#but no one ever tells them that no purple oranges aren't in this game
randomnameless · 7 months
I've heard you mention before how bad the Zahras chapter is in terms of characterization for the three lords, especially Dimitri, but can you specify the reasons why?
Thanks to the datamine, I can finally get those lines without having to screencap everything from youtube!
For Dimitri, Claude says this :
I'm just gonna come out and say it: After the war, I'm going to abolish the Central Church and depose the archbishop. The people of Fódlan have been shackled by this decrepit system for too long, and I'm ending it.
So okayyy...
Claude just says he has some beef with the person Dimitri welcomed as a refugee. Why?
That's right. Think about it. Who steals your freedom and gives you an endless list of duties and obligations simply because you have a Crest?
Dimitri's obligations and duties are his, not because he has a crest, but because he is a King - just like King of Almyra would have obligations and duties not to let his own people starve or be used as meatshields in Saturday raids, or letting his spurned son mount the biggest invasion ever because he's too busy mopping about his missing son, but apparently the King of Almyra doesn't give a fuck about his people.
And while yes, Dimitri is a King because he was born with a crest as Lambert's son... The need to have a crested King never came from the Church, and let's be real, Dimitri, as the character we know, feels like he has a duty to people and wishes to help because he is Dimitri, even if he was crestless like Ashe, Dimitri would want to help (just like Ashe!).
Who forces you and your friends into a bunch of unwanted marriages and positions of power?
That's not the Church, for sure, but the feudal notion of nobility - even if, let's be real, it is completely hypocritical for Claude to say this, because the same notion of nobility also exists in places around the continent where the CoS has no sway like... Almyra?
And about the unwanted marriages, again, Claude knows (or should know) Lorenz and his marriage problems, it is not the Church who forces people in unwanted marriages, but the responsibilities that come with being a Noble - Lorenz marrying Marianne means both house Gloucester and House Edmund are strengthened and could work more closely, maybe being able to rival Riegan or even overtake them in an "importance" contest, Lorenz marrying Leonie means... House Gloucester stays House Gloucester.
It's also hilarious because AG has a NPC talking about her marriage to House Gautier (I think?), and she never mentions the Church, rather mentions how she ultimately loves her husband.
The church even forbids any official contact with outside regions!
Source : my chamber pot
Dimitri knows well, after having seen Rhea helping Duscurian refugees, that the Church does not forbid contact with "outside regions", hell, Faerghus and Duscur were on relative good grounds, before the Regicide.
Not exactly great for Faerghus, right? Being as close to Sreng and Albinea as you are.
If Faerghus has sour relationships with Sreng, it's because of border raids, but of course a Prince of Almyra will never talk about this :)
And we know Albinea trades a lot with Fodlan, in general, if their damn fruits being in every region is any indication - or this tidbit from the Book detailing the Royal Territories of Faerghus :
Dominic A small but beautiful barony. Its coastal cities have become a hub of commerce through trade with Albinea.
Too bad Claude speaks, again, with confidence, about something he doesn't know, but can you imagine a micro-second that Dimitri doesn't know who Dominic trades with? Gilbert, a second son of House Dominic, is pious to a fault - but apparently he never bothers telling his brother that trading with Albinea is BaD, so...
Claude, again, is presenting the contents of his chamber pot to Dimitri, asking him to trust him based on those.
Claude continues, after assuring Dimitri that Faerghus isn't his goal !
And really, our enemy isn't the actual church so much as the people at the top who make all the decisions.
Rhea BaD
So it's not even about the Church in General, but apparently, Rhea (as the people at the top) makes the decisions to, uh, prevent the world from interacting with Fodlan (but there are Morfis merchants in Garreg Mach???) - the same woman who, in AG, we hear busies herself helping children and refugees from Duscur after a fire or what not.
(And that's not talking about the kind of official "contact" Adrestia had with Brigid and Sreng...)
I'm sorry Claude, but if the Alliance doesn't want to have any "official" contact with Almyra, it's not because Rhea forbids said contact, but it's because your father, your brother and your retainer (?) Nader apparently do not see anything wrong with a penis measuring contest that consists in raiding, "rampaging" and "bringing souvenirs" from Fodlan for funsies.
So, after playing 12 chapters in AG where Dimitri knows what Rhea does, we could expect some rebuttal, right?
I understand where you're coming from, Claude, and on a personal level I actually agree with you.
Dimi, no :(
But as King, he is opposed, not because a King has to use his head and can't do stupid shit on a whim (like marrying the still current wife of a foreign leader!)
Yes, for three reasons. First, abolishing the church would deny the king's right to rule Faerghus. Without one, the people will descend into chaos and war. Would you be able to take responsibility for such a thing, once it came to pass?
My Bad!
That mention of the King's right to rule Faerghus coming from the Church was nonsensical during the discourse days, and still is, after Nopes.
If the Kingdom's name is "Holy", remember that a name and a history doesn't mean a thing when people don't want to follow it - again, remember what happened with Adrestia? They pissed on the Church, Rhea acting as a witness is a custom you can ignore whenever you want, and they are actually waging a war against the Church of Seiros, when Seiros herself fucking created (together with Willy!) the country who has her own symbol on their flag!
Faerghus won its independence against Adrestia, Church or no Church, Faerghus existed by fucking over the Empire (as it was led by Loog). Without the Church, and faced with a powerful Empire, are we really supposed to think Faerghians won't rally behind Loog's scion to, hm, protect them or at least ensure their continued independence from Adrestia?
Second, recklessly discarding the church will only incite discord among the clergy and its supporters.
This is a somewhat valid reason, as we know, the CoS helped the Kingdom in recent times, especially after the regicide. But they are also currently helping the Kingdom against Supreme Leader's war of conquest, let it be by taking care of randoms or sending its knights to support Faerghus.
Also, the Kingdom operates on "shat upon by this game" notions of gratitude, love and loyalty - unlike Adrestia, if Supreme Leader's stunt of backstabbing the CoS after they helped her get rid of "corruption" in the Empire is any indication. And I doubt the same Kingdom folk would readily accept it if their King suddenly got rid of the organisation/woman who helped them so much during their time of need.
And finally, a revolution of this nature will not only mean casualties among the commonfolk, but will endanger your own life as well.
I will have to check the JP text because this "revolution" word is a bit contrived - there's no revolution if you're just kicking out a religious organisation in YOUR Kingdom - but yes, commonfolk will be pissed (maybe take up weapons?) even if I'm pretty sure some "noblefolk" will also be pissed at this decision.
