#but I don’t wanna give spoilers
bjurnberg · 2 years
So you’re saying if I want new comments on my fic I actually have to post a chapter?
Sounds fake but okay.
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nibeul · 2 years
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tsukumo yuki joins the fight!
[id: It’s a redraw of the panel where Tsukumo joins the fight between Choso and Kenjaku, her shikigami hovering in the air behind her while the barrier has broken. She’s drawn with tan skin and long blond hair with her brown roots visible. Her outfit has been modified slightly so that she wears a black body suit and green baggy pants, and she’s depicted as more muscular than she is in the manga. On her left arm, she has a tattoo sleeve filled with flowers and a fish, and her earlobes are also stretched though she doesn’t wear any earrings. /end id]
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oldmanffucker · 8 months
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had to make a quick example piece for a kids clay class today and you know I had to do it….
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orowyrm · 1 year
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what if they got less doll-like and more human over time, like with the more spirals you completed and the more times you slayed them in wyrm form…… 🤔🧐
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can-i-get-a-yippee · 11 days
I guess my whole beef with the whole buckt*mmy convo is that they could’ve easily built up their relationship in that moment and made it a scene where Buck leaned on T*mmy emotionally and grown more emotionally intimate.
Bc Bobby is one of the most important people in Buck’s life, and he mentions that Bobby is like a father to him.
And like instead of adding emotionally depth to their relationship with the convo, it just became joking convo about daddy issues that ended in asex joke one liner that just really didn’t fit the tone of the episode overall :/
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aldoodles · 1 year
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Liar liar pants on fire
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musicalcompanions · 8 months
Gojo really about to go down as one of the most underutilized op characters of all time huh. Truly remarkable
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mazojo · 12 days
Colin in his men era
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imogenkol · 9 months
Ok I’ve been patient but there’s literally one episode left and I’m begging for more insight on what exactly is going on with the antagonists besides Thrawn wanting to return to the galaxy
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cheezyratz · 11 months
How do you think Lyla would act around regressed Miguel? I think she's a mix between fun big sister and sweet overprotective sister
Like I can totally see her cheering Miggy on as he tries to eat as many gummy worms as he possibly can but also comforting him when he eventually gets a bad tummy ache from the sheer amount he ate (and fight anyone who says that it was stupid of him, her #1 defense being "hes just a little guy! >:(")
I just really love the thought of Lyla interacting with regressed Miguel sjskskslla
Mwah mwah mwah/platonic -🐀
Lyla is definitely the chaotic (or chaos encouraging) older sister to Miguel XD
Regressed Miguel: I bet I could fit 40 marshmallows in my mouth
Regressed Patrick: you’re a goofball
Lyla: and a coward, do 50
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bokatan · 2 months
I’m going to refrain from publishing my thoughts on this show until I’m actually able to watch all of it, but I’m very on the fence right now after episode 1. There’s potential, there’s some things I’m hyped about, and there’s some things I’m reaaaaaally side eyeing
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greyhavensking · 7 months
holding out for a hero (okkotsu appearing in the final episode of jjk season 2)
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moghedien · 1 year
What is your opinion on Mat Cauthon?
He’s probably my least favorite of the TR gang, but not for any specific thing I can point to. I’m just not a big fan of that character type in general, and Brandon Sanderson’s version of him certainly didn’t help my opinion of him
Idk I can’t really think of any specific complaints except that it really just felt like he took way too long to grow up. Which is a character trait that I might have appreciated more if he wasn’t in authority positions for half the series and complaining about it. Like I can appreciate an immature character in leadership roles more if they take their like leadership seriously and don’t spend the whole time complaining about the fact that people depend on them, ya know? Like I want the to take SOMETHING seriously.
Like Sokka from ATLA fits the category of a immature character in leadership roles and I like him because he always took protecting people seriously, even if he was goofy about it. Mat sorta does but never really got there imo and it just kinda turns me off from his character.
Also he never really felt like he had any real motivations. All the other TR kids had pretty clear places they were heading to by mid series and Mat just kinda drifted forever. Drifting might be fine if he had like an end goal or something he was working for but he didn’t. Like for the character that complains the most about not wanting to be pulled around by Rand, he sure is the character that just lets everything drag him around the most without having any actual motivation for being there. Even him ending up in Seanchan is him just going along with other people dragging him along. I feel like Mat never really wanted anything but vague ideas of being left alone that never really made sense nor were they explored in any real way.
Anyway I started this saying I have no specific complaints and then listing off specific complaints because I’m a flawed character who lies
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redhotarsenic · 1 year
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Gonna ink this later I’ve been up too long!!!
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ok but imagine you’re one of if not the most powerful person in your country and there’s this random ass guy who’s about as strong as an average person, if with some random useful traits, who, for a moment, isn’t resistant to your mental skill, and when you try and use it on him, it works for about 5 seconds before he suddenly throws it off with something that doesn’t even exist within the system you get your power from and then, when he throws you off, he looks at you and calls you insignificant and then can’t walk for a day
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aliothbuzzsawshark · 1 year
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Drew these two after hearing about what’s going on currently in go rush. As a Yuhi fan, I’m having a great time.
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Default coloring
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