#but he said my butt looked nice in my instagram story so i don't think that's platonic 😂😂
larentslovechaos · 1 year
things r goin places maybe
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cierrabiscuits · 3 years
Koutaro Bokuto x Fem Reader: Eligible Bachelor
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 Summary: Some of the MSBY team are scheduled at a charity event and are auctioned off for dates, you being the manager go with them. The team is well aware of your crush on Bokuto and put a plan in motion. What’s the worst that can happen. 
 Words: 5.1K
 Warnings: Angst if squint, happy ending, MSBY 4 being sold as dates for Charity.
 Authors Note: Hello! This is my first time posting a fic so go easy on me, I hope you all enjoy it and get a good laugh out of it like I did! This is part of a collab with @ambershaydeoffical! Please support all the talented writes who participated. 
Update: I made a route for Sakusa! Find that here
Update: I made a route for Atsumu! Finda that here
“Alrighty boys are you ready to go on in?” You said staring at the four well dressed men  behind you.
 “No, and I want to go home.” Sakusa adjusted his black facemask. He wasn’t keen on coming to this event whatsoever.
 “Sakusa I know, but I really need you! Besides what would you be doing anyway? It's Valentine's day and you're as single as single gets. Live a little. Maybe you will find your Mrs.Clean tonight! Ya never know!” You said as he rolled his eyes and scoffed.
 “Omi-Omi don't be that way. Our lovely manager here worked hard to get us this opportunity, and it's benefiting a charity you scrooge.” Atsumu smacked Sakusa’s back.”I think your just upset because you know all the ladies are going to bid on me.” The blond setter smirked at the very pissed Sakusa who just glared at him.
 “NOoO It's going to be me who gets all the bids. I still have my tan from Brazil and I’m alot cooler than all of you.” Hinata piped up, proudly adjusting his tie that had little volleyballs on it. 
 “Well if we don’t get our asses in that building, aint none of y’all getting any bids, besides I’m freezing to death,” You said rubbing your arms. The dress you wore done little to protect you from the cold night. 
 “Take this please, I don’t want to freeze to death. I like you warm and alive.” Bokuto, who's been oddly quiet, spoke up wrapping his grey tux jacket around your shoulders leaving him in his blue button up. You could smell his cologne on the jacket, you could drown in this and wouldn't complain. Your cheeks ran hot and you managed to let out a “thank you” through chattering teeth.
 “Okay let’s get going.” You said wrapping the jacket tighter around you as the boys followed you like baby ducks. Bokuto walked up beside you while the two boys bickered over who would have the most bids in the back, Sakusa wanted no part in it and stayed to himself. You look at Bokuto  who seemed nervous. You decided to hype him up a bit before he went into emo mode. “Bokuto you are going to have some gorgeous high profile women coming after you tonight, I’m jealous of them.” You didn't lie, you had the biggest crush on Bo, ever since you took the job as the MSBY manager. You never have a frown on your face next to him- until now. You knew he’d have a woman, that's not you, by his side tonight. You’d bid on him until your bank went in the negative but you don’t get paid like the women at this event do.
 “You wait and see, I’ll have the most beautiful one by time the night is out.” Bokuto said, smiling at you. You felt a pang of sadness creep on you, if he only knew. 
 The warm air of the ballroom felt nice against your cool body. You gave Bokuto his jacket back, you secretly wished you could keep it forever. You took in your surroundings, the ball room was filled with women in designer dresses and you could see the small stage in the middle of the room. 
 “Guys I have to find the event coordinator and see what time you guys need to get on stage. Please be on your best behavior, there are cameras everywhere. Atsumu keep the drinking to a minimum, Shoyo for the love of God go to the bathroom now, Omi keep these fools in line and you better be nice to people and last but never the least Bokuto, If you dance please be careful, I don’t want to take you to the ER again because you hit the Cha cha slide too hard. And with that I’m out. I’m counting on you guys.” You said giving them a thumbs up as you got lost into the sea of people to hunt the event coordinator. 
 “Thank you so much Y/N! Everyone is looking forward to the auction. We have some models and a couple pop stars who will be in the line up as well as a few volunteers . I want your boys to go at the end, as they say ‘always save the best for last’.” The coordinator spoke over the bustling crowd. She went over the rules and where they needed to go and what time to line up. You soaked in all the information the bubbly coordinator was giving you. “I have to go let the rest of the people know the game plan. Please have your guys here and lined up in half an hour. Thank you again!” And with that she disappeared into the crowd. Now here came the hard part.
You scanned the large ballroom to find your heathens. Sakusa would be the easiest to find because he is most likely on one of the four corners in the building. Hinata was most likely with Bokuto, and Atsumu was a wild card, he could be at the bar, maybe even on the dance floor trying to impress girls with his dance moves(That suck by the way). You recall the time you found him passed out in a bush drunk off ass at a gala last year. You make up a game plan, you would get Bo and Hinata first, then find a hopefully sober Tsumu and lastly get Sakusa (you figured it best not to drag him around the ballroom) You spot Bokuto’s tall figure next to a snack bar, and as you figured Hinata was with him. They were both stuffing their mouths with meat kebabs and other foods like wild animals, they sure love to eat you thought. 
 “Bokuto,Hinata, they are getting ready to line everyone up, wait for me over there.” You said pointing towards an area that was not  too terribly crowded.
 “HEY HEY HEY Y/N try one of these things, they are so freakin good.” He shoved a cake pop in front of your face. You took it from the gray haired boy.
 “Thank you Bo, but we really need to go.” You took a bite from the cake pop. “Wow that is really good.” You said finishing it in one bite. You heard some snickers from a group of girls, they made a smug comment about you eating it all at once. You normally would throw hands but you had an image to uphold. You shouldn't let it bother you but it did.
