exploreworldwithme · 11 months
Basic Yoga To Start Or End Your Day | Beginners | Bountiful Yoga
Begin or finish your day with this basic yoga to start or end your day for beginners sequence. By practicing easy yoga to start or end your day you will gift your body with a soothing yoga flow as you move through the essential yoga poses which will release unwanted tension in the body and prepare your mind for the day ahead. This Bountiful Yoga for Beginners is neither a morning nor an evening yoga practice, as it is truly both. Starting your day with a gentle morning yoga stretch for beginners is a great way to improve physical well-being as we strengthen, find balance and increase our flexibility as this practice focuses on these three aspects. You will also increase our blood flow. preparing your body for the day to come.
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otaviogilbert · 6 months
Yin Yoga for Upper Body Bliss: Deep Relaxation and Flexibility | Bountiful Yoga
Indulge in the serenity of Yin Yoga for Upper Body Bliss with Bountiful Yoga! 🧘‍♀️ Discover a deep sense of relaxation and flexibility as you unwind and release tension from your upper body. Join us for this soothing practice that will leave you feeling rejuvenated.
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exploreworldwithme · 4 months
How to do Vrikshasana |Tree pose for beginners | Tree pose benefits
Vrikshasana stretches and strengthens the muscles of the legs, hips, back, core, arms, and shoulders. At beginner level this hip opener helps to bring stability in the pelvic girdle. When the arms are stretched upwards, there is the active use of the chest, rib cage, diaphragm, intercostal muscles (breathing muscles). The active use of these helps in taking in more air into the lungs; however, some people may find raisi
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exploreworldwithme · 4 months
Yoga Nidra Meditation | Awaken Your Inner Self | Bountiful Yoga
Yoga Nidra, also known as yogic sleep, is a powerful practice that allows you to access a state of conscious deep relaxation while your mind remains awake. During the session, you will be gently guided into a state of total relaxation, transcending the boundaries of your busy thoughts and every day worries. As you delve into the realm of your subconscious, you'll open the door to self-discovery, profound insights, and inner healing.
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exploreworldwithme · 4 months
Harmonious Flow | Vinyasa Yoga for Body-Mind-Soul Alignment | Bountiful Yoga
Experience the transformative power of Vinyasa yoga as I guide you on a journey toward harmonizing your body, mind, and soul. Watch this video, follow along and experience the harmonious flow of Vinyasa yoga. Embrace the transformative power of this practice and awaken the vibrant energy that resides within you.
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exploreworldwithme · 4 months
Journey to Mindful Breathing: Dirga Pranayama in Yoga Practice
Explore the essence of Dirga Pranayama and its profound impact on your physical and mental well-being, as you delve deeper into the art of holistic breathing within the realm of yoga. This breathwork is a bridge to connect your mind and body, fostering heightened awareness throughout your yoga practice.
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exploreworldwithme · 4 months
Malasana in Traditional Hatha Yoga | Benefits of Deep Squatting in Yoga
Malasana, a traditional Hatha Yoga practice; is a deep squat where the sit bones are pushed towards the ground while grounding the feet and lifting the spine upwards. Many things are active in this deep squat, however, it is primarily a hip opener. Traditionally, humans have squatted for thousands of years to plant seeds, prepare food, sit, etc; but as they evolved and became modern civilized beings, they started to sit on chairs and use technology to function in the world.
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exploreworldwithme · 4 months
Soul Awakening Vinyasa Flow with Bountiful Yoga | Soul Awakening Yoga
Embark on a transformative journey with our Bountiful Yoga 'Soul Awakening Vinyasa Class.' This practice is designed to harmonize breath with movement, guiding you through a dynamic flow that nourishes the body, mind, and spirit.
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exploreworldwithme · 4 months
Nurturing Total Wellness through Yin-Yang Yoga | Bountiful Yoga
Yin-Yang yoga is a holistic and balanced approach to yoga that combines the contrasting but complementary principles of yin and yang. This 20-minute practice seeks to harmonize and integrate the more passive, introspective qualities of yin with the dynamic, active qualities of yang. Yin Aspect focuses on stillness, surrender, and longer-held poses. Poses are typically done close to the ground and are held for extended periods. This allows you to access deeper layers of connective tissues like ligaments, fascia, and joints. Yin yoga aims to improve flexibility, enhance circulation in joints, and facilitate emotional release.
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exploreworldwithme · 5 months
Vinyasa Yoga for Body-Mind-Soul Alignment | Bountiful Yoga
Experience the transformative power of Vinyasa yoga as I guide you on a journey toward harmonizing your body, mind, and soul. Watch this video, follow along and experience the harmonious flow of Vinyasa yoga. Embrace the transformative power of this practice and awaken the vibrant energy that resides within you.
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exploreworldwithme · 5 months
Dirga Pranayama in Yoga Practice | Three Part Breath in Yoga
Explore the essence of Dirga Pranayama and its profound impact on your physical and mental well-being, as you delve deeper into the art of holistic breathing within the realm of yoga. This breathwork is a bridge to connect your mind and body, fostering heightened awareness throughout your yoga practice.
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exploreworldwithme · 5 months
Exploring the Essence of Yoga vs Pilates: Yoga and Pilates Differences
🌟The main difference between yoga and Pilates lies in their core philosophies and focuses. Yoga is a holistic practice that goes beyond physical postures, emphasizing the integration of body, mind, and soul. It extends into a lifestyle promoting mindfulness, balance, and personal development, advocating unity and harmony.
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exploreworldwithme · 5 months
Yoga for Scoliosis: Strengthening the Spine Naturally
Firstly, I want to thank you for choosing to heal yourself naturally. Mild scoliosis can be treated naturally and the curvature if the spine can be reduced; but in order to decrease pain, create proper alignment of the body & minimise further curvature of the spine; there are six major areas to focus on:
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exploreworldwithme · 5 months
Yin Yoga for Upper Body Bliss: Deep Relaxation and Flexibility | Bountiful Yoga
Discover the bliss of deep relaxation and flexibility in this yin yoga for upper body video. This soothing practice focuses on releasing tension in our shoulders, neck, upper, mid, and lower back, offering a gentle and restorative journey to ease stiffness and improve mobility.
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exploreworldwithme · 5 months
Lower Body Yin Yoga for Relaxation and Mindful Movement
Yin Yoga for the lower body is a practice that involves holding seated or reclined poses for an extended period, typically 3-5 minutes or longer. The poses focus on stretching the connective tissues such as ligaments, tendons, and fascia in the lower body, including the hips, hamstrings, and lower back.
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