#breastfeeding jaundice
empowasg · 1 year
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As a Postpartum Doula I am often the first person to provide hands on help and support with a new family. Postpartum support should ideally start from the moment you get home, which is why I have so much experience of helping families navigate this particular problem. Many of my clients (in fact most) come home from hospital with babies that have borderline jaundice results; but what I have noticed is that none of them are given actionable guidance and advice for the first 72 - 96 hours (3 - 4 days) at home prior to their first paediatrician appointment. See the 🔗 in the bio to my latest article for the SIMPLEST (truly simple!) TOP TIP for helping to reduce anxiety over jaundice in those first few days at home Reducing a borderline jaundice test result in the first few days at home can be critical to avoid further medical interventions Just one simple piece of advice about feeding could seriously help you avoid a lot of worry Head to the bio and click the 🔗 for the article and make sure you subscribe to get the next super useful article straight to your inbox EMPOWA YOUR MOTHERHOOD #jaundice #bilirubin #phototherapy #frequentfeeding #bloodtransfusion #breastfeeding #bottlefeeding #newborn #newbornjaundice #newmum #newdad #firsttimemum #sgmum #sgmummies #sgparents #fourthtrimester#empowasg #empowayourmotherhood #postpartumdoula #postpartumconsultant #postpartumcheckup #paediatrician #paediatricianappointment #newbornwellnesscheck (at Singapore / Singapura / 新加坡 / சிங்கப்பூர்) https://www.instagram.com/p/CqaOWUGyGFr/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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ficsforeren · 10 months
hii kana, hope u and your family are doing okay, if you’re okay answering this, i just wanted to ask you how was pregnancy for you, i’m so scared of all about it, and about how my body will look after, did you worried about this?
Hi, sweetheart!! My family and I are doing just great, and I hope you are too ❤️
Read below the cut cause this ended up as a super long answer LMAO
Honestly, I was so scared too, Nonnie 😭 I had a planned c-section for my second time (cause I had c-section the first time so my doctor recommended me to do so) and even then I couldn't sleep at all the night before. I don't want to lie and say it was easy cause it definitely wasn't. During my second pregnancy, I could only eat white rice and boiled eggs every single day cause that was all I could eat (I always threw up if I forced myself to eat anything else), and during the first three months, I couldn't even climb down my own bed without help. I was nauseous all the time, and very emotional. I got hospitalized for two weeks, got treated in the ICU where they took my blood three times a day even from my feet and it hurt like hell 🫠 Fortunately, my family (especially my husband) were so supportive throughout the process so it wasn't as stressful as it could've been for me.
Hmm I don't think I've ever worried about how my body would look like, probably because I was worrying more about giving birth and my baby health's condition (now THIS is stressful. as a mother, it kills you to see your baby get sick and newborns are so vulnerable so during the first month I just felt like crying all the time cause my baby had jaundice, and we had to do a surgery cause she couldn't feed properly and she lost a lot of weight, so we went to the hospital for like once every 3 days, it was a lot, both mentally and financially 😭)
when I had my first baby, I gained 15 kg (33 lbs) but I lost 13 kg in less than 6 months due to breastfeeding. I don't like exercising, all I did was taking care of my baby and doing chores but I still managed to get my normal weight back so I don't think you have to be concerned about gaining weight (if that's what you're worried about). even right now, my baby just turned two months old and I've lost 7 kg (I'm hoping I can get back to my pre-pregnancy weight in the next 4-5 months hehe)
but your body will look different, that's for sure. I got stretch marks all over my belly, some on my breasts too, and they're still there though they don't look as nasty anymore. And of course, I also got my c-section scar but they don't matter much to me. I actually feel proud to have these marks/scars on my body 😁
If you're worried/scared about being pregnant/giving birth/being a mother, trust me, you're not alone. I'm a mother of two children and I'm still scared, but also, the joy of being a mom is truly something else. I used to hate the idea of getting married, let alone having a child of my own (rough childhood lol you know the drill) but after I gave birth and I held my baby in my arms, I was so, so happy. And that was just the start. The first time they smiled, the first time they laughed out loud, the first time they called me "mama" and the first time I kissed my son goodbye before he went to school... so much happiness in every little thing and I'm so grateful for it. so what I'm trying to say is, it's normal to be afraid, but believe me, it will all be worth it 😊
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witchyvvirgo · 11 months
This year I really lost touch with my tarot practice and spirituality. Being pregnant completely used up every ounce of energy and attention I had, and that was on top of buying our home and completing the (many) necessary renovations to make our home baby-ready. And now having a newborn I’m feeling a little scared that I won’t touch my tarot decks for a while yet.
I thought that being pregnant and entering motherhood would bring me closer to Frigg, but I was so not myself that I couldn’t even bring myself to think of her besides when crocheting. Now that my bonny boy is here, I’m finally feeling called to her, but with that are some conflicting emotions. I feel like I’m only worshipping her more now because I feel like I need help protecting my son from the things I can’t shield him from. I’m so full of anxiety when it comes to him being out in the world now. I don’t trust anyone but myself and my partner with him. And him being in the ER one day after having him home hasn’t helped the maternal anxiousness and worry. I don’t only want to worship Frigg out of fear for my son and where I lack in motherhood, but that’s how it feels right now.
That being said, I’m crocheting a baby blanket for my cousin, who is expecting her first born too, and after that I plan to crochet baby blankets to be donated to local hospitals, all of which will be crafted and gifted in Frigg’s honor. And this week I’m going to try and make time to at least look at my tarot decks again. I’m hoping that doing this will help me start to feel a little more myself again. Maybe one day soon I can do some free tarot readings like I did in the past.
Either way, motherhood is wonderful and strange. My heart swells every time I look at my bonny boy and think about how he’ll grow and change and someday be his own person. He looks like a little clone of the person I’ve loved for so long. There’s something truly special about seeing your love’s face in a new little soul that you created together. But it’s also so scary. I’m constantly wondering if I’m doing the right thing - is he actually hungry or does he just want something to suck on? If I let him drink all four ounces of formula will he throw it up? If I don’t let him drink the four ounces will he not be eating enough? Did I make the right call switching from breast feeding to formula? Is it really my breastfeeding that gave him jaundice? Is he wearing enough layers? Is he wearing too many? Can I truly be the mother he needs when the mother I observed growing up was so unhealthy? Will I be able to break generational curses or will I cave to the pressure? Even when he was meeting family for the first time I so vehemently didn’t want anyone kissing or touching his face, yet when his great-grandmother kissed him multiple times my protests caught in my throat and died there. How am I to break generational patterns and set him up for success when I couldn’t even ask someone not to kiss his face?
I know I’m learning, and my questions will answer themselves in due time, but goodness gracious it’s so scary.
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feverdreamsmedia · 1 year
Liquid Bacon: The Weird Pourable Bacon
In 1995, a new and unique product hit supermarket shelves across the United States – Liquid Bacon. This bacon substitute was unlike anything else on the market, as it contained no pork or meat products to obtain the bacon flavor. Instead, the company behind the product, Locter & Gramble, referred to their secret recipe as a "trade secret".