 “Hey don’t let that bother you, besides I like a girl that can eat.” Bokuto said, patting your head. He is literally the human version of sunshine. 
 “Thanks Bo. But really we need to get the move on, I still have to hunt Tsumu down. Can you and Hinata wait for me over there.” You said pointing to the area again.
 “Roger that.” They said unison. 
  “I’ll be right back.” You said going back into the crowd. You checked the dancefloor first and he wasn't there(You were relieved he was not.). You made your way to the bar and found him surrounded by women who were mesmerized by his thick accent. You waved him down and he nodded and turned his attention back to the group he had attracted.
 “It looks like It's time fer’ me to go, make sure you all bid for me. I’ll be a waitin’” He said getting up and following you. The women he had been entertaining giggled as he walked away.
 “Look at you being a player. I didn’t expect that from a man who yells at girls when they cheer for him.” You leaned into him so he could hear you over the crowd.
 “I’m just tryin’ to raise some money, it's strictly business. My heart belongs to volleyball for the most part.”He said winking at you. He truly is just a fool in love with the sport. 
You led Atsumu to the group and went to retrieve poor  Sakusa. You looked around for a few minutes and felt a tug at the back of your shirt. You turn around and see Sakusa towering over you. 
 “This is new, I’m used to finding you sulking in a corner.” You said staring into his black eyes. 
 “I watched you gather everyone up, I figured I would come on over to make it easier for you.” He began to walk towards the rest of the group.
 “I guess being 6’4 has its perks huh Omi? You're like a watchtower.” You said looking up at the tall spiker.
 “Yeah, guess so.”He said playing with one of his dark curls.
 “Okay we have everyone, so you guys are going last, I’ll leave who goes first to you guys. Now let's go get lined up.” You lead them to the stage and let them line up. Atsumu insisted on going first, Hinata would go after him, then Sakusa and lastly Bokuto. 
 “You owe me some umeboshi after this.” Sakusa said, taking his mask off and putting it in the pocket of his tux.
 “Sure thing. I'll even throw in a thing of nice smelling hand sanitizer for the trouble.” You crossed your arms and smirked at him.
 “I’ll hold you to that.” He said, filing behind Hinata.
 You looked at Bokuto who appeared to be a nervous wreck. He had a small layer of sweat on his forehead and his hands were shaking slightly. “Hey it's going to be okay, I’ll be right here.” You said pulling out your handkerchief and dabbing the sweat off his forehead. “You're amazing and dare I say you're the best looking one.” You said making him blush.
 “Ummm HEY.” Atsumu said glaring at you, obviously butt hurt from your comment. Sakusa was unamused and took it upon himself to kick Atsumu. That gave you the opportunity to turn your attention back to the nervous male beside you. Before you could comfort him the loud speaker cut you off.
 “Ladies and gentleman, would you please give your attention to the center stage, the date auction will begin momentarily.” The coordinator announced causing everyone to tense up a bit.
 “Come on guys loosen up a bit, I’m going to be in the front taking pictures for our instagram page. So show off a little! Show them you are proud to be a part of such an awesome volleyball team!” You hyped them up one last team. “With that being said I want a group picture so bring it in guys.” You said pulling the camera and ushering the athletes into the frame. “Say cheese.” Atsumu wrapped his arm around Sakusa who didn’t have the chance to push him off, Bokuto gave Hinata bunny ears. It was a chaotic photo, but It caught their true essence. 
 “I want a picture with you before you go Y/N. Pleaseee.” Bokuto gave you puppy dogs eyes and you couldn't deny him.
 “Sure Bo. Atsumu here.” You handed him the camera and got beside Bokuto. He wrapped an arm around your waist and held you close to him. You could feel his muscles through the tux that fit just a little too good. 
 “Aww you look like a cute couple.” Atsumu teased as he brought the camera up to snap a picture. You couldn't make a comeback as embarrassment washed over you. You looked up at Bokuto who had a blush adorning his handsome face.
 “Y/N I’m going to do something, don’t get mad.” Bokuto said, picking you up bridal style before you could even protest.
 “That’s what I’m talking about!” Atsumu said, snapping more pictures. 
 “Bokuto put me down, I'm heavy!” You shriked  gripping onto his tux.
 “No you're not. I could carry you around all night like this if you wanted me to!” He smiled down at you! You felt your face light up like a Christmas tree. No matter how big or small you were, Bokuto always made you feel like a princess. 
 “As much as I’d love you to, we gotta get this ball rolling.” You said as he gently placed you back on your feet. “I’ll be taking that.” You said snatching the camera from Atsumu who was smirking. He seemed to be hiding something from the way he was acting. He is definitely sus you thought. You waved the boys goodbye and made you way to the front of the crowd. You got the camera ready as the spotlight of the stage flickered on. 
 “Thank you all for coming out tonight! We hope you are ready to see the heartthrobs we have lined up for you!!” The announcer said setting the tone. “Valentine's day is all about love and being with one another. So if your single, ladies, pull those yen out and let’s get to business!” The crowd cheered and applauded as the auction began.
You didn’t pay much attention to the men coming on stage, your only worry was the last 4. You scrolled through the camera to see the pictures Atsumu took of you and Bokuto. Bokuto had such a wide smile on his face in the pictures, your smile was just as big, even though your face was full of panic in the one where he effortlessly picked you up. You’re pulled from your day dream when you heard the announcer’s voice.
