#but dear god that one episode was a doozy to work on
ashmcgivern · 1 year
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That moment when you realize you've adopted a new son
In the days and weeks following an incident in which a group of celestials put a stop to a catastrophic ritual that could have threatened the Prime Material, Xanthanel was tasked with figuring out the details of what had occurred there. They had been slowly and gently interrogating Zerrias, one of the only survivors of the incident, a tiefling boy who they had rescued the day of after mistaking his aura for that of a true celestial. His family had played key roles in the ritual, before they were slain by Xanthanel themself. The act of performing the rituals themselves traumatized Zerrias, who eventually refused to participate in them. Feeling guilt for being the one who separated Zerrias from his family, Xan took it upon themself to work with the kid to not only pull what information they needed, but make sure he was settled in a safe space before he'd depart permanently.
Xan learned that Zerrias was a bright kid, liked to read, and had a good sense for right and wrong, but was shy and didn't talk much. Pulling information out of him without upsetting him took patience and care, but Xan had the time. He was guarded, and slow to trust, but once Xan proved that they were not a danger the kid was more willing to give up pieces of information in and amongst other conversation and activities. Over a period of time, Zerrias' personality began to shine through, and Xan found himself more and more invested with each trip they made.
Needless to say, there was no permanent departure.
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taurus-official · 3 years
My partner was drawing fanart for a show they like. I overanalyzed it. They wanted me to share. This post is very long.
The show is called Bolts and Blip. It was made in 2010, and ran just one season into 2011. The initial premise I was told was that robots competed in sports on the moon to solve disputes that happened on earth.
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Initially I thought this was an odd way for democracy to operate, but hey, I don’t make decisions for the government, so moon robot sports is how things were. 
This intrigued me for a few reasons, such as 
It takes place in a post-war era of “world peace”, in approximately 2080. Judging how things are going now, I find the concept of 2080 being after a world war very believable. 
There was seemingly one democracy on earth now, and that democracy decided unanimously to settle all further disputes via moon robot sports, as stated.
Humanity was technologically advanced enough at this point to not only create robots that could play sports, but they played these sports in a large city on the moon!
My initial question was this: Do we know who built the robots?
Yes of course, its common knowledge on the moon. Just two scientists are responsible for all the robotic life on the moon, creating a number of robots in the ballpark in the thousands. This is a lot of moon robots. 
There is a need for so much raw material to create even a thousand robots, enough for a civilization, NOT TO MENTION the massive city they all inhabit. Where they probably don’t get new shipments of materials on the reg, this would mean the scientists could continue making more until they ran out of resources.
However, besides these main robots, one of the scientists also created a race of at least 100 robot leprechauns living under the ground. Or, at least... One of the leprechauns. 
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Then, allegedly, this one robot created more than a hundred more. I do not know when the first robot leprechaun was created, but I fear for the safety of the human race if there was any interplanetoid travel between the earth and the moon while they existed.
The resources sent to the moon for the purposes of making robots would be very finite. Thus, if these scientists created the robot leprechauns before they had used the resources up, the leprechauns could apparently self replicate using the materials on the moon. This is how there became more than a hundred of them. 
This may not be the case, but if a single one of the sublunarean self replicating leprechaun robots happened to board a spaceship that was heading for Earth... With a near infinite supply of resources, enough to spare on moon robot sports, the number of leprechaun robots would quickly grow. The earths infrastructure could be at risk. I’m talking sinkholes that are miles wide. Why?
Because the leprechauns were programmed and built for the moons gravity. The leprechauns create more of themselves on earth, as many as they are able to, but are still programmed for the moons gravitational density. The Earth is much heavier, and when the build their subterranean halls, they would not know that our planets density is more prone to collapse. Catastrophe.
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But even that is purely conjecture, because Earth is never once seen in the show. Let me get back to what we know.
The leprechaun robots, as well as the main race of robots were all created by one man. Dr. Tommy, colloquially known as the ‘good’ scientist. The ‘bad’ scientist is called Dr. Blood, which is a kickass name 7 days a week. I will explain why there are ONLY two humans on the moon shortly.
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The primary species of robots that Dr. Tommy makes participate in team based sports, interpersonal relationships, jokes, goofs, and gambits. The concept of Artificial Intelligence making jokes, playing sports, and creating bonds is not unheard of, or at least, it might not be in 2080. However, my next questions make me think these robots were not AI. My questions were:
Do the robots have the concept of death?
Do the robots ever say the word ‘heck’?
To both of these, the answer was a horrifying yes. 
Yes, it is confirmed, that robots on the moon say heck. The implications of this are astronomical. I will spell it out thoroughly because lockdown has given me endless time with which I can do as I please.
Heck is, of course, derived from the word hell. Hell is the counterpart to heaven, both terms used to signify the existence of an afterlife. Where there is the word heck, there are beings that believe in the afterlife. 
These robots have souls.
The circumstances in which these robots die, which they are entirely able to do because of their soul, is such: The Reformatter. To simplify, the Reformatter grinds the entirety of the robots body to scrap, which it then melts together to make household appliances. This is what happens to robots who are not ‘good enough’ in society. 
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What the nightmarish fuck.
Not only do the souls of the robots face heaven and hell, they also face being reformatted to become the brave little toaster if they do not serve their society.
Their society which is made by one human
Let me emphasize this; they treat him like he is unto a god. How can they not? He created them, their world. He is their father, their everything. They even built a statue of him, holding an enormous double sided wrench which is clearly symbolic to remind them. 
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Dr. Tommy gives life, and it can be taken away.
The method of which he gives life is a puzzlement to me. I am told that our dear Dr. Tommy refers to a robots as having a ‘Heart’. This Heart is described to me as a magical piece of leprechaun gold, so the robots are able to feel. 
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The robot Heart is likely a simplification. The show is advertised as a Family show, and must cater to the understanding of all ages, including small children. Breaching the topic of souls, mortality, and the afterlife likely wasn’t something the writers or creator were able to do. My theory is, the Heart is a future technology that can instill a soul into a robotic body, 
Which, wow. Big, if true. At first I was boggling at the concept of manufactured souls being a technology that humanity could see in my lifetime, but then I remembered one of the three key pieces of knowledge I was initially given.
“It takes place in a post-war era of “world peace”"
....Throughout human history, one social class is legally subjected to inhumane treatment; Prisoners. Once you are in jail, internment camps, concentration camps, those that are keeping you there believe you have less rights as a person. Medical experimentation, slavery, abuse, forced sterilization, nothing is illegal. 
And after a war like the doozy Earth must’ve recently went through, there must be a lot of war criminals. Those that were so engulfed in carnage and bloodshed, there was no way for them to reenter society. The newly forming singular government, if they had access to the necessary technology, may have used it on these criminals.
Think about it. The dust settles from an all out world war. There cannot be peace without someone to shoulder the blame of the atrocities. There must be an evil, if there is to be peace. So, the individuals who excelled in war and killing became the reason there was war and killing. These people are now less than human for what they’ve done. They can be treated as such.
I think this is when their souls were taken. As each warrior passed, their spirit was caught and kept. And then, in a classic move from 1788-1868, they transported all the criminals to somewhere they would never harm humanity again. Somewhere out of the way, remote, and it was the moon. You knew where this was going, they sent all the souls to the moon.
Along with a large amount of other people! The two scientists certainly did not build an entire moon colony on their own, and at this point, the robots were not even in production yet. The moon colony was made, and then the scientists began their work.
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Starting with the leprechauns, who I believe were not made from the souls of war criminals. The first one may have been another scientist, the one responsible for creating the ‘Hearts’ in the first place. This is why that one knows how to create more of itself. 
Then, the robots were made. There would have been a prototype, but let me focus on what the show covers for a bit.
The sports that these robots engage in is between two existing teams, complete with names, colors, and esprit d’corps. These games vary from episode to episode, some involving hang gliders, some with miniature fighter jets, some involve a battle with guns... that squirt water. The logic there is that if they are hit with the water, they rust and die. Which, okay. Right.
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But a lot of the games and sports they play seem to be quite combat based. Furthermore, the robots seem to take to them naturally. 
Not to mention, there are bomb mice and big laser guns as well. These robots are armed. Why the hell are these robots armed? Who thought it was a good idea? After all, these robots are clearly capable of malice still. Why wouldn’t they simply turn violent against the humans?
I think they did. Here’s my theory of how it went down.
Dr. Tommy begins using the souls of war criminals in a prototype of robot
The robots can recall their life on earth as humans, but are now trapped in metal vessels because their bodies have been destroyed
The robots begin reacting to the existential nightmare of being soul trapped
Some despair and destroy themselves
Some are enraged and destroy humans
Most of them, actually
Most of them turn their wrath against humans
The people who inhabited the moon, who created the cities, were suddenly under attack by the most skilled killers around.
This is when Dr. Tommy hits the kill switch for these robots. They are recycled, and maybe he even collected the souls again but maybe Dr. Blood took those ones.
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These happenings left only two humans left on the moon. Dr. Tommy began making a new version of robots, who’s souls could not remember their time on Earth. Perhaps, in taking away everything about their humanity, he gave them the most innocence of anyone. 