And because Dimitri worries about everyone - save for Rhea and the church apparently because they BaD - he also worries about Claude's life.
Leaving the first two for a second, I have some serious issues with that last one. I'm glad you're concerned for my safety, but I can take care of myself
Claude really replies with "leaving logic aside" and the commonfolk casualties he doesn't give a fuck about if GW is any indication, uwu don't worry about me I can watch over myself :)
Ah, good ol' Plot Armor :)
But don't you see? The people you wish to depose are human, just as you are.
Hahahan hilarious Dimitri, those people aren't human ! Supreme Leader told me!
No matter what ingenious scheme you come up with or how careful you try to be, they will suffer.
Is he trying to appeal to Claude's compassion and moral fiber? The guy who is, in GW, invading his country for funsies, staging a double invasion with Sreng forces who are just used as decoy/fodder?
And their vengeance will eventually find you, no matter how hard you try to stave it off. I know full well the guilt that accompanies such actions…and the retribution they provoke
Lol, no.
Who can give a fuck about the suffering of Nabateans/Church folk? Being backstabbed by everyone because of propaganda, and needing to die for reasons as consistent as a baby's first purée?
"don't do that Claude, Rhea will be angry and swear vengeance against you, and blablabla cycle of hatred and retributions and blabla"
Everyone has to deal with the consequences of their decisions. If you let it rule you, Fódlan never changes.
Says Mister "I abolished a Republic and created a Kingdom in the land that used to say "we bow to no king and to no emperor" " or "I'm invading your land and killing your people" or even "I'm enrolling Almyrans in my army who will rampage and bring souvenirs and the Leicesterians (?) are totally okay with it!" ?
Claude who never ever faces any consequences for his bonkers decision through the entire game? That guy? Talks about "dealing with the consequences"? Fodlan changing is more important than Fodlan dying?
(at least that's how it was for the Alliance turned Federation...)
But not taking the time to look where you're going will only lead you to stumble and fall. And if there are those who would be hurt by this, I consider it my duty to help them.
Dimitri wants to help... Claude, who would be hurt with this "revolution", but dgaf about getting rid of the Church, aka Rhea/Seteth/the clergy who would also, obviously, be "hurt" by this stupid idea?
Heh. There you go, trying to save everyone again. You really are too good for me!
Not everyone, as we all understood - the Church can burn :)
To be honest, I'm jealous of how you're not burdened with the same restrictions.
"tbh Claude, I'm jealous of how you don't give a fuck about the number of deaths your actions are causing"
Are we... sure that's Dimitri Alexandre Blaiddyd talking here? Really? Wasn't he body snatched by Chilon?
Forgot OOC, this line wouldn't even be said by this character.
In the world I'm trying to create, you wouldn't be burdened by them either. You could even… No, forget that. I'm serious about what I said, though. And I really do admire how you want to save everyone. Honestly, if you weren't a king, I think we could've been friends.
"In my world, you too wouldn't give a fuck about the deaths/suffering your actions are creating! You're only worried about them because you are king! But if you weren't, you could be an amoral asshole, just like me! Could we be fwends in an AU plz?"
I feel much the same. Had I joined with you, I might have been able to see a different vision of Fódlan.
Sadly, Dimitri isn't able to throw his compassion and morals to the trashcan, so he cannot join Claude !
And if you consider this line can be said during the GW events (remember, the invasion, killing Matthias, killing his soldiers and his people, etc etc), this is even more insulting.
So, as a good friend said, this Zahrofl convo shits on FE16!Claude (but the games is all about it), but more importantly, it is the only place in the game where Dimitri is Nopes'd, aka, his character does a 180° and/or is butchered because the plot demands so.
Like, anon, can you imagine a second, Dimitri, the Dimitri, wishing he too, couldn't "be burdened"' by the suffering he creates?
Imo, it's on par with Supreme Leader suddenly loving the sun and loving to swim. That character wouldn't be Supreme Leader, just like the person in this convo, isn't Fodlan's Dimitri (tfw Engage's Emblem!Dimitri is more faithful to IS's idea of Dimitri than Nopes lol).
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toaarcan · 2 months
Every now and then I see the Capitalism Ruined Tieflings post float past and my brain just goes "Skill Issue."
For context, this is a popular post that states that in D&D's second and third editions, Tieflings had a huge variety of appearances and then in 4e they were homogenised into generic devil-people because Hasbro was calling the shots and demanded that Tieflings all look relatively the same because that way it was easier to sell minis of them, and now Tieflings are ruined forever because you can't make one with greasy skin that smells like farts.
But here's the thing: You can absolutely still just do that.
"But the book says-"
Fuck the book! This hobby is 50% improv and the highest authority you'll ever have to deal with is most likely going to be your friend Jim, when it comes to pure roleplay things, there is literally nothing stopping you. The D&D Police aren't going to kick down your door and haul you off to RPG Jail for the crime of not playing a Tiefling like they're described in the PHB, because there is no D&D Police.
The PHB is great for telling you what you get mechanically (or the "crunch") and can be entirely ignored for everything in terms of lore (or the "fluff").
I've been playing 5e for something like seven or eight years now, and during that time, across all those groups, we've used vanishingly small amounts of official lore, one official setting, and precisely zero Hasbro miniatures (largely because all of those games have been online).
If I had gone to any of those DMs, both the good and bad ones, and said "I wanna use the Planescape Tiefling tables for my character's appearance", I don't think any of them would've said no. Now, that's not something I personally would ever do (I'm not leaving my character's design up to the RNG that hates me), but I don't doubt that the option would exist if I wanted it.
Additionally, people have always broken from the official limitations of the books with these things, and a few really obvious ways.
Per the books, Tieflings have the full range of human skin tones, plus varying shades of red. Now, how many people actually keep to that limitation? I've seen blue, purple, orange, green, yellow, bone white, grey, black, pink, etcetera. Even the Planescape table only gives you red, green, and blue, random 5e players going "What if it was purple!" and disregarding the PHB is fully and openly accepted.
Hell, two of the most prominent Tiefling characters in the current era of D&D are Jester and Molly from CritRole's second campaign, who are blue and purple respectively. "Tieflings are just red" says Hasbro, and "No they aren't" says literally everybody else. Even Hasbro themselves don't care too much about it, there's an official Lego D&D Tiefling minifigure coming out this year, and they're orange, not red, when Hasbro could easily have demanded that Lego make them red.
