#brb writing about them immediately
whosthere54 · 18 days
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toournextadventure · 1 year
Can you do a story that's kinda like this
Reader gets in a heated argument with a student at Nevermore and gets into a fight at the quad and Wednesday is with Enid and sees and is like Ill brb and stops breaks up the fight and drags reader to the dorm to see if they're injured and there's fluff at the end
Love ur writing a lot! (=
Damn right I can, it's right under the cut! Also, I do NOT always write this fast, you just caught me at the perfect time, oops.
Trouble Maker
It was never a surprise when students got into fights with each other at Nevermore. If Wednesday was being honest with herself, you singlehandedly started the majority of them. Not a day went by where she thought you would keep your recklessness to yourself. It did wonders for her ego when you proved her right time and time again.
Though she would admit, she had hoped you would keep yourself in check today. Nothing special was going on, she just was not in the mood to tolerate your inability to keep your mouth shut. “Inherited it from my dad,” you said with a bloody smile one day after starting an argument. It was a wonderful colour on your lips; it suited you.
No, today Wednesday just wanted to go back to her room and listen to Enid ramble about whatever else she had going on with Ajax later that day. She would never admit it aloud, but the incessant rambling was almost a comfort to her ceaseless thoughts. A calm in the storm, of sorts, a welcome distraction until you could grace her with your presence later on.
Or now, Wednesday thought as she and Enid turned into the quad and saw the events unfolding before them.
To no one’s surprise, you were stood toe-to-toe with one of the Nevermore students. Wednesday didn’t know his name, and she didn’t care to. What she did care about was the little twitch of your fingers and the way you tilted your head. She knew what that meant.
There was no chance to get to you before your hands wrapped around your opponent’s neck. You pulled him down until you could jab your knee into his stomach, letting go immediately and stepping back into a fighting stance as he doubled over with a groan. A smile; that was what graced your lips as you looked down in sadistic joy as he tried - and failed - to get back to his feet.
“Come on, then, stand up,” you taunted. “Here, I’ll help you.” You grabbed him by the back of his uniform and hauled him back up to his feet.
"Not again," Enid mumbled from beside Wednesday.
Your opponent wrapped his arms around your waist and tackled you to the ground, and the fight started in earnest. You clearly had the upper hand, but he got a few good hits in. He even landed an elbow to your nose, the beautifully sickening crunch of your nose echoing through the quad.
"I'll see you tonight," Wednesday said to Enid without taking her eyes off you.
"Good luck," Enid answered as she walked off, probably back to their shared room.
Wednesday took calculated steps to where you were straddling your target. One of your hands was pinning him to the ground while the other was pulled back into a fist. You were poised like a snake ready to strike; you even had the same sparkle in your eyes. Accentuated, of course, by the blood pouring from your broken nose.
Until she stood directly in front of you and that spark was replaced by something much more childlike.
“Hello, Wednesday,” you said in a soft voice that betrayed your current predicament. “You look stunning today, cuore mio.”
Wednesday kept her mouth shut, instead focusing on instilling fear into your soul. It worked as it always did. Your fist slowly lowered until your shoulders sagged and you looked like you had been caught with your hand in the cookie jar. She didn’t have to say a word, only grab your arm and drag you behind her.
“Thanks, Addams,” your poor victim managed to groan before you were both out of earshot.
“I can explain,” you said once Wednesday shut your bedroom door behind her.
“Shut up and sit down,” she demanded. She didn’t have to look to know you had listened as she grabbed the first aid kit from your desk.
You kept your mouth shut when Wednesday approached, standing in front of your position on your bed. Even with you sitting she was barely taller than you, but she knew it didn’t change a thing. You very well knew who was in charge. For one of the only times in your life, you sat there and behaved while she started cleaning you up.
“Who started it?” Wednesday asked once she started cleaning the blood from the gash on your nose. You flinched. Good.
“He did,” you said in a nasally voice; clearly the bloody nose was finally getting to you. “He called Enid high maintenance.”
“He happens to be correct,” Wednesday commented. She touched the tender skin around your nose, taking note of which areas were more sensitive. The bruises were already starting to form around your eyes; it really made them pop.
“Eh, I’ve been wanting to kick his ass all week anyway,” you said with a shrug and a loud exhale through your mouth. “It made a good excuse.”
Wednesday didn’t grace you with a response. The pile of bloody gauze was growing, but it appeared the bleeding had slowed significantly. All she had to do was put a bandage over the gash and then ice your nose and you would be fine. Maybe it would scar; you most certainly hoped it would. A true masochist at heart, she thought.
Your eyes squeezed shut as she placed the bandage on your nose; far softer than she ever should have. She left her cold hands pressed gently against your skin as a pitiful substitute for ice. A sight slipped from between your lips and you leaned into her hands, the pain on your face almost instantly vanishing.
“Move,” Wednesday mumbled. Your eyes fluttered open slowly, but you listened and moved over so she could get beside you on the bed.
You laid down on your back and oustretched an arm. Wednesday hesitated only for a moment before laying down beside you and throwing one arm around your waist. If anyone ever caught her like this, she would kill them slowly and painfully. But in this moment where it was just the both of you, she would gladly lay with you and listen to your heartbeat.
“Quit starting fights,” Wednesday said once your breathing had started to even out.
“Why?” You asked. “Starting to care about me?”
“Yes,” she admitted softly. “It’s starting to become an inconvenience.” She could feel your body shake underneath her, accompanied by your soft laughter.
“I’ll do my best,” you said, a smile evident in your tone.
Your arm wrapped tighter around Wednesday, pulling her closer into your body. She could feel your fingers twitching and moving over her hip. You were warm, and you were holding her too tight, and your mouth breathing was unbearable. It was grating on every cell in her body and left her skin crawling. And she was comfortable. If given half the chance, she would stay in your smothering embrace for the rest of her life.
It felt like comfort, and she felt at home.
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ramshacklefey · 5 days
The thing about instant text communication (eg, text messages, Discord, etc) is that they actually feel more disjointed than either other forms of correspondence or talking in-person/on the phone.
When you send a letter or email, you can write your thoughts out fully, the way you might in a blog post. When you talk in-person or on the phone, there's a constant and immediate back and forth.
But texting in any form is a weird hybrid of these. Sometimes it's a back and forth conversation, but these days it's also normal to just. Stop responding mid-conversation for anywhere from a few minutes to a couple hours with no indication why. Not even a "brb" or "gotta go run an errand."
And I just don't know what the polite thing to do when that happens is. So I put it to you, Tumblr:
Assume this person is a friend and the conversation is casual, not business or Serious Talks.
No option for "I don't know" or "It's complicated." Pick the one you think is usually best and expand in the tags.
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lemon-natalia · 3 months
Gideon the Ninth Reaction - Chapter 25
dont think i can express in words how much of a fucking rollercoaster this chapter was to read, i was genuinely gasping in shock every other sentence. 
everyone keeps emphasising the bone fragments in the Fifths bodies, and honestly i really don’t know what that means other than whoever killed them was presumably a necromancer? also maybe isaac is onto something about those skeletons spying on them, they really are everywhere
Isaac can make glowy lights with his powers?? necromancy is a much more catch-all term for magic than i thought it was
ok so the military isn’t just an institution, there really seems to be an active war going on? that begs the question against who, i thought the only places were the Nine Houses, but apparently not, there's mention later of ‘post-colony’ and ‘hold’ planets, it seems to properly be an empire. the world-building is getting very star wars. but said war can’t be going too well if they’re resorting to child soldiers and the Fourth House is apparently getting that badly hit.
brb getting flashbacks to that one library doctor who episode where all the lights start going out. this chapter with all the blood wall writing is probably the creepiest since the one featuring Harrow’s zombie parents
well if Pro had to face The Bone Amalgamation 2: Electric Boogaloo he’s definitely dead
it's not even Jeannemary, whos been so on edge this whole time that eventually breaks, its Isaac. ohhh, poor poor Isaac. i knew that one of them would just snap and do something reckless soon, i still just wasn’t emotionally prepared for this
Jeannnnmaryyyyyy, the way Gideon has to pull her away from going after Isaac is killing me. she’s just lost her life-long best friend and literally the only person she has left. and poor Gideon as well, there was nothing she could even do, and she’s just doing her best to take care of Jeannemary, and even that ends tragically 
immediately after reading the previous section, i was shocked by isaac's death, but also (i'm sorry isaac) at least glad my favourite of the two was still alive. and then the ending of this chapter hit me like a freight truck, and i literally had to reread it three times before my brain computed Jeannemary was gone.
what the fuck is up with those blood messages on the wall, whoever or whatever was doing this wasn’t just trying to kill them, its trying to get to them psychologically before it does so. and with the second message, though its possible it was meant for Jeannemary, i don’t know if she would even have had time to see it before she died. the more disturbing possibility is that it was meant for Gideon to see when she woke up, and taunting her
speaking of, even more disturbing is that for whatever reason they didn’t kill Gideon despite her being right there and also sleeping. that speaks to a slightly different motivation than simply getting rid of competition, it wanted her alive to see Jeannemary’s death?
and on top of that, Jeannemary was killed in a locked room outside of the facility, so absolutely nowhere in Canaan House is truly safe. Fun!
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wisecrackingeric-2 · 8 months
Very short and sweet Serennedy Analysis of the Seperate Ways DLC
Obvious spoilers disclaimer but also this is NOT supposed to be a diss at any ships whatsoever!!!!!!!! I love them all!!!!!!! My current hyperfixation is just on Serennedy and I see a lot of potential for it in the DLC!!!!!!!
