#but i think there is where it flinched
fumifooms · 11 months
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intyalote · 1 year
the thing about doctor/river is that the blatant romance is a defense mechanism. it’s playacting it’s how they sketch out the boundaries of their relationship because they can never be sure of how the scales of intimacy are balanced - they love each other, sure, but they are so rarely in a place where they both know enough about each other for mutual trust. so you get these really interesting juxtapositions like how eleven is in full flirty mode for impossible astronaut/day of the moon to the point where it feels like they’re about to make out every time they’re in the same frame but at the same time he dismisses her with “trust you? seriously?” and is shocked when she actually kisses him goodbye. in let’s kill hitler they flirt like hell when she is literally trying to murder him but not at all when they save each others’ lives. in the wedding of river song kovarian complains about them being lovey-dovey in front of her but right after that the doctor attempts to reset the timeline and river has to drag him kicking and screaming into respecting her enough to tell her the truth. in angels take manhattan we get both “just you wait till my husband gets home” (flaunting their relationship to grayle) and “never let him see the damage” (she doesn’t trust him to love her as a flawed, mortal person). they’re out of sync all the time, so sincerity is off the table except when it’s a necessary shortcut to trust that doesn’t exist yet - river whispering his name to him in the library when he doesn’t know her yet, their literal wedding being a tool the doctor uses to convince her to let him “die.”
the thing about “hide the damage” in particular is that river was responding to the doctor’s own fear of seeing the damage. she lied to him because she was trying to give him what he wanted, even if he couldn’t admit it. and it applies both to the broken wrist and to their relationship in general. every time he looks at her all he can see is the pain of her death, and she can see that he’s holding back even if she doesn’t exactly know why. this was always going to be a barrier to true intimacy between them unless they could be linear for long enough to know and see each other as they are, not as they’re going to be or as they were.
that’s why husbands of river song is such a perfect resolution for them. the only way river would ever be honest enough to let him see her insecurities is if she didn’t know who he was, so it had to be twelve and not eleven. and it specifically had to be twelve fresh from losing his memories of clara, so that he’d stop running away from confronting her death and just give them those 24 years together on darillium to really get to know each other, to see the ugliness and the imperfections and stay together anyway. it makes perfect sense that after that they could reach the level of love and trust river has for “her doctor” in the library, in a way that just isn’t possible with a relationship built on whirlwind dates done out of order and nothing else.
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cerise-on-top · 4 months
Can you write sum poly Alejandro and Rudy hcs? If you do not write poly, please ignore :(
thank you!! Love your work!!
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Posting these two requests as one because they're essentially the same! Also, anon, I never would have written this request if the two lads weren't in love with each other as well! I'm just a lil guy, a sucker for poly relationships! Thank you for requesting this, I was so looking forward to writing this!
Being in a Poly Relationship with Alejandro and Rodolfo
You’ve likely known each other for a while and it was established very early on that Alejandro and Rodolfo were a couple. You got close to them regardless. As a friend, naturally. Spending time with each other was fun, you were there for each other through thick and thin, no matter what. There was never a sliver of doubt that the three of you cared a great deal about each other, but you always knew that between you and them, it would always stay platonic. You didn’t particularly mind that too much, they were great friends after all. Besides, teasing them about being too sweet in their relationship was also fun in and of itself. Years of you being with them would pass, years upon years of you supporting them, helping them move, helping them sort things out in their relationship from time to time. You were their closest confidant and the two of them knew they could always count on you, regardless of what it may have been. And at some point, Rodolfo would develop a little crush on you.
At first it would be small, something he could easily ignore. He had Alejandro, there was no need for someone else. Besides, was something like that even possible? Was it allowed? He didn’t know that. He didn’t know too much about poly relationships back then, but he vowed to not tell Alejandro about it either. What if he would destroy what they had? Not worth it. So he ignored his little crush that grew into a bigger problem as time went on. No matter how much he tried to hide it, it became obvious at some point. And then, when he elected to ignore you in hopes of it going away, you were the one to come up to him, understandably angry. Alejandro, too, would pitch in and ask what’s going on. Although it would take some more probing for Rodolfo to tell the truth, he would give in eventually and say what’s on his mind, ashamed beyond recognition. Alejandro would laugh a bit, claiming that he somehow had a feeling that that was the case. He doesn’t mind being in a relationship with you and Rodolfo as long as the latter would be happy. He has considered it from time to time as well, but he doesn’t harbor such strong feelings towards you, yet. However, those feelings would develop eventually.
