he's in the bathroom he'll look down the entire time he wont look up
same reason why he hates photos
absolutely despises mashed potatoes they are so slimey and disgusting
sometimes i consider hcing him as being 18-19 instead of 17-18 bc like. a lot of autistic children repeat kindergarten for lack of communication/interaction with other children
at the same time tho i feel like valerie wouldnt have allowed that
is a cat person
both in that he prefers cats and also that hes a wet cat
he never actually fights people he just crushes them w his barrier or lets them suffer the backlash from attacking it and then moves on
therefore he is weak asf and has no body strength. mr mans has noodle arms
long eyelashes
like john hes also vampire tier but hes sophisticated whereas john is like... feral vampire
sometimes i hc him as british and having an english accent bc i think its funny
can cook enough to survive but its mediocre
cannot handle ANY amount of spicy
pepper and any form of mint is spicy to him
hates mushrooms
has tried weed exactly two (2) times and has hated it both times
in his words "i felt like a coffee grinder with nothing to grind"
why do you, as a man, feel like you need something to grind? do you want to grind on a man?? is that it?? gay
the first person who convinced him to try it was a combo of rei and kuyo, the second time it was holden
arlo still questions why he did it the second time KNOWING he wouldnt like it
theres a senior chat and arlo got named "Big Daddy" in the chat by holden and he has no idea how to change it and no one will tell him so he just suffers
you would think as a king or whatever hed know how to blackmail ppl to get them to do what he wants but he actually doesnt
people just automatically listen to him so when hes faced with someone who wont, he either broods about it or straight up attacks them. sometimes both
more arlo stuff: arlo sibling info | [REDACTED]
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