count-doodoo · 5 months
hello there! for the star wars ask: 3, 21 and 24 (i'm sorry)
thanks for playing! sorry these answers are kinda bad LOL
3. What’s the worst part of canon?
...oh, there's so many potential things to bitch about... and it's all so complicated, because there's also so many things that suck but that had potential...
going to go with ben solo's last words being "ow". lacks emotional power ("there's more of us" made NO SENSE but it was pretty moving ngl, everything about han in the sequels is just ??? but i cried anyways), comedic value (double agent hux????? i don't like sand?? you want to go home and rethink your life?????????), or really any sort of narrative potential (the prequels, pour exemple, but also, like, the whole dyad thing). it's just dumb. plus, after everything, we're just killing him off by making him yeet his life energy into rey? i love me a good redemption-for-love, but what the fuck?????????????????? plus as he dies he doesn't do any final words, just... kiss????????????? boo.
(canon also has plenty of social/political problems, which are more important, but honestly i don't feel like picking a single incident there.)
21. Best canon example of a healthy relationship in Star Wars?
and conversely, there are so few examples to pick from here...
...lbr i don't even know what's canon and what's fanon wrt healthy relationships.
uhh. bail and leia seem to have a healthy relationship. leia and her droid in the kenobi show? OH! han solo and his gun? wait han and chewie??
nahh i think i'm just gonna go with bail and leia because of the cute gifsets from the kenobi series :D
24. Fuck marry kill: Tarkin, Pre Viszla, Max Rebo
fuck: pre viszla. wouldn't marry him, because i don't agree with his morals/ethics/politics and i don't think i could change him, but also don't think killing or turning him would have a significant impact, given the sith lord machinations behind the scenes.
marry: max rebo. i'm not the hugest fan of jizz (or irl jazz), but i am a[n amateur] musician. the red jett organ is SO COOL imo and i'd love to try playing it lol. plus, i can live surrounded by the sounds of dissonant practice, and i'm not particularly aghast by his playing for criminals. so marrying him might be annoying and not exactly my top choice, but i wouldn't feel that guilty about supporting him and i think i could live with him.
kill: tarkin. i know he's not the mastermind behind the empire, and he's not irreplaceable, but one can hope that crossing him off would at least slow down some atrocities, like the death star, depending on when exactly he's killed. i don't think i could temper him at all with marriage, either, so.
choosing violence ask game: star wars edition [x]
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charmwasjess · 5 months
“where's your pretty boyfriend your highness” is, possibly unsurprisingly, my most popular WIP ask by far so apologies for not answering individually @bolithesenate @bosquedemel @rochenn and @man-i-dunno but thank you so much for asking!!
...which is embarrassing because it really isn’t the usual thing I write and I'm a little self-conscious about it!
Dooku, Sifo-Dyas, and Jocasta Nu in a Padawan-era “coming of age” Jude Watson Jedi Apprentice series treatment.  But pretty queer, a little darker, treated more seriously, and aged up a bit (since just going off Dooku: Jedi Lost, Dooku and Sifo-Dyas appear to be about half as mature at 17-18 as Obi-Wan was at 14 in JA) Snippet behind the cut of Dooku trying and failing to be a supportive best friend and mulling over the problem of pornography
Dooku sensed that Sifo-Dyas was actually upset. That was odd. He was the one who usually let Arath’s insults bother him, and the remark hadn’t been too dissimilar to the usual childish stupidity he hurled at them. But the young seer looked decidedly nauseous. 
“What?” Dooku asked. 
“Something is the matter?” 
“Hm?” Sifo-Dyas studied the mosaic-patterned window above their heads as if it were incredibly interesting. “No, nothing at all.” 
Dooku's frown deepened. 
Sifo-Dyas liked other young men. And Dooku knew that Sifo-Dyas liked other young men. But Sifo-Dyas did not know that Dooku knew that Sifo-Dyas liked other young men. Or… they hadn’t ever talked about it. Which, potentially, was why he was behaving so awkwardly just now.
Dooku considered telling him that it was nothing to feel embarrassed about, as Sifo-Dyas himself told him years earlier, when Arath had started mocking him over the royalty thing after Serenno. But he was too embarrassed to bring up the topic. Not because liking other men was embarrassing, but because it reminded Dooku that while his peers were getting crushes and deciding what sorts of people they liked, he himself was mostly just thinking about lightsaber forms. 
Even pornography, something he understood his age demographic was supposed to vastly enjoy, just gave Dooku vague stress. All of his questions were the wrong ones. How did the participants even know each other? Did they decide what acts to perform in collaboration beforehand, or was it spontaneously chosen? In sex, did you ask for the things you wanted, or did your partner just somehow guess? And how could he possibly know what or who he wanted if he hadn’t done any of it before? 
But when he brought up these frank concerns to Sifo-Dyas, he'd thought he was joking. 
Well, the problem of pornography would keep. At present, they needed to jump out of this window. 