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Liquid Bacon was marketed by spokesman Edward Osscifer, who claimed to be a star on the hit show "Glurm!". However, it was later discovered that he had lied on his resume and was actually just a background performer. In advertisements, Osscifer had to apologize for his deception and assure consumers that the product was still worth trying.
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The product came in three flavors – original, black label, and white label. The slogan for Liquid Bacon was "Bacon you can drink" (with an asterisk warning that FDA approval was pending and that it was not recommended by doctors or for pregnant or breastfeeding individuals). However, despite the catchy slogan, many consumers were hesitant to try the product due to concerns about its health and safety.
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In an attempt to attract more customers, the company planned to release a version of the product specifically for women, called Liquid Bacon Pink. However, this version never made it to market after several women became sick with jaundice after using the product.
Labels for Liquid Bacon were legally required to state that the product should not be placed on the eyes or hands, leading some consumers to fear the health and safety of the product. As a result, sales of Liquid Bacon began to decline and the product was eventually discontinued in the United States.
However, Liquid Bacon can still be found in countries like Mexico, where it is marketed as Tocineta Aqua. While it may have been a unique and intriguing product, the safety concerns and lack of FDA approval ultimately led to its downfall.
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thangampmrc · 9 days
Nurturing New Lives: Common Health Issues in Newborns
The birth of a newborn is a significant event, brimming with happiness and awe. However, the journey of parenthood comes with its share of challenges, especially when it comes to the health of the newest family member. Welcoming a baby into the world is a transformative experience, and while it brings immense joy, it also introduces parents to a myriad of uncertainties.
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Understanding these common health concerns equips caregivers with the knowledge needed to provide the best possible care for their precious bundle of joy. With an eminent team of doctors, Thangam Super Specialty Hospital in Palakkad provides integrated care in a wide spectrum of pediatric specialties. We are guided by our commitment to excellence and high standards of patient care, providing the best health care to all from the neonatal period to adolescence. 
In this comprehensive guide, we will explore ten common health issues that newborns may encounter and provide valuable insights on how parents can address and navigate these challenges.
Jaundice, a condition marked by yellowing of the skin and eyes, is a common occurrence in newborns due to elevated Bilirubin levels. While often a normal part of the newborn period, severe cases may require phototherapy to aid in the breakdown of Bilirubin. Vigilant monitoring by healthcare professionals ensures timely intervention, providing reassurance to concerned parents.
Colic, characterized by prolonged periods of crying and fussiness, can be emotionally challenging for both parents and baby. Often linked to digestive issues, strategies such as gentle tummy massages, changes in feeding routines, and creating a soothing environment can help alleviate colic symptoms and provide relief.
Diaper rash, a common skin irritation in the diaper area, can cause discomfort for infants. Maintaining a dry and clean diaper environment, using hypoallergenic wipes, and applying diaper creams with zinc oxide serve as effective preventive measures and soothe the baby’s delicate skin.
Newborns are susceptible to respiratory infections such as colds or respiratory syncytial virus (RSV). Creating a germ-free environment, practicing meticulous hand hygiene, and seeking prompt medical attention for respiratory symptoms are crucial measures to safeguard a newborn’s respiratory health.
Feeding challenges, whether with breastfeeding or formula, can impact a baby’s nutrition and weight gain. Seeking guidance from lactation consultants, ensuring a proper latch, and collaborating with pediatricians to address feeding concerns contribute to the overall well-being of the newborn.
Common skin conditions like baby acne, cradle cap, or eczema can affect newborns. Using mild baby-friendly skincare products, keeping the skin clean, and consulting with a pediatrician for persistent issues contribute to the effective management of these conditions.
Proper care of the umbilical cord stump is crucial for a newborn’s health. Keeping it clean and dry, using mild soap and water, and monitoring for signs of infection ensure the stump heals promptly and without complications.
Infrequent or difficult bowel movements can be distressing for both parents and infants. Constipation in babies can be influenced by various factors. For breastfed infants, a lack of sufficient fiber in the mother’s diet might contribute to constipation. Similarly, formula-fed babies may experience this issue if the formula is not properly mixed or if it’s not suitable for the baby. Dehydration, stemming from inadequate fluid intake during breastfeeding or formula feeding, can lead to harder stools. The introduction of solid foods may also prompt changes in bowel movements as the baby’s digestive system adjusts. While medical conditions like hypothyroidism can be a rare cause, they are often identified through newborn screening programs. Additionally, limited physical activity and a naturally slower bowel transit time can play roles in constipation, emphasizing the importance of encouraging gentle movements and tummy time for newborns. If concerns arise, consulting with a healthcare professional is key to understanding and addressing the specific factors contributing to constipation in each case. Ensuring adequate hydration, incorporating gentle tummy massages, and consulting healthcare professionals if concerns persist are essential steps to address and alleviate constipation in newborns.
Reflux, characterized by spit-up, is a common concern for newborns. Feeding in an upright position, burping the baby frequently, and keeping the baby elevated after feeds can help manage reflux symptoms. Consultation with a pediatrician is crucial for determining the appropriate approach.
Irregular sleep patterns, night waking, and difficulty establishing a sleep routine are common challenges for newborns and parents alike. Establishing a consistent bedtime routine, creating a conducive sleep environment, and practicing safe sleep guidelines contribute to better sleep for both babies and parents. In this journey of parenthood, knowledge becomes a powerful tool. Armed with an understanding of these common health issues, parents can navigate the early days with confidence, providing their newborns with the care, attention, and love they need to thrive. Stay informed, stay vigilant, and embrace the joy of nurturing a new life.
Why Thangam Multispecialty Hospital in Palakkad
For a quarter of a century, Thangam Multispecialty Hospital in Palakkad has exemplified unwavering excellence in healthcare, becoming a beacon of trust and reliability in Palakkad. Renowned for its outstanding team of medical professionals and state-of-the-art treatments, the hospital consistently incorporates cutting-edge technology to provide unparalleled medical care.
With a rich legacy built on trust, Thangam Hospital renews its commitment to excellence, ensuring a future characterized by continued dedication. We have a team of experienced Neonatologists, Pediatricians, and Pediatric surgeons who specialize in Pediatric Surgery, Pediatric Endocrinology, Pediatric Cardiology, Cardiac Surgery, and more. We make certain special care for all the children being treated here and thus we maintain the round-the-clock availability of the Pediatricians, to make sure that your child is always in safe hands. With every facility in place and managed by the best Pediatric doctors in Palakkad, our Pediatric & Neonatology department commitment resounds in its unyielding focus on delivering the most dependable child healthcare services, solidifying its position as a cornerstone of health and well-being of each of our patients.
Thangam Hospital’s 25-year journey underscores not only its impressive history but also its ongoing pursuit of advancements in medical care, reflecting a dedication that goes beyond the past and extends into a promising future.
Schedule an appointment with us to know more about the diagnosis, management, and treatments of newborn diseases
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Being 45 weeks pregnant can have some advantages! Here are a few:
1. *Baby's development*: At 45 weeks, your baby is fully developed and ready to thrive outside the womb.
