#brohm fanfic
chinxino5-blog · 7 years
It’s A Package Deal - Epilogue
 Stockholm syndrome was something Bryce didn’t completely understand. He didn’t believe in fate, nor did he go on about how “everything happens for a reason”. All in all, he didn’t have any specific beliefs about how the world worked.
Whether Stockholm syndrome was the source of it all, living with Ryan proved to be… different. The first few months were definitely odd as they came to fall out of their previous lives. It was strange going from a college student with an apartment and a boyfriend, to a guy who was living out in the Michigan forests with an emotionally-constipated ex-hitman. Ryan had, despite how much he hated and denied it, an addiction of sorts when it came to his gun and using it.
Eventually he properly taught Bryce and they would go out and play around with shooting bottles and trash as targets. Ryan also thought it was worth-while in case someone got the idea of killing the Great Ohmwrecker, or whatever. Bryce living with him would never be totally safe, it was best he learnt how to protect himself if it ever became a necessity.
He also began working out, keeping his strength and ability as high as he could. Bryce joined in with him every now and then but he much preferred to sit back and read.
His biggest goal was to open Ohm up and find Ryan. No longer a hitman, no longer a murderer. He was someone able to start fresh, but doing so was far harder than he expected. Untangling the mess of an emotional barrier he’d encircled himself with. Years and years of getting colder and harsher, it was not a two-day task.
It was blatant that both of them were getting antsy as days passed. Sitting around all day every day doing barely anything got boring after a week or two.
Eventually, Bryce strode into Ryan’s room one morning and demanded the two would go into town. The ex-hitman, obviously, had nothing better to do and they ended up returning with five tins of paint, a guitar and a little bit more enthusiasm. No matter Ryan’s uptight and tense attitude in public, Bryce chattered away and didn’t bat an eye. No one saw them as anything other than newcomers.
They painted the days away, the blonde being absolutely hopeless with a paintbrush or pencil, especially beside Ryan who had some sort of good luck with hidden talents. Their home had two bedrooms and Ryan’s soon filled up with painted canvases. Bryce fell into the pattern of just watching the older man work away at the white, his fingers often strumming at a guitar and his voice often humming or singing along to whatever melody the instrument released.
Those were the nicest days. They didn’t need to speak. They enjoyed the presence of music and the presence of each other.
Months passed and they spoke more. Ryan never changed in that he wasn’t much of a talker. As much as he complained, he still loved listening to Bryce talk. He took in all the information about him and noted all the little quirks throughout his everyday life. He learnt to love living with him and hearing his voice and watching his eyes wander and sparkle with curiosity, and joy, and excitement.
And maybe he was falling a little bit in love as months turned into years. And maybe he hated the idea of such a thing and would never mention it aloud. But maybe it wasn’t so bad when there was no longer enough space in his room to be a bedroom so Bryce let him sleep in his room until they sorted out another area for the paintings to go. Maybe neither really cared for finding another place to put them.
It wasn’t so bad as Bryce fell in love with Ryan’s warmth next to him each night. And when it went unspoken after the first few nights of going to bed apart and waking up entangled, they didn’t care for personal space or distance. They never spoke about it, they didn’t need to.
They fell in love over years of just each other. They found comfort together and that was all they really needed. Between kisses to cheeks, and kisses with tongue and teeth and skin on skin, and loose arms around waists or fingers hanging from fingers. They found a simplicity they needed to stay together and stay alright.
As much as Ryan wanted to hate it because how cheesy could it get, he was addicted. His gun stayed in his bedside table for longer and he left the house to go shopping with Bryce more than he did to go shooting. He curled his fingers around paintbrushes, and pencils, and blonde hair instead of triggers. He snarled at the coffee machine when it didn’t work for him, instead of assholes who didn’t pay for what they got.
He learnt to open up, even if it included several nights of frustrated tears and refusing to acknowledge he was cuddling Bryce because he’s not a teenage girl. Frustration of “I don’t know who Ryan is,” and “I want to change but I don’t know how!” Frustration calmed by Bryce’s fingers running through his hair and touching his cheeks and lips and eyelashes with gentle reassurance of “You get to decide who he is,” and “It’s not an overnight thing, you have to give yourself time.”
Bryce was always patient and calm. He knew the man he lived with and he knew the man he loved. He accepted his outbursts of anger and distress and didn’t say anything about how some nights his hold was tighter and slightly more desperate. He didn’t mention when Ryan’s sleep was restless and just lay awake while the other hid his face in his neck.
He gave him the time needed to change. To get better and relearn how to live a relatively normal life. Relearn how to go out in public without walking down back alleys and carrying guilt on his shoulders when he did nice things and helped older ladies across crosswalks and off buses.
They were there for each other at most and accepted that they were both missing pieces. Love doesn’t account for missing pieces, and neither man really cared much about specifics. They lived alone and comfortably and that was all they wanted. That was their paradise.
 Bryce smiled up at the brunette, earning a nasty glare in return. The older dropped onto the couch behind the blonde who sat on the floor with his guitar in his hands.
“You’re terrible,” Ryan grumbled, head falling back as Bryce lovingly patted his knee. He laughed aloud as the other swatted him away. “You can barely cook, you manage to shrink clothes and dye them different colours, you make the beds with the wrong sheets.” The list only made Bryce smile wider, very aware of how horrible a housemate he was. Plus, Ryan loved to have control and know everything that was going on. It bugged the Hell out of him when Bryce didn’t do things the way he was supposed to and the blonde used it to his advantage and laziness. He also loved to complain. “Is there anything you can do?”
Bryce set his guitar to the side, twisted around to kneel and look up at his “housemate” with a smirk. Playfully, he dropped his hands to Ryan’s knees, pushing himself up to hover above him. Silver eyes widened ever-so-slightly, the closeness unexpected as Bryce’s lips crawled up his jaw to his ear.
“Well--” the blonde pressed a kiss below his ear, voice low and hot, “--I’ve been told I’m pretty good with my tongue.” Heat spread right across Ryan’s cheeks and his body tensed up as the teasing fingers trailed up his thighs slowly. Teeth played with his earlobe and he could barely focus on breathing, let alone the heat that was flushing every inch of his skin. “Want a demonstration?”
His hands found Bryce’s arms and he roughly shoved the blonde away. He didn’t look up at the shit-eating grin. “Fuck you,” he huffed, standing and trying not to squirm. His pants were suddenly extremely uncomfortable and he dragged himself towards the kitchen.
“That was the plan,” Bryce cooed, giggling to himself as he pranced after the ex-hitman. Catching up to him, he slung his arms over his shoulders and pressed a kiss to the side of his neck. “You gotta take the good with the bad, baby,” he sung ignoring Ryan’s huff of fake-irritation. “I’m a package deal.”
The brunette turned, catching his jaw with calloused fingers and pressing his mouth hotly to the other’s. Hands squeezed Bryce’s ass and he lifted the twenty-five year old up onto the counter. The space between them became very small and very hot.
He gasped as Bryce rolled his hips forward, growling and slipping his hands up to grasp his hips tightly. “Fuck, you,” he said again, rough and breathy. He was so easy to set off, the blonde just couldn’t help himself.
Bryce grinned against his lips, tangling their tongues as he continued to rock his hips in the way that got Ryan worked up. He pulled back slightly, flashing a satisfied grin as the brunette’s head tipped back in a whisper of a sigh. His teeth nipped at Ryan’s jaw. “That sounds like a wonderful idea.”
Ryan rolled his eyes, tired of the other’s words, and pulled him back in close, melting them together just the way they both loved it.
First: Prologue
Previous: Twenty-One
I’m so fucking happy omg, this thing took almost three months and I actually loved it wow. I’m excited to go back and read through the whole thing tonight and see how it really flowed because I’ve had some really sweet feedback and I think I’m pretty happy with how it turned out. 
Now. Future plans. I am writing a mini story, a cliche, [punk! pastel! h2ovanoss because I felt like it would be fun]. I don’t know how that will go but it will be fun to write so fuck it. 
I might open requests for certain ships and stuff, I don’t know how that will go over either. Either way I don’t think I’m going to take on any longer chapter stories for a while. I reckon people will enjoy a lot of short fics and I can explore different genres and that sort of thing, I think it’ll be good. You guys tell me what you want. 
Back on topic of [It’s A Package Deal] Thank you guys so much for putting up with my mistakes and sections of inactivity, I’m happy to have been able to finish it in the end and I really appreciate feedback so I can see how to improve and what to focus on in the future. It was hell fun to write, hell fun to post and I’m so happy some of you guys really enjoyed. 
I’ll let you guys know what else is going on later, I’m probably going to write a bit more for now and maybe see what I have tonight. Thanks again, I appreciate every single one of you.
gi <3
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thorsgirl5 · 7 years
True happiness
True happiness Brohm R"Luke I'm sick of fighting with you! We've been engaged for almost a year now! This is bullshit!" L"ohm I know you're cheating on me it's obvious! It's Bryce isn't it? Its always been there and it's just gotten worse since he's moved down here! You will barely look at me anymore!" R"that isn't true toonz you've been distant for the last 8 months of our relationship I don't know what to do anymore we barley hold hands or kiss we sleep in separate rooms it's like I just have a roommate not a fiancé we've never had sex it's like you're ashamed of being gay and regret your decision to ask me to marry you." L"maybe you're right, maybe we rushed into our relationship after our drunken make out at delirious and Evans engagement party maybe all the ship stuff got to my head maybe the liquid courage took over and I was lonely geny just broke up with me and I'm sorry about that I'm just so confused and don't know if Im in love with you anymore..." Ryan's face was of pure shock but somehow understanding R"I'm gonna leaving to cool off." Ryan picked up his gray hoodie wallet phone and keys pulling the gray fabric over his muscular bare chest before stepping out into the crisp North Carolina air. He and toonz worked out together most of the time they were together both invested in their channels not really ever acting like a couple. This was the 4th time this week they started arguing and Ryan again was always the one to apologize first tonight wouldn't be the same he had to really think if he loves luke or not sure as a friend always but as a lover? He drove around till he heard his phone ding he knew it would be like asking where he'd gone he looked down but was surprised it was from "brycie-poo~" asking if he wanted to play dead by daylight. Ryan smiled there's always been a connection between them they always joked/teased eachother and ohm was sure if Bryce were bi he'd be all over that booty. Ohm pulled out his phone to reply to Bryce "sorry not home at the moment brycie not really in the mood toonz and I had another fight..." Bryce immediately replied "wanna come over?" Ohm smiled and made his way to bryces house he lives about 30 mins from their house. L"Del I fucked up! Big time I should've listened to you before ohm and I should've never gotten together.." D"toonz you're an idiot! I told you not to break his heart and if you wouldn't have gotten so drunk that night then my plan would've worked!" L" what the fuck are you talking about?!" D"that night I was trying to get Bryce and ohm together Bryce told me he'd fallen for him and wanted to be with him." L"oh my gosh I really am an idiot! And Del to tell you the truth geny and I have been talking again and she wants to get back together and I'm considering it I don't want to hurt ohm tho so I don't know what to do help me please!" D"Evan! Get the fuck off me I'm trying to talk to Luke! Sorry toonz Evan just came hope and tackled me to the floor umm I would talk to him he's a great man I'm sure he'd understand I'm not to sure if he's really in love with you I know he loves you but most likely as a friend. EVAN! Luke i gotta go vanoss won't fuck off and is dragging me around the kitchen table want me to call ohm and see what he says?" L"no..I'll talk to him when he comes back I just hope he comes home tonight we gotta hash this out." D"alright brother I'll stop by tomorrow and see how things are I gotta deal with this owl boy!" L"good luck clown man you may be taller but he's buffer." Jon and Luke hung up and luke started walking around the house looking at all the pictures on his wall the first of Jon ohm Bryce and himself the first time they met. They were all so happy, now Bryce is miserable he put his feelings aside for his 2 best friends he's a good man he and ohm would be perfect together. L"damn I fucked up!" Ohm got out of his car walking to the door ringing the doorbell. Bryce opened the door smiling B"hey ohm you okay? Wanna talk about it?" Ohm shook his head looking down B"come here bunny man." Bryce pulled ohm into a bone crushing hug shutting the door behind him. Ohm might be older but he's shorter he leans his head on bryces shoulder sliding his hands around his waist leaving no space between them. B"want to play Mario kart?" Ohm nodded into his shoulder B"okay but you gotta let me go so I can set it up." Ohm squeezed Bryce one more time immediately missing the warmth as he let go. They sat down on the couch and started playing soon Ryan forgot all his problems and got really into the game! R"oh Bryce! I'm coming for that booty!" B"uhuh! No not gonna happen! Can't catch me!" O"is that a challenge?" They played a Grand Prix getting closer and closer with every race. Bryce was now in between ohms legs practically sitting in his lap. R"FUCK! Damn it Bryce! Why are you so good at Mario kart?!" B"you just suck sorry ohm." R"oh yeah?" Bryce nodded ohm took this opportunity and started tickling his side till he was gasping for air trying to get away. B"ohm! Stop please!" Bryce got a hold of ohms hoodie trying to push him off but ohm grabbed both his hands in his holding him down but lost his balance on the rug and fell onto Bryce. Both inches from the others lips both blushing a deep shade of red. B"Ryan.." R"I'm sorry!" Ohm released his hands Bryce gripped ohms hoodie pulling him closer. B"don't be I've been meaning to tell you something for the longest time.." Ohm looked down at the blonde blushing mess under him averting his eyes. B"umm..well I know you're with cartoonz but I'm in love with you....have been for awhile now I was planning on telling you at dels engagement but then I saw you and Luke kissing so I keep my mouth shut even tho it's been killing me seeing you guys together." Bryce was on the verge of tears pouring his heart out to the maskedgamer. Bryce let go of ohm to wipe away his tears holding in a sob. Ryan moved bryces hands and wiped the tears falling with his thumbs. R"Bryce I..I love you too I feel like I always have I love Luke but not in the same way I did a few months ago and I really need to talk to him about everything but I don't want to hurt him or you I'm so happy!" Bryce pulled ohm towards him wrapping his arms around his neck B"yay I can't believe you like me too if you want I can help you talk to Luke." Ohm wrapped his arms around bryces waist again. R"I don't think he'll be too hurt I got a call from geny the other day asking me if Luke would take her back...I think they've been talking a lot recently and I don't blame him she's a big part of his life and I truly believe that's his soul mate." Ohm pulled Bryce up off the floor placing his hand on his hips holding him. R"alright I'll go back and talk to him I just got ahold of you I don't plan on letting you go or cheat on toonz." B"well I'll let you go this time but he prepared because once you come back I won't let you leave my arms for the rest of your life got it?" R"I'll hold you to that promise brycie." Bryce backed ohm against the wall rubbing his hand against his cheek. Before leaning down to kiss it. B"I don't want to let you leave but I know you gotta." Bryce took ohms hands off his hips kissing his knuckles before handing him his keys and walking him to the door B"see you soon bunny man." R"soon my little angel." Ohm kissed bryces cheek then headed home. He's been away since about 3 in the afternoon it now being 5 he figures luke would be in the small gym they had set up in the garage. Opening the door to the garage he heard voices luke and genys L"gen look I'm happy to see you but I will not cheat on ohm he and I are still an item and I won't betray his trust so until we hash this out you and I can't be together." G"I love that about you Lukey you're a great man, both of you are great men and these past few months have been hard on both of you. Both wanting and longing for your true partners I'm yours toonz and Bryce is ohms we all know that. I've waited 8 months what's a few more days?" Ohm peeked his head into the garage luke was on the press up bench and geny was on top of him. I think 9 months ago I'd be in a jealous rage but they just melt together like a puzzle piece. So I knock before heading inside L"ohm! You're home welcome back!" Geny and luke separated to fast geny hit the floor. Luke was helping her to her feet when Ryan came walking in. R"yeah I'm back um toonz listen before you say anything let me just say I love you but more like a brother than anything I think that's the same with you we don't act nor seem like a couple it's been fun being roommates and we'll always remain friends but my heart has belonged to Bryce for sometime now I was just too stupid to realize and I know you and gen are soulmates so we're good no need to explain we'll be alright." Geny was practically in tears L"ohm you'll always be my brother from another mother and I wish you and Bryce a lifetime of happiness because we both deserve to be happy and geny is where I'm happiest so i don't plan on letting her go." Ryan and luke made there way across the room to each other pulling the other in a hug. Letting go of the other luke pulled geny in to his chest holding her as if it would be the last. R"take care of that Viking of a man geny alright?" G" I plan to never let him out of my sight again thank you Ryan for being so understanding so what's the next move?" R"well you better move your ass in here cause toonz is gonna need a roommate and I have a promise to keep so I'll come back tomorrow or the day after to grab some stuff and don't be too loud guys we have neighbors." L"speak for yourself ohm see ya man thank you." Ryan and Luke shook hands before ohm was heading back to bryces house. Bryce was pacing around his house waiting checking his phone every 2 seconds to see if his masked gamer was coming back or not. The only text he got was from delirious asking if he talked to ohm yet and if brohm was officially canon! Bryce told him to suck a dick and Jonathan replied not married yet bitch! Ryan made it back to bryces house with a small duffle bag of cloths. He rang the doorbell once more waiting for the blonde YouTube to answer the door it only took Bryce 4 seconds to come running. Bryce opened the door smiling from ear to ear B"welcome home ohmie!" Ohm walked past Bryce inside pushing him into the wall lifting him off the ground, Bryce was caught off guard but wrapped his legs around ohms waist his arms around his neck immediately kissing those lips he's wanted for a good year and a half. Ohm closed the door, dropping his bag in the process. The two of them gasping for air was the only reason to stop the kiss. B"so ohmie does this mean that you're mine now?" R"yeah brycie I'm all yours!" Ohm leaned back in to kiss Bryce again knowing this is where he was meant to be. Who knows maybe at their engagement kryoz or John will finally make a move on Smii7y but we'll see....
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dont-doubt-dopple · 7 years
How You Fell In Love With Me - Chapter 3
A/N: Hey, look, I’m not dead! And neither is this story. Just, the original idea got changed. Drastically. It’s just, I’m a lot less comfortable writing Brohm and I know people are a lot less comfortable reading it as well. Just know that if you came for Brohm, I’m not so sure how much Brohm is going to be in this story anymore. So I’ve changed the plan in my head and I am more excited to write this. Oh, I’m going to break some hearts this time around. The angst is rubbing of on me, IM SORRY. The discord with the angst Nights is rubbing off on me. Enjoy. I’m also introducing BOLD text into the equation. So, as not to get confused:
Normal text=Real World
Italic Text=Bryce’s Story world
Bold Text=Flashback sequence
WARNING: This chapter contains very homophobic sequences, including the use of the slur f****t. Tread with caution.
Chapter 3 - Faces to Names
“They always like this?” I asked, watching the scene of chaos and bloody murder in front of me. Otherwise know as Mario Kart.
"Yeah." Delirious assured me. "You get used to them." I looked around the living room at all the men screaming their heads off over a game. For people that were in a gang, they seemed like one huge family. They had inside jokes and traditions and the ability to be themselves. I was just some outsider looking in.
“Fuck off you sweaty nerd.” One if the guys exclaimed, his words laced with an Irish accent.
“Sorry.” Another one giggled in response. His words also had the slightest touch of an Irish accent, but not as much as the other guy.
“Moo hasn’t said anything in a while.” Mini commented, the only of the mess of bodies I actually knew. The guy who I assumed was Moo spoke off next.
“I’m winning.” He explained, before becoming silent once more. That being soon interrupted by a Control slamming to the ground.
“9. Fucking. Boomerangs.” The man who slammed the controlled down said calmly, although extremely enraged. “In 2nd to last.” At moment, a red shell came up from behind him and hit his already still character. This caused his calm anger to turn into pure rage. “WHO DID THAT!!! WHICH ONE OF YOU WAS IS YOU FUCKING FAGGOTS!!”
I tensed up as always. Though it only got him madder. I knew the routine by now, so it wasn’t a surprise. I could picture the red on his face, smell the alcohol on his breath, hear the malice laced in his words.
“I won’t let some queer stand our level.” He growls. I close my eyes, not wanting to watch the enjoyment of all of this spread across his face like the madman he was.
“Bryce.” Del calls out to me, putting his hand on my shoulder. I step away on impulse. She should know better than to do that. She knows I don’t want a repeat of last time. “You okay?”
“I’m fine.” I echoed back. I could feel the tears beginning to well up in my eyes. I rushed out the last part a little as I bolted. “I just need some fresh air.”
“Yeah. Run!” He screamed as I dashed away, tears streaming down my face and fresh bruises down my back. “I don’t want to see this poor excuse of a son in my house again.”
“Bryce.” I stopped, hand on the handle. My mom was standing there on the stairs. I could tell even if I didn’t turn around. “Come back when he’s sober. Your dad will change his mind.”
“He’s my father.” I spat, still enraged at him. It wasn’t fair to be unleashing it at my mother but all the pent up anger I’ve been restraining was coming out now and my brain had little time to filter. “To call him my dad would be to say he loved me. Clearly he doesn’t.” I glanced back at the man who helped bring me into this world. He was sunken back into the couch, yelling at some sports game on the TV.
“Just ...” Her voice faltered, as if the words in her tongue just couldn’t come out. “He’s the only dad you’ll ever have. Give him another chance.”
“I’ve given him too many to count. And if this is how he uses all of them, then I’d rather have no dad at all.” I didn’t stay to hear her response. I simply pulled the door open and left, standing on the stoop as it slammed behind me. I breathed.
And then I broke.
I collapsed, letting all the waterworks built up inside me flow down my face. I was attempting to cover my face with my hands, failing miserably. “He’s not here. He’s not here.” I kept muttering to myself, in a voice barely in a whisper. I curled into a ball then, letting my head fall into my knees.
“Hey.” I looked up to see an Asian guy staring at me with a kind smile. Slick black hair tossed to the side and an equally slick red jacket. He had kneeled down so he was at least closer to my level. “Anxiety?”
“More like PTSD.” I admitted. “Someone just ... said a slur accidentally and I got triggered.”
“Can’t say I relate.” He replied, sitting down next to me. “I’m Evan, by the way. Most of the guys will call me Vanoss, though.”
“So wait, your the ...” The Cat had finally got my tongue, but he seemed to know exactly what I was trying to say.
“Yeah. And that must make you the Bryce McQuaid Ohm has been telling me about. Incessantly.” Both of us laughed at this. I did wonder why Ohm would be preaching about me though. I haven’t really had a chance to talk to him that much. I didn’t voice this though. Maybe I’d get a one on one with Ohm later. “But the real question is, what was it that triggered you?”