Additionally, the book says Tiefling eyes are a single, solid colour, with no visible iris, pupil, or sclera. Yeah that one gets ignored a whole lot too. In fact, that one gets ignored more than it gets followed. I've made at least ten of these fuckers and one of them followed that rule, and only did so after her Sorcerer bloodline activated, and nobody, DM or player, has ever called me out on it.
The book says nothing about them having weird legs, I've still seen plenty with varying forms of digitigrade gait, whether it's with hooves or something else at the end of them.
If you want to make your Planescape Tieflings, then you absolutely still can. And if your DM says no, then they're probably just still in their Rules Stickler phase. Give 'em a little time and they'll loosen up, it happened to most people in this hobby.
That's the great thing about playing D&D. Most of the time, you really can just do whatever the hell you like as long as it doesn't futz with the mechanical side of things (and sometimes you can do it with that too).
Capitalism didn't ruin Tieflings. Sure, you can argue that it tried, but the only thing letting it succeed is a lack of imagination and an unwillingness to go "Hey, can I just do X instead" on the part of the players.
Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm gonna go make a character that's mechanically a Tiefling and lore-wise a completely different species, because nothing can stop me doing that.
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kisekisreblogspage · 10 months
Rainbow friends Head cannons!! 1/3
This is just a head cannon abaut them not beeing the murders machines we all know and love, more like them beeing goofy/silly creatures
Red plays 90's (girlish) music whenever he is cleaning, and he sings and dances."the loudest the music, the hardest i clean". When he does that he either starts Early in the morning (like a latinian household lol) or in the afthernoon (when everyting gets nasty again)
Everytime this happens Green is the frist one to hear it "A LITTLE BIT OF MONIKA IN MY LIFE-" and Red's voice pretendig to be a singer, and he always goes like "curse you red!... CURSE YOU!"
I like to think that Green is the kind of guy that sleeps the whole day and wakes up tired. Like he had a terrible night cycle, or had a wild party or did a lot of things in the day, but he just loves sleeping, it is not because of deprecion, it is because he is a very sleepy guy.
If you knew him, you'd be jealous of him (even my self) because he is the kind of guy who does NOTHING the whole day and sleeps like he has done a whole day of military training. But the hardest thing he done is walk, eating, playing with Blue or Orange atend Red's checkouts or just beeing silly (ya' know, the basics, treat human kind with nuclear weapons, or pretend that he is some african Prince who needs money)
Also, Green wuld love cotagecore stuff, not becuase of the looks but becuase of the scents! And the comfynes! You know, the smell of freshly backed goods and bread and meals, the confort of many pillows and blankets, the feeling the scents of plants surounding you, the touch of grass, him not able to see but still beeing one with nature while wearing comfortable retro clothes. Idk how to portray him other ways but GREEN BELONGS TO COTTAGECORE AND COTTAGECORE BELONGS TO GREEN! Change my mind
Now, speaking abaut Orange. He has something that i like to think abaut sometimes. His eyes...
You see, his eyes are canonicly just a line, unfocused, but in the drawing of him across the game, his eyes are not a line, but a circle, focused. I have this headcannon that he can dilatate his eyes on purpose sometimes. From just a line, to a big ol'-blak-hole like eyes, and he does this in order to look cute and archive what he wants, the only 2 persons who does not fall for this are Green (because, Blind) and Red, he does not buy this.
He and Puple are besties, they are both have a good relationship, they are kind of Sibling like, if Orange has some dumb aa shit going on, there is Purple over there suporting his shit!
You can hear him ranting abaut how he tinks the word works like and you will be like "tf? Is this guy living in dereality?" And Purple be like "Oh yes yes you have quite a point" and Orange will be like "I KNOW!"
I like to thin that he is the rizzler in the gang, i can see him apearing in a corner in some "handsome" like pose and move his eyebrow and go like "heya" while trying to rizz you up in the rizzles vibes ever imagined and doing some faces. And then treating you like a friend lol. Yea this is Orange for me, some Sassy silly Rizzles little guy who makes fun of manny and hates when the karma hits back and goes like "WHAT HAVE I DONE TO DESERVE THIS!?!?" A drama lizard. He is not a Jerk, he is just a dumbass.
Also, i think that he will mostly joke abaut Red beeing ugly because he thinks that is funny, but he does not belive that Red's ugly, he just like to annoy him
Now if you ask
"Hey Red, is purple a girl or a boy?"
"Its purple"
"Yea but it is a girl or a boy?"
"Its purple"
"But is PURPLE a GIRL or a BOY"
"Its purple"
"A puple girl? Or a purple boy?"
"Its puple"
"You are not gonna tell me aren't you?"
" i told you!"
"Then what it is???"
Its Purple time fellas! Purple belives that the outside world is cyberpunk now, because thats what has been promised for the 2000's to be, poor little Purple.
I like to think that Purple walks araund everywere anytime purple whants, but just choses not to, because Purple belives that socializing is useless and rather be as far away from everyone. But fear not, Purple has get over that phase (thanks to Green) now Purple only walks araund only when Purple feels like so, but still not wanting to talk to strangers, they make Purple unconforfable and overwelmed, so if you are going to try to make friends with Purple, make sure to not overwelm them, go slow and secure, make them know that you are no harm, talk to them, be nice, don't make loud noices, eventually Purple will be interested in you, and you will found out that Purple's very curios and kind of energetic (in a short period of time) and will be a very good friend only to persons who deserves Purple's friendship, and then you will become Purple's favorite Person
I can tell that Purple likes to Wonder araund in a box, like, they just found a box from the deceased person that they just kill the ground and go like "Oh... this is supose to help them hide... i see" and now it is Purple who hide in these boxes, neat right? They think that this is like Red wearing suits. I can also see Purple finding old/abandoned clothes and wearing them, pretending it is some fashion thing. Finding crappy shoes especially, and goes like "yea, this shoes are designer" and the shoes in question are fake jordans. Lol.
Now, lets talk abaut our favorite King. Our beloved Baby, Blue in my headcannons is some kind of funny gentelman, playing roleplays, doll house, making his kingdom out of cardboard taking Green to dance, like he sees Green feeling down and he goes like "NOT ON MY WHATCH!!" And takes Green and hugs him and make him dance with his long as arms untill he starts laugting. They have a very 'favorite cousin' vibe.
To me, Blue is the kind of guy that will give you the best of advises and will tell you those things like he knows way too personaly abaut of why is he saying so, and then give you a pat in the back. You can be talking abaut your most embarasing and childish of hyperfixations one moment and then talking abaut life and your fears in the other moment, like he were your grandpa, or your dad!
