#bolts of melody
middleagerunblog · 4 months
Week 7 recap
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Don't feel like summarizing everything. Did all my runs. Ate fair to middling I guess, 3 B days, 3 B- days, and 1 C day. Didn't drink any alcohol. Weighed myself a few times to much disappointment. Listened to lots of music, including new albums by Bolts of Melody and Courting that were both OK, probably need to listen to them again. Read 2 chapters in Kafka on the Shore, Kafka learned of his father's murder from Oshima, Nakata found a helper in Hoshina. Thought about quitting all of this and just trying to focus on losing weight.
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linedol2 · 29 days
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some more Starilign characters
Bolt the Dog (male) (15 years old)
Lyn the Dog (female) (16 years old)
Bubble the Orca (male) (19 years old)
Floppy the Dutch Rabbit (female) (10 years old)
Latte the Fennec Fox (female) (14 years old)
Melody the Jerboa (female) (24 years old)
Natalie the Narwhal (female) (6 years old)
Novahmed the Rattlesnake (male) (11 years old)
Tacey the Kakapo (male) (8 years old)
Trowel the Mole (male) (22 years old)
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masaroisu26 · 23 days
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girlkisserr · 2 years
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Thank you Necrodancer
Transparent ver below, list of artists involved in the collab in the tweet, go check them out!
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bookfangeek · 9 months
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Eyes eyes eyes~!
To try and help speed up the process of webcomic-ing, I made a bunch of irises I can use with a brush to fill in my characters' eyes.
The final two eyes are a special brush I made just for background and minor characters! Rather than making a new asset for EVERY character that the comic touches, this eye is made to pick up the main and sub colors you're currently using and fill in the colors based on where they fall on the gradient between black and white!
I'm REALLY enjoying myself making CSP brushes for this comic, once you know all of the program's little secrets, brush making is SO much fun.
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stratomod · 1 year
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Husband and Wife, finally updated for modern times. If you remember who Bolt and Melody are, you qualify for a senior discount at iHop.
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ordinaryschmuck · 2 years
Walt Disney Animated Pictures Studios from Worst to Best-Part Three: The OK Films
Salutations, random people on the internet who certainly won’t read this! I am an Ordinary Schmuck! I write stories and reviews and draw comics and cartoons.
And we’re continuing this worst to best ranking of the movies by Walt Disney Animated Pictures Studios. Today, we discuss the films by the studio that are simply labeled as…ok.
Not good, not bad, just…ok. These are ok movies that I’ll be likely to revisit once in a blue moon and have a good time when doing it. Like if someone were to suggest we’d sit down to watch any of these movies, I’d most likely shrug and go, “Eh, alright.” I wouldn’t object to it, but I wouldn’t really be too enthusiastic either.
Well, #40 might make me a little enthusiastic. Why? See for yourself:
#40. Melody Time-This movie's just pleasant!
It made me use the word 'pleasant!' That should tell you how good it is! Er, how ok it is, I guess Melody Time is basically a collection of shorts set to music. And before you say, "Oh, so it's like Fantasia," it isn't. This one definitely feels more geared toward younger audiences. No masterpieces or works of art in this film. It's all just cute stories with well-designed characters...and the occasionally offensive-looking Native American. But aside from that...GIGANTIC ISSUE of representation, Melody Time is still a fun watch. I don't know if I'd be willing to watch it again, but I still had a great initial viewing regardless.
#39. Make Mine Music-Huh, that's weird. This one's not even on Disney+. I wonder why.
*Watches it through...other means*
Ah, because it's forgettable. That's why.
Don't get me wrong, Make Mine Music is charming with its collection of shorts and especially with its choice of songs. It's just that out of all the other movies in Disney's catalog, it's not a movie I'd be able to remember. Loved it, but I might not have fond memories of it. Or any memories, for that matter.
(But at least there's no racist stuff in this one. So, you know, that's a plus)
#38. Dumbo-Oooooooooooooh, those racist crows. Those incredulously, uncomfortably racist crows. I mean, the workers song isn’t that great either, but there’s something much more egregious about those racist, f**king crows. Why, in the name of all that is holy, does this genuinely charming movie about learning to embrace what makes you different also have to be the same move that has racist. F**king. CROWS!?
And the thing is, everything before that is wonderful. Jumbo is up there as one of the best cartoon moms, Timothy O. Mouse is a fantastic character for how much he supports Dumbo and cheers him on, the Pink Elephants are both the best and worst kind of trip, and Dumbo is equal parts adorable and tragic. I especially love how he gets revenge on everyone that made his life hell. That'll show 'em.
I love this movie...I just don't love those f**king crows! They at least come at the end, but they're also the reason how Dumbo learns he can fly. Meaning that they're essential, and you can't really edit them out (but future versions can write them out, so that's a plus that the Dumbo reboot gets). Usually, when everything else in a film is done so well, I'm willing to look past the negatives...but that's a pretty big negative to ignore. So, I'll leave it to you. If you can stomach the racist crows, that's great. If not, then this movie will be ranked much differently for you. Thankfully, I loved everything that came before the racist crows enough to love Dumbo from the beginning only to cringe at it in the end. So...I guess that's an achievement.
#37. The Jungle Book-Admit it. You only remember this movie because of "The Bare Necessities." Which is valid. It's a charming song.
And The Jungle Book itself is also pretty charming. Each character is just so much fun and oozing with personality. Baloo and Bagheera are lovable protectors with an entertaining dynamic, and Kai and Sher-khan are devious villains with simple motivations with intense methods. Maybe the elephants, vultures, and King Louie can get on my nerves a bit, but our heroes and villains make up for it. Well, the heroes that aren't human, that is. Because despite being the protagonist, Mogli is quite the dumbass in distress at times, feeling more like a plot device for Baloo and Bagheera to look after instead of a dynamic character who can take care of himself. Plus, his reasoning for going back to the man-village, while a little understandable, is pretty weak. Like, come on. After how hard he fought to stay in the jungle, this one thing made him want to leave it all? I don't buy it.
Still, The Jungle Book's pretty good. There's some fun to be had with the characters, even if the story ends on a low note. It may not be perfect, but at least you'll bear it! HA! Bear puns...
#36. The Aristocats-It's like Disney said, "You know, we made two movies about dogs before this, why don't we make one about cats?" And they certainly made a movie about cats. And it's...cute.
It's a cute movie with plenty to enjoy. I enjoyed the kittens and how naive they acted. I enjoyed O'Malley's relationship with Dutchess and how it often feels genuine. I enjoyed that O'Malley actually likes the kittens instead of becoming that guy who would cut out the second children are involved. I enjoyed how hilariously incompetent Edgar is as a villain. And I enjoyed...basically everything else.
