#bullboy kylar
undead-merman · 1 year
This was a Patreon request from Usotsu: “I remembered you once wrote about Bullboy Kylar and a vet pc, may I request a continuation to that, if that's ok? Maybe with the pc having to keep him without much of a choice since Kylar isn't being productive anymore and he also has become violent towards everyone in his farm but it's just a little calmer with pc's presence? Bonus points if pc brings Kylar to Alex's farm and everything gets even worse, lmao. I don't mind if it's goes more towards SFW or NSFW. Thanks in advance.”
The original post
Bullboy Kaylar Moving to Alex’s farm with Vet GN-Reader SFW & NSFW
Taking him off Remy’s hands
It was during your last visit did you hear Remy tell you that they were looking to re-home Kylar. It was too much work and he wasn’t providing enough to stay on the farm. He was running a business, not a charity. Not to mention the little shit had caused a handful of injuries that had some farmhands in the hospital for goring.
You felt bad for the little guy. Constantly nursing some kind of injury, and the farmers were never gentle with him. Harsh and somewhat cruel, you couldn’t just let him leave. You talked with Alex, and they agreed. They were looking for another bull and even if he didn’t give milk he would be cared for at this farm and give the little guy the life he deserves. 
There was a heavy tension between Remy and Alex and you knew that just moving Kylar wasn’t as simple as asking. You had to strike a deal. You had to do some things you weren’t proud of and you would have had to do worse if you weren’t their vet. 
But that day game where Alex grabbed a trailer for him and when he ran into your arms and took him outside of the fence Kylar’s eyes when wide with wonder. His face just right now was worth the trouble you went through. 
You had to sit with him in the trailer he kicked and panicked otherwise. He held onto you so hard, not understanding you were taking him to have a much better life. He was trembling against you, and you certainly noticed his cock poking against you even with how high stress this was. Kylar would be Kylar even when stressed. Your touch did help calm him down a bit. 
You and Alex lead him to the pen for him, lined with extra soft bedding. Kylar was blown away by it and fell asleep almost instantly. Both you and Alex couldn’t help but smile at his sleeping face. It was heartwarming and Alex ruffled your hair and made a nice dinner for the both of you that night. A little bit of both of your favorites.       
Adjusting To The Move
Kylar was shy and meek at first. Only really perking up when you were around and with you appearing every day his mood improved faster than you were expecting. His blood pressure was at an all-time low and he was gaining weight.
He did have that habit of humping you when you did medical checkups on him and they looked painful sometimes. All flushed and painfully hard with precum almost gushing from his slit.
The stones in his hooves gradually got less and he was careful with the bandages. He has gotten a little glow to him, looking so much healthier in this new environment. 
When you finally introduced him to the fields he still seemed rather happy despite it being a smaller plot of land. Though he didn’t seem to get along with any of the others. A little bit of a loner, though you hoped that would change.
After a month or so he finally seemed ready to produce and as both you and Alex stood there attaching the milkers Kylar didn’t take his eyes off you. Mooing and trying to fuck the machine. Even with his smaller testicles and prior neglect, he spewed so much. Even Alex was impressed that this little guy could make so much. He compared to your finest and biggest girl.        
The Quirks Of The Bull
He grew slightly more comfortable around the farm and while he was still a loner, he did always come up to the fence line and wait for you to come out before work. He leaned into the pets you offered and always waited for you to come home. Alex made a joke that he made a little ditch from pacing around the fence waiting for you. 
Kylar did have attachment issues. He was overly possessive of you and would headbutt the other cattle when you did checkups on them or push them over when they were coming to get pet. Though you noticed Kylar always acted pathetic when you or Alex went to scold him. 
Speaking of Alex, he never seemed to like them. Tolerating them was more the word for it. His face would drop when Alex came in and would huff when you and Alex chatted. If you weren’t separated by a face or gate by the time Alex left he’d knock you over and grab your hips to grind his bare cock into your ass. The precum drenches your pants and his cum coats you, even reaching the back of your neck. 
If you did ever end up bottomless around him he’s on your like glue. Mouth right on your genitals and feverishly shoving his face as close to you as he can as he devours you desperately. Drinking every little drop of fluid you secrete. Or if he hadn’t seen you all day his cock was pressing right at your rim, Pushing in without prep. It would always hurt like hell and it was like he was trying to make up for it with gentle licks of his long tongue, though it never helped as he brutally ruined your hole and stuffed you so full of cum your stomach bloated and it gushed when he popped himself out. 
Should you have ever let him do it willingly, he was gentle. Hands shaking as he held your hips as his cock slipped into you. Both of you are grateful for the lube you used beforehand. His fingers fumbling on your tummy and trying to find his cock inside you and every time he found it he pressed down and mooed so happily. 
He was one to pass out right after cumming so if he ended up catching you bare you were able to squeeze by him without a fuss. 
Alex did seem to like him even if he was a troublemaker. He made some profitable milk. Alex often talked about finding him a nice breeding partner. If only Alex knew.
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hatkuu · 6 months
Alright so idea.
What about the LI as cat hybrids.
Whitney is a petty little shit. I'm talking knocks things off tables petty. And bites I know he bites.
Kylar has separation anxiety. Which im pretty sure he already has. Good god this guy is probably even more clingy if that is possible. Also who needs knifes when your fingernails are sharp like claws.