"Did someone Hurt you? Friend? Oh... i see... don't worry, i'll make then know that hurting others is bad! Oh don't worry! I wont do anything bad to them! I'll... Just... make them know that they shuldn't Hurt oters for fun..."
"If you are going to Hurt someone there's better ve a reason... like... Hunger... like for now.... 'I' am hungry..."
Yea, he is not going to let that slide.
Start runing
Blue is just like the kind of charactwr that is neat and cool with everyone! You know! Hiding a deep trauma and dark past and beeing misterious aswell. This is a super cool character to work with to me, it culd be either a murder or a mashmellow, or both at the same time! You can get crazy!
"Yea... he was my frist friend... i don't remember why he is no longer with me... i Wonder if i have been bad or something... but Red tells me that he just gone... but were?"
"Don't you get these gaps in your memories?... like what happened here? Why is this place so ruined? It use to be a happy place! Why is all so abandoned?"
"Don't tell Red... but... i have been feeling a little of Deja-bu some times... it feels like i have seen you before, and i have done everyting that i have done to meet you over and over again... do you understand?"
"Red says that he also has some deja-bu.. thank God i am not alone in this... are you ok annyways?"
Yes, i belive that he will get Deja-bu eventualy in a way. And then freak out abaut this bur then keep it cool at the end. Yea... this reminds me to sans.
Oh well this is just the part one, probably put more abaut the rest
See y'all latter
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cvxbz · 11 months
100 things about you
likes purple, pink, brown, black, and white
you love burger and sinigang
you love to listen to music everytime
loves orange (fruit)
loves to cook
only sleeps when I'm sleepy (sometimes)
you exposed me through social media. ಠ⁠_⁠ಠ
loves hopia
my future chef
madaling mainis pag stressed at malungkot
you are so pogi, I love you
you are smart
you are my best friend
you are strong
you are the answers in all of my why's
you have the prettiest smile
you're unafraid to tell me how you feel and I hope it never change
you love me so much and I love you more
you love to eat
you love kpop songs
your hair suits you
the coolest person I have ever met
the ceo of memedustry
you bought me a stuffed toy and I really appreciate it
you love to do things with me
you are my first in everything
you are perfect
you are caring, strong and beautiful
you are the best
you are an art, a mixture of paint, poetry, and lyrics—a masterpiece
you always give me reassurance that I need because of my overthinking issue
you always try your best to make me happy
you love hug and kisses
you always understands me
you're a selfless person
you always want me to enjoy things
sometimes you act like a baby and it's the cutest thing ever
the most sweetest and good person I had ever met and you will always be like that in my eyes
you care a lot about me more than anything
you always want to fix things together between us if we argue or we had a misunderstanding
you're good in every games you play even though you don't think you are
you love our babies and I hope to see them soon
you make me kilig kilig aways
your voice makes me smile
you have a mole on your finger
you make my life happier just by being in it
you always makes me feel better
you are clingy
the goofiest and the funniest
you love to kiss me
you love to play games with me
you know how to handle me
the jacksons, spandau ballet, eraserheads, loona and twice are your favorite bands
you love your stuffed toys very much
you always let me decide even though I don't want to
you have the prettiest eyes and forehead!! I wanted to kiss them
whenever I feel like I'm the most ugliest person in the world, you always tell me I'm the prettiest and I love you for that
you believed in me when no one else was
you always wanted the best for me
you make me a hundred times more comfortable telling you everything
you're always here by my side when I need you
you're warmhearted
never mong ginawa ang mga bagay na ginawa nila sakin at mga bagay na alam mong ayaw ko
you appreciate and love me and always treats me well
you make me realize there's much more great things in life and I wanna do it all together with you
you're the only person whoever really see me as who I really am
you always know what to make me happy
you were, are, and will always be the risk I'm willing to take
life suddenly becomes worth of living because of you
you only watch movies when you're with me
you love lambings
you remember things I don't
”papaalala ko nalang sayo” is the sweetest thing you've ever said to me
the most passionate and the most loving person I know in this universe
you are my EVERYTHING
nagbabago ang anyo pag nag sisilus
my pahinga sa nakakapagod na araw
this may not be a thing about you but I'm your biggest fan
you make me feel at home, safe, and at peace
you're tall, di kita abot pag gusto kitang i-kiss : (
you're vulnerable, fragile, and sensitive and I promise to try my best not to say things that would hurt you
you are a constant thought in my mind
you like things that make sense
you love one piece
you never judged me
you deserve everything
you are enough
you never disappoint me
you always apologise even if it wasn't your fault
you are generous for everything you do for me
I can totally be myself around you beause I know you'll love me for me
you are honest
you have no boundaries when it comes to your love and respect for me
relationships aren't easy, but you chooses to work on this one over and over again
you always try hard to be a better person for yourself, and for us
never gives up on me no matter what
you inspire me to be the best I can be
you taught me things I never planned to learn
I stopped acting all strong and unbreakable and my vulnerability showed up because your love embraces both my armored and fragile side
you, with your broken heart and aching soul; you still let my love into you even after everything your heart has been through. I love you
the most beautiful things to me about you are the things you won't ever know about yourself. things I only know of, and I may not know everything about you, but I love everything I know.
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absolutewhore101 · 2 years
Laser Tag
Tumblr media
A/N: I have never once in my life played laser tag so please don't expect this to be the most accurate thing ever
Pairing: Michael Clifford x GN!Reader
Summary: Michael cheats at laser tag, but you aren't entirely mad about it
Warnings: heated makeout scene, one (1) swear word
Word Count: 1.3K
Go with the boys to laser tag, they said. It’ll be fun, they said. 
They were wrong.
When the boys invited you to play laser tag with them a few weeks ago, you had high hopes. Sure, you’d never played before, but it couldn’t be that bad, could it?
It could. 
The five of you got to the arena where you’d be playing, and you were shocked at the sheer number of people that were crowded into the lobby. 
You squeezed Mikey’s hand a little harder. “We’re not playing with all these people, are we?”
“I doubt it. Most of them are probably waiting for their game to start.” He said, looking down at you, “Hey, it’ll be fine. We’re all here with you, don’t worry.” 
You gave him a nervous half-smile, still unsure about the whole idea. 
And he was right. About 20 minutes later, almost everyone in the lobby went into the area, only 7 people left besides the 5 of you.
The guy in charge of checking everyone in took all of your names and gave you your vests, telling you it would be about half an hour before your game started. 
Mikey helped you get into your vest while trying his best to explain just what you were supposed to do during the game. 