 “We have some special guests tonight from the MSBY volleyball team! We’ll start first with Miya Atsumu!” The announcer said as Atsumu walked on the stage like he owned it. He flipped his hair and looked at the group of women he serenaded earlier and blew them a kiss. You got lucky and snapped a picture of it, he may be annoying as hell but he knows how to get women. He had about ten women fighting over him, his bids kept going up and up. After a cutthroat battle he was sold for roughly  200,000 yen. He smirked and walked off the stage. You couldn’t help but chuckled to yourself, he’d be one of a kind if he didn’t have a twin. 
 “Up next we have Hinata Shoyo!” She said as the tangerine headed boy shly walked on stage. He looked confident for the most part and he thankfully went to the bathroom before this. He had on one of his classic charming but cute smiles. You could hear girls behind you talk about how cute he was. His skin was glowing under the spotlight thanks to the Brazilian sun. His bids went up high, he ended up being sold for 120,000 yen. He waved at the audience and bounced off the stage.
 “Let’s welcome our next bachelor who just so happens to be the tallest one tonight, Sakusa Kiyoomi!” You watched on edge as Sakusa walked out, he didn’t seem nervous but he wasn’t all that interested either, he stood in the middle of the stage like a statue. To make matters worse he wasn’t smiling. You grabbed his attention for a moment and smiled as wide as you could and pointed at your face, you felt like one of the psychotic moms from toddlers and tiaras but you had to do something or he wasn't going to get any bids. You mouthed the words “Smile please” at him and he finally took the hint. He had an awkward but cute smile on his face finally. You relaxed a little and resumed taking pictures. His bids began to go up and quick. Sakusa looked at the exit of the stage and smirked at someone and turned his attention back to the crowd. You could only guess he was looking at Atsumu who was probably pissed at how high Sakusa’s bids were. Sakusa was sold for a whopping 500,000 yen. You know Tsumu’s ego was damaged beyond repair right now. Sakusa bowed and left the stage. 
 “Now let’s end this night right! We have one more contest so let’s welcome Bokuto Koutarou to the stage!” You felt your heart drop and the announcer said his name. You had to watch someone you loved dearly be bid off to some rich girl who would probably steal him away. You tried to knock away negative thoughts but you couldn’t help it. He looked sinfully good when he walked on stage. What nervousness he felt was gone and now it’s nothing but his overwhelming confidence. He carefully watched one specific area of the crowd. You snapped pictures of him (a lot of them being for your personal collection) as he walked around the stage flexing and showing off. His eyes met yours a lot and he seemed to be smirking at you. But his attention always went back to the one area of the crowd. You heard his bids go up, one particular girl was bidding for him like her life depended on having him. Her voice came from the direction he kept starting at. He looked nervous when anyone but her called out a bid. You began to get ate up with pure jealousy, you wish you could take him off the stage and run away with him right then and there. The bids kept going up and up and the girl that kept bidding on him got him for 150,000 yen. He looked ecstatic. He looked at you and smiled before he went off stage. Your heart dropped and you wanted to leave, but you still have work to do. 
 “That concludes the auction tonight! If you won you can meet up with your bachelor over here on the left.” The announcer pointed towards the group of men. You made your way to find the guys so you can take more pictures and let them know where you’ll be when they get done.
 “You guys did awesome!” You said running up to them. They gave you a soft smile. You notice Bokuto was MIA. “Umm guys, where is Bo?” They hesitated for a second but your conversation was cut short as the boys dates for the evening came up.
 “Sakusa was it?” A well dressed man walked up to the tall volleyball player. You noticed a small girl clutching his dress shirt. She couldn’t be any older than 8. “This is my daughter, she wanted someone to dance with her but in all honesty I’m trying to make some business deals while I’m here, keep her company for me.” The man patted his shoulder and slipped some extra money in Sakusa’s shirt pocket, leaving him slacked jawed. 
  “All the umeboshi your heart desires, a big box of the nice face masks you like, and whatever else you want, just please be nice to this poor girl. She looks sad.” You whispered into Omi’s ear trying to persuade him a little more.
 “I didn’t come here to babysit, but I guess I can.” He said low enough that the girl couldn’t hear. Omi peered down at the small girl, she actually had moles on her face kinda like he does but on the opposite side.
 “Umm hi.” She said looking up at the tall man. She seemed nervous. You nugged Omi in the side to get him to say anything.
 “When was the last time you washed your hands?” He asked the girl and you could have choked him. The girl giggled at his statement.
 “I wash my hands all the time! Look my mom even bought me this!” She pulled out a small key chain with a rabbit on it, attached was a small bottle of hand sanitizer. “Would you like some?” She said opening the cap. Sakusa held his hand as the small girl poured some into his hands and she gave herself some as well.
 “Good.” Sakusa said, pulling his mask from his pocket to put it back on. The little girl grabbed his hand and dragged him to the dance floor. You knew this was way out of his comfort zone, but he was still doing it. 
 “Omg your hair is so cute! Can I touch it?” You whipped your head around to see a young bubbly girl talking to Hinata. 
 “Umm s—s sure.” He said nervously as the girl ran and hand through his hair. You couldn’t help but laugh a little. The poor baby seemed so embarrassed. The dance floor was filled with couples and the girl dragged Hinata to the dance floor before he could even get her name. You turned to Atsumu who looked like he had seen a ghost.
 “Young man I’m getting my money's worth tonight so let's go dance.” An old lady who you thought resemble Baba Yaga from spirited away stood in front of poor Atsumu. 
 “Yes ma’am.” He said, forcing a smile.  He looked at you pleasing eyes that screamed “please save me Y/N”. You shook your head at him.
 “Pay attention to me boy, I paid good money for you.” The old lady said whacking Atsumu with the cane she carried.