Except for the racist cats. I count three that are meant to represent racial stereotypes, and it's just...yikes.
Still, it's hard not to have a fun time with this movie, racist cats aside. If you're a cat person, you're going to have the time of your life.
#35. The Princess and the Frog-This movie makes me miss Disney’s hand-drawn animation for their theatrical projects. Sure, the CGI has come a long way and you’ll get an essence of hand-drawn animation every now and again, but nothing compares to the fully-animated, fluid, expressive, and wonderfully looking animation of The Princess and the Frog. And it’s a good thing that this movie looks so good, too. Because the rest of it…needs some polishing out.
Don’t get me wrong, the comedy’s solid (for the most part), Tiana and Naveen are charming characters, and Dr. Facilier is a really good villain. The good parts make up for the bad, but the major problem is the story. Or, rather, Tiana’s story. I get why Naveen is a frog, as he needs to learn a lesson of humility and how to do things for himself. But Tiana? Tiana’s whole thing was to learn to appreciate life and the people around her instead of working for every minute of every day. Why is turning her into a frog the best way to go about that? Wouldn’t she want to work harder to fix this? And how could she appreciate the people in her life when all she has is her frog boyfriend? Is this movie really suggesting that it’s better to be a frog than a human?
Ok, I know I might be reading too deep into the whole scenario. It’s just a whacky twist on the original fairytale. I shouldn’t be reading too deep into this. But half the time, it feels like Tiana is just a tool to develop Naveen rather than her own character. It’d be nice if he helped her loosen up more, but there’s not enough scenes of him teaching her to have fun than there are of Tiana teaching him. It’s a shame, really, because this movie is a blast. Like I said, there just needs to be a little more polish.
#34. Bolt-Conceptually, this movie makes no gosh dang sense. It doesn’t seem possible that Bolt is unaware that he’s in a TV show. I know, the movie’s a cartoon and it requires a suspension of disbelief, but the whole thing sounds so overly complicated that it’s just too hard to believe. For example, do you know why dogs bark at your wall? It’s not because of ghosts. It’s because they can hear and sniff something so far away that they can’t help but bark at it. With that in mind, how is it possible for Bolt not to hear or smell any camera operator or special effects specialists. Better question: If Bolt’s dumb enough to believe he’s in a TV show, how can anybody be certain they’ll know exactly what he’ll do? What if instead of bending bars apart, he goes for the super bark? Or heat vision? Even worse, what if he goes for the throat? You’d have to put Bolt down if that was the case.
So, yeah, conceptually, this movie’s a mess…but dang it, is it cute!
Seeing Bolt slowly learn how to be a dog is adorable to watch at times. And, while the concept’s iffy, there is some solid comedy that comes from Bolt learning he isn’t a superhero, added with Mittens being the straight man to his antics. Plus, if there’s anything that a movie wants to do to get on my good side, it’s to show me a dog and a cat slowly becoming best friends. It’s just that easy.
Bolt, as a concept, doesn’t do so well. But as a movie that has a handful of cute and funny moments, there could be worse things to watch.
#33. Fantasia 2000-I think this one gets a little too much hate. Is it as much of a gorgeous masterpiece as the original Fantasia? No. Does it still have some incredible animation that often takes my breath away? You better believe it does.
Sure, there are celebrities trying too hard to be funny and a whole segment dedicated to a flamingo with a yoyo, but it’s all harmless in my opinion. To criticize this movie just because it wasn’t as perfect as the original is just too harsh to me, primarily because it’s still so good despite a few things holding it back. It might never be the same as the first Fantasia, but it still has some value. To me, that’s more than enough.
#32. Treasure Planet-I really dig the sci-fi spin Treasure Planet has on the original story Treasure Island, as it lends to some unique character designs and worlds. I also enjoy a lot of the characters, with Doppler being fun, Captain Amelia being a blast, and John Silver being the best of them all. His characterization and relationship with Jim was surprisingly heartwarming, as well as it is heartbreaking with how both characters would occasionally betray each other. So, yeah, I like the world and characters…but I have some issues.
There are a lot of things in Treasure Planet that confuse me. How do the pirate ships work out in space? Why would Jim’s mother willingly let him go after such a flimsy excuse from Doppler? Why is Jim the only one who can use the map? These are all things that pay homage to the original story while keeping things moving forward, but it really leaves the head scratching.
And while some characters are good, others…aren’t. Jim screams as a try hard bad boy to leave the teen girls swooning just as much as both Morph and B.E.N. scream as over the top comedic Disney sidekicks. None of them are awful, but they weren’t doing much for me. Although, I will admit, I do love how B.E.N. is animated. Really nails making a CGI character fit into a 2D world.
Overall, Treasure Planet is a mixed bag. There are some strong points but the weak ones hold it back by a lot. The x just couldn’t mark the spot with this “treasure.”
#31. Frozen II-Frozen II…is interesting. I can admit that it’s not a great movie, but, as weird as it sounds, I still love it. Or, at the very least, I love parts of it.
Everything that is done with Elsa is outstanding, making her a much more interesting character than she was in the first movie.
The animation is, as usual, gorgeous as hell, having two awe-inspiring set pieces that left a huge smile on my face.
The songs are also wonderful…Well, Elsa’s songs, at least. “Do The Next Right Thing” is pretty good, “Some Things Never Change” is a decent opener, “Lost in the Woods” is hilarious for the wrong reasons, and “This Will All Make Sense When I’m Older” is just…no. Still, not too bad of a soundtrack to have.
I really do feel like there’s some value to be had with this movie, and I can see why it has its fans. Unfortunately, there are issues that make it less than stellar for me, personally.
It is evident that the writers had no idea what to do with Anna or Kristoph. Well, they had ideas. It’s just that there wasn’t enough time to develop Anna’s story and Kristoph’s was cut and left aside with the original concept of the film. As for tone, it does try to be a lot darker and more serious, but it just doesn’t work with Olaf in the mix. The writers try to make him work in dramatic scenes, but it feels like a swing and a miss. He really doesn’t belong in the type of movie they were trying to make.
And then there’s the worst part of the movie: It’s message. It tries to have a theme about anti-colonialism and sins of the past, but the writers just don’t follow through on the idea. The ending actually feels like a major cop-out that honestly made me frustrated after seeing it in theaters for the first time. I won’t give away how. Just trust me when I say that it really could have been done better.