I have to stop myself..this was only meant to be a ask and a tiny little example..
whoo... @pileofmushforalex you are bringing me back to the very beginnings of this blog ehjshjfkd (am i embarrassed that omegaverse and CAT HYBRIDS was my start in the dol tumblr community??? yeah.)
m! cat hybrids hcs utc :)
kylar having separation anxiety is so true. also he is CONSTANTLY kneading your thighs/breasts. would scratch and hiss at people who get too close to you. panics and YOWLS at the top of his lungs whenever you leave the house. your bathroom door has deep scratches all over it bc you lock him out of there when you shower (he wants IN). whitney is the type of cat boy to ruin your furniture because he wants to be a dick. definitely bites the life out of you if you try to pet him unannounced. knocks glasses off of the counter. escapes and roams the streets no matter how many locks you put on the windows and front door. he does suck up to you after you come home from work/school, licks your head bc he says your hair looks shitty (his words not mine) and insists on sleeping with you at night because you'll fall out of bed or something (he just wants cuddles) sydney would be a lap cat... a sweetie that blinks up at you 24/7 to show you how much they appreciate you. bakes in the sunshine. it's honestly kind of funny to look at because he's a whole ass human with cat ears and a tail sprawled out on your carpet. stares at you a lot. purrs very softly and wraps his tail around your legs if you're standing by him. robin is the best behaved of all the cat hybrids. worst thing he does is sneak into your bed at night. i think cat hybrid robin x pc with allergies would be cute. i don't know why. purrs very loudly and as he gets more confident he claims your thighs as his head-space. is always resting on them whenever he can. is conscious of his claws, only kneads pillows and blankets, not your good furniture (WHITNEY!!)
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allfearstofallto · 3 months
I did it :)
Degrees of Lewdity LI Transformations - Headcanons
All Male LI x Fem! PC Reader
Ft: (Corrupt, pure) Sydney, Whitney, Kylar, Robin
TW: 18+ MDNI, deviancy, wolf tf, harpy tf, bull tf, knotting, unprotected sex, Dub-Con, cumming inside, breeding
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Angel! Sydney who's pure as the day he was born. Strawberry blonde hair that seems to shimmer in the light, hazel eyes that only pass forgiving stares. Wings whiter than freshly fallen snow and a golden halo, reflecting an almost blinding light off his glasses. Sweet pure Sydney isn't just the talk of the temple, his unshaken virtue is the talk of the entire town. Though he'll humbly insist that he can't cast blessings, but people still beg him to pray for them which he'll do regardless, he's too kind not to.
Fallen! Sydney who's lost that light in his eyes, dark hair draped over his shoulder. The blinding light of his halo is now changed to an inky black over his head, until one day he comes back with a fresh set of horns sprouting from his forehead. White wings look like they're dipped in oil, their color slowly sinks and becomes dark. You wonder if he seems happier this way, his insatiable lust making him palm himself through his shorts while looking at you, grinding himself against his hand while wordlessly mumbling what he wants to do to you.
Wolfboy! Whitney who doesn't let anyone mention the ears or fluffy tail he sprouted. Who insists that he only likes going into the woods because it's an easy place to smoke without being bothered. His new assets means that his already firm grip as he pounds into you, is now met with the painful feeling of claws digging into your hips, sharp teeth at your neck, threatening to bite. When he cums inside your already trembling cunt, he bullies that big knot of his inside. The swell of it filling your abused pussy up, knocks the air from your lungs.
Harpy! Robin who always had such a lovely singing voice, but when he sprouts colorful wings and a feathered tail his voice seems to get brighter. He sings you to sleep while stroking your hair, hands gentle as he's careful of his abnormally long claws. His love making is more passionate now, a pretty voice singing out as the claws dig into the bedsheets below you, those wings of his flapping as he fills you with cum, then nuzzles against your chest. He sleeps with a defensive arm around you, making sure you're full of his seed, but more importantly safe.
Bullboy! Kylar who's desperate, begging for your touch. He needs to be milked, so badly it hurts and only you can do it for him. His cock, abnormally large, balls heavy and filled to the brim. You'll stroke his cock as he stands stiffly, moaning out loudly while praising you with words of love and admiration. He cums while practically convulsing from your hands, your fingers slick with his precum. His balls tense, bovine tail wagging as cum drips down your arms, a seemingly never ending stream leaving the twitching head.
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pastel-lord63 · 10 months
New account since my first one is being shit.
I now have new dol pcs.
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First sweetheart is Lucille.
She's a charming innocent gal who has everything laid down in front of her because she's my cheat pc.
The only pc I spoil rotten. She literally does nothing but stay pretty.
Typical blond bimbo airhead.
Lovely to be around, but her obliviousness can become exhausting and annoying to deal with.
Love interests change every single time based on who I'm feeling down bad for.
Now time to introduce the pc I absolutely love to traumatize
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Ignore the game stats that don't fit, forgot to screenshot the correct one.
Since my handwriting is chicken scratch I'll rewrite what's in the picture.
' Noah used to be a very cheerful boy, but now that he's seen the dark side of the town, he's only goal is to survive and escape Bailey, but that's proving to be impossible '
Like the description he used to be cheerful, now he's a meek, traumatized, submissive, hard working boi that's simply trying to get by.
He's healing slowly but being assulted at least five times a day tends to slow things down.
My new normal pc.
