#black tie?? idk I put on some foundation and eyeliner and put my hair up with elastics instead of just twisting it into a claw clip
pumpkinpaix · 11 months
how do people do makeup and hair every day like what in the world. I’m testing out things between packing and cleaning bc I will be going to a wedding in a week and it’s just. ????? I know you get faster if you do it a lot but I’m also just
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pearcesvn · 1 year
"Babe, tingin dito!"
bsd characters as your filo s/o
characters : chuuya , yosano , osamu !
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filo!bf!chuuya who will wait for you outside your university, and texts you "babe, are you done with classes na ba?"
filo!bf!chuuya picks you up in his motorcycle, he bought a helmet just for you because he doesn't want you to get hurt / get caught without one
filo!bf!chuuya na nagkakarera.. uhhmmm..!!
filo!bf!chuuya who buys you your favorite food, even if it's expensive, he'll buy it for you !!!
filo!bf!chuuya whos waiting for you outside your university, if you're in dlsu, he would say hi to the cats, and might even give them treats!
filo!bf!chuuya who wears a black button-down, black trousers or maybe brown ? usually he wears jewelry, he would look so good in gold like ugh!!! he has those expensive watches.. ohmyghooodffgt
filo!bf!chuuya sends you sweet messages like "I'll wait for you nalang" and when you say no he would reply "Hindi nga! you can't say that! I'll go there and wait for you, even if matagal pa labasan nyo!" He doesn't want you to say no , he is like an actual toddler omfg
filo!bf!chuuya who gifts you so many expensive gifts, sometimes you ask him "why? is there a special occasion" and he would shake his head, while putting on the necklace he bought for you with his initials on it. then later you would search up the things he bought and see that some are discontinued, and think 'how did he even get that?!?'
filo!bf!chuuya kisses your forehead, your jaw.. sometimes.. under your boob..! he carries you whenever you open your arms, and leads you to the bedroom, and I'll leave your imagination on that one (note: sev cant write smut)
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filo!gf!yosano is so clingy! she would give you so many kisses and would ask you to cuddle up with her
filo!gf!yosano who is in the same uni as you, she would sometimes see you in campus and jump on you
filo!gf!yosano who brings you to the mall and sees a pet adoption center and immediately starts dragging you to go there idk i have a feeling she would want to see cute munchkins
filo!gf!yosano who texts you "Babyyyy can we get mcdo? ppllleeaaaseeee!"
filo!gf!yosano who scares you a bit when you're hurt, but she gives you small kisses while she treats you. (maybe)
filo!gf!yosano kisses you everyday and everywhere, sometimes when shes in the mood for more intimate interactions, she kisses your neck and it immediately hits you!
filo!gf!yosano who would say "Baby, look here! Magttake ako ng photo!" she would take so many pictures of you
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filo!bf!osamu who has kind of long (?) not rlly but medium length hair and asks you if you have a hairtie "Baby, may sanrio ka ba? I need to tie my hair!"
filo!bf!osamu who lets you do whatever you want, he'd let you put makeup on him "[name]! ang light ng foundation mo!"
filo!bf!osamu wakes up and sees himself in the mirror, seeing that you drew on his face using eyeliner, and tries to remove it but it's waterproof
filo!bf!osamu who wears a white button-down or a dress shirt, with some black trousers, and a bit of jewelry, and a rolex !!??
filo!bf!osamu would send a photo of his fit, and asks you "Mukha ba akong gwapo?" or would give not so kilig pick up lines, napaka corny!!!!!
filo!bf!osamu asks you if you want to move in with him sa condo or apartment nya, so he could help you with univ hw
filo!bf!osamu who gives you so many kisses! whenever you're around he is so clingy, when he's with his friends he's usually just neutral, and kunikida would mention you and he raises his eyebrows or something.. uhmmmmss!!!?
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note : FIRZT HEADCANON KO owemjiz oh my gowd!!!! bye natatakot ako ipost i2..
for : @tsjmra i labyo hehwhhehee
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autumn-flick · 7 years
Ravishing, My Love [Darkiplier x OC]
The continuation of Trinity and Darkiplier, this time, they go on a date.
ooo, so fancy. I am pleased with this, at least. SOOO.