Still, while this movie is a bit of a mess, my brain always goes back to those wonderful moments that made me love it. So, consider this one a guilty pleasure. It could and should have been better, but I don’t really complain much about the final product.
The same goes for the rest of this list. I guess they all could be a little better, but I’m not complaining too much in regards to the quality. I still enjoyed a lot of what I watched, even if I felt no real strong connections to them.
But strap in for tomorrow! Because we’re going from “just ok” to…good. They’re…good movies tomorrow. Not great. Just…good…It’s still a step up!
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goshashka-design · 2 months
Forging Beauty
https://videos.pond5.com/manufacturing-large-sized-bolts-and-footage-255592707_main_xxl.mp4 The Dance of Steel and Fire In the heart of a cavernous steel forge, where molten metal dances with the flames, a mesmerizing symphony unfolds. It is a ballet of heat, force, and craftsmanship – an alchemical transformation that shapes raw materials into powerful artifacts. Against this fiery backdrop,…
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davisclub26 · 5 months
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technicolorxsn · 1 year
I wonder why pongormas theme has the fancy meat computer riff, that's kinda interesting
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crypticminx · 5 months
Telling Felix Catton you’re pregnant <333
Felix Catton (Saltburn) x fem! Reader headcanons xo
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AN: hiiii these are some headcanons I made :p im too lazy to proofread Dx if you enjoy lmk if you want part 2! Blink twice and you’ll miss the smut xx
- first of all, your relationship started out as a one night stand situation because for the love of God Felix cannot keep a woman or anyone around for more than a few months—weeks even.
- You, however, were a different situation. He saw other people, you saw other people, but the two of you always kept each other locked in the back of both of your heads. Wether you needed him as a very exciting stress reliever or he needed you to release any ounce of frustration he had, the two of you were just a simple phone call away. And not just drunk booty calls.
- The feeling of his broad shoulders pressed against your frame as he would effortlessly lift you up and pin you to the wall, whispering sweet melodies into your ears as he thrusted with all of his might to make you feel good—no, more than good. He’d never admit it, but for a girl like you, he’d give you everything, even if meant he’d have nothing. “Such a good girl,” he’d purr, feeling you melt under the sound—and for a better word, control of his asserting voice
- The two of you lovebirds were loud, extremely noisy and often torturous for the other students near your dorm, who were either trying to cram for exams or focus on non-sexual activities. You would moan without a care in the world and especially when you felt him release his seed in you for the first time, which you could only assume wasn’t planned nor talked about between the two of you. It felt too sweet, and so pure with how he breathlessly smiled at your sweaty, blushing face after the deed was done. Said smile being enough to make you fall into his little trap and roll back over into another intense round of sex
- With Felix, it was like walking on a dream that never seemed to end. You could be careless, indiscreet and whatever the hell you wanted to be. he provided you with a sense of being free from the real world and wholeheartedly invited you deep into the unrealistic life of Felix Catton.
- That dream, the very one that appeared to be endless, came crashing down. What ruined it? Two little pink lines.
- With an eyebrow piercing that adults despised, a stunning model-like body, and a reputation for tossing girls around like they were paper planes; Felix was fuck buddy material, not father material.
- Sure, he has enough money to knock you up ten times and make sure every child would be provided for, but you were you. Yes, you came from wealth but not the type of catton wealth that would probably leave a child with a ridiculously expensive live-in nanny as if it was nothing. Knowing how your parents felt, there was no way in hell they would be supportive and even just the simple thought of them meeting Felix made you cringe to the point of triggering your morning sickness again.
- You would avoid Felix like the plague you read about in your boring history textbooks and on the rare occurrence you ran into him heading out on his bike or going for a well deserved drink, you would bolt as if you had to run for your life. Facing him was just the beginning of your problems
- So when you finally mustered the courage to tell him and unfortunately for you, it had to be at the university’s sleazy lounge pub, Felix was there in all his glory and sat in his usual spot. Farleigh seemed more interested in drinking than caring about what was being said, a group of girls were scattered around the boys and obnoxiously fake laughed at whatever Felix said, and there was that new guy whose name you couldn’t remember to save your life. Oliver? You thought it was, but that clearly didn’t matter anymore. The only thing that mattered was you and Felix.
- Felix nearly chokes on his drink seeing you walk towards him, your head down and your tail between your legs. Metaphorically speaking, of course.
- You ask him to talk immediately, ignoring how content he looks. How his solemn eyes instantly sparked with life again and his bored expression turned into a relish of happiness. He was thrilled.
- “I’m pregnant.”
- He stares blankly at you, seeing you tear up as if you just admitted something horrible
- A baby? And a baby with you? Nothing about that was horrible. In fact, he often pictured a future with you, even if it seemed insane.
- i he’s not angry. In fact his thick brows soften and somehow in the midst of all the chaos of noise surrounding the two of you, his words are very clear.
- “I’m glad it’s with you.”
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thatdammchickennugget · 2 months
I could give you 50 reasons
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pairing - lorenzo berkshire x nott!reader
summary - enzo starts recieving notes from a secret admirer and is determined to find out who's behind them
warnings - fluff, teasing, kinda insecure enzo, fem!reader
wordcount - 3k
a/n - this was kinda inspired by the song 'hey stephen' by taylor swift. this is also my final entry for the hogmarch challenge :)
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Breakfast at Hogwarts was always a bustling affair, but today, the Great Hall seemed to buzz with an energy all its own. Enzo was settled into his usual spot at the Slytherin table between his friends, his mind still reeling from the recent breakup with his last girlfriend. 
Despite the lively atmosphere around him, a sense of insecurity gnawed at him. It had been the third time he got dumped this school year. Of course, they always had good reasons too. He didn’t think he was a bad boyfriend at all, but he knew they deserved someone who was just as taken with them as they were with him. But he couldn’t help it. None of them ever had his mind spinning. None of them made him feel the same way you did. 
But you weren’t an option. He dared a small glance at you, where you were sitting next to your brother two seats down from him, swatting your sibling’s arm as he tried to steal a piece of toast from your plate.
“Stop it if you want to keep that hand,” you grumbled, fixing Theo with a pointed look as you scooted your plate away from him. “I know you can be a little stupid but you can butter your own damn toast.”
Theo just rolled his eyes and reached over the table to nick a piece of bacon from Pansy’s plate instead.
You looked beautiful even with the glare on your face and your eyes still drooping sleepily. But Enzo quickly dropped his gaze back down to his own food. You were off limits. Theo had told him so years ago. If your brother ever found out about his feelings for you he’d be a dead man. Was he destined to never find the right girl?