• Ok first and most obvious. Right at the beginning, the part everyone was screaming about in the trailer, is that Luis’ first thought is to tell Ada that there is One More Thing (tm) he has to do, and that’s to help Leon, and Ada’s IMMEDIATE reaction is to be like “….ok.” I have a feeling in this context that she KNOWS how much Leon means to Luis. She KNOWS that he’s HIS priority, and that’s why she lets him go
• Again more obvious scene, but when Luis sees that the room containing the medicine intended for Leon is on fire he RUNS THROUGH A BURNING FRICKEN BUILDING TO GO RETRIEVE IT. His immediate thought (in my mind at least) is that he doesn’t wanna see Leon die in the same was his Grandfather did metaphorically. He couldn’t save his Grandfather because he was powerless, and now he’s powerless to save the medicine that would save Leon’s life. Hell, he even says “it’s all gone!! That was my last chance to set things right!!!” When Ada questions him on why this was so important to him. It’s because he cares deeply about Leon and wants to set things right. God. I love him SO much.
• Also I’ve mentioned this before, but Luis seems a LOT more relaxed/ jokey with Ada, and if you ask me, I think that’s a sure fire sign that Leon’s been putting on an act to impress Leon. He wants Leon to think he’s cool and self assured so that he’ll like him more, and in a similar vein with Ada, he dies before Leon can see that REAL side of him. JUST when Luis opens up about Umbrella, he’s stabbed in the back. It’s so sad. Sobbing,, crying,,,,
• HOOOOOOO BOY THAT SCENE WHERE HE SAVES ADA???????? I LOVE that we see his hesitancy to run because he can’t decide wether it’s worth running off to Leon or helping Ada whose in more urgent danger and he chooses Ada because he’s a GOOD PERSON WHO CARES ABT HER,,,, BUT THEN WHEN ADA SAYS “go. Besides, you have a promise to keep” SHE K N O W S HE NEEDS TO GET BACK TO LEON. SHE KNOWS HOW MUCH HE CARES ABT HIM RUARGH. AND THAT FACE?????? OH MY GOD????????
• Holy shit his death scene…………. When he’s on the phone with Ada and he goes “oh, and take care of Leon for me will you?” HIS FIRST THOUGHT IS ALWAYS LEON. AND THEN HES LIKE “gotta go, Leon needs my help” AND HE CALLS OUT FOR HIM?????? AND YOU CAN HEAR HIM DYING ITS SO AHSNWHENEJE
• And then ofc we see the death scene from a distance where Leon rushes to his side and holds his hand, and I feel like that only solidifies their affection for one another to me. As my beloved mutual said, ‘Luis got to spend the rest of his life with Leon but Leon never got to spend the rest of his life with Luis’ I can’t. Brb I’m gonna go cry after writing this all.
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bratshaws · 10 months
through the hourglass 215. brb x oc
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a/n: i love writing Rooster being a wreck for his wife uwu also next chapter will have some Beatrice and Mav moments that prob will make me cry (comments and reblogs are super welcome and encouraged!)
pairing: plus size!oc x rooster
warnings: none uwu
goodness gracious (pls read this one to know more what this fic is about!!)
(pls let me know if you want to be added to the taglist! )
taglist: @mirandastuckinthe80s @roosterschanelslut @wiipes @lcahwriter @novastories @gretagerwigsmuse @frenchtoastix @lizzie-rdj @fanboyluvr @atarmychick007 @comebacktoearthpls
@peachiicherries @mak-32 @lizziespidiepridie @roosterswifey @ollyoxenfrees @piceous21 @sqrlgrl22 @hofficoffi @lexhalstead3 @lorilane33 @legendarydreamersharkparty @luckyladycreator2
@emilybradshaw @j-6o @louisahale @leobabbyyy @booklover2sblog @winter-run @ktjmac @graciereads @bigpoppajes @taytaylala12
@caitsymichelle13 @becks-things @caatheeriinee07 @fanboyswhore9 @jesfreedark @katiemcrae @lilmonstrjedi @hobiismyhopeu @teacupsandtopgun @insominac23 @gh0stsgoodgirl @mygyn @chavivaelisheva @kmc1989 @enchantingharmonyalpaca
Rooster wondered why Beatrice was there,with Mav, by his door. He knew they were there because of her visit, but that wasn’t planned.
Was she okay?
Was she hurt?
He was still finishing things up he couldn’t just get up and leave,run after them and ask ‘hey why is my wife within my line of sight so quickly?’ he had to wait. And he honestly was annoyed by it, he asked Mav to guide Beatrice through the base but he had a feeling, just an inkling, that maybe he was planning something else.
Rooster's mind raced as he tried to focus on finishing up his class while his curiosity about Beatrice's unexpected presence gnawed at him. He couldn't help but steal glances toward the door whenever he had a chance, but his duty as an instructor kept him engaged with his students.
As the class finally came to an end, Rooster made a point to wrap things up quickly, - ‘no questions? okay good’ - his heart still pounding in anticipation. He dismissed his students, and hoped that he appeared composed despite his inner turmoil.
Once the last recruit had left the room, Rooster took a deep breath and stepped out into the hallway. He scanned the area, his eyes landing on Payback who was now walking past his door while flippin some papers, “Reuben.”
His friend immediately paused, looking obviously offended, “Did you just call me Reuben??”
“Yes,I did, listen, did you see Bea or Mav anywhere?”
“...you called me by my actual name.”
Rooster, annoyingly, sighed, “...sorry Payback,did you see Bea and Mav anywhere?”
His friend blinked, wracking his brain for a few seconds, “I think they were over there,” he points to the left, beyond Rooster’s vision, “But that was a few minutes ago…why?”
“...I just want to make sure she’s alright.”
“She is tho,she’s with Mav.”
“I know.” and that’s what worried him, “Anyway, thanks,man,I better go and-” he groans, because he remembered he still had to talk to Cyclone about the new recruits. He sighs through his nose, rubbing his forehead with his fingers before patting Payback on the shoulder, “See you later.”
Payback frowns confusedly, but waves him goodbye, shaking his head with an amused chuckle until Rooster was out of sight. The Lieutenant-Commander walked past some recruits, nodded when they saluted him and sped his step towards Cyclone’s office.
His eyebrow flicks with annoyance, hearing quick boots approaching him from behind, “McAllister.” he offers the younger recruit a small smile over the shoulder, “How are you?”
McAllister's smile widened, but he returned Rooster's nod with an eager look. "I'm doing well, sir. I was just finishing some papers! Oh,I also,saw your wife…?" he scratches the back of his head with confusion, looking back over his shoulder, ‘She’s here?”
Rooster's heart skipped a beat at McAllister's words. He tried to keep his excitement under control as he looked at McAllister. "My wife?" Rooster repeated, feigning casualness. "Yeah, she's here. Just stopped by to say hello."
McAllister's eyes sparkled with curiosity and he nodded with a soft ‘ah’ leaving his mouth "That's nice, sir. She seemed a bit... out of place, though. Is everything alright?"
He didn’t know,was it???
Rooster's mind raced, wondering how to respond without giving away too much. "Oh, you know how it is. Different environment, different people. She's just checking things out. No big deal."
McAllister nodded, though he still seemed intrigued. "Well, I hope she's enjoying her time here."
"Me too," Rooster replied with a smile. Where was Beatrice "Anyway, I've got some business to attend to. Keep up the good work, McAllister." the younger recruit saluted him and walked away.
Rooster then had a plan.
Talk to Cyclone,check if there was anything else to do and quickly look around for Beatrice before he lost his mind. Maverick would never put her into any danger, but Rooster was worried. Could anyone really blame him??
With that, Rooster quickened his pace, his mind now fully occupied with having this conversation with Cyclone, all the while looking around on the way to the vice-admiral’s office in hopes to see his wife’s known brown hair. He knocks on the door and waits to be allowed in.
“Come in.”
He immediately does, saluting Cyclone and blinking when he sees him walking in front of a board with pinned files to it, ‘...sir,good afternoon.” he says, “I am here to talk to you about the new recruits.”
Cyclone turned from the board with a nod, acknowledging Rooster's presence. "Lieutenant-Commander," he greeted. "Of course, I assume you're referring to the recent batch of recruits we received. What do you have to report?"
Rooster cleared his throat, focusing on the matter at hand despite his underlying worry about Beatrice. "Yes, sir. They're showing promise, but there are a few areas where they need further improvement."
Cyclone listened attentively, his gaze steady as he processed the information. "Go on," he encouraged.
"Well, their teamwork and coordination skills are still developing. I've been implementing team exercises to strengthen their ability to work together efficiently," Rooster explained. "Additionally, some of the recruits are struggling with adapting to the rigorous physical demands of their training. We're working on tailored fitness routines to address their individual needs."
Cyclone nodded thoughtfully. "It's good to hear that you're addressing these issues proactively, Lieutenant-Commander. The success of our operations relies heavily on the competence and cohesion of our personnel."
Okay, that’s it, Rooster thought, I can go.
Rooster nodded in agreement. "Absolutely, sir."
Cyclone glanced at the board behind him, where the files were pinned. "Speaking of assets, have you had a chance to review the files of the new recruits yourself?"
"Yes, sir," Rooster replied promptly, furrowing his brows a bit. "I've gone through their profiles,they have potential."
Oh boy.
“Something the matter,sir?”
Cyclone turned his attention fully to Rooster. "I don’t want another situation like the last one.’ he says, “While it was not your fault, I want you to pay close attention to each of them,Bradshaw. The last thing we need is more heroes trying to play dumb.” he sits back down on his chair, “Any of them fall in that category?”