These robots now know that
Dr. Tommy is good, for he created them
They must contribute to the society Dr. Tommy has made for them
If they fail to do so, they will not only die, but go to hell
Dr. Tommy is the good scientist. He doesn’t want the robots to be used for evil, he doesn’t want them to hate each other. Not like that Dr. Blood, who encourages these robots who have no memory of who they were before and might be able to unlock those memories to become more warlike.
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However, look at what Dr. Tommy makes them do. The robots are still using their combat knowledge, independently of their memories of war on Earth. Their knowledge is being honed and enhanced, while the repercussions of their actions are not something they are privvy to. But, Dr. Tommy is the good scientist. The robots know this, because he said so. 
Or because they will be obliterated and condemned if they go against his word.
It is also worth noting that the good doctor also usually lives remote from his creations, in a little space shuttle. 
In conclusion. I believe Dr. Tommy is knowingly creating an army of supercombatant robots, imbued with the souls of the most bloodthirsty war criminals, that will do his every will. He intentionally killed every human on the moon colony that he could. I fear what this will mean for the future Earth of this show. 
Final notes:
These robots, once their souls memory was wiped clean, would have no gender. Gender is a construct originally created to indicate what a persons sex characteristics were. Not only is that a spectrum on humans, but robots would not be given any such characteristics, nor would the concept of gender transfer over. All the characters seem to perscribe gender to themselves though, which was not something they were given at their ‘birth’. This makes none of them are cisgender, so every robot in the show is transgender. 
Further cementing my belief that Dr. Tommy made these robots for combat is that at LEAST the main characters have “super” modes, where they become even more powerful and capable of succeeding in combat. What’s the hyper-killing mode for, Dr. Tommy? What’s it for?
The humans that were killed on the moon are still somewhere, probably frozen? One joke alluded to the characters being able to purchase human body parts (a stomach) in the run of their average day. Its very possible that the human anatomy is being extensively studied by the robots. Whether this is for medical purposes, or to more accurately kill humans, or to satisfy their innate bloodlust, I do not know.
I am also told that at the end of the only season, a space ship that is also a school bus arrives on the moon! It is full of children. Which. Oh god oh no. 
I understand this turned into a grimdark internet theory of a cartoon. I also believe that, without the ability to think critically, we will never be able to come to rue understanding of our own nature. It is still a cartoon. My thoughts and words should be taken with a singular grain of salt, because I am a human who is often wrong. That being said, Andrew Knight, if you ever read this, let me know what you think. 
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King Falls AM - Episode 9: Jack in the Box Jesus
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Summary: September 1, 2015 - An alleged sighting of the Lord & Savior at a downtown fast food restaurant has the residents of King Falls ready for deliverance, meanwhile Sammy & Ben try to navigate the flood waters of this revelation.
[podcast intro music]
Mayor Grisham Ladies and gentlemen, I promise you that while it is a terrible inconvenience that our modern electronics are out— this is not the end of the world. It could be a refreshing change of pace! Instead of reading, on your tablet, go down to the King Falls library, and check out the real thing! Instead of texting your BFF, go enjoy some pancake puppies at Rose’s! and have a face-to-face chat. This isn’t as bad as it seems— and it could be a blessing in disguise.
[KFAM intro music]
Sammy Good morning guys and dolls, you’re listening to King Falls AM—
Ben —That’s 660 on the radio dial.
Sammy And this is day 13 of what has been dubbed the King Falls Electrolocaust.
Ben This has easily been the hardest two weeks of my professional career.
Sammy It has been tough, but Ben and I want to thank you, and everyone out there listening, for the continuing support of the show.
Ben We got another doozy of a show for you tonight, King Falls. During hour two, we’ll be interviewing Maria Chandler, manager of the King Falls Apple store, and speaking about the effects the shut down has had on business.
Sammy As well as fielding your calls and talking about whatever’s clever this evening.
Ben I miss computers, Sammy. I miss the schedule. Our automated systems, my alarm clock. I’ve went through three the legal pads in two weeks!
Sammy [sympathetic] I know, buddy.
Ben I would literally watch Channel 13 if given the chance.
Sammy Wow. That’s saying a lot.
Ben [softly] I need my life back.
Sammy King Falls, how are you taking the modern electronic shut down of 2015? Are you refreshed? Reliving the mid-90s? Or— are you falling apart like our dear Ben Arnold?
Ben I’d listen to boy bands, to have a working smartphone. I’d wear, puka shell necklaces and sell my pog collection,[1] if you give me five minutes with my email.
Sammy Look on the bright side, Ben. You’re spending all your free time down at the library, and I haven’t called you out on it!
Ben That’s calling me out on it.
Sammy Eh-Well- and you know it’s nice hearing the birds tweeting instead of @kingfallsam. I’m not saying I don’t miss it but, I’m enjoying this a little bit.
Ben ♫It’s tearing up my heart when I’m with yoouu♫[2]
Sammy The references are not gonna bring back your goods.
Ben [hurt] Dammit Sammy, let’s just take a call from our jury-rigged phone system.
[bg music being provided by Chet’s record player]
Sammy You’re live with Sammy and Ben.
Cynthia Yeeaah, I wanna talk about the outages.
Sammy Cynthia Higgenbaum, ladies and gents. How are you doing during this electronic crisis?
Cynthia [blissful] I feel the warm embrace of the chastity belt that’s been placed on society. I’m relieved, de-stressed, marvelous!
Ben *chuckling* Whoa, heh, that’s- that’s a heck of a change!
Cynthia [suddenly aggressive] What are you trying to say, Ben?
Sammy It’s just you’re usually- you’ve been a little… pessimistic in the past.
Cynthia [mostly calm again] Ohhh, I still have problems; I’m full up with issues. But right now, I don’t have to worry about what websites my husband is perusing, what brain-dead TV my kids are watching— I’m at peace! It’s just me and my harlequin novels. Plus, with Jesus back and all—
Ben [jokingly suggestive] 50 Shades of Cynthia
Cynthia [angrily] Don’t be filthy Ben Arnold! I Know Your Mother!
Sammy I-I’m sorry, Cynthia— did you just say that Jesus is back?
Cynthia [gossipy tone] Have you guys not heard the news?
Ben Is she talking about Jesus Jesus?
Cynthia There’s only one.
Sammy Wellll, I think Mexico would disagree, but please tell us why you think Jesus—
Cynthia [snappy] I don’t think Sammy, I know! [softer] Earlier this evening, he was spotted glowing and speaking in tongues at Jack in the Box.[3]
Ben The one off Main Street or Red Oak Avenue?
Cynthia Ew, nobody does to Red Oak.
Sammy [softly] Jack-in-the-Box-Jesus.
Cynthia Oh, Hell no! I will not participate in that blasphemy. You’re gonna get smited—
Sammy Oh, I- I mean- I wasn’t- I’m sorry, I’m not meaning to, uh—
Cynthia Tell it to Satan! In Hell, Sammy! [hangs up forcefully]
[dial tone]
Ben This is big.
Sammy [slightly reluctant] If you or someone you know has had a sighting of *clears throat, Ben laughs* Jack in the Box Jesus please give us a call. Uh, 424-279-3858
Ben You’re on King Falls AM.
Deputy Troy Now I know what you’re thinking: how could the second coming of God’s only son happen and ol’ Troy here didn’t clue you in.
Ben Not what I was thinking.
Sammy What do you know Troy?
Deputy Troy Well I got a suspicious persons call out at ol’ Yack[sic] in the Box around 9. So, I hit the lights and cruised over to see what the fuss was about. And lo and behold, back by the dumpster with a mess of people looking on— there he was.
Sammy Now, are you really telling us that— [still reluctant] you saw, or, you believe you saw the son of God and the King of Kings bangin around outside the Jack In The Box?
Deputy Troy Well, he was a man. Somebody’s son, no doubt. Bearded. Good lookin’, if-if you’re into that sort of thing. He had a robe on—
Ben [cutting in]We can solve this right now. Was he white or was he black?
Deputy Troy He was more of a greenish color. Like a glow really.
Sammy The man had an aura around him.
Deputy Troy It was shinier than a damn Fukushima foxhound, fellas. Like, I felt a need to put on the old aviators, but I- I didn’t want to be cliché.
Sammy Alright, Troy. So, work with us here; you’re in the back of the Jack in the Box, there’s a uh, a Jesus-type guy—
Deputy Troy Just-a-ramblin’ on.
Ben Speaking in— tongues?
Deputy Troy Speaking in somethin. The last time I heard gibberish like that was comin’ from the back of my Chevy with Shell Snyder’s daughter.
Sammy So what happened next?
Deputy Troy Well a group of looky-loos had descended, as I said, and since it was only me, there was no perimeter set up yet. So I start ta approach this glowing Christ and somebody— Roy Higgins if you gotta know/— hollered out “It’s Jesus!” and the whole parking lot just went bonkers!
Ben Well, di-did you speak to the guy?
Deputy Troy Damn skippy. I told Roy that this was official police biz. And he shouldn’t be squawling around like a little baby.
Ben No, Jack in the Box Jesus.
