#bg3 aurelia
bg3scenarios · 5 months
Cazador: My (512M) spawn (239M, 367M, 349M, 402M, 371 F, 302 F, 363 F) have unionized
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secretlyaraven · 20 days
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The Dollmaker
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fangsandfeels · 5 months
Got hit with more thoughts about spawns and Cazador...
...and naturally, I'm posting it here because I'm no longer a functional human being.
I remember the lingering question that Astarion seemingly being only one of the spawns using seduction to lure victims in. At least, there is no menition of other’s doing so, except for Petras. So, why is that? Why Astarion was the only one?
In my opinion, it stems from Cazador’s very particular choice of victims. In all these years, he acquired only seven spawns (except for the thousands of Turned nobody knew about), and almost all of them used to be accomplished or talented people:
- Violet, a beloved and talented songbird from Reithwin;
- Dalyria, a respected doctor working in the Parliament;
- Leon, a sorcerer (a spell modifiaction he came up with shows how good he is at his magic);
- Astarion, a magistrate with a promising future, centuries of life ahead of him, and a beauty worthy of a thousand paintings.
Following this tendency, we can assume that Yousen, Aurelia, and Petras also were similarly talented or good at something enough to attract Cazador’s attention and make him envious.
The bastard thinks very highly of himself. He calls himself the most intelligent and beautiful creature out there, and spends hours writing letters to other vampire lords, trying to convince them of his grandeur. He attempts to inflate his ego, making it finally big enough to overcompensate for his miserable inferiority complex, in any way he can: so, whenever he spies someone with a talent or potential, someone who might be better than him at anything, he snuffs them away, adds to his collection, and then breaks them over and over, making them believe that they’re nothing. He is the father who gives them purpose; they are his spawn who owe him everything; and everything they have belongs to him.
And maybe, aside from tortures, and humiliation, and gaslighting, and forcing “siblings” to hurt each other, he came up with one more way to break them - when he forces them to hunt, he forces them to use everything that made them special, loved, respected, and admired for the most gruesome things.
- Violet, previously a talented singer whose voice was fondly remembered up to Reithwin’s fall, using her voice to catch attention; using her image and charm to lure people into the palace to their death.
- Dalyria, picking her victims around apothecaries and temples that responded to the people's suffering by closing doors in their faces, seeking out refugees and ailing citizens low on coin, offering to help them, kindly inviting them to “her place” (if we take Karlach’s family as an example, finding a healer who would agree to help a less-than-wealthy family is quite a problem at the city).
- Leon, using his talents and magic to nab people from the street, to drag them to Cazador without a fight while knowing that he will never be able to use the same power against the bastard himself.
- Astarion, a previously sophisticated, proud, and beautiful elf, stripped of his dignity and pride, using his body to either seduce poor young and inexperienced souls (fulfilling their image of an ethereal and caring lover) or let himself be pawed at by drunkards and brothel-goers.
I don’t think any of Cazador’s choices were accidental. I don't think he had to roam the streets at night, looking for potential candidates; that he ever Turned any of them by chance.  
They all caught his eye at some point, became an object of his obsession, and then fell victim to a scenario where they were confronted by a promise of salvation - and each time, it made Cazador giddy with excitement and a sense of self-importance. He took them away from the world because he could. He will twist and shape them to his whim because he can. And then, he will take everything from them, reducing them to miserable wretches because this is who they should be, compared to him.
They will belong under his heel, scared, helpless, and obedient, worshipping him and fearing him. Forever.
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tadpole-apocalypse · 6 months
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Cazador’s spawn…i just think they’re neat …
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astarions-wife · 4 months
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Rumor has it that Duke Stelmane was killed next door too 🙄 Lord Gortash better be planning on better security bc….
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rolyleritae · 15 days
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the-phantom-otaku · 3 months
This is something I've thought about off and on for a while now.
How do y'all think Astarion's spawn siblings would react upon finding out he actually has a real, genuine lover? I know we have very little to go off of, so answers are definitely going to vary, but I wanna hear 'em regardless.
Idk why but I feel like half would go, "Wait, he actually pulled a partner?? How?" bc they just know him as that smart-mouthed asshole they share a room with. They're just surprised that the guy they know to be a real jerk somehow got someone even when not hiding his true colors.
And the other half who know him better would be like, "Oh, that's great! I'm glad Astarion found someone."
Edit: Adding some more specifics.
I think Petras and Yousen would be in the 'WTF" camp. Petras bc it's clear he and Astarion don't get along and even Astarion says he could've been better to Petras. I imagine he all but screamed, "You managed to pull that?!" while pointing at Tav. Yousen bc he's a dwarf and we know how Astarion treats Dwarves. Edit Edit: I mixed up gnomes and dwarves. I still think he treated Yousen like shit bc he still reminded him of a gnome.
Dalyria and Aurelia I feel like would be happy for him. Dal bc she does seem to care for Astarion to some extent (and likely for her other spawn siblings, too). Aurelia I have little justification for other than I like to think of her as the oldest, so seeing him find someone even after all the pain and torture gives her hope for herself. She's also glad to see him happy bc she's likely witnesses some of his worst moments (while experiencing them herself, too).