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rioabaixo · 9 months
nine people tag ★
I was tagged by @moi-ennepe thank youu 👩‍❤️‍👩
Last song: Ingobernable by C. Tangana
Last film: Super Mario Bros
Currently reading: Ariel by Sylvia Plath
Currently watching: Bob's Burgers 13th season
Current obsession: this Galician duo called Fillas de Cassandra. Check them out!
Tagging: @bosquedemel, @assim-assim, @artemisinfurs, @amorjpg, @anditwentlikethis, @katabasiss, @enagismos, @priestin
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holmesandwhatson · 2 months
so I was tagged by @sirgawin (thank you sm <3) to share 5 songs and 6 albums i’ve been listening to:
songs ✨️
Mary Boone - Vampire Weekend (obsessed with this one lately)
Pravda - Vampire Weekend
Sugar - Stevie Wonder
Tonight - Phoenix, Ezra Koenig
Too Sweet - Hozier
albums ✨️
Only God Was Above Us - Vampire Weekend (obvs)
Modern Vampires of the City - Vampire Weekend
Esja - Hania Rani
My Finest Work Yet - Andrew Bird
Nine Waves - Ye Vagabonds
Chłopi (The Peasants OST) - L.U.C. & Rebel Babel Film Orchestra
tagging @krzoska @gothicmaiden @iadmitdefeat @bosquedemel @freebabybutterfly
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Some of Many People I'd like to get to know better
I was tagged by @bosquedemel. Thank you!!
Favorite color: Pink, for pops of colour. But green, is the colour that I most surround myself with, because it makes me feel grounded and calm.
Last movie/show: I had a christmas romcom marathon yesterday, and the last one was While You Were Sleeping (<3); and for the show, still on theme, Home for Christmas on Netflix.
Last song: That Funny Feeling, by Bo Burnham
Sweet/Savory/Spicy: Depnds - I prefer to bake sweets. But lately I've been on a savory kick.
Relationship status: early stages of a possible relationship! I guess we'll see!
Last thing googled: Michelangelo
Current obsession: Christmas/Holidays-themed romcoms (movies, shows and books)
As usual, I don't have anyone to tag, because I don't really have many tumblr friends, but if you'd like to be my tumblr friend, I'm always excited for that!
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I was tagged by @sunflowerliberty for this game -- thank you! 🩷
Here are my sun, moon, rising, and venus signs as a floral colour palette 🌼 From this twitter thread.
Tagging @rememberwhen-it-rained, @rustedskyprisms, @bosquedemel, @englishgradinrepair, and @blythegirl21 if you guys are interested, and to anyone else who wants to participate, consider yourself tagged. <3
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womanblogger · 1 year
i was tagged by @bosquedemel to share 5 songs i’ve been listening to and then tag 10 people 🫶🫶🫶 thank you lovely
i looted my spotify on repeat for this
1. eat your young - hozier - he’s back and he’s beautiful…
2. crying in the chapel - the orioles - i feel so buoyed by this song it is giving me visions of summer and waking up to sunshine :-)
3. charm you - samia - couldn’t we believe it was the hand of god making water boogie to a kesha song is constantly stuck in my head at the moment
4. not strong enough - boygenius - ok this is my favourite from the record thus far but it’s also the designated song my spotify plays when it runs out of queue
5. tomorrow never came - lana - good swaying song…i am giving excellent shower performances!!!
i tag 🤔 YOU! if you would like to 😚
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patrocles · 1 year
i was tagged by @bosquedemel to post my 5 favourite songs at the moment. thank youuu !!
Hateful - Health
Spit - Poppy
Playboy/Positions - Shygirl
Hellslide - Siickbrain
Antagonist - Nova Twins
tagging: @budgetmilk @saintaemond @glorianas @orlamcsupercool
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count-doodoo · 7 months
hi! just wanted to say that i've read Dooku: Jedi Lost twice and now i'm "reading" it for the 3rd time through your liveblog and i have to say. it still hits every time (as you're experiencing right now). your thoughts were my thoughts exactly
look mom i'm not crazy! my internet friends say they reacted the same to the grandpa war crimes diary :D
anyways it really does just /hit/ doesn't it? like. WOW. i will never recover.
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charmwasjess · 5 months
Some of Many People I'd like to get to know better
tagged by the delightful @wonderland-s-angel THANK YOU
Favorite color: officially blue but my buds have informed me I wear so much green that “you have kind of a color” (derogatory) so maybe I should reassess
Last movie/show: The Green Knight, which is entirely a Christmas film celebrating what is apparently my favorite color and also my favorite topic (the dangers of a friend group game night)
Last song: “Jane Jane” by Tia Blake followed by “For Reasons Unknown” by the Killers (was wrapping presents, tipsy)
Sweet/Savory/Spicy: I don't really eat sweets, but I love to cook traditionally sweet things savory (like a savory crepe) and I love spicy food the best, I genuinely feel like it gives me a little endorphin high
Relationship status: bisexually married to just the hottest fucking person you've ever seen in your entire life, so so stupid hot
Last thing googled: owl calls, specifically misspelled names of various north american owl species my dad was yelling about (re: I’m visiting my parents for Christmas)
Current obsession: owls I guess?? also problematic evil old men, plus currently just completely disgusting about Sifo-Dyas, seer of the Force, king blorbo, thinking about him all the time, hoping he's doing well, hugs and kisses, also honestly spending a lot of mental time on dahlias (the plant) because I might try to grow some seriously next year but I can't decide
No pressure if you don't feel like it, or if you already did it and I somehow missed it because I'm in a particularly stupid timezone, but I tag: @man-i-dunno
@purple-ant @bolithesenate @bosquedemel @readalong @count-doodoo @upstartgeek @calcedon79
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holmesandwhatson · 4 months
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rules: go to pinterest and search “celebrity”, “outfit”, “quote” and “aesthetic”. the first four photos that pop up are your vibe.
tagged by @sirgawin - thank you!
tagging @krzoska @blaetter @bosquedemel @grave-dad @gaudigf
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rioabaixo · 5 months
I was tagged by @bosquedemel to list my top 6 first time watches of 2023. Thank you <33
I wasn't a great movie year for me either, I only watched 32 movies (including at the cinema)
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not tagging anyone this time, but if anyone wants to do it, just say I tagged you ;)
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charmwasjess · 6 months
for the ao3 wrapped: 3, 17 and 30 <3
FUN!!!!! Thank you, @bosquedemel! ❤️You're a gem!
3. the work I'm the most proud of
Easily Sitting in the Dark. It felt so daunting... I had this idea that I couldn't even write a multi-chapter piece when I started, that I was bad at plot-plot, and I was coming back to Dooku and Qui-Gon at this horrifying moment in their lives and trying to relearn how to write them as an adult...
On a personal note, the month I started writing it, I'd just lost my dear friend/writing mentor in a violent and unexpected way, and I wasn't doing well. There's so many pieces of that grief woven into the story because I couldn't help but be processing it. It might sound silly, but it gave me such a safe, anonymous outlet when I needed to pour out a lot of feelings. That chapter where Qui-Gon thinks Dooku's dead, and that sense of not being upset that you couldn't say goodbye to someone you lost, but that you didn't get to say thank you.
Not to get all real on a fun ask game, but that fic was/is really important to me for that reason, and even more so the people who came along with me for it and didn't even know how much support they were providing to a really sad little person behind the AO3 account.
17. my favorite character to write this year ...yyyyeah, I think we ALL came with me on my VERY LOUD Sifo-Dyas journey this year, including the multiple fics about other stuff that he just took over. Listen, I just think he's neat. In this essay, I will---
Dooku is still my ride-or-die to write as a POV though. He's mentally unwell in such a specifically fun way to write.
30. biggest writing surprise this year
I wrote a little bit about just the shock of coming back to the fic community in my other answer, but another writing surprise from this year...
OH! I absolutely wasn't trying or expecting to ship Dooku and Sifo-Dyas. It happened very organically. Sweet summer child that I was, I wrote my first Sifo-Dyas scene, the big long duel in the last chapter of Sitting in the Dark. Dooku's still really hurt but NEEDS to spar or he's going to go insane, so Sifo proceeds to just kick his ass so so very gently and tenderly?
Anyway, I don't know what happened to me as I was writing that. I can't explain it. Sifo's goofing off, Dooku's like >:{ "you're a fool!!!" and Sy goes "yeah, a fool's fool" :') and I felt a small "piff!" sound in my skull as my brain chemistry altered permanently, pathways rerouting and reconnecting. Oh no, he loves him.
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i was tagged by @bosquedemel to post my 5 favorite songs at the moment. thanks for tagging me! <3 
"nowhere to run” - martha reeves and the vandellas
"andromeda” - weyes blood
"joy train” - amy ray (my friend and i saw her tuesday night!)
“love in a void” - siouxsie and the banshees
"sweetness and light” - lush
tagging @rogerdelgado, @wamnak, @maeganbobaegan, @sunflowerliberty, and anyone else who’d like to participate 💗
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holmesandwhatson · 8 months
choose 5 authors you would invite for dinner (they have to be alive)
tagged by @sirgawin, thank you <3
Mariusz Szczygieł
Lucy Worsley
Ian McEwan
Jacek Dehnel
Donna Tartt
tagging: @bosquedemel @blaetter @sigerson @sandovers @shotofstress
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holmesandwhatson · 1 year
@sirgawin tagged me to share 5 songs i’ve been listening to and then tag 10 people - thank you✨️
keaton henson - envy
mina - se telefonando
hozier - eat your young
piotr zioła - podobny
sorry boys - mapy gwiazd
i'm tagging @gaudigf @bosquedemel @iadmitdefeat @casseopeias @sandovers @baudilaire @feelmostlyok @mostoffendingsoulalive @blaetter @shotofstress (if you feel like it!)
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