Deputy Troy Oh, well no. I- I turned around and he was gone. Split right off into the woods, I suspect.
Sammy Did you follow him?
Deputy Troy Sammy. So you’re tellin me that you’d follow a 6-foot-tall and glowing perp into the woods??
Sammy [muttered] Point taken.
Ben So any other sightings?
Deputy Troy Well, not as of yet. But there were so many people they could’a had a revival in that parkin’ lot. So I’m guessin’ that’s how word spread so quickly. And without internet, too? That’s pretty damn impressive.
Sammy Is there an APB out or anything?
Deputy Troy For what, dilly-dallying around with a jumbo jack? He wasn’t doin nothin bad. Just acting a fool— Lord forgive me— where he shouldn’t’a been.
Ben And glowing.
Deputy Troy That’s right.
Sammy Well, please let us know if get any more info on this, Troy. We’d appreciate it.
Deputy Troy You bet. I’ll be sure to keep you boys and the listenin’ public informed. But if you should happen to stumble upon Jesus? Do not approach, bother or pester. You just call up Ol’ Deputy Troy.
[hangs up]
Ben …or your local church. [dial tone]
Sammy Deputy Troy, ladies and gents. Now we’re just going to take a quick break and hear from one of our new sponsors: Carl’s Candy!
Ben Yeah I don- I don’t think we should play this
Sammy What? Ads pay the bills remember?
Ben Folks, as a workaround with all the tech issues, uh, I went out and recorded a few spots of some of our sponsors- uh, new and old. Emphasis on Old, after this one.
Sammy Okay, so the audio is bad.
Ben *sucks in breath* You could say that.
Sammy This company’s paid up! They’re scheduled in one of your many notebooks. Let’s do this. We’ll be right back folks.
[slow, creepy xylophone music]
Carl [voice is soft and creepy, like you expect from a guy who offers kids candy from the back of a van] Do you know why they call it a blow pop? I sure do. And if you come on down to Creepy Carl’s Candy, I’ll fill ya up! I mean in. [whispering] It’ll be our little secret.- A sweet tooth is a terrible thing to waste. Come find a new sugar daddy to butter your fingers at Creepy Carl’s! Come in and grab a sack of Carl’s Boston baked beans while you’re at it. Oops, one fell in my pocket. Free if you can find it! *Ben groaning “oh no”* Every child’s welcome at Creepy Carl’s, big mouths, small mouths, white mouths and brown mouths. We’re equal opportunity! And just cause they shut down the ol’ brick and mortar doe’n’t mean you can’t buy it from my van. Be sure to ask your parents’ permission first, kids. Creepy Carl’s Candy, where the suckers don’t suck themselves. [Police sirens]
Deputy Troy [through megaphone] Carl, turn off your ignition. You are too close to the school zone.
Carl I gotta go! Catch ya later [tires squealing]
Ben [desperate, in bg] The mic!
[sirens fade out]
Sammy … Never again.
Ben I tried to tell you.
Sammy I know. Let’s never speak about this.
Ben [whispering] I need a shower.
Sammy *sigh* …Moving forward, we were just talking about a sighting that happened a few hours ago around the 9 o’clock hour, just off Main Street. It seems quite a few people believe that we may be experiencing a religious phenomenon. Perhaps the second coming of–
Ben [slightly gruff impression] “Don’t call it a comeback, I’ve been here for years!”[4]
Sammy *chuckles* Right, let’s go to the phone lines.
Ben [happily] That was good though right?
Sammy It was good. Good evening, you’re live on King Falls AM.
Reverend Hawthorne Ask and ye shall receive! King Falls-uh. It is the gooD Reverend Xavier “Right. With. Gaawwd-uh” Hawthorne.
Ben Reverend Hawthorne? Are you back in town?
Reverend Hawthorne [speaking over Ben] The One and Only, and we are turnin’ the wagons arounD as we speaK-uh. And we’re headin’ back to my flocK-uh. How’re y’all feelin’ tonighT, King Falls- I said How are you, Feelin’!
Sammy [softly] We’re feeling alright.
Reverend Hawthorne Praise GoD-uh! Hallelujah! Now a little birdie, uh-just chirp’n on my shoulder, told me there was a SighTing. A Vision. Dare I say it, eyeballs were laid on our Lord and Saviour at a burger joint in our fair city.
Sammy Yeah, about 9 o’clock here.
Reverend Hawthorne Could it Be-uh! that our 5-week-revival worked. Could it Be-uh! that our prayers have been brought forth the lamb of God-uh. Can I get an amen!
Ben Reverend Hawthorne we—
Reverend Hawthorne Amen! This miracle-uh, this sight from our God-uh, perched on a Mountain of Sanctity, says that he is ready to lead-uh, his most Highly Favored, Congregation bacK to the promised land. Gimme some organ, Deacon Reggie [organ music begins playing in bg]
Sammy [aside] Do you think Reggie has to wheel that thing around just in case?
Ben This is getting good.
Reverend Hawthorne Play it dirty, brother. We are going Home-uh. Take us back to Calvary, take us BACK-uh! … Samuel, Benjamin may I ask you gentlemen if you have a relationship-uh with the Author of the E-ternal Sal-vation; [organ goes silent] [softly] are ya saved?
Sammy I’m—
Reverend Hawthorne Then let me tell y’all, [organ starts again] because if you aren’t-uh, I’m coming back to town. One weekend only, the Xavier “Right with GoD-uh” Hawthorne Experience will be wheelin’ bacK into King Falls Fairgrounds this very night-uh. We are hoping to get One- On- One with the Risen Christ and start preparin’ for Kingdom Come. But just like old Xavier, you gotta come on down-uh so we can get you TurnT uP With GoD-uh. [click, dial tone]
Sammy Xavier? Hello?
Ben He’s, gone. Sammy.
Sammy Well, you heard it here first folks. Xavier Hawthorn’s Travelling Roadshow is coming back to town. Will Jack in the Box Jesus make his stage debut?
Ben [muttering] Tch- Jesus.
Sammy Literally.
Ben Do you think we could get an interview? Would it be Mr. Christ? Or-
Sammy Something tells me that there is something more to the story than what we’ve heard so far, Ben.
Ben Tsk. I get that, but this is King Falls, Sammy.
Sammy What a perfect place to make a return: a rinky-dink town with no internet.
Ben Line- [muttered] dammit, there’s only one line. Uh, you’re on with Sammy and Ben.
Archie Good evenin’ fellas!
[small dogs barking in bg]
Sammy Is thi-
Archie It’s Archie Simmons!
Ben He-ey Archie, how’s Princess Von Barktooth?
Archie Well, I do have news concernin’ the princess, and I just want to possibly recant some info from our previous call a few weeks back.
Sammy About the werewolves?
Archie Correct.
Sammy Wow. I mean, you sounded pretty convinced that you saw a werewolf.
Archie And now I’m saying that maybe I was misinformed.
Sammy I think you should probably tell Troy and the Sheriff’s Office, Archie.
Archie *giggles* You silly Sally, Troy’s on his way over now
Ben Why the change of heart, Archie?
Archie Well, new information has come to light boys, I mean with the Divine One making his triumphant, and let’s be honest, dramatic return to King Falls.
Sammy You’re talking about the glowing man at the Jack in the Box?
Archie [softly] Let’s be real here, it’s the J-Man, of course a heavenly carpenter would pick King Falls. So many projects to keep busy with.
Sammy [dryly] Uh-huh.
Archie Plus, with the princess and this new information, we have to believe this.
Ben You keep saying that, what’s going on with the princess Archie?
Archie She’s in a delicate condition.
Sammy Oh, of course. I mean she’s been through a lot.
Archie *giggles* No Sammy, I mean she’s with child. Ch-children. Puppies? There’s a bun in my $2400 oven boys!
Sammy Wait. She’s pregnant? From the werewolf attack?!
Archie [softly again] Well, that’s the thing. While I believed in my heart of hearts that the hillbilly beast from the trailer park had gotten to the princess, I think…
Ben What. What do you think Archie?
Archie I mean it was dark, I know it was a full moon but I was scared and recently awakened, sleep in my eyes etc. and so on.
Sammy You don’t think it was the werewolves.
Archie I’m thinking with this new evidence and the fact that I saw a long-haired, bearded man in a Biblical Act— Yeah I-I- I think- there’s a chance it could have been [whispering] the man upstairs.
Ben [stern] Upstairs from whom?
Archie Mankind! Come on Ben, get with the picture!
Sammy He’s saying that because there’s been a holy sighting tonight- which we should all be a little bit doubtful of- then maybe it wasn’t the werewolves, but the Alpha and the Omega.
Ben No! NO WA- That’s too much, Archie. You saw the werewolf. He looked you in the eye and howled at the moon.
Archie I don’t know what kind of weird things Jesus is into.
Ben No way. This is ludicrous.
Archie You just wait and see Ben! The princess may have lost her Westminster dreams, but it was all part of God’s plan.
Ben We’ve got to go Archie *laughs* you’re crossing a line that we cannot cross at King Falls AM.
Archie Judge Not, lest ye be judged boys. Kardashians[sic] 3:16 or a Psalm or something. I think Troy’s coming around the bend anyways boys, laters!
