cauthernarts · 5 months
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colorado-corvidian · 2 years
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Sweet Ferdinand ♡ based on the 1930s publication by Munro Leaf, originally illustrated by Robert Lawson.
This guy turned out very, very different from the sketch, but I don't think that's a bad thing.
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erlandious · 2 years
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Her name is Dedge.. <3
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ltwilliammowett · 6 months
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HMS Victory in fierce duel with french Bucentaure at begining of the Trafalgar battle- an artwork for Napoleon total war, by Rado Javor 2010
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philoursmars · 5 months
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Marseille. Le Palais Longchamp abrite deux musées, ici le Musée des Beaux-Arts :
Emile Loubon - "Vue de Marseille prise des Aygalades, un jour de marché"
Paul Guigou - "Plan d'Orgon"
Paul Guigou - "Vue de la Canebière et des Allées de Meilhan"
Félix Ziem - "Venise, le Bucentaure"
Félix Ziem - "Quai du port à Marseille"
voir 1 et 2
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mioritic · 11 months
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Frederick Rolfe (aka "Baron Corvo", English, 1860-1913), with John Holden and Leon Schwartz, 1896
"I remain upset not to have known Rolfe, who, during that summer of 1909 when we were both in Venice, was known as 'Baron Corvo' [...] Why did he adopt the name 'Corvo'? Why this nevermore? Out of romanticism? Rolfe always loved heraldry; as a seminarian, he composed arms and devised banners, and he would arrive to the refectory with a stuffed crow perched on his shoulder. Corvo was a mixture of Léon Bloy and Genet, of Max Jacob and Maurice Sachs. A life of loneliness and poverty, he was unstable and eccentric in character, litigious, spiteful, devious, and vindictive; he was gifted in all the arts; he was constantly angry with his friends; he analysed horoscopes, and he was intoxicated with the Church's past and with the Renaissance; he adored Catholic pomp and ceremony, but he had no vocation for the priesthood and he was expelled from every college, from sinecures, from salons and asylums... A member of the Bucentaure nautical club, Corvo had even learned to steer a gondola, a very difficult art at which I have only seen one woman, Winnaretta de P., excel, because a poorly-directed blade can run the risk, as President de Brosses says, of cutting off someone's head 'like a turnip'; or to cleave a gondolier's in two underneath a bridge. Corvo, if he were to fall into the water, continued to smoke his pipe just like Byron, who would lie flat on his back in the Grand Canal with his cigar in his mouth, in order to (in his words) 'not lose sight of the stars'; his valet followed behind, in a gondola, his master's clothing on his arm."
Paul Morand, Venises (Paris: Gallimard, 1971)
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pineappleparfaitie · 4 months
Has Aqua been nommed by people other than Goop?
not really except a bucentaur in the facility but other then that no Goops the only menace they gotta deal with lol-
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youredreamingofroo · 3 days
List 5 facts about a favorite sim of yours, and send this to 10 simblrs whose sims you adore ♥♥♥
hmm... Who will we put in the spotlight this time...
Onia Dhithos, The Wolf
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Why not :3c
1, Onia's motif is the opposite of the common "Wolf in Sheep's Clothing" motif(?)... hence the caption of her introductory post "Sheep in Wolf's Clothing," Onia loathes her sweet heart, and she tends to put a cold act on, in a ruthless loop of attempts to stop being kind hearted. "I want to bear the teeth that my father and mother bore." Onia was born under two parents who are completely different to her, ruthless and infinitely less kind-hearted than her.
2, Continuing from the last one, Here's a rough outline of Onia's parents; Onia's Mother, Dromis Dhithos, is a Minotaur who works as an Assassin and kills for sport. Onia's Father, Qhynsas Dhithos, is a Bucentaur who works as a bloodthirsty executioner, often noted as having no mercy. Additionally, She has no siblings, after Dromis and Qhynsas had Onia, they anticipated her following in their heartless steps, but when they witnessed the swelling of a sweet heart in their already out-of-place daughter (I'll tap in on this in the next fact), they feared having more "soft" children and did not conceive further.