 “Yes ma’am, sorry ma’am.” He said walking with the old woman to the dance floor. You had to turn your head and laugh, between Sakusa getting stuck babysitting a kid and Atsumu being stuck with a senior citizen after talking all that smack, it was priceless. You guess them ladies Atsumu talked to must not have liked him that much.
You searched around for Bokuto to make sure he got his date for the night, you were also curious who she was and how pretty she was. You felt that jealousy creep back on you. This was going to be a long night. You finally spot Bokuto talking to a drop dead beautiful girl, she looked familiar but you couldn’t quite place her. She and Bokuto seemed to be having a good time, she was laughing at something he had said. Your heart shattered. You look back up to see Bo making eye contact with you. All you could do was smile and get lost in the crowd before he could see the stray tear falling down your cheek. You needed to get outside for a bit, you felt like you were suffocating. You fought the crowd and finally made your way to the exit. You pushed the metal door open. The cold night felt good against your hot skin. You walked down a path in front of the building and tried to collect yourself. 
 “Another year alone and single.” You blurted out to yourself. You find a small bench and decide to sit down for a bit. The night sky brought a sort of comfort to you. The stars twinkled and the moon casted a peaceful light. The cold was getting to you but you were afraid to go back in. You mentally couldn’t handle it. 
 “PARKOUR.” You felt your soul leave your body as you saw a shadow jump over the bench you were sitting on. You flinched back ready to fight off the attacker only to be met with Bokuto standing in front.
 “BO you scared me to death!” You said inhaling a deep breath and clutching your chest.
 “I’m sorry my parkour was so awesome it scared you.” He said, taking his jacket off and draping it yet again around your cold body. Your nose flooded again with the scent of his cologne. It’s calmed you down in a bittersweet way. “But angel what are you doing out here, you’ll get sick if you're not careful.” He kneeled down a bit and pulled the jacket around your cold body more. 
 “I could ask you the same things Mr. Parkour, you have a beautiful woman in there waiting on you, so stop wasting your time on me.” You said trying to hold it together.
 “Well I’m more concerned with the real beautiful one sitting right in front of me.” He said grabbing your shaking hands. Your eyes went wide with what he said.
 “Bo I’m confused?” You said looking into his golden eyes.
 “Well that woman you saw me with is not really my date, yes she did bid on me, but she was never my real date. She is actually the guy who owns our gym's daughter! She agreed to bid on me, but in return she wanted a date with Atsumu’s brother and he agreed to do it! The team helped me do this so I could be with you tonight, but I guess it didn’t go as smoothly as I planned. I’m sorry I made you sad.” Bokuto sat beside you on the bench,
 “Bokuto are you low key confessing to me?” You looked over at him and he smiled and shook his head. 
 “Yes and let me do this properly.” He cleared his throat and held his hand out for you to grab, which you gladly accepted. “Y/N please let me be your date tonight and from here on out please!”  
 “So like boyfriend and girlfriend Bo?” You said wanting to make sure you got the message right.
 “Yes Y/N, please be my girlfriend. All that flexin on the stage was for you baby!” He stood up and flexed again making you laugh. “But in all seriousness, I freakin love you. So what do you say Y/N?” 
 “Yes. I would love nothing mo-“ Bokuto cut you off by lifting your body into his strong arms. You giggled as he swung you both in circles. He slowed down and seen you finally smile again
 “Now that’s a pretty sight, you're not going to be sad on my watch anymore. Now we better get back inside before we freeze to death!” Bokuto wrapped an arm around your shoulder as you two began to walk back. “Wait I have something for you!” He dug through his pockets and pulled out a small jewelry box and handed it to you. You opened it and there was a necklace with a small owl charm and a “B” charm next to it.
 “Bo this is so cute! Can you help me put it on!” You said handing him the necklace. He struggled to get it on but finally got it. The silver was cold on your skin, but you didn’t mind at all.
 “Omi actually helped me pick it out, believe it or not. He said if I would have went alone I would have got something stupid.” Bokuto said, sliding the jewelry box back into his coat pocket. You hate to admit it but Sakusa going was probably a good thing. 
 “Bo I really love it, thank you.” You said leaving up and kissing his cheek. “Now let’s go back, I’ve got to check in on everyone.” You walked into the ballroom with your arm hooked around Bokuto’s bicep. 
You scanned the room to see if you could find any of the guys and the only one you could see was Hinata laughing with his date. They seemed to be hitting it off pretty good. “Bokuto let’s go get something to drink.” You both walked towards the bar, you see that girl who bid on Bokuto sitting next to Osamu. They both seemed to be having a good time.
 “Thank you again! The planned worked Y/N is my girlfriend now!” Bokuto walked up to them and showed you off. 
 “I’m so glad!” The girl said, clasping her hands together. “You are a cute couple.” 
 “Speaking of a cute couple.” Osamu chimed in and pointed towards his brother Atsumu who was being dragged around by that old lady. “I may have given her some free Onigiri vouchers and a few hundred yen to bid on him.” The twin laughed at his brother's despair. 
 “Your evil, but I like it.” The girl said as they clinked their drinks together. 
 “You guys enjoy it, we still have to hunt for Omi.” You bowed and clung back on to Bokuto. 
After circulating the ballroom a few times you finally find Sakusa and the little girl sitting at a table. Sakusa looked dead tired and the little girl was stuffing her face with cake
 “Omi you look like a tired dad.” Bokuto said bursting out laughing at his teammate. 
 “I see your plan worked.” Sakusa said, looking at the necklace through tired eyes. 
 “Yes it did now this cutie is all mine.” Bokuto said peppering your cheek with kisses.