Love interests are Kylar and Sydney.
Is an angel boy.
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Got the transformation today after I had already finished the drawing, same for longer hair to lazy to make a redraw.
Here's my interpretation of Kylar
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Might add more info on him later and he's the only love interest I've drawn so far.
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Also here's fan art of @monibunbun pcs Cecil, I've missed this handsome strawberry bullboy
And @viomori pc Ramona, such a lovely gal.
Might draw interactions between them and my pcs later
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ihonestlycanttellyou · 8 months
DoL PC: Onyx the Depraved
My main save and menace to society playthrough! >:]
Cut because it got longer than expected. :p
Defiant, Vengeful Sadist, Drooling Masochist, Notorious Slut/Whore/Show-off/Scrapper, and Considered a terror; despite all this, still kinda liked in town.
Would be a Notorious Allfather too but the feature's not really there. :p
Beautiful, Lustful, and Asphyxiophilia traits.
Literally thrives on sick depravity, it's his favorite food.
Lives at Bailey's orphanage but never pays him, prefers to just stomp him and his goons once a week.
A bully at school but his looks and attitude make him very popular despite his more... unsavory actions.
Sending Leighton to the pillory is his favorite past time.
Celebrity chef, Bartender, Adult Shop Attendant, Model, and Brothel Star.
Got a parasite once and was never the same. Now a father of many many many slimes.
Was always an incubus but gained the Cow TF at the farm.
Escaped Remy's secret farm after becoming the farmer's prized cattle. At first, he hated his forced hybrid nature but he loves what being made into a bullboy did to his body; he's super buff and produces milk now. Score!
Escaped prison but lowkey misses pushing the other inmates and even the guards around.
His "types": older men, rich women, brats, and horrific otherworldly beings.
Somehow remembers the names of each of his slimes but not his human children.
(Love Interests)
He, Robin, and Corrupt Sydney are bestfriends! :]
Knows about Kylar's obsession and bullies him for it, would probably only gain interest after learning about Kylar's "daddy issues". *
Fucks around with Whitney. Onyx likes the three F's: fighting, fucking, and funds; Whitney provides all three.
At first, he started working for Alex purely to spite Remy but started to genuinely like the guy as a friend.
Thinks Avery is a huge brat, wants to collar and fuck him until he stops whining about his weak standing among the other rich bastards in town. He does like getting $2K just for looking good though so he'll keep Avery around.
Has never met the You are being Hunted trio, so no opinion on Eden, Black Wolf, or Great Hawk.
*He'd love the depravity and really play into it.
(People of Interest)
Hates Bailey but would totally hit it at any given chance.
Has an oddly deep respect for Briar despite her literally being diet Bailey, not even he knows why.
Protects Darryl when working as a Bartender in her club but is mostly indifferent to her.
Absolutely fucking terrified of Harper, that dude literally altered his brain chemistry for one and then tried to take him back to the farm after he escaped.
Indifferent towards Laundry and Mickey but appreciates their business.
Oh boy, where to start with Leighton. Well- [CENSORED FOR PUBLIC SAFETY]
Only knows Niki from the studio, likes them by not by much. If he knew they worked on the farm, he'd flip.
Would charge at and trample Remy since he likes bulls so much, it'd be cathartic for Onyx despite him seemingly enjoying being a bullboy.
Credits Sam for his success as a celebrity pastry chef, still mostly indifferent towards her.
First met Wren in prison and thought he was cool, thought he was awesome when he actually went through with sabotaging Remy during Blackjack. All that admiration flew out the window when he had to suck off all of Wren's friends for his clothes back. >:/
Loves Sirris as a teacher and boss, lowkey wants to make another "sex-ed" video with him.
FUCKING HATES MS. RIVER, He is a complete delinquent so she targets him a bit. He thinks it's funny when she passes out from his antics with Whitney though.
Wants Doren biblically, even more so if she's actually a werewolf like the rumors say.
Hates Mr. Winter, bastard left him in that stupid pillory like five times. Intrigued by his interests in medieval punishment though.
Thinks Mason is kinda hot, not his type.
Never met the others.
Lookbook :D
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Everyday Look x3, School, Swimming, Formal, Athletic, Sleep, and finally the Brothel fit, babeyyy!
His tattoos: a horned skull on his chest, "Paradise" beneath his pierced bellybutton with an arrow pointing downstairs (okay fine, it's canonically Size Queen but let! me! have! this!), and ofc a cattle brand on his left asscheek.
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bloodpenned · 2 years
Don't mind me, I'm only thinking about fucking bull Kylar so much he starts to dry cumming 🦑
c-cute.... I'm thinking of the 'bull Kylar at the farm scenario' i first described him in and like-
cw: slight dubcon
Keeping Kylar calm by having him be the only one allowed to mount you. He'll be less aggressive towards the other cows and bulls when he's granted such a special privilege, and he doesn't care to do much else with his 'status' besides claiming you. In general, your cute bullboy produces so much more than the rest because of his enthusiasm! You can reward him for that, right?
You got him to take you while you're on your hands and knees and first. A bucket was placed unerneath your hole, so you could at least avoid wasting anything that dripped out. Kylar is satisfied with this through his first two orgasm. They hit him so quick, it's clear how pent up he was. He's loud too, panting and moaning and licking your shoulders. But he ends up knocking the bucket aside. Flipping you around, he looks so much happier when he can fuck you while looking at your face. Kylar smiles and lets out a moo. He rubs his nose against your cheek before picking up the pace again.
