modernbeybladeedits · 4 years
*Bryan and Tala laying together, gazing at stars*
Bryan: The stars sure are beautiful tonight.
Tala: Yes, they are.
Bryan: You know who else is beautiful?
Tala *blushes and smiles flirtatiously*: Who?
Bryan, sighing: My Maxie.
Sorry for betraying my OTP but I'm here for the new BryanxMax craze.
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gingericywolf · 3 years
For the fanfiction question. All the ships questions. Plus the questions 31,32 and 44.
Thanks for the ask and sorry for the wait dear Anon!
Ship Questions for your current fandom:
11. Who is your current OTP?
I think it can easily be guessed by my previous answers. Even if it’s a cracky ship my current OTP is Boris/BryanxMax (Boriax). Close second is Tyka  ✨!
12. Who is your current OT3?
Bryan Max and Mariam. It combines my childhood fav ship with what was an unexpected ship and  my current OTP.  Perfect combo to my hearth.
13. Any NoTPs?
Everything that is like.. gross illegal and not socially acceptable
also kaixbrooklyn.... it just gives me toxic vibes and i feel it would be very ooc for both..
otherwise I’m fairly open to any ship. As long as a story is well written and the couple can make sense.
but I don’t like when they mix characters from different shows. Not sure if it is still a thing.
14. Go on, who are your BroTPs?
Rei and Kai and Bryan and Yuriy.
I see why people ship them but I see them more as BroTPs
15. Is there an obscure ship which you love?
Lee/Rai and Mathilda is the first that come to mind, but there are so many underrated ships and possible ships.
16. Are their any popular ships in your fandom which you dislike?
As I said before, Rei x Kai. I know a lot of people ship them and as said I see why it’s popular.
17. Who was your first OTP and are they still your favourite?
From childhood: MaxMariam! and yes i still like them very much even if I have different main ships with them in now
After re-watching the series  I had quite a Yuka fase but didn’t last long
18. What ship have you written the most about?
Max and Boris and is literally a dumb  thing here on tumblr and a bunch of headcanons lol, I’m not a writer.
But I did start writing something longer that had to be a Tyka but after writing 5 word pages in a day when i was without internet I still haven’t touched it again..
19. Is there a ship which you wished you could get behind, but you just don’t feel them 
YuBo and I think I explained enought, RickMax and ReiMax (don’t tell misi, I still love the arts of them she makes) . Probably others too, but again is not that i don’t like them. I do and can enjoy them, i just don’t ship them personally.
20. Any ships which you surprised yourself by liking?
Bryan x Mariam was a pleasant surprise
Johnnyx Bryan.. I read one story and i loved them as much as I was weirded out
Author Questions (yikes)
31. What’s the nicest thing someone has ever said about your writing?
listen.. the only thing I made that it’s on somewhere on the internet is like the cringiest Inazuma Eleven crossover with Percy Jackson , a self insert,  Kyoya from Metal fight, dragons and stuff, it was hella elaborate I had the whole story planned in my head and..... I never finished it.. it actually never reached the dragon part..  or chapter 3... It was so fucking long ago, like 2015, my very first comment was a negative one that crushed my self esteem. The nicest thing is probably someone asking where the fuck I disappeared. I entered in my account again for the first time in so long just to help @ressyfaerie the other day and I didn’t even remember my username XD
Jk aside I guess there was someone that was curious to see what would have happened and I feel kind of sorry for abandoning them.. I always think of that story, every year i tell myself i will finish it , even if I have now forgot most of the original plot..
32. Do you listen to music when you write or does music inspire you? If so, which band or genre of music does it for you?
well yeah but I guess it just distracts me since the most productive I’ve been  in writing was when I was without internet. Also I’m a noob at music genres, I just listen to what I feel pleasant to my hear. my taste varies from stuff Bryan would listen to Ming ming type of songs
Fanfiction Questions
44. What ship do you feel needs more attention?
girls, give me the girls!
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