“So basically, just shoot other people, and don’t get shot. Got it?” He asked you.
“No. But I’ll try my best.”
“Works for me.” He said, pressing a kiss against your forehead. 
Five minutes were left before you were set to start when they announced that once you got in the arena, your vest would light up with the color of the team you were on. And it was totally random. 
Oh god, you thought, what if none of them are on my team? I’m screwed.
Mikey noticed your anxiety, trying to figure out what he could do to help calm you down. Truthfully, there wasn’t anything he could do. He just had to hope that if he wasn’t on your team, that at least one of them would be. 
Everyone began to funnel into the arena, waiting in the start area for their laser guns and team assignments. You were watching Ashton as he tried to explain how to use the gun, doing your best to follow along. “Alright!” The instructor yelled. “A few rules before we get started. One: guns are to be aimed at the vests only. The lasers can damage peoples eyes if we aren’t careful, and we don’t want that. Two: no physical violence in any capacity. No hitting each other with anything, no pushing, shoving, tripping, any of that.” She finished. 
You looked around at everyone, trying to see if you could figure out who appeared to be the best. You decided that the two guys at the end of the line who fit the frat boy stereotype to a T were probably the biggest threat. 
There was an echoing ding! as the vests began to light up in orange or purple. You looked down at your own, seeing a neon purple staring up at you, and then looked over at Mikeys, the bright orange hurting your eyes. 
“Of course” you mumbled. You looked at the other boys, seeing that Ashton and Cal’s matched your glowing purple, and the to the boys at the end, both of them purple, as well.
Well, at least I don’t have to worry about them.
“Hey, we got this!” Calum said, getting your attention.
“Yeah we do! You guys are going down!” Ashton egged on Luke and Mikey. 
“Not. A. Chance.” Luke said, giving them a challenging look. 
You smiled at their antics before you turned to Mikey. 
“Promise me you won’t shoot me as soon as you see me? At least give me a chance to get you first.” You said to him, attempting to give him your best puppy dog eyes.
He rolled his eyes at you, promising that he wouldn’t target you.
The two teams lined up on opposite sides of the arena, and a loud buzzer signaled the beginning of the game. Everyone charged forward, and you decided to stay back hiding behind a wall, a few others on your team doing the same thing. 
The game had been going on and you were doing better than you thought you would. You’d managed to shoot two people, one of which being Luke, and you’d only been shot once. 
You were walking along the back wall, staying in the shadows, hoping that maybe you could sneak up on someone and shoot them. You nearly screamed when a hand reached out and pulled you into a corner behind a half-wall. 
Mikey’s hand quickly covered your mouth so that you didn’t scream, and you hit his chest as you let out a breath.
“What the hell, Michael?” You whisper yelled at him.
“Hey! I just wanted to make sure you were doing okay!” He said defensively.
“Actually I am. I’ve shot two people and I’ve only been shot once.” You said, obviously very proud of yourself. 
“That’s my girl.” He said, leaning forward and pressing his lips against yours. 
The hand that wasn’t holding onto his gun gripped one of your hips, keeping you pressed back against the wall. His lips moved quickly against yours, heating up the kiss. 
You tried your best to break away from him, a breath of his name left your lips as you tried to get back to the game, but he was unrelenting. 
Your gun fell from your hands as they tangled into his hair, tugging slightly, knees weakening at the light groan he let out. His hand moved down your leg, grabbing your knee to bring your leg up around his waist.
He pushed his body against yours, drawing a whimper out of you. With every second that went by, you were getting more and more ready to just walk out of the arena with him, and spend the rest of the day by yourselves. 
Just when you were about to suggest this, Mikey pulled back, gave you a wink, and shot you in the chest. He gave you a smirk before he turned around, walking away smugly. 
You were so disoriented from the kiss that it took you a few seconds before you understood what just happened, and you immediately walked out, ready to find him do the same to him.
Unfortunately for you, the buzzer signaling the end of the game rang out before you got the chance to.
You walked over to the starting area, grumbling about the stunt that Mikey had pulled.
“You alright?” Luke asked you.
“Just fucking peachy.” You mumbled back to him. 
Mikey, Ashton, and Cal walked over, all bragging about how many people they’d managed to shoot, when they all looked over at you.
“Why are you so mad?” Ashton asked you. “I thought you were doing pretty good.” “Oh, I was. I was doing great. And then that one,” you pointed at Mikey, “decided to be a dirty cheater.”
“You enjoyed it.” He said, smirking as he pulled you into his side. 
The five of you turned in your guns and vests before you made your way outside, walking to your separate cars to head home. 
“I still can’t believe you did that.” You said to him, anger already leaving your body.
“Really? I’ve been thinking about doing something like that since we thought about going.” He shrugged.
“You really are a cheater, Mikey.” 
“You love it.” He said, leaning over the counsel to give you another kiss, this one much shorter. 
“Whatever,” you said, “now, how about we go home, and finish just what you started in there, yeah?”
“I like the way you think.” He said, quickly starting the car and driving the two of you home. 
Tell me your thoughts! Thank you for reading :)
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46inpm · 3 years
MLQC Housemates with MC Having Toxic!Father
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AU: MC's Dad from the game is her stepfather who later became her adoptive dad so toxic!father is her birth father (I won't disrespect game PaPa) Game Dad is PaPa and Toxic!Father is Dad
TW: Angst, Toxicity, Blood, Asshole Parent
Victor - Red, Lucien - Purple, Gavin - Blue, Kiro - Orange, Shaw - Green, MC (You) - Pink
They were under the impression that your birth dad was the one you took over the company for
They were surprised to find out he was your stepfather that became your adoptive father after your mom passed away but they could tell you saw him as your true father
The few things you mentioned about your birth dad was he's alive, present in your life, and you send him money
"I wonder why Miss Chips doesn't say much about him."
"Probably just aren't as close."
When you told them your dad was coming to visit for a few days and probably staying over the boys were happy to show their hospitality considering this was your dad
They wanted to impress the love of their lives' father
Victor was pissed when he found out the guess room was being used as storage
Mainly Kiro, Shaw, and you had to clean and donate stuff under Victor's supervision since it was mainly your stuff you guys lost your dessert privileges for awhile
Everyone was so busy cleaning the house that they realized later that throughout the process you never spoke highly of your dad and seemed nervous
"I just been busy that's all. I'm totally fine!"
When they first met the guy he seemed to be an okay man, Kiro and you gave him a tour of the house, that's when Kiro realized such awkward tension you kept giving out as you and your dad talked but don't worry Kiro's an amazing talker!
