#but somehow brown always ends up with the ugly or boring shades like no!! show me pretty browns they exist there are many
aroaceofthesea ยท 1 year
Why is brown so underrated fr
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space-kitten-606 ยท 5 years
Alright friendo, bring it on! I canโ€™t believe I actually did that.ย 
Also fair bit of warning it gets a little dark somewhere around the 90 mark. Sorry about that.
My favourite colour is blue
English is not my first language
I wear glasses
Iโ€™m a huge procrastinator
I have a short attention span (even shorter if I donโ€™t care)
If I think youโ€™ve done something good for me, Iโ€™m loyal to a fault
Iโ€™m very forgetful
I suck at math
I have a bad memory
Iโ€™m right handed
I think feet are ugly
I love hugs!!!
When I see an animal irl I always smile no matter how bad I feel
Iโ€™m very impatient
Iโ€™m stubborn
Iโ€™m a people pleaser (yikes)
Iโ€™ve never been in a relationship
I have arachnophobia
Iโ€™m 22!
I have little to no self control
Iโ€™m super easy to befriend (if I like you)
If I see a cat while weโ€™re out I will point at it and say โ€œKatziโ€ (eng: Kitty) no matter what
I will absolutely want to pet it
I hate myself in pictures
Iโ€™m almost constantly surrounded by chaos
I love to play video games
Iโ€™d love to play multiplayer games too put they make me to anxious and I cry just thinking about trying
I used to be an emo kid (a really wacky one but I tried okay???)
I used to own lots of jewelry but I rarely put it on
I lost most of it by now
As I write this line, itโ€™s 9:45 pm
I donโ€™t like to eat fish (it makes me gag)
I love plushies and keep buying them
Iโ€™m smol
I loved Twilight when it came out but always disliked Edward
I read all three books of Fifty Shades of Grey
Iโ€™ve never watched a show completely
I drink way too much caffeine
I donโ€™t like chocolate that much
I donโ€™t like mustard
but sometimes I do
When I was a child my favourite animal used to be a dolphin
Iโ€™m too stupid to put in contact lenses, but I would love to use them
I donโ€™t know how to do make up. Like. At all.
I have brown eyes.ย 
I always wished I had blue eyes and still do
I find colouring my hair in natural colours boring
Iโ€™ve had blue(ish) hair for at least three years now
I have two male cousins and three female cousins
I like to crack my bones.
I keep buying notebooks but rarely write in them
I havenโ€™t read an actual book in years
Most of the time I only wear one pair of shoes until theyโ€™re brokenย 
I own seven bottles of the same perfume atm
I donโ€™t like pure beer
Actually, I mix almost all my alcohol
On parties I tend to drink until I throw up (whoops)
For some reason a lot of people I meet assume that Iโ€™m a lesbian
I had four years of french in school
I can not speak french
I always try to pick up my cat and he hates itย 
My first video game crush was Jak from Jak and Daxter lmao
I love the Resident Evil franchise
I have zero interest in the live action Resident Evil movies
Iโ€™ve easily played through Resident Evil 4 more than a hundred times
I own four copies of Resident Evil 4 (only one physical copy tho)
In vocational school I somehow made a presentation about suicide. It was weird, but my classmates were a lot nicer to me after that (and some of them stopped talking to me. Weird.)
I talk to myself almost all the time
I donโ€™t have a driverโ€™s license and am currently not planning to get one
I work in retail
I wanted to become a vet, a writer and an office worker (in that order)
If something is written with very bad spelling and/or grammar I wonโ€™t read it until the end
Iโ€™m a very jealous person
I rarely proofread my writing
I own all three official Saeyoung pillows
After having a nightmare or watching something spooky I sleep with the lights on
Iโ€™m super clumsy
I have only a few very close friends, but I love them like family
I like to overshare
Iโ€™m saying each of these things out loud as I write them down
I donโ€™t find myself interesting at all
I always wanted a dog
Never had one
I donโ€™t like voicing controversial opinions so sometimes I just say nothing instead
I like to sit with my legs crossed
I own three laptops
I think Iโ€™m not easy to stay friends with
I stop talking to people for (almost) no reason but I still like them
I have almost no boundaries
I donโ€™t like old people
I really donโ€™t like children
I rarely notice when something has changed about someoneโ€™s appearance
I donโ€™t care about celebrities
I was in england, france, denmark, the netherlands and italy
I live in germany
I suck at remembering dates
I donโ€™t know my phone number by heart
I didnโ€™t cry when my grandparents diedย 
But I cried very hard when one of my birds died
I - or rather my parents - owned seven birds at some point
I find Star Wars super boring
I love zoos!
