#but i still think the joey-xornoth thing is hilarious
empires-au-ideas · 2 years
Ayoooo, back at it with another question!!!
So we already know a few people who are cool with Scott, but what about the others who initially start out not liking him? How long does it take them to come around and accept Scott as a person? :uu
Uhm... I'm gonna say this is Cold Wanderer?
It does take a bit for Gem and Fwhip to come around, even though they came to HIM for help. Fwhip still has the "You hurt Gem" grudge from the festival, and Gem is overall annoyed how reluctant he is to help the empires defeat HIS OWN brother, not fully taking in the implications of him being exiled for what is revealed to be, after nearly ten years, no reason.
But for the twins it's little things. Fwhip has to admit he finds Scott's dry humor hilarious when he actually talks. And Gem does notice him slowly caring more and more about their little group, while starting out apathetic to the twins' concerns and safety, he begins to fight even harder if either if them or Shrub is hurt. Little things like that that makeFwhip and Gem warm up to him more.
Joel and Lizzie are both pretty chill (haha) with him after it's explained to Joel that the Cold Wanderer didn't rat their secret meet up out to the king. But there's still the air of awe and mystery... as in Lizzie still thinks this is a ghost. It isn't really until their second or third alliance meeting after ridding Xornoth of the corruption that Lizzie realizes "Hey, I just had a meeting with the ghost of the continent!"
It isn't until Pix straight up accidentally kidnaps Sausage that he realizes who the Cold Wanderer is. Just a guy his age, confused, lonely... especially now that SIR Carlos is gone, Sausage can relate. He come crumbling down, being a young king and getting pushed around by Xornoth... but that's just what allies are for, right? Pix gets to explain that no, that's not what allyship looks like and Sausage apologizes to Scott and helps them in their quest.
This is ALSO how it is revealed to Scott that everywhere that wronged him washed for a short amount of time. He feels his heart swell. He had always been a follower of Aeor.
The last one who comes around fully is Joey. Inheriting a dying kingdom after your parent just died is pretty rough, so great for Xornoth to swoop in and "help". Joey is already distraught so easily enough believes whatever Xornoth says. He also has a vendetta against Scott, ruining theFire Temple and then none of the magic he should have mastered from Aeor (Scott's patron, no less!) Most likely because of it, and its Joey so he can hold a grudge.
After Xornoth is uncorrupted and after Joey realizes on his own he was lied to, he spends some time by himself. Until Scott comes over for a trade, where the two sort of bonded. Rivendell had gone through three rulers and a war in the span of a month and the Lost Empire has been making little progress rebuilding in the past hundred years. So it's easy to conclude that the two empires will be helping eachother rebuild.
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imeengoldberg · 3 years
joeynoth my beloved
/lh /lh /lh 
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yb-cringe · 3 years
How about joey headcanons…👀
joey! or as i know him; someone’s little chirp chirp— /j— this one got kinda long so im putting it under a readmore, i have some Feelings about the feral jungle cat man
Realistic: Joey is the sole heir to the Lost Empire throne mostly because when he found it; everyone who was there was dead or lost. Unfortunate side effect of being the Lost Empire, you need to lose yourself in the jungle in order to find it by some magic properties/blessing put on the kingdom long before joey showed up. He became the king there by bringing the lost empire back from the brink of extinction because he can fly ABOVE and still see it- meaning he’s the only one who can escort people in and out of the jungle safely
Hilarious: He TRIED doing a family potluck with the extended family and it went horribly. scott showed up with jimmy, who brought lizzie, who brought joel, and joey brought shrub (who brought kathrine) and xornoth. it was a nightmare. scott and xornoth argued all night, shrub got lost and joey had to find her, joel refused to believe xornoth existed, lizzie accidentally caught fire, jimmy just LEFT mid meal because xornoth scared him— they all decided to Never do this again
Heart Breaking: The crown was the most obvious gift Xornoth gave Joey but it wasn’t the only one. after being particularly mean, joey *always* got some sort of gift as an apology, so he has a small box of jewlery, books, artifacts— precious things. He still has the box, even after Xornoth was locked away and the curse on him was broken. He just cant let it go. Shrub told him it wasn’t an apology, told him the presents were just things that don’t make up for what he said and they were actually just bribes so he could keep being horrible to him but…. He doesn’t put them on, but he won’t throw them away. Just for a little bit, he wants to look at them and think someone really loved him.