Violet and Leon are the oddballs I'm unsure of. Violet gives me mischievous younger sibling vibes, tho, so perhaps she's happy but absolutely not above exaggerating her surprise to get under his skin. Leon I feel hasn't spent a lot of time with him or the other spawn, so maybe he's just kinda like "cool idc". It sounds like he only spent maybe a year in the spawn bunks before going back to the favored room. Or perhaps him only getting a brief taste led to him having a negative opinion bc he never got to know Astarion.
Anyway, those are my thoughts and reasons.
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thebalancedangel · 1 month
Aurelia: *gives a little vial to Abdirak*
Abdirak: Oh, what's this? :3
Aurelia: Platypus venom.
Abdirak: ...
Aurelia: You know, it causes much pain for relatively very little actual damage and-
Abdirak: I know what it does, dear one.
Aurelia: -I thought of you after reading about it...?
Aurelia: Huh? Then why are you looking at me like that?
Abdirak: Because I think we should get married.
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alpaca-clouds · 2 months
Cazador's Spawn Headcanons - Pt. 2
Okay, based on what I posted yesterday, let me go a bit into how I think Astarion's relations with his siblings were.
As I said, my headcanon is that Yousen was created just three years after Astarion, because Cazador intended for them to be rivals. And he was quite successful with that. They were. And Yousen was also quite willing to partake in "punishing" Astarion, whenever he got the chance to do so. But again, Yousen was also punished not that rarely basically because he so willingly killed his victims - rather than bringing them back.
Violet was a bit more hesitant about partaking in everything, especially in the punishment of her siblings. She quickly fell in line though, when it came to doing her job. There was not a lot of trust between her and Astarion, but at least the relationship was not as bad as with Yousen.
Pale Petras meanwhile just completely drank the coolaid. He thought that actually Cazador did want good for them and to make them more powerful. Also he was... well, he is an idiot, but he also knew that it was wise to just do what was expected from him. He also considered Astarion an idiot for still managing to piss off Cazador all the time. (And he totally did not get that Astarion could literally not do right by Cazador.)
With Darylia we actually know a bit more about her motivation. She saw all of this very much as a scientific excercise. And in my headcanon one of her favorite quote was "for the greater good".
Now, Aurelia was the "weak one". She went into total shock mode after she had been turned. She was not responsive and absolutely not willing to do Cazador's bidding, which is why Astarion very much identified with her and became protective of her, going so far as to take some of her punishment. However, this ended up biting him in the ass, as after a while she went on to blame him for her mistake to evade Cazador's punishment.
Leon... Well, I have a bit of a story for Leon. But... I think I will save that one for later.
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arradraws · 4 months
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kringle-c · 5 months
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an apple a day~
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bg3scenarios · 3 months
Cazador: Remember
Cazador: You do not just live to serve me
*Cazador puts on chef coat*
Cazador: You also live to serve tables 2, 3 and 5
Astarion, Violet, Pale Petras & Aurelia: What?
*Cazador puts on chef hat*
Cazador: 3 rare ribeyes, 6 rare filets
Aurelia: What is happening?
*Astarion shrugs*
*Cazador rings bell*
Cazador: Order up, bitches!
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namig42 · 3 months
The Slayer (Ch. 2)
Hey look! Here's another chapter of my Durge fic! This one occurs during a more canon event and expands on Vero's mindset. Enjoy!
Read on Ao3
That night, when Vero woke up to the sound of Astarion’s voice, something flared in her. “Get the hells away from me!” At the sound of his voice, Vero had snapped to attention, her trance broken in an instant.
Two spawn had made their way into their room and were slowly working their way towards Astarion. Vero’s blood immediately boiled at the sight of those burning red eyes.
“Peace brother. We’re here to take you home,” said the tiefling girl. Vero was off the bed now and standing next to her companion. She glared at the two intruders, though they didn’t seem to even notice her presence.
“The master needs all seven of us for the ceremony,” the other spawn spoke. He was a tall human with long, silky brown hair. “Come with us and be reborn. We’ll live again.” Before she knew it, Vero felt a snarl forming as she gritted her teeth. When she heard herself quietly growl, she forced herself to relax, attempting to regain some sense of composure and poise. The bloodthirst would not fade so easily, though.
“Get away from us,” Vero spat, her hand unknowingly moving in front of Astarion, blocking him from the other two. The intruders snarled at her in response, finally acknowledging her existence. Whatever business they had with Astarion, Vero made a point to make it hers as well, and her involvement was most certainly not welcome.
“The Rite…” the tiefling spawn continued. “The master needs him. He must attend.”
“Oh, I’m well aware of what the master needs.” Astarion interjected. “But don’t we deserve better?”
“Better? What do you mean, ‘better’?” The man asked.
“After all these centuries of torment, I know what you all want. More than to walk in the sun.” Astarion’s expression darkened at his next words. “You want to see him dead.”
Astarion continued about taking the Rite of Ascension for himself and attempted to persuade his siblings into betraying Cazador. Meanwhile, Vero’s thoughts were becