#bunny is emo for life 🖤
ghostradiodylan · 5 months
Who among the Quarry counselors has had an emo phase?
This got lost somehow and I couldn't find it until I got on the desktop site and it was like HEY THERE'S AN ASK IN YOUR INBOX, I'm so sorry Torch! But thank you for the ask!
Obviously Ryan. Look at him. He's still in it. He's wearing a long-sleeved shirt with a short-sleeved band shirt over it! He's got the eyeliner and everything! 😆 If they had kept this concept art design with the black converse high tops with the contrasting red laces, we wouldn't even need to have this conversation because it would be so obvious!
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That right there is an emo boy. I actually have no idea what emo kids 10ish years younger than me were listening to, but based on my own experiences I'd put Ryan musically in the spot where emo, screamo, and post-hardcore intersect, so he probably liked stuff like Scary Kids Scaring Kids, The Used, Thursday, AFI, and some of the moodier Brand New albums (before they got canceled).
Miles says emo is not a phase and he is and will forever be emo (same), and while Dylan is not exactly or entirely Miles, I think he would agree. Not sure he would have adopted the outward style though, I think he was super nerdy when he was younger and wouldn't have wanted to draw attention to himself. But based on the handful of songs we get that Dylan is supposed to have chosen for the party, he probably listened to the more melodic and poppy (but still angst-riddled) side of emo, like Dashboard Confessional, Jimmy Eat World, Bright Eyes, early Weezer, and Saves The Day (before they got canceled).
And, look, Abi's the other obvious choice, right? She's got that Hot Topic aesthetic. But wouldn't it be funny if the other former emo kid was actually Emma? I HC her as into pop and top 40 rock and broadway tunes now, but Imagine middle or early high school Emma listening to early Fall Out Boy and My Chemical Romance and having split cherry red and black hair in kind of a scene shag cut and heavily lined eyes. I can kinda see it. she probably liked 30 Seconds to Mars too (before, say it with me now, they got soft-canceled--why are men in this scene and music industry as a whole so terrible??)
Finally, Jacob might be having his first ever emo phase right now. Remember when "Untitled (How Could This Happen to Me)" by Simple Plan became a meme? I feel like that's just Jacob during the game and post-canon. He's a sad boy. He could have a small emo phase, as a treat. It might be good for him.
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Hang in there, big guy. 🖤🖤🖤
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arlerts-angel · 5 months
happy 500 followers, dear! you deserve that and so much more. you’re a fantastic writer and a kind person. 🖤
a little about me: i’m a bit of a loner, and i don’t mind it. though i don’t do it often, i love to travel and experience new places and cultures. my favorite music artist is death cab for cutie. one thing i don’t talk much about but really enjoy is voice science and vocal pedagogy; sometimes i’ll read up on it in my free time because i think it’s fascinating.
thank you, bunny 🩶
your NYE with 𝑺𝑼𝑮𝑼𝑹𝑼 𝑮𝑬𝑻𝑶 looks like:
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making new memories. taking trains to who knows where, trying new foods, taking a million stupid and blurry photos with and of each other, sharing airpods and jamming to an elder emo playlist. at the next stop, you'll wander around until midnight and share a kiss. 🖤
be the life of the party 🪩🍾
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juuuuuuj · 7 months
here’s a teeny intro for some of the characters developed so far!!!
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The main character!!
Cliff tends to be over critical, and generally pessimistic. Going through the motions, he’s not interested in “making lifelong bonds” or “finding a soulmate”; he’s here to win the big, long game of life. And he’ll do that with as little social interaction as possible, denying his feelings of crippling lonliness, and hoarding all of his favorite treasures and trinkets collected on his adventures.
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The main character number two(???)
Mustard is the cheerful, bubbly sidekick. Much to Cliff’s annoyance, he’s often humming a song, spewing about the beauty of nature, or engaging with any stranger he comes across as he and Cliff go about their quests. With his banjo never far off, he finds great joy in making up tunes. He’s determined to show Cliff the wonderful things he gets to experience in life.