I never went to an aquarium
I once got lost around a village near my hometown
but I saw lots of deer up close which was cool
When Iโ€™m out and about I listen to music all the time
I love the Sims
I was at five concerts
I saw the Lion King Musical twice
Iโ€™m kind afraid of heights
Iโ€™m lazy
Iโ€™ve never played a Kingdom Hearts game until the end
Iโ€™ve been working on this list for over and hour now
I spend way too much money on in app purchases
I cut contact to my fatherโ€™s side of the family, including my father
I hold grudges
I havenโ€™t had my first kiss
I have a ridiculously strong desire to be liked by everyone all the time
Iโ€™ve never received hate
I counted how many stars you sent me five times.ย 
Three out of those five times I came to different numbers
I shower every day
I bought a cross necklace, just because Saeyoung has one
I prefer to write on lined (?) paper as opposed to checked paper
I have no idea if the terms above are right. And I also donโ€™t really care
I suck at geography
I donโ€™t like to talk to people who are slow to catch on
I donโ€™t like repeating myself
And I also donโ€™t like to hear the same thing several times
I used to upload amvs to You Tube
I wanted to do Letโ€™s Plays at some point (but who didnโ€™t)
I have oily skin
Tumblr keeps fucking up this post, because itโ€™s too long
Send me a โ€œ๐ŸŒŸโ€ and I will tell you a random fact about me ~
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graveyardclaws ยท 7 years
this is draft one of a rant i plan to scream at my mother this weekend
Do you realize that my gpa right now is a 2.8? anyone could get a bachelorโ€™s degree in English with a gpa that low when theyโ€™ve got their parents paying all their bills and blackmailing them into showing up to class. Literally anyone. This is not impressive. You would have to be a literal fungus to fail at that. These classes are very very easy for anyone who isnโ€™t me because I CANโ€T READ and Iโ€™m the only one whoโ€™s struggling at all. They are all normal intelligent people who have things to say and opinions about texts that I struggled to read the Wikipedia summary of. I have the intelligence of a toadstool, but none of the patience. And you know where that lovely metaphor comes from?? Jane!! Remember five years ago when I decided that I was going to teach myself latin 1 so I could start with latin 2 and not have to bother taking the class? I told jane thinking she would be impressed but she wasnโ€™t. her exact words were โ€˜donโ€™t worry, youโ€™ll do fine. A toad could teach itself latin 1โ€™. and then I took the exam and it went about as well as if I were a literal toad who wandered in from the bio lab. Mr. grady only let me take the class because I asked nicely and he was also the most apathetic teacher Iโ€™ve ever had so he let me do whatever I wanted. But I knew that I had not qualified for the class. No one else did but I remembered what jane had said. So I thought what is dumber than a toad? Me, apparently. Iโ€™m the toadstool that toads sit on while they accomplish more than I ever will. i have no goals or ambitions. every possible future i could strive for makes me miserable. most of this is your fault and itโ€™s really important to me that you know that. i might not get too many chances to remind you because i donโ€™t plan to live long enough to actually graduate next may.
this is just the beginning of the rant i also plan to include a complete list of all the people i want to brutally murder with a samurai sword i saw on ebay. most of the list is boring if you donโ€™t know the people involved but here is an abridged version:
my professor who teaches a class calledย โ€œthe human cost of capitalismโ€ which is basically about how capitalism sucks and yet sheโ€™s making us buy more than one hundred dollars worth of books for the class
my american politics professor who made us all stand for the pledge of allegiance and i didnโ€™t want to but i felt pressured into it so i did and i thought he was going to make some kind of statement about how weird it is that we do that and he sort of did but it kind of sucked and i still have a gross feeling inside because i wasnโ€™t comfortable with doing that. also heโ€™s making us buy a 130$ textbook. i found a pdf of it for much cheaper, but still. itโ€™s stupid.
that guy on my floor who stayed up all night having a loud conversation outside of my room because he was locked out and was waiting for reslife to send someone to let him into his room. wow i donโ€™t care about your problems yeah it sucks to get locked out but 1. remember your key next time and 2. i donโ€™t care. shut the fuck up.
that guy who works at the campus store and seemed to think i was looking for something to smoke weed out of when i asked him where bowls were. like... no. iโ€™m literally just looking for a bowl to eat popcorn out of. why would you make that assumption. itโ€™s not that iโ€™m bothered by him thinking that, i just thought it was very rude to ask.
my geology professor who is incredibly boring and annoying and the class is taught in the worst room on campus which is not her fault but still.
my women in politics professor who was actually really nice but she made us all go around the room and do introductions and i was really uncomfortable because i hate that. i was really awkward when i was talking and i felt like everyone was judging me. i know sheโ€™s a nice person and probably wonโ€™t think about it after next class but i still feel humiliated.
all the people who live on my floor and constantly try to start conversations with me and then make it hard for me to keep up. if you donโ€™t have anything to say to me, donโ€™t bother starting a conversation. i promise, i have nothing to say either. i am quite uninteresting.
everyone who either forgot to wish me a happy birthday last week or didnโ€™t wish me a happy birthday until they were reminded. not counting corporations sending me birthday coupons, exactly nine people told me happy birthday. six of them are relatives (i have a lot more relatives than that most of them just didnโ€™t bother) and none of the others remembered on their own, iโ€™m pretty sure. even my absolute best friend who iโ€™ve been bffs with for six years mentioned at the beginning of august that she thought my birthday was on the 28th. which it isnโ€™t. itโ€™s the 21st it has always been the 21st that was the fifth birthday that sheโ€™s known me for and she still somehow didnโ€™t know it. so yeah she got it right on the actual day but it doesnโ€™t count because she didnโ€™t remember on her own
the locksmith or the work order desk or reslife or whoeverโ€™s fault it was that my room didnโ€™t have a lock for more than 24 hours after i checked in. i called them and it still took them almost a full day to fix it.
the girl who made fun of me for sitting in public reading one of the pretty little liars books. i know theyโ€™re for kids i donโ€™t care. i have enough trouble reading as it is i found books that i can manage to get through so you can shut your ugly judgmental mouth and let me live my life. also your highlights are hideous your hair is the wrong shade of brown to get reddish colored highlights normally i would not give a fuck what you do to your own head but apparently your opinion is forced on me so you get to hear about everything youโ€™re doing wrong also :)
everyone in pagan club even the people who wanted me to be vice president. i deserved the position and they shouldโ€™ve made it happen. also now i have to do the stupid training workshops for the officer position since iโ€™m treasurer and i wouldโ€™ve had to do them anyway if i was vice president but at least then it would be worth it. now itโ€™s for a position i donโ€™t even want so itโ€™s a waste of my time.
to be perfectly honest there are not a whole lot of people i wouldnโ€™t murder with a samurai sword given the opportunity so iโ€™m going to end this now and try to get some sleep before class tomorrow
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