“It was ...” I felt begin to choke, but I was at least able to push the first syllables out. “Fa ... Fa ...” Evan stopped me first though, holding his hand up to my face.
“I know what your trying to say. And that sounds like Tyler.” Jon said, sliding the rough draft back over to Mike. “Just email us a copy of the final thing later.”
“Sure thing.” Mike agreed, sliding the rough chapter into his bag. “Just promise me that you do not, under any circumstance, tell Bryce about this.”
“I’d have to agree with Mike on this.” Mark added. The group was in a local Starbucks, waiting for Bryce to exit the bathroom and Drac to get here. Mark had one of the single seats by Jon, while Mike sat on the loveseat. “Guy nearly had a full blown panic attack just giving me and Swag the first two chapters. Where is Drac, by the way?”
“He texted he was here like two minutes ago, but I don’t see him.” Mike pushed himself up using his arms, trying to see where his boyfriend was. He didn’t notice Jon rolling his eyes at Swag’s mention. “What’s taking Bryce so long in the bathroom, anyways?”
“No idea.” Jonathan said. “He’s been acting off since the day before yesterday. He was talking to Adam before, so I think it’s something he told him.”
“Oh god, that’s not good.” Mark commented, just as another guy hopped into the seat next to Mike.
“Sorry I’m late.” He apologized. “I had to work out some details with Ellie and John for a project. Who’s Adam?”
“The question I’m wondering is who are you?” Jonathan shot back. The guy, while subtlety slinging his arm across Mike, looked at Mark expectantly. The latter sighed.
“Jonathan, meet Swag Dracula. We usually call him Swag or Drac for short. Swag, Jon or H2O Delirious.” He introduced. Jonathan sat there, dumbfounded.
“Pleasure to meet you, Mr. H2O. Now back to my earlier question; who is this Adam guy?” Swag continued on. Jonathan was still in shock, the only movement indicating he was alive was the blinking of this eyes and the subtle rise and fall of his chest.
“You’re real.” He gasped softly, leaning back into his chair.
“Yeah he’s real.” Mike answered, planting a quick kiss on Swag’s cheek. “And Adam is basically the Cheryl Blossom of the campus. If you want a secret to stay a secret, you better pray to whatever deity you believe in that Adam doesn’t find out. If there’s trouble, there’s a 85% chance that Adam was the catalyst. He’s the one person that no matter what, you do not trust him.”
“Got it.” Swag said. “Now, are we getting drinks yet or ...”
“I’ll see what’s taking Bryce so long in the bathroom.” Mike volunteered, rising from his seat. He rolled his eyes as he passed Jonathan, who he saw mouth to Mark ‘He’s actually real?’ He headed to the back by the restrooms only to run into Bryce.
“Hey, You okay?” Mike asked upon seeing his friend. His blond hair was disheveled, and his eyes were red and puffy. He was quiet and when Mike cupped his cheek he could feel it was wet. “That’s a stupid question. Of course you’re not okay. What’s troubling you?”
“Nothing.” Bryce choked out, avoiding making eye contact with Mike.
“Bryce ...” Bryce grabbed Mike, pulling him into the restroom. “What ..?”
“Adam said ...” The blond paused, as if making sure nobody heard their conversation. “Adam said Ryan has a crush on Luke. He’s only ever see me as a friend.”
“Hey, this is Adam we’re talking about. He could be just stirring up trouble.”
“He may be a troublemaker, but he’s a reputable troublemaker. When is the last time Montoya was wrong?” This seemed to do the trick in shutting Mike up. “Exactly. Just ... don’t tell anyone. Okay?” Mike nodded, and was about to nod when Bryce grabbed his hand again. “And try not to intervene. Please?”
“I’ll do my best.” He replied, which seemed to satisfy Bryce enough. The two left the bathroom with uneasy thoughts and began to rejoin their friends. They were talking in hushed tones, like they didn’t want to risk anyone else hearing their secrets. Though a simple question lingered in Mike’s mind. Even with the coffee and knowledge of a nearly School wide bet (“We didn’t think Dracula was real. We were just wondering which one of you guys would crack first.”), it still lingered.
Was this accidental intervention really a good thing?
“Mike, sweetie, you okay?” Swag asked softly as Bryce, Jon, and Mark were laughing about something. Mike nodded, squeezing Drac’s arm in reassurance.
“I’ll tell you later.” He said.
“About Bryce?” Mike nodded. “Okay.” He leaned his head so it rested on Drac’s shoulder. Mike didn’t let go of Swag’s arm nor did either release their hands that were intertwined with each other.
“I love you.”
“I wouldn’t expect any less.”
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criticallaughter · 7 years
Covered eyes - All the things in between (chapter 6)
i couldn’t open tumblr these days so this was delayed posting here =3=, sorry.
To read all the chapters : http://archiveofourown.org/works/10640637?view_full_work=true
Ohm was walking beside Luke and listening to him talking about some games. It was cute to see him talking about stuff with an exciting shine in his eyes. Ohm would never tell anyone that he was too lost in his thoughts looking at Luke’s face that he almost tripped and fell on some stairs.
Luckily, his arm was tugged by Luke, saving him from falling face planted on to the ground. His heart thumped in shock and surprise
“Hey, be careful!” Luke yelled at him with concern. “You might ruin that pretty face of yours.” He added, his grip not loosening on his arm. His grip was stronger than he thought. Also, Pretty face?! No, he does not believe he has a pretty face, but that didn’t stop him from blushing a little. He coughed a little to get his composure back.
“Thank you for saving my life again, my wonderful knight in shining armor.” Ohm said with a dramatic tone to his voice. “Also, I do not believe I have a pretty face.” He added in the end. Luke seemed a little sheepish. Oh? Does someone like being called a knight?
“Well, my beautiful princess. It’s my duty to protect you from all harms since the day I have been your knight.” Luke’s grip on his arm loosened but didn’t disappear. He instead held Ohm’s hand and bowed in a dramatic old age way.
“You have done a good job on it these days, do you want a reward?” Ohm asked. Luke pondered a moment, before grinning and kneeled down on one knee. It took Ohm by surprise.
“You beautiful princess, I would be honored if you would give me, a lowly knight, a chance to go on date with you on this Friday afternoon, at the nearby coffee shop?” He asked wholeheartedly. Ohm face was as red as a tomato and people were staring at them. They were in public for God’s sake!
“No.” He said and saw his face fell down in disappointment. “But I would make it if the date was changed to Saturday.” And the look on Luke’s face was adorable, he had the brightest smile in the world in that moment.
“Thank you my princess!” He said, and kissed his hand. Ohm was both shocked and embarrassed by the act. Though, he shushed Luke to stand up first, because there were more and more people staring at them and whispering. It made Ohm uncomfortable.
Throughout the day, Luke was in a giddy mood while Ohm couldn’t help but think about the kiss on his hand constantly
H2Otoonz (setting : a year before Luke was sent to the ‘special school’)
Luke does not personally know about the crazy maniac in his school, but he heard tales about him. How he got bullied and kicked around while still laughing like a maniac that sends shivers up people’s souls. How the bullies were found next day with bruised eyes and broken ribs, and saying the maniac did that to them, while there were clearly no evidence. No one dared to approach him later, and he could still be heard laughing his signature laugh at random times during the day.
Luke felt glad that they were at a different year and he never met the guy before. The guy is a force that should not be reckoned with.
Though, he might have jinxed himself, when he found the guy crying at a really empty area in the school.
Luke had to say something here, he did not know what the guy looked like, and people only said the maniac always wears blue. Heck, there’s tons of people who wears blue everyday that’s not a good way to decipher him! But secretly, he was glad that he didn’t know and actually approached him.
The guy was sitting down in the corner of the wall, hiding his head between his knees and shaking like a leaf. It was his muffled crying that lead Luke to find the guy here in this dark and empty space.
“Hey, you alright there dude?” Luke asked, but the guy didn’t seem to hear him. He walked closer to him and asked again, no response. Now, he was wondering whether to leave him alone or to try again. He almost left, when another cry of agony and pain stopped his footsteps.
Luke kneel down next to him, and tried to make the guy talk to him. “Hey, hey, hey, HEY!” He shouted at him, but that seemed to only make it worse, if his cowering meant anything. He tried to think of things that would be comforting. A hug? Does he want to hug a random dude? He thought about it…no. A pat on his head? He could probably do that.
Luke started comforting the guy by patting his head and saying comforting words like “It’s alright”, “there’s nothing to worry about”, “Hush little one”, the things that his mother would say to him. It seemed to work. Soon, the guy had stopped shaking and the crying had lessen. He mumbled something but he couldn’t hear what it was.
“Excuse me?” Luke asked.
“Sorry…” It was really soft but Luke caught it this time.
“Hey, it wasn’t a problem. I couldn’t just leave you here and not care while I know you were suffering.” Luke said.
“Thank you…” The guy looked up at him and he could see that he was a mess. His eyes were red and swollen, there were obvious tear streaks on his face, snot flowing down his nose and a bandage across his cheek. He was going to cry again, but Luke wiped the tears away with his hand.
“Hey, hey. It’s alright. What’s your name?” He asked.
“Jonathan, although sometimes Delirious comes around. Delirious is nice, but I’m scared of Jason.” Okay…that’s definitely weird, Luke thought but didn’t ask.
“I’m Luke. Let’s get you to the washroom to wash up a little alright?” Jonathan nodded and followed him out of the corner.
That’s how Luke met Jonathan for the first time but also the last time for the whole year. He was told that Jonathan was the crazy maniac that he originally wanted to avoid, but he never saw him later. His disappearance was a mystery to everyone in school and people started to make stories about it. Luke didn’t listen to all those absurd rumors because they were clearly all not true. Jonathan seemed more like a weak and fragile kid than a crazy maniac that could kill. Luke recognized Jonathan later on, even with the odd clown make-up, and they became best friends in the course of 3 months.
A nofication of a new message came from his phone, he picked it up and looked at the message. The highlight of his day would go to this message. His heart warmed at the adorableness and he giggled.
“What are you looking at Bryce?” Delirious asked, while snatching the phone away quickly.
“Hey!” Bryce exclaimed, although he doesn’t think there would be any harm to him for letting Delirious look at the picture, the only person possibly being harmed would be—
“CARTOONZ THAT MOTHERFUCKER!” Delirious yelled and ran away, most probably finding Luke to murder.
“Hey give me my phone back!” He shouted at Delirious. The phone was thrown at him, and he caught it nicely. However, he would have to ask Delirious to be more careful with his phone next time.
Bryce looked at the numerous threatening message Delirious sent to Luke in his name and then sent a warning message to Luke. Though, he should know by now that someone is trying to kill him.
B: D is finding you to murder dude :P L: Totally worth it ;) tho I shud find a place to hide for a while B: You could probably hide at the library. The receptionist banned him from going inside for a month because he was too loud L: good idea, thx :D
Bryce scrolled up to look at the photo Luke sent again, it was still as adorable as ever. Delirious was sleeping on his bed and holding the teddy bear he sent him last time tightly. He was drooling happily on it but he didn’t care. He looked so happy and peaceful like a child. Bryce totally didn’t save the picture, and put it as his lock screen, and only changing it when Delirious found out.
“Hey Ohm, why do you always wear the band across your eyes? Or is it a touchy subject?” Bryce asked. Ohm sighed. He knew the question would come one day, but he was never prepared.
