#btw if anyone else is having trouble with the timers not moving try to clear the app cache
brighteststar707 · 2 years
I started the lunchtime chat at 12:58pm. It is now 3:35pm and I’ve spent more time waiting than actually talking to him. He literally spends 2 minutes texting and then leaves for 20mins (and then the timer doesn’t actually move so it’s more like half an hour).
I’m Tired
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hiccstrxd · 3 years
Kisses from the moon
Hello! I wanted to write shameless fluff with lots of kisses and this is exactly what it is. I’d like to believe that for a first timer in the kissing department, I did it okay lmao
It's rated t btw. You can find it in ao3 as well. Enjoy!
Summary: She didn’t know how it happened, the only thing she recalls is that they had meant to depart with one chaste kiss on the lips and somehow it had quickly escalated to unknown territory, though for sure not quite an unpleasant one.
It hasn’t been that long since the battle of the Storm Spire and relationships among the neighboring kingdoms couldn’t be any more restrained — the shifting alliances have been slightly worrisome but the newly pledge between the Dragon Queen and the young King of Katolis compensate all the arising uncertainties, if just a little.
Rayla doesn’t know that much about politics but she supposes that last bit gave enough solace to the kingdom. A bright occurrence amidst the cataclysmic disputes and deadly wars.
And since this was now her home away from home, she was very well informed — rather unwillingly — in its state of affairs.
Both Callum and Ezran (and Bait too, apparently) had firmly made her know that if she was one hundred percent sure and at ease with the idea overall, she was more than welcome to stay in Katolis, no matter if it was merely a temporary arrangement. It took quite a lot of arguments and counterarguments from both parties and even further persuasion from the two brothers (and frog) for her to concede to the proposition with an underlying hesitation.
She was fairly certain that her residency in the kingdom — and in the castle no less — will not be as gladly received. She’ll have to withstand many scornful looks and insensitive judgments left and right, her presence won’t do any good there. Plus, she would feel so out of place and a little bit too conscience-stricken for her liking. But then again she didn’t have anywhere else to go, nowhere to call home.
It was all very confusing and frustrating, rightfully so.
Later that night, with the moonlight casting shadows over the two lovers that were basking in the company of one another and with no impending death hanging in the air, a five-fingered hand was tenderly holding her four-fingered one, a warm smile on each of their faces. Lazy strokes were traced on her wrist, going up to her palm and finally detouring to each of her fingers, making careless doodles with the tip of his forefinger. She let out a sigh of contempt.
A murmured ‘I love you’ was softly said to the wind followed by an imaginary heart being drawn on her palm.
She looked over at him. His eyes had softened a great deal and he now sported the gentlest of grins, he redrew the heart for emphasis. Rayla intertwined their fingers together and gave his hand an affectionate squeeze.
She’ll never get tired of hearing it.
“I love you, too.”
And maybe that was the little push that she needed to make up her mind.
That’s how she got here. In Katolis, she meant. Definitely not with her back pressed slightly against the wall and a pair of gentle hands that held onto her with urgency, if just a little shyly.
She didn’t know how it happened, the only thing she recalls is that they had meant to depart with one chaste kiss on the lips and somehow it had quickly escalated to unknown territory, though for sure not quite an unpleasant one.
They were both expected somewhere else, the kiss was just a farewell gesture, something to get them through the day until they could be close with each other again — which was most likely to be late at night or early morning for how tight their schedule was today.
Rayla needs to break it off. They need to get going. She doesn’t.
She felt his hands that were once placed safely on her waist, slowly trail down to rest on her hips with a lose grip. Hers started their journey upwards, tracing his neck with feather-light touches to finally cup each side of his jaw. Their lips moved against one another at a deliberately slow pace, their noses brushing every so often with each gentle pull.
They have kissed before, of course, but nothing like this.
A loving peck on the lips, a quick kiss on the forehead, even a small brush of lips against each knuckle. They had definitely had some kisses that had lasted more than they should have but even those seemed to be cut short. No, this is new.
The gap between them came to be nonexistent, their breaths mingling together in their shared space. She felt warmth blossom in her chest as he pulled her even closer, his thumb slowly drawing small circles on her hip and when she felt him smile against her lips she couldn’t help but let a small smile out too.
Kissing him has always felt quite exhilarating, a rush of feeling that made her heart soar and her mind numb. A tingling sensation that extended from the tip of her fingers up to her very lips, a warmth that consumed her and spread like a wildfire within. Rayla has never kissed anyone before — she hadn’t felt the need to, having little interest in that sort of matter before— but she had seen Runaan and Ethari display little shows of affections every so often, and as a kid, her inherent curiosity had led her to wonder how loving someone felt like.