As boyfriends, the two of them are absolutely lovely. Rodolfo is a very touch starved man, no amount of physical affection could ever satisfy him. However, he rarely does initiate physical touch. Alejandro is a very physically affectionate man, one of his hands always on either you or Rodolfo. His favorite position would be him lying against the back of the couch, with you and Rodolfo cuddling up into his side each. He absolutely melts whenever one of you falls asleep against him, making sure to tighten the grip he has on you just a bit more so you can sleep easy. While you and Rodolfo are cuddled up against him like that, one thing that Rodolfo loves more than anything is to place his hand on Alejandro’s chest, hoping you will do the same and hold his. He doesn’t have as much trouble sleeping, but just the reassurance that both of his loved ones are with him is a big reassurance. Although he rarely ever says it out loud with you in the beginning of your relationship, he does hint at wanting to be cuddled from time to time. He very much loves being held, so being with Alejandro, who loves to protect his loved ones by holding them, is very cathartic. While you can get him to hold you fairly easily, he’ll bite back a smile if you tell him that you’re going to cuddle him good.
Rodolfo is actually a pretty good dancer. He learned because of Alejandro, since he always wanted to learn. The latter may not be as good as Rodolfo, but that doesn’t stop him from pulling either of you on the dance floor and dancing with you. The more they get to touch you and each other, the better. Though, it likely won’t happen out in public, aside from some swaying when you’re out at a party, but if you’re home you’ll be spun around. Good luck trying to keep up, the two of them are pretty fast paced with each other. Sometimes they dance because they’re feeling romantic, other times it’s a competition on who can outlast the other. So far, they’ve been pretty even despite it all. Naturally, you’ll be danced with as well, it’s an important ritual for the both of them that they’ve grown fond of. If you’re a beginner then they’ll start with something slow, like slow waltzing. Neither of them particularly need to look at their feet to know the steps, so they either look at each other or you. In fact, the two of them casually converse with each other as well while they’re dancing while you’re dizzy and out of breath. But they don’t mind. If you’re especially clumsy then they’ll laugh a bit, but not out of malice. You’re just too cute, that’s all. If you’re an experienced dancer then they’ll go all out with you. You can tango with each other or dance the Viennese waltz, it’s entirely up to you. Again, the more they get to touch you, the more they get to be close to you, the better. If you’re further into the relationship they’ll even dip and kiss you. Just to show off how strong they are.
Alejandro and Rodolfo like to go hiking with each other. There likely isn’t a single place in and around Las Almas they haven’t seen yet. Naturally, they’ll have you tag along. There’s some very beautiful scenery there, if you look for it. Since being active is something that they’ve always loved, they will get you to join them, regardless of whether you love walking up mountains or if you’re a couch potato. It means a lot to them. Besides, Rodolfo can do some very convincing puppy eyes and Alejandro can be very convincing with his words. You can haggle with them on a reward you’ll get once you survive your little hike. They won’t go overboard if it’s your first time hiking with them, maybe you’ll simply walk around the city together, visit some place nearby and build up stamina like that. But even if you do agree to go hiking with them, there’s a good chance you’ll overstrain yourself if they go all out. Therefore you’ll start with something small, something reasonable. Once you’ve reached your destination you’ll likely have a small picnic there. What better way to reward yourself than with some good, homemade food? If you don’t have a lot of stamina then they’ll cheer you on and take breaks whenever it seems as though you need one. It doesn’t matter if they reach their destination in two hours or three, as long as you’re all doing well that’s all that matters.
Generally speaking, Alejandro and Rodolfo like to do a lot of things together. Rodolfo is rather introverted, so he prefers to stay at home and do things there. Alejandro is the opposite, he’s rather outgoing and always wants to go outside when he can. They don’t always see eye to eye with each other on what they should do if they have time, so having you around would make some things a bit easier. Both of them suggest something and you get to be the lucky one who chooses on what it will be you’ll be doing together. This ranges from going to a bar and drinking, to staying at home and cooking something big. Hell, if you really want, you can throw in a suggestion of your own, something neither of them thought of, and maybe you’ll do that. While the beginning stage of your polycule may be a bit awkward, you’re their equal from day one. If you wanna ride your bike around Las Almas, then you can. If you wanna go visit the United States, you can. If you wanna stay at home and watch anime all day with them, then you can. There are endless possibilities.