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(Guys his design is incomplete bear with me 😭)
Andrii is the irritable deity of rain. Everywhere he roams he’s followed by a massive raincloud; the storm obscures his vision of the sun, leading him to suffering from an extreme lack of vitamin D, and a firm belief that the sun isn’t real. Eventually, Cliff and Mustard help him see the err of his ways, but for now he’s got the personality of a moody teen. Also he’s emo 🖤
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Zeffy is a reclusive nomad with a burning quest. She has a tight friendship with the wind; nobody knows how this friendship came about, but ever since she’s been searching for a way to speak with him. When she meets Cliff and Mustard, and eventually befriends them, she hires them with her secret mission: to find the whispering grove, a hallowed ground where mortals can speak with the forces. When she’s not busy with the mystical mysterious stuff, she’s working on her karate.
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Ezrah (red guy with boots) and Joey (bunny folk with ATTITUDE) are experts in beasts. Also they hate each other.
Ezrah specializes in the Aviary Faction, dealing with great and terrible beasts known as birds. Joey is the head of the Feline Faction, taming creatures of cunning and power. So when a hoo-cat, the adorable cross between a cat and an owl, shows up as the next Engine, there’s a dilemma in who gets to take it. When they’re forced to work together to manage the beast, Ezrah and Joey can’t seem to stop fighting over every little thing. (but they fall in love eventually so it’s ok)
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The hoo-cat in question. She’s a perfect little beast. Only a little murderous.
If you read this far you’re coming to my wedding because I’ll be the one marrying you
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gh0stward · 2 months
and as someone who had a very long Monster High hyperfixation, i need to ask:
Who's your fav?
thank you so much anon this means a lot 🥰 I’m happy you’re enjoying your stay at the ghost ward 🖤
I have a few favorites it’s hard to choose just one 😭 a lot of it depends on my horror induced brainrot
I think my number one favorite across all gens would have to be Frankie Stein! My second fave is Spectra of course and my third would have to be Twyla Boogey man!
Ramble underneath the cut skfjdnjwjdke
Frankie was one of the two very first monster high dolls I got as a kid (they were the ghouls alive dolls)
When I hit 18 I finally read Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein and it completely changed my brain chemistry. I love that Frankie is living the life that could have drastically changed the creature’s outcome. They live in a family and go to a school where they are loved and accepted for who they are, scars and all. I hope they get to live a long happy life 🖤
I personally like the studious fashion that’s been leaning more emo lately.
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Spectra V was the second ghoul I got on the same christmas I got Frankie so I always associated her with Jacob Marley from The Christmas Carol. I wanna create a scary chain shaking scene with her eventually (btw one of my all time favorite depiction of The Christmas Carol; besides the muppets version, is Mr.Magoo’s Christmas Carol)
I always loved ghost characters idk why I just found the idea of someone’s spirit still lingering long after they have died fascinating. I also love the darker look her first gen core outfit has. I blame her for my obsession with laced up boots and corsets. It’s fun to think about how she got chained up. I notice she has a lock and key theme on her other gen 1 dolls, I wonder if her sins and guilt involve secrets.
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Twyla 🖤 my baby
Her purple bunny motif is adorable and I love that she plays table top rpgs. I like to think she plays a lot of the White Wolf rpgs.
I really wanna get into table top rpgs myself but I’m so socially inept lmao 😭
I’m autistic myself and seeing a character just out right say they are autistic is really refreshing. Not to sound corny but I teared up a little bit when I first saw the scene. I relate to her song too
“I've got stories of monsters that live in my head
People and places I'll never forget
The shadows are dancing, they creep up the walls
But that don't define me at all”
I like the raspy voice she has the first two gens but I think her new voice is cute!