“It’s just…well…it started a long time ago…er…”
“Don’t talk about it if you don’t want to though.” Bryce said, seeing him struggling with his words. Ohm shook his head.
“No, I should talk about it. I just don’t know where to start because it’s kinda my first time actually talking about this to someone.” Ohm said.
“Okay, just take your time with it.” Bryce said.
“It’s just something with my power. It’s an influencing type and it works through eye contact. I can’t control it so my mother made me a mask first, and this band later. I can still see through this band, but everything is in a grey filter. I’m really looking forward to the day I can control my powers well enough that I don’t need to wear these bands anymore,” Ohm said.
“Oh…Hey I’m an influencing type too. I wonder something…” Bryce said, then he started singing.
It was beautiful. An angel has descend from the heavens up above and came down to earth to spread hope. It doesn’t matter if he dies right now. He was blessed by his singing.
Then, it stopped.
Bryce’s face beamed with shock and excitement. He looked like he might jump and run around with happiness at any moment.
“Oh God, you are not influenced! You are the first person I met in this place that wouldn’t get influenced by my singing other than the scientists!” Bryce exclaimed.
“Influenced?” Ohm asked, still dazed by his singing.
“Yeah, this is wonderful. That means I don’t have to restrict myself from singing when I’m around you.” Bryce said happily.
“What would happen to the people that got influenced by you?” Ohm asked, taking a sip of water.
“They would commit suicide within a minute of my singing.” Ohm choked on his water, shocked by the statement.
“And you just tried it on me?!” Ohm asked, dismayed.
“Don’t worry, I know how it happens and when to stop,” Bryce stated. Ohm still looked at him skeptically, but he remembered that Bryce couldn’t see it.
“Are you sure…”
“Yes, I’m sure.” Bryce said with confidence.
Then, Ohm thought of something. If he wasn’t influenced by Bryce, will Bryce be influenced by him? He took a chance, and pulled off his cover. He stared at Bryce right in the eyes, and had to admit he was really nervous. This act could backfire very hard.
“Your eyes are really pretty Ohm.” Bryce said with fascination, but he didn’t do anything else. Did it not work?
“You…don’t feel anything else?” Ohm asked hesitantly.
“Other than wanting to stare at your eyes forever? No,” Bryce responded.
“Then…you didn’t get influenced!” Ohm exclaimed.
“This is proven! Influencing types won’t influence influencing types!” Bryce beamed.
“This is great!” They rejoiced.
From then on, Bryce could sing freely around Ohm and Ohm could enjoy not wearing the cloth when he’s around. Their friendship only grew stronger.
“Take that Ohm! HAHAHA!” Delirious yelled.
“No, Delirious!” Ohm cried as his in-game character died because of Delirious.
“Look behind you, Delirious!” Luke shouted, trying to warn his teammate
“What?” Delirious turned around and screamed.
“That’s what you get!” Bryce exclaimed as his character shoot Delirious’ character point blank in the face.
“Noooo, avenge me Cartoonz!”
“I will, don’t worry…Or maybe not.” Cartoonz added when he was shot by Bryce. The screen showed Team Bryce & Ohm won the game, and the winner high-fived in the background.
Delirious yawned and stretched his back, it was late at night after all
“Do we call it a night?” Ohm asked.
“Yeah, it is late. We could probably play again tomorrow.” Luke said.
“Alright, goodnight guys.” Bryce said, dragging a sleepy Delirious out of the room. Their rooms were at the other floor.
Ohm stood at the door, staring at Luke. Luke looked up at him and asked “what’s wrong?” but the other just shook his head.
“Night Luke.” He said, turning to the door.
“Night Ohm.”
obviously much better in my head =3=. Brycelirious will probs become a thing here.
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silver-wolf-karma · 7 years
Ey yo This is super important. Anyone know any good fanfics for H2OBrOhmToonz? Especial a good long one? Preferably Completed. There just aren't enough of them. And they are hard to find tag wise >.>
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fracnkie · 7 years
I just spent two hours writing angst so enjoy what's done
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au-hell · 7 years
In celebration of 500+ followers
Which was originally planned for 200 followers but we’re just too slow and you guys too quick. A big thank you to everyone who followed and enjoys the content on this blog! I, Kuri, never thought this idea of sharing and creating AU’s together would work out so well. Another big thanks to all the mods and friends contributing to my idea and keeping this fresh. Ya’ll are damb dudes.
The first thing we wanted to celebrate this with is a nice little fanfiction and art. There will also be a giveaway very soon so keep an eye on that!
Prompt: You accidentally tune into a radio frequency that isn’t normally accessible - to the living, at least.
Pairing: Brohm
written by @faythyloo art by @slawter-rhinfox and @saatan-o
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Bryce had just gotten a new house and was looking for furniture to put in it. He was walking through an antique store, as he thought that an antique might make the house more lively. Bryce was just passing through the aisles, hoping to find something.
Then, out of the corner of his eye, he saw something. He turned to look at what it was. It was an old radio, one that looked like it was from the 1980s or something. For some reason, he seemed to be… Drawn to it, so to speak.
“Can I help you?” A voice came from behind Bryce, making him jump. He turned around to see the owner of the shop, a nice old lady named Claire.
“Oh, um, yeah, I was looking at this old radio, and uh, do you think you could tell me about it?” He asked. Claire smiled at him and nodded her head.
“Sure, honey. I got that when a young couple came in and sold it to me. They said that it was weirding them out and that most of the channels were static. I tried it out myself; it works, and most of the channels actually worked, but some were static. It was weird, they left as quickly as possible. But I don’t see anything wrong with it.”
Bryce thought about it for a second. “How much?” He asked. Claire chuckled a bit.
“I’ll give it to ya for 20 bucks,” she offered.
Bryce smiled and thanked her. He handed her the twenty dollars and carried it to his car. It wasn’t all that heavy, which surprised him, but he was glad. It would fit perfectly in his home, as it was an older house.
Once Bryce got home, he set up the old radio. It was in his living room, sitting against an empty wall. He turned the dials and grinned when he heard the radio crackle back to life. Bryce flipped through the channels and made a mental note of which ones worked and which ones didn’t.
There were ten channels, and channels 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, and 9 worked. Channels 1, 5, and 10 didn’t, which struck Bryce as a bit odd, but he shrugged it off. He turned the radio off and went to go make dinner for himself.
For the next couple of weeks, everything was fine. Bryce loved using the radio, and it worked perfectly fine. Nothing out of the ordinary happened.
It was late at night and Bryce was having dinner when he noticed something odd. He couldn’t put his finger on it until it hit him: The radio wasn’t on! Bryce chuckled to himself as he walked into the living room to turn it on.
Bryce grabbed the dial and began to turn it when he heard a strange noise outside his window that caused him to jump. He looked to see that a tree branch had just tapped at his window.
Bryce sighed and looked back to the radio. He realized that he had accidentally put it on channel 1, and was about to change it when he realized something: the channel was silent.
Now, this may seem normal, but the thing is, whenever Bryce tuned to that channel, it was never silent. You always heard static, no matter what. Bryce took his hand away from the radio and waited.
When he thought about it, he realized how stupid it was to wait for a channel that wasn’t even working. Bryce chuckled to himself and was about to turn it off when a sound blared out of the radio, causing him to jump back in shock. The radio crackled a bit before it stopped, and a voice came through.
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“Hey there, listeners! Welcome back to the Radio Station of the Century! I’m your host, Ohmwrecker, or Ohm as you might know me.”
Bryce stared at the radio. Radio Station of the Century? Why was the station working all of a sudden? Bryce was curious as to why it was working, so he sat in front of it and listened to what the broadcaster had to say.
“Today we’ve got two special guests, two that you might know very well. We have-”
"Hey guys! I’m here today-”
“And so am I!”
“Yes, we have Delirious and Cartoonz here with us tonight! And we’re gonna talk about you guys’ life and stuff!”
“Talk about Cartoonz first!”
“No, talk about Delirious first! He’s the one with a date!”
“I- shut up Cartoonz!”
“Ooh, a date? Mind telling us about that, Del?”
The broadcast continued and Bryce listened. He found himself liking the show, and was a little sad when it ended.
“Well guys, it’s about time to end the show. I hope you enjoyed-
"You have to enjoy it! Or I’ll kill you!”
“You’re not gonna kill anyone.”
“You don’t know that!”
“Shut up Delirious. You ain’t gonna kill nobody, and that’s final.”
“Anyways, thanks for joining us tonight, and be sure to check out the show every Friday! Goodbye, listeners, and goodnight!”
The broadcast ended and the station became static once more. Bryce sat there, not really knowing what to do. He then got up and checked the time.
“Midnight? How is it midnight?!” Bryce exclaimed. He was so caught up in the broadcast that he didn’t bother to check the time. Bryce got up and quickly put everything away before he went to bed.
When Bryce woke up, he felt refreshed. He got up and ate breakfast and everything that you do in the morning. Bryce decided to go back to the antique shop to ask about the radio.
When he got there, Claire greeted him with a smile. “Welcome back! Anything I can get you today?” She asked.
“No, not today, but I have some questions about the radio?” Bryce said. Claire stopped what she was doing and looked up.
“Is it not working? If not, I can get you a refund-”
“Oh no, not at all. It works just fine. It’s just that one of the stations that seemed to be dead is actually working?”
“Which one?”
“Station 1.”
Claire’s smile faltered a bit. “Station One never works. What do you mean it’s working now?” She asked, sounding a bit nervous.
“Well, last night I accidentally turned it on to Station 1, and it had an actual broadcast. Someone named Ohmwrecker or something was hosting it and he had two guests on, one was Cartoonz and the other was Delirious. Any idea of what it is?”
Claire sighed and brought a book out from under the desk. “Here,” she said, handing it to Bryce, “this should tell you everything.” Bryce looked at the book that had been put in his hands.
‘Broadcasters Throughout the Years’ it read. Bryce was confused, but thanked Claire anyways. He left the store and went back home to see what was in the book.
When Bryce for home, he took out the book and looked at it again. He then noticed a tab in one of the pages. He opened it up to find that it was to the 1980s. The person who they were talking about shocked Bryce: it was Ohmwrecker.
It read that Ohm’s real name was Ryan and in the 1980s his show came abruptly to an end when it just stopped broadcasting all together. The police had went to the station and saw no sign of him. He was presumed dead after a while of searching. Soon, all of the guests that ever went on his show disappeared as well, and everybody seemed to forget about them, and the show entirely.
Bryce stared at the page in shock. He looked over at the radio, which was off at the time. He closed the book and cautiously walked over to the radio. Bryce turned it on and went to Station 1.
Bryce sighed and just left it there. He didn’t feel like having the radio on a live station. He put the book on the table and went to go make lunch.
Once he was done, he was about to go out for a walk when he heard it: the sound of the radio crackling. Bryce slowly made his way into the living room and looked at the antique. It was still on Station One, and it seemed to be alive. Then a voice rang out:
“Hello? Hello? Anybody there?”
Bryce recognized it as Ohmwrecker. “Hello?” Bryce called back before remembering that it was a radio, and radios only go one way. But instead of continuing on with asking, the voice stopped for a second, as if it was processing what Bryce had just said.
“Hello? Hello! You! I heard you! Hello!”
Bryce stood there, staring at the radio in shock. Had it actually heard him? To test it out, he called to it again. “Hello?”
“Hi! Yes, I can hear you! Thank god, I’m so confused right now. Do you know where we are?”