 “How disgusting, when you grow up don’t date idiots like him.” Sakusa looked at the child who just nodded her head. It was hilarious to see Omi so out of his element. “That was directed at you Bokuto not Y/N.” 
 “Omi, he is a idiot but he is my idiot.” You patted Bokuto's back. 
 “Omi-Omi let’s go dance some more. I like this song.” The little girl tugged on his jacket. 
 “Fine.” Omi sighed and followed her dance floor.
 “Now that we know everyone (for the most part) is okay let’s dance!” You said leading Bokuto to the dance floor.
 You danced to every single song and Bo didn’t break anything when the cha cha slide came on. He swung you around all night without a care in the world. 
 “Let’s end the night with something nice and slow.” The Dj said putting on (Insert your favorite slow song)
  “May I have this dance pretty girl?” Bokuto asked, holding his hand out to pull you closer to him.
 “The Macarena may have wore me out, but I guess I have enough wind in me for one last song.” You teased wrapping your arms around his neck. He pressed a kiss to your forehead and began to slowly dance you around the room. 
 You see that little girl struggling to keep up with Omi’s big steps as he attempted to dance with her, he was at least trying you thought. Hinata was slow dancing with his date of the night, they both seemed comfortable and content with each other. Atsumu was still with that granny but he seemed to have accepted defeat as he danced around with her. Osamu danced with the gym owner's daughter and made it a mission to kick his brother when they got close enough, he even messed him up enough to cause the old to hit him with the cane again. You felt Bokuto's grip tighten and he dipped you down enough to finally kiss you on the lips. He pulled away and brought you back up to continue dancing. 
“ I love you Y/N.” Bokuto spoke softly in your ear. 
 “I love you too.” You said as the song faded out.
   “And one more thing Y/N” Bokuto said, leaning down to whisper in your ear. “I told you I would have the most beautiful girl here.”
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happys-crazy-queen22 · 4 years
Title: It's A Christmas Threesome, I Mean A Miracle
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Picture done my me.
My Secret Santa Story goes to The Amazing, wonderful and Brilliant minded Joey @chriscrosscerulli. I hope you enjoy it. Sorry for the tease 😉😂 Merry Christmas babydoll❀❀
Merry Christmas everyone!
Tag list: @chriscrosscerulli @nocturnalherb16. @alilpunkrock @ilovetaquitosmmmm. @myanaconda-will-consider1t @musicsexandpizza69. @baylishh. @thisplace-ishaunted. @ryansitkowskiswifey
Ricky and you were throwing the biggest and craziest Christmas this year. He wanted to do stuff he's never done before. The house was all decorated in red and black. Lights shined through out the neighborhood, you could probably see the house from outer space but that's what Ricky wanted.
The party was in full swing, dancing and singing Christmas carols. Getting a little to tipsy for everyone. Ryan and Vinny stood on the top of the stairs shimming their bodies and singing Santa baby. It was priceless. Everyone caught it on camera.
Going to get something to drink you bumped into Justin who had a plate of food. His green hair all slicked back looking rather handsome.
"Oh I'm so sorry. I wasn't paying attention my eyes were a little preoccupied". You nodded to the stairs. Ryan and Vinny shaking their butts with a finger in their mouths. They had way to much to drink and maybe some weed was introduced.
"That's okay. I've been meaning to talk to you but haven't gotten the chance with you running around".
"Really? I mean what do you need to talk to me about"? You asked confused. Yeah you been around the band like forever but you weren't as close to Justin as you were the others.
"Yeah, grab Ricky and meet me at the bathroom. I have to pee but you'll probably find him before I get done". He said placing his plate on the nearest table. Your eyes went wide. What the actual fuck it going on? You asked yourself.
Finding Ricky as he was taking pictures of Ryan and Vinny, you grabbed him by the arm and walked down the hall.
"These are so going on Instagram". He laughed as he watched a video of the guys singing and dancing. He quickly looked up and stopped walking.
"What are we doing back here"?
"Justin told me to grab you and come to the bathroom". You shrugged your shoulders.
"Ahh okay. Yeah I know what this is about". He said smirking like a fool. You rolled your eyes and waited for Justin to come out. Ricky was showing you pictures he took at the party when the door opened and out came Justin in nothing but a red Santa hat with a white cotton ball on the end covering his dick, semi hard dick to be exact.
"Oh Sweet Jesus Justin. Where the fuck are your clothes". You shielded your eyes. Ricky laughing.
"You haven't told her? Is she going to be okay with this"? You heard Justin ask Ricky.
"Y/N, look at me". Ricky pulled your hands away from your face, grabbing your chin making you look at him.
"Justin and I have been talking, we wanted you to have a very Merry Christmas so we decided to give you the opportunity to fuck both of us".
"Surprise it's a Christmas threesome". Justin giggled. Your mouth dropped, you were confused and kinda ready for this to happen but what was the catch. You thought.
"And what? We're going to have a threesome for your Christmas present. Justin's wrapped and everything".
"What does this mean for you and I"?
"We're still together baby. This is just a one time thing but if you like it so much maybe we can do it every holiday if Justin's up for it? But we'll see".
"I must be dreaming? This is not happening". You blushed bringing your hands to your face.
"It is if you want it too. We're all ready for you".
"What about everybody down the hall"?
"They can party til they drop, I don't care. We'll have a party of our own in the bedroom. So you in"? Ricky asked, Justin waiting for your answer.
"Yeah, I'm so in". You bit your lip nervously. Ricky taking one hand and just taking the other leading you into the bedroom. The room was littered with candles, the smell of vanilla filled the room. They both knew you'd say yes.
"I can't believe I'm doing this".