Rooster's stomach churned a bit at Cyclone's words, his concern for Beatrice momentarily pushed to the back of his mind.”None of them have shown overt signs of disregarding protocol but I'm keeping a vigilant eye to ensure that no such tendencies emerge."
Cyclone's gaze remained sharp as he regarded Rooster. "Good. We can't afford to let our guard down, especially with new recruits."
"Absolutely, sir," Rooster agreed firmly. His mind drifted back to Beatrice for a moment, bouncing his leg almost invisibly, but Cyclone was too busy to pay attention to that. “I’ll definitely let you know.”
“Of course you will.” Cyclone leaned back in his chair, his expression stern. "I trust your judgment, Lieutenant-Commander. As long as we maintain discipline and adherence to our principles, we should be able to prevent any unnecessary complications."
Thank you, sir…anything else?"
"Yes," Cyclone replied, he interlaced his hands in front of his chest. "I saw your wife.
Rooster's heart skipped a beat as Cyclone mentioned Beatrice. The mix of anxiety and adoration was something he experienced before, but it still made him sigh quietly  "Oh? Where did you see her, sir?"
Cyclone's pointed towards the wall on his left. "I passed by her in the hallway just a little while ago. She seemed a bit out of place, like she wasn't quite sure where to go." he pauses, “And she was with Maverick so that explains a lot.”
Rooster's concern deepened. "Is she alright, sir?"
Cyclone nodded reassuringly. "She seemed fine, just a little uncertain. A bit nervous, but it’s understandable.”
Rooster's worry didn't dissipate completely, but he trusted Cyclone's assessment. He straightened in his stance, offering a grateful nod. "Thank you, sir. I’m glad to know that."
“Maverick had no plan in mind,right?”
“None that I know of,sir.”
Cyclone hummed, tapping his fingers on his desk before sighing out of his nose, ‘Very well, if that’s all you had to say, you are dismissed.” Bradley saluted him and turned on his heel, stopping when he called his name, “Good job,kid. You are doing good.”
Rooster's heart swelled with pride at Cyclone's words. "Thank you, sir," he replied sincerely, a small smile tugging at the corner of his lips. "I'll continue to give it my best."
Cyclone nodded, his expression softening. "I have no doubt about that, Bradshaw. Keep up the good work.."
"Absolutely, sir," Rooster affirmed with a nod, then he turned to leave the office, his mind still occupied with thoughts of Beatrice and Maverick. His eyes moved around a bit, hoping to catch a glimpse of his wife anywhere.
As he made his way back through the base's corridors, he couldn't help but wonder what the two of them were up to. He knew Maverick well enough to understand that unexpected situations often arose around him - more like all the time - and while Rooster trusted his friend's judgment, he couldn't shake off his protective instincts.
His heart raced a bit as he rounded a corner and kept looking for Beatrice and Maverick, for crying out loud where would they be? It’s not that hard to lose someone there even if the base was huge.
Rooster's anxiety continued to gnaw at him as he walked through the base's corridors, scanning the surroundings in search of any sign of Beatrice and Maverick. His mind raced with various scenarios, each one more outlandish than the last. He knew he was overthinking things, but he couldn't help it. Beatrice was his everything, and the idea of something happening to her while she was on the base sent shivers down his spine.
He passed by various personnel, returning salutes and nods absentmindedly as he focused on his search. The base was indeed vast, and it wasn't uncommon for individuals to get temporarily disoriented.
 Still, that didn't ease Rooster's growing unease.
Just as he was about to turn into another corridor, he finally caught sight of Beatrice's familiar brown hair in the distance. She was standing near a window, peering out at the base's training grounds. Maverick was by her side, engaged in what seemed like an animated conversation. The sight of her brought a mixture of relief and a pang of longing.
Closing his eyes and slapping his hand over his heart in hopes to calm it down,Rooster approached them, his footsteps a little quicker than he intended. As he reached them, he couldn't hide the mixture of worry and affection in his voice. "Hey, there you are. Everything okay?"
Beatrice turned to him, her eyes lighting up when she saw him, a soft gasp escaping her mouth "Roos!" she greeted with a soft smile, opening her arms and ready to jump on him…only to slowly lower her arms and give him a small smile, ‘Sorry, no pda in the base,right? I forgot.”
"Hey," he replied, his voice soft and filled with affection. He chuckled at her comment, understanding the rules well but still being a little disappointed. "Yeah, you're right. No PDA. But I'll gladly settle for a hug later….what are you two doing?”
“Oh!’ she turns briefly to Maverick, “Pete was just showing me some places, like this little,” she moves her hand, ‘Um,not so little training area you guys got.”
“Oh.” he smiles when she turns to him only for his eyes to narrow once she looks away to ramble a bit more. He mouths, ‘why are you two here?’ to Maverick to which his uncle only replies with a smirk and a shrug, ‘it’s okay.’
‘It’s not’ he mouths back, while Beatrice gestures to their surroundings, ‘She could get hurt!’
‘You are overreacting’
‘No I’m-’ he shuts his mouth when Beatrice looks back at him, slapping on a smile when she grins while explaining about the little guided visit, “Well,I’m sure you are having fun.”
“I am! Mav is a great guide.”
“See?’ his uncle smirks, “I’m a great guide.”
Rooster’s eyes narrow again but he just leans closer to Beatrice, he couldn’t touch her so he had to deal with that, “You okay?” he asks softly, “Nothing…happening,right?”
Beatrice's smile remained warm as she turned her attention back to Rooster, her eyes locked onto his. "I'm perfectly fine, Roos," she reassured him, her voice gentle. "Just exploring and getting a feel for this place. That’s all."
Rooster's worry didn't completely vanish, but her reassuring words eased his tension somewhat. He smiled back at her, his eyes softening as he looked into hers. "I'm glad you're enjoying it. And I'm really glad to see you here, even if it's just for a visit."
Maverick's teasing tone interrupted their moment, "Oh, come on, you two. Don't let me interrupt your sweet reunion. I'll just be over here, not listening at all." he points at them, “No pda though, remember that.”
Rooster's gaze shifted to Maverick,  lips pursed, “Yeah,yeah,I know. Go on ahead,I know you’ll eventually listen to something.”
Maverick put a hand over his heart, feigning hurt. "You wound me, Rooster. Here I am, trying to be a supportive uncle, and you accuse me of eavesdropping."
“You do.”
“Do not.”
Beatrice chuckled softly at their banter, her eyes moving between them. "You two are quite the pair."
Rooster's smile remained, even if his eyes are still narrowed at Maverick. "Yeah, we are. But it's all in good fun." he turned to Beatrice once Maverick was a few feet back, ‘...gorgeous, you are okay,truly? Not feeling sick, or anything of the sort?” she shakes her head negatively, “Okay,good,okay.”
“You weren’t worried about me the whole day were you?”
“A little.” he confesses, shrugging, “I can’t stay here with you for too long,gotta go back but…promise me, promise me you won’t let Mav do anything crazy.”
“Oh um,” she looks back to where Maverick was, clearly not paying attention, “He wanted to show me the hangar–”
“No, absolutely not.”
“Gorgeous, there’s jet fuel and there’s huge jets in there and there are places you can get hurt.” he says in a whisper. Beatrice's smile softened as she listened to Rooster's genuine concern. His protective instincts were something she had come to appreciate deeply, even if they sometimes led to a touch of over-worrying.
"Roos, I appreciate your concern," she began, her voice gentle, "but Maverick's just showing me around. I promise, we won't do anything crazy or dangerous. And if he tries to, I'll put my foot down." 
Rooster's expression eased a little. "Okay, good.," he remarked, his affection for her clear in his gaze. "Just be careful, okay?"
Beatrice nodded, her smile warm. "I will, I promise. And you know I can take care of myself."
"Yeah, I know." Rooster's smile grew, his eyes softening as he looked at her. "It's just hard not to worry when you mean everything to me."
Beatrice's heart fluttered at his words, cheeks burning red.So he was using the no PDA rule to lay on the compliments,huh?  "And you mean everything to me, too." She paused, clenching her hands when they almost leaned to touch him. "I'll be careful, Roos. You know I value your peace of mind."
Rooster nodded, his gaze lingering on her hand for a moment before he looked around, making sure no one was paying too much attention to them,Maverick included. "I wish I could hug you right now."
"I know," Beatrice said softly. "But we'll have our moments later, away from the base." She stepped a little closer, her eyes never leaving his. "Just knowing you care this much, it means the world to me."
Rooster's smile remained, his eyes locked onto hers. "Always, gorgeous. I'll be counting the minutes until I can see you again properly."
Beatrice chuckled, a playful glint in her eyes. "Well, make sure you don't let the minutes slip away. I'll be waiting."
“Ahem,kids,” Maverick taps his watch, “Don’t wanna sound like an old man, but, we are on a timed schedule.”
Rooster and Beatrice slowly backed away, “Right,” he clears his throat, fixing his uniform, ‘I’ll…go back now.” Beatrice smiles at him, nodding in response, “See you in a few hours,okay?”
“Okay.” she whispers, “I’ll be okay.” she says again, because she feels he needs to hear it, “Don’t worry. I won’t steal any jets under Cyclone’s nose.” now that,that, made him sputter a laugh, then cover his mouth in hopes to keep it down because the image was adorable and amazing at the same time.
“Oh,I–” he snickers, “I hope so.” he looks back at Maverick, who taps his watch again, “Anyway,I’ll be going. Have fun,safely.”