3, "Out-of-place daughter"... Onia was not born a Minotaur, or Bucentaur like her parents, She's also not a hybrid, She was born a Satyress, Her parents don't exactly understand how it's even possible for her to not be born like them, but,,, it is possible, which is terribly unfortunate for Onia, as this is the beginning of her... attempted villain origin story 😭
4, Onia wears braces, which is due to the fact that during one of her many spirals, she began removing her own teeth (yes. literally ripping them out with pliers), she didn't remove all of them, but a good chunk of them. She had to get a lot of her teeth replaced, but after getting them replaced, she went down ANOTHER spiral, and resorted to removing her teeth... again :) So she got them replaced. AGAIN. And this time, they put braces on her teeth to keep her from removing them again (basically making it harder/more painful to remove her teeth). So far, she hasn't tried to remove them. yet. nyehehe
5, A lot of Onia's piercings are her little fidget toy, but additionally, she likes to... "tease" herself with them, by pulling on them as if she were going to rip them out, she never does, but she always tugs on them roughly just enough to spike her pain receptors, but not enough to injure herself, it freaks a lot of people out when she's in public LMAO
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Many people around the world have heard of the centaurs, but have they ever heard of a Elgfróðians or as the midgardians called, the Stalkers?
Who are they
Elgfróðians are based on the character of same name Elgfróði, the half-man, half-elk elder brother of the hero Bödvar Bjarki and Thorir Houndsfoot.
Elgfróðians along with Centaurs, bucentaur, onocentaur  and the ichthyocentaur, are part of a unique subfamile of the great Chalicotheriidae family: The Centauriinaes. Whose ancestors possessed a second pair of arms, that later on would evolved into the lower body and legs of a horse, donkey or elk.
Elgfróðians in particular are a recent addition of this family, as they have only appeared a couple of hundreds of years ago, with their origins somehow tracing back to the Americas.
Not a lot is known about Stalkers, other that they have a culture revolved around hunting and honor and are very much capable of creating settlements and villages. They also are know as worshipers of Skaði, a legendary Giantess renowned for her hunting expertise. They're usually a peaceful race, wanting nothing more than to find their next challenge. However during the time of The Desolation, it appears recent times have made some clans far more aggressive and ruthless.
As far as Midgardians know, Stalkers are becoming very rare, with some even fearing they are also becoming extinct, just like Trolls. Nevertheless, there have been sights of prospering clans of them in the realm of Vanaheim.
Hybrid Physiology: Being half human and half deer, the stalkers have a physiology stronger than that of an ordinary human, being faster, more agile, stronger and more resistant than any creature.
Master Archer: Most stalkers use bows and arrows to fight, they are quite feared and respected for their bow skills.
Polearmsmanship: Although most of the stalkers use the bow, some have been able to master the use of the spear to perfection, being able to use them in such an impeccable way that even Kratos respects them.
However they have at least one weakness: Their antlers.
Male and female Stalkers have antlers that glow when they're at a distance. If someone hit the horns with a ranged attack, it'll knock the Stalker down for a few seconds, opening them up to follow up attacks.
Despite their appearance and cultures, Stalkers are not a race to be feared, but still one to be cautions, especially if you are a human.
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gracegrove · 1 year
Ok but what if Billy was a unicorn centaur and Steve was a bucentaur that Billy had no intention of liking but he was just so.... Beefy.
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frankly-art · 1 month
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A cowtaur transformation commission (plus a few alternates) for Orion-B on FA! 🐄 ✨💖 BUY ME A COFFEE! 💖✨ Check me out on: Instagram | Twitter | deivantArt | ArtStation | Bluesky SFW/NSFW
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stigmatam4rtyr · 1 year
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The Doge of Venice in the Bucentaur on Ascension Day (1691-1702, oil on canvas) | Alessandro Piazza
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marryat92 · 2 years
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I have before observed that a man’s courage much depends upon his worldly means or prospects. A man who has much to lose, whatever the property may consist of, will be less inclined to fight than another whose whole capital consists of a “light heart and a thin pair of breeches.”
— Frederick Marryat, Newton Forster
Combat glorieux du vaisseau le Bucentaure contre trois vaisseaux anglais, 21 octobre 1805 (detail), by Auguste Mayer
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ltwilliammowett · 8 months
The Battle of Trafalgar - a brief timeline
At 6am on 21 October 1805, the two fleets sighted each other and at 6.40am Nelson gave the order to ‘prepare for battle’. The French were sailing in line off Cape Trafalgar, while the British came in from the west, gradually forming two lines. The British fleet was outnumbered, the enemy totalling nearly 30,000 men and 2632 guns to Nelson’s 18,000 men and 2148 guns.
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Plan of Lord Horatio Nelson's attack strategy (1758-1805), on the combined fleet (France and Spain), October 21, 1805 (Battle of Trafalgar). Lithograph (27 x 36.7 cm), published by Robert Dodd, 1805, England
At 11.45am Nelson ordered a special signal to be flown from his flagship Victory. It read: ‘England expects that every man will do his duty’. The signal was greeted with delight by the fleet.
