#blaaaaaah take me to the timeline where the phantom is as popular as like. [insert popular ace attorney character here]
escarlatafox · 2 years
the Phantom Ace Attorney for that character bingo?
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(Okay I typed this up but just quickly: Rachel if you're reading this... skip the post bud. Spoilerish for a future game? Which is funny because this technically(?) doesn't really spoil anything much but lol. Anyway there's ya spoiler warning, take it or leave it ;D)
"they are sooooo cool looking" I know they don't have a canon appearance (LOL) but the masked/obscured face pics we do have are cool. besides, i'd stan them regardless of whatever their actual appearance is aheh
If they were real, I SHOULD be afraid of them. I know that. But I am too fascinated, so fascinated by them that I just don't think I would be able to be remotely afraid at this point.
"they got done dirty by the fans" is like... do we mean ace attorney fans or phantom fans? because although the latter is a group within the former group, it's two different things. I do think they were done very dirty by like... the ace attorney fandom as a whole (recent surveys show that AA5 seems to get too much flack in the sense that most of the people who have it as their least favourite game haven't even played it? lol) but phantom fans mostly just seem cool to me. just wish there were more of 'em :')
"nothing i like about them is technically canon" is like... LOL. I didn't select this bc I like canon phantom. what we get in the games isn't a Lot (<- understatement) but I look at it and still go You. I Stan You. :) since that's "canon" without any added stuff it's like... I do like canon stuff about them which is why I didn't select that in the bingo djdfhjfdjk
The list of potential (ie. non-canon) stuff I like about 'em is huge though.
You could make the argument that there is technically no canon stuff about them because that's the point of the character and therefore to like phantom warrants selecting that option, but... idk. I still like the "canon" idea of the phantom that the game gives us, so. <3 I like the concept. It's already enough for me.
Clearly, I should have also selected "they've never done anything wrong in their life". Clearly. I didn't, but the temptation was absolutely there. I mean if you look past the everything....! (LOL)
Okay something else I'm adding After typing up the tags: it's so extremely surreal to me whenever the phantom gets acknowledged within the like. main fandom (outside like, Dual Destinies-focused circles) bcause.... not only is it super rare for the phantom to get mentioned in casual fan discussion but it's like this weird reminder that Yes They Are Canon To The Franchise. They really do Exist within ace attorney canon and every day im glad for that fact. I've spent so much time being a phantom fan at this point that them getting acknowledged by people in the main ace attorney fandom is like... "whoa they exist in the main canon... this isnt just my niche... other ppl know this character... they were Put Into The Games they are not just In My Mind" LOL
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