“Aye,aye sir.” she smiles, his pupils enlarge and he knows exactly what she’s doing. “Will do.”
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duckymcdoorknob · 2 years
Um hello I’m kinda new here… I found your emergency requests on someone else’s blog and I really need one right now. My mom wont stop making comments on my body. It makes me feel really bad about myself all the time. Can you please write Takemichi, Chifuyu and Mikey comforting an s/o with body image issues? Thank you if you do write this!! If not, or if it’s too much, please just trash this!
Of course my dear.
Thank you for trusting me with this. I know ALL about this one.
(Brb manifesting Mikey’s)
Please don’t hesitate to come in my dms if you need any help at all.
CW UNDER THE CUT: mentions of bodyshaming.
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𝑇𝑎𝑘𝑒𝑚𝑖𝑐ℎ𝑖 𝐻𝑎𝑛𝑎𝑔𝑎𝑘𝑖
Takemichi is the world’s best boyfriend, at least in your opinion.
Some days he’s aloof and snarky, but others he’s sweet and kind as can be.
Luckily for you, the day that you needed him most, he was himself.
Your mother had just made another comment on your figure, and you couldn’t take the harassment anymore.
Changing into a large hoodie and sweatpants, you left your home in an instant. As you ran anywhere but back where you came, your field of vision was blurred by tears.
You settled by the riverbank, huddling your knees close to you while you sobbed. You wished wholeheartedly that you were different, that your mom was different, that your life was different…
To your horror, you heard a familiar chiming voice yelling anguishedly behind you.
“Mikey! Stop wiggling so much! You’re gonna fall off the bike!”
“Let’s go to the riverbank, Takemitchy!” The other voice chimed in response.
Your eyes widened as you furiously wiped them with your sleeves. You tried desperately to hide your sniffles, taking a few deep breaths.
“Wait, someone else is here.” Your boyfriend’s voice said with gentleness, “Mikey, Draken, I think they’re crying!”
You began to cry harder as footsteps came toward you. The last thing you needed was for your boyfriend to see you in the state you were.
“Hey! Are you okay, what’s your name?” He gently touched your shoulder.
You immediately flinched away, choking out a “please don’t touch me.”
Your lover immediately recognized your voice. “Wait, (Y/N)?”
“Takemichi please just go…” you mumbled as you hiccuped.
Takemichi instantly took his hand away. “Sweetheart what’s happening? Who did this to you?” His tone was much darker. He sounded ready to kill.
“No, no. Takemichi I’m not hurt please just… just drop it.” You averted your gaze as you sunk inside the oversized clothing.
“I can’t drop it when you’re feeling like this.” The blonde replied, scooting closer to you.
“It’s just me being stupid. I’ll get over it I swe-“
“Yo, Takemitchy. Mikey’s waiting.” Draken’s annoyed voice suddenly sounded.
Your lover looked at you, at the bike where Mikey sat watching a butterfly flutter about, then finally at Draken.
“Takemichi I’m okay.” You reassured him.
“Mikey’s gonna have to wait, this is much more important than a bike ride.”
“Takemichi!” You hissed, yanking your hood down, “Why would you say that? I told you I’m fine, go be with your friends!”
“(Y/N) they understand.” Your lover tucked a strand of hair behind your ear with a smile, “So please… tell me what’s bothering you.”
Your lip wobbled as you pulled the hood back up . “Do you really love me?” You asked in a mousy voice.
“With all of my heart.” He grabbed your hand and kissed it.
“Even though I look like this?”
“(Y/N) what do you mean?”
“Even though my body looks like it does? Even though I’m not the perfect partner that you actually deserve?”
“(Y/N) (L/N). Look at me,” Takemichi commanded, tilting your chin upward with two fingers. “I didn’t fall in love with you for your body. I’m not in this for sex, or your body alone. I am in love with you.”
“I’m in love with the person who always texts me to make sure I get home every single night, who sings to me when I get scared, who always makes me a little snack before I go to meetings.” He ended his last statement with a chuckle.
“What I’m trying to say is that you never have to worry about me leaving you. So please don’t cry, and please don’t ever think that you aren’t enough just because someone doesn’t like the way you look. Because if it’s any consolation, I sure as hell think you look incredible.”
You wrapped your arms around your lover’s neck and hugged him tightly. He reciprocated, chastely kissing the crown of your head.
“How touching. Can we go get ramen like you promised?” Mikey called from the bike.
You whined “Aw man they heard all of that?”
“Doesn’t matter. The only person who should care about what you look like is yourself. And I hope that the way you care is by living your life the way you want to live.”
Takemichi stood to his feet, offering you a hand. “Now then. Does my darling partner want to join me and my friends for some ramen? We can share a bike.” You nodded while smiling.
“Who said that I would pedal Mikey?” Draken growled in a low voice.
“Well I’m sure as hell not trusting my partner on the back of your bike.” Takemichi replied, draping an arm around your shoulder.
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𝐶ℎ𝑖𝑓𝑢𝑦𝑢 𝑀𝑎𝑡𝑠𝑢𝑛𝑜
Ever since Chifuyu had been beaten by Baji, you avoided telling him anything.
You just didn’t want to burden your lover with anything when he already had so much going on.
So the day that your mom’s comments put you over the edge, you didn’t know who to talk to.
You put on your baggiest clothing and retreated to the playground near the school.
As tears leaked out of your eyes you desperately tried to wipe them.
You closed your eyes to try and level yourself, but the sobs just wouldn’t stop. You hated the body you had and you desperately wished you had a different life.
The sound of chains creaking next to you alerted you. You gasped as your eyes widened in shock.”
“Hey, calm down love; It’s just me.”
You sighed in relief as you heard the familiar voice. After registering who it was, you hung your head low and averted your gaze. “How’d you know I was here?”
“I got a text from Mitsuya. He said he saw you crying and you were walking toward school. I figured you’d come here.” Chifuyu noted, kicking his legs a little bit on the swing.
“Great intuition.” You mumbled, “But it’s okay. There’s nothing to worry about.”
“That’s the biggest load of bull I’ve ever heard.” 
“No don’t try to lie to me.” He demanded, “How am I supposed to leave my partner alone knowing that they’re in pain?”
“It’s really nothing to pitch a fit about.” You replied sheepishly.
“If it’s nothing, then why are you crying so much?”
Chifuyu stood from the swing and knelt down in front of you. He took both of your hands in his own and stared into your teary eyes.
You tried to rip your hands out of his grasp, “Chifuyu stop. Don’t touch me please.”
With pain in his eyes, your lover released your hands and watched you curl in on yourself.
“(Y/N) I’m begging you. Please tell me what happened.” You heard the fragility of his voice and couldn’t help the guilt.
“You don’t deserve to have to touch me. Why are you even with me? When I look like this above all else…”
Your boyfriend stared at you with his beautiful cerulean eyes. “(Y/N) will you look at me?”
Your teary gaze finally met his. “What?”
“You” he began, “Are my favorite person in the world.”
“And I love you for you. I don’t love you only for your body, and I’m not in this for sex. While I do find you absolutely stunning, your body isn’t the reason why I fell in love with you.”
“I fell in love with someone who makes me laugh until I snort, which I didn’t even know I could do by the way! I fell for someone who helps me with my English homework, because God only knows I’m awful at it. I fell for the person who’s never against getting a gas station slushy with me, especially every Friday at two in the morning.”
“What I’m trying to say is, I love you. I love you to absolute pieces. I don’t care what you look like and I never will. I think you’re easily the most gorgeous person on this planet, like genuinely.”
“I love you too Chifuyu, thank you.” You got off the swing and immediately slumped down into his embrace.
Your lover held you for a few moments, rubbing his thumb in between your shoulders and kissing your forehead occasionally.
“Hey Chi’?”
“Speaking of two am slushies…”
“Oh hell yeah. Don’t even finish that sentence.”
You giggled as you both got to your feet. Chifuyu took your hand and you both rushed to the nearest gas station for your weekly treat.
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𝑀𝑎𝑛𝑗𝑖𝑟𝑜 (𝑀𝑖𝑘𝑒𝑦) 𝑆𝑎𝑛𝑜
With a boyfriend like Mikey, you were constantly worried about whether he liked you or not.
He always had people fawning over him, so you never felt truly reassured, no matter how many times he did so.
So when your mom had made her usual comments, you were hesitant to reach out to Mikey.
You had changed into your baggiest tee shirt to hide your figure and rushed away from your home.
You sat on the sand of the beach in the dead of night, the crashing waves mixing with your sobs.
You had nothing to protect you from the harsh breeze that froze you to the core.
Suddenly, a gasp rang through the air. Your eyes widened as you prayed that no one noticed you.
Within a few seconds, a fluffy article was draped across your shoulders.
“Sweetheart what are you doing out here in the cold?!” It was Mikey. He was holding your shoulders gently as he sat down next to you. “Takemitchy told me he saw you were crying and headed this way… I wish you would’ve told me.”
“Mikey please don’t!” you cried out as you wiggled away from him, “Please don’t touch me.”
Your lover recoiled immediately, eyebrows upturned and lip quivering. “Who hurt you?” He whispered.
“Who did this to you…?” His voice broke as he tried to fight his own tears, “Because I swear to God I’ll kill whoever the hell made you afraid of being touched.”
“What- Mikey no! I just…” you turned your head and listened to the crashing waves against the shoreline.
“Please (Y/N)…” he murmured.
“Do you still love me?” You asked as a tear rolled down your cheek, “Like genuinely?”
“Of course I do, sunshine. I’ll never stop.”