2. *Lower risk of respiratory issues*: Babies born at 45 weeks have a lower risk of respiratory problems, as their lungs are fully mature.
3. *Lower risk of NICU admission*: Babies born at 45 weeks are less likely to require neonatal intensive care.
4. *More developed brain and nervous system*: Your baby's brain and nervous system are fully developed, which can lead to better cognitive and motor skills.
5. *Natural induction*: Your body may naturally go into labor, avoiding the need for medical induction.
6. *More time to prepare*: You've had extra time to prepare for your baby's arrival, both physically and emotionally.
7. *Potential for easier breastfeeding*: Some research suggests that babies born at 45 weeks may have an easier time latching and breastfeeding.
8. *Lower risk of jaundice*: Babies born at 45 weeks have a lower risk of jaundice.
9. *More developed digestive system*: Your baby's digestive system is fully developed, which can lead to better feeding and digestion.
10. *A more relaxed pregnancy*: You may feel more relaxed and prepared, knowing that your baby is fully developed and ready to arrive.
Remember, every pregnancy is unique, and it's essential to follow your healthcare provider's guidance and monitoring to ensure a healthy pregnancy and birth.
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motherhoodchaitanya · 2 months
Neonatal Jaundice: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment Options
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Neonatal jaundice is a common condition that affects newborn babies, typically appearing within the first few days of life. It occurs when there is an excess of bilirubin in the blood, causing the baby’s skin and eyes to appear yellow. While neonatal jaundice is usually harmless and resolves on its own, parents need to be aware of the causes, symptoms, and treatment options available. 
Causes of Neonatal Jaundice
Ensuring that your child follows a balanced and nutritious diet is key to maintaining their heart health. Focus on providing plenty of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins. Limit their intake of processed foods, sugary snacks, and unhealthy fats. Encourage them to drink plenty of water and limit sugary beverages. Consulting with the Best Child Specialist in Chandigarh can help you create a personalised nutrition plan for your child’s specific needs. 
Premature birth: Premature babies are more likely to develop jaundice as their livers are not fully developed. 
Blood type incompatibility: If the mother’s blood type is different from the baby’s, it can lead to the destruction of red blood cells and an increase in bilirubin levels. 
Breastfeeding: While breastfeeding can contribute to neonatal jaundice due to inadequate milk intake, it’s important to note that breastfeeding itself is not the cause of jaundice. Rather, it’s the insufficient milk intake that can lead to dehydration and exacerbate jaundice in some cases.  
Infection: Certain infections, such as sepsis, can cause an increase in bilirubin levels in newborns.  
Neonatal Jaundice Treatment Tips: Early Identification, Light Exposure, Skin-to-Skin Contact, Monitor bilirubin levels regularly, Ensure adequate hydration
Symptoms of Neonatal Jaundice
The most common symptom of neonatal jaundice is yellowing of the skin and eyes. Other symptoms may include:    1. Poor feeding  2. Lethargy  3. High-pitched cry  4. Difficulty waking up  5. Dark urine  6. Pale stools 
If you notice any of these symptoms in your newborn, it is important to seek medical attention from the best Neonatologists in Near you. Untreated jaundice can lead to complications, such as kernicterus, a rare but serious condition that can cause brain damage.
Neonatal Jaundice Treatment Tips: Frequent Feedings, Supplemental Feeding, Monitor Urine Output, Address Underlying Causes
Treatment Options for Neonatal Jaundice
In most cases, neonatal jaundice resolves on its own without the need for treatment. However, if the bilirubin levels are high or if the baby is showing signs of severe jaundice, treatment may be necessary. Some common treatment options for neonatal jaundice include:    1. Phototherapy: This involves placing the baby under special lights that help to break down bilirubin in the skin.    2. Intravenous fluids: In severe cases of jaundice, the baby may need to receive fluids through a vein to help flush out excess bilirubin.    3. Exchange transfusion: This procedure involves replacing the baby’s blood with donor blood to lower bilirubin levels.    At Motherhood Chaitanya Hospital, we understand the importance of early detection and treatment of neonatal jaundice. Our team of dedicated neonatologists and paediatricians is committed to providing the best possible care for your newborn, ensuring their health and well-being.
The Importance of Early Detection and Treatment
At Motherhood Chaitanya Hospital, we emphasize the importance of early detection and treatment of neonatal jaundice. Our team of experienced neonatologists and paediatricians provides the highest quality care for newborn babies with jaundice. With our state-of-the-art NICU hospital in Chandigarh, equipped with advanced technology and a compassionate team, parents can trust us to provide the best possible care for their little ones.
Neonatal jaundice is a common condition that affects many newborn babies, but with proper monitoring and treatment, it can be easily managed. By being aware of the causes, symptoms, and treatment options for neonatal jaundice, parents can ensure the health and safety of their newborn. If you have any concerns about your baby’s jaundice, do not hesitate to contact Motherhood Chaitanya Hospital, the best neonatal care hospital in Chandigarh, with the best neonatologists in Sector -44C. Our state-of-the-art NICU hospital is equipped to provide the highest level of care for your newborn. Trust us to take care of your little one. 
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today3467h · 2 months
Jaundice fever — symptoms, causes, prevention, myths, diagnosis, treatments and faqs — All you need to know about jaundice
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Jaundice is a medical condition where the person’s skin becomes highly yellowish and the eyes whiten and discolour due to the elevation of bilirubin in their blood. Jaundice is most common among young children but it can affect people of any age.
Bilirubin occurs when there is any kind of breakdown in the red blood cells of the human body.
If anyone is seen with pale yellow skin and Eyes or if they go through dark and yellow colour urination, it is a sure sign of Jaundice.
Jaundice occurrence is a cause of many things and a poor Lifestyle causes the generation of an amount of bilirubin in the body.
Someone who is taking regular drugs without the prescription of their doctor may have a higher risk of generating jaundice or people going for substance abuse like alcohol
and smoking are more prone to getting affected by the disease. However, the disease is easily preventable if you are following a Healthy lifestyle,
having a properly balanced diet managing stress, having Limited consumption of alcohol, exercising regularly, having protected and safe sex and going for a regular medical check-up can easily reduce the risk getting affected by any kind of disease in themselves.
What are the various Signs and symptoms to detect jaundice in my child or anyone else?
Jaundice is caused when your body starts secreting excess amounts of bilirubin in the red blood cells of your body.
The symptoms to detect jaundice include the following-
• Pale, yellowish colour of your skin and Eyes
• Dark and yellowish urine
• Change in the structure of your stool passage
• Mild or moderate level fever
• Continuous irritated and tickled skin
• Nausea
• Vomiting
• Diarrhoea
• Appetite loss
• Unexpected weight loss
• Restlessness and dizziness
Did you see medical attention for Jaundice treatment?
Medical attention is needed if your child or anyone else faces a yellowish skin texture of your body which does not improve within 2–3 days or maximum within a week. Also, if you don’t experience the yellow skin colour of your body but experience the other following symptoms explained above still you should go for a medical consultation at least once.
What are the various causes and diseases which are associated with Jaundice?