The idea was to only let him cum inside you a couple of times, but your brain feels like it's leaking out of your ears and you can't think straight anymore. He stretches you open so nicely.
Eventually, even he can't take it anymore. You are pounded full with his cum, gushes of it pouring out every time he moves back. His eyes are rolled back into his head, tongue hanging out of his mouth as he pants like a dog. Sweat covers him all over. The most he can do is grind himself into you, rather than thrust. His cock twitches inside you, but there's no more cum he can add as he lets out a broken moo. Kylar keeps himself inside you. But he curls on top of you, naked bodies flush against each other.
He's planning to take a nap, and then start all over again.
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snuffmitten · 2 years
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two of 'em!!!
cowgirl kylar based on @bloodpenned 's writing and bullboy kylar based on @fauxyandere 's writing!!
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oyasuminto · 3 years
Degrees of Lewdity Masterlist: Part II
Posts are in chronological order from oldest to newest.
Pure Sydney Seeing PC Walk into the Strip Club Headcanons
Harper, Jordan, Sirris, Sydney, Whitney, and Wren + New Years Headcanons
Kylar Receiving a Titjob Headcanons
Sydney Giving PC Cupcakes with Cum Headcanons
Whitney Nonconning Ren Hana’s S/O Headcanons
Kylar + Sadistic Bully PC Headcanons
Kylar, Robin, and Sydney Matching Outfits with Girlfriend Headcanons
Avery and Sydney + Nobility AU Headcanons
Meeting Kylar’s Parents Headcanons
Alex + Breeding Kink Headcanons
Alex, Avery, Black Wolf, Eden, Great Hawk, Kylar, Robin, Sydney, and Whitney + Most to Least Likely to Believe in Conspiracies Headcanons
Alex NSFT Headcanons
Jordan + Being Corrupted Headcanons
Alex + Breeding Kink Dialogue Headcanons
Bailey + Music Preferences Headcanons
Dom Bailey Headcanons
Alex + Infertile PC Headcanons
Bailey and Kylar Learning that PC is Pregnant Headcanons
Bailey Getting Attached to Defiant PC Headcanons
Alex + Roughhousing Headcanons
Sirris/PC/Sydney Threesome Headcanons
Kylar + Werewolf S/O During Full Moon Headcanons
Bullboy Alex Headcanons
Whitney + Bimbofication Kink Headcanons
Alex and Keiichiro Akasaka + Bunny Leotard Headcanons
Alex, Avery, Black Wolf, Eden, Great Hawk, Kylar, Robin, Sydney, and Whitney + Most to Least Likely to Choke S/O During Sex Headcanons
Kylar + Ghost Wife Headcanons
Alex, Avery, Black Wolf, Eden, and Great Hawk + Voice Headcanons
Alex Baby-Trapping PC Headcanons
Robin Getting Distracted While Gaming Headcanons
Kylar + Petplay Headcanons
Alex, Avery, Black Wolf, Eden, Great Hawk, Kylar, Robin, Sydney, and Whitney + Social Media Headcanons
Kylar as a Widowed Father Headcanons
Sydney Fucking the New Initiate Headcanons
Vampire Whitney + Innocent PC Headcanons
Alex, Avery, Black Wolf, Eden, Great Hawk, Kylar, Robin, and Whitney + Eldritch Happenings Headcanons
PC, Robin, and Whitney Friendship Headcanons
Alex, Avery, Black Wolf, Eden, Great Hawk, Kylar, Robin, Sydney, and Whitney + Childhood Headcanons
Avery as Whitney’s Parent Headcanons
Wren + Sly S/O Headcanons
Whitney + Tall Boyfriend Headcanons
Angel Sydney Wanting to Purify Demon PC Headcanons
Sydney Marriage Headcanons
Wren Getting Overstimulated Headcanons
Sydney Learning That Kylar Has a Crush on his S/O Headcanons
Whitney Misogyny Headcanons
Kylar, Robin, and Sydney + PC Wearing Just an Apron Headcanons
Eden + Ren Hana Headcanons
Kylar + Eerie-Looking S/O Headcanons
Alex, Avery, Black Wolf, Eden, Great Hawk, Robin, Sydney, and Whitney as Fathers Headcanons
Kylar, Robin, and Sydney + S/O With Overprotective Parents Headcanons
Sirris Learning of Sydney’s Crush Headcanons
Lawrence Oleander, Ren Hana, and Strade in DOL Headcanons
Robin Reacting to PC Murdering Someone Headcanons
Avery, Bailey, and Whitney + Snapping After Getting Teased Headcanons
Sydney Jealousy Headcanons
Kylar Obsessing Over Jordan Headcanons
Demon Sydney + Virgin Sacrifice Headcanons (Follow-Up)
Strade and Whitney Sharing an S/O Headcanons
Kylar and Sydney Poly Headcanons
Kylar Being Comforted After a Nightmare Headcanons
Jordan’s Crush Ending up with Sydney Headcanons
Sydney Corrupting his Amnesiac S/O Headcanons
Kylar + Mommy Kink Headcanons
Follow-Up to Kylar Watching his Girlfriend do Self-Shibari Headcanons
Villain!Kylar + Villain!PC Headcanons
Alex Ending up at Remy’s Farm Headcanons
Alex, Avery, Black Wolf, Eden, Great Hawk, Kylar, Robin, Sydney, Whitney, and Wren + Sleeping Headcanons
Kylar, Robin, and PC Poly Headcanons
Wren Stealing Whitney’s Girlfriend Headcanons
Jordan Finding Sydney and PC in the Prayer Room Headcanons
Whitney Meeting a Worse Bully Headcanons
Sydney + Corrupted PC Headcanons
Kylar Learning She’s Pregnant Headcanons
Kylar Friendzoned Headcanons
Sydney Punishing PC Headcanons
Jordan/PC/Whitney Threesome
Sydney Clone-Fucking Headcanons