“You love me even though I look like this? Even though my body is just-“
“Stop right there.” Mikey demanded, “Will you please let me touch you? I won’t hurt you I promise.”
“I… I guess.”
Mikey began by gently grabbing your hands. “I love your hands.” He stated, “They’re soft, gentle and always know just how to patch me up when I get hurt really bad.”
He traced your arms with his fingertips, “I think I love your arms the most. They hold me tight whenever I really need to feel loved. They also hug my friends to help them feel loved too.”
He moved down to your stomach, “I love your stomach because it always tell us when we should get a treat. It’s never ever wrong, since every time is treat time.“
He placed a hand on your thigh, “I love your legs. They take us to such incredible places and keep us moving whenever times get tough. They look amazing in long pants and shorts, hell they look amazing in everything.”
Finally, Mikey moved to cup your cheek, “I love your face. It’s so beautiful and makes the best expressions when you’re happy. It has the most beautiful eyes, cutest nose, and softest lips.”
Mikey pressed a chaste kiss to your lips, wiping your tears with his thumbs. “I love you, and every part of you. I don’t want to date you only because I want to have sex or whatever you may be thinking. I want to date you because you make me feel happy no matter what.”
You choked on a sob as your lover pulled you into an embrace. “I love you too, Mikey.”
Mikey held you wordlessly as he rocked you back and forth. The two of you listened to the peaceful sound of waves crashing along the shoreline.
When your sniffles subsided, Mikey asked you in a tiny voice, “Say (Y/N), does your stomach say it’s time for dorayaki? Mine surely does.”
You giggled and nodded, “Mine does too.”
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brighteyedjill · 4 months
🥤 📚 🏜️ 🐝 🧩 for the ask game!! <3<3
🥤 ⇢ recommend an author or fanfic you love
Here's a few amazing fics in some different fandoms:
Dungeons and Dragons: Honor Among Thieves, Edgin/Xenk: To the Ends of the Earth by @moorishflower. An AU in which Xenk comes to recruit Ed while he's in Revel's End, there's a lot of irritation, and then they discover maybe they both misjudged the other. Xenk's internal monologue is so good.
The Witcher, Aiden/Lambert, Keira/Lambert, and Aiden/Lambert/Keira: Even if you don't know anything about Keira, or don't usually read about her, the Trust series by @bomberqueen17 is a treasure. It's got nonbinary Lambert, Aiden captured by an evil sorceress, cute domesticity, and heart-wrenching misunderstandings. You can start with Very Dark Magic if you're mostly here for the Laiden of it all, but I bet you'll want to go back and read what's been going on with Lambert and Keira.
Shadow and Bone/Six of Crows, Jesper/Wylan: My Little Pony: BDSM is Magic by @sparrowmoth. I'm not saying this just because they sent this ask! If you haven't really thought pretending to be a horse could be hot, prepare to have something awakened. Also, it's tremendously sweet and the characterization is spot-on.
MCU, Bucky/Steve: Lead Me Not into Penn Station by @kaasknot has an excellent title. It's a delicious little one shot set in pre-war Brooklyn about Bucky taking Steve to the baths for a good old-fashioned gang bang.
📚 ⇢ what's the last thing you wrote down in your notes app? 
A list of things I wanted to google when I had cell reception back. 😂 I cannot function without immediate access to all knowledge!
🏜️ ⇢ what's your favourite type of comment to receive on your work?
All comments are cherished. One kind I really enjoy is the live slug reaction kind where people write down reactions as they go, sometimes pulling out quotes from the text that really strike them. Like, "Oh noooo that is so like them!" or "This line hits hard." Another type of comment I really enjoy is the woeful sort, usually in response to an angsty fic, i.e. "I am in a puddle on the floor of my bedroom now my heart will never be the same, brb my feelings are slowly draining into the void."
🐝 ⇢ tag your biggest supporter(s) and say one nice thing about them
@bittylildragon is a tremendous beta and cheerleader (and writer and artist). The amount of helpful insight and criticism they have provided over the years I've known them is.... massive.
@contemplativepancakes is such a stellar commenter. I think she's commented on, like, every Witcher fic I've ever written? I always smile when I get an AO3 notification about one of her comments.
@ainawgsd is another power commenter. I always enjoy seeing their icon (is it a German Shepherd?) in the comments section.
@kuwdora is the patron saint of obscure pairings. They are always right there with incandescent joy and thoughtful comments when I post a fic for a little pool noodle of a ship.
@rubynye is a delight who is always a bright spot in my inbox. Also, there is no squee like a rubynye squee.
🧩 ⇢ what will make you click away from a fanfiction immediately?
No paragraph breaks. I am sorry, my eyes no work like that!
From the Writers' Truth of Dare Ask Game. Send me an ask!
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livingincolorsagain · 9 months
hello dear! so for the asks game:
1. My favorite fic of yours: favorite choices and rough surfaces
2. My favorite chapter in my favorite fic of yours: a close call but chapter 4 of careless whisper has my heart
3. The best character you've written for: sam and bucky I'm not choosing. you write them both perfectly
4. The best ship you've written for: sambucky duh
5. A fic I haven't read yet from you, but I want to: none obviously. (can you say the same, a? can you?)
6. Something I remember vividly from reading one of your fics: TOO MUCH. bucky's monolgue from ch4, they chase the sun like i chase you sunshine, it was dangerous, they both have their scars, sam stopped caring about those a long time ago. how do you think i notice all those little recurring details
7. What made me the most emotional after reading: I don't recall exactly the chapter but you should. it's the careless whisper chapter thay physically pained me I couldn't reread it again immediately. also ch4 again and deadly kiss. you make me cry a lot a
8. What I like the most about your writing: man i fucking love it all. your attention to details, your descriptions, your poetic lines. your deep understanding of the characters, how you say soo much with one simple line. how you set the scene wonderfully, foreshadowings and callback. i love everything
9. A fic i'm excited for you updating/posting: obviously careless whisper
10. A character/ship I didn't enjoy/think about as much before you wrote about them: sarahrhoedy. i never even considered the possibility but now they consumed me
11. Something I wish/hope you write: god I hope you don't take this as pressure but it's gotta be the soulmates au
12. A fic of yours that i've re-read: so many deadly kiss, i replay every embrace, I'm blanking but you know the ones. i think i reread most of them anyway
13. If i've ever shared/talked about your fic to someone else: to anyone who'd listen. uhh i think i did before yes
14. A fic I didn't expect to like so much: favorite choices obviously. and you know why! but dammit that fic is a masterpiece and i adore it so much. made me tear up
15. Aquestion I have about one of your fics: hmmm I always ask the questions as soon as i think of them. let's seeee. do you think you'll make a playlist for careless whisper and share it with us? both songs you used as titles and ones that remind you of it.
okay that's it now if there are typos ignore them im sleepy. byeee <3
hey! hello! omg! I can’t believe you answered all of them omg 😭
not even gonna tag the fics because that’s basically all of them, so instead gonna tag my ao3.
from this list
I don’t even know what to say, I just keep rereading every answer and beaming. Gonna try to say something anyway tho!
2. Chapter 4 of careless whisper also has my heart. The confrontation scene between Sam and Bucky especially is very important. Also I was really happy with the song choice and how it’s echoed throughout the chapter. (I go back and forth between how I feel about my writing in the chapter, but it’s always special to me and ultimately I’m happy with it)
5. No you can’t say that! Have you read my ronarry stuff? No, you didn’t. (Okay and neither can I, but not the point)
6. gonna cry actually. brb
7. That would be chapter 5! I very vividly remember you reading it for the first time and our very emotional conversation afterwards. (Sorry for making you cry a lot)
8. (another crying break) omg you have no idea how much this means to me. thank you so much baby <333
10. sarahrhodey for the win!
11. one day. i promise. it deserves to see the light of day
14. it’s still absolutely crazy to me how much you like that fic. i didn’t even think you’d read it and you not only read, it’s one of your favourites now. man
15. I think I might, yes. Maybe towards the end.
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of-a-chaotic-mind · 2 years
JJ Maybank Headcanons:
A/N: I know I said I was gonna write more but I’ve barely had time or energy to even clean my house lately soooo. Anyway, I’m literally writing these on my lunch break. I may write some for the other pogues too idk yet it depends on how many I can come up with for them. I just have a good bit for JJ bc I think about him a lot lmao. Without further ado.
P.S. This has been sitting in my drafts for like a week awaiting the moment that I decide I'm happy with it lol. So here it is finally.
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Random Headcanons:
He sleeps in starfish pose. Like you cannot tell me that this dude can’t or won’t take up an entire bed by himself.
We all know his motto, “Stupid things have good outcomes all the time,” but this dude's number one signature catchphrase has to be “Full Send!” followed closely by “YOLO Bitches!”
This may just be biased bc of Uncharted and the Royal Merchant ordeal but I can definitely see JJ pretending to be a pirate who’s on a massive treasure-hunting expedition when he was a little kid.
JJ’s hidden talent? Rapping. His ADHD and quick mind help him come up with lyrics quickly and even if they don’t always make sense to others they make sense to him 90% of the time.
JJ is either a fighting drunk or a goofy drunk. It’s either “let’s throw some hands” or “I’ma dance on that table brb” there is no in-between.
As for when he’s high, I think JJ is one of those people that just comes up with absolute nonsense that kinda makes sense. He has really deep thoughts about random shit and barely shuts up.
He does a lil dancey dance. I can see him just kinda standing in line, standing amongst the Pogues or they're all sitting around doing nothing and he gets bored so he dances along to whatever song is playing in his head. It often distracts the Pogues and cracks them up.