Myth — jaundice is a normal diseasJaundice is caused by the secretion of bilirubin in your body but there are many other states of the body which can result in jaundice. Some of them include the following –
• Lack of enzymes in your body
• Brain haemorrhage
• Sepsis issues
• Biliary atresia
• Abnormal function of your liver
• Suffering from other viral infection
The three stages of Jaundice in a person’s body –
• Pre-hepatic stage of jaundice — pre-hepatic jaundice occurs before the secretion of bilirubin in the liver. The disease can lead to autoimmune disorders like nausea, diarrhoea and malaria.
• Hepatic stage of jaundice — the hepatic stage is said to be when the condition starts generating inside the liver which can cause hepatitis and liver disease.
• Post-hepatic stage of Jaundice — when the medical state arises after the secretion of bilirubin in the liver causing bladder issues and cancer it is the hepatic stage.
What are the risk factors associated with Jaundice?
Some of the factors that increase the risk of Jaundice in a person include the following –
• Your age — Although jaundice can affect people of any age children are more prone to jaundice.
• Your race — people of East Asia are found to get jaundice more easily than people in other parts of the world.
• Premature birth of your child
• Lesser Breastfeeding
What are the complications associated with jaundice — Jaundice can lead to various kinds of complications in one’s body like –
• Kernicterus — kernicterus is a medical condition which leads to permanent damage to the human brain. The disease leads to hearing loss vision loss on controlled body movement and unhealthy tooth enamel.
• Acute bilirubin encephalopathy — this is also the disease which is most common in children. The disease affects your brain and can lead to abnormalities like fever and inability to walk and learn new things in children.
Is jaundice preventable?
How can I prevent jaundice?
Yes, jaundice is preventable by taking very few precautionary measures in your everyday life. these include the following –
• Maintain a healthy weight
• Limit alcohol and smoking
• Stay hydrated. Drink plenty of fluids
• Have a properly balanced diet with an adequate amount of high-fibrous foods
• Exercise regular
• Practice yoga and meditation
• Learn to manage your stress in this busy lifestyle
What are the various common myths created about jaundice?
e like others.
Fact — jaundice is not a disease but a medical condition where your body starts secreting excess amounts of bilirubin.
Myth — jaundice is a very serious medical state
Fact — this is a partial myth. Yes, jaundice left untreated can lead to various severe complications but the death rate of Jaundice is very low and every person suffers from jaundice at least once in their lifetime so it’s quite common and easy to get rid of.
Myth — exposure to sunlight can solve the jaundice
Fact — this is a big myth. Exposure to sunlight to someone suffering from jaundice can worsen the state as it can lead to sunburn and dehydration.
How do doctors diagnose jaundice?
In most cases, diagnosis of Jaundice is not needed as the pale skin texture answers everything. But doctors still go for your examinations for confirmation. these examinations include the following-
• Blood analysis
• Urine test
• Physical test
• Skin test with transcutaneous bilirubin meter
• Stool sample ( if necessarily needed )
Study the pre-health issues of the person
Read More:-
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tiktotees · 4 months
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Hello Kitty Detroit Lions Cheerleader shirt
According to the Mayo Clinic, tongue-shirts (also known as ankylosis) "is a congenital condition that limits the range of movement of the tongue." Therefore, it can interfere with breastfeeding, El Moussa said on Social Network remarks posted on. “Tristan had a twisted tongue, twisted cheeks, twisted lips and jaundice which was all caught early thanks to my incredible lactation specialist and @tongueshirtstribe who truly are little fairies 🧚‍♀️ ,” she posted in February. "I'm so lucky to have found them to offer knowledge and support 🙏🏻 but it makes it hard for him to latch on and suck, which makes him burn a lot of calories because it's so hard for him to eat, so he loses weight. "
Buy it: https://tiktotees.com/product/hello-kitty-detroit-lions-cheerleader-shirt/
Home: Tiktotees Fashion
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borneonashiksblog · 5 months
Kangaroo Mother Care From the Start
What Is Kangaroo Mother Care?
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Kangaroo mother care is a non-exclusive method of caring for very premature infants. It is a practice that involves the infant being placed skin-to-skin on the mother's chest, with the umbilical cord still attached. Kangaroo mother care is a method of caring for very premature infants, which involves placing the infant in skin-to-skin contact with their mother's chest, with their umbilical cord still attached.
This practice has been shown to have many benefits for both parents and babies. Kangaroo mother care has been found to have many benefits for both parents and babies who are born prematurely. The practice was first introduced in Australia in 1991, but has since gained popularity in other countries as well. .There are few significant benefits of kangaroo mother care on babies.
Kangaroo mother care is a form of childcare that is practiced in Australia. It has been used for thousands of years by indigenous Australians. This form of care is designed to provide physical contact with the baby and to help the child develop a strong bond with their mother. The Kangaroo Mother Care Model facilitates parent-infant bonding and helps parents establish a healthy relationship with their child. This method also encourages breastfeeding, which has been shown to have long-term benefits for both mother and child.
The practice is believed to lower the risk of infection in preterm infants. It has been shown that the mothers who used this method had significantly fewer cases of jaundice and infections in their children than those who used other methods of care. It has also been found that there is a significant reduction in the number of hospital admissions for these children. In addition, early skin-to-skin contact helps with breastfeeding, as well as emotional development for both parents and infants.
Why Kangaroo Mother Care is the Perfect Alternative for Premature Infants-
Kangaroo Mother Care is the perfect alternative for premature infants. It is a method of care in which the baby is placed on the mother's chest, with skin-to-skin contact, and the baby's head is held in a pouch that supports it. Kangaroo Mother Care has been shown to have benefits for both mothers and babies. For mothers, it helps them recover faster after childbirth and increases their milk supply. For babies, it helps them develop faster by increasing their oxygen intake and stimulates brain development.
KMC also has a low risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS). This makes it an ideal alternative for premature infants who are at high risk of SIDS due to prematurity or other conditions like apnea or heart disease.
Kangaroo Mother Care is an alternative to traditional care for premature infants, which often involves swaddling the baby in a blanket and placing them on their back. Kangaroo Mother Care has been shown to have benefits for both mothers and babies. For mothers, it helps them recover faster after childbirth and increases their milk supply. For babies, it helps them develop faster by increasing their oxygen intake and stimulating brain development.
What You Need to Know About Kangaroo Mother Care and NICU Attachment?
Kangaroo mother care is a popular method of caring for premature infants in the NICU. This practice involves skin-to-skin contact between the mother and her infant, which provides important emotional and physical benefits to both the mother and child. The NICU attachment process is also known as kangaroo care.
It involves skin-to-skin contact between the infant and their caregiver, who are usually the mother, nurse or a medical professional in charge of caring for them. This practice allows for improved bonding, which can help prevent PTSD later in life. Skin-to-skin contact with an infant helps to improve their physical and emotional health by providing them with better levels of oxygenation, temperature regulation, hormone production, immune system responses, brain development, heart rate variability (HRV), and stress response systems.
How to Choose the Right Skin-to-Skin Contact Method for your Preterm Baby?