Bryce contemplated whether or not he should reply, but he decided to do so. “We’re at my house,” he said.
“You’re house? How am I at your house? And why is it so dark here? Turn on the lights or something!”
Bryce was about to argue back when he realized something: Ohm wasn’t from the 2000s, and he probably thought he’s back in his own time. “Do you know what year it is?” Bryce asked carefully.
“Yeah, it’s 1986. Why?”
Bryce didn’t know whether or not he should tell Ohm that he was in 2016 or not.
“Hey, are you still there?”
Bryce jumped as the voice had scared him. “Yeah, I’m still here.” He replied.
“Did I scare you? Sorry about that. But since you seem to be the only person here, we might as well get to know each other. My name’s Ryan, but my radio name’s Ohmwrecker, or just Ohm. What about you?”
“Bryce. My name’s Bryce.”
“Nice to meet you, Bryce.”
They continued talking for a while until the radio started to go out.
“Ryan? Are you still there? Ryan! You’re breaking up on me,” Bryce said worriedly.
“What do you…up on you? Bryce? Are..Bryce? Bryce-”
The radio then cut off and the only thing that could be heard was static. Bryce sat there on front of the radio in shock. He turned the dial a couple of times to see if maybe the signal would turn back on, but it never did.
Every time he went on Channel 1, static was the only noise there. Bryce sighed and got up, not wanting to deal with the radio any longer. He didn’t want to get rid of it because he wanted to see if the station would be working on Friday.
When Friday night came, Bryce turned the radio on to Channel One. He listened to the silence until it started crackling again.
“Hello listeners and welcome back to the Radio Station of the Century! I’m your host, Ohmwrecker, or Ohm for the regulars.”
Bryce sighed in relief as the broadcast started up.
“Tonight we have a very special guest today. Introducing the one and only, Seananners!"
"Haha, hey everybody! Look at me, I’m on the radio!”
“Your mother must be so proud of you.”
“Yeah, she probably is.”
Bryce continued listening to the station, just having it as background noise until something caught Bryce’s attention.
“So Nanners, you ever have any weird dreams?
"Well, all of my dreams are weird.”
“Heh, well, yeah, but I mean really weird. Like you wake up and question your reality kinda weird.”
“Hmm, let me think… No, I can’t say I have. Why?”
“Well, cause I had a weird dream last week after the show. I pretty much questioned my existence after that.”
“Really? What was it about?”
“Well, it was dark. Like, pitch black. So I called out a 'hello’ to see if anyone was there. I heard someone reply, which was a relief. They seemed confused as well, which was weird to me, as I thought they would know what was going on. But anyways, I asked where I was and they said that I was at their house. And-”
“Hold on. Could you move at all in this dream?”
“No, I couldn’t. That was the first thing I tried to do before calling out.”
“Oh, ok. Continue on.”
“Ok, so where was I? Oh right, the house. So the guy tells me that I’m at his house. I try to look around and all I see is darkness, so I’m not sure of the guy is lying to me or not-”
“Did you ever get his name?”
“Yes, I did, and I’ll get to that in a second. But I mention the darkness to him, and he stays silent. So I didn’t know if he left or not, so I called out again. I think I scared him a bit because when he replied, his voice shook a little. So I apologized and asked for his name, giving him mine.”
“What was his name?”
“Bryce. He said his name was Bryce.”
“Bryce? Interesting name.”
“Yeah. He seemed nice, and we started talking for a while. Then he started saying that I was 'breaking up on him’ or something, which really confused me-”
“Breaking up as in like, date wise or breaking up as in radio wise?”
“Well, the way he said it made me think radio wise. I asked him what he meant, but I never got an answer back. And then I woke up.”
“Huh. That is weird.”
“I know right? It messed me up for days because it felt so real, y'know?”
Bryce’s mouth was hanging open. Ohm had remembered him? And he thought it was a dream? What was going on? The broadcast continued for a while until it came to an end. Again, it was late, but Bryce wasn’t really worried about it this time.
The next day, Bryce kept the radio on Channel 1 to see if it would bring Ohm back. We waited, and right as he was about to give up, it crackled to life once again.
“Hello? Anyone there?”
“Hey, Ryan.”
“Bryce! Oh thank god, a familiar voice. Am I still in the same situation as before?”
“Well what? Is something wrong?”
Bryce took a deep breath and told Ryan everything. How they weren’t in 1986, how Bryce had gotten the radio, everything. Ryan just listened until Bryce had finished. It was silent on his end until he finally spoke.
“So this isn’t all a dream, huh? I knew something was a little off about it.”
Bryce chuckled a bit. “Yeah, it’s real.” It became silent again on Ryan’s side. “You okay?” Bryce asked.
“Yeah, I’m fine. I’m just wrapping my head all around this, y'know?”
“Yeah, it’s fine. Are you gonna mention it on your show?” Bryce asked.
“Nah, they’ll probably think I’m crazy.
Bryce chuckled. "Probably.”
“Are you still gonna talk to me? I mean, you seem nice and all so…”
“Of course! Why wouldn’t I?”
“I dunno. But I’m glad.”
“Me too. Just try not to mention me on your show, because who knows what’ll happen?”
“Heh, everyone will probably think that you’re my secret lover or something. Not that I have a problem with that, but, y'know.”
Bryce laughed as they continued talking until Ryan started to break up again.
“Ryan, I have to go, you’re breaking up again.”
“Shit. Thanks…..Bryce. Hope……soon. Bye.”
The radio went to static once again, and Bryce was left alone in his living room.
After that, they continued talking every week for as long as they could, Bryce telling Ryan things about the future and Ryan telling Bryce about his own time.
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chinxino5-blog · 7 years
It’s A Package Deal - Sixteen
“Don’t think I care in the slightest about your dumb life, and your dumb questions. Just shut the fuck up and call me ‘Ohm’.”
 The words branded themselves to Bryce’s mind. They imprinted beneath his flesh and burnt their way to permanence.
The silence within the vehicle was suddenly all too much. It clung to his skin and face and clothes and crawled down his throat. It suffocated him completely and removed his voice of all but a small, “Oh…” that dripped from his tongue along with a broken exhale.
He couldn’t rip his gaze from the brunette’s. His attention was frozen to the other, and he could do nothing but stare with wide eyes and try and keep his blinking to a minimum. For a long minute, neither moved. Ohm kept his teeth bared, eyes ablaze and jaw locked. Bryce had never felt more like prey. He felt as though the slightest movement would have his throat slit. He held his breath and just stared as Ohm huffed and puffed.
Eventually, the hitman retreated. He released a heavy exhale, his eyes ever-sharp, and sat back in his own chair. Almost reluctantly, he came back to his senses, silence ringing in his ears. He glanced back out his side window, the street fortunately still empty as far as he could see. When his fiery eyes came back to the blonde, he hadn’t moved. He stayed where he was, now breathing heavily himself. His eyes shook as they stayed glued to his coiled figure. The hitman could feel angry heat radiating off his own flesh and a small part of his mind knew how terrified the young man must have felt. A small part of his mind told him what Bryce saw, told him just how cruel he looked – he was a monster, he was a ruthless, terrifying monster.
He drowned that part of his mind and suffocated those thoughts. He didn’t have time to care about the way Bryce stayed pressed to the door as far from Ohm as possible. He didn’t let himself look over as the blonde hugged his knees to his chest. He didn’t let his mind ponder on what he was thinking, how he was feeling.
Bryce couldn’t stop himself from shivering. He could feel the anger swelling within the car. It was pressed down on him, clawing at his flesh and pushing him back. He stayed as far away from its source as he could. He kept himself curled up, curled over his heart which shuddered and whimpered in fear and loss.
Bryce struggled to determine exactly what he felt he’d lost. He never had Ohm’s care. He never had Ohm’s trust. He never had anything from Ohm except cold stares and bitten words. So what had he lost?
Ohm had shouted at him, outright screamed at him. He told him exactly what Bryce already knew, exactly how he thought of him, how he hated him, how he couldn’t wait to see Bryce’s voice finally silenced. Bryce knew this. Of course he knew this, he knew it since the first time he was shoved back into his apartment with a gun to his forehead. He wasn’t surprised, he shouldn’t have been surprised.
So why did it hurt him? Why did it ache, and sting, and burn in his throat? Why did his eyes blur and chest squeeze?
He didn’t know. He didn’t get it.
His teeth grit with frustration, tears slipping down his cheeks in silence. Tears that burnt like flames. Tears that Ohm didn’t see. Tears that Ohm didn’t care about. Tears Ohm probably enjoyed.
He turned his head to the side, kept his jaw clenched and swallowed down any sobs that tried to crawl up his throat.
Ohm’s nails dragged back and forth along the steering wheel. Little white lines ran deeper and deeper into the leather as the hitman ground his teeth. After pulling the car back into the correct lane and pushing it up into a speed higher than the limit, he locked his body and mind in place.
He ignored the man beside him. He ignored the blonde. He ignored the inaudible sniffling.
Ignoring the body in the passenger seat was far easier than ignoring the guilt that clawed at his chest. Guilt that inspired anger, anger that inspired hatred, hatred that inspired disgust, disgust that inspired guilt. His tongue didn’t sit comfortably in his mouth and words fought to pass his lips.
Words of “I’m sorry,”, and “It’s not your fault,”, and “I shouldn’t have yelled,”. Words of regret and sorrow and empathy. It was all wrong, it was all so awful, and sickly, and painful. Ohm was a hitman, a sociopath. Sociopaths were cold, nasty, apathetic and heartless. They didn’t feel regret, they didn’t feel guilt, they didn’t feel empathy. That’s how they were, that’s how he was.
That’s how he’d lived for years, how he’d done his job. Head high, eyes cold, tongue sharp. He didn’t look back, he didn’t look down and he certainly didn’t feel bad for the bodies that dropped all around him. He hadn’t felt sorry in countless years, not for anyone but his decomposing family.
There was no plausible, understandable, possible reason to why he would ever feel guilty about snarling at Bryce. No matter how many times he ran it through his mind. No matter how many times he searched for a simple explanation – he found nothing but aggravation and fumed in his seat. Upon realising he was growling deep in his throat out loud, he stopped himself short and risked a glance at Bryce’s form which was curled up tighter and shaking even more jerkily.
The slight guilt that started to drip down his throat turned to bile. He grit his teeth, swallowed it down and threw his emotions out the open car window. With a sharp breath in and out, he shook away lingering annoyances and settled as much as he could with the anger still pumping through his veins.
He just drove.
Ten hours of silence. After three, Bryce sat up and stretched out his legs. He forgot only for a moment, almost asking the driver if they could pull over and properly stretch to wake up sleeping limbs. The memories of hateful words resurfaced and he burrowed his head in his hands, ignoring the way his feet tingled and zapped with pain. After another two, he fell asleep, slumped against the door and didn’t notice Ohm’s unfairly irritated glare. When he woke again, the anger had shrunk and the irritation had settled. The hitman’s aura circled him still, but had lessened and was far more relaxed than when the blonde had fallen into slumber.
Bryce peered at him through his eyelashes, the remnants of his limited rest gluing his eyelids together.
The hitman no longer sat coiled like a spring. His shoulders rested down, his back against the seat, his fingers loose on the leather. The bandana had stayed around the lower half of his face but his silver eyes no longer cut like knives. Instead, they swirled like melted aluminium and stayed on the road ahead.