Eden, Kylar and Robin Making Their S/O Squirt Headcanons
Whitney’s S/O Finding Out What He’s Like Headcanons
Kylar Divorce Headcanons
Prince Whitney + Forbidden Love Headcanons
Whitney + Freckled PC Headcanons
Kylar + Eldritch S/O Headcanons
Kylar and Robin + Pole Dancing Headcanons
Kylar and Robin + Tough Yet Submissive S/O Headcanons
Kylar + Blackjack Headcanons
Kylar and Wren Comfort-Fucking Their S/O Headcanons
Yandere Jordan Headcanons
Kylar Keeping his S/O as a Pet Headcanons
Alex, Avery, Bailey, Eden, Kylar, Robin, Sydney, and Whitney + Missing S/O Headcanons
Kylar’s S/O Killing His Bully Headcanons
Whitney Having a Crush on Jordan’s Girlfriend Ficlet
Kylar, Robin, and Sydney Finding Whitney Non-Conning MC Headcanons
Kylar / MC / Sydney Threesome Headcanons
Elf Kylar + Orc S/O Headcanons
Alex, Avery, Eden, Kylar, Robin, Sydney, Whitney, and Wren + Being Called at 2 AM Headcanons
Sydney’s Angel S/O Getting Kidnapped Headcanons
Kylar and Ren Hana Sharing an S/O Headcanons
Jordan as a Love Interest Headcanons
Bailey, Eden, Harper, Leighton, and Remy + Shrunken S/O Headcanons
Kylar + Defiant S/O Headcanons
Kylar, Robin, and Whitney + Hitman PC Headcanons
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r0-boat · 3 years
M!LI's reaction to a crazy strong f!PC that beats up anyone that bothers them?
This this ask... Is beautiful...
Crack hcs
Who are you and what have you been eating?
You look so small and weak perfect victim when he approached you and pushed you against the locker the next thing he knew he was inside said Locker.
There is Whitney having a life crisis inside of the locker you shoved him into. Has he gotten weaker?! No...it can't be... Beaten?! BY A GIRL!!?? Whitney is renewing his gym membership next week.
"Sorry, Mommy. Sorry Mommy sorr-"
Has he witnessed you violently shoving Whitney into a locker protecting him he just couldn't stay away.
However because of your strength... a lot of other students admire you too you weren't just the quiet girl anymore you're pretty popular with boys and girls.
Every time he catches them staring at your body Kylar wants to stab their eyes out.
You could easily fend off Eden but let's just say you stayed with him anyway. Maybe you like the feeling of being protected by someone who isnt yourself...
He doesn't think you're telling the truth when you say that you could defend yourself. Until you're out hunting with him and a rather large attacker came out trying to grab you. Eden being a fair distance from you witnessed first hand you absolutely decking your attacker in the face.
He was Shooketh...
He's convinced you have super strength. You have to be a superhero after you beat up a greedy bad guy ( Bailey).
He wants to be your sidekick( hah Robin) but he's afraid that you'll see him as a liability.
So for now he'll just admire you from afar being grateful that he's on your side.
Where were you his whole entire farm life? He could have used the extra strength for billions of things could've saved him a lot of hurt and sweat.
You are helping Alex with Farm labor until something scared the cowgirl/bullboys. Alex frowned and was going to step in when one of them started to you get aggressive with you.
He froze when he saw you grab the bull by the horns and basically overpowered it into submission... maybe he should ask about your exercise routine.
he loves it when you keep your elegant demeanor as you take out the trash with some creep that tried to touch you.
It doesn't matter how physically strong you are Avery always has money... well that's what he always says anyway.
But that doesn't stop him being a little hesitant on making you angry.
C!sydney "Oh lord... forgive me for what I'm about to do" and "uh no I seem to be weak and helpless I sure hope no one with the strength of a god comes and takes advantage of me...I SAID-"
P! Sydney a little bit of that and just admiration for you. " um... Pc... is it okay if I feel your muscles a little bit..."
Please help this man. he is down bad for you.
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Please Kylar and Eden with a demonic cow/bull s/o ? One that is much taller than them and is very curvy and/or buff would be awesome.
Any dynamic with Kylar that has them as the tiny one is very fun. I'm used to thinking of Eden as the big strong one though, so this'll be interesting.
NSFW below
Eden is controlling, so I see them mentally making you see your strength as something to use for them, rather than against them (like trying to be more dominant in bed).
Uses the collar and leash to pull you down to their height for a kiss, refuses to simply ask you to bend down.
However, it is useful to have someone else strong around to help carry hunting catches, make repairs around the house, carry firewood etc.
Less worried about breaking you when you fuck. Probably way more into spanking, loves seeing the jiggle in your ass when they do it.