Skin-to-skin contact is a great way of getting your preterm baby to latch on and take in the needed calories and oxygen. There are two main types of skin-to-skin contact:
Traditional skin-to-skin contact, where the infant is placed on the mother’s bare chest for 20 minutes at a time.
Epidermal barrier method, where the baby is placed on a special mattress that has been prepped with an emollient cream. The cream keeps the baby’s skin moist and soft while still allowing it to breathe.
Some risks when skin-to-skin contact with the mother is not possible include:
Postpartum depression, because it can be hard to imagine life without the baby, and a mother may feel incomplete without her newborn. This can lead to feelings of failure that exacerbate depression.
Poor bonding for both the mother and the baby.
Inadequate milk production and/or supply.
Poor experience with breastfeeding due to poor latch or tongue-tie problems.
Development of Trauma feeling in infants.
Research has shown that the development of trauma feeling in infants can be greatly reduced if they are given skin to skin contact with their mothers. The Kangaroo Mother Care approach is a method of care that is used around the world to help decrease the development of trauma in infants. This method involves having a mother hold her infant on her chest, arms and legs, while having her partner give gentle rocks and kisses to the baby.
Kangaroo Mother Care helps reduce stress and anxiety for both mother and child by providing them with a calming environment. The benefits of this method include: reduced cortisol levels, increased oxytocin levels, improved heart rate variability, increased pain tolerance and decreased crying time. in infants. This method of care is also beneficial for the mother because it increases the production of milk and decreases milk transfer which can lead to less painful nursing for mothers and faster recovery time for their babies. As a result, this type of care has been shown to reduce the risk of postpartum depression in mothers as well.
This method of care is also beneficial for the mother because it increases the production of milk and decreases milk transfer which can lead to less painful nursing for mothers and faster recovery time for their babies. As a result, this type of care has been shown to reduce the risk of postpartum depression in mothers as well. as decreased postpartum bleeding. Kangaroo mother care is safe and easy to implement, it is recommended that all new mothers receive the intervention within the first week of their baby’s birth.
The method of care consists of a number of simple steps including: providing skin-to-skin contact, co-sleeping with your baby, putting your baby on your chest during feedings and maintaining these practices for at least 6 weeks or until breastfeeding has been established. Kangaroo mother care also includes educating parents on proper infant sleep positions, sharing sleep cycles and scheduling daytime naps together in order to promote healthy infant sleep.
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wheresmyrubyslippers · 8 months
Welcome Love
3:33 you made your entrance, healthy lungs announcing your arrival to our lives. They put you in my arms and I looked into your big, beautiful, inquisitive eyes and my heart skipped a beat. You are love personified and I want to bottle that moment to visit again and again. I couldn't hear anything, didn't notice the medical team, hardly knew your daddy was there while you were in my arms. Later I was told that Lovely Day was playing, which is pretty perfect.
In the month that you have been here, it has been highs and lows. You had jaundice which meant you were put in the window to sunbathe as much as possible while mummy and daddy did everything we could to help you along. Like a champion, you didn't take long to become your peachy self and we were able to leave the hospital and take you home.
One of the best moments of my life was when you met your big sister. Months I had worried about how she would adjust to meeting you and welcoming you to her little life. In the span of 30 seconds, all of those worries were washed away as she excitedly shouted baby as daddy walked in with you. She was beside herself showing you toys and giving you hugs and kisses. As I looked, there was my entire world wrapped in loving embrace- cradled as a perfect moment in time.
You and I have overcome the initial challenges of breastfeeding. I am so proud of us for this and grateful for the chance to provide for you like I did your sister. My mental health was very up and down in the first few weeks which made breastfeeding quite impossible, or so it felt. When we got into the swing of things, it's like a curtain lifted and all I could feel was proud and grateful.
I thought this would be me writing about how I feel with you but instead want to chronicle these few moments. How I feel with you is indescribable. I sit here now with you on the little vibrating chair and an extension of my heart is right there before my eyes. I love your cuddles, your sweet smiles (mostly at Nana!), your direct gaze as you take in the world, your long toes!
Thank you for choosing me to be your mummy. I love you beyond infinity.
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female-attendent-delhi · 11 months
How does a nurse help in post-natal services?
Ensuring Safety: Nursing services in Gurgaon prioritize the safety of both the mother and the newborn. They guarantee the environment is perfect and clean, carry out disease control measures, and give direction on safe practices, like appropriate hand hygiene and infant safety precautions.
As per nursing services in Noida, a nurse plays a vital role in providing postnatal services and support to mothers and their newborns. Here are some ways in which a nurse helps in postnatal care:
Monitoring Mother's Health: A nurse assesses the physical and emotional well-being of the mother following childbirth. They monitor vital signs, check for signs of complications, assess incision sites (if applicable), and provide pain management.
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Assisting with Breastfeeding: Nursing services in Civil Lines offer guidance and support for breastfeeding, including helping mothers with latching techniques, positioning, and addressing any breastfeeding challenges or concerns. They can also educate mothers on proper breast milk storage and provide information on pumping and bottle-feeding if needed.
Newborn Care Education: Nurses provide education and hands-on training to new mothers on various aspects of newborn care. This includes demonstrating bathing techniques, diapering, cord care, and addressing common newborn concerns like sleep patterns, feeding cues, and infant hygiene.
Assessing Newborn Health: Nursing services in Patparganj conduct regular assessments of the newborn's health, including monitoring vital signs, checking weight gain, evaluating jaundice levels, and assessing overall well-being. They also assist with screening tests and vaccinations as per the recommended schedule.
Emotional Support: Postpartum can be an emotional time for mothers. Nurses offer emotional support, actively listening to mothers' concerns, providing reassurance, and offering guidance on adjusting to the demands of motherhood. They may also screen for postpartum depression and provide appropriate referrals if needed.
Medication Administration: If the mother requires any postnatal medications, a nurse may assist with administering medications, explaining proper dosage, and providing information on potential side effects or interactions.
Postpartum Recovery Assistance: Nursing services in Model Town provide guidance on postpartum recovery, including wound care for cesarean section incisions, perineal care after vaginal birth, and overall physical recovery advice. They may also provide recommendations for appropriate exercises and self-care practices.
Collaborating with Other Healthcare Professionals: Nurses work closely with other healthcare professionals involved in postnatal care, such as lactation consultants, pediatricians, and obstetricians. They facilitate communication and ensure coordinated care for the mother and newborn.
Providing Resources and Education: Medical caretakers offer educational materials, resources, and references to help new moms in their post-pregnancy journey. This might remember data for community resources, support gatherings, nurturing classes, and online resources for additional help.