JJ is a speed demon no ifs ands or buts about it. This makes him a pro at playing spot the cop because while he enjoys the rush, he does not enjoy the idea of getting a ticket.
Somehow, Kie once convinced him to let her put his hair in tiny pigtails. He may or may not have been drunk.
You know that cute little thing where one person sticks out their hand and another rests their chin in it? So, as long as it's someone he trusts i.e. the Pogues or a significant other, they can stick their hand out and catch his attention and he will immediately put his chin in it even if he has to hurdle over tables in his mad dash from across the room.
I saw someone headcanon, I’m sorry but I can’t remember who, that JJ can play drums. I 100% agree. I can see him just banging around on them to let out some frustration one day and Kie convinced him to actually learn how to play them. Let me tell you, it was not easy at all bc JJ’s attention span didn’t wanna hold out for it but eventually he got the hang of it.
Unfortunately, at the insistence of the Pogues, JJ is no longer allowed to light fireworks anymore after having almost caught not only the dock but also The Chateau on fire one Fourth of July.
Dating Him Headcanons:
JJ is always attached to his love in some way, shape, or form. It could just be a simple shoulder-to-shoulder thing or he could be practically backpacked on you with his arms wrapped around your shoulders, his chin resting on your head or in the crook of your neck, and him leaning against your back.
JJ doesn't have a lot of money but what he does have is the desire to shower you with gifts so what does he do? He makes things for you or steals them but that's not the point. Your wrists, hands, and neck are probably always adorned in loads of bracelets, rings, and necklaces that he made for you. They may not look like much to other people but to you, they mean the world and you would never let anything happen to them.
JJ is a huge fan of words of affirmation. Remind him often that you love him and are very proud of him, even sprinkle in a few compliments.
That being said, as you can probably tell from the first headcanon of this section, his favorite form of showing love is physical touch. He loves giving it and receiving it.
JJ loves to make you laugh. He'll pull out the cheesiest pick-up lines and corniest dad jokes if it means he gets even a giggle out of you.
So, like I said previously, JJ takes up the entire bed. I also feel like you'll have to fight him for the blankets. You both may start the night out cuddled up all cute and shit but by the time you both wake up, he's spread out as much as possible leaving you to either tuck into his side or flat out lay on top of him.
JJ never says no if you ask for a piggyback ride. Sometimes if he thinks you’re getting tired he’ll just stop in front of you and squat down motioning for you to hop on.
I think a lot of people think that if JJ were ever jealous he would throw hands or super cockily just butt into the conversation and distract you but I personally think he’s a mean-mugging jealous. Like, say you’re having a polite, innocent conversation with some Touron but JJ gets jealous. I think he’d simply walk up behind you and give the person an “if looks could kill” glare. Soon enough the Touron gets the hint and dips. I don’t think JJ would want to fight in front of you if he could help it even if every bone in his body is screaming to throw hands. He doesn’t want to scare you.
More JJ Maybank Imagines
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emopirates · 8 months
I’ve been looking for other media that will resonate like ofmd does for me
I was thinking about what other media has hit me in such personal specific ways as ofmd. So maybe I can crack the code and find even more???
Predictably I’m not having a lot of luck but I DID come up with 1 example: Severance on apple tv.
If you haven’t watched both shows, it may seem like an odd pairing, because OFMD is (mostly) a comedy (wth dramatic bits) and Severance is (mostly) a drama/thriller (with comedic bits). But what can I say my brain sparked to them both in a similar way! And I think there are reasons.
~ the mildest spoilers for seasons 1 of severance and ofmd ~
Both shows have:
10/10 ensemble comedy gold. Original, weird, character-based, funny joke-ass jokes and flawless comedic performances and amazing riffing. (OK so OFMD is a comedy and has much more of this? But even though Severance is NOT a comedy, its comic relief pops up in every ep and is extremely well done.)
a similar … editorial lushness? That thing of, every frame has something juicy to notice, fun little details, little nuances in facial expressions, inside jokes, meaningful uses of color or light or whatever. Also maybe: that thing where every scene is tightly edited to be ~just the good parts~ so by the end of the ep you’re like, that was v satisfying but also I need to apply another coat of it to my consciousness immediately because I’m sure I missed something.
awakenings. ok this is going to be a nebulous half-baked description but. There is this similar theme of characters unmasking / awakening / discovering and trusting themselves / going for things that society doesn’t expect for them. This thing of realizing the truth is within. IMO this is such a healing and important trope and I want to see so much more of it. You could argue this is more blatant in the pirate show? but I think it’s an important part of severance too.
By the way! Those first two bullets just make these things “good,” and plenty of things are good. I think it’s the third one that really makes the difference.
A few more thoughts:
If you are a pirates fan but haven’t seen Severance:
You would like these goofballs riffing in their cubicles for sure.
If you love Black Pete, you will love Dylan.
A character writes a self-help book you will like a lot.
There’s a tooth-achingly sweet gentle delicate romance tucked away within this fairly dark show and it is SO GOOD.
Severance is a lot darker than ofmd but idk, there’s enough sunshine streaming in. it’s joyful too.
If you are a severance fan but haven’t seen Our Flag Means Death:
Underdogs. Underdogs who are pirates. Because lawful society does not welcome them. And they find their chosen family and. Sorry I need to cry I’ll brb.
If you love Ricken (and even if you don’t) (but who doesn’t?????), you will also love Stede.
If you love The You You Are, you will love talking it through as a crew.
If you love the plant room, you will love this one little well cared for plant?
If you love queer romance watch this show.
In summary my brain liked these things a similar amount thank you for coming to my seminar. 
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sankttealeaf · 3 months
begging and pleading for a some modern rue/gortash 🙏🙏
they first get in contact because rue comments a death threat under one of his posts and he's instantly captivated by her rancid vibes (sends a very formal dm to her too about it) karlach, gortash's pr manager, has a breakdown over him using his public account for such things (shes overworked and is looking for a new job. please someone hire her)
their first scandal comes hours after they meet for coffee, someone tags them in a post and suddenly everyones wanting to know the mysterious woman grand duke candidate gortash is seeing (rue hops on the trend immediately and takes a picture with him to send to news outlets everywhere)
she emails him a lot and the subject line is always a form of "hot singles in your area"
soooo much flirting via messages. i have a thing written up where theyre talking and rue tells him she'll brb. half an hour later she messages again like "sorry. saw a snake and took a shower lol want to see" and gortash, thinking hes going to see a picture of a snake, agrees.
it is not a snake at all.
rue turns up to his house one evening and doesnt leave for 3 days. (she found his address "online")
her social media page is full of pictures of them. she writes smutty fanfics and pretends she found it online to show him
gortash makes jokes about killing off his political opponents and suddenly they start turning up sick or injured. rue sends cryptic messages about it but slips up one day and sends him a selfie as she stands over a dead body. justgirlythings
as for the actual fic im writing for this, chapter 1 is titled "death threats mean nothing when you're a politician (it's part of the job)" and chapter 2 is "flirting with your interviewer won't guarentee you a job (unless you're being interviewed by enver gortash)" its such a silly idea. i tried to think too hard about it but decided its more suited to just being almost a crack fic. i need them to be stupid together. i need rue to accidentally livestream them sleeping together. i need orin to spam gortash's inbox the moment she finds out that he and rue are together, sending threats to his life
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hereforhalstead · 1 month
I had been out drinking and Spencer came and picked me up but wouldn’t let me kiss him bc he didn’t want me to think he was taking advantage but a few days later he turned up at my door with cuts and bruises because he didn’t know where else to go and whilst I was cleaning them up I kept telling him not to think about the pain and ended up kissing him to distract him from the pain
BRB writing this immediately
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jittyjames · 11 months
waste of money, waste of man
tolerate it
WIPPP WEDNESSSSDAYYYYYYYYYYY (jcs addition it seems) (and i’m late)
okay i wanted to post the new chapter link here but the night got away from me and i haven’t been able to look over it one last time yet BUT expect her before the night is up!! WOOO UPDATES! (so i’ll just let you all wait and actually read that in a little bit instead of actually posting a snippet lmao brb)
update: she's ugly, i hate her, but she's here!!!
waste of money, waste of man
"This town loves their rumors," Uriah tilted his head. "You feel as if you know a person before you've even spoken." "What is it they say about me, then?" Judas mumbled, not sure if he wanted to know. He knew their opinions had never been quite high. Uriah eased down in a chair of his own, his eyes never leaving Judas' face as he studied him intently, a smile still playing at his heart-shaped lips, "They say you have a taste for things of Sodom." Judas choked on his wine as soon as the words left him, sputtering and coughing at it. He was sure his face had quickly turned a similar shade of red as his eyes flew up to Uriah's in a panic. Uriah laughed- it was melodic and as smooth as honey. He threw his head back with it. It was the type of laughter that made everyone want to join in when they heard it. Perhaps Judas would have if the mortification wasn't running deeply through his veins. “I'm just messing with you. But eighteen and no intended? Practically unheard of in small towns like these. Not fond of women, Judas?”
and i don't have enough for tolerate it yet soz, BUT HAVE A SNIPPET FOR ACCIDENTAL BABY ACQUISITION JCS FIC (file title is bby iscariot so do with that what you will)
"There was a stoning," Matthew kept his voice quiet, even if the baby couldn't understand. "A woman." Silence fell over them. A quiet mourning for a woman they didn't even know. Judas' chest ached. "We'll find a place for her, then," Judas spoke up after a moment. "Someone to take her in. The life we live- There's no place for an infant here-" "Judas, come on," Peter spoke exasperatedly, "We shove her off onto strangers? People we don't know?"  "We don't know her," Judas argued. "We could find her a fine family here. We'll give her to a mother who wanted children but could never bear them. Or a family who lost their child. I'm sure we're to find plenty." "You would trust that? You? The one who doubts everyone's intentions?" Peter interrogated with narrowed eyes. "It's better than- Ow!" the baby grabbed a handful of his curls, yanking in a surprisingly firm grip. His hand flew up to immediately pry her fingers off him, reminding himself to keep gentle. It didn't prove to be an easy feat. "Ow, you little-" She giggled as his face twisted. Simon snorted, "I think that means she disagrees with you."
and sticking with the theme of jcs fics i'll give you my one other current wip in this fandom to keep them all in one place. (it's a prostitute!judas au that has a surprising lack of smut lmao bc once again, i can hardly write stuff like that) but here. behold the world's smallest snippet
"Calm your tongue, harlot," James hissed, but it only made Judas quirk his brows as he tilted his cup back. When he lowered it with a slow swallow, Jesus could see him smirking back at them, almost amused. "I would suggest you come over and make me, but I honestly doubt you would be able to afford me," Judas purred before his gaze was flickering away, "So if you'll excuse me-"
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kikithefox231 · 1 year
About me!