Likes how holding onto your thick hips feels.
You'll never have to worry about your tits/balls being full. Eden is always eager to milk you.
I mentioned it before in another post, but your breastmilk would definitely be used regularly in meals. It's fresh, so why not?
Eden jacking off their bullboy into the crops and seeing how much cum they can squeeze out of you.
Obsessed with snuggling up to you. Spends hours daydreaming about being in your lap on a comfy couch, hot chocolate in hand as you both watch snow fall outside.
Hides behind you at school to avoid bullies seeing them.
Kylar sucking on your tits and kneeding into them like a cat at the same time.
Or sucking your cock till their mouth is overspilling with seed.
Honestly, letting Kylar milk you with their mouth when they're upset to lull them into ease seems very hot.
Loves you on top, putting your full weight on them when your have sex. Makes them feel safe, loved, to have you pressed so close to their bare skin.
Kylar painting your horns like people paint nails.
Nervously playing with your tail when they're anxious.
Gets you one of those breastpump thingies so you can 'practice for when the babies are here'.
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undead-merman · 2 years
Bullboy Kylar's hoof is separated and damaged. He can't walk and he moos in pain every time he has to stand up. And because of that he can't be milked, The stress makes what he does produce is sour and unusable. He's in so much pain that they call you, a vet.
You try to inspect him but like every other vet he bucks and kicks, tries to ram you with his horns while he sniffles in pain but you smile and sit in the mud with him until he feels comfortable. He's shocked your not trying to force him down, so eventually you convince him to let you pick him up and take him to somewhere safe and clean. He’s so small that it’s easy to throw him over your shoulder, working with big and ornery animals allows you to build up strength to do this. His tail sticks straight up and as your walking with him his cock grinds on your shoulder and he ends up cumming on you. shivering and shaking since it’s the first ejucations he’s had in a while while his foot was off the ground. 
you sit him down gently and help wash the mud off. You use the softest sponge you have and he's shivering and moaning as you wash him off. He cums a lot, tongue lulling out of his mouth. Its part of the job,, monsters folk can get like this. Then you carve his hoof, so it can finally heal and turns out there was some small painful stones in there. Now he’s prancing around feeling so much better. He rubs himself all over you smiling and licking you as his cow tail flops about. When you go to take your leave he tries to stop you but you have to leave.
Your called back again, for a check in the farmer impressed with you were able to deal with him. You head back and he recognizes you. His tail flopping happy behind as he sits in the mud. You pick him up since his foot is still tender. But this time he holds you close and ruts against you cumming all over you again as he moans into your ear. Cleaning him is worse and he pulls your hand to his dick and fucks the sponge your holding trying to get to your hand.
Checking his hoof and its still rough. You carve it down more and it seems he somehow got more stones into the wound and it's even a bit infected. You treat it and again he's all over you until you have to leave. This time putting up more of a fight when a farm hand has to step in and he tackles and butts the poor person nearly trampling over them despite the injury.
Kylar becomes a regular, his foot filled with stones even when you wrap it and tell the farmers to quarantine him with softer bedding. The farm hands are dealing with a nightmare and he's only complaint around you.
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bloodpenned · 2 years
Ok but I cannot get out of my head cow!Pc and bull!Kylar being bred together on Remy’s farm now. He’s probs do it cause Kylar is causing trouble with the staff and the cows because of you lol
Most of the cows and bulls are far too nervous to bread with each other, especially at first. Letting you two go at it together is a perfect way to get an easy show. Especially if they rile Kylar up a little beforehand. He's so eager to claim you and show everyone who you belong to, that he stops caring that people are watching. And just keeps going, and going, and going. Belly almost bulging with his cum. Bet there's someone out there willing to pay to cuck Kylar though.
Everyone quickly understands that the two of you shouldn't be seperated for long. So much anger packed in such a tiny body. It causes everyone more trouble than it's worth.
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bloodpenned · 2 years
LAST POST. HAS ME BRAINROTTING. poor pet bullboy kylar who recognises his needs but doesn't know how to take care of them <33
so you wake up in the middle of the night to his dick being rubbed all over your stomach, because he wants to breed you but he couldn't get himself inside. at best, he can get himself in between your thighs <33 not letting him fuck you full multiple times a week is bullboy abuse /lh
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bloodpenned · 3 years
the bullboy kylar idea i had but....... roles flipped....... kylar taking such good care of their dumb personal cow/bull <33 you don't have to worry about someone leaving you if the thought never even crosses their mind!
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bloodpenned · 3 years
thinking about bullboy kylar again... but kind of like the docile ones you have on alex's farm?? they are cute man...
cw: implied past abuse, implied noncon.
You'd taken pity on the bullboy when you first saw him being sold, mature but still small, quivering like a leaf. Poor thing. You didn't want to imagine what he'd been through. No one else had any interest in him. With his size and nervous disposition, he'd likely not produce as much milk as a bull otherwise would. You couldn't stand the thought of another buyer taking him for a low price and treating him badly once again.
So, you're the one who takes him home.
He acts as you expected. Stays as far away from the rest of your cattle as possible, jumps at every noise and is overall restless. The instinctual responses he has as prey have been fuelled beyond belief through past experience. It's impossible to get close enough to touch him, much less milk him, without him freezing up. You start off small. At first, you don't approach him at all, simply letting him observe as you interact with a couple of your cowgirls and allowing him to get used to your presence. From time to time, you give your cattle watermelon when they've been good. Instead of letting him take it out of your hand however, for obvious reasons, you put it down on the ground near him. When you turn your back, you hear him chew and smile.