Words hung off Bryce’s heavy tongue, but his mouth was too dry to form them and his lips stayed glued together. As much as the silence accumulated at his eardrums, he locked himself up and didn’t let out a word. He couldn’t. As much as the need to break the silence tugged at him, he stayed voiceless.
The first time he moved from his position was to stretch back and let his jaw click open in a wide yawn. The moment he shifted, Ohm’s posture flinched. His back pulled forwards off the seat and his shoulders locked up. His fingers went white around the steering wheel and the melted pools of metal froze and hardened in jagged, ugly shapes.
Bryce blinked at him in shock and instantly dropped his eyes as the aura of irritation flared up in the small space. He found himself pressed back up against the door and window, eyes downcast and mind scrambling to be anywhere but there.
He could do nothing to get away. He closed his eyes. Ohm’s glare on his shoulder forced a shudder through him. It made him wince and almost burnt through his flesh as he squeezed his eyes shut. His head tucked down further and he felt like a real prisoner for the first time in days.
Afraid to look Ohm in the eyes, afraid to speak, afraid to move, afraid to step out of line at any moment at any time.
He was afraid.
For some stupid reason, he’d thought they got along. For some absolutely ridiculous reason, he’d thought that maybe Ohm didn’t completely hate his company. Maybe he enjoyed their little conversations, maybe he didn’t mind the random nonsensical questions, maybe he regarded Bryce as a little bit more than just a package printed with an address in Los Angeles. Bryce had been wrong. Ohm hated his voice, hated his words, hated his questions. Ohm hated him.
And God did Ohm wish that was true. He wished he hated his guts, wished he would be able to put a bullet between his eyes. He wished he didn’t feel the nagging pull at his throat, tightening each moment he resisted to regret. Each time he swallowed down the words of apology. Each time he will himself against turning on the radio because he did not want to hear Bryce hum along.
It was all because he took a deal he shouldn’t have taken and he couldn’t fucking learn to leave his “job” behind.
He’d spent years in complete isolation. He never lived with anyone, he never spoke to anyone outside of business deals – the only times he spent with real people were drunken one-night-stands and even then he never stayed the night. He didn’t let anyone get close to him physically, let alone mentally.
Four days spent babysitting Bryce, watching him, making sure he wasn’t doing anything wrong, suffering through his little chitchats and listening to him spout random little facts about himself. Four days of learning to understand him, sleeping in the same room as him, listening to him breathe and hum and speak. Listening to him cry. He’d seen this human being break open in front of him. He’d seen him give up in his arms.
A human being who never meant badly but only ever got “badly”.
All Ohm ever did was ruin things. That was why he never got close to anyone, why he never tried to learn names or why he never asked questions. Why he never let anyone tell him much about their lives. He only ever left them behind and if he didn’t, he’d hurt them one way or another. That’s how things worked with him, and maybe it was just karma for all the shit he did in his life. Maybe that’s just how his world worked.
It was the same with Bryce. The man broke into countless pieces right in front of him and when he tried to pick them up and put himself back together, all Ohm did was crush them beneath his boots. All he did was hurt him more, was push him back down, was tell him to shut up and stay there.
That’s how it’s supposed to be, he tried to tell himself. That’s how it has to be. His promised words were half-hearted lies and he knew it all too well to try any harder.
He’d grown attached to his companion. He didn’t know when it happened, whether it was when he told him his favourite colour was grey, or when he laughed as the other spluttered and coughed puffs of incorrectly inhaled smoke, or when he had his tears soaking into his shoulder and hands desperately clutching the back of his sweater. No matter when it happened, it had developed and swelled and Ohm had to do something to stop it before he was making stupid decisions again.
His “doing something about it” plan had done a half good job of what he’d wanted it to. Bryce could no longer look at him, he seeped dread and fear and clearly wanted to get as far away from the hitman as possible. Ohm felt ever-growing hatred towards him also. For that he could tell he’d succeeded, if only slightly. Although, his success tasted sour. He couldn’t tell whether he hated Bryce or whether he hated himself more. For all the fear running up and down Bryce’s flesh, guilt threaded through Ohm’s.
If anything, by yelling at the blonde he’d shown himself just how much he craved the other. He craved any sort of interaction between them and it made him snarl. A part of him wanted to take it all back and accept the use of his real name so they could have driven all day with the radio on, Bryce’s humming in his thoughts and a calm aura wafting in and out of open windows.
The stale silence smelt sickening and the aura of jagged fear, anger and guilty mixed and mingled. It stained his clothes, his skin, his hair. It consumed the two of them and pushed and pulled them apart and away.
Bryce was too scared to say anything, too scared to try and change things, ease things back to a softer vibe and calmer expression. Ohm was too stubborn to let himself care, or worry, or think about it at all. He was so set on not thinking about it, he thought of nothing else the entire ten hours.
First: Prologue
Previous: Fifteen
Next: Seventeen
Short chapter which I was supposed to post earlier but I didn’t?? Here it is now <3
Check my next post for an update on upcoming chapters, I’ve actually completed the story to the last sentence, I just have to edit it all.
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thorsgirl5 · 7 years
So I read a brohm fanfic the other day about jealousy they went to a game stop or something with cartoonz and del to buy games and Bryce kind of freaked out on the cashier telling her "he's mine!" And he left the store embarssed but ohm chased after him they had a make out ses by Bryces car But I cannot find it again please if you know help me find it thanks
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causewhynot1718 · 7 years
Hello~ BrOhm.
    It was a regular, bright day for Bryce Mitchell McQuaid at the coffee shop he works in. He loved working at the coffee shop not only because his parents owned the coffee shop and get free stuff but because he sometimes meets new people. He’s been trying to find a partner but never really likes the girls’ that come into the coffee shop. Although, he does seem a bit interested in some guys. But sadly, just like the girls’, he doesn’t see anyone that catches his eye. Not until a mysterious man entered the coffee. He had dark brown hair, a gray sweater, black jeans, black converse, and a small bandana covering his mouth and in the middle of the bandana, there was an omega symbol (Ω).
   He sat down in a booth and opened his phone. I stared for ten seconds until I felt someone punch me in the arm lightly. “Hey, stop eye raping our customer and go tell him what he wants,” Minx said. She was a worker here and one of my weirdest friends ever. I looked at her and shook my head. “I'm not 'eye raping' anyone. I was just, um, examining him to see if he was any trouble.” I said. She raised her eyebrow and then rolled her eyes. “Whatever you say just take his order, Bryce. You totally have a crush on him.” Minx said and left before I could say anything else. I took my little notebook where I write down the order with a pen and walked to the booth.
   “Hello, my name is Bryce and I’ll be your waitress today. How may I help you?” Bryce said as he wrote down something on his notebook. When Bryce looked up from his notebook he was staring deep into the mysterious guy’s hazel eyes. It reminded him of his favorite drink, sweet caramel frappuccino with chocolate chips inside. “It’s my first time here so, what do you recommend?” He said in a sexy husky voice. “Um, well my favorite is the sweet caramel frappuccino. It’s really good.” I said and he nodded. “Then I’ll have that. By the way, one of my friends told me you guys make the best cheesecake muffins?” “ Yes, we do. Would you want one?” “Yeah sure.” “Alright. Anything else?” “Maybe a little bit of company?” He said and Bryce lightly blushed. “I, um, haha, yeah sure. I don’t see why not. I’ll be back with your order.” Bryce said and wrote everything down while walking away. He hit a chair by accident and looked behind him to see the mysterious man looking at him. Bryce gave the man a small clumsy smile and started walking away.
   When Bryce started preparing the frappuccino Minx came out of nowhere and stood next to Bryce with a small smirk. Bryce looked at Minx and raised his eyebrow. “What is it?” Bryce said and Minx shook her head. “Oh, nothing. I was looking at you and the guy talk. So, you like him don’t you?” Minx said and smiled. Bryce just blushed and Minx patted his shoulder. “Don’t fuck up Bryce. That’s all I’m saying.” Minx said and went to take another order. Bryce didn’t say anything and grabbed the cheesecake muffin fresh out of the oven and the frappuccino.
   Bryce was carrying the muffin and the frappuccino to the mysterious man and when he placed the two items he smiled. “Alright here is your order. Anything else?” Bryce said. “A bit of company like I said?” He said. “Oh, right,” Bryce said and laughed while sitting down. The mysterious man chuckled at Bryce’s adorable laugh. “So, Bryce is your name, right?” He said. Bryce nodded and smiled. “I didn’t get to know your name. May I please know your name?” Bryce said. “I go by two names. You can call me by my nickname, Ohm, or you can call me by my real name, Ryan.” Ohm said. Bryce nodded and kept on smiling. “I have a question, Ohm. Why do you wear a bandana?” Bryce said. Ohm just shrugged his shoulders and looked at Bryce. “I don’t really know. It has been a big part of my life that I’ve gotten used to it. I guess I have to take it out if I want to eat, huh?” “I guess you do. By the way, the muffin is fresh out of the oven so it might be a bit hot on the inside.” Bryce said and Ohm nodded. He pulled down his bandana and Bryce saw his perfectly trimmed beard. When Ohm took a bite out of the muffin his eyes widened a bit and then looked at Bryce. When he swallowed the muffin piece he’s been eating he smiled. “This is amazing. I might come here often.” Ohm said. “Thank’s. I bake them myself actually.” Bryce said with a small blush. “You’re amazing for making these muffins. Actually, you’re a genius.” Bryce laughed at what Ohm said and the two ended up talking about random stuff for about an hour.
   Ohm’s phone got a text and when he saw who it was his smile faded a bit and then faced Bryce. “It’s one of my friends. They’re telling me to join them somewhere.” Ohm said and stood up followed by Bryce. “Well, it was nice meeting you, Ohm,” Bryce said. “Yeah, I had a great time. Hey, how about if you give me your phone number?” Ohm said. “Yeah sure.” Ohm handed Bryce his phone and Bryce typed in his number. When Bryce finished typing in his number he handed Ohm his phone and smiled. “Sweet. Well, how much are the frappuccino and the muffin?” Ohm said. “Oh, you don’t have to pay. My treat.”  Bryce said which made Ohm smile brightly. “Thank’s Bryce. Well, see you later man.” Ohm said and pulled his bandana up to his mouth again. Bryce watched at Ohm left the small coffee and for the rest of the day, Bryce’s smile never left his face. Especially when he got a text from Ohm, inviting him over to play some video games with his friends.
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dont-doubt-dopple · 7 years
How You Fell In Love With Me - Chapter 1
A/N: So, my brain came up with another idea. Thanks creative brain. Anyways, just as a heads up a lot of stuff is going to repeat. I’m not going to write all of the novel within this fic; that’s a little too much work. But the italics is Bryce’s book, while the normal is dialogue between characters in the real world. Sorry if it gets confusing.
Chapter 1: Peeking Interest
Bryce was glad he found a blanket. It probably wasn’t as fuzzy as it used to be and there was obvious evidence that a dog had gotten to it, hence why it was in the trash. However, it stood looked long enough to cover the entirety of the 20-something’s 6'3" body. Though the thought of whether he’d use it for cover or warmth lingered in the back of his mind. He would think about it later. Right now, he simply crossed his fingers that there was another blanket in the other dumpster. He was not expecting to find a person.