Hey! Call me Kiki or Amaryllis! I mainly scream about animation and cartoons here! :D ☆ Status:
look im gonna do what’s called a Pro Gamer move
*projects all my emotions and worries and mannerisms onto fictional characters*
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⋆。° ✩ More info ✩ °。⋆
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Fandoms: (Bolded + Italicised are the one's I am screaming and crying over right now) Amphibia ✮ The Owl House ✮ Svtfoe ✮ Gravity Falls ✮ Miraculous Ladybug ✮ The Dragon Prince ✮ She-Ra (Reboot) ✮ Ducktales (Reboot) ✮ Pokemon ✮ Over the Garden Wall ✮ Infinity Train ✮ Glitch Techs ✮ Kipo and the Age of the Wonderbeasts ✮ Phineas and Ferb ✮ Milo Murphy's Law ✮ MLP ✮ Warrior Cats ✮ Your Name ✮ Weathering with You ✮ Suzume ✮ HTTYD ✮ Your Lie In April ✮ Exu ✮ Critical Role c3 ✮ Wolfwalkers ✮ Aggretsuko ✮ Genshin Impact ✮ Honkai Star Rail ✮ Animal Crossing ✮ Neko Atsume ✮ Spiderverse ✮ Murder Drones ✮ Nisekoi ✮ Nimona ✮ Zootopia ✮ Sonic Franchise ✮ Littlest Pet Shop ✮ Keeper of the Lost Cities ✮ Tamako Love Story ✮ Spy x family ✮ Percy Jackson and the Olympians ✮ One Stormy Night ✮
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The Blorbos ever!!! Marcy Wu ✦ Star Butterfly ✦ Fluttershy ✦ Starlight Glimmer ✦ Cinnamoroll ✦ Willow Park ✦ Miko Kubota ✦ Jesse Cosay ✦ Lake ✦ Hazel ✦ Rayla ✦ Marinette Dupain Cheng ✦ Adrien Agreste ✦ Robyn Goodfellowe ✦ Mebh Óg MacTíre ✦ Leafpool ✦ Hollyleaf ✦ Yae Miko ✦ Sucrose ✦ Lady ✦ Webby Vanderquack ✦ Della Duck ✦ Fearne Calloway ✦ Goldie ✦ Gwen Stacy ✦ Serial Designation N ✦ Chitoge Kirisaki ✦ Miles "Tails" Prower ✦ Amy Rose ✦ Zoe Trent ✦ Penny Ling ✦ Coco Pommel ✦ March 7th ✦ Bailu ✦ Huohuo ✦ Anya Froyer ✦ Mabel Pines ✦ Dipper Pines ✦ Pacifica Northwest ✦ Mei ✦
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Socials: AO3 ✧ Amarylily YT ✧ Amaryllis Spotify ✧ Kikithefox Amphibia Sideblog ✧ brb-crying-over-amphibia ML Sideblog ✧ chaton-et-buguinette Svtfoe incorrect quotes blog ✧ incorrectstarvs Hubris Bracket Blog ✧ hubrisbracket
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Tags I Track: #fav - favorite posts/posts I want to find later #my stuff #kiki stuff - both used for tracking my original content #kiki rambles - for stuff where I talk a lot in the notes #tagged - for tracking stuff I'm tagged in #Important!!! - important posts #funnies - posts that made me laugh #ive been personally attacked - what it says on the tin lol #thanks for asking! - for asks answered by me #thanks for answering! - for asks sent by me #bee bestie <3 - starting to use this tag for posts where I'm tagged by @mell0bee or mention bee bc there's so much and I wanna save them 🥺 Ultimate fav posts! ✪ Amphibia Trio Playlists ✪ Amity’s TRUE Hair Color!!1!1! ✪ PARTNER IN CRINGE!!! ✪ One of the most insane posts on this website (affectionate) ✪ HE'S SO CUTE SHUT UUUUP (picture of Georgia) ✪ Follow your dreams ✪ Leafpool request (spoiler: got kissed on the forehead 🥺🥺🥺) ✪ Princess Joe (of USA) ✪ "i appreciate the (extremely cursed) bee bee." ✪ polyamorous power move ✪ happy robotnik slaughter saturday everybody ✪ IT FINALLY MAKES SENSE TO ME ✪ it's okay fish. don't let this get you down. you are all of you. ✪ AROACE AND TRANS SONIC REAL?????? (NOT CLICKBAIT) ✪ Everything is canon. ✪ cant be mentally ill in PEACE!!! *sobs* ✪ last book that made you cry ✪ disney romcom (on a VERY evil and fucked up train) ✪ LGBT bar so good it made someone gay <3 good for them <3 ✪ POLY PLS ✪ Happy birthday Grimace! *fuckin dies* ✪ y’all are always finding new ways to make fossils fuels. ✪ ✪ ✪ ✪ ✪ ✪ ✪ ✪ (updating soon!)
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Likes and Dislikes! ♡ Tea ♡ one-liners that cause me to break down immediately ♡ Extremely specific aus catered to me directly ♡ amvs ♡ Alt/indie music ✘ Confrontation ✘ Heavy gore ✘ Waking up early ✘ Horror movies ✘ Fermented Black Beans
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⟡ Traditional + digital art
⟡ graphic design
⟡ writing
⟡ singing
⟡ sowing
⟡ crochet
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Personal: ✿ I get socially anxious easily so I will try my best to communicate how I feel but just fyi in case! ✿ My memory is horrible so feel free to remind me of something if needed! ✿ I have ADHD so please be nice :’) I’m trying my best
Extras: ❀ I don't mind being tagged in things if we are mutuals! If you're not sure just ask me in advance! ❀ feel free to ask for me to use tone tags or tag trigger warnings for posts! If you'd like me to ID a post let me know! ❀ spam liking/reblogging is welcome! ^^ ❀ feel free to ask my a question! I am not guaranteed to answer it if I feel uncomfortable with it, however! ❀ fun fact: this URL is my animal jam username from ages ago lol
❀ I got called a donut once???
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DNI List Please don't interact with me if you post: -nsfw -heavy gore -do not tag triggers -cp -extreme horror
⋆。˚ credits: purple city divider ⟡ moon dividers
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whatthefishh · 2 years
Delta Squared Chapter 1
A/N: So, this story is somewhat based off of Think Like a Man, I thought our favourite boys would fit these tropes quite nicely and wanted to write something fun and kinda silly! I hope can enjoy, even if you have seen the movie because I did make changes :) This will have several chapters, but hoping to keep it easy to follow. This chapter focuses on the boys and Benny. No smut, no warnings really except a few swear words. 2.4k words
It all starts sometime in May, the boys’ weekly outing causing the fates to set you up in front of the TV at just the right time. Well, sort of started then. 
(01:23 am) Tom wtffff
(01:23 am) im hiding in the bathroom from that weird girl who smelled like burritos next to us
(01:24 am) can i come out yet
(01:26 am) dunno
(01:26 am) but brb
(01:26 am) santi’s helping me get this girl off my back
(01:26 am) so the one who was basically following me is gone?
(01:28 am) also what youre engaged
(01:28 am) just show her a pic of Mads
(01:30 am) true lol
(01:31 am) im just gonna come back
(01:31 am) if shes standing right outside the bathroom ill scream
(01:32 am) idk what ur talking about but will made a face so maybe he knows who you mean
(01:32 am) then again that might just be him pining
(01:32 am) for that girl
(01:32 am) who broke up with him bc he quit his job
(01:32 am) the one hes been "dating" for 2 weeks
(01:32 am) OH
(01:32 am) santi and fish are trying to tag team this girl
(01:32 am) tag team?
(01:32 am) santi and fish are drunk af
(01:32 am) doesnt mean theyre not gonna do it
(01:35 am) uh yeah it does but whatever im on my way
Benny emerges from the haven of the bathroom, immediately making a beeline for the boys’ table. Thankfully, the girl who seemed to be at his elbow at every turn was nowhere to be seen. Even halfway across the bar, Benny could see Santiago chatting up some poor unsuspecting woman and wonders to himself with amusement which line he went with this time, the player that he is. He’s ridiculously successful at this, always has been, even in their time in Delta Force, his ability to charm anybody and everybody driving the boys nuts. Frankie had apparently given up the tag team idea, and let him run his game, choosing to watch from the sidelines. 