When you get there one day and he's moved from his usual corner, instead crawling around, you're delighted! He's staring at you almost all the time now. You're sure he isn't doing it on purpose, but his eyes on while you're milking another bull by hand is almost... Embarrassing. It feels a lot more lewd all of a sudden. None of the others pay much attention to you while you're collecting, simply munching grass until you beckon them over. Then, finally, a couple of days later, he actually comes up to you when you enter the field. Shuffling closer and closer while you stand still, until he sniffs at your hand and bumps his head against your thigh. Stares up at you with big, pretty green eyes. You don't really think before reaching out to pet his head, and while he flinches upon impact, he moos softly when you scratch the skin around his horns.
You get to milk him soon after. He approaches you after you're done with all the others, legs trembling. You barely need to touch him before he's filling up the bucket. There's so much of it! All this time, the poor thing must've been so pent up. You coo at him that he did so well for his first time, and his ears perk up at your soft tone of voice. Sniffling and tail flicking, he starts to thrust into your hand instead of you doing the work for him. His tongue peeks out of his mouth as he soon cums again with a moo. A dazed smile spreads on his face as you praise him more after. You count yourself lucky. Sure, it took time and effort, but he's producing way more than you could've expected out of such a small body!
He warms up to you very quickly after that. The first at your side when you enter, the last by the fence when you leave. Constantly nuzzling his head against you and pleading for attention. You can't say he hasn't become your favourite. He's always so happy to see you, it's adorable! Unlike the rest of your cattle, he even likes to wrap his tail around your wrist. By now, you've even named him: Kylar. When you feed him watermelon now, he insists on sucking the juices from your fingers after, nudging against the back of your hand until you let him. His tongue is thicker than a normal human's. You can milk him a couple of times in a row, though you have to be careful he doesn't try to get it on you rather than in the bucket. He managed to one time, and had the gall to look proud after.
When it's already too late, you realise he's gotten too attached to you.
At no point had you expected him to grow fully docile like the others. You figured he'd always be quick to scare. But it's gotten to the point where the only time he relaxes is when you're in his direct line of sight, pacing around in the enclosure otherwise. While you make your way to the exit, he tries his best to get you to stay longer. He's never hurt you and by no means are you afraid of him. Kylar just gets in front of your feet or cries so pitifully it gets you to stay a minute longer. No matter how long you stay, he's always clawing at the fence when you leave. Compared to the rest, he's also become a lot... Needier, when it comes to milking. He gets hard so often you have the suspicion that it's the sight of you that arouses him, rather than the prospect of relief alone.
Most noticeably though, Kylar doesn't like it when you milk any of the others anymore. Staring turned into glaring and, at this point, he only allows it to happen as long as he can lay his head down in your lap, staking his claim on you. His behaviour is starting to impact the entire group. They all become more on edge, giving you less milk and steering clear from the bullboy whenever possible. It all culminates in an incident where Kylar headbutts a cowgirl you were milking. All because she kept rubbing her head against your arm. You can't possibly keep him with all the others, it'd be better for everyone involved to keep him separate.
Kylar is delighted when you get him a little patch away from the others. Now, he no longer has to worry about all those who were clearly also competing for your affection! You'd picked him above all the others... Fighting had turned out to be the right choice after all! He'd shown how good he's at protecting you, and you'd chosen him. Don't be surprised he'll tackle you the next time you stop by, busy rubbing himself against you while mooing loudly. Please, please let him breed you already! You've been so kind to him, nicer than anyone ever has, so that has to mean you feel the same, right?