If you don’t know Spanish, or don’t know it that well, then they’ll be speaking to each other in Spanish while you’re around. Yes, they will mention you by name and make sure they have your attention. It might seem like they’re gossiping about you, but in reality they’re talking about where to take you next, how adorable you are and how glad they are to have you with them. Rodolfo would be a bit more reasonable and tell Alejandro to translate what he said, but it’s never anything harmful. Besides, you’ll be learning Spanish with both of them either way. Alejandro really wants you to know the language so he can speak it with you. Rodolfo doesn’t mind too much either way, but he sort of does look forward to playing teacher. You get a reward for doing well each time as well, so there’s that. However, if you’re not a native speaker, then the two of them will speed up how quickly they talk so they can be cringe and embarrassing and in love without you hearing it. If you’re a native Spanish speaker then they’ll be speaking Spanish with you anytime they can anyway, so no secrets there.
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hellhoundlair · 10 months
general question for anyone whod care to answer: was there a moment that supernatural really clicked for you? for me i was enjoying it as a casual viewer for the first season but by the end of Heart it clicked and i went from enjoyment to obsessed
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unexpectedbrickattack · 11 months
heehee (pepstavo under the cut)
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#arts#mine#saucy#pepstavo#easing everyone in w the cute shit first#can u believe i forgot about this???? CAN U BELIEVE IT ???#this is like one of the first things i drew back in like April i think#i still love it tho#recently i have been drawing them doing some heehee shit instead of the cutesy shit so i need this to stay humble#remember my roots…#anyway if ur still reading this hooray u get bonus stuff like usual w my tags#giving him a huge praise kink. he is doing SUCH a good job he is doing the best job EVER#this would be a bit further in their relationship (pending™️) where the intimacy walls are slowly being worn down#so hes seeking out touch and affection and all that goodness instead of reflexively flinching away#and gus SEES this so hes trying so hard to encourage him like BLEASE….i did not dick around for months for this to NOT pay off#he is a patient man but theres only so much patience one Can have#and that patience IS rewarded#its funny bc i write gus as like. a top. a general Dom bc he is both patient and assertive#and hes met someone he GENUINELY w his WHOLE chest wants to bottom for and he cant do it bc this bigass dude is a lil princess™️#and so for now he is being the big boy but hes like counting down in his head when theyre able to get to a space comfy enough for him#where he gets to get his back blown out (its soon)#i hope that doesnt make it seem like hes only being nice to get dicked down bc he is actually always this nice#and full of love bursting at the seams#which results in endless praise and pdas and being a bit more playful than usual (bc he is a silly lil joyous gnome; its built in his dna)#so peppino will simply have this forever :)#okay mwah#i will slowly upload my stuffs since twitter is exploding and anyone who isnt niceys about this will be obliterated#like for reals
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lunarharp · 4 months
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"Found out" set in kind of a made-up chapter where the girls are in trouble, or something.
#witch hat tag#orufrey#i hate having a strong cinematic image in your mind for months..working hours on it..& at the end looking you have to be like “Sure. :/"#i'm especially unsatisfied with the beginning and the end and how i can't get eyebrows to work as i want#but i dont care any more... this is probably the comic that has given me the most trouble ever i just dont care#i barely even care whatsoever if anyone even sees this..Ugh..but at least i can move on to the next era now#i'm just annoyed i cant get out good enough my image of qifrey flinching bc he thinks oru will hit him but then he is not hit#i feel like sensei will do something along these lines. i want to see what she will do.#there are also other variations i have in my mind. i just want to know#i just don't want it to happen with qifrey on his deathbed or something. but it possibly will. I DONT EVEN KNOW.#i have another very cinematic image in my mind for something sort of along those lines which i will do soon. it never ends...#btw after this is probably my fics. yeah.... i think it has to be my fics. jasmine sort of goes along these lines#i need that space for dialogue. look - i'm a writer. this is HARD for me. so i am really glad i had the space and freedom of words#to process all the feelings. but i tried to get something out in a quick visual space too. <- me defending myself to myself at cai court#anyway going along the lines of 'Jasmine' - they talk this out and argue and cry and oru pushes the hat at him and tells him#why not just erase every memory i have of you then. That would be easier for us all wouldn't it?#they kiss and sob and kiss and lie outside in the flowers for many hours in that one. and then there's 'Deep End' where it turns out#way way way way more time and words is needed for this actually and that's upsetting for everyone.#the destruction of the hat is certainly another path to take. Can you make this work without that hat going up in flames?#something you have always had and have been clinging to will have to be destroyed. You have to lose something now. This is the crux qifrey#I CANT GET IT OUT IN ONE COMIC!!! I CANT DRAW IT OUT!!!! I NEEDED THOSE FICS!!!! PRAISE WORDS!!!! whatever im going to have dinner now