A small brown owl swooped down and deposited an envelope onto his plate before flitting away, distracting him from his brooding. He arched an eyebrow, surprised by the unexpected interruption. Who would be sending him mail?
With a cautious glance around the Great Hall, Enzo opened the envelope, revealing an elegant script on the small note tucked inside. The words struck him like a bolt of lightning.
‘I love you because your smile lights up even the gloomiest of days.’
Enzo's heart skipped a beat. His eyes darted around, but there were no obvious suspects among his Slytherin peers. Everyone seemed to be focused on the conversation or fighting hard to stay awake. No one was even looking in his direction.
Reading the note again, Enzo felt a mix of warmth and unease wash over him. Assuming it to be a dumb prank, he folded the note and slipped it into his pocket. His appetite had vanished, so he excused himself from the table, his friends just murmuring in acknowledgement without even looking up.
Despite knowing that one of his friends was probably behind this and it was just a joke, he couldn't help the small glimmer of hope stirring within him.
A day had passed since Enzo received the first mysterious note, yet the enigma had stayed in his mind like a lingering charm. As he settled into his seat for Charms class, he reached for his textbook, only to find another envelope nestled among its pages. His heart skipped a beat as he recognized the script adorning the note inside. This time, the words seemed to leap off the page, echoing in his mind like a haunting melody.
‘I love you because your presence alone makes even the most mundane moments feel extraordinary.’
Enzo's pulse quickened, his mind racing with a whirlwind of thoughts. Who could possibly be behind these heartfelt sentiments, and why choose to remain anonymous? His eyes darted around the classroom, but no one seemed to be paying him any particular attention.
With a furrowed brow, Enzo folded the note and tucked it away, his thoughts consumed by the mystery once more. Was this really just a prank, orchestrated by one of his friends to lift his spirits after his recent breakup? Or was there something more to it?
Lost in thought, Enzo barely noticed as Professor Flitwick began the day's lesson, his mind far away, consumed by thoughts of the mysterious admirer and the possibility of finding solace in their anonymous affections.
Pushing open the door to the Slytherin locker room, Enzo froze as he ran straight into someone. He quickly reached out to grab your shoulders, making sure you didn’t fall.
"Hey, Enzo," you greeted him casually, a hint of mischief dancing in your eyes. "Have you seen Theo around? I've been looking for him everywhere."
Enzo's heart skipped a beat at the sight of you, his mind momentarily forgetting about the mysterious notes he had been thinking about as he took in your presence. You looked even more enchanting up close, a playful smile tugging at your lips.
"Uh, yeah, he's probably out on the pitch already," Enzo replied, trying to keep his composure despite the sudden flutter of nerves in his stomach. "You might catch him there."
With a nod of thanks, you flashed him another quick smile before disappearing down the corridor, leaving Enzo to ponder the encounter as he made his way to his locker.
As he opened the door, his heart skipped a beat as he spotted yet another envelope tucked inside, nestled among his Quidditch gear. His hands trembled slightly as he reached for it, his mind racing with a whirlwind of thoughts.
Inside, he found another note, written in the same elegant script:
‘I love you because you're not afraid to be yourself, even when the world tries to tell you otherwise.’
Enzo's breath caught in his throat as he read the words, his mind swirling with a mixture of emotions. As he headed out onto the Quidditch pitch, his mind was filled with questions, but one thing was certain: the enigmatic notes had ignited a spark within him, one that refused to be extinguished. He had to figure out who was behind them.
As Enzo joined his friends for dinner in the Great Hall the next day, his thoughts were still consumed by the notes that seemed to be appearing with increasing frequency. Despite his attempts to focus on the conversation around him, his mind kept drifting back to the words he had received, his hand absentmindedly touching the folded papers tucked into his robe’s pocket.
Lost in his thoughts, Enzo barely noticed as an owl swooped down and deposited yet another envelope onto his plate before flitting away. A mix of anticipation and apprehension swirled within him as he recognized the familiar handwriting.
Gingerly, he opened the envelope, revealing the latest note hidden inside:
‘I love you because you have a knack for telling the worst jokes with the best punchlines, leaving me in stitches every time.’
As the conversation at the table continued around him, Enzo couldn't shake the feeling of unease that gnawed at him. With each passing day, the weight of the unanswered questions grew heavier, and he knew he couldn't keep it to himself any longer.
Summoning his courage, Enzo turned to his friends, his voice steady despite the nervous flutter in his stomach.
"Hey, guys," he began, drawing their attention with a pointed look. "I need to talk to you about something."
His friends exchanged curious glances, eyebrows raised in interest as they waited for him to continue.
"It's about these notes I've been getting," Enzo explained, his words carefully measured. "I've been getting one every day. Any idea who could be behind it?"
A chorus of teasing laughter erupted from the group, and Enzo felt a pang of frustration at their reaction. He had hoped they might take this concerns seriously, but it seemed they were content to dismiss it with a joke.
"Awe, how cute," Blaise said with a smirk, shaking his head in amusement. "Our Enzo has a secret admirer."
Enzo's jaw tightened, his frustration mounting as he struggled to find the right words to convey the seriousness of the situation.
"Probably that first year who tripped over her own feet because she was staring at you this morning," Mattheo laughed, pointing over to the Hufflepuff table. “She’s over there right now if you wanna go shoot your shot.”
Before Enzo had the chance to tell his friend to fuck off, you spoke up from across the table, your voice cutting through the chatter with surprising firmness.
"Hey, cut it out, guys," you said, fixing his friends with a pointed look. "Enzo's obviously concerned about this, and it's not fair to make fun of him."
Enzo felt his ears heat up at your defense, a rush of gratitude flooding through him.
“Well, don’t get your hopes up, mate,” your brother decided to include himself in the conversation, ignoring the disgusted look you sent him as he kept talking while chewing his food. “Can’t imagine what they look like if they feel the need to hide behind those notes instead of just talking to you.”
"Whoever's writing those notes is probably just nervous to come forward. They might be scared that Enzo doesn't feel the same way," you spoke up again, looking notably less confident than just a moment ago as you poked around your plate with your fork.
“Yeah,” Pansy cut in, glaring at Theo and squeezing your arm under the table. “I think it’s cute. You guys just aren’t able to identify something romantic even when it hits you in the face.”
But Enzo barely heard Pansy as his mind whirled with the implications of your words. Could it be possible that the anonymous sender was feeling just as unsure and vulnerable as he was?
As the teasing continued around him, Enzo couldn't shake the newfound determination that had taken root within him. He had to find out who was behind the mysterious notes, not just for his own sake, but for theirs as well.