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bloodpenned · 3 years
Last Updated: 13-11-2021
Alex Milking You (M!Alex, F!Reader) Alex Taking Advantage Of You While Intoxicated (M!Alex, F!Reader)
Eden + Petplay (F!Eden, F!Reader)
Jordan + Blindfold Play (M!Jordan, GN!Reader) Jordan ‘Purifying’ You (GN!Jordan, GN!Reader)
Bullboy Kylar HCs (M!Kylar, GN!Reader) Camgirl Kylar (F!Kylar, GN!Reader) Cowgirl Kylar HCs (F!Kylar, GN!Reader) Developing Stockholm Syndrome After Kylar Kidnaps You (GN!Kylar, GN!Reader) Escaping Kylar (GN!Kylar, GN!Reader) Kylar As Your ‘Online Friend’ HCs (GN!Kylar, GN!Reader) Exchanging Blood Vial Necklaces With Kylar (GN!Kylar, GN!Reader) Extended Kylar Kidnapping HCs (GN!Kylar, GN!Reader) Extra High Jealousy Kylar HCs (GN!Kylar, GN!Reader) Extra Teacher Kylar HCs (GN!Kylar, GN!Reader) More (F!Kylar, F!Reader) More (GN!Kylar, GN!Reader) Ghost Kylar Fic (GN!Kylar, GN!Reader) More Ghost Kylar Content Interaction: Avoiding Their Gaze (GN!Kylar, GN!Reader) Interaction: Cute In Arms (GN!Kylar, GN!Reader) Interaction: Feeling Watched (GN!Kylar, GN!Reader) Interaction: Holding Kylar In Your Wings (GN!Kylar, GN!Reader) Interaction: Jealous too easily (GN!Kylar, GN!Reader) Is There Anything That Would Make Kylar Upset With You? (GN!Kylar, GN!Reader) Kissing A Plushie In Front Of Kylar (GN!Kylar, GN!Reader) Kylar + Hypnosis (M!Kylar, F!Reader) Kylar + Werewolf GF (F!Kylar, F!Reader) Kylar Being Doted On Ramble (GN!Kylar, GN!Reader) Kylar Being Showered In Affection (GN!Kylar, GN!Reader) Kylar Comforting Stepsibling (GN!Kylar, GN!Reader) Kylar Falling For Their New Stepsibling (GN!Kylar, GN!Reader) Kylar Forcefeeding You (M!Kylar, GN!Reader) Kylar Giving You Control Over Their Vibrator (GN!Kylar, GN!Reader) Kylar Has A Crush On Their Sibling (GN!Kylar, GN!Reader) Kylar Paying You To Hang Out With Them (GN!Kylar, GN!Reader) Kylar Using A Hypnosis App On You (GN!Kylar, GN!Reader) Kylar With A Mommy Kink (GN!Kylar, F!Reader) More (GN!Kylar, F!Reader) Kylar With Mean Femdom (M!Kylar, F!Reader) Kylar With Obsessed S/O (GN!Kylar, GN!Reader) Kylar With The Sex Machine (F!Kylar, F!Reader) More (F!Kylar, F!Reader) Kylar’s Love Spell w/ Bodily Fluids (F!Kylar, GN!Reader) Kylar’s Response To Killing You During Captivity (M!Kylar, GN!Reader) Lactating Kylar HCs (F!Kylar, M!Reader) Making Kylar Wet Herself and Spanking Her In Public (F!Kylar, GN!Reader) Manipulating Kylar HCs (GN!Kylar, GN!Reader) Messing Around With Kylar After A Date (M/F!Kylar, GN!Reader) Petplay Kylar HCs (GN!Kylar, GN!Reader) Sadist Reader Emotionally Messing With Kylar (F!Kylar, F!Reader) Self-Aware Kylar (GN!Kylar, GN!Reader) Shopping Date With Kylar (F!Kylar, GN!Reader) Size Gap With Kylar (F!Kylar, F!Reader) Spoiling Kylar (F!Kylar, F!Reader) Stepsibling Teasing Kylar (GN!Kylar, GN!Reader) Stepsibling Waking Up Kylar With Oral (M!Kylar, GN!Reader) Sugar Mommy Kylar (F!Kylar, GN!Reader) More (F!Kylar, GN!Reader) Tentacle Monster Kylar + Prey/Predator (F!Kylar, F!Reader) Tentacle Monster Kylar HCs (GN/M/F!Kylar, GN!Reader) Extra Tentacle Monster Kylar HCs (GN!Kylar, GN!Reader) Would Kylar Want To Impregnate / Be Made Pregnant By Their Sibling? (GN!Kylar, GN!Reader) ‘Fake Relationship’ With Kylar (F!Kylar, GN!Reader)
C!Sydney Corrupting You (M!Sydney, GN!Reader) C!Sydney Seeing You Get Raped By Whitney (M!Sydney, GN!Reader) Corrupting Stepsibling P!Sydney (GN!Sydney, GN!Reader) Making P!Sydney Cum For The First Time (F!Sydney, F!Reader) Relationship With Fallen Angel Sydney (M!Sydney, GN!reader) C!Sydney Finding Out You’ve Been Writing Smut About You Two (M!Sydney, GN!Reader) Watching Porn With C!Sydney (GN!Sydney, GN!Reader) Watching Porn With P!Sydney (F!Sydney, F!Reader)
Incubus!Whitney HCs (M!Whitney) Whitney Teasing You For Being A Dependent Slut (F!Whitney, GN!Reader) Whitney + Dumbification / Misogyny (M!Whitney, F!Reader) Whitney Gets Mindbroken (M!Whitney, F!Reader) Whitney HCs (F!Whitney, GN!Reader) Whitney Omorashi Fic (M!Whitney, GN!Reader) Whitney Pisses On You (M!Whitney, GN!Reader) Whitney Pissing In Your Mouth During Class (M!Whitney, GN!Reader) Whitney Skullfucking Fic (M!Whitney, GN!Reader) Whitney With Obsessed Reader (M!Whitney, GN!Reader)
Boobs, Butts Or Thighs? (GN!LIs) LIs Response To Having Their Boobs Played With (F!LIs, GN!Reader) Robin, Sydney and Whitney Responding To Seeing You Again After Being Kidnapped + Visiting Kylar In Prison (GN!LIs, GN!Reader) Self-Aware Robin And Sydney (GN!LIs) Talking Dirty to Eden, Kylar and Sydney In Your Native Language (F!LIs, GN!Reader) Teacher AU for Kylar, Robin, Sydney and Whitney (GN!LIs) Alternative Teacher AU for Kylar, Robin, Sydney and Whitney (GN!LIs) Teacher Kylar And Sydney Crushing On Student (GN!LIs, GN!Reader)
Kylar and Great Hawk Poly (F!LIs, F!Reader) Kylar and Sydney Poly (GN!LIs, GN!Reader)
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