Unrealistic: His wings look like macaw or parrot wings but they’re Actually not. no one knows what they were originally, but Joey’s been dyeing them colorful for years now because he didn’t like what they were originally and wont tell anyone what they were first.
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capriciouswriter207 · 3 years
Tricky anon here again to give my thoughts about that amazing part two!
While reading this it felt like reading about someone having a mental breakdown, that someone being Sausage. And Fwhip being the kind of person invalidating the feelings that make the person have that breakdown. Honestly I think this was the most I could relate to the feeling of something you wrote about the wither yet.
At this point it must be awful for Fwhip tho, he is by now the only one who hasn't had any problems with who he is actually and so he can't relate with the other two. Makes me look forward to whenever he gets his angst. Though I'm also afraid of what you're gonna do for him, I want him to feel angst but please don't give angst to the poor count, he deserves happiness ;-;
I feel like the count is the one thing I'm actually obsessed with-
Oh and Gem's like finally gonna tell them a bit about what she learned in her time away? Exciting!
Im currently wondering who could be the ones to come after them next because Sir Carlos does have a compass. I'm guessing that Jimmy definitely would come along. I'm also guessing that the married couple would now rather go to the egg and make sure it's save. A part of me is guessing that Scott might come along next to fight too. Maybe one of the nature wives too? Not sure about Pearl tbh. And Joey exists still too, I completely forgot that xD. Pretty sure Pixlriffs isn't gonna come to help against the wither tbh-
I'm rn imagining a group of rulers following the compass and then from a bit further away seeing the wither argue about if Xornoth lied to them or whatever. If Scott and Jimmy were there then they would definitely be like "what's going on there???????" And be confused XD
Yeah, that passage was quite... personal and drawn from real-life experience. Always fun, having an invisible disability /s.
It is definitely awful for fWhip. If it was just the one sibling, yeah, it’d still be bad but he’d think he could keep the situation under control. But he’s the outsider in this situation and that scares him. also wonders if whatever got a hold on his siblings would ever target him, too, which he doesn’t want.
His angst is gonna be so fun to write. I cannot wait to unleash this idea on you guys. I also feel like you’re obsessed with the count, this is like the fourth time you mentioned him wanting happiness. It’s fine, though, you can be obsessed with the count, but we’re not gonna see him for a while. Dude’s a passive background presence until he isn’t.
Who’s coming along? Good theories. Jimmy will definitely be there, as he’s gonna find Sir Carlos and the compass. Sir Carlos might also come along, depending on how stubborn he is and how well his wound holds up under the effects of healing potions. Joey might just come to get into a fight, he’s bored, but haven’t decided yet. And yeah, Pixlriffs isn’t gonna be there, he has no ties to the Wither whatsoever. I love his character, but he’s barely a presence in this AU, which is fine. Not everyone can have a connection to the Wither.
Lol weren’t you the one who thought it funny that I forgot Shrub and Katherine exist? That’s hilarious.
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capriciouswriter207 · 3 years
I am honestly LOVING your Wither AU. Also, I have a question: How would the three react to Joey joining them and the whole Jornoth thing? If it ever happens in your AU that is.
Thank you! I didn't think that many people would care about it. I try my best to entertain (and break your hearts).
At this point, I'm sure pretty Jornoth won't happen in this AU. Joey saw Xornoth early on in canon and fell head over heels in love. Xornoth doesn't show his face in the Overworld until well after the dragon fight in this AU, which means well after Joey's base is overrun with corruption that doesn't have that any positive connotation to it. So the first time Joey and Xornoth see each other in the AU, Joey is intrigued (because it's still Joey, of course he'd be intrigued by a demon), but he knows better. He knows what Xornoth's soldiers are doing and have done, and would be more cautious. Xornoth also doesn't offer Joey great power and isn’t interested in recruiting someone else, so that's also a factor. So, no Jornoth, unfortunately.
However, let's entertain the thought, because it'd be hilarious and it’s fun to speculate. If Joey did join forces with Xornoth (and Xornoth for whatever ungodly reasons lets him do that) the three would be very confused. Firstly, Joey used to be an enemy. Secondly, they'd be very uncomfortable with the way Joey shows his affection for Xornoth. It's not something they'd want to deal with or even witness. And it's not like they would ask Xornoth what's up with that, because the three were raised not to ask any questions, so they're just very uncomfortable and hope that this will somehow further their cause (also hoping that Xornoth will get rid of Joey as soon as he's served his purpose - he’s just too lovey-dovey with their master for their taste).
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