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nursing_delhi/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/Delhi_Nurse LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/nursing-services-13b936235/ Pinterest: https://in.pinterest.com/attendentindelhi/ Medium: https://delhi-attendant.medium.com/
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wishesmsg · 1 year
Questions and Answers About Breastfeeding
We're here to answer the frequently asked questions and their answers about breastfeeding.Will a C-section Birth Reduce My Milk Supply?The stories you often hear about C-section birth reducing milk supply are false. The two most important factors for milk production are your psychology and your baby's suckling. If your psychology is good, your hormone secretion increases proportionally, and your baby's suckling increases milk stimulation. If your baby cannot suckle, you can also stimulate milk production through manual expression.What Doesn't Affect Milk Production?- Mother's age - Sexual intercourse - Menstrual cycle - Baby's age - C-section birth - Premature birth - Multiple pregnancies - Diets specifically designed for you under the supervision of a nutritionist do not reduce or affect your milk production.Is the First Milk After Birth Dark in Color, and Should I Breastfeed?The colostrum secreted in the first 72 hours is dark yellow in color and the richest part in protein. It has completely immunity-boosting properties. This milk protects your baby against the development illnesses they will experience throughout their life, so you should not give any food other than breast milk for the first 6 months.My Milk Isn't Coming In. Why?You need to question the reason why your milk is not coming in with the support of a specialist. There may be problems such as wrong holding position, failure to properly grip the breast for the baby, or difficulty in sucking. Breastfeeding is a challenging process in the first few days. You should give yourself and your baby time and be patient.Should I Breastfeed Even if My Baby Isn't Crying?Your baby tends to sleep more in the first few days. You should breastfeed every time they cry, and if they don't cry, you should wake them up at certain intervals and breastfeed.
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If I give my baby water while breastfeeding, will it make it easier for them to suck?Babies who are breastfed do not need anything else for the first 6 months. Your baby's growth and development are monitored every month, and if no problems are detected, no additional support is needed. In fact, your baby's gut flora is not suitable for water.How often should I breastfeed?First of all, breastfeed whenever your baby cries or looks for food in the first few days. Every baby is different, so you should get to know your baby and figure out how often to breastfeed based on their behavior. You can tell when your baby is hungry by observing their behavior. On average, 8-12 feedings per 24 hours is normal.How long should each breastfeeding session last?It should last around 20 minutes to ensure that the baby also benefits from the fatty part of the milk.Should I breastfeed at night?Babies cannot sleep uninterrupted for more than 1 or 2 hours at night. Therefore, change their diaper, burp them, and breastfeed them whenever they wake up at night.Is my milk supply sufficient?For the first 6 months, breast milk alone can meet your baby's energy needs. A weight measurement is taken within the first 3-4 days after birth. This, along with your baby's frequency of bowel movements and urination, indicates whether your milk supply is sufficient.Does the baby staying on the breast cause cracked nipples?Incorrect positioning of the baby and the baby not latching onto the nipple properly can cause cracked nipples. Your baby can stay on the breast for as long as they want without causing cracking.How can I prevent nipple cracks?Proper latching onto the breast by your baby can prevent nipple cracking. Your baby should take the entire brown part of the nipple into their mouth.Should I wait for my breasts to fill up before breastfeeding?Your breasts are not a storage tank that fills up, but rather a facility that produces milk on demand. You can breastfeed whenever you want, and you will see an increase in your milk supply as you breastfeed.Should we give sugary water for jaundice?This is one of the biggest mistakes. Your baby does not know or recognize what sugar is. They have no taste buds and do not have the necessary flora to digest it. Breastfeeding frequently, not sugary water, prevents jaundice. Read the full article
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nursingscience · 1 year
John Korsah
Lab scientist
Understanding of Jaundice in babies,causes, effects, lab tests on jaundice, purpose and procedures.
Suggested ways of bringing the abnormalities to normal both in natural and the use of medicine
1. Understanding of Jaundice in babies
Jaundice is a common condition in newborn babies characterized by a yellowing of the skin and eyes. It occurs due to an accumulation of bilirubin, a yellow pigment produced when red blood cells are broken down. In newborns, jaundice is often referred to as neonatal jaundice.
Here are some key points to understand about jaundice in babies:
▪️Causes: Jaundice in newborns can be caused by several factors, including the following:
1. Physiological Jaundice: This is the most common type and occurs when a newborn's liver is still developing and may not be able to efficiently process bilirubin.
2. Breastfeeding Jaundice: Insufficient intake of breast milk can lead to jaundice.
3. Breast Milk Jaundice: Some substances in breast milk can affect the breakdown of bilirubin.
4. Blood Group Incompatibility: If the baby has a different blood type from the mother, antibodies can cause increased breakdown of red blood cells, leading to jaundice.
5. Infection, liver disease, or other underlying medical conditions: In rare cases, jaundice may be caused by these factors.
▪️Symptoms: The primary symptom of jaundice is a yellowing of the skin and whites of the eyes. Other signs may include a yellow tint to the gums, urine, and stool. In severe cases, the baby may appear lethargic or have difficulty feeding.
1. Diagnosis: Jaundice is typically diagnosed through a physical examination by a healthcare professional who assesses the yellowing of the skin and eyes. A blood test may be done to measure the level of bilirubin and determine the appropriate course of treatment.
2. Treatment: The treatment for jaundice depends on the underlying cause and severity. In mild cases, increasing the baby's feeding frequency, especially if breastfeeding, can help eliminate bilirubin from the body. Phototherapy is a common treatment where the baby is exposed to special lights that help break down bilirubin. In rare cases, when the bilirubin levels are very high, an exchange transfusion may be necessary.
3. Monitoring and follow-up: Babies with jaundice may require monitoring of their bilirubin levels until it resolves. It's important to follow up with healthcare providers and ensure adequate feeding and hydration to help eliminate bilirubin from the body.
Jaundice in babies, if left untreated or if severe, can have certain effects on their health. Here are some potential effects of untreated or severe jaundice:
1. Kernicterus: Kernicterus is a rare but serious condition that can occur when high levels of bilirubin in the blood cross the blood-brain barrier and accumulate in the brain. This can lead to permanent brain damage and neurological problems, such as cerebral palsy, hearing loss, intellectual disabilities, and developmental delays.
2. Poor feeding and weight gain: Babies with severe jaundice may become lethargic and have difficulty feeding. This can lead to inadequate nutrition and weight gain, which may affect their growth and development.
3. Dehydration: Jaundiced babies may have reduced fluid intake, which can result in dehydration if not addressed promptly. Dehydration can further worsen their overall health and well-being.
4. Increased susceptibility to infection: Severe jaundice can weaken the baby's immune system, making them more susceptible to infections. This can result in a higher risk of complications and longer hospital stays.
5. Long-term developmental issues: In cases where severe jaundice leads to kernicterus or other brain damage, the long-term effects may include cognitive impairments, learning disabilities, and motor coordination problems.
It's important to note that most cases of jaundice in newborns are mild and resolve on their own without causing any long-term effects.
However, it's crucial to monitor the baby's condition, seek medical attention, and follow the recommended treatment plan to prevent any potential complications.
Early detection and appropriate management of jaundice are key to minimizing its effects and promoting the baby's healthy development.
▪️Lab tests
When evaluating jaundice in babies, healthcare professionals may order various laboratory tests to assess the levels of bilirubin and other parameters. Here are some common lab tests used in the diagnosis and management of jaundice:
1. Total Serum Bilirubin (TSB): This blood test measures the total amount of bilirubin in the baby's bloodstream. It helps determine the severity of jaundice and guides treatment decisions.