Enzo sat in his dimly lit dorm room, the silence enveloping him as he carefully laid out the notes he had received over the past weeks. Each one carried a different sentiment, each one bearing the same elegant script that had become so familiar to him.
‘I love you because you always find beauty in the smallest of things, like the way the sun sets or the sound of raindrops.’
‘I love you because you have a smile that could rival a Cheshire cat's, especially when you're up to no good.’
 ‘I love you because, despite your insistence that you're not a morning person, you somehow manage to be the most entertaining person at breakfast.’
As he sifted through the notes, his mind buzzed with a mixture of anticipation and apprehension. The possibility that you could be behind them lingered at the back of his mind, fueled by your defense of him earlier. He couldn't help but feel a surge of hope at the thought.
‘I love you because you inspire me to be a better person every day.’
‘I love you because you listen with both your heart and your ears, making me feel truly heard and understood.’
‘ I love you because, simply put, you're everything I never knew I needed but now can't imagine living without.’
The more he read, the more convinced he became that you were the one behind the notes. The way the sentiments echoed moments they had shared, the way they seemed to capture the essence of your connection—it all seemed too perfect to be mere coincidence.
A surge of warmth flooded through Enzo as he entertained the idea that you could be the one who had been reaching out to him all along. It felt right, somehow, as if everything he had been searching for had been right in front of him all this time.
His fingers traced over the words of each note, lingering on the one that had struck a chord within him:
‘I love you because you make me feel like I'm home, no matter where I am.’
The words echoed in his mind, stirring up memories of your first year at Hogwarts, back when he was in his second year. You had confided in him about feeling overwhelmed by the unfamiliarity of it all. He remembered how he had stayed up with you, offering words of reassurance and companionship until you felt more at ease. You had said it felt more like home with him there.
As Enzo reflected on that memory, a realization began to dawn on him. The sentiment expressed in the note mirrored the connection he had felt with you from the very beginning. You had always been a source of comfort and familiarity to him, just as he had been to you.
A flicker of excitement coursed through him. But alongside that excitement, a wave of uncertainty washed over him. What if he was reading too much into it? What if his feelings were leading him astray, clouding his judgment? Also, if it was really you, how would Theo react? He decided that your brother would be a problem to deal with at another time.
Despite his doubts, Enzo couldn't shake the feeling that he needed to explore this further. With a newfound resolve, he reached for a quill and a piece of parchment, his hand trembling slightly with nervous anticipation.
Carefully, he composed a response, his words a reflection of the emotions swirling within him. He poured his heart out onto the page, expressing his gratitude for the notes and his longing to discover the identity of the sender. He finished his letter off with a question: ‘Meet me on the astronomy tower?’
And then, with a steady hand, he folded the parchment and sealed it with wax before tucking it away in his pocket. With a determined look on his face, he made his way to the owlery to send it your way.
As Enzo arrived at the astronomy tower, his heart raced with anticipation. He couldn't shake the nerves that coursed through him as he waited for you, his mind consumed by thoughts of what might come next. Would you show up? Would you admit to being the one behind the notes? The uncertainty gnawed at him, but he pushed it aside, focusing instead on the hope that blossomed within him.
When he heard the soft footsteps approaching, Enzo's heart skipped a beat. He turned to see you standing there, the moonlight casting a soft glow around you, illuminating your features in a way that took his breath away. For a moment, neither of you spoke, the weight of the moment hanging heavy in the air.
Then, with a shy smile, you stepped forward, your eyes meeting his with a mixture of nervousness and determination. "Enzo," you said, your voice barely above a whisper. "I…you were right. I guess I wasn’t as sneaky as I thought I was being, hm?"
Enzo's heart pounded in his chest as he waited for you to continue, his gaze fixed on yours with unwavering intensity. He could feel the tension building between you, a silent understanding passing between you as you stood there in the quiet of the night.
Finally, you took a deep breath, gathering your courage as you met his gaze head-on. "I... I've been the one sending you the notes," you admitted, your cheeks flushing with embarrassment. "I couldn't keep it a secret any longer. I just had to let you know, even if you didn’t know it was coming from me. I... I love you, Enzo. I have for a while."
Enzo felt his breath catch in his throat at your confession, his heart soaring with a joy he had never known. Without hesitation, he closed the distance between you, his hands reaching out to cup your face as he leaned in to capture your lips in a tender kiss.
As your lips met, time seemed to stand stil. In that moment, everything else faded away—the doubts, the uncertainties, the fears—all of it washed away by the overwhelming tide of emotion that surged between you. It was as if the entire universe had aligned to bring you together in that moment, your hearts beating in perfect harmony as he gently cupped your face in his hand.
The kiss was soft yet electrifying, igniting a fire within that burned brighter with each passing second. Enzo's touch was gentle yet possessive, his fingers tracing the curve of your cheek as he deepened the kiss, pouring all of his love and longing into his touch.
For you, it felt like coming home. In Enzo's arms, you felt safe, cherished, and utterly loved. It was a feeling unlike any other, a sensation that filled you with a sense of completeness that you had never known before.
As you finally pulled away, your breaths mingling in the crisp night air, Enzo's eyes met yours with an intensity that took your breath away. There was a depth to his gaze, a silent promise.
"I love you," Enzo whispered, his voice soft yet filled with an undeniable sincerity. "I love you more than words can express."
Tears pricked at the corners of your eyes as you gazed back at him, overwhelmed by the depth of emotion that swelled within your heart. "I love you too," you replied, your voice barely above a whisper. "More than anything."
His other hand found the small of your waist, pulling you closer against him as he rested his chin on the top of your head. You felt the small laugh escaping his mouth, his chest vibrating against  your forehead as you leaned against him. “Theo is going to kill me, isn’t he?”
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Enzo Taglist - @slytherinboysappreciation @urmomsgirlfriend1 @starsval @gillyweeds @sir-elian @harryslittlebitch @gayforyelena @whoreforfictionalmen18 @ravenclawprincess33 @sbrn0905 @helpimhopelesslyinlove @Yhiiil @themarauderswife7 @moonlightreader649 @ihatemyexs @chgrch @nat1221 @thestarlithideout @iamaslytherin0 @bath1lda @ohmaigwad @pinkposttragedy @allshitsangiggles @hoeforvinniehackerrr @mildly-delulu @h3artz4soph @sunasbbie @marsbars09 @vcosette @meepycheep @aglady13 @rinalouu @floswife @ariensversion @agent-tempest @s0urw00lf @thebiggestnaturaldisaster @pinkestfloyd @xlinxdax0704 @chulabeans @l0v3do11 @unstablereader @acourtoflostandwanderingstars @catiwinky @wolfstar-marvelsfan @captainstanksblog @istill-dream-ofyou @pinktreee @ceehance @lizhub @theadventuresofanartist @iamgayforyourmom1501 @feistyfox47 @nat1221 @i-think-you-are-gr8 @cas-planet @csmt_m @selyselyselyse @mrsriddles-blog @the-sylver-dragon @poppysrin @camille-1019 @laniirackssss @slvtfortheo @chosenoneslver @txzii
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fanaticsnail · 3 months
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Synopsis: Luffy is hungry, and he will stop at nothing to get what he wants. He doesn’t care where it happens, how it happens, or what exactly happens - all he cares about is the who and when. The who is you, and the when is right now and until his hunger is fully satisfied.