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askblueandviolet · 2 months
What is your favorite food ?mayor
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star--anon · 6 months
Minewt is so very very important to me
Minho, who is strong and confident, but not emotionally, someone who shies away from more delicate moments, squirms when it gets emotional, will do something nice for someone else but will not make eye contact as he does so
Newt, who is strong and confident, especially emotionally, someone who will grin as they accept help, someone who will willingly die to help someone else, someone who will hug someone in public and not show a hint of shame after, someone who will cry and not care if they're seen
Minho falling head over heels for that sense of safety, for that confidence, for that unabashed vulnerability. Meanwhile Newt is utterly clueless
while Minho is doing things that are the pinnacle of romance to his "affection is awkward" mind, Newt is just like "hey Minho left me a snack! he's been really nice lately :D"
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batemanofficial · 3 days
it's time for everybody's favorite pride month tradition: the stupidest fucking discourse you've ever seen in your life about who is and is not capable of understanding the lived experience of gay and trans people
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sophiethewitch1 · 3 months
once again writing something im not entirely sure people will enjoy. i play dark content as a joke probably a bit too much lmfao. and even then I'm still not going to write noncon?? because i don't know??? my vibes are off???
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variousqueerthings · 1 year
Question: … how do we understand and acknowledge a historical trajectory of black women being subject to sexual commodification and exoticization, but also create a liberatory sex positive framework for black women in ways that honor our sexual agency?
bell hooks: I mean, I think that’s a critical question. What does that liberatory sexuality look like? Let me theorize that it may very well be that celibacy is the face of that liberatory sexuality. That I would rather not be sexual, than to be sexua-
[murmuring and laughing in the audience]
Shola Lynch: now that’s making me uncomfortable
[more laughing]
Marci Blackman: [jokingly referencing a previous speech about not fitting into white men’s structures] I can’t fit in that box, bell.
bell hooks: [over the laughter] I’m trying to be futuristic here!
But what does it mean to be able to say I’d rather not be sexual, than to be sexual in any context where I am being mistreated, where I have doubt, where my feelings are not- where I am triggered as an abuse survivor or what have you. I mean, I’m just posing, “what are our choices as we think about our journey to sexual freedom? What choices to do we have?”
[...] I often identify myself as queer past gay. And I came up with this with one of my white colleagues, lesbian colleagues, where we were saying all of our lives we’d experienced ourselves as “queer as not belonging,” as the essence of being queer.
I think of Tim Dean’s work on being queer, queer not about as who you’re having sex with, that can be a dimension of it – but queer as being about the self that is at odds with everything around it and has to invent and create and find a place to speak and to thrive and to live.
And I think that that is what – where we are going towards in trying to find that sexuality and I think that it is crucial that trans people are so at the forefront of that, because that is where among trans people, that the imagination is called forth, in the reconstructing the re-envisioning of self and possibility. So that to me is one of the positives of the focus – because we know the New York Times does their piece on trans or whatever – that we all know that in some ways this too shall pass as all our progressive things – remember when women writers were hot?
And how that passes. 
But while that’s happening I think we can garner strength from the diversity of peoples stories, the diversity of peoples imagination.
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tricoufamily · 6 months
judith has always had such an awful, fraught relationship with connor and jeremiah is her golden child, yet jeremiah has been a man to her since he was like fifteen where connor will always be a boy. they should all go to therapy probably
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psalmsofpsychosis · 9 months
i'm... real fucking tired of insincere stories, apologetic stories, stories that make fun of the very human emotions they're trying to portray like "i'm sorry i'm so sorry you have to witness this soft vulnurable moment, here here i made the character play light of his own grief so you dont actually have to feel anything" fuck you fuck you fuck you I WANTED TO FEEL IT ANYWAY
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it’s weird how many compliments I get now for just. existing. and wearing pretty clothes. it’s nuts how differently people treat me based on what I wear. smth smth commentary on humanity whatever I’m just glad other ppl also like my skirts.