2. Direct and Indirect Bilirubin: Bilirubin can be further classified into direct (conjugated) and indirect (unconjugated) bilirubin. Elevated levels of direct bilirubin may indicate underlying liver disease or obstruction of the bile ducts, while elevated levels of indirect bilirubin are common in physiological jaundice.
3. Blood Group and Rh Typing: A blood sample may be taken to determine the baby's blood group and Rh factor. This information is essential in cases where jaundice is caused by blood group incompatibility between the baby and the mother.
4. Complete Blood Count (CBC): This test provides information about the baby's red blood cell count, white blood cell count, and platelet count. It helps assess for conditions such as anemia, infection, or blood disorders that may contribute to jaundice.
5. Coombs Test: The Coombs test is used to detect the presence of antibodies in the baby's blood that may be causing the breakdown of red blood cells. It is commonly performed in cases of suspected immune-mediated jaundice, such as Rh incompatibility or ABO incompatibility.
6. Liver Function Tests (LFTs): LFTs measure various enzymes and substances in the blood to assess the functioning of the liver. Abnormal liver function may indicate liver disease as the cause of jaundice.
These are some of the lab tests commonly utilized in the evaluation of jaundice in babies. The specific tests ordered may vary based on the suspected cause of jaundice and the clinical presentation of the baby.
It's important to consult with a healthcare professional who can determine the appropriate tests and interpret the results accurately.
The purpose of conducting lab tests in the evaluation of jaundice in babies is to gather objective data and provide valuable information to aid in the diagnosis, management, and monitoring of the condition. Here are the main purposes of performing lab tests:
1. Assess Bilirubin Levels: Lab tests, such as the Total Serum Bilirubin (TSB) test, help determine the concentration of bilirubin in the baby's bloodstream. This information is crucial in determining the severity of jaundice and guiding treatment decisions, such as the need for phototherapy or other interventions.
2. Identify Underlying Causes: Lab tests can help identify potential underlying causes of jaundice. For example, blood group and Rh typing can reveal blood incompatibility between the baby and the mother, while liver function tests (LFTs) can provide insights into liver function and potential liver diseases.
3. Assess Liver Function: Liver function tests (LFTs) evaluate the levels of enzymes and substances related to liver health. Abnormal LFT results can indicate liver dysfunction, which may be responsible for jaundice.
4. Evaluate Red Blood Cell Status: Complete Blood Count (CBC) provides information about the baby's red blood cell count, which can help identify conditions like anemia or blood disorders that contribute to jaundice. CBC also assesses white blood cell count and platelet count, which can indicate the presence of infection or other associated conditions.
5. Detect Antibodies or Infections: The Coombs test is used to detect the presence of antibodies in the baby's blood, which may be causing the breakdown of red blood cells. Additionally, other tests may be conducted to identify infections or determine if an underlying infection is contributing to jaundice.
By conducting these lab tests, healthcare professionals can obtain crucial information to aid in the diagnosis of the underlying cause of jaundice and monitor the baby's condition.
The results help guide appropriate treatment strategies, monitor the effectiveness of interventions, and assess the overall health of the baby.
It allows for individualized and targeted management based on the specific needs of the baby.
In the evaluation and management of jaundice in babies, various procedures may be performed to aid in diagnosis, monitor the condition, and provide appropriate treatment. Here are some common procedures associated with jaundice in babies:
1. Physical Examination: A thorough physical examination is often the first step in evaluating jaundice. Healthcare professionals assess the baby's skin color, check for yellowing in the sclera (whites of the eyes), and examine other physical signs of jaundice.
2. Blood Sample Collection: Blood samples are collected from the baby for laboratory tests. This procedure involves the insertion of a small needle into a vein, typically in the baby's heel, to obtain the necessary blood samples for bilirubin levels, blood typing, liver function tests, and other relevant investigations.
3. Phototherapy: Phototherapy is a common treatment for jaundice in babies. During phototherapy, the baby is placed under special lights that help break down bilirubin in the skin. The baby's eyes are protected, and they may be dressed in a diaper to expose a larger surface area to the lights.
4. Exchange Transfusion: In severe cases of jaundice, particularly when bilirubin levels are dangerously high or when other treatments have been ineffective, an exchange transfusion may be performed. This procedure involves removing a small amount of the baby's blood and replacing it with donor blood. It helps rapidly reduce the bilirubin level.
5. Ultrasound: In certain cases, an ultrasound of the baby's liver, gallbladder, or bile ducts may be performed to evaluate the anatomy and check for any structural abnormalities that could contribute to jaundice.
6. Consultations and Follow-up: Healthcare professionals may also arrange consultations with specialists, such as pediatric gastroenterologists or neonatologists, to evaluate and manage specific cases of jaundice. Regular follow-up appointments are scheduled to monitor the baby's progress, track bilirubin levels, and ensure proper treatment and care.
It's important to note that the specific procedures performed can vary depending on the severity and underlying cause of jaundice. Healthcare professionals determine the most appropriate procedures based on the individual baby's condition and needs.
Parents or caregivers should consult with healthcare providers to understand the procedures involved, their purpose, and any necessary preparations or precautions.
When it comes to treating jaundice in babies and bringing the bilirubin levels back to normal, there are several approaches that can be used, including natural methods and medical interventions. The choice of treatment depends on the underlying cause and severity of jaundice. Here are some suggested ways:
Natural Methods:
1. Frequent Feeding: Adequate feeding, especially if the baby is breastfeeding, is important in eliminating bilirubin from the body. Feeding the baby frequently, at least 8-12 times a day, helps stimulate bowel movements and promotes the excretion of bilirubin through the stool.
2. Sunlight Exposure: Exposing the baby's skin to sunlight, preferably in the early morning or late afternoon when the sunlight is mild, can help break down bilirubin. However, it's important to consult with healthcare professionals regarding the duration and appropriateness of sunlight exposure for the baby.
3. Hydration: Ensuring that the baby stays well-hydrated is important for eliminating bilirubin. Proper hydration helps promote bowel movements and excretion of bilirubin through urine and stool.
4. Mother's Milk: If the baby is breastfeeding, it's important to ensure a proper latch and good milk transfer. Breast milk promotes digestion and helps eliminate bilirubin from the baby's body. Consult with a lactation specialist if there are any breastfeeding difficulties.
Medical Interventions:
1. Phototherapy: Phototherapy is a commonly used medical treatment for jaundice. It involves exposing the baby's skin to special blue lights that help break down bilirubin. The baby is placed under the lights while wearing eye protection. Phototherapy can be administered at the hospital or at home, depending on the severity of jaundice.
2. Exchange Transfusion: In severe cases of jaundice, when bilirubin levels are dangerously high or when other treatments are ineffective, an exchange transfusion may be necessary. This procedure involves removing a small amount of the baby's blood and replacing it with donor blood to rapidly decrease bilirubin levels.
3. Medications: In certain cases, medication may be prescribed to help treat underlying causes of jaundice, such as infections or liver diseases. Medications should be administered under the guidance of healthcare professionals.