Warnings: Luffy x afab!reader, established relationship, no gendered terms used, NSFW, smut, overstim, Luffy is hungry, Luffy is eating, Luffy is persuasive, Luffy is dominant - do not read if you are not fond of Luffy in this way, afab!reader, without plot, no penetration, oral afab!reader receiving, MDNI it's not meant for you.
Notes: This is a gift for my moot-wife, @sordidmusings. In light of the post directly below this one, this is without much plot at all.
Tag List: @feral-artistry @writingmysanity @gingernut1314 @cinnbar-bun @vespidphoenix @i-am-vita @sexc-snail @since-im-already-here sssssssorry...
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Fingers absentmindedly sought out the scalp of your captain, his head reclining in your lap, his straw-hat lying beside you both while enjoying the mild heat of the afternoon. You hummed a small melody, joining your other hand in his dark curls and tugging lightly on a few key locks. You soothed his skin, fingers circling down and massaging the scruff of his neck and behind his ears. 
As you both sat on the top deck of The Sunny, enjoying the cries of gulls and crashing waves against the wooden hull, you felt the creak of wooden slates dipping slowly as Luffy turned in your lap. Placing his hands on the floor, his knees rising beneath him to hoist his body up: he slowly stalked towards you. Before you even turned your head to acknowledge this change in demeanor, you knew the sight that was awaiting you. When he prowled that slowly toward you, he was a beast consumed with a lust that was truly insatiable. 
He was ravenous.
There was nothing you could do about him when he got in this mood but take what you were given, with a smile on your face and a hot flush swelling in your cheeks. You elected not to look at him, angling your face away as he prowled on all fours towards you across the wooden planks lining the floor beneath you.
“Luffy,” you shot him in a warning tone, “We’re on the deck.” You heard a soft humming melody from the kitchen, along with a small stream of cigarette smoke wafting from the kitchen bay window. A clack of bolts and powders shifted from a metal cylinder into a glass orb, Usopp’s latest craft being siphoned into a bolt.
“Don’t care,” he growled in a feral growl, his hot breath tickling at your shoulder as his grabby hands pulled at the hemline of your shirt, “‘M hungry.” A clatter of a porcelain teacup meeting its dish had your attention splitting over to the tangerine grove aboard the ship, a wisp of Robin’s ebony hair blowing in the gentle breeze and reflecting the risen sun. 
“Luffy,” you again uttered, shifting your body away from his and scuttling over to the mast, “Someone will see.” A small coughed grunt littered the air, a rumbly snore following as Zoro rolled onto his side: blissfully and soundly slumbering while basking in the sun. 
“Hungry,” he repeated, his arms surrounding your shoulders and caging you against the base of the crowsnest. You squeaked as his lips connected to the exposed point of your neck. A trail of desperate nips, licks, and bites littered your collar, pulse and jaw. 
“Luffy,” a breathy call of his name pricked his ears and encouraged him to continue peppering your body with insatiable kisses. “Luffy, somewhere else. Anywhere else. Please, Lu.”
“No, ‘please, Lu’,” he taunted, his lips curling into a taunting smile as he continued to consume your flesh, “Please, you. Need you. Please, please.” His mocking chant growled at you, “‘M so hungry.” The way his lips hummed against your throat, the way his eyelashes fluttered into your skin, every aspect of his insatiable touch shot sparks into your flesh and raised your follicles to stand alert in anticipation. 
When Luffy said he was “hungry,” like this, you knew it was never a hunger for food. Although his appetite for meat was vast, when he said “hungry,” in this tone, what he truly meant was: “hungry for you.” 
“Lower decks?” you breathily sighed at him, his lips curling in contact further against your skin, “Bedroom, bathroom, the map room, Lu,” you listed, inching away from him in a last ditch effort to halt his advance, “Anywhere, but here.” 
Luffy hissed out a dark chuckle into your neck, nuzzling the flesh with his nose and grinning into your throat. He pressed a chaste kiss against the center of your throat before rising to his feet, hoisting you into the air, and throwing you over his shoulder. 
“Knew ya’d see it my way,” Luffy chuckled, his palm meeting swiftly against your ass cheek in a crisp clap before pawing at the flesh below, “I’m gonna eat ‘ya until you’re all dopey in the head,” his chuckle grew darker, his voice lowering in that feral rumble you knew meant trouble. 
“You’re gonna sit back and take it until I say you’re done,” his tone turned serious the longer he walked below decks, kicking the door to crew quarters open with his heel, “Gonna’ have ‘ya regrettin’ stopping me and makin’ me wait.” 
As soon as the door clicked behind you, your clothes were flung from your body and piled in careless heaps on the floor. Your body was flung onto the mattress, Luffy’s arms hooking over your thighs and raking you down to the bed where his famished lips awaited you. 
He was ravenous.
Your left hand clapped over your lips, your eyes widening almost beyond their natural capacity, and pupils going black as your world came crashing down around you. Your toes curled, thighs shaking and caging Luffy’s head deep against your gushing pussy, writhing and squirming against his face as his tongue greedily lapped your glistening core. 
Luffy was a messy eater, a common feat he wore as a badge of honor each time he ate like this. If his face was not covered by your slickened arousal from the sheer number of times he had you whimpering and sobbing for him, he would not stop until it was. 
Lips, nose, tongue, chin and teeth were bobbing, weaving and slobbering over your throbbing cunt. Your stiff clit was prodded, sucked, nosed at, rubbed, and licked: Luffy’s saliva mixing with your slick juices and coating his face and your thighs with its sheen. As he paid attention to your quivering entrance, pistoning his moist muscle in and out with the precision you had seen showcased with his heavy punches in battle, he growled into your core. 
“L-Luffy p-please. No more, please,” you begged him, writhing and grinding against his head in an attempt to pull away. His arms caged you in, feeling the way your walls gripped and beckoned him in with its throbbing and squeezing. 