“This sounds like a cliché superhero plot line.” Mike commented, lowering his physical copy of the draft. Bryce sighed, closing his eyes flopping back onto his bed. The blond ran his hand through his hair as he opened his eyes and stared at the ceiling. “Well I’m sorry if I couldn’t think of anything better.” He snapped back. “That doesn’t mean you should go stealing the plot of Daredevil Season 1 Episode 2.” Bryce breathed, trying to calm himself. He needed criticism, and Mike was the only person he was confident enough to tell about his self insert gang story, How You Fell In Love With Me. “Beginnings are hard.” He complained. “Any creator will tell you that. You have to introduce the main characters, establish setting, possibly introduce the conflict, all while making sure you hook the reader into reading the rest.” “I still think you should start another way. If I could spot the comparison, so could other readers.” “Well, what do you suggest?” Mike hummed, glancing over the draft. “Can I hear it in first person? Maybe just the first part before you edit the whole thing.” Bryce didn’t know what that do, but he quickly edited the pronouns and a few words to fit the narrative. I was glad I had found a blanket. It probably wasn’t as fuzzy as it used to be and there was obvious evidence that a dog had gotten to it, hence why it was in the trash. However, it stood looked long enough to cover the entirety of my lengthy 6'3" body. Though the thought of whether I could use it for cover or warmth lingered in the back of my mind. Though, I had to think about it later. Right now, I am simply crossed my fingers that there is another blanket in the other dumpster. Granted, I was not expecting to find a person. “See?” Mike offered. “That sounds better.” “It does, doesn’t it?” Bryce wondered aloud. “I think I can rework this chapter with this point of view. Thanks Mike for being my beta.” “No problem.” He replied. “Happy to work with you anytime, man. Your writing is amazing. Maybe you should link me to the Google Docs so I can comment and edit.” “Okay, yeah. Sounds good.” Bryce nodded, his fingers flying across the keyboard. “Just … you mind if I roll my new intro by you?” “Not at all.” Mike waved. “Hit me.” The silence was deafening. I expected it to be quieter after what happened yesterday, but not so quiet you could hear a pin drop. Usually when I came home, or however much the abandoned theater could be called a ‘home’, from a supply run it would be the same old enjoyable routine. Gorilla and Swag would be in the corner playing the Friday the 13 for an old NES console we found one day. Smitty, Kryoz, and Panda would be on the opposite side joking around with a Cards Against Humanity packone of them had, trying to figure out the best combinations. Most days I watched Gorilla and Drac, but now the bags of loot were simply taken from my hands and Smitty placed his finger to his lips. 'Drug Deal.’ He mouthed. 'On Stage.’ “Holy Crap, this is good.” Jonathan muttered, glancing over Evan’s shoulder as their eyes flew over the pages. “I wish there was more.” “Of what?” Ryan asked as he scooted into the seat across from the pair. “What’s that?” “This,” Evan indicated, waving the pages in the air next to him. “, is amazing. Somebody must have it here on accident.” “Yeah, but what is it?” Ryan pushed, leaning more into the table. “A draft of a story someone here is writing.” Jon explained. “It’s only the first chapter though, and it’s fantastic.” Jonathan put more emphasis on the last word, hoping that someone would claim ownership. He only received a few pointed glares that told him he should be quiet. “I can see why someone didn’t want people to read it though.” Evan added, making him receive a raised eyebrow from Ryan and a questioning look from Jon. “I mean, the author is clearly not trying to hide the fact that these characters are people on campus.” “Can I see?” Ryan asked, and Evan handed him the copy. He glanced through the pages, searching through for characters. “Wow. The first paragraph alone has Mark, Lucas, John, one of the Anthonys, and Dracula.” “Yeah, and it doesn’t end there.” Evan replied, pulling the draft back from his friend. “Listen to when they describe the guys in the deal. Right … here!” There were six of them, three to one side and three one the other. There was practically an invisible line between the groups that nobody was crossing. To stage left held the more normal looking guys. The most noticeable feature was the Mario hat one of them wore. Another had a beard, while the last one looked much older. While the others on the left looked like late 20-somethings or early 30-somethings, the last one looked like old enough to be a seasoned vet from Vietnam. They all had polished suits on, while the one with the beard held a briefcase which I assumed had the goods. The people on the right stood out a lot more. The first guy had a beard, but much more developed on the guy on the left. He also seemed to have a scar across one of his eyes but it is hard to tell from the angle I have. The motorcycle jacket he wore also had a depiction on a cartoon like devil on the back as well. The second one, well, I couldn’t really see the features on him that well. His hair was covered up by a light blue hoodie and his face was covered by the Jason Voorhees mask over his face. A gun was strapped to his back along with being armed with a knife that he was currently twiddling with. The last one was also very indistinguishable. A mask covered his eyes and only those, making me wonder how he was able to see. His hair his behind a gray hood much like the second guy, but the last one had what looked like bunny ears on the back. He was the one had the briefcase on his side. “Well, if that’s not me, Jon, and Luke then I don’t know.” Ryan commented. “And I recognize the Mario hat with one of the other Anthonys. Don’t know about the others though.” “It’s Max and Scott. Not Scotty, but Scott Robinson. They reveal it later on.” Evan confirmed. “How do you know?” “The author seems to refer to most people by their Gamertags. It just so happens during dialogue that the names Gassy and Sark are dropped.” “Worst part is the cliffhanger they leave you on at the end.” Jon spoke. “The narrator goes out to get air after what he’s seen when someone cocks a gun to his head and asks if he like what he saw. The author writes short chapters too.” “Damn. Who’s the main character modeled after? Do they give a name or anything?” “Yeah, its …” Jon paused, trying to think. “Evan, I don’t think the narrator said their name.” “Wait, really?!” He exclaimed. “Hold on. Third opinion. Ryan, read this and tell us if we know the narrator’s name.” “Okay. I don’t feel right about this, though. Reading something that I’m a character in. It’s like … breaking some invisible fourth wall.” “Fine, how about this.” Evan proposed. “Let’s keep this story between us, but we can decide to tell anyone who is a character as well.” “Deal.” Jon said a little too quickly. “Both you guys know I’m really bad at keeping secrets from Luke.” Ryan nodded, and started to read the chapter. Evan and Jon both moved around the table so they could reread the chapter again. However, nobody noticed the grinning Mike that stood watching from the bookshelf.
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criticallaughter · 7 years
Covered Eyes -chapter 4
The current whole story is on here if you want :) http://archiveofourown.org/works/10640637?view_full_work=true or if you want to use tumblr it’s fine chap 1 :https://criticallaughter.tumblr.com/post/159629216332/covered-eyes#notes chap 2 : https://criticallaughter.tumblr.com/post/159906092047/covered-eyes-chap-2 chap 3: https://criticallaughter.tumblr.com/post/160088499867/covered-eyes-chap-3
Bryce was walking around aimlessly until he saw a familiar grey hoodie with bunny ears flopping around. He saw that the bunny was lost in thoughts, with him mumbling to himself, and he decided to give him the scare of his life. Well, it was fairly easy to shock Ohm, and it was always interesting how high pitched his sound could make. So, Bryce silently walked behind Ohm and then shook his shoulders violently.
“AH!” The scream was priceless. Ohm turned around to see a cheeky grin on the blonde’s face, and groaned. “Oh my God Bryce, don’t scare me like that,” Ohm said, dismayed.
“What chu thinking about?” Bryce asked Ohm.
“Oh, nothing,” Ohm was never a good liar, and he could clearly hear and see the lies.
“You sure? You seemed pretty lost in thoughts just now, if that could scare you so badly.” He said.
“Well…” Ohm was fidgeting and looking away from Bryce.
“Yeah?” He prodded.
“Well…remember Luke?”
“Yeah, the guy you are trying to not have a crush on but it’s already too late,”
“Well…yesterday we went to get some drinks after you left and…” He saw that ohm got flustered a little, and he was really eager to know what happened.
“And then?”
“Well…he kinda kissed my hand,”
“WHAT?! Okay, you gotta tell me what happened dude,” Bryce said
“I just accidentally slipped on some steps and he saved me before I go head first into the ground. It just…kinda happened because we were still roleplaying the princess and knight in shining armor thing. He was kneeling in one knee too.”
“I assume he’s the knight and you are the princess-“He avoided the hit towards his head “-what did he do next?” He asked.
“I quote, ‘You beautiful princess, I would be honored if you would give me, a lowly knight, a chance to go on date with you on this Friday afternoon, at the nearby coffee shop?’”
“Please tell me you didn’t say no,” Bryce said.
“Actually, I did say no,”
“Awh…why would you do that?” Bryce was upset that Ohm actually rejected that offer when the guy literally kissed your hand and kneel down in one knee while roleplaying.
“I said that I could make it if it was changed to Saturday. You should have seen his face, he was smiling so brightly and so adorable,” The way Ohm said it made Bryce positive that Ohm like this dude a lot.
“Congratulations Ohm! You got yourself a date, you won’t be single forever after all.” He clapped a little, happy for his friend.
“Hey! Don’t be like that. Actually…you reminded me that I couldn’t date anyone until I got my powers under control,” Ohm sadly said. Bryce immediately put a hand over his shoulder and dragged him closer.
“Oh, don’t be a bummer. I’m sure it wouldn’t affect anything. If you want to, just go to the date as a friend instead. You didn’t actually confirm the relationship, did you?” Bryce asked.
“No, I didn’t but…”
“No buts! You are gonna go have fun at that date but take your time at the whole romance relationship thing. You could also tell him that you have a curse that you can’t date until 18, that will buy you time on learning to control your powers if you don't want to elaborate on your powers. Or be honest with him, your choice man.” Bryce encouraged him to go for the date. It would be nice. After all, Ohm doesn’t have many chances on dating before and all of them failed horribly. A person that could make Ohm smile like an idiot just by knowing him for a few days? Is probably a very good match.
“Okay then. I will go, but I will make it clear for him that I can’t date. So that he won’t waste his time on me-“Ohm sighed.”-I shouldn’t have agreed at the heat of the moment.”
“Come on, let’s go back and play some games, and then you can tell me more about this Luke guy. I’m very curious about how he could get your heart in just a few days.” Bryce winked at him.
“Bryce!” Ohm was flustered, but he still had a smile on his face, so Bryce thought it was still okay to tease him with it. And he did teased him relentlessly throughout the day. Bryce needed to remember to do some research about this Luke guy though, because he was worried about Ohm and hoped he didn't get fooled by a playboy or something. Ohm was his friend and he won't let anyone hurt him physically or mentally. Although Ohm usually was the more protective one among them, he thought it was his turn to be the protective one for once.
I’M SORRY FOR A LATE UPDATE  this is a shorter one because writer’s block is a bitch. I will probably update sooner with a longer chapter. 