It's important to note that the specific treatment approach should be determined by healthcare professionals based on the baby's individual circumstances. They will consider factors such as bilirubin levels, underlying causes, and overall health to determine the most suitable course of action.
Regular monitoring and follow-up with healthcare providers are essential to ensure the baby's condition improves and abnormalities are brought back to normal levels.
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thangampmrc · 10 days
Jaundice in Newborns: Know when to seek medical attention?
The arrival of a newborn is a joyous occasion for any family, but it can also bring about concerns, especially when health issues arise. Jaundice is a common condition in newborns, characterized by yellowing of the skin and eyes due to elevated Bilirubin levels. While jaundice is often a normal and temporary occurrence, it’s crucial for parents to be aware of when to seek medical attention for their little ones.
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Jaundice occurs when there is an excess of Bilirubin, a yellow pigment produced during the breakdown of red blood cells, in a baby’s bloodstream. In newborns, the liver is still developing, and it may take some time for it to efficiently process and eliminate Bilirubin from the body. This leads to a buildup of Bilirubin, causing the characteristic yellow discoloration.
Normal Jaundice vs. Concerning Jaundice:
It’s essential to differentiate between normal physiological jaundice, which typically appears after the first 24 hours of life, and concerning jaundice that manifests within the first 24 hours. Physiological jaundice tends to peak around the third to fourth day and gradually resolves on its own. However, if jaundice appears too early or persists beyond a week, it may indicate an underlying issue.
Monitoring Bilirubin  Levels:
Regular monitoring of Bilirubin levels through blood tests is crucial, especially for infants at higher risk. Factors such as prematurity, incompatible blood types between the mother and baby, or a family history of jaundice can increase the risk of severe jaundice.
Breastfeeding and Jaundice:
Breastfeeding jaundice can occur when a baby is not getting enough breast milk. Ensuring proper latch and feeding frequency is vital to prevent dehydration, which can exacerbate jaundice.
Phototherapy Treatment:
In cases where Bilirubin levels are higher than normal, phototherapy may be recommended. This involves exposing the baby to special lights that help break down Bilirubin in the skin. Understanding the necessity and process of phototherapy is crucial for parents.
While most cases of jaundice are harmless, certain signs should prompt immediate medical attention.
Early Onset Jaundice:
Jaundice appearing within the first 24 hours of life is a red flag. This can be indicative of conditions such as Hemolysis or blood type incompatibility, requiring swift medical intervention.
Persistent Jaundice:
If jaundice persists beyond the first week, it may signal an underlying issue such as Biliary Atresia or metabolic disorders. A pediatrician should be consulted promptly to identify the cause and initiate appropriate treatment.
Bilirubin  Levels:
High Bilirubin levels, especially those rapidly rising, require close monitoring and potential intervention. Elevated Bilirubin can lead to complications such as Kernicterus, a rare but severe neurological condition.
Changes in Behaviour:
If the baby becomes lethargic, irritable, or has difficulty feeding, it’s essential to seek immediate medical attention. These behavioural changes may indicate severe jaundice affecting the baby’s overall well-being.
Jaundice in newborns requires a delicate balance of awareness, monitoring, and timely intervention. While jaundice is a common and often benign occurrence, the key lies in distinguishing between the normal physiological process and instances that demand immediate medical attention. Regular monitoring of Bilirubin levels is a cornerstone in the management of neonatal jaundice. Blood tests provide valuable insights into the concentration of Bilirubin, guiding healthcare professionals in determining the appropriate course of action. High or rapidly rising Bilirubin levels necessitate closer scrutiny and, in some cases, intervention to prevent complications like Kernicterus, a severe neurological condition associated with elevated Bilirubin. It’s crucial for parents to stay attuned to behavioral changes in their newborns. Lethargy, irritability, or difficulties in feeding can be indicative of severe jaundice affecting the baby’s overall well-being. These signs should never be dismissed, and prompt consultation with a pediatrician is imperative. Regular check-ups and open communication with healthcare providers form the foundation of a collaborative approach to ensuring the health and well-being of the newest members of our families. In essence, while jaundice may cast a temporary hue on the early days of a newborn’s life, informed care and timely intervention can pave the way for a bright and healthy future.
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delhiapollo · 1 year
Know More About Breast Milk Jaundice
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Breast milk jaundice is a condition that affects newborn infants and is characterized by high levels of bilirubin in the blood, which causes yellowing of the skin and eyes. Usually beginning within the first few days of life, the illness might endure for a few weeks to a few months.
Although the precise cause of breastmilk jaundice is unknown, it is thought to be related to elements in breast milk that obstruct the liver's ability to break down bilirubin. Some components of breast milk, like beta-glucuronidase, can cause newborn babies' bilirubin levels to rise. Breast milk jaundice is typically not harmful, does not need to be treated, and normally goes away on its own over time. However, in some instances, it might be necessary to use phototherapy or briefly stop breastfeeding if bilirubin levels are extremely high or if the condition is causing significant symptoms like lethargy or difficulty feeding. Treatment is necessary depending on the level of bilirubin, the child's age, and the underlying reason. Increased feeding frequency, phototherapy, and exchange transfusions are all possible treatments. Early births typically necessitate more intensive treatment. The average duration of physiological jaundice is fewer than seven days. In the first week of life, the condition affects more than half of infants.
It is important to note that breastmilk jaundice is not the same as breast milk-induced jaundice, a rare but deadly illness that develops when a mother's breast milk has components that prevent bilirubin from being broken down. Jaundice brought on by breast milk can be significant and may need to be treated with measures like stopping nursing or utilizing light therapy.
In phototherapy, bilirubin in the blood is broken down by placing the infant under special blue lights. In some circumstances, a physician might also advise short discontinuing nursing in order to augment the infant's nutrition with formula or donor breast milk, which can aid in lowering bilirubin levels.
Overall, breast milk jaundice in newborns is a relatively common condition that is typically harmless and transient and tends to go away over time. Concerns arise in otherwise healthy babies when bilirubin levels are higher than 308 mol/L (18 mg/dL), jaundice is observed on the first day of life, levels rise quickly, jaundice lasts longer than two weeks, or the baby appears ill. In those with concerning findings, additional investigations to identify the underlying cause are advised. There are several possible causes for the raised bilirubin levels, therefore severe newborn jaundice may be a sign that one or more other diseases are present. There is typically no identifiable underlying physiologic problem. In some instances, it is the result of metabolic abnormalities, liver disease, infection, hypothyroidism, or red blood cell disintegration. Parents should be aware of the warning signs and symptoms of jaundice and should consult their doctor if they have any concerns. Additionally, scheduling regular pediatrician visits during the first few weeks of life will guarantee that any potential problems are handled right away.
Breastfeeding is a crucial part of neonatal care that offers a variety of advantages to moms and their babies, including critical nutrients and antibodies that protect newborns from disease. Additionally, breastfeeding can lower the risk of developing certain illnesses like respiratory illnesses and ear infections. Parents' worries about breastmilk jaundice can be upsetting, but it's crucial to keep in mind that this illness is often self-limiting.
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