"Relax and let us take care of you". Justin whispered in your ear as he unzipped your dress from the back. Ricky sat his camera down on the dresser. The little red light on.
"Rick, you forgot to turn it off".
"Oh, um you okay with me recording this? Its kind of a Christmas present for Justin so you know he can remember"?
"Okay. That's cool I guess". You giggled as Justin started kissing your neck, moving your hair to the other side so he could get a good angle. Probably trying to get at your sweet spot that Ricky told him about.
Ricky started undressing, first went his jacket then the shirt and pants but he kept the tie on. He watched at you moaned grabbing Justin's head to keep him in place for a longer neck kiss.
"You just going to stand there and watch or are you going to join us"? You purred.
"You don't have to tell me twice to find out if I'm naughty or nice". Ricky sang as he walked over to you, his hands going to your hips, his lips going to your breast. Justin unhooked your bra, the straps falling down your arms and down to the floor. Ricky nipped at your nipple. While Justin's hand traveled down your stomach to the edge of your waistband of your underwear. His hand snaked in and rubbed over your core, the action made you jump at first. You weren't use to having  two sets on hands on you at once. But you relaxed against him, his touch became all you wanted, he ran his middle finger through your slit feeling your clit and slowly rubbing over it. Gathering your juices to enter you. You gasped at the sudden fullness. Ricky and Justin both chuckled, Justin removing his hand bringing it to his mouth.
"You're very wet". Justin spoke seductively licking his fingers.
"Oh she's just getting started. By the end of the night she'll be a water fall gushing". Ricky smirked, taking your hand and leading you to the bed. He pushed you on, you got on your knees and hands. Ass in the air. Justin and Ricky looked at each other nodding than to you licking their lips. Taking their hand and slapping a ass cheek each.
"She's been a very naughty girl, this year". Ricky came up behind you sliding your underwear down your legs helping you out of them and stepping back. Enjoying the view before him. The warm air hit your core, your juices made you glisten in the candle light..
"So how do you want to play with our little gift here"? Justin asked rubbing his hands.
"Rock, paper scissors"?
"You guys are not playing that to see who fucks me. Why dont we do the alphabet. Justin with my mouth. Ricky with my pussy"?
"That good with you"?
"Fine with me". Justin shrugged his shoulders, climbing on the bed getting in front of you. The Santa hat still hanging on but you could tell he was stiff as a board. Ricky came up behind you, you felt his cock graze your lips.
"If you start feeling overwhelmed we can stop at anytime". Ricky rubbed your hips.
"I'm good. Let's get started". You giggled, pulling off Justin's little Santa hat revealing a very big surprise. He was a little bigger and thicker than Ricky and a lot veinie. You're glad Ricky chose him.
Ricky lined himself up and eased into you. Moaning as he did you grabbed Justin's cock, taking the tip of your tongue running it along and sucking on the head. Justin's head fell back, his mouth opened. His hands went to your hair, pulling it up and grabbing a hand full.
Ricky grabbed your hips, thrusting rough and deep. God you loved his cock, it was like a blood hound finding your hiding place to make you go crazy as he pounded into you.
"Fuck Ricky". You mumbled as you gagged on Justin's dick. Drool dripped down your chin and down Justin's length.
"Damn, Y/N". Justin growled as he fucked your throat, he held on to your head. Ricky laughed, he's never see you this excited about something like this before. He was trying his best to stay inside you. It was like a slip n slide in you, you were so wet.
"You wanna switch"? Ricky asked Justin, who had the face of Holy shit I'm about to come.
Justin nodded, pulling out and breathing heavy. You groaned at the lost of contact.
"Dont worry. Theres more coming, the night is still young". Ricky kissed your forehead with a wink.
"Are you ready"? Justin asked before lining himself up.
"Wait, don't we need a condom"? You asked sitting down on the bed.
"Well you're on the pill and Justin's been checked, I made sure of that. So it's up to you".
"Would you be mad if I wanted him raw"?
"No, if that's what you want then you can have it". Ricky said with a smile and nodded to Justin who roughly pulled you up and threw you on your back. He got between your legs and roughly entered you. Your legs being thrown over his shoulders.
Ricky watched as you were being fucked, you worked his cock with your hands. He would pinch your nipple ever time he saw your stomach clench. He knew you were close.
You popped Rickys cock in your mouth sucking your juices off.
"You gonna come on Justin's dick"? Ricky purred as he bent down removing his dick from your mouth and kissed you.
"Can I baby, please"? Your legs began to tremble on Justin's shoulders.
"Come, show Justin what you can do". Ricky ran his hand down your chest to your clit. Giving you extra friction to add to your orgasm.
Justin pounded into you deep and hard. If he went any deeper he would pop out your belly button.
"Oh fuck". You screamed as you came. The room started spinning and Justin stayed still inside you as your orgasm exploded. Ricky still circled your clit, you clawed his arm, the air was knocked out of you. Justin growled as you clenched around him. You were starting to send him over the edge.
"Holy shit". You shook coming down from the after wave. Ricky and Justin whistled as you laid there panting, covered in sweat trying to slow you fast beating heart.
"That was the sexiest thing I think I have ever seen". Justin rubbed your legs.
"How is she down there"? Rickys question made Justin smirk as he looked down. He was covered in your juices, the carpet was wet and the bed.
"Clean up on aisle one. Holy fuck". Justin cackled as Ricky kissed you passionately.
"You okay"?
"I'm perfect". You said with droopy eyes.
"I think you wore her out".
"Sorry". Justin frowned.
"We can continue if you want? You guys didn't get to come. I can go another round". You said sleepily.