All the boys came home and met your dad they chatted in the living room with a movie playing as the dinner feast was being prepared
You told Victor you would finish the rest of the meal preparation by yourself, he denied but gave in when you smiled at him that you wanted some alone time
The dad seemed to be okay who was tough man inside and out that had a lot of stories to tell and seemed to care about his daughter
Things began going downhill from there
You called everyone to eat and they sat down to enjoy the food as they talked about their day and get to know your dad
They would talk and that's when your dad's behavior became noticeable
He seemed to be "Mr. Know It All" when tried to tell Victor and Gavin on HOW TO DO THEIR OWN JOBS but also passive aggressive comments of him looking down on Kiro's idol profession
Victor made this guy freakin steak and this is how he is repaid by being told how to do his job from a guy who just watches videos on financial
Kiro and you are trying your best to shift the topic and keep the peace
Deeper into dinner your dad begins making jokes throughout about you being about your weight, the way you dress, how you use people
He antagonizes you and your parents a lot
"Hope this one has been growing vertically not horizontally."
"Getting another bite already. What's up, fatty?"
"My daughter doesn't care about me. She just uses me."
That was only a few out of the jokes he told and don't forget the inappropriate ones
Who cares if their jokes if they're antagonizing to someone and just plain mean and also your dad is the biggest one here who's eating the most
Trust me no one is laughing at them and you're trying to play it off but they can tell how hurt you are (can't take a hint that no one likes the "jokes")
"The puddings ready. You can have some right now."
"It's okay. I'm not hungry anymore. I'm going to bed now."
You are really hurting inside as you try walking away fast enough not be seen crying and not even hungry to eat pudding
Everyone is left there eating with this asshole, they just want to get this dinner over with
Gavin hates him more than anybody as not only the way he talks to you but how he's reminded of his own dad
When Shaw makes the same body "joke" to your dad, they have never seen a man get so aggressive so fast before
Once your dad is fed up with Shaw and goes storms off to the guest room is when they clean up fast to go check up on you
"Thanks for ending that dinner, Shaw. If you didn't get him mad, I would have."
"I don't care who he is. Glad that the asshole is gone."
"I can see why Miss Chips doesn't really interact with him much. Why doesn't she say something about it to him?"
"Many children with parents like that feel trapped due to feeling of being indebted to them. She could be acting that way in order to not escalate the situation."
"As much as we don't like the man, we have to be polite for the few days he will be here."
They all go to your room to see you laying down as you blow your runny nose in the dark
Kiro immediately jumps in bed to give you the biggest hug while the others soothe you until you're ready to talk
You mention how he's like this with the antagonizing, rude jokes, and his temper and it being the reason your mom divorced him
Everyones face scrunched with anger as you weren't looking at the thought that this was going on this entire time
For the next few days luckily you've been busy with work to be around him, he was also busy with seeing friends but it still didn't stop his behavior and jokes when no one was around
As much as you wanted to run away from the conversations you couldn't because you were scared of what would happen
It was until one day when Shaw came home before anyone else to hear really loud screaming from a man, he was about to rush to see what was happening until you walked past him
"Welcome home. I'm a-almost done... finishing lunch. Do you want to help out?"
He's never seen you like this with deep red eyes, cheeks tear stained, legs heavily shaking, and snot dripping down
You walked to the kitchen with Shaw trying to convince you to slow down as you weren't in the right state to be cooking
Shaw has never been in a situation like this before so he didn't know what exactly to do, he made the mistake to take his eyes off you to try and call one of the guys
The moment you yelped in pain he immediately dropped the phone, you had tried to cut something but your hands were shaking so much and eyes blurring with tears that you cut your hand pretty badly
Shaw hugged your shaking body tightly as you covered your mouth from sobbing, outside began to pour with rain with heavy thunder
"P-please don't tell my-my dad. Please don't tell him!"
You were carried to the closest bedroom and the farthest from the guest room (Gavin's), Shaw made sure to lock the door
Kiro then Gavin then Lucien came home one by one and immediately panic as they saw a cutting board along with a knife stained with a lot of blood
Shaw ushered everyone into the bedroom and have Lucien properly put what little gauze they had over your deep wound already cleaned with alcohol
Lucien: Please, buy more gauze when you get home. We need it immediately. We're all in Gavin's room.🦋
Victor: What happened? Hardly ever text each other. Almost home, I'll make a quick stop.🕰
When Victor immediately enter Gavin's room, Lucien practically yanked the gauze from his hands to wrap around your hand, it dripping with blood, Gavin wiping away your tears, and Kiro staring at his IPad screen with AirPods in
"What happened?"
"My-My dad got really mad when I-I told him I really didn't like his remarks. That I felt I w-was stepping on eggshells with him-him. He got really mad that I was being se-sensitive and ungrateful, I wasn't try-ing to."
The way you chocked out an explanation as tears poured from your eyes as your hands shook in fear and pain
Victor asked Shaw and Kiro to step outside the door for a moment, he wanted a better explanation
"I came home and heard full on screaming from her dad that I wasn't even close to where they were. That was only the end of the screaming I came home to. MC tried acting as if she was okay and went to continue making lunch. I took my eyes off her for a moment that she cut herself when her hands were shaking. She begged me not to tell that asshole."
"I have security camera footage of the screaming. It's...It's really bad. Miss Chips said that she really didn't want him in her life but was scared this would happen. She said this is common with him."
Kiro's IPad showed the whole incident how you expressing your hurt and discomfort caused your dad to go screaming at you at the top of his lungs as you stood there apologizing and shaking in fear
The three's blood ran cold at listening to him screaming with you crying in the background
Everyone laid in bed with you as you rant your feelings, past traumas and they're shocked at the things they're hearing
"He once banged on my d-door with all his strength because...because he-he didn't like that I would close the door."
After you confirmed you no longer want your birth dad in your life and fell asleep, the five men stormed over to the guest room where your dad was
Gavin cop knocked banged on the door and believe me how furious they were to see your dad
Victor gave the most intimidating voice he's ever given full of assertion and anger when telling birth dad he needs to pack up because he is no longer welcome in this house or near you
They couldn't believe this man when he threw a tantrum saying it was just an argument...excuse me argument
"Arguments are a disagreement between two individuals. Not one screaming at the other as the individual stands there in fear."
This guy was really not leaving and even trying to get pass them to get to you
Before Gavin or anyone were on the brink of committing assault charge, Kiro used his evol which shocked them as Kiro hardly ever uses his
"I command you. All within my range of control belongs to me. You will now leave this house and never return. Do not contact any of us. You will also cut off all ties with your daughter, forget her contact info and address."
