#and dont even get me started on dnap calling eachother brothers:((
xomoosexo · 10 months
I think a fair amount of sbi supporters were young when they coined it and were projecting onto a group of ccs, and like phil already had the dadza thing going so fans just forced it. Over the years, they've played into the sbi thing but sbi was created by the fans and the ccs joined in.
Whereas munchy had already been friends for years before content creation and referred to each other as family before fans did. Sapnap and dream have called bad 'dad', they've called each other brother, etc etc. None of which was started by fans.
(Not to neg sbi cause I used to genuinely like, but sbi fans love to portray it as unconventional when it's literally a nuclear family and sbi fans have a weird obsession with dark aus. But again, I think it's a lot of projecting)
yeah some of the dsmp fanfiction coming from that fanbase was...really fucking weird
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