“Nuh-Uh,” his muffled voice taunted you, his lips open and mouth wide as he slurped and bobbed his head. Luffy’s eyes rolled back as another wave of your arousal snapped, an orgasm coaxed and ripped from your body with a particularly sloppy circle of his tongue over your aching bud. He continued rolling his tongue, repeating that movement as you screamed his name. 
He was ravenous.
Your hands flew to his hair, gripping onto the curled locks and holding his face against your throbbing core as your hole clenched in an attempt to draw in further contact. It was hypnotizing Luffy with its rhythmic summoning, calling his name in a beckoning chant of fluttering walls as waves of release washed over your body. 
After fully riding through your high, your body fell limp in his arms. Each part of you felt empty of substance: your lungs, your mind, your pussy - everything numb and dumb of all thoughts as the hazy fog swelled throughout your afterglow. 
“One more, ‘kay? One more and I’m done,” Luffy panted, his eyes dark with his pupils black to cover his caramel orbs, “Just one more,” he kissed at your thigh, “I need one more from you. Just one more, and I’ll be all full.” You had no energy to move your lips, no air in your lungs to form words as you felt him maneuver your body up onto the bed further. He flipped you over, ass up and shoulders firm against the mattress as he dove in behind you. 
He slunk you down into the bed, hooking his arms around your ass beneath your thighs, as he rocked you against his face from behind. Laying his torso down onto the bed, his clothed cock made twitching contact against the mattress as he felt your walls flutter around him. He moaned into your pussy, thrusting his tongue into your entrance while using his chin to stimulate your clit. 
You couldn’t take much more, exhaustion hanging over you as no words strung into cohesive sentences. Babbling his name, mewling and keening for him, as he ate you from his position behind your body, had tears prick at the corners of your eyes and threaten to spill through another release. Your body responded almost against your will, your aching cunt rocking against his chin as his tongue fucked into you. 
Luffy’s ravenous appetite was insatiable, him eating at the sweetest nectar he had ever sampled while subconsciously rutting into the mattress at each drag of his tongue against your walls. You cried for him, shoulders shaking as you felt the tight swell within your stomach threaten to teeter over the edge again. Your brain fog had each moment seeming as if it were to be your last as Luffy spat and slobbered against you. 
His deep growls vibrated through your walls, his soft hum hitching as his knob ground beneath him. His precum beaded at the slit of his cock, his veins throbbing and velvetty shaft desperately thrashing and grinding against the mattress as he felt you near your release. You whimpered for him, hands gripping the fabric of the mattress and squeezing the material hard enough for it to fray. 
“L-Luffy I-I-... ngmm-a-ahhh-... I-I’m g-g-,” you couldn’t make it through your sentence, lightning striking within your stomach as you ground against his face. Your toes curled and legs shook with every radiant shock sourced from your clit to your spine, stomach, eyelashes and down your legs. You gushed in his face, mixing your arousal with his saliva connecting to his tongue in hot strings. 
Moaning into your fluttering walls, Luffy’s cock wept through his shorts as hot ropes of sticky cum shot through his throbbing slit. His eyes rolled back at the taste of your cunt, propelling a long and encumbering orgasm to shudder through his own body. He ground his understimulated cock against the bed, shifting and stuttering through his orgasm as he held onto the flesh of your ass more. 
As you both rode through your bliss, Luffy licked another stripe along your overstimulated walls, a flutter from your entrance enticed him to kitten-lick another small kiss against your bud. Flipping you onto your back, he was mesmerized by your flushed cheeks and puffed lips, bruised by the amount of times you stifled your more violent cries within your mouth. 
“O-One more?” Luffy asked, kissing your thighs and nodding against your groin, “One more, okay? Just one. One more and I’m done.” His dark eyes glowed up at you, his face coated with the glistening sheen of your arousal smearing over his lips, nose, cheeks and chin. His greedy smile rose against his damp cheeks as your hands reached for his, lacing your fingers in between each of his digits. 
He couldn’t get enough. He loved you like this. His appetite sprung up once more, leaning down and beginning the slow and sensual roll of his tongue against your body: consuming more of your essence until he drank his fill and stifled his hunger.  He was ravenous.
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masaroisu26 · 26 days
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icarusignite · 3 months
i don't want your sympathy (i just want myself back)
Pairing: Luke Castellan x Child of Hypnos! GN! Reader
Summary: Terribly injured after returning from his quest to the Garden of Hesperides, Luke Castellan turns to the only person who can help him sleep. Basically a hurt/comfort shortfic for Luke cuz he needs comforting lol
Word count: 1.7k
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The infirmary was a sterile space, the air heavy with the scent of antiseptic and tonics. It was mercifully silent, devoid of the Apollo campers who often sporadically visited to check in on whoever occupied the space. 
Luke Castellan was the only patient there today, his features twisted in discomfort as he slowly regained consciousness. His eyes fluttered open, squinting against the sunlight streaming in and the room swam into focus, though his thoughts remained muddled, fragmented memories clawing at the edges of his consciousness. He struggled to separate reality from illusion, unsure of which memories were true and which were twisted figments of his nightmares.
Immediately, he became acutely aware of a throbbing ache pulsating through his face. It felt as though his skin had been stretched to its limit, pulled taut over the wound that marred his features. With each breath he took, the pain intensified, a sharp reminder of the injury he had sustained. 
The injury he had sustained on the quest he had failed. 
His hand instinctively moved to touch the bandages that covered the wound, fingers gingerly tracing the contours of the thick gauze. Beneath the sterile fabric, he could feel the heat radiating from the angry gash, the skin around it tender and inflamed. The cut itself was a jagged slash, stretching from the bottom of his eye to his jawline, and seemed to throb with a life of its own. 
The pain made him angry. He was always angry these days, and he had only just returned. 
The voices from his dreams still echoed in his head, sinister whispers that promised power and vengeance, their dark allure tempting him to succumb. They spoke to his deepest desires and stoked the flames of his fury in ways that were becoming impossible to ignore. 
And then, amidst the chaos of his thoughts, he saw the figure seated by his bedside, their head resting on folded arms, form rising and falling in a steady rhythm of breath. A life, a beacon of familiarity and solace in the midst of his confusion.
It was you. Of course, it was. You had not left his side since he was carried in, broken and bleeding from the camp's border. Your face, though serene in sleep, bore traces of worry and exhaustion, and Luke's heart clenched at the sight, a rush of emotion flooding his senses—gratitude, guilt, longing.
You should not have to worry about him like this, forgoing your own wellbeing to look after him. 
