#but its so sweet that dream and sapnap genuinely just looked up to bbh so much and he genuinely helped them through so much pre fame
xomoosexo · 10 months
I think a fair amount of sbi supporters were young when they coined it and were projecting onto a group of ccs, and like phil already had the dadza thing going so fans just forced it. Over the years, they've played into the sbi thing but sbi was created by the fans and the ccs joined in.
Whereas munchy had already been friends for years before content creation and referred to each other as family before fans did. Sapnap and dream have called bad 'dad', they've called each other brother, etc etc. None of which was started by fans.
(Not to neg sbi cause I used to genuinely like, but sbi fans love to portray it as unconventional when it's literally a nuclear family and sbi fans have a weird obsession with dark aus. But again, I think it's a lot of projecting)
yeah some of the dsmp fanfiction coming from that fanbase was...really fucking weird
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for the yt prompts, 12 for wilbur, 3 for george, 9 for badboyhalo, 8 for sapnap and 4 for dream if you can and if its still open
Heya! So this is the Wilbur one, the others will be written and posted in a little bit, other than the BBH one, sorry I just don’t think I’m up for wriitng for him? Nothing against him at all, I think he’s great just... I dunno haha, I’m sorry! Anyway, this is set in the SMP kinda during Wilbur’s descent into madness, it’s my first time writing for him and I hope that you enjoy!
12 - “Rumour has it, I make you nervous”
The first time that Wilbur said it to her, it had been sweet.
He had arrived at the Community House with Tommy and Tubbo in tow, looking bedraggled and half-starved from having been wandering for so long looking for any hint of civilisation. Dream had granted them access to the Community House, taking pity on them, insisting that they stay for as long as they needed, to take whatever they required.
That was before it had all started, before it had all begun to go downhill, before both Wilbur and Dream had changed.
Y/N had cooked them dinner that first night. She didn’t think that she had ever seen anyone look quite so grateful towards her in her entire life. Sapnap was the only one who seemed truly doubtful of their guests, keeping a watchful eye over them as the three of them ate, protective of George, Dream and Y/N.
At Dream’s wishes, Wilbur, Tommy and Tubbo stayed. Y/N bonded quickly with the eldest of the three, enjoying that she at last had someone new to talk to. And it really hadn’t taken long at all for her to begin to catch feelings for him, that was just the kind of person that Wilbur was.
She made the mistake of confiding these feelings in George and Sapnap one night. Unfortunately for her, they had rather big mouths and it was before lunch time that Wilbur approached her, a shy smile on his face, eyes twinkling with a hint of mischief as he asked if she would accompany her on a walk down what Tommy had, since his arrival, dubbed the Prime Path.
Y/N had asked him what the matter was once they were well and truly away from everyone else who may try to overhear their conversation. Wilbur had given her what was probably the shyest smile she had ever seen as she clearly tried to muster up all the confidence that he could, saying:
“Rumour has it, I make you nervous.”
The rest had, kind of been history. When Wilbur had broken apart from Dream to set up his own faction named L’Manberg, he had begged for Y/N to follow him, to side with him. While the decision killed her, to choose between the man she loved and three of her closest friends, she ultimately decided that L’Manberg was where she was needed.
When the election came around, while she was not officially banished alongside Wilbur and Tommy (Schlatt knew that even though things were rough between her and Dream, Sapnap and George at that point, Dream would take back his support of him should he make the active decision to outcast her), she did follow them and stood alongside them as they, with Technoblade, formed Pogtopia.
Y/N had been the first to notice the change in Wilbur. And, for the first time since she had met him, she was genuinely somewhat scared of him.
“Y/N?” She froze at the sound of his voice. While she hadn’t been actively trying to hide from him, she definitely had been avoiding him for the past few days.
His arm wrapped around her waist, pulling her towards him and he pressed a kiss to her temple.
“Hi, Wil,” Y/N responded, her voice slightly hoarse.
“I feel like I haven’t seen you in ages,” he told her. Y/N wasn’t sure if she was imagining it, but she thought that she caught a slightly sinister edge to his voice. 
“Well, you’ve been busy, haven’t you?” Y/N reasoned, turning around and mustering up a smile in his direction. “Planning and all, not that you’ll tell me what it is that you’re planning.”
“Of course I won’t,” Wilbur agreed bluntly, any pretence at joy gone from his voice, his eyes darkening as he looked at her. Y/N gulped, fear shooting icy cold down her veins. 
“What do you mean, Wil?” Y/N asked, attempting to pull out of his hold, but his hand tightened around her.
“I mean that I can’t trust you anymore.”
“Why do you say that?”
“Well... rumour has it, I make you nervous,” Wilbur replied, his words a dark echo of what he had so sweetly said to her the day that they had gotten together. “Tommy seems to think that you don’t trust me, that you think I’m becoming... unhinged.”
Finishing 5K Blurbs
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