"You should sleep. We'll finish this after you rest, don't worry. I need to make sure these fuckers haven't burned my house down and I need to make an appearance. They probably thinking we left them". Ricky kissed your head as you slipped into sleep. "I love you".
"I'll get my clothes". Justin covered his dick with his hand and went to the bathroom to get dressed.
Ricky checked the camera and stopped recording. He wanted you to rest up and sleep. The night wasn't over, just a little pause in the night of fun. Rickys the best present giver.
Justin and Ricky went back to the party like nothing happened just a little more sweatier and a little tired. It was a couple hours you got up and went back to the party. Ricky wrapped you into a hug, exchanging glances with Justin across the room.
"So Y/N, what did Ricky get you for Christmas"? Chris asked, noticing the glow on you.
"A once in a lifetime experience". You smiled at Ricky.
"Is that so? Is that experience still happening"?
"Hopefully, we continue it tonight".
"Anything you want, we'll do". Justin chuckled with a smirk as he heard Rickys answer. Ricky pecked your lips sweetly.
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underoossss · 7 years
Don't Stop the Music - Tom Holland
part two
Pairing: Tom Holland x Reader  
Warnings: nada 
Words: 2099
A/N: Hello! I’m back with another imagine, this time is a series! The reader is one of the professional dancers in Dancing with The Stars and this season she’s paired with her celebrity crush. There’s no denying there’s something special about them both that soon blooms into something else. Basically friends to lovers and lots of dancing. 
The Dancing with the stars fic no one asked for but we all need.  I figured Tom would be amazing in DWTS so that’s how this fic was born. I’m so excited to share this with you, this will probably have at least 10 parts and I’ll try to update skipping a day or sooner if I get it done earlier. I hope you enjoy it, here’s part 1!
Here’s what excites me every time spring starts, the flowers start to show again and they are laced with conviction and effort. Spring has every dancer blooming with adrenaline and new ideas because it’s not only the season of colors, floral patterns and bright grass, it is also the season when we get to prove ourselves in Dancing with The Stars once more.
Everything is at stake when you’re the rookie, specially the youngest at 21 years old going for 22. Even if I have already been on the show for two seasons I need to prove myself that they didn’t add me to the team for nothing. I have to show them what I got and even if I haven’t won yet I know that I will, at the right time. Maybe it’s this season, maybe it isn’t but I’m here to give it my all. All those sleepless nights practicing to get admitted to dance academies will pay off, bleeding feet and aching legs will pay off. It’s a matter of time.
The public does seem to have developed affection towards me since I joined the pro dancers team, even when I haven’t made it to the finals week yet. That’s my goal: baby steps until it is my turn to cross the finish line. Now that spring started, we were called again for the show two weeks ago and today is the day we see who we were paired with.
 As always I was a human mix of nervous and excited, I still can’t get used to the rush of emotions that surge from competing again and the joy of seeing my friends and fellow dancers almost every day once more. So I was on the tip of my toes since the moment I woke up, actually, I have been like that since the phone call. I’ve kept in shape of course but for the past two weeks I’ve returned to the routine of hitting the gym and practicing everyday while also changing my diet a little bit. But today, oh dear, today was such a thrill-filling day that I don’t think I would have been able to work out this morning even if I tried.  
 I really had no idea who I was going to be paired with, part of the fun was that the production team never gave a single clue about who they casted for the season but I know that whoever it is, we will get along just fine. The pairs are made depending on personality, height and other aspects of both the dancer and the celebrity and so far, the casting teams have paired me with awesome people with whom I’ve gotten along just great. So I know this season will be no different.
 I also knew we would have to start choreographing today, for the opening with all the dancers and for the first dance with our pairs. I fetched my gym bag and packed jazz and lyrical shoes just in case, two towels, some tights and an extra t-shirt as well as the necessary supplies every dancer needs on their bag such as Band-Aids, cream for any sprains or cramps and head ties. I went ahead and changed into sweatpants, sports bra, a white t-shirt and sneakers before going to the kitchen and chopping an apple into cubes.
 Taking the plate with me, I moved towards the mirror by my bedroom door to brush my hair while I ate the apple.  I proceeded to fix my eyebrows a bit since there were going to be cameras and having nice eyebrows is, well
 nice. Once that was done I had nothing else to do than fill my thermos with water, grab my keys and head out of my apartment.
 I put my bag on the back seat before starting the car and driving out of the garage and into the hellish L.A traffic. Making my way to the studios, I let myself wander who my partner would be this season, but coming up empty of any realistic options. I don’t think I’ll be assigned to someone very popular, since they are exclusive for dancers like Derek or Sasha not for rookies. I immediately shrugged that thought off, who says a rookie can’t handle herself? I’m here for a reason aren’t I? They chose me for a reason.
 I waved at the few photographers outside as I walked my way through the lot, it was weird actually, that there were a couple of them since for the sake of the surprise no one should know who the celebrities are.  I found Val and Derek talking once I made my way inside and greeted them with big hugs, they were also excited that the team was together again specially us three that have built a strong friendship. We agreed on meeting for dinner after we’re done for the day before we went our separate ways waiting for the big reveal. Walking down the hallway I waved at Peta who was talking to Mak, they waved back before we were all told to go to each of our dance studios so we can get ready and meet the stars that were appointed to us.
 Rounding the corner at the end of the hall, I opened the door to studio #4 which has been mine since I started working on the show. I set my bag on a chair by the mirror before going to the steps on the back of the room, sitting down and tapping my foot mouthing “I’m so excited!” to the cameramen opposite to me. I decided to get my phone out of my pocket and posted an Instagram story making an anxious/excited face captioning it with ‘Who will it be? Who will it be?’