[click, dial tone]
Sammy You know? When I walk in the door every night I say to myself, “Nothing’s gonna surprise me tonight” And more times than not, I am just Dead Wrong.
Ben Let’s give the phone a rest for a moment, Sammy, the record player is just begging to be used.
Sammy *chuckles* Not a bad idea Ben.
[phone pings]
Ben What? *gasps* My phone! [several pings] OHH it’s back baby!
Sammy Me too! What’s going on?
[pinging continues]
Ben What’s up! Oh my God, I could literally kiss the apparition of Steve Jobs.
Sammy Hey, I’ve got a text here, Unknown Number.
Ben Okay, what does it say?
Sammy “I- I know why this happened. I know how to stop it. We need to talk“
Ben What?
Sammy No, that’s what the text said.
Ben You don’t think this has anything to do with… Thank You, Jesus.
[KFAM outro]
[1] Pogs - Pogs, generically called milk caps, is a game that was popular among children during the early-mid 1990s. The name pog originates from POG, a brand of juice made from passionfruit, orange, and guava; the use of POG bottle caps to play the game preceded the game's commercialization.
[2] “It’s tearin’ up my heart when I’m with you” - Lyrics to the song “Tearin’ Up My Heart” by NSYNC, an American boy band from the mid-90s
[3] Jack in the Box - American fast food chain, primarily along the west coast and southern states.
[4] “Don’t call it a comeback, I’ve been here for years” - lyrics to the song “Mama Said Don’t Knock You Out” by LL COOL J (also came out in the 90s)
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Primal Arcanum: Analysis and Speculation pt. 1
*Spoiler Warning: This post contains information pertaining to “The Dragon Prince” season 2. If you have yet to watch s.2 and don’t want the final episode to be spoiled, then please hold off on reading any further. You have been warned.*
Fans were introduced to the arcanum at the beginning of season 2 by Lujanne as she explained what exactly it was that enabled creatures to connect to the primal sources. To put it simply, the arcanum is the understanding of the the primal source’s form, function, and essence and how it connects to our body, mind, and spirit. This connection is something felt and is not easily put into words, however both Lujanne, Callum, and Rayla give it their best shot and (excluding Rayla) did a pretty decent job of it! I’d like to begin with the primal arcanum we know enough about then compare them to the Primal descriptions given by the dragon prince main website, that way we might be able to guess at the other four primal arcanum.
The Sky Arcanum:
“It’s not one simple thing, it’s all the things. They just had to...come together, you know? It’s like, I used to hold the sky in my hand, right? But now that’s gone. But, Rayla, the whole world is like a giant primal stone, and we’re inside it. I’m inside sky magic, but it’s also in me, with every breath I take.” - Callum
"I am the wing!" - also Callum
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According to Callum’s description, sky magic exists within the air, the very air we breathe, and is ,therefore , in everything. This corresponds with the primal description’s beginning statement, “Sky magic draws on the vast sky.” Where does the sky end and begin? On earth, it ends at the ocean and solid ground, which is the lower atmosphere (the air we breathe). That part is simple enough, but there’s another meaning to breathing when dream Sarai is speaking with Callum. She urges him to slow down, stop focusing on the mess in his head, and breathe, to let his body and spirit catch up to his head, and breathe. She’s telling him to calm down. His anxiety about not being able figure out the Sky arcanum, was what kept him from learning the Sky arcanum! (Ain’t that a doozy?) When Callum declares, “I am the wing,” he’s saying that the wind is carrying him, like it does with birds and sails; in other words, he’s going-with-the-flow! In “Avatar: Legend of Korra” (in the only episode I actually paid attention to) they had a test at the air temple, the goal was to navigate a series of rapidly rotating panels and make it to the other side without touching them, this was achieved by allowing the air currents to direct your body around the panels; an excellent visual representation of this very process! Now, going with the flow does not necessarily mean being directionless. That’s why creatures of the Sky primal must be quick and clever enough to predict the flow, to work with it not against it! To sum it up: the Sky arcanum is (a. understanding that sky magic is in and around us (b. understand that you need to take a step back and feel where the sky magic is directing you (c. work with sky magic, don’t suppress or fight against it, flow with it!
I hope that made sense, cause we're moving on!
The Moon Arcanum:
“The arcanum of the moon is about understanding the relationship between appearances and reality. Most people believe that reality is the truth and appearances are deceiving. But those of us who know the moon arcanum understand we can only truly know the appearance itself. You can never touch this so-called reality that lies just beyond the reach of your own perception.” - Lujanne
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Dear god, this some Rene Descartes level sh*t....that’s exactly why I’m going to use him to explain what Lujanne is saying; get ready for a quick philosophy lesson!
So Descartes was a French philosopher who had this policy of never accepting anything as truth unless there was absolutely no way it could be false, this led him to question his own existence. He began asking things like, “How do I know what I’m experiencing is real?” or “Do I even exist?” (He was having the mother-of-all existential crisis). Desperate for answers, Descartes decided to examine himself as though he were a jigsaw puzzle. Taking apart everything he had originally thought to be true of himself and set them aside. He began looking for the single thing that would prove, without a shadow of a doubt, that he was real (like when you look for the corner pieces to get the puzzle’s outline). That’s when he realized that the ability to doubt his existence, to question his very being, was proof in itself of his existence. Cogito, ergo sum. I think, therefore I am. That was Descartes’s conclusion. From there he began inspecting the other pieces of his puzzle and finally put “himself” back together.
How does this apply to the moon arcanum? Lujanne explained that most people believe that appearances are deceiving while reality is truth. But how can one determine the truth of reality when it is only the appearance that can be seen? To further clarify; appearance in this case refers to something that is perceived by an entity. So we, being separate entities, view things from our individual perspectives; hence, when we perceive something we are viewing its appearance. Reality is often considered separate from its appearance, but is it really? Or is it, perhaps, the collective appearance (all perspectives in one)? Remember, we are constantly perceiving ourselves from a standpoint others could never dream to, which means how we view our appearance may be different than how others do. Does that make our self image false? No. It’s simply a piece of our reality. Descartes feared that his appearance was not reflecting his reality (whither or not he existed), he discovered that there was, indeed, truth behind his appearance, and eventually rediscovered his appearance - his piece of reality. Therefore, appearance is not a lie, but a separate truth; reality is not necessarily truth, but the sum of all appearances.
So those who know the moon arcanum are aware that reality is not independent of its appearance and appearances are not necessarily lies. This is how moon mages are able to use illusions and can connect with spirits; illusions rely on the caster to consider the appearance of their subject, meanwhile spirits live on a separate plane of existence and cannot appear in the same manner as items of this plane.
When you consider the nature of the moon the arcanum makes a little more sense. The moon appears to glow at night, yet it doesn’t. It’s just reflecting the light of the sun. Then, as it wanes, it appears as though parts of the moon are gone until we can’t see it at all! Guess this is why the writers chose this arcanum for it. Since I’ve already taken enough time to explain the moon arcanum I’ll just list the basic points going along the lines of its form, function, and essence: moon magic is (a. understanding that it comes from the moon and will have low and high points depending on the moon phase (b. provides an alternative view of the world and its reality (c. understanding that reality is not independent of appearances, and appearances are not lies but alternative truths (alternative truths do not equal lies, politicians simply enjoy perverting the English language)
From this point on is all speculation based on the previous arcanum patterns; 100% theory time!
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According to the Primal description, earth magic comes from two domains: the geological components of the world, and the life that inhabits it ( flora and fauna). I believe this means that there are actually two arcanum for earth magic (7 arcanum in all). Because the source of the magic is different, then we can only assume that the arcanum which draws it out is different too! This could be wrong, but I’ll separate them anyways.
Life (flora, fauna) Arcanum:
Based on the description, life-earth magic of this sort comes from the life that surrounds us: plants, animals, even elves and humans! The potential application of this magic is wide open for speculation, a few possibilities are: floral manipulation (which would be an awesome way to make tree buildings or plant furniture, maybe even weapons), telepathic communication with animals (or just being able to understand animal languages), being able to sense the life force in creatures while meditating (like what Eragon learned to do from Oromis in book 2 of the Inheritance Cycle (god, I’m a nerd)), and healing (instead of it being quick panacea spells, I’d like to think of it’s a strenuous process of understanding the cell structures and their function in the body, then having to focus on certain cells to reproduce rapidly thereby speeding up the healing process; also like in the Inheritance cycle). These are all incredible abilities that have the potential for being applied in so many horrific ways; what’s keeping elf mages from asking animals to maul their enemies? Or inflicting their own plague on man kind? This is where the meaning of the arcanum comes in! I believe that the arcanum of life-earth magic is the understanding that all life has a significant role to play in the world. There’s no such thing as a “major” or “minor” role for all are necessary in maintaining the equilibrium (balance) of the world. Creatures of the Earth primal respect this relationship, and probably view other creatures as equals, if not kin. Death will also, probably be an important factor in understanding the arcanum. Consider the circle of life (I’m going Rafiki on y’all, sorry); when we die our bodies go to the earth, the plants and bacteria feed off of the nutrients our corpses provide, then an herbivore feeds on the plants, later on a carnivore will eat the herbivore and feed their young, later on the carnivore will either die naturally or be eaten by another creature; and so it goes on! Death is a necessary antagonist for life, and earth mages must recognize that. To put this in terms of form, function, and essence: (a. life-earth magic dwells within the life force of all living things, (b. life-earth magic sustains the equilibrium of the world through the continued growth of its inhabitants, (c. life-earth magic requires an understanding that all life plays a role in the world and that death (natural death, this does not condone murder or negligence) is necessary to the continuation of life.