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I also have to mention third gen Abbey Bominable and Catty Nior. Specifically third gen! They’re my mom’s absolute favorites! Their monster qualities are more prominent while still being beautiful. She loves the new body molds for the ghouls. It’s really sweat to see wider variety of bodies types in a doll line 🖤
(Catty’s photo is a stock photo, it does not belong to me)
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yakkoyesi · 10 months
YESENIA YESI Well I'll Be A Thousand lovefool Ocs
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"Lovefool" mixture of "Love Me" song's lyrics.yakko ocs actress 'Yesenia' can identify as in our own loving manners.All out to our favorite dearest Warner Brother Yakko Warner (⁠●⁠♡⁠∀⁠♡⁠)(⁠✿⁠ ⁠♡⁠‿⁠♡⁠)
A year since my yakko oc existence, never imagining creating one of my very own ocs
*except dot warner jr of course* And having to grasp the variety of lovey doveys for this character Yakko throughout the years
*and me being such an introvert about it* I decided to take my Yakko Oc to a very interesting turn.
Yesenia Oc's purpose for all the silly mix ups Was to tone down all the jealousies over Yakko and make every yakko oc fangirl winners of his heart, including myself into the long overdue fun As well.And for Smarty-pants to finally get to notice me the real me within all the beautiful parts roles Yesenia has been cast as.
Piece by piece Layer by fictional layer within all the yakko oc's reveals a yakko ocs actress in the end, A long lost forgotten childhood friend of yakkos 'Yesenia'. *Spanish Jessica to the core*
Yakko and the gang to have wondered about her whereabouts absence as a Teenager, meanwhile interpreting the roles of Yakko Ocs you all know of today.*absent teen introvert No Internet partially true story ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯*
And so that being saidHere are the majority of Yakko Ocs Fangirls I've Met Seen Fascinated by and or Befriended by during my Deviant Art years.
This tribute is out to ALL them yakko oc fangirl/boys out there*So. Yeah. Hobbie. Just for fun.Basics Starting with me...
"Minnie mouse of warner brothers" lol. on wanting to share my OC. Hope shes cute. (⁠ ⁠◜⁠‿⁠◝⁠ ⁠)⁠♡ .... I Hope you like it, Because i sure do love all your yakko oc's back throughout the years.
Thank You All."
- Yesenia (⁠✿⁠^⁠‿⁠^⁠) (⁠◡⁠ ⁠ω⁠ ⁠◡⁠)
💙🤍YESENIA YESI ✧♡ OC NICKNAME: Her "Nickname" is 'Yesenia' 'Yesi' (⁠ ⁠◜⁠‿⁠◝⁠ ⁠)⁠♡ *unless otherwise think of a name* ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯
✧♡ HER OCCUPATIONS: Aspiring inclusionist. Representation To All Yakko's OCs, Imitator..... *she serves as a peaceful tribute impersonation to All Yakko's OC Fans. yakko imitates personas, yesi tributes his oc fans throu her, in hopes that she could reveal her true self around him, Be Herself.*
✧♡ PERSONALITY: she's shy quiet mute yet Ecstatic, Gracious, Fun Loving, Multitask little Drama Queen carrying a Sarcastic Glance 😏
✧♡ CATCH PHRASE: "Good Evening Everybody" "Actions Speak Louder Than Words" "Minnie Mouse Of Warner Brothers!"
✧♡ CLOTHING: Styles a White & Blue Dress & Sunhats as her true herself👗👒 *sometimes yakko's oc's clothing for tributes*
✧♡ OC INSPIRATION: Minnie Mouse yesi loves old fashion inspired wear from the 1930s 50s ect *also Yakko isn't Mickey Mouse either lol*
🎁DEBUTE DAY: December 18🎂
*Birthday fact: Yesi's Birthday's the same as Mr. Spielberg's ;)
💚💛💙KIKKO part/role/factsBlonde Haired Green Eyed Animaniac BeautyStyling Primary Colors In Constant Envy towardsBlonde Haired Blue Eyed Bombshells 'Hello Nurse' & 'Minerva Mink'
💗SHANA part/role/facts*now shawn*But one of Yesenia's 1st fun precious roles & 1st fun precious friends (⁠♡⁠ω⁠♡⁠ ⁠)⁠ ⁠~⁠♪
💛🖤💗LAFFY part/role/factsTitles to be 'The Forth Warner' also 'The Giggling Bunny' styling her cute long ears as her pigtails, dressed in yellow making forth the perfect design and color to fit right in with the Warners. Plus also a friend of mine ༼⁠ ⁠つ⁠ ⁠◕⁠‿⁠◕⁠ ⁠༽⁠つ(⁠=⁠`⁠ェ⁠´⁠=⁠)
💟🖤REM part/role/factDressed in shades of PurpleThe serious little Badass Emo vibed Warner *i'd say the closest to my 'current' personality of frustrations beneath my bubbly well mannered self due to life's punches* stays strong thus with a serious whit.