Ethari had said that it was like holding your whole heart in between your hands, so delicate and precious that the rest of the world blurs and fades away having no point of comparison with its beauty. Runaan, ever the pragmatic, said that it was a matter of sentiment — you feel everything more intensely.
She reckons that both are quite true, to some extent. Though, she might add her own contribution to the mix: it felt like a typhoon of emotions all at once; you feel weak yet strong, confused yet never more certain in your life, vulnerable yet empowered. It’s warm-hearted, a tender gesture. But then again, it’s something that she cannot fully put into words because the concept is so abstract and the action is so blissful that no notion will ever do justice to what she feels.
Soft kisses soon became frenzied presses of lips and their hands seemed to have a mind of their own, moving on their own accord and trying to frantically touch every patch of skin, clinging to the fabric of clothes in an attempt to be closer. His breath faintly tickled the skin beneath her nose, their heartbeats rhythmically pounding against their chests, and the almost inaudible sighs of delight, whenever their lips brushed against each other, was all she could hear in the secluded corner of the castle. Her senses were overflowed with his presence.
She couldn’t help the soft gasp she let out when he gently bit her bottom lip and pulled it in between his own. It was definitely something they haven’t done before and the action's intimacy promptly took her off guard.
And then he was frantically pulling away, eyes wide with horror and with eyebrows that seemed to reach his hairline, his lips the tiniest bit swollen from their whole encounter. His hands were still on her hips but if he was desperately trying to bring her forward before, he was now doing his best to hold her at arm’s length.
He was quite a sight and she would find it in herself to poke fun at his ridiculous countenance if she didn’t think he was on the verge of a mental collapse.
“I-I’m so sorry, that was not— and I just— I got carried away... Not that that excuses it! I — oh Gods,” Callum stumbled over his words, hand clasped over his eyes, and shifting uneasily on both feet. Rayla had trouble deciphering the inarticulate unfinished sentences that were being stuttered past his mouth but his body language could clue her in.
She raised a single eyebrow whilst fighting an amusing smile from breaking out.
With tentative fingers, she reached forward to lace their fingers together with the hand that was covering his face, his momentary flinch didn’t go unnoticed as she did so.
“Hey,” she softly said with a small smile on her face because leave it to him to straight-up freak out during one of the most intoxicating kisses they have shared so far in their relatively new courtship. She gently rubbed her thumb on the side of his hand as a silent way to reassure him that it was all good. He visibly relaxed a tiny bit, though still showing a little apprehension for his actions done in the spur of the moment. “I liked it.” She shrugged, not quite meeting his eyes and she wanted to smack herself for the uncharacteristic demeanor.
She felt a coy smirk tug at the corners of her mouth, “I really liked it.” Rayla relished the way his face went from rueful to downright embarrassed, a deep flush spreading all over his cheeks and up to the tips of his ears. She couldn’t stop the heartening laugh this time.
“O-oh?” She heard him mumble. He rubbed the back of his neck with the hand that was not holding hers, and she playfully rolled her eyes at her dorky human prince’s antics.
“In fact, I wouldn’t mind tryin’ it out again.” She said while mindlessly arranging the scarf on his neck that has become rumpled by her own doing. She looked at him solemnly, this being a little unfamiliar to both of them and the uncertainty of how to approach was slowly killing her. With a clear of his throat and his forest green eyes thoroughly searching hers to silently confirm what she had put into words, he shifted forward.
“Well, in that case,” He brought one hand to pull her closer while he raised the other one to caress her cheek lovingly. His eyes stared earnestly at her as if he could find all the wonders in the world by solely looking at her. It was wistful thinking, but she’d rather not dwell into that right now. Not when the only thing that matters was the blitheness from her heart and the prince that was the cause of it all.
He drew her toward him as the space between them once again diminished and with half-closed eyes, slightly pursed lips, and with the erratic thumps of the heart filling the air, they slowly leaned in again.
He nudged his nose against hers and placed a small kiss in the corner of her lips. Callum smiled, he went to do the same on the other side but she’d have none of it. She looped her forearms loosely at the back of his neck and lunged forward — she took delight in the muffled hum of surprise.
Their lips glided lazily but surely against each other, and this time — with the self-consciousness fading away and the overwhelming feelings of adoration rising in its place — the kiss quickly took a passionate turn. Fervent lips searched hers and she returned the gesture in equal measure.
When they came to this corner almost hidden from any prying eyes to share a light kiss, one which swiftly became so much more, Rayla had been concerned they would get caught. They never seemed to get any privacy in the heavily guarded walls of the castle and sneaking around resulted in their last resort, something that both thrilled her and troubled her; there was always a crown guard just around the corner, a handmaid that not so subtly eyed them from afar, or worse, the High Cleric that without fail appeared around inopportune instances.
The number of times she had wished the earth to open up and swallow her whole were unimaginable.