IDK, I like it, but it’s still nice to know someone else likes it too...
[sad pity desiring face]
Should I link the others....??
WARNINGS; anxiety triggers, suicide triggers, triggers in general?
self pity??? IDK, just stuff I generally think but don’t want to share b/c too pathetic
She felt... self conscious and unsure as she glanced over the clothing in her closet, she had nothing even close to being fancy, or date ready. Only baggy clothing, things that weren’t too revealing and that covered up her large belly and legs.
Trinity shifted uncomfortably, the thought lingered in her mind to call the date off. I mean, this was a date. It was a real date with the man... she... didn’t love, no...
Felt a strong attraction to, whenever he spoke, her heart fluttered and she would constantly think of him. Maybe because he was the only access to the outside world, Dark was the only other human that she hung out with.
Most of her friends were halfway across the country - so, she didn’t leave her home much... except for him, to be around him. Even if he would get up once they were finished, he would always comeback and let her lay on him for a few minutes before telling her she had to go.
Trinity bit her lip, never thinking that what they had would escalate into a date kind of thing, she was hesitant, even more so now that the thoughts were rising up. Ones full of doubt and hesitation. In the end, she fought it away and picked out a red blouse, a black shrug [like the type of small jacket you wear to cover your shoulders up], a black [long] accordion skirt. Some fancy flats to go with that.
And matching red underwear that she almost never wore, it made a blush creep up her face as she dressed appropriately, staring at herself in the mirror with her hands roaming her stomach, smoothing out any wrinkles - she wanted to look perfect for Dark.
Trinity sighed just a bit before deciding to put her hair up in a neat bun, to keep it away from her face.
It would draw more attention to her eyes, which she had always favored. A bit of blush, eyeliner and foundation took care of everything for the most part. But then... Trinity opted for using lipstick, nothing too showy, just a deep red - not something Dark should notice right away.
And then, she was feeling presentable.
Fortunately, Dark hadn’t sent his chauffeur this time - the one time he did, it left Trinity feeling awkward for almost the entire night. She didn’t do good with talking to people, it was a wonder she ever got a job working behind a counter and managed to keep it.
She figured she would never see those people again, and for the most part, she had been right.
The drive to Dark’s place seemed to last a lot longer than she remembered. Barely being able to contain her anxiety, Trinity turned up some music, though it only seemed to agitate her further.
Was this another step into a relationship? What would it do, bring them closer together? Would it make Dark realize that there were better women out there for him?
Those thoughts swarmed her head, almost distracting her from driving. Almost making her want to turn around, drive back and mope in self-pity because she wasn’t worth anything to anybody.
But here, Dark was asking her to have dinner with him. A date, she could ruin her one chance to have a relationship with something more... or she could shove her anxiety down and buck-up.
Pulling up to a stoplight, Trinity leaned back in the driver’s seat and closed her eyes, trying to calm her racing heart before she made a decision.
As all choices do, it would shape her future.
Within five minutes, Trin was pulling up to the large tower that Dark lived in all alone, she assumed, when she first saw it, that he was someone with a lot of wealth. But even though he was wealthy, all of the rooms were empty. He was the only one living in the tower labeled ‘Ego Inc.’, it was kinda sad. She felt bad for Dark that it looked like he didn’t have family left, or at least any that cared about him.
She did catch glimpse of a photo that had a bunch of guys in it, and they all looked like Dark, but extremely different from him. Then there were a few others in there, but Trinity didn’t get to look long before Dark had stepped in front of her, clearly meaning to keep her from looking, and Trinity didn’t push him about it. Though she found herself thinking of it often.
Wondering where his family had gone off to and why Dark never talked about them, but she wasn’t one to bring it up. If he trusted her, he would open up to her about it.