Geological Arcanum:
Referring back to the Primal description, geological-earth magic comes from within the minerals, stones, and crystals of the earth. Theses materials have been around since the dawn of humanity, they’re often viewed as indestructible and even eternal elements. However, this is not quite true. As any child who paid attention to the geology portion of their science class will tell you, the components which make up the earth are always undergoing some sort of change! Some changes are slow and require a mixture of different temperatures and pressure (think diamonds & oil). Others are quick, unpredictable, and destructive (volcanic eruptions & earth quakes). Yet the earth remains to be the most reliable source we know of. Earth is ever changing, but also consistent. It’s this dual nature that I believe is the key to learning the geological-earth arcanum. The application of this magic is difficult to speculate on; it has the potential to be like earth bending in AtLA, but at the same time stones and minerals have been believed to provide remedies for particular ailments, it could have certain healing spells. Crystals are often associated with spiritual energy, maybe the magic works with that? This is what I’m assuming for the geological-earth arcanum: (a. geological-earth magic dwells within the earth’s crust and its components, (b. it provides stability, consistency, but also change, (c. one must understand the dual nature of the earth: it is always changing, yet remains the same.
This is where I'll end part one for now. Feel free to share your thoughts, opinions, or critiques on the arcanum!
Thank you for reading!
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kariachi · 5 years
It’s today’s last episode, and it’s the special 90s tribute one people have been so excited for me to see.
Kevin is back, back again, in Introducing Kevin 11!
Oh gods, even the music over the opening credits is 90s
A swap meet dedicated to the 90s. Speaking as someone born in 1990, the nostalgia is already real.
Ben, doubting his grandfather is qualified to be watching children. As I have for 11 years
“Spend your money wisely” three guesses Ben’s response and the first two don’t count
Ben, about to drop everythign he owns on vintage sumo slammer cards. Speaking as a digimon fan, I feel him. You’d be amazed what I’d give for some of those things.
Dear dude at the sumo slammer booth, fuck off.
Fight to the death over a sumo slammers figure.
Okay, not a fight to the death, but still overkill
My gods, Kevin has managed to be the most 90s thing in the room. He’s wearing fucking rollerblades and a garish blue/purple/yellow combo. I went to school with people in that outfit! I’m pretty sure I’ve seen that jacket in person!
Oh my gods, including the headwear. When this boy comes to a swapmeet he comes prepared. Now I wanna see what the fuck he’d have worn to the ren fair.
When your rival is dressed in such vintage sparkles appear over your head.
The slow shift from ‘aw, Ben isn’t rising to my teasing’ to fucking ‘oh I know how to ruin his day’ Grinch smile is lovely
omg Kevin pulling out the “in the 90s it was cool to be bad”. It’s adorable, like watching children try to cite medieval standards.
And Kevin pulls out an alien once Ben refutes his attempts to get him to misbehave. Not even because he’s annoyed, just for fun.
Rush, also cool, very insect vibe.
Apparently this Kev doesn’t like Sumo Slammers. Or at least Ben doesn’t think he does. Also Kevin stealing a toy purely because Ben wanted to buy it.
Poor meteor feet saleman.
Also Kevin is having such fun with this.
Ben, I don’t blame you for being upset, but could you do less destroying stuff?
Ben has awakened the not-Furbies, they’re attacking. We’re not gonna follow it.
Kevin- steals toy and goes playing keepaway Ben- destroys swapmeet in attempt to get toy back
Great at drafting, bad at art, good job, Kev
Gods preserve me, there’s just so much 90s. My nostalgic heart is dying. And that’s even without Kevin. I may not survive this.
Going Skunkmoth to steal food
Also Skunkmoth looks awesome, just like all Kev’s aliens. Actually I should see if I can find any figures of this shit on amazon...
Welp, that shit’s not mint condition now
...okay 1) Kevin we don’t fart in people’s faces, 2) damn that other sumo nerd was a jerk. Like, to blame that on Ben takes willful ignorance given Kevin was right there, sticking his ass in Ben’s face, and called for his attention just before farting. I hope that other kid lost his cards on the bus or something.
Ben finally getting to properly throwdown, get revenge for Kevin’s bullshit.
Oh Kevin baby. We’ve finally gotten to the one Kevin scene I was properly spoiled for and boy is it a doozy. Ben knocks Kevin around until he times out and Kevin gets upset with him. As far as he was concerned he was just playing, having fun, and Ben, still Four Arms, calls him out, says it wasn’t fun for him. He demands answers for why Kevin’s been following him, demands he basically get his own life. Kevin doesn’t answer his question, just calls him a baby and tells him to run off back to his grandfather, and Ben-
“At least I have someone to run back to-!” Note, I’ve seen people give Ben shit over this, but I’ll allow it if just because the second it comes out his mouth he realizes he crossed a line and tries to backpedal. He’s not a bad kid, he just, well, kids are stupid and he’s worked up. And Kevin, the look on his face, like he’s pissed and upset at the same time. And when he responds there’s baring of teeth, but also he’s very clearly really upset. Ben struck a serious nerve there with him, for one reason or another.
“So, that’s how it is.” This line has stuck with me since I first saw this scene, how it’s said, and now with the context- I said before, when talking about Kevin’s bullying behavior and what might be behind it, that Kevin might not target Ben specifically for any reason at all, and I think now is when I should clarify that. I don’t think Kevin’s targeting Ben was personal. Because this moment right here, that’s a ‘now it’s personal’ moment. Whatever reason Kevin targeted him, it’s not because Kevin had a problem with him specifically. But right here, right now, in Kevin’s mind Ben has escalated things. And so he dials up something “original”, just for him.
And through all that, Ben’s still trying to apologize.
Bashmouth looks awesome
Half of this episode has been Ben calling Kevin and his shit cool.
“Kevin, you’re out of control” Yes, yes he is, this is one pissed and hurt puppy. One who, when he responds with “Who cares” does it loudly enough that Ben’s blown back, the ground beneath his feet craters, and some concrete supports start cracking.
Bashmouth=Kevin’s Rath. Ben=Concerned little bean.
Ben is having an existential crisis because Kevin is cooler and stronger and gets an extra alien.
They are throwing a ‘don’t compare yourself to other people, love you for you’ moral at the end of this. I feel like it could’ve been placed better somewhere else. Comes out of left field a bit.
Plus- Ben apologizes to Kevin for his earlier remark, asks him to help clean up the disaster they caused so people don’t get hurt Cons- Kevin agreeing because Gwen
And Kevin punches through the fucking roof, escaping that way and leaving Ben in the collapsing whatever.
Kevin stopped to wave as he bounded off as Bashmouth
Forever Nerd showing up while Kev recovers from the day, criticizing his lack of control (which is bullshit, his control so far has been fine, Bashmouth was a mess and he’s got emotional issues, but Rath started out a mess too and he got a hang of shit fine in the end) and insisting that it doesn’t matter how much stronger he is if he can’t control himself. Offers to help. And Kevin reluctantly agrees. Honestly it almost feels like this ep would’ve worked better before Franken-Fight. Was scheduled wrong on both sides of the globe. It fills that void between it and KotC well.