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brohmfics · 7 years
Angst with happy endings
Love and Home (19552 words) by Konrad_Cruze_8th_Primarch Chapters: 10/? Fandom: Banana Bus Squad Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Relationships: Bryce McQuaid/Ryan | Ohmwrecker, Evan Fong/Jonathan | H2ODelirious, Brian | The Gaming Terroriser/Brock | Moo Snuckel Characters: Bryce McQuaid, Ryan | Ohmwrecker, Evan Fong, Jonathan | H2ODelirious, Luke Patterson (Video Blogging RPF), Brian | The Gaming Terroriser, Brock | Moo Snuckel Additional Tags: Swearing, Angst with a Happy Ending, Fluff, Minor Character Death, Violence, Implied Sexual Content Summary:
Ohmwrecker, a soldier betrayed, seeks vengeance upon his enemies and to keep his home and friends safe. He must go to extreme lengths though to do so...will it be worth it in the end? WARNING (Very slow build up unfortunately. I feel I have to paint the scene. Won't be doing this for every chapter I promise. I don't plan on using any sort of themes from the inspirations I have had. If you want to get straight to the action then jump to chp 8. From there on I don't plan on doing long descriptions)
Fading (5387 words) by Skullszeyes Chapters: 2/2 Fandom: Banana Bus Squad, Youtubers, Grand Theft Auto V Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Relationships: Bryce McQuaid/Ryan | Ohmwrecker Characters: Ryan | Ohmwrecker, Bryce McQuaid, Jonathan | H2ODelirious, Cartoonz, Daithi De Nogla, Lui Calibre, Tyler | I AM WILDCAT, Craig Thompson, Evan Fong Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Grand Theft Auto Setting, Soulmate AU, Denial, Blood and Injury, Relationship(s), Angst with a Happy Ending Summary:
Ohmwrecker woke up with his world dimming, he tried to push through and went to see Delirious, only to get a phone call in which Delirious and Cartoonz - both getting shot at - tell him to locate Bryce since a hitmen are coming after all of their friends. Unfortunately, Bryce is shot and currently being hunted.
Sweater Weather (1260 words) by musicesti Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Banana Bus Squad Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Bryce Mcquaid/Ohmwrecker Characters: Bryce McQuaid, Ohmwrecker, H2O Delirious Additional Tags: Fluff and Angst, Angst with a Happy Ending, Light Angst Summary:
It's too cold, so let's find a way to warm up.
Comfort (2198 words) by musicesti Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Banana Bus Squad Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Bryce Mcquaid/Ohmwrecker Characters: Bryce McQuaid, Ryan | Ohmwrecker Additional Tags: mugging involved, guns man, Angst, Fluff, Angst with a Happy Ending Summary:
"There is no limit to the power of loving."
—John Morton
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catapples · 6 years
Why I don’t like specific ships.
* Part one *
- Blitz/Bandit | i have a strong dislike for this ship for a lot of reasons. i highly view blitz and iq as motherly and fatherly figures to bandit which makes me kind of uncomfortable. it just reminds me too much on incest/taboo and it makes me cringe. i also feel like their personalities clash, which would end up making their relationship toxic. Blitz is a jokestor and so is Bandit, i could see a brotherly or fatherly/son bond between the two, which is about it.
- Kapkan/Glaz | personally, i never had a soft spot for this ship. the fanfics are entertaining to read but i always shipped Kapkan with Smoke. Kapkans overprotective personality and Smokes daredevil personality made me feel like it was too cute to be real. besides, i feel Glaz is better off with Fuze, someone who has a tough shell, but a soft spot for a sniper.
- Dokkaebi | i never really understood when people shipped her with others for lots of reasons. to me she seems like a more lone wolf/independent woman type girl. seeing her paired with Vigil — who i think is more like a younger brother to her — seems wrong. i have nothing against her, i just think she shouldn’t be paired with anyone.
- H2O Vanoss known as Vanoss/Delirious | oh my god this is one of the most cliché ships that any BBS user could ship. i wont lie, i did ship the two at some point, but i feel as if their personalities don’t clash too well. their flirting is very cute, but its just too cliché and over picked so it drove me away.
- H2O Toonz known as Cartoonz/Delirious | one word. . .D I S G U S T A N G. honestly if you see anything other than a brotherly bond here you are just— i’m sorry. Cartoonz is a caring and brotherly person to Delirious in which they share a family like bond. its gross to think of siblings being anything more than family.
- BrOhm known as Bryce/Ohm | i used to ship them at first, i’ll admit but i stopped. why? because Ohm and Bryce clearly had clashing personalities. it got so bad that Ohm, Cartoonz, Bryce, and Gorillaz even dropped Bryce. the fact that a person is so toxic to a group that the entire group left him is something thats not good. Ohm has made many comments on people to stop making things about them and etc. its disrespectful and inhumane towards the two. Bryce was also a very annoying and very rude person to people and especially Ohm.
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love-the-fandoms · 7 years
@harleylovequinnson asked for this ship so here it is! Sorry it’s so short, I hope you still like it!
Prompt I used, but probably didn’t follow 100%; “at birth, everyone has the date they will die tattooed on their arm. You were supposed to die yesterday”
Amount of words: 693
Warnings! - sad kinda(?)
Bryce’s POV:
Staring at the tattoo on my arm I can’t help but not understand how it can be possible. The word ‘Yesterday’ boldly standing out against my pale skin. My heart clenches as I continue to stare before I hear someone walk up to my room. Quickly I pull the sleeve of my shirt down as Ohm walks into through the door.
“Bryce!” Ohm shouts smiling widely enveloping me in a hug.
A smile forms on my face as I hug him back “Ohm! I didn’t hear you come back”
He laughs happily squeezing me tighter, before he released me “I figured.” A pause “Hey, Bryce? Can we talk?” almost instantly his happy smile was replaced by a nervous one.
Feeling worried I nodded my head “of course”
“Um..well.. you’ve been acting a bit off since last night Bryce. Did I do something?” Ohm asks grabbing my hand as he does so
Instantly guilt floods through me as I look away, not knowing what to say. How can I tell my boyfriend that I’m supposed to be dead? That I was suppose to die yesterday?
After a long period of silence Ohm sighs and moves to get up and leave. Fear runs through me as I grab his hand quickly before he could go. He looks back at me looking hurt “Bryce?” he says his voice wavering, clearly upset.
That was all it took, any ability I had to control my emotions broke. Tears fell from my eyes and my breathing quickened. Letting go of Ohm’s hand I curl in on myself, warping my arms around my legs. Shaking as I cry my heart out, not knowing what to do. Fearing what will happen now.
Ohm stood in shock for a few seconds, me never breaking like this in front of him before, until I gasp for air as I start to hyperventilate. He quickly pulls me into his arms whispering calm and loving words that I couldn’t process. “Bryce? Bryce! You need to calm down, Bryce. I’m here. You’re okay. Nothing’s wrong. I won’t leave, I promise. Just calm down for me okay? I’m right here, it’s okay” the more he talked the more panicked he started to sound.
Feeling more guilt for making him panic and become upset causing me to cry harder, but I attempt to calm myself. Feeling all my energy drain from my body at my emotional outburst. Yet after a few more minutes of listening to Ohm’s voice I calm down enough to pull away from his embrace. Tears still fell as I looked into his eyes, seeing the clear worry in them. Looking away I shift enough to cause my sleeve to come up just enough to see the word written on it.
Ohm looks down as I move, gasping in shock and fear at what was written. “B-Bryce?” he stuttered, his voice wavering as tears threaten to fall from his eyes as well.
Taking a deep breath I look directly at him, forcing my own fear away, “I don’t know, Ohm. I’m sorry.. I don’t know what to do.. Ohm, what do I do?”
Ohm traces the word on my skin, “yesterday?” he asks quietly, I just nod as he continues to speak “oh Bryce.. that’s why you were.. why didn’t you tell me?”
“I didn’t want you to worry.. if it was going to be my last day alive then I wanted it to be with you. But I didn’t want you to look at me like I would be gone every second, waiting for it to happen.” I say honestly, wiping away my tears with my other hand.
He’s silent for awhile before he looks at me “I love you so god damn much Bryce, I’m so happy you’re still here”
“Even if it doesn’t make sense and shouldn’t be possible?” I couldn’t help but ask.
“Absolutely” he says pulling me back into his embrace, holding onto me tightly. Like if he let’s go I won’t be here anymore.
Smiling sadly I just hold him just as tightly, if not tighter, thanking whatever or whoever gave me this extra time.
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magickizu · 7 years
Because of a bet... - chapter 1 -
Greetings my cubs! X3 here is the first chapter of my first (not official) request! It’s a Brohm/Brycewrecker ff and I hope you have fun to read it as much as I had fun writing it^^ oh and btw a new friend of mine (@skaisummers) helped me to get rid of pesky spelling and grammar mistakes(thanks again😉) this story is an AU, because…duh…never gonna happen in reality anyways…xD
~ ~ enjoy 😄
P.o.V.: Ohm
So… I just might have a small crush on Bryce. Just a little one. Ok, so I may have fallen in love with my best friend. No one has to know, right?
Today, I feel like playing some Uno with the gang. Delirious, Cartoonz and to my utter happiness, Bryce agree. It is Delirious and Cartoonz versus Bryce and me. Per usual, Delirious is up to his tricks.
“Take this you son of a bitch! Boom! UNO!” Delirious insanely laughs as he places a ’+2’ card on top of the deck.
“Noooo!” Bryce yells playfully as he is forced to draw two extra cards. His outburst is followed by his trademark giggle.
So cute…
“How could you Delirious? I thought we were friends!” Bryce screams comically.
“No! We only have each other!” Cartoonz interrupts.
"Yeah!” Del agrees. "We only have each other, brother!”
“Oh, yeah? Well then…!” I exclaim.
I pause for a moment for Bryce to play his next card.
“Bryce, you got me?” I ask.
“Yeah Ohm!” He confirms.
“UNO BITCHES! WE WIN!” I yell with excitement.
"YESSS!” Bryce yells in victory.
“NOOOO!” yell the losers.
I barely hear the resounding “no” from the other team, I’m too busy focusing on Bryce.
My Brycie-poo is happy that we won~
“Of course I’m happy that we won! Uno is so fun!” Bryce giggles for the third time.
God, he’s so adorable!
I wonder what expression he’s making right now? I wish I could see him, instead of having to wait for his uploads. His adorable face. His giggling face. His “o” face…
Let’s save those thoughts for the bedroom.
“Ohm, are you happy about your precious ‘Brycie-poo’?” Toonz mocks and I feel the heat creeping up my face.
“Um.. yeah,” I say still embarrassed at how good his guess was.
“Ohm, are you guys fucking again?” Del asks egging on my embarrassment.
Oh shit! Okay, play it cool Ryan. Use this opportunity to flirt with him!
“No, but I’d love to feel 'dat ass in ma’ hands!” I say with conviction.
Though it’s not a lie.
“Yeah and 'dat ass on your d*ck!” Cartoonz yells mockingly.
“How’d you know?” I joke back.
Ok, it’s cool. I’m making them laugh and I get to flirt with Brycie~
“Ohm, no! Just no!” Bryce says giggling.
“Ohm yes!” I nearly moan. “That’s how you’ll sound all night!” I say and start laughing because I cannot control myself.
“I’m uncomfortable. I need an adult. I need an adult!” Bryce exclaims and laughs.
Bryce is so innocent. That’s what I love about him. I laugh and tease him more until I’m sure he’s blushing on his side of the screen.
“Ohm seriously! Stop!” He yells.
I laugh at how he tries to end the flirting. Still, I can’t let it end here now can I?~
“Why? You don’t like me talking about our sexy times?~” I ask teasingly.
“I-“, Bryce starts but he is cut off by Delirious before he can reply.
Damn, just when we were getting to the good part!
“Well, Luke and I are having a sleepover tomorrow, so good night you two!” Del says, followed by Cartoonz.
“Yeah, good night you fuckers!” I reply jokingly.
I love those guys.
“And have fun with that 'sleepover’,” Bryce adds, putting emphasis on the last word mockingly.
Del and Toonz say their parting comments and get offline.
Yeah, I really do love those guys. But not as much as I love Brycie~
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