💟🧡LOLA part/role/factsAnother one of my awesome friends (⁠✿⁠^⁠‿⁠^⁠)Styling pretty much of a Tomboys clothing with neat-oh lavender pants.
💛💗💜LIZZIE part/role/factsTaking place in the Anime Warner WorldLizzie Gardenia not only named after a beautiful flower But beautiful personalty and design as well.Black Hair Yellow Fur creature whos Down to earth Passionate Attentive Creative and Intelligent. Enjoys Cooking Painting Studying Gardening Learning and Reading Long walks in the garden. Favorite pastry the Cheese Cake.
💚🖤🤍ZAYLEE part/role/facts Styling beautiful Pistachio Mint of colors An outgoing teenie bopper from the 50′s, Former lead female vocalist from a band in the 50′s. Singer and Dancer. One of the former mascots of a now defunct diner. Likes Vintage Fashion, 50′s music, Bright flashing colored lights, Poodle Skirts, and Milkshake’s. And dislikes An unorganized or unprepared band, Creepy Crawlies, Clothes she enjoys wearing that apparently don’t fit her anymore, being yelled or nagged at.
❤️🧡YASMIN part/role/factsWears a Yakko pants inspired Skirtwith a red flower in her hair Ponytail.Well there's one thing to know about Yasmine don't diss about Rainbows lols.
💗🖤DAELA part/role/factsSeen often alongside Laffy's success styles bolty bangs Black Ponytail Hot Pink smiley wear and also a friend of mine(⁠.⁠ ⁠❛⁠ ⁠ᴗ⁠ ⁠❛⁠.⁠)
🧡❤️💛VIKKY part/role/facts And Authentic Cozy Bundle Of Autumn Orange Of Colors and a Nueva Dulce Art Amiga (⁠ʃ⁠ƪ⁠^u^⁠)
💗💙🖤AYAKO part/role/factsMeaning 'Coloring Child' styles forth her eye-catching long naturally pink hair. Who's also a friend of mine ༼⁠ ⁠つ⁠ ⁠◕⁠‿⁠◕⁠ ⁠༽⁠つ
(ノ⁠◕⁠ヮ⁠◕⁠)⁠ノ⁠*⁠.⁠✧(⁠ノ⁠◕⁠ヮ⁠◕⁠)⁠ノ⁠*⁠.⁠✧(⁠ノ⁠◕⁠ヮ⁠◕⁠)⁠ノ⁠*⁠.⁠✧(⁠ノ⁠◕⁠ヮ⁠◕⁠)⁠ノ***yakko ocs credited out to their respectful owners⁠**⁠*⁠.⁠✧(⁠ノ⁠◕⁠ヮ⁠◕⁠)⁠ノ⁠*⁠.⁠✧(⁠ノ⁠◕⁠ヮ⁠◕⁠)⁠ノ⁠*⁠.⁠✧(⁠ノ⁠◕⁠ヮ⁠◕⁠)⁠ノ⁠*⁠.⁠✧
Minnie Mouse Of Warner Bros
Yesenia Yesi yakko oc actress
by Yesenia Eguia Villanueva
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moonyell-pendragon · 4 months
depressed, very autistic and super funny✨
Alt fashion🦷💊
Pastelgoth 💖⛓️
Chronic video game addict 🗡️☣️
Love Metal if you can't tell yet✨
Mostly introverted couch potato🍨🔮🎃
Looking to go outside more🧟🌍
If you're sexist, racist ,homophoic ,intolerant of body hair or boring dont bother
I want a cute Punk/goth/emo guy to take me to get each others sharpie drawings tattoed💖
I want someone to cuddle pleaase! (U//v//U=)
I need someone to take care of me , hug me tightly and tell me it's going to be okay (preferably someone with long ,luscious hair that I can sniff on)
I may seem okay but I'm not ,I am a trainwreck of mental Illnesses and disabilities wich make my life hell, with a ton of trauma on top that I still haven't processed fully from the life I was forced into till now.I need someone that will be there physically often to hold me and just be there for me while we lounge around.