Benny checks his phone to see if he got a text from you, sending one out asking how you’re feeling. He feels bad for leaving you at home, sick, but you had insisted he go out with the boys, claiming you’ll join them next time. You two had been dating for years now, bordering on 8, your relationship having been an undefined thing at first due to his back and forth in the military. Once he had come back for good, it was almost too simple how you two had made things official, falling into a routine as easy as breathing. But still… he hadn’t proposed yet. 
You were a relatively successful hairstylist, owned your own salon, got along with the boys, matched his energy for all the dorky movies he was into, and incredibly chill with his energy it was almost too good to be true. You even dressed up with him in a couples costume of Han and Leia that one halloween, binging the movies with him throughout the month to prepare for the role. So, you could be forgiven for mistaking the little velvet box he got you last valentines day for a ring, screaming out “Yes!” until you opened it to see a simple but pretty pair of diamond studs. You didn’t understand why he was waiting, you two lived together, shared a car, planned for your future; the domesticity of your relationship was so deeply ingrained in your bones, everyone already assumed you were married until they noticed the empty space where your ring should be. You didn’t want to pressure him, though. He was your Benny, your best friend, and you loved him so much. Star Wars posters, figurines, and all. 
You flipped through the channels at home, eventually landing on Oprah, recognizing her guest as Steve Harvey, the host from Family Feud. 
“Welcome back, everybody. We are still here with best-selling author Steve Harvey. (Camera switch to Steve) - Well, what I try to get women to understand is that times have changed, but your playbook hasn't. I've gotten thousands of letters from all kinds of women who can't seem to find a man, keep a man or get what they want from their man. Until you understand how a man loves, how a man operates, how he thinks, until you get into the mindset of a man, you will never win with us in the game of love.”
Despite your better judgement, you stayed on the channel to see what new information he could possibly be adding to the world of love advice.
“We have a question in the audience. (camera turns to woman in the audience)- Hi, Steve. I've been living with my boyfriend for five years and he says that he loves me and he's fully committed. I guess what I want to know is, how come he hasn't popped the question?- (camera turns to Steve) He hasn't popped the question because you haven't required him to.” 
You roll your eyes at the pedantic answer, but stay listening to see if you could get anything useful out of this.
Benny catches part of Santi’s words to the girl on his way to the table, and the tail end of it has him quickly covering his mouth to hide his laughter.
“I’m sorry, but Jesus has my heart.” The girl had said.
“Yeah, no, no, no, I get that. I love Jesus, too. They actually used to call me Pope back in the military,” Santiago countered, sure that he’d walk away with her number. 
“You boys won’t believe how Santi’s trynna pick up this girl,” Benny says, jerking his thumb over his shoulder as he joins the others at the table. 
“Oh I can already imagine it’s weird, she gave me crazy vibes just by the way she was trying to touch Tom’s beard after 2 seconds,” Frankie laughed. 
Santi returns to the table sooner than any of them would have guessed, and they assume he got shot down - rare, but it does happen. 
“No luck?” Will asks, a little eager to share his misery with someone else at the table. Will’s most recent venture into finding love ended as pathetically as his last; he was too much of a dreamer to keep a steady job after returning home. Apparently, the women he was going on dates with didn’t appreciate his goal of finding something he was passionate about. He just wanted someone to support him, the same way he would give his full support for his partner. 
Santiago looked at each of his friends’ faces and then broke out into a smug smile, “No, I got it. Cmon, you guys really thought I couldn’t? Have some faith.” 
The last comment had Benny cracking up again, and he checked his phone again to see if you’d replied. 
“How’s Daph doin’?” Will asks his little brother, eyes catching him checking his phone periodically. 
“She’s alright, she-” He starts but gets cut off by Fish.
“She's phenomenal, pendejo, we don’t understand why she’s with you,” Frankie laughs, and Santi joins in. 
“Nobody does! How good is your credit score? Do you even know how to check your credit score?” 
They all laugh at that, Benny included. 
“Daphne is amazing, you guys are right. She even loves my nerdy shit. Will doesn’t even like my nerdy shit,” Benny elbows his older brother. 
“You sure about that? Maybe she just loves you. Deep down inside, she’s probably thinking ‘this is some silly ass shit’” Tom counters with his eyebrows raised, challenging him. 
Out of them all, Tom had the least complicated relationship. He just wanted to make Madison happy, simple as that, and Mads felt the same towards him. He was usually the one giving level headed advice around the table whenever the boys would bring up their lady problems, and as much as they wouldn’t want to hear it at first, they usually conceded, knowing he was being reasonable. 
“Nah, I know her, alright? She is just as into all of that as I am.” 
The night goes on in a similar fashion, catching up and teasing, until Tom stands up, stating that he needs to get back to his fiancé, making the others groan in displeasure. 
“When's the wedding again, Tom? You’ll have all the time in the world, laaaaaater,” Santi gripes. 
“You guys still have to take me out for my Bachelor party, how do you not know when the wedding is? It’s next- No, you know what? You can figure it out and plan it when you’re sober, I’m heading out!”
They all chimed in for their goodbyes, knowing they’d see each other in a few days. Benny started to rise from his seat as well, finishing off the last of his beer before announcing his departure. 
“Gotta get back to my girl, she’s not feelin’ too well.” 
“Yeah, I should go, too, gotta pick up my kid from my mom tomorrow.” Frankie adds, also getting up from his place. 
Santiago and Will share a look which doesn’t go unnoticed by Frankie, who immediately gets defensive, “What?”
“Don’t lie to us Fish, you’re gonna go there tonight and she’s gonna give you your onesie and tuck you in the same way she does for your kid!” 
Santiago’s never let go of an opportunity to rip on Frankie’s relationship with his mother. Everybody knew he was a momma’s boy, but now he uses his daughter as an excuse for why he’s over all the time. She cooks all his meals, she does his laundry for him, they even have matching pyjamas which they wear on their movie nights together. He stops by on his way home from work because she’s made his favourite dish, or picked up those socks he likes from Costco. Santiago is only teasing but it’s become glaringly obvious that for all that he complains about being a single dad, Fish doesn’t really make time for another woman in his life. 
“Yeah, yeah, whatever, Pope. Don’t come asking for her pie next time you’re over.”
“Now hey-” Threats were getting serious, Santiago had to back up a bit. 
The first bomb had been dropped. 
The next day had you heading to your local bookstore, with your notebook in hand, filled with scribbles of tips from Steve. You had finished the episode of Oprah, surprised to have found some possibly useful ideas to push Benny to the next step in your relationship. Looking for his book, you tell yourself you’re not tricking him, you’re just trying to move forward in your life together. 
Settling in to read for a bit before Benny came home, you found the chapter that focuses on “The Non-committer”, aka your Golden Retriever boyfriend, which described how you need to require him to step up and propose. Your last birthday, the boys came over for dinner; they treated you like one of their own, which was wonderful! Except that it was your birthday, and you were dressed for a romantic dinner for two. You really were one of the boys. Speaking of which, you looked around, noticing how much your shared apartment looked like a college dorm room, one that housed several boys, not the sophisticated adult space you always envisioned. You develop an idea, one that might upset him but that will overall clean up the place and make it look like two working adults live there. There’s a used bong on his favoured side of the couch for fuck’s sake. 
Yeah, that’s it, the first move has already formed in your head, your calculating gaze sweeping across your living room making note of what you’re going to keep and what’s going in storage. The couch will have to wait for another day, you can’t lift it on your own.
Later that evening, Benny comes home while you’re making dinner, chicken wings and fries - not your guilty mind telling you to make his favourite, nope - and his joyful shout at the smell makes your stomach twirl happily. After all these years, his easy smile and comforting presence is still your favourite thing in the world and you want to never stop seeing it. On his way to kiss your cheek in greeting, he catches a glimpse of the drastically different living room space and stops mid-walk, body visibly frozen in shock. 
“Babe! Did we get robbed?! Where’s all of my posters, my figurines?! How did you not notice we got robbed?!!” He’s rushing to inspect the empty spaces.
“Relax, I just tidied up a bit,” you try to keep your voice even and light. “They’re safe, Vader’s safe. I just thought we could paint the living room.”
He exhales in relief, painting he could deal with, painting he could work with. 
“...and redecorate,” you say under your breath. 
“Redecorate?” Benny echoes, confusion taking up his pretty face. “I thought you liked that stuff, why would you wanna redecorate?”
Dropping the last of the wings into the deep fryer you turn to face him fully. “Because, Benny, it looks like we’re still in college. We’re adults, we make decent money, don’t you want this to look like a real home? One where all of our friends haven’t had sex on our couch?”
“What’s wrong with my couch?”
“Baby, it has duct tape holding the back together. We’ve literally had it for ages, and God knows how many times you’ve spilled your bong on it!”
“This couch has history!”
You just level him with a look, before showing him the couch catalogue you were browsing, pointing out the ones you thought he’d like. 
“I’d rather watch How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days with you again than couch shop,” Benny grumbles.
“I know you would because I caught you watching it by yourself a week later. Cmonnnn Benny, it smells so bad.”
“Okay, fine but listen I’m really bad at this. Can you just do it without me? I trust you to pick one. Please?” He leans in to kiss your cheek and heads straight for the deep fryer, gathering the rest of the food to set out for the two of you. 
Surprise colours your face but you’ll take the win. New couch, slightly more adult space, this was shaping up to be a productive evening. The two of you ate dinner, Benny making loud noises of enjoyment from the guilt-wings you made, watching your post-work show together. These are the moments you loved, the simple comfort of each other’s presence, of having your best friend there at the end of every day. 
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