But now, as she now pulled his bottom lip in between her own, that thought was dismayed and stored in the back of her mind because kissing Callum made all of those seem as insignificant worries as every kiss felt like the very first one — she was sure there wasn’t a greater feeling than being in his arms. She could stay here forever.
That was until a nervous cough could be heard behind them, a few paces away from the darkened corner. They jumped apart.
“Prince Callum,” Corvus gave a slight bow, eyes not quite looking directly at the couple, “your presence is required in the throne room.” He cleared his throat, posture uptight as always but shifting from one leg to another rather uneasily.
Oh, sweet primals.
Rayla could already feel the burning sensation on her face and ears and quickly disentangled herself from his embrace in an attempt to put some proper distance between them. He was not expecting her briskly move and promptly stumbled over his own two feet, arms flailing to catch his balance before he fell somewhat unceremoniously on the ground below.
“Corvus, hi! Yeah, I was just on my way. I was just telling Rayla about the... uh,” He trailed off, unsure of what to say that would be credible enough to somehow cover up their real deed. Rayla was sure she was just about to die from embarrassment.
Corvus placed both his arms behind himself and with a deadpan expression affirmed, “I assure you, your highness, I do not need an explanation. It is all good. Nevertheless, let’s not keep the High Council and the King waiting, shall we?” Rayla could have guaranteed the corners of his mouth lifted in the slightest — almost imperceptible — in what she could only assume was amusement. “And Rayla, Soren is waiting in the courtyard for your daily training session.”
With that last bit, she nodded in acknowledgment and went straight to where she was initially supposed to be nearly fifteen minutes ago. And she almost gave Soren the triumph of his life since the only thing on her mind was how much she had enjoyed their little rendezvous and the excitement of its reprise was as annoying as it was enthralling.
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sillyfudgemonkeys · 7 years
How I think P3D should go down pt 4.
(previous/part 3) Ok so this opening paragraph was going to be in the other part but I’m going to try to get the dungeons done in like one or two parts (with the final being its own part). So I should end with 6 parts in all
Anyways so where we left off, Ni has disappeared to someplace unknown (last chapter is also the last POV of Ni we’ll get for a long while, or just at all, the rest will be from either Mitsuru or Aigis’ perspective).
The whole situation of Ni freaking out and disappearing has everyone in a tizzy. People are now trying to find her (a lot of coworkers or nervous cause they pushed a lot of work onto her and there’s a deadline and are now trying to find at least her work so they themselves don’t get into trouble). The SOs and Rise, Yu, and Naoto (the latter two had arrived a few minutes prior to the SOs) discuss on what they need to do. Mitsuru tells them they are in charge of discovering more about Ni in the real world while the SOs go in and try to retrieve her themselves. The P4 trio will first investigate around the studio first, once they find enough info on Ni that they can attempt to investigate her personal life Yu and Naoto will leave from there (with Rise staying behind). They will have Rise use her Persona as a means to communicate with them in the real world (similar to Fuuka in Arena, its explained that after the events of P4D she can now do that….if that bothers anyone) and Fuuka will use hers to communicate from wherever they’re going. (I should also not that it’s totally possible for Mitsuru to have others helping the investigation in the real world, like her maid from Ultimax, it doesn’t matter as all that will happen off screen).
After a while the SOs figure out how to access the other world through the mirror and jump in. They then appear in the Desert of Doors (or someplace new, DoD has a connection to P3 and I doubt Midnight Stage 2 would be a good idea). But there’s a slight problem, instead of normal Doors, there are towers (the world also appears colored differently from before). There are 4 towers, one on the left and one on the right, one right behind the two adjacent ones, and then a familiar green one behind the 3rd tower (yes, Tartarus). Much to everyone’s chagrin, Junpei complains about not wanting to climb it’s stairs again. They attempt to approach the Tartarus tower but are met with resistance from the two adjacent towers. Fuuka mentions that there is a barrier, and it seems like they need to clear the two adjacent towers to get to the 3rd tower, and then clear the 3rd tower to get to the Tartarus tower.
They decide they should split up for the two adjacent towers, as it’ll help clear it faster. Fuuka will stay behind at the entrance for now as to get the best reading on everyone. They decide to split the teams up into Team 1: Aigis (leader), Yukari, Junpei, and Koromaru; and Team 2: Mitsuru (leader), Akihiko, Labrys, Ken.
Team 1 goes for the tower on the right (a giant black/blue spike), while Team 2 goes for the pyramid looking tower on the left (wink wink does this remind you of anything? No? oh ok well moving on). Anyways, this is where the dance battles will take place, about 2-4 will happen in each dungeon/tower. But for time purposes I will skip to the end of each dungeon. Also, either during all these dungeons (or just one specific one that happens much later) Aigis and Mitsuru are given dialogue options (with about two options to choose from), these dialogue options will effect the ending later on.