The man immediately packed up all his things in a hurry as he was under Kiro's evol, they could see in his eyes of him forgetting your info and the location of the house
Victor called an Uber to drive the man to be dropped off in the city, as the car drove away they knew you were finally free from the man
During the rain this man should be careful with lightning strikes as it doesn't choose it's victim...or does it?
You could finally feel at peace when deleting his info from your phone and you no longer sent him money
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Do you... perhaps have any more owl house kids playing among us headcanons? I just got into the game and it’s really really fun to think about
I have SO MANY that I have been wanting to put out!
Firstly, let's talk about who everyone is! I won't go into head accessories cause there's so many and I haven't narrowed those down yet!
Luz is purple
Amity is lime green
Willow is dark green
Boscha is pink
Skara is red
Emira is cyan
Edric is orange (so everyone can see him not giving a shit at all times)
Gus is blue
Viney is brown
Jerbo/Barkus is yellow
And ik you didn't ask but
Eda is Black (only cause Lily is white)
Lily is white
Let's move on to headcanons!
Can we talk about a dumbass duo
Edric and Luz
Luz throws out the long con
And she just goes HAM
Her and Edric are left and right with kills
They will kill in front of witnesses
"It's me and the human everyone!"
"Jfc, Ed! No one saw you do it!"
"But I did!"
"No you didn't Skara"
"Luz! Yes I-"
"Guys it is Skara. Me and Ed scanned and she came in and killed Jerbo in cold blood"
"I never scanned boys-"
"Ed yes you did!"
It's a nightmare
But it somehow. Always. Works.
It's also a nightmare if they are on different sides
Ed will make Luz follow him
Just to vent
He'll pop back out and wiggle
And Luz will just accept it
No report
Just an alliance
Luz will kill in front of Ed
And Ed will dance on the dead body
He will also be a look out for Luz
Just two dumbasses
If Boscha and Amity are paired
Boscha will purposely go after Luz
Amity gets frustrated every time
Like Boscha will make sloppy plays and just kill Luz in front of like 5 other crewmates
Just to piss off Amity
Even if they aren't paired
Boscha will kill Luz in front of Amity
7/10 times
Those discussions are HEATED
"....sounds like Boscha killed Luz"
"In front of Amity"
"Oh definitely"
Good luck with reporting bodies
These idiots will think you are SUS
With no proof
"Found body, left reactor, I saw Emira, Luz, and Jerbo leave from over there"
"Hmmm, idk Willow, you were the last one there"
"...no shit I REPORTED the body"
"So you admitted you killed them!"
Willow was not an Imposter
Amity 100% draws hers and Luz's players together
9 out of 10 times, Amity will follow Luz around
Just to make sure her fellow crewmate is safe
Totally platonic
Em and Ed tease her about it 24/7
Especially during discussions
"Okay, so me and Willow were doing the trash, Gus ran by us, annnnd I saw Mittens following Luz around like a love sick-I mean-lost puppy"
Amity: *plans Emira's death*
NEVER tell Boscha how to vote
She WILL vote you instead
Even if it means losing the game
Speaking of voting
It takes the Force, a prayer, a virgin sacrifice, and a deal with the devil to get them all to vote on ONE person
There is constant ties
Skara forgets to vote like 80% of the time
Gus always skips vote
Unless you tell him who to vote for
And Edric only votes for himself
Even if it's 3 left
And one of them is the imposter
"Ed, for the love of GOD, vote for Willow!"
"No, vote for Boscha!"
Three way ties because Ed only votes for himself
Emira constantly sends messages to Viney in the chat box
Aye, little brown bean with the banana on yo head, let me get yo numba ;)
Are...are you HITTING on me thru among us???
Emira loves the game
But she mostly likes to flirt with Viney during it
Phew, that's all I got for now! Thanks @wildcatcargo for the ask! I'll put out some more soon!
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ambivalent-anarchy · 4 years
The Spidey Squad Playing Among Us
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Welp, this game is all the rave all of a sudden and irdk how since the game's pretty much been here forever lol but it's still fun so I had to jump on the bandwagon and here we are! Make sure you check go out @chaoticpete's new fic. Anyways here it is! If this gets enough likes I might do an avengers headcanon too.
Thanks to @angelsparkers for helping me realize I wasn't writing complete garbage and helping me to get through it even though she didn't even know she was doing that. So yeah thanks for that.
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Crewmate: Peter is that crewmate that will 100% call you out on your bs, because he knows the game a little too well for you to be able to pull anything over him(because of all that free time waiting on patrol). You think all that stuff with the avengers didn't teach him strategy? Ha! This guy is PEAK detective. Gets his tasks done fast and when he's done is probably spending his time monitoring people on security or vitals. It only took him like 2 weeks to memorize all the maps and where everything is, so if you say you were in navigation, you better believe he's gonna ask you what task you were doing there. And if you don't answer to his liking, Peter will sound the "sus" alarm on you in two point five seconds and have everyone voting you out. He's probably the only person that could figure out MJ when she's the impostor. So if you're the impostor, watch your words and make sure your alibis are strong cuz little Petey ain't playin' no games. Definitely gets attacked from time to time by those people that are always like "sMaRt PpL rUiN tHe GaMe"
Impostor: He's pretty much the most average impostor. Sometimes he doesn't know what to say when people call him sus and he'll get voted out because he's being "too quiet" or because Ned keeps defending him. He'll mess up every now and then but for the most part, he's pretty decent. His style is usually to stay in the vents most of the game and kill when only one person's around. He probably bribes Ned to not rat him out by promising him that he won't kill him.
Name: It used to be just Peter, but soon he wanted an actual cool name so he chose Sherlock because of all the times when he was "too smart" and won the game too quickly and people would go "pack it up Sherlock" and vote him out.
Favorite color to be: It used to be red, but he quickly found that the more he was red the more people found him "sus" so now he's usually either blue or cyan
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Crewmate: Pretty average crewmate. 80% of the time is covering for Peter, even if Peter is the impostor. Won't do much calling people out unless he's absolutely sure that he saw a kill or vent. Pretty chill and easily persuadable. You'd definitely want him on your team. If he ever gets wrongfully ejected he's the one that pitifully tries to plead his case saying stuff like "what???" and "guys it's not me!!!!" which doesn't really convince anyone and just makes him look more guilty. He'll still do his tasks after though.