The young woman stepped up to the large building, feeling so small compared to it, she pressed the button on the side, requesting access inside. There was a moment’s silence before the doors opened, allowing the woman inside. She took a deep breath before stepping inside the well lit lobby, perfectly placed furniture.
And surprisingly, there was a desk there, like one you’d see at hotels. The walls were a warm yellow color and there was a collection of chairs a couches covering in a gentle orange fabric near a fireplace.
The floor was a light wood laminate, a few plants were spread along the area with abstract paintings on the wall.
This place was eerily unfamiliar, it was nothing like Dark. As he preferred black and grey colors to lively ones. On the far wall, there was an elevator with the light showing the floors on which the elevator was currently on. And it was steadily getting to the lobby.
Her heart fluttered in her chest as she subconsciously reached up to tug at the bird pendant around her neck, fist closing around it and giving it a couple of tugs while she held her breath, she was scared for what might step out of those doors, even though she knew it would be Dark. She was scared of what he would see, she was scared she almost wouldn’t be good enough.
Of course, these thoughts would often come before Dark had started to speak sickly sweet words, and they quickly vanished once he opened his mouth to lavish his praise upon her beauty.
Reducing her to a blushing, squirming mess under his hands and strong gaze.
It almost seemed like the man knew exactly what she needed to hear, even if it was rough words, forceful. She may cry about it, but in the end, she would realize that he was right. That he was right all along.
His voice brought her out of her stupor, his silky voice curling around her ears like a familiar tune, “Trinity...” He breathed, looking... awestruck, an emotion she had never saw on him before. The man in the suit was always so well composed, and he quickly regained it as he strolled up to her, towering over her by a few inches and looking extremely intimidating, but welcoming at the same time.
Dark smirked slowly, a hand coming up to stroke her face, his eyes drinking in her shy expression as she blushed and dipped her head just slightly, “You look stunning.”
“I’m going to say the same about you.” Trinity replied, swallowing thickly below looking up into his dark brown orbs that shimmered with... amusement, maybe? He looked pleased with her choice of clothing and words, as his mouth danced up into a half smile, a rare feature to find on him, but she loved it.
Dark wore a black jacket, dark blue tie, a grey collarshirt and a black waistcoat, it fit him perfectly. It was just... so him.
“Thank you, love. Shall we?” He asked, tilting his head a bit as he offered Trinity his hand, to which, she gladly accepted, a slight shiver running down her back as she did so.
But his half smile turned into a full smile and that was when she swore, she felt something... strong. Connect between the two of them.
The young woman inhaled, but tried not to linger of those thoughts [as she did with all positive ones], and instead fell in step with her date as he led her to the elevator.
The ride up was relatively quiet, it wasn’t strange, it was a comfortable silence that left the both of them feeling quiet and peaceful. Once the elevator arrived on the designated floor [Trinity wasn’t paying attention to what floor it was], Dark was the first one to step out, leading the young woman closer behind to reveal a beautiful set up.
A beautiful dinner set up, a wooden grandtable with a plate of food on each end where the chairs were.
In front of a fireplace that was already crackling away and a beautiful, boquet of roses sitting smackdab in the middle of the table, the lights were dimmed, but there was enough light to see Dark’s features cast in shadows, highlighting them perfectly.
A small sigh of happiness escaped her lips as she glanced towards the man, already walking over to one end and pulling the seat out for her, beckoning his date to sit down. And Trinity moved forward, a blush on her face as she accepted her seat and mumbled a quiet thank you as he pushed her closer to the table.
Then, he swiftly walked over to the opposite end, an alluring look in his eyes as he roamed over her form, knowing how it made her blush. The way he looked at her with lust, but he also knew it wasn’t enough to keep her interested.
And so, tonight, he was going to look at her in a different light, one he had been denying himself for so long. But, finally, he believed it was time to let go of his petty nice and allow himself to believe that it was actually okay to be so deep in adoration for a human.
That he truly and genuinely wanted to give her everything in the world and wanted nothing more than her unconditional love. And he would give the same in return.
That scared him to no end and it was a chance that could cost him everything. But he had already lost everything, so, he was willing to gamble it again.
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