 So throughout the dungeon Aigis’ is going through they hear different conversations of Ni’s work life. Ranging from when she first started as a high school part timer to now. They hear the conversation from an earlier chapter about why Ni wants to be a lawyer. A lot of the dialogue hints that Ni enjoys working there, but when they get to the end….. They are met with a…vision (remember how in The Answer they’d see other people’s pasts? This is what happens). It’s her confronted by some of her Coworkers. They tell her how she needs to do their work, when she tries to reject the idea they tell her “Oh it’s not like you’re going to be here in the long run anyways, I mean you plan on leaving right?” and “Oh c’mon your like a genius with this stuff, it comes easier to you than to me.” And “you need a recommendation right? You do our work, we’ll make sure we tell whatever school or work place that you are an amazing little worker. Of course if you refuse, we’ll just have to go to the higher ups and have you fired. We’ve been working here longer than you have honey, we have senority. One word from us and you won’t be able to get any job in this industry ever again.” And so they find out she’s been bribed and blackmailed into being overworked by her lazy coworkers. They then contact Fuuka to connect with Mitsuru’s team and Rise (at this time Yu and Naoto and maybe others have found enough info to look other places, Rise mentions that they found out where she goes to school and decide to investigate there) to tell them about what they’ve found. Rise states from her own investigation that it’s true, and she seems really stressed on getting that lawyer job. She was told by coach that since forever she’d been nervous about her own future. So it isn’t a surprised she would go to lengths just to make sure she secured the future she wanted.
 Meanwhile on Mitsuru’s side, wouldn’t you know it….it revolves around Ni’s school life. Ranging from elementary school to high school. Throughout the dungeons the voices get more and more disturbing as hints of bullying continue to grow. One voice over has Ni stating “I think I used to have friends, it must have been a long time ago because now….when I try to think back….I can’t come up with anyone….no one… I’m just…alone.” When they get to the end of the dungeon they are treated with a Vision:
Ni is thrown against the side of the school building, she’s surrounded by a group of girls and a guy, her school uniform (black sailor suit with a green ribbon) drenched in water. One of the girls (the leader) grabs her by the hair and pulls her head back. Ni: *slumping against the building, looks at the guy* I….I thought we were friends…. Guy: *smirks* Leader girl: Haha, wow you really convinced her eh Ta-kun? Guy: Well when I’m assigned a task I don’t half ass it. Leader: See, I told him to be your friend. You were never real friends to begin with. Ni: *trying not to cry* I…I don’t understand…why? Guy: I was bored! But, to be honest, your job involves working around celebs so I kind of wanted to get close to them. So when I was asked to befriend you I thought it was an all-around win for me. I got to string you along like a little puppy and I got some digits from some idols. Ni: *sobbing* Leader: Awwww you made her cry, bad boy Ta-kun. Ni: *looking at the Leader* Why….why are you doing this? Leader: Simple. *kicks Ni in the stomach* You piss me off. *starts getting angry* You come in here with your perfect scores, take the number one spot, you’re class rep and teachers just think you’re an angel…. And you work with idols and actors! You’re just little miss perfect aren’t you? Ni: No I- Leader: *slams foot near Ni’s head* SHUT UP! I’M THE ONE WHO’S TALKING! Leader: So yeah, you piss me off. And I thought “maybe me and everyone else should knock you down a peg or two” you know, bring us back down to the normal folk. But it looks like you’re a hard one to break, looks like we’re going to have to pay extra close attention to you. I wonder if you’ll make it to graduation.
The scene ends, horrified they hastily call Fuuka in attempt to get a hold of Aigis and Rise. Rise (either relays what Naoto found or is able to somehow connect her cellphone so that they can hear Naoto on the phone). Naoto states that she found the high school she went to, apparently she always go top marks and was a model student. She was class rep for her first two years and nominated Student Council president for her Senior year. But it looks like she wasn’t really liked in the school. She talked to a teacher whom told her there was intense bullying going on. The teacher tried to help Ni, like getting the police involved, but Ni wouldn’t tell her anything herself nor would she press charges. The other teachers were no help as they chose to ignore it. With that the teacher was helpless and could only watch.
With this they state that the next/3rd tower is open (btw it’s shaped like clock tower). Naoto states that she and Yu are now going to attempt to track down any relatives in the city.
 Pt 4 ends here.
(I know what you’re thinking “this ____ kind of reminds me of P5” welp…… I had this idea before P5 so…yeah…. There’s some similarities, and I’m kinda trying to own it with some shout-outs/call forewards. Next part will cover the 3rd dungeon and Tartarus, and part 6 will cover the ending portion of the game)
part 5
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