Finally, at 11.50am, French commander Pierre-Charles-Jean-Baptiste-Silvestre de Villeneuve sent the signal ‘engage the enemy’. The French vessel Fougueux fired the first shots at Vice-Admiral Cuthbert Collingwood’s flagship, Royal Sovereign. The battle had begun. Collingwood was the first to reach the enemy line, firing a broadside into one of the Spanish flagships, Santa Anna. The ships in his division followed him, approaching in a slanting line, spreading the force of the impact and enveloping the allied rear as Nelson had intended.
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HMS Victory, by Patrick O'Brien (1960-)
Nelson meanwhile headed towards the great Spanish ship, Santissima Trinidad, but spotting that Villeneuve was flying his flag on the Bucentaure, the next ship astern, he ordered Flag Captain Thomas Hardy to attack her first. The Victory passed under the stern, firing a broadside as she went, giving the Bucentaure a knockout blow.
As the Victory moved on she became entangled in the Redoutable, and the two ships drifted away. This created a large gap in the Franco-Spanish line through which Nelson’s division then poured, splitting the enemy fleet in two – again, exactly as Nelson intended.
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Breaking the Line, by Patrick O'Brien (1960-)
The battle developed into a ferocious pounding match but the British had the advantage thanks to Nelson’s strategic pre-planning and the fact his men were better trained in delivering rapid, accurate gunnery. When firing finally ceased at 5.30pm, 17 enemy ships had been captured and another was a blazing wreck. Four managed to escape but were captured a few weeks later, and 11 managed to struggle back to Cadiz.
A total of 449 British sailors were killed and 1217 wounded. French and Spanish losses were heavier: 4408 were dead, 2545 wounded and some 20,000 taken prisoner.
Britain’s decisive victory was overshadowed by news of the death of Nelson, who was shot onboard Victory at 1.15pm and died at 4.30pm. The triumph was further eclipsed by a fierce storm that raged after the battle, forcing the British to abandon most of their captured enemy ships.
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The Battle of Trafalgar, 21 Ocotober 1805, by unknown
News of Trafalgar reached London a fortnight later in the early hours of 6 November 1805. Public rejoicing for the victory was muted by widespread sorrow for the death of Nelson. As a reward for Trafalgar, Collingwood was made a baron, all the captains received the official Naval Gold Medal and a special grant of money was made by the government to all those who had taken part. This was to compensate them for the prize money they lost when their captured vessels sank in the storm.
The Battle of Trafalgar cemented Britain’s reputation as ruler of the seas and demonstrated that the Royal Navy had superiority in training, professionalism and expertise in naval tactics that set it apart from its rivals. By 1809 there were over 140,000 men serving on 732 ships, more than ever before.
However, the victory at Trafalgar had little overall impact on the course of the war. Napoleon needed more to be stopped.
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marshmiillow · 6 months
hello i am bored and wanted to talk to someone abt bucentaur beef cuz i thoight of it so long ago and im insane . this but like. vintage beef
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and i think itd be really funny with him being a butcher and stuff and also like. character wise. big fucking guy whos the sweetest person youve met. but also a massive bull. the cuddles would be amazing i think and also could be used for more angsty stuff like. yknow if he had to get angry or offensive in a battle or whatever hed be a massive force of anger and i think thats great. anyway thank you for listening were gonna go back to cleaning our room now
Ohhhhhuuugfhhh yes
Love this idea, i dont normally like centaur-shaped hermits (mostly cause i keep seeing it done to scar?? For some reason??) but this one i can get behind. (I also like four legged creeper doc) I can picture him dancing in the record shop and everyone hearing it in the next shop over.
Horns getting stuck on doorways. Scar loves his house cause all his doorways and hallways are extra wide so very wheelchair friendly. Bdubs likes to brush him. Pesky bird grian perching on his horns. Etho uses him to lean against.
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fideidefenswhore · 1 year
I have not the least doubt that if His Majesty intends to treat and come to some sort of arrangement with these people, some personage of authority and rank ought now to be sent, and if he could but come before the closing of this Parliament, the affairs of the Princess and other matters might be satisfactorily adjusted. Should the said personage come before St. John's Day, he might assist, as I believe, at the King's approaching marriage and the coronation of the new queen, which is to be celebrated with great solemnity and pomp, the King intending, as I am told, to perform wonders, for he has already ordered a large ship to be built, like the Bucentaur of Venice, to bring the lady from Greenwich to this city, and commanded other things for the occasion.—London, 19 of May 1536.
Eustace Chapuys to Monseigneur de Granvelle.
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