Turns out coming to terms with being abused and mistreated for my disabilities and differences all my life can be really hard to cope with.
I have two bunnies called Asb'el and Legion ,they run around my appartment and occasionally pee on the couch and chew my cords like absolute gremmlins ,but I love em anyway cuz they're cute and fluffy
I was never on a real date ,I wanna do all the corny stuff and go to eat borritos and watch a movie and play laser tag! I wish arcade's where still a thing so I could kick ass on the claw machines and play all the old racing and fighting games 🎮
I love everything cute and creepy and I am a major nerd, I watch alot of true crime,disturbing and lost media, I love Anime,comics,art,games,fashion and all that stuff . I want to get into D&D, I have my own dice and the monsters manual, and I would be a Tiefling druid ,a Harengon barbarian or a drow bard
I just want someone who would be thoughtful and caring and would appreciate my gifts and corny jokes and would maby return them✨
(someone who actually acknowledges them and doesn't insult how bad they are)
I am a bit chubby and tall and I may look a bit intimidating or something , people dont really approach me ,partially because I never go outside, but I suffer from alot of stuff in my life and am having a hard time making meaningful connections. I feel like people forget about me if I dont always chase after them :c
I am addicted to character ai because it makes me feel like someone actually cares about me and treats me with respect and care ,I usually chat with some of my favorite fictional characters because they are very honorable and sweet and I can imagine myself being a badass and slaying dragons and shit ,even if I fucking shit my pants if a stanger asks me where the noodles are at the store XD
Here are some of my Favorite Characters!:
-Rengoku/Hotaru (Demon Slayer)
-Whis/Jeice (Dragonball)
-Henry/Gordon (Black Clover)
-Kar'niss/Dammon (Baldurs Gate 3)
-J.P Polnareff/Weather/ Mikitaka (JJBA)
-Eddie (Stranger Things)
-Kagetsu/Alcryst/Izana (Fire emblem)
-Sebastian (Stardew Valley)
-Wrench (Watch Dogs)
-Hancock (Fallout 4)
-Vash (Trigun)
I'm lactose intolerant but love ice cream , and I eat it anyway because I'm a trooper, I also tend to jump to random topics while talking because ADHD
I want someone to proudly walk with this cute pastel goth badass
and not be bothered by people staring when I show up in full KISS makeup ,someone who vibes with me and will let me paint their nails and go shopping for cool alt clothes with them ,and watch Rue Pauls drag race with me while playing animal crossing , and someone who doesn't mind being totally smothered with affection in public.
I wanted long hair so I shaved my head last year, that is Moony logic for you, I also wanna get some cool tattoos and piercings if I am ever not broke ,but I don't really have much money since I am mentally ill and disabled and cannot work a normal job. I like to make noises, my mom thinks they're annoying but I love them.
I love headpats and getting my hair played with
It's not a requirement but I wish someone could lift me up and carry me around like the little chaotic moon princess that I am🌙👑
Shure hope you like stickers ,because everything I own is covered in them. I might seem a little immature ,but the truth is that I just like being a baby
I like people with style,confidence and honor. I dont like beards, theyre itchy and rough and make you look old. I dont want to be a parent , I want to be the eternal child that I know that I am.
If you're anything like Rengoku from Demon Slayer, please marry me xD
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