#borat voice MY WIFE
seedbedcurse · 5 months
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hoo hee
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dadvans · 9 months
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me: hey would u paint 'germanic warrior with a helmet (1902)' as sidnate wife: haha ok
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m4r5c0r3 · 9 months
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sorry im posting all of these separate.. its better that way..
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dynamicrobo · 6 months
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very fun style to draw in
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Perfect direct, no notes. 💖
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alphadog · 1 month
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ghoulymadge · 1 year
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What was the name of the ship she left on? Go to hell. Mass Effect 2 (2010)
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@yasswilliams drew a girl charles design that makes me feel funny :3 so i made fan art of her (ignore the bad anatomy i was blinded by lust)
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archie-sunshine · 3 months
wish you both have beautiful life together
No way, i'm the luckiest guy actually.
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(we're not actually married or affianced, but we may as well be... she's my beautiful moonrabbit and i'd die for her.)
(btw she's also genderfluid so if u see me referring to her as he or they, dw, same partner <3)
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eoieopda · 1 year
jade, my dear, my darling, my husband. i have darkened the threshold of your inbox once again for your 2k drabblepalooza (congratulations by the way no one deserves the attention and recognition more than you ilysm) to ask you about park jimin. are you currently writing a miniseries for him? yes. is it enough? also yes. let's just say i'm here to even out the playing field of your requests. i'm doing this for you- nay, for US.
i have been overwhelmed and moody lately and was looking for maybe an established relationship!au with like hurt/comfort or sickfic but make it mental health? this is boring i am sorry LMAO please feel free to disregard i just have many feelings thank you for your time and energy and love OK BYE
happy wife, happy life!!!!! 🥹🩵
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pairing: park jimin x gn!reader type: drabble | wc: 700 genre: hurt/comfort, fluff au: established relationship, sick fic rating: pg-13 (minors DNI w/ me regardless!) summary: a lazy day at home with your boyfriend is “self-care,” thank you very much. cw: none!
“Hydrating, detoxifying, brightening, or — uhhh, purifying?”
You lift your head up off the arm of the couch to peek over the back of it. It’s more physical effort than you’ve expended since you sat down two hours ago, but the sight is worth it: Jimin in a frenzy, half-buried in the cabinet below the bathroom sink, barely audible over the sound of his rummaging.
A man on a mission.
You snort. “Is all of the above an option?”
The past week took a lot out of you, and at this point, you’ll take whatever you can get. So far, you’d taken a day off of work, yourself off the grid, and your favorite throw blanket from the basket next to your couch. Your boyfriend — true to form — has taken it upon himself to do the absolute most.
Phase one of Jimin’s unspoken plan started before you’d even gotten out of bed. He’d left to get you boba and came back with not only your favorite tea, but every imaginable impulse buy he encountered on his way home that may come in handy.
Or make you laugh.
Or that smells nice.
Now that you’d been thoroughly showered in unanticipated gifts, Jimin was moving on to phase two. From what you’ve gathered, it includes literal, physical pampering.
Jimin sits back on his knees — careful to avoid bumping his head as he does so — and stares down at the impressive bouquet of plastic packages he’s accumulated. At least ten different types of sheet masks from as many different brands. Even though he’s angled away from you, you can see the way his face scrunches up, deep in thought.
“Are detoxing and purifying not the same thing?” Jimin mutters to himself without looking up.
Instead, he holds one of the mask packets as close to his face as possible, scans the tiny print with furrowed brows and narrowed eyes. Suddenly louder, he tosses his head back and confirms with a whine, “Baby, we bought synonyms.”
You’re too fond for words, especially when Jimin hears you giggling and looks at you, pouting. There’s a beat, then your laughter makes him laugh; and then his eyes disappear as a grin consumes his whole face. You’re not sure how it’s possible for a person to sparkle like that, but watching the way he lights up restores some of your depleted battery.
If life were a video game, there’d be a tiny, 8-bit heart reappearing on your screen.
+5 HP.
Out of spite, Jimin tosses the duplicate masks back into the plastic organizer they’re kept in, takes his final choice in hand, and climbs to his feet. It doesn’t take him long to cross from where he sat to where you sit. It takes even less time for him to launch himself over the back of the couch, where he lands gracefully in the empty spot at your feet.
Like the heartthrob he knows he is, he runs his fingers through his disheveled hair and pushes the strands out of his eyes. You blush — you always blush — and even though he’s not looking at you, the smirk tugging at his lips confirms that he knows that, too.
Jimin shifts on the cushion he’s claimed to face you fully. The untouched bottle of water on the coffee table catches his eye, though, and he frowns — first at it, then at you. Before he can remind you with words, you grab it, unfold the straw, and make a big show of taking a large gulp. Your cartoonish sigh after swallowing earns you exactly what you wanted: an eye roll and an affectionate squeeze on your bent knee.
With the straw still between your teeth, you mumble, “Does dating me ever feel like playing the Sims? You know, making sure my hunger and energy meters aren’t in the red?”
“Of course not.” He reaches out to cup your cheek with his hand. On instinct, you lean into the touch. With all the seriousness in the world, Jimin declares, “I would never stick you in a swimming pool and delete the ladder.”
Your laugh comes from deep in your belly, warms every part of you on the way out of your mouth. You tingle all over when Jimin leans over your bent legs to press a kiss to your forehead.
+10 HP.
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aylinerik · 2 months
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generalzar0ff · 10 months
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Well, I finally did it: An Oops! All Vinny page.
The rendered drawing on the bottom right is a redraw of a slightly older piece. It was GOING to be its own drawing, but I didn’t wanna draw the full background. 💔
People like to focus on Vincenzo’s deadpan nature, but he’s a bit of a smarmy prankster as well. I made sure to include both aspects in this deranged canvas!
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dansemacabre · 2 months
i might be in love w gwen bouchard. the tenderness…… she just likes mocha…….. she just wants to take over the world…….. she just wants 2 be thought of…………..
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grosskelly · 1 year
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not a lot of Content atm due to Many Reasons so here is a sketch of my beautiful wife, Moder
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blueprintjoker · 4 months
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they released the full new official art of urianger GOD
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surely-sims · 1 year
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HAPPY BIRTHDAY @shoobysims!!! 💜🍤
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