#blue chatter#genuinely I think part of it is just that I dress like a magical girl anime protagonist#hair bow poofy skirt color coordinated and themed with matching KN95 sparkly makeup sometimes#and also that people tend to compliment parts of your appearance that you have control over#like hair and clothes and makeup#bc it’s a way to compliment without being forward or objectifying someone#so now that I regularly wear clothing that is bright and colorful and outside the norm it’s noticeable#and o do genuinely put more effort into my appearance now#but it is interesting how much easier it is to make casual acquaintances with people#<- this is important in context. bc I am constantly off putting. I don’t mask much at school anymore.#so this is people complimenting someone who is constantly flinching at sudden noises and randomly twitches/stims#it’s intriguing to me#people approach?? me?? and compliment my outfit and then we chat abt where I got it#and then they say hi to me in class the next day#and suddenly I have someone I can email if I need to miss class and want that day’s notes#it’s so wild#this happens more the weirder I dress btw. if I’m wearing sparkles and a petticoat and a bunch of pins and hairclips I get more#positive attention. which is real intriguing to me.#but I also genuinely like dressing like this? it’s nice to be complimented and it makes me feel good#but I also do it when nobody sees me just bc I enjoy it#I feel more confident in myself and how I perceive myself and I think the confidence also helps#a few of my friends have commented that I hold myself very differently now#one jokingly calls it my ‘queer glowup’ bc this coincided w me being more open and accepting abt my queer identities#which I think is fun
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depresseddepot · 10 months
trying to determine which parts of my relationship with sex are asexuality, which are trauma, and which are autism is like trying to have a conversation with three people talking loudly and all at once
#just to be clear: asexuality as a result of trauma or neurodivergency is still asexuality. full stop no debate.#anyway because i love oversharing on tumblr dot com: feeling very sex repulsed on this day#i was joking with some guy about fighting each other (specifically said ''you ever fight a girl over 200 lbs? id break your ribs'')#and like three different people said something like ''well that would probably turn him on''#and. listen. i get it. that was a joke response to my joke threat#but what i felt in that moment and still feel now requires nothing short of academic study to understand#first of all: how dare they make me feel embarrassed in a social setting when i was doing so well.#secondly: why the fuck would me making a threat make them instantly think of sex#thirdly: how fucked up is my body image that i hear that and immediately think they're all out of their minds#i like fat women. i am personally attracted to fat women. not (usually) sexually but i do think they are very nice to look at#so why is it so hard for me to accept that someone else could find me attractive as well !#i think about being in a situation where a relationship and/or sex is a real possibility and i flinch like its going to hurt me#but why???? where is this aversion coming from !!!!! i am a hopeless romantic i daydream about romance all the time#so whats the deal here. is it subconscious bc of my asexuality and i associate romance with sex?#is it because of my autism where i associate romance with touch and am afraid i am too unempathetic to have a chance?#or (most likely) is it just because im so fucking scared of trusting someone that even the thought makes me nauseous#did this all crop up from a throwaway sex joke? yes#but people don't make sex jokes to me. people don't even pretend to allude to me being cute#this same group of people said a few weeks ago ''at least you're pretty''#which. is not the case!!!!!!! people do not say those things to me because they don't want to even slightly entertain that idea !!!!!!!#and i am extremely tired of having my life upended because of this#i have always been treated like i was ugly and teased about it and i FINALLY have managed to be okay with not being attractive#and now that im okay with it: NOW is when the pretty jokes start. im fucking angry about it actually#i can't be both. i cannot think of myself in terms that abstract. i am one or the other#and this leads me to believe that people think i COULD be pretty. but the catalyst is that i am fat and therefore cannot be attractive#which just makes me more angry!!!!!!!!!!!#how can i be completely indifferent to sex and attraction without seeming juvenile. i don't care so so much#but every time that sort of thing happens i feel like im 13 again and the hot jock is talking to me#i need to be put down. something's wrong with this one (me)#i realize i can't stop people from making sex or appearance jokes but god i wish i fucking could
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felixcosm · 1 year
New FLINCH Theory: They/He/It is an AI, an incredibly complex supercomputer housing the technology that makes woe.begone possible.
Potential proof:
FLINCH never speaks to anyone, his answers are always described as those magic eight ball replies
The only time he's said something else was when he sent Ryan that compilation of movie moments ("if i told you, i'd have to kill you"). I took that to mean FLINCH has a lot of time to piece it all together, but it could've very well been an automated process.
FLINCH could be an acronym (like GLaDOS)
Mikey mentions the woe.begone supercomputer a lot in the first season. It later turned out the gamerunners were a couple of guys, but it could've been a hint to FLINCH's true nature put in by the writer
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