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Episode Nine - Jack in the Box Jesus
Mayor: Ladies and gentlemen, I promise you that while it is a terrible inconvenience that our modern electronics are out, this is not the end of the world. It could be a refreshing change of pace! Instead of reading on your tablet go down to the King Falls library and check out the real thing! And instead of texting your BFF go enjoy some pancake puppies at Rose’s and have a face-to-face chat.This isn’t as bad as it seems and it could be a blessing in disguise. [intro] Sammy: Good morning guys and dolls, you’re listening to King Falls AM Ben: That’s 660 on the radio dial. Sammy: and this is day 13 of what has been dubbed the King Falls electrolocaust. Ben: This has easily been the hardest two weeks of my professional career. Sammy: It has been tough, but Ben and I want to thank you and everyone out there listening for the continuing support of the show. Ben: We got another doozy of a show for you tonight King Falls. During our two we’ll be interviewing Maria Chandler, manager of the King Falls Apple store, and speaking about the effects that shut down this (?) business. Sammy: MMYAs well as fielding your calls and talking about whatever’s clever this evening. Ben: I miss computers, Sammy. I miss the schedule, our automated systems, my alarm clock. I’ve went through three the legal pads in two weeks! Sammy: I know, buddy. Ben: I would literally watch channel 13 if given the chance. Sammy: Wow. That’s saying a lot. Ben: I need my life back. Sammy: King Falls, how are you taking the modern electronic shut down of 2015? Are you refreshed? Reliving the mid-90s? Or are you falling apart like our dear Ben Arnold? Ben: I’d listen to boy bands to have a working smartphone. I’d wear, puka shell necklaces and sell my pod collection if you give me five minutes with my email. Sammy: Look on the bright side, Ben. You’re spending all your free time down the library, and I haven’t called you out on it, Ben: That’s calling me out on it. Sammy: Well, and you know it’s nice hearing the birds tweeting instead of @ king falls a.m., I’m not saying I don’t miss it but I’m enjoying this a little bit. Ben: It’s tearing up my heart when I’m with you
Sammy: The references are not gonna bring back your goods. Ben: Dammit Sammy, let’s just take a call from our jury-rigged phone system. Sammy: You’re live with Sammy and Ben. Cynthia: Yeah, I wanna talk about the outages. Sammy: Cynthia Higgenbaum ladies and gents. How are you doing during this electronic crisis? Cynthia: I feel the warm embrace of the chastity belt that’s been placed on society. I’m relieved, de-stressed, marvelous. Ben: Whoa, that’s, that’s a heck of a change. Cynthia: What are you trying to say, Ben? Sammy: It’s just usually- you’ve been a little.. pessimistic in the past. Cynthia: Oh, I still have problems; I’m full up with issues. But right now, I don’t have to worry about what websites my husband is pursuing, what brain-dead TV my kids are watching, I’m at peace. It’s just me and my harlequin novels. Plus with Jesus back in all- Ben: 50 shades of Cynthia Cynthia: Don’t be filthy Ben Arnold! I know your mother! Sammy: I’m sorry Cynthia, did you just say that Jesus is back? Cynthia: Have you guys not heard the news? Ben Is she talking about Jesus Jesus? Cynthia: There’s only one. Sammy: Well, I think Mexico would disagree but please tell us why you think Jesus is- Cynthia: I don’t think Sammy I know! Earlier this evening, he was spotted glowing and speaking in tongues at Jack In The Box. Ben: The one off Main Street or Red Oak Avenue? Cynthia: Ew, nobody does to Red Oak. Sammy: Jack In The Box Jesus. Cynthia: Oh, hell no! I will not participate in that blasphemy. You’re gonna get smited- Sammy: Oh, I mean, I wasn’t- I’m sorry, I’m not meaning to- Cynthia: Tell it to Satan, In hell, Sammy! [hangs up] Ben: Woah, this is big. Sammy: If you or someone you know has had a sighting of Jack In The Box Jesus please give us a call. 424-279-3858 Ben: You’re on King Falls AM. Troy: Now I know what you’re thinking: how could the second coming of God’s only son happen and ol’ Troy here didn’t clue you in. Ben: Not what I was thinking. Sammy: What do you know Troy? Troy: Well I got a suspicious persons call out at ol’ Jack in the Box around 9, So I hit the lights and cruised over to see what the fuss was about. And lo and behold, back by the dumpster with a mess of people looking on, there he was. Sammy: Now are you really telling us that you saw, or, you believe you saw the son of God and the King of Kings banging outside the Jack In The Box? Troy: Well, he was a man, somebody’s son no doubt. Bearded, good looking, if you are into that sort of thing. He had a robe on- Ben: We can solve this right now. Was he white or was he black? Troy: He was more of a greenish color. Like a glow really. Sammy: The man had an aura around him. Troy: It was shinier than the damn Fukushima foxhound fellas. Like I felt a need to put on the old aviators, but I didn’t want to be cliché. Sammy: Alright, Troy. So, work with us here you’re in the back of the Jack In The Box, there’s a uh, Jesus type guy. Troy: Just-a-ramblin’ on. Ben: Speaking in tongues? Troy: Speaking in something. The last time I heard gibberish like that was comin’ from the back of my Chevy with Shell Snider’s daughter. Sammy: So what happened next? Troy: Well a group of lucky-loos had descended as I said and since it was only me, there was no perimeter set up yet. So I started ta approach this glowing Christ and somebody, Roy Higgens if you gotta know, hollered out ‘it’s Jesus!’ and the whole parking lot just went bonkers! Ben: Well, did you speak to the guy? Troy: Damn skippy. I told Roy that this was official police biz, And he shouldn’t be squawking around like a little baby. Ben: No, Jack in the box Jesus. Troy: Oh, well no. I turned around and he was gone. Split right off into the woods I suspect. Sammy: Did you follow him? Troy: Sammy, so you’re telling me that you’d follow a 6 foot tall and glowing perp into the woods? Sammy: Point taken. Ben: So any other sightings? Troy: Well, not as of yet. But there were so many people they could have had a revival in that parkin’ lot. So I’m guessin’ that’s how word spread so quickly. And without internet too? That’s pretty damn impressive. Sammy: Is there an APB out or anything? Troy: For what, dilly-dallying around with a jumbo jack? He wasn’t doin nothin bad, just acting a fool, Lord forgive me, where he shouldn’t have been. Ben: And glowing. Troy: That’s right. Sammy: Well, please let us know if get any more info on this Troy, we’d appreciate it. Troy: You bet, I’ll be sure to keep you boys in the listen and the public informed. But if you should happen to stumble upon Jesus, do not approach, bother or pester. Just call up ol’ deputy Troy. [hangs up] Ben: ..or your local church. Sammy: Deputy Troy ladies and gents. Now we’re just going to take a quick break and hear from one of our new sponsors: Carl’s Candy. Ben: Yeah I don- I don’t think we should play this Sammy: What? Ads pay the bills remember? Ben: Folks, as a work around with all the tech issues, I went out and recorded a few spots of some of our sponsors, new and old. Emphasis on old after this one. Sammy: Ok so the audio is bad. Ben: You could say that. Sammy: This company’s paid up, they’re scheduled in one of your many notebooks let’s do this. We’ll be right back folks. [ad] Carl: Do you know why they call it a blow pop? I sure do. And if you come on down to Creepy Carl’s Candy, I’ll fill ya up! I mean in, it’ll be our little secret. A sweet tooth is a terrible thing to waste, come find a new sugar daddy to butter your fingers at Creepy Carl’s! Come in and grab a sack of Carl’s Boston baked beans while you’re at it. Oops, one fell in my pocket. Free if you can find it. Every child’s welcome at Creepy Carl’s, big mouths, small mouths, white mouths and brown mouths. We’re equal opportunity! And just because they shut down the ol’ brick and mortar doesn’t mean you can’t buy it from my van. Be sure to ask your parent’s permission first, kids. Creepy Carl’s Candy, where the suckers don’t suck themselves. [Police sirens] Troy: Carl, turn off your ignition. You are too close to the school zone. Carl: I gotta go, catch ya later
??: The mic! [End] Sammy: Never again. Ben: I tried to tell you. Sammy: I know. Let’s never speak about this. Ben: I need a shower. Sammy: Moving forward, we were just talking about a sighting that happened a few hours ago around the 9 o’clock hour just off main street. It seems quite a few people believe that we may be experiencing a religious phenomenon. Perhaps the second coming of– Ben: Don’t call it a comeback, I’ve been here for years! Sammy: Right, let’s go to the phone lines. Ben: That was good though right? Sammy: It was good. Good evening, you are live on King Falls AM. Reverend: Ask and you shall receive. King Falls-uh. It is the good Reverend Xavier “Right with God-uh” Hawthorne. Ben: Reverend Hawthorne? Are you back in town? Reverend: The one and only, and we are turnin’ the wagons around as we speak. And we’re heading back to my flock. How’re y’all feelin’ tonight, King Falls? I said How are you, feelin’! Sammy: We’re feeling alright. REVEREND HAWTHORN   Praise God-uh! Hallelujah! Now a little birdie, just chirp’n on my shoulder, told me there was a sighting. A vision. Dare I say it, eyeballs were laid on our Lord and Saviour at a burger joint in our fair city. Sammy: Yeah, about 9 o’clock here. Reverend: Could it be-uh, that our 5 week revival worked. Could it be-uh that our prayers have been brought forth the lamb of God-uh. Can I get an amen! Ben: Reverend Hawthorne w- Reverend: Amen! This miracle-uh, this sight from our God-uh, perched on a mountain of sanctity, says that he is ready to lead-uh, his most highly favored congregation back to the promised land. Have me some organ Deacon Reggie [organ music begins playing in the background] Sammy: Do you think Reggie has to wheel that thing around just in case? Ben: This is getting good. Reverend: Play it dirty brother. We are going home-uh. Take us back to Calvary, take us BACK-uh! Samuel, Benjamin may I ask you gentlemen if you have a relationship-uh with the Author of the eternal salvation; are you saved? Sammy: I’m- Reverend: The let me tell y’all, because if you aren’t-uh, I’m coming back to town, one weekend only, the Xavier “Right with God-uh” Hawthorne Experience will be wheelin’ back into King Falls Fairgrounds this very night-uh. We are hoping to get one-on-one with the Risen Christ and start preparing for Kingdom Come. But just like old Xavier, you gotta come on down-uh so we can get you turnt up with God-uh. [hangs up] Sammy: Xavier? Hello? Ben: He’s, gone. Sammy. Sammy: Well, you heard it here first folks Xavier Hawthorn’s Travelling Roadshow is coming back to town. Will Jack In The Box Jesus make his stage debut? Ben: Jesus. Sammy: Literally. Ben: Do you think we can get an interview? Would it be Mr. Christ? Or- Sammy: Something tells me that there is something more to the story than what we’ve heard so far, Ben. Ben: I get that, but this is King Falls, Sammy. Sammy: What a perfect place to make a return, a rinky-dink town with no internet. Ben: Line -dammit, there’s only one line. Uh, you’re on with Sammy and Ben. Archie: Good evenin’ fellas! Sammy: Is thi- Archie: It’s Archie Simmons! Ben: Hey Archie, how’s Princess Von Barktooth? Archie: Well, I do have news concerning the princess, and I just want to possibly recant some info from our previous call a few weeks back. Sammy: About the werewolves? Archie: Correct. Sammy: Wow, I mean you sounded pretty convinced that you saw a werewolf. Archie: And now I’m saying that maybe I was misinformed. Sammy: I think you should probably tell Troy and the Sheriff’s Office, Archie. Archie: You silly sally, Troy’s already on his way over now Ben: Why the change of heart Archie? Archie: Well, new information has come to light boys, I mean with the Divine One making his triumphant, let’s be honest, dramatic return to King Falls.