 I put it back on my pocket and the cameramen gave me the cue to start talking for footage for the show. “Well,” I started, clasping my hands together, “As always I really have no idea of who I’m going to be paired with and I’m really excited to meet them. I have no doubt that whoever walks through that door will be amazing and we’ll be a great team. I just have a feeling that this season is the one, you know, I know I’m relatively new but this season feels different. In a great way of course.”
 There was a knock on the door and I stood up making an excited face to the camera again before turning back to the door and going down the steps. The door opened revealing more cameras and a member of the casting team, behind them there were brown curls that suddenly moved to the side to reveal that they were attached to Tom Holland.
 I was speechless for a second, only a smile of complete surprise on my face. I seriously wasn’t expecting this, I mean, to say that I was a fan was an understatement. I was a huge fan of him, mostly because I was young and have been very familiar with his movies. This is Spider-Man! Right in front of me, and he is smiling at me!
 Shaking myself out of my daze I stepped forward to say hi and so did he, opening his arms and giving me a warm hug which I returned not before internally screaming. I reminded myself to keep whatever celebrity crush I may have harbored completely out of this before extending my hand for him to shake.
 “Hi, I’m Y/N Y/LN.” I smiled.
 “It’s a pleasure to meet you, I’m Tom.” He said smiling back.
 I shake my head, “The pleasure is mine, I’m a fan of your work.”
 Tom chuckled, seeming flustered before looking back at me, “Thank you, I’m sure I’ll be a fan of yours too.”
 “I hope so.” I shrugged, laughing softly.
 The casting team left shortly after that, saying they’d be back in a while before closing the door. I made my way to the center of the room, motioning him to follow me before I sat on the floor, Tom doing the same across from me.
 “So from what I hear, you have background experience in gymnastics and ballet.” I started and Tom nods before glancing towards the camera currently filming us.
 “I know it’s kinda weird to have them recording everything we do but they’ll leave in a few minutes. They’re not actually here at all times.” I explained and he nods giving me a smile.
 “Yeah, I know some ballet and gymnastics. I hope that makes it easier for you to teach me how to dance.”
 “How to dance? Tom, after your lip-sync battle I think you’ve made it very clear that you are a really good dancer”
 He covered his face with his hands before laughing, “You saw it?”
 I chuckled and nodded, “I’m sure half of the world has seen it by now.”
 “Well, I hope not to disappoint you then, love.”
 “Of course you won’t, we’re going to win.” I offered him a fist bump which he enthusiastically returned.
 We heard the door closing and see that the camera crew left, so I decided to explain Tom how everything works so he can be more comfortable during this week that will no doubt be hectic. There are costume fittings, the opening dance rehearsals and of course our own dance.
 “So yeah, in a little while the producers will come with a bowl which tragically doesn’t have any nachos but pieces of paper instead with different rhythms inside it for us to pick,” Tom laughed before I continued, “With that we choose a song, create the choreography and rehearse our butts off.” I explained and he nodded gathering all the information I’m giving him.
 “Great, what else should I know?”
 “They took your measurements already right?” I asked knowing the standard procedure of the producers.
 “Yeah, a week ago. They said it was for the costumes.” He rested his elbow on his knee, leaning on his palm as he spoke to me. Dreamy brown eyes staring back at mine almost making me forget what I was going to say.
 “Tomorrow there’s a photoshoot, they’ll give us costumes for that. And those are the pictures that will be posted online to announce the pairs.”
 “So we should expect more notifications than usual tomorrow then.” Tom smiled and I nodded.
 “Your phone’s gonna blow up.” I said solemnly making him chuckle. “Anyways, after the photoshoot we’ll start working on the opening dance with all the pairs. Basically tomorrow is when we meet everyone.”
 “That doesn’t make me feel nervous at all.” He chuckles running his fingers through his hair, glancing around the room before looking at me again.
 “You’ll be fine, Tom.” I gave him a reassuring smile.
 The door opened and the usual crew of cameramen, producer and casting member came back with the bowl.
 Tom leaned closer to me as we stood up, “You were right, no nachos.” He whispered and I laughed as we walked towards the crew waiting for us.
 “I see you’re getting along just fine.” Angela, who was part of the casting team smiled at us.
 “Yeah, she’s brilliant.” Tom said smiling, throwing an arm around my shoulders, “I have a great teacher.”
 I smiled back at him before turning to back to the crew, “Who’s picked already?” I asked curiously.
 “Val, Sasha and Sharna,” Angela said.
 “You’re the fourth ones to pick,” Michael one of the producers announced as he held the bowl up.
 I turned to Tom, “Pick a paper Spidey.”
 “Hey that should be our team name, darling!” Tom said eyes widening in excitement. He turned to the camera, “From now on we’ll be Team Spidey.”
 I chuckled nodding and trying not to blush at the endearments that seemed to come so easily for him, “And our first rhythm will be
” I glanced towards Tom again urging him to pick a paper.
 He took a deep dramatic breath, taking his arm away from my shoulder to step forward towards the bowl. He closed his eyes adorably before putting his hand inside the bowl and taking out a paper.
 He laughed at me when I gasped as I looked over his shoulder to read what the paper said. He then showed it to the camera, “Rock and Roll. Well that’s gonna be fun, isn’t it?”
 “Hell yeah, we’re gonna crush it!” I held my hand up to Tom who high-fived me back.
 “She’s right you know, you should probably warn the others,” Tom warned the crew before sending me a wink that just about murdered me and then looked to the camera again, “Tell them to be ready.”
Thank you so much for reading, this was part 1 and I’ve planned for this series to have at least 10. inbox me if you want to be tagged.
taglist: @tomllholland @tomhollandhollaatme @x-parker-holland-x 💞
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