Impostor: He's the impostor that doesn't want to be the impostor. If you're texting then maybe he can hold his own, but if you're doing voice chats, there's no way this guy is getting past ANYONE. He has so many tells that it's ridiculous. Is actually scared to vent too much because he's always paranoid that someone's gonna be right there when he jumps out. 8/10 the crewmates win when he's the imposter because he'll just kill like only two people the entire time or gets caught really early on.
Name: Probably some sci-fi reference like r2d2 or Potter
Favorite color to be: Yellow or white because he says those are the most "innocent" colors and he'll be less likely to get voted if he's those (not true but we'll let him believe it)
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Crewmate: Suspicion times 100. Her motto: trust no one. Will get you kicked out in a heartbeat with a quick "trust me. if it's not them vote me next." An absolute unit but will never be caught getting emotional over a game. If she's ever wrongfully ejected her last words will be "whatever. go ahead. vote me and lose." She'll just come back in the next game with a vengeance and false accusations ready, not caring if the entire team loses because of it. She's especially dangerous to have because people usually trust her word. She always finds a way to seem the least suspicious. Though sometimes she'll get suspected because of her quiet nature. There's always that one guy that's ready to go "uR qUiEt ThAt'S sUs!!"
Impostor: If MJ is the impostor, you can just throw your whole phone away. You're not winning that game. Like, ever. She will do whatever it takes to win, even sell out her own her partner. On the off chance that you catch her being suspicious, she'll sabotage a bunch of things so that you can't call meetings and then she'll kill you when no one's around. She is ruthless and will hurt your feelings with the way that she will own everyone in the game. Hardly anyone ever expects her. Thrives on venting. You won't see her you'll just be doing a task and suddenly you'll be dead.
Name: Used to be just MJ but she got annoyed with all the people in the messages who always assumed she meant Michael Jackson or Michael Jordan so she changed it to Michelle
Favorite color to be: She literally doesn't care either way. Won't change the gameplay so why bother? Whatever color she ends up with she'll be fine.
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Crewmate & Impostor: The most average player of them all. She wins some, she loses some. Nice partner to have though, because she'll never give you away. Probably the first to die most times. If she ever gets wrongfully ejected she's the one that uses her last words to say who she thinks it and doesn't even try to plead her case once it starts to look bad for her. She just finished the rest of her tasks.
Name: Probably either her name or some nickname or inside joke. Idk she just seems like the type of person to have a reference to something that absolutely nobody knows
Favorite color to be: Pink. Just because she likes pink.
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Crewmate: Claims things are sus even if they aren't. Will totally be biased based on names. Anybody who knows him will never count him as a credible source. Gets voted out quickly alot because of how annoying he is in the game.
Impostor: He's the easiest to figure out. He's the impostor that obnoxiously accuses literally everyone else. And in all capital letters too. "ITS RED I STG. IF IT'S NOT HIM VOTE ME NEXT!" Calls everyone sus and always claims he's seen people running from the body. He usually self-reports and goes for the easy marks in electrical. He's not that good (even though he thinks he is) and it takes anyone with a brain to figure him out. Peter and MJ are bane of his existence in that game. If he gets wrongfully ejected he'll rage and probably leave the game like the little crybaby he is.
Name: Spideys#1 because he's really just THAT obsessed. Or when he's really feeling "teenage boy" he'll be cOchieman
Favorite color to be: Red because sPiDeRmAn'S hIs BeSt FrIeNd (ahahaha if only he knew)
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She didn't know this game at all until Peter introduced her to it one day because he was bored. She LOVED it. He had to pry it out of her hands after she kept repeating "Hold on, one more!" So she downloaded on her phone and now she plays it whenever she's bored.
Crewmate: Average. Same as Betty.
Impostor: The way May can actually dominate being the impostor is sort of scary. And she'd always be the last person you'd expect because she just has that trusting vibe about her. Sometimes she'll mess up and give herself away, but for the most part, she's pretty good. Doesn't vent much. Just like Ned, she doesn't trust it.
Name: Madonna
Favorite color to be: She doesn't care much but she prefers to be purple, cyan, or orange
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Funny Moment
《Peter calls an emergency meeting 10 seconds into the game》
- Michelle: what
- Betty: what
- Michelle: skip
- r2d2: bro already?
- Sherlock: okay everyone just listen
- k0chieman: bruh
- Michelle: okay listen to what
- Sherlock: flash what task are you doing
- Betty: alright were listening
- k0chieman: the divert thingy in navi
- r2d2: pete what is this
- Sherlock: yeah dude that diverty thingy is the second of two steps
- Sherlock: u never did the first
- Sherlock: which means ur an impostor faking
- Michelle: flash?
- k0chieman: no
- k0chieman: i did do it
- r2d2: the times low we gotta decide guys
- Sherlock: if you did it wouldve taken you 12-15 seconds to get there and were not that far in the game
- Sherlock: u cant already be doing it
- Sherlock: everybody vote flash
- r2d2: petes on x games mode
- Michelle: damn dude
- k0chieman: wtf parker
- Sherlock: bye dude
- Sherlock: worlds greatest detective strikes again
- Michelle: okay calm down pete
《couple seconds later》
.    。    •   ゚  。   .
   .      .     。   。 .  
.   。      ඞ 。 .    •     •
  ゚   Flash was An Impostor.  。 .
  '    1 Impostor remains     。
  ゚   .   . ,    .  .
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Best Imposter Combos
Peter & Ned: Goes without saying. Nine times out of ten they're in the same room while playing this so they can just talk strategy to each other and take everyone out really quickly. Really annoying for everybody else, but they'll win so they're happy.
MJ & Peter: These two together are a force to be reckoned with. The second they see that they're both impostors they call each other up and get to business like they're on a mission. This stuff is serious. (More for Peter than MJ. She has to keep telling him that it's just a game.) He stays on security stuff, telling her when it's safe, and she racks up the kills. When things get heavy, they sabotage and then go on a spree. These two hardly ever lose. (When the whole squad is together whoever's in charge [if it's not Pete or MJ] usually puts the kill cooldown at max just in case these two get that they can't be at full power)
MJ & Betty: Betty isn't afraid to sacrifice herself so that they'll win and MJ is ruthless and quick with her kills. Both have the smarts to be able to be extremely persuasive and you'd hate for them to pick you to frame. Because being put against those two in the chatroom will lead you nowhere but abyss of space.
May & Peter: Parkers united. 'Nough said.
Tagging: @spideyyeet, @soft-petey, @spidey-reids-2003, @spidey-boy-89, @sovereignparker, @bubblebucky, @underoosjae
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