Sammy: You’re talking about the glowing man at the Jack In The Box? Archie: Let’s be real here, it’s the J-Man, of course a heavenly carpenter would pick King Falls. So many projects to keep busy with. Sammy: Uh-huh. Archie: Plus with the princess and this new information, we have to believe this. Ben: You keep saying that, what’s going on with the princess Archie? Archie: She’s in a delicate condition. Sammy: Oh, well of course. I mean she’s been through a lot. Archie: No Sammy, I mean that she is with child. Children. Puppies? There’s a bun in the $2400 oven boys! Sammy: Wait, she’s pregnant? From the werewolf attack? Archie: Well, that’s the thing, while I believed in my heart of hearts that the hillbilly beast from the trailer park had gotten to the princess, I think.. Ben: What, what do you think Archie? Archie: I mean it was dark, I know it was a full moon but I was scared and recently awakened, sleep in my eyes etc. and so on. Sammy: You don’t think it was the werewolves. Archie: I’m thinking with this new evidence and the fact that I saw a long-haired bearded man in the biblical act, yeah I think there’s a chance it could have been [whispering] the man upstairs. Ben: Upstairs from whom? Archie: Mankind! Come on Ben get with the preacher. Sammy: He’s saying that because there’s been a holy sighting tonight, which we should all be a little bit doubtful of, then maybe it wasn’t the werewolves, but the Alpha and the Omega. Ben: No! NO WA- That’s too much, Archie. You saw the werewolf. He looked you in the eye and howled at the moon. Archie: I don’t know what kind of weird things Jesus is into. Ben: No way. This is ludicrous. Archie: You just wait and see Ben. Princess may have lost her Westminster dream, all part of God’s plan. Ben: We’ve got to go Archie [laughs] you’re crossing a line that we cannot cross at King Falls AM. Archie: Judge not, lest ye be judged boys. Kardashians 3:16 or a Psalm or something. I think Troy’s coming around the bend anyways boys, laters! [Hangs up] Sammy: You know when I walk in the door every night I say to myself, ‘Nothing’s going to surprise me tonight’ And more times than not, I am just dead wrong. Ben: Let’s give the phone a rest for a moment, Sammy the record player is just begging to be used.
Sammy: Not a bad idea Ben. [notification sound] Ben: What? Oh my phone! [many notifications] Oh it’s back baby! Sammy: Me too! What’s going on? Ben: What’s up! Oh my God, I could literally kiss the apparition of Steve Jobs. Sammy: Hey, I’ve got a text here, unknown number. Ben: Ok, what does it say? Sammy: I know why this happened, I know how to stop it, we need to talk Ben: What? Sammy: No, that’s what the text said. Ben: You don’t think this has anything to do with.. Thank you, Jesus. [credit music plays]
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venfx · 7 years
Oh boy, I got another idea for a prompt, something I was discussing in the Discord: After the day Phil and Rita spent together and her waking him up, he's steadily getting better and better. But it's not totally linear. Though being good to people is making him feel good, it feels more like a distraction from the larger aching emptiness still inside him. Even as he finds new ways to fill his time, he still sometimes longs for an end in sight. One morning, in a moment of weakness, he makes (1/2)
one more attempt. However, he doesn’t actually die this time and wakes up in a hospital bed. For once, it hits him how real his body and what he’s been doing to it truly is. He’s pissed at himself for falling back into this and doubts if he’ll ever be able to just look on the bright side like Rita said to. To his surprise, before the day resets, his mom shows up at the hospital to see him, having urgently booked a flight over there. She’s pretty angry and scared and upset and gives him some harsh words, and she also loves him so, so much. They talk and she stays with him until it’s 6AM again.
why do you make me hurt him so. anyways this was a doozy but also weirdly fun to write mostly because i just got my EMT certification and am therefore allowed to throw in useless medical jargon
(again sorry mrs. connors you don’t deserve this)
send me fic prompts here!
CW for suicide mention/attempt
It’s impossible to put into words just how much Phil despises the inventor of the alarm clock.
“That’s right, woodchuck-chuckers, it’s-”
He slams his hand down onto the snooze button.
He’s never been a morning person.
Lately, his days look a little like this: sit up, stretch. Answer the phone on the first ring. Make sure to get the girl’s name- it’s Lisa- and wish her a good morning before heading out the door. Compliment Jonathan’s new sneakers, fix the coffee pot, meet up with Ned to chat about his family.
Then, get coffee for the crew and Rita, do the broadcast, change a flat tire, rescue a cat. Practice the piano, charm his way into staying a few extra hours.
Try to save the old man.
Fail to save the old man.
Drive Ralph and Gus back from the bar.
Wake up, do it all over again.
And, like, okay, it’s not all bad.  
Phil’s a new man, with a new lease on life and a steadily improving rendition of Hot Cross Buns to prove it. The more time he spends here actually living, the more he grows to love each and every resident of Punxsutawney.
He has friends here, as bizarre as that sounds.
Even if those friends don’t, y'know, remember him.-Here’s the thing: sometimes, his life feels like the weird second act of some two-bit play. The fact that the curtain will never fall is irrelevant.
Helping people of this small, quiet town should be enough. 
It is enough.
In terms of eternity, he’s won the fucking jackpot.-Still, it goes without saying that some days are easier than others.
“That’s right, woodchuck-chuckers, it’s-”
"That’s right, woodchuck-chuckers, it’s-”
That’s right, woodchuck-chuckers, it’s-”
He’s getting better.
He is.
It’s just, well. Sometimes.
Sometimes, he isn’t.
Here’s another thing: Phil spends the night before his seventeenth birthday locked in his parents’ bathroom with a bottle of his mom’s sleeping pills and a flask of gas station tequila he’d bribed off of his sister’s boyfriend a month earlier. 
He’s sixteen years, three hundred sixty four days, twenty two hours, and seventeen minutes old. 
People keep telling him that it’s going to get better, that he’ll be okay, that his problems are small and that everyone feels like this every once in a while. 
Maybe they’re right, but Phil’s not stupid, either- he knows that people aren’t supposed to be this empty, knows that there’s something in him that’s always going to be small and broken and wrong.
He’s just so fucking tired.
"That’s right, woodchuck-chuckers, it’s-”
Twenty three years and a thousand endless days later, he barely thinks twice before swallowing the whole damn bottle.
Phil wakes up.
He wakes up.
He’s not in the bed and breakfast.
For one panicked moment, he thinks maybe-
He jack-knifes up, yanks the cannula out of his nose. “Excuse me!”
There’s a nurse passing by his room. She turns, looks at him with a special cocktail of muted pity and vague disgust, which Phil very politely ignores because he is a nice fucking person now, thank you very much.
“Sorry, but um,” he rasps, voice hoarse. It sort of tastes like something crawled into the back of his throat and died. “What’s today’s date?“ 
“February 2nd, dear. I’ll go tell the doctor that you’re up.”
February 2nd.
He wakes up again to a woman in a white coat standing at the foot of his bed, reading off of a clipboard. 
“Phil Connors, 40, found unresponsive underneath a bridge near Patsy’s Park. Presented with mild hypothermia, bradycardia, hypotension, and significant respiratory depression as a result of an alcohol potentiated benzodiazepine overdose." 
Phil just wants to go back to sleep.
“ER administered 0.8mg of Flumazenil intravenously upon admission and performed a gastric lavage shortly after. Vitals have been stable since seven this evening.”
“Huh,” he mutters. “Thought it’d been longer than that." 
His doctor sighs, like she’s unimpressed or something, which strikes him as kind of rude.
Phil almost died.
"Mr. Connors, you went outside half naked in the middle of snowstorm to chase 220 mg of clonazepam- that’s fifty five pills, by the way- with a bottle of raspberry vodka-”
“It was grape, actually-”
“Regardless,” she says and, great, her voice is all gentle now, like being nice is going to change anything. “I don’t think we need to pretend that this was accidental.”
“Shit, what gave it away?" 
"Mr. Connors, was this your first attempt?”
And Phil-
Phil thinks of the toaster.
He thinks of suffocating, of bleeding out, of freezing to death, of walking into traffic, eyes shut, over and over and over again. He remembers the rope and the car battery and the fucking clock tower.
He thinks of the screwdriver- and, okay, that had been a little excessive, but whatever.
He feels sick.
"Yeah,” he says, slumping back against the pillows. “Yeah. First time.”
They keep him on mandatory 72 hour watch.
Not that it really matters, but.
Phil hates hospitals.
The phone rings when Phil’s on his seventh episode of Law and Order: SVU. He’s eaten, like, four things of green Jello and an entire bag of ice chips. 
On screen, Ice-T is arresting a pedophile with a clown fetish.
He’s pretty sure his nurse is avoiding him.
This kind of feels like a new low.
“Mr. Connors? You have a visitor. Should I send her up?”
Phil absolutely does not want to see Rita right now, but also feels like he owes her for blowing off the broadcast and then literally almost dying. 
Plus, he’s been trying to be less of an ass lately.
“Yeah, go ahead,” he says with a sigh. “Thank you.”
“Phil Connors, what the fuck.”
That’s not Rita.
He’s going to kill Rita.
“Mom? Jesus, who called you?”
“Is that how you greet me? We haven’t spoken in six months, and all I get is a Jesus-who-called-you?”
Joanne Connors is sixty four years old and 5'2”. 
She carries herself the way some people carry machine guns. 
“So, I’m in a hospital bed, don’t know if you noticed-"
"I noticed that you look like shit,” she says, scowling at the IV in Phil’s arm like it’s done something to  personally offend her. “So, I’ll reiterate: what the fuck.”
Phil’s been nursing a low level migraine since he woke up and the shrillness of his mother’s voice adds a special new dimension to this whole experience.
“Thanks, mom,” he says with a sigh. “Did you really fly all the way out here from Cleveland?”
“No, I was in the area,” she says bitingly. “Of course I flew out here. Your producer called-”
“Associate producer, actually-” he says, just because he’s feeling a little bitter.
“-saying that you were in the hospital, that it looked bad, that they found these pills-”
“I’m fine, oh my god-”
“-so, yes, I did fly out here in the middle of a goddamn blizzard. That flight cost me five hundred dollars, by the way-”
“I never asked you to-”
“-and that doctor you have is a real piece of work-”
“Mom! You’re yelling." 
She stops abruptly, looking stricken. 
With horror, Phil realizes that her eyes are welling up. 
He hates seeing his mom cry.
"You stupid, stupid boy,” she whispers. “You selfish, thoughtless child. What were you thinking?”
Phil can’t remember the last time his mother hugged him, but when she does, it feels like china, like glass, like something breakable and precious all at once.  
“Mom, I-”
He doesn’t know what he wants to say. 
There’s something ugly in his chest, some horrible emotion that makes his throat tight and his eyes burn. He can feel his mother’s tears seeping into the flimsy fabric of his hospital gown.
Phil grips her back like he’s drowning.
Eventually she pulls away, dabs at her eyes with a trembling hand.
“I’m so sorry,” she says. “Phil, I’m so sorry.”
“Um. Don’t be. This isn’t your fault,” he says thickly, scrubbing a hand across his face. “I just- uh. It’s been a long day.”
She chuckles weakly. “Do you want to talk about it?”
Phil doesn’t want to talk about it, and for once, she doesn’t push.
They just sit there instead, watching crappy crime procedurals and eating Jello. She tells him blatantly untrue stories about his childhood and pretends to be interested when he delivers a ten minute lecture on introductory quantum mechanics (his newest research project) and a half hour summary of the first four seasons of Game of Thrones (that he only watched for Rita).
At one point, she leans over to press a kiss to his forehead.
“I love you so much, Phil. So much.”
He closes his eyes.
Here’s a final thing: the day always resets in the time it takes him to blink. 
In that brief moment or space between seeing and not-seeing, a cosmic rubber band yanks him backwards, pulls him taut through time. He knows it’s happening before it happens, even though he’s never actually seen the clock hit six.
"That’s right, woodchuck-chuckers, it’s-”
He slams a hand on the alarm.
It’s a new day.
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nickdelo · 7 years
Recommended/Not Recommended -- Snowed In Edition
As Philadelphia was blanketed in a half-foot of solid ice, I stayed inside and watched a bunch of things.
The Last Man on Earth (Fox) 
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This show gets overlooked, even by the gaggle of TV critics I follow on Twitter. That’s not too surprising. It’s odd, balancing a bleak, post-apocalyptic survivor tale with the absurd comedic stylings of creator/star Will Forte. While the show has always succeeded with its visual flare and calculated plotting, it suffered early in its run with some jarring tonal missteps, alienating many viewers in the process. Deep into its third season, however, The Last Man on Earth has hit its creative peak, artfully walking the tightrope between nihilism and optimism in a way that is unique by broadcast TV standards. Its ambition is contagious, most notably when it embraces its episodic format to create some of the best standalone 30-minute pull-away stories since Enlightened. RECOMMENDED
Crashing (HBO) 
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Crashing gets a few benefit-of-the-doubt points for its decent premise: a struggling comedian tries to make it in New York while couch-surfing in the homes of/getting advice from more established standups. But most of that good will is nullified by the bland vanilla-ness of star Pete Holmes. Each episode meanders for 30 minutes on about six minutes worth of story, a staple of Judd Apatow productions that I’m growing more and more annoyed with (re: Netflix’s Love). Holmes isn’t an unfunny guy, so there are a handful of redeemable moments in each episode, but anyone who isn’t interested in the niche world of alt-comedy will find it a slog. NOT RECOMMENDED 
NOTE: Crashing is not to be confused with Crashing, the British comedy series from Fleabag creator Phoebe Waller-Bridge about six kooky flatmates living in an abandoned hospital. It’s very silly but a lot more fun than this show.
Ghost in the Shell (not the Scarlett Johansson movie) 
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Look, I get it. Lots of people love anime, and for good enough reasons. It was revolutionary in using animation as way to explore adult themes, and visually speaking it is often stunning, especially in its locations and grand set-pieces. These are some of the reasons to admire Ghost in the Shell, along with the surrealistic, existential tone and the obvious influence it’s made on contemporary sci-fi (The Matrix ripped off a bunch of it). That said, it was simply too convoluted for me to enjoy. Nearly every line of cheesy dialogue (delivered by stiff actors) is a piece of exposition attempting to explain this dystopian future and all its rules and characters. It’s easy to tell it’s part of an extended universe established during its Manga run, but as a standalone viewing experience, it’s narratively incoherent. NOT RECOMMENDED
Weiner (steaming on Showtime) 
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Upon hearing about this movie, everyone has the exact same reaction: “Anthony Weiner? The congressman with the dick pics? I remember him! That didn’t happen too long ago. Do I really need to watch a documentary about it?” You might be surprised to hear that, yes, you should watch Weiner. (insert Weiner pun here. Maybe get on Weiner. I don’t know. The NY Post already took all the good ones). We’ll never know if all politicians are as egomaniacal as Anthony Weiner (probably, though), but Weiner’s compliance in this project, baring it all (*Weiner bares all!*) to spotlight the man behind the dong is an unprecedented maneuver. The film exposes (*Weiner exposed!*) how narcissism can, in equal measure, give someone the drive to fight for change in what they believe in, as well as the hubris to make the same damaging mistakes over and over again. The film has the breakneck pace of a great thriller while painting a portrait of a troubled guy who, in spite of everything, you can’t help but pull for. (*Pull for Weiner!*) RECOMMENDED
NOTE: Weiner is not to be confused with Wiener-Dog, streaming on Amazon Prime. I haven’t seen it, so there will be no sub-recommendation.
Life, Animated (streaming on Amazon Prime) 
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Another ultra-specific documentary, Life, Animated is the story of an autistic man (Owen Suskind) who uses his love of Disney movies to help communicate and find meaning in the world. Like the films Owen holds so dear, Life, Animated is guilty of over-sentimentality, but god damn is it effective. His ability to take a passion and use it to help channel his emotions and creativity is inspiring as hell. Pop it on for a cathartic happy-cry. RECOMMENDED
- Making your own chili, RECOMMENDED. While a crockpot is not a suitable replacement for barbecue, it’s perfect for chili. The only skill needed for making crockpot chili is operating a can opener. - “Blowing the stink off,” RECOMMENDED. Basically, getting outside before Cabin Fever sets in. The phrase was coined by my girlfriend’s mom, “the stink” referring to a day’s worth of showerless inactivity. When venturing into a snowstorm, don’t forget to walk like a penguin. - Depending on a car in the city after a snowstorm, NOT RECOMMENDED. Digging yourself out and navigating the unplowed streets are the easy parts. The doozy is parking again once you get home with all the mounds of snow and ice piled up, along with assholes saving spots with cones and chairs. I’m so stressed about it I’m leaving work early every day this week to beat the rush.
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