You had been there the whole time, a steadfast presence in the chaos that followed his return. He remembered, faintly, the fleeting moments of clarity when his eyes had briefly met yours, finding comfort and reassurance in your gaze before he slipped into unconsciousness once again as his injury was stitched up. 
He did not want to disturb you, but he couldn't help himself, his hand reaching out almost as if it had a mind of his own, fingers trembling as he brushed them against your cheek. There was something about you that brought him comfort, something he could not put a name to, but it was instinctual, almost magnetic. 
You were peace. You were his peace. 
You stirred when made contact, eyelids snapping open instantaneously, filled with concern and affection as you bolted upright in your seat. 
"Luke," you breathed, your voice soft and gentle, like a soothing melody amidst the chaos of his mind. "You're awake."
A fragile smile tugged at Luke's lips, and although the gesture hurt, it was worth it to see the brief flash of relief that flooded your features. 
"Luke, are you alright?" you asked hurriedly, scrambling from your perch to inspect him. You were no medic but you spent long enough in the infirmary, easing injuries and sending campers off into a peaceful slumber that you had become accustomed to looking for signs of concern. 
"I...I'm fine," his voice was hoarse from lack of use, his throat parched, which had you rushing to pour him a cup of water.  
"Should I call someone from the Apollo cabin to take a look at your injury?"
Your words washed over him, but your concern was both comforting and frustrating in equal measure. He appreciated your kindness, your willingness to help, but at the same time, he couldn't shake the bitterness that rose in his throat at the thought of being pitied.
If even your gaze was heavy with it, he could not imagine what the rest of camp half-blood would think of him. A failure. A demigod who could not complete a quest that had already been completed once before by another. 
"I'm fine," Luke muttered, his voice tinged with irritation. "I don't need anyone fussing over me."
He tried to muster a reassuring smile, but it faltered, crumbling under the weight of his conflicting emotions. He didn't want your sympathy, didn't want to be seen as weak or vulnerable. He was Luke Castellan, a fighter, a survivor—he refused to be reduced to a mere object of pity. 
Silently he cursed the gods for reducing him to this. His stupid father and his stupid quest. 
Still, even as he pushed you away, a part of him longed for your presence, your touch. He couldn't deny the warmth that flooded his heart whenever you were near, the way your smile could chase away the darkness that threatened to consume him.
He had become quite accustomed to being around you over the years, because even though you had been claimed, being the child of a minor god was as good as being the child of nothing, thus cementing your place in the Hermes cabin with him. Another thing to curse the gods for, because if anyone deserved a place to truly belong, it was you, with your kind eyes, and careful hands so eager to help. 
He supposed it didn't matter in the end. You had wormed your way into his heart, unbeknownst to him, and if there was one place you surely belonged, it was there. 
As you paused in your fussing, your eyes caught the subtle signs of exhaustion etched into Luke's features—the faint shadows beneath his eyes, a telltale sign of restless nights and troubled dreams. Despite the fact that he had been asleep for the better part of the past three days, the toll of his ordeal still lingered, casting a shadow over his weary frame.
"Would you like some help...you know...falling asleep?" you asked gently.
The offer caught Luke off guard, his pride momentarily forgotten in the face of his overwhelming fatigue. A wave of relief washed over him at the thought of finding solace in sleep, of escaping the turmoil of his thoughts if only for a little while longer. It was almost embarrassing how quickly he acquiesced. 
"Please," he murmured, the word slipping past his lips with a mixture of gratitude and pain. He shifted slightly on the bed, wincing as he made room for you to join him. 
Your cheeks flushed a slight crimson as you took your place, precariously perched at the edge, careful not to jostle and cause him further pain, your gaze meeting his with a clarity that made his heart skip a beat. Then, when you reached out, your hand finding his own with a reassuring touch, it sent a shiver down his spine.
He found his eyes start to grow heavy. 
Your touch was warm and comforting, a balm to his weary soul as you ran a hand over his closed eyes, fingers tracing soothing patterns against his skin. The tension in his muscles began to ebb away, replaced by a sense of peace and calm that he hadn't felt in days. He wasn't quite sure if it was the effect of your powers, or just your presence that put him at such ease, but it was magic all the same. 
With each stroke of your hand, Luke felt himself drifting further into the embrace of sleep, his mind growing hazy and light. It was a different sort of slumber, one unburdened by the shadows and voices that awaited him in the darkness with dark promise. 
When your hand moved through his hair, a sense of familiarity washed over him like a warm tide. The soft melody you hummed resonated deep within him, stirring memories long buried beneath the weight of his pain.
It was a popular tune, one he might have heard before but he couldn't quite place it. Then it came to him, a sharp ache in his chest, not so different from the physical pain in his flesh. His mother used to sing to him like this, during her brief bouts of lucidity, when she wasn't chasing him around the house spouting prophecies of doom and destruction. 
He remembered her, her face a blur in the recesses of his mind, her voice a distant echo that whispered of warmth and safety. In those rare moments, she had held him close, her hands running through his hair in much the same way yours did now.
Unbidden, tears slipped from behind Luke's closed eyes, a silent testament to the grief and longing that filled his heart. 
"Everything will be alright, Luke," you whispered, wiping his tears before they had a chance to seep into his bandage. "You'll see."
It's a lie. He knew it was a lie. Nothing would ever be alright again, and he would never go back to being the person he used to be, but there was a part of him that wanted to believe her, if only for a fleeting moment. 
After all, he was the son of the god of tricksters—a master of deception and illusion. And as he lay there, cradled in your embrace, he couldn't help but succumb to the illusion of peace and comfort that you offered.
For now, with you by his side, he could trick himself into believing that everything would be alright—that the pain and suffering he had endured would soon be nothing more than a distant memory. And as sleep claimed him once more, he clung to that belief, finding solace in the presence of the one person who had never stopped believing in him.
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A/N: feel free to send in requests for Luke lol, I'm currently in my brainrot era. Also reblogs/comments are much appreciated as I'd love to know what yall think <3
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marysong-mp3 · 4 months
i know we all go feral over coney island but GENUINELY. some lightening bolt of creativity shot down from the skies and joined these powerhouse artists together so that they could craft a perfect melody and prose that makes my bones ache and my heart break and my eyes well up and my soul leave my body. i think about the second verse at least once a day. it is a revelation every single time that i listen to them harmonise "a universe away". i understand something deep within myself in the closing chorus when i hear them sing "the sight that flashed before me was your face/when the sun goes down". they truly captured something poignant and fundamental and human and every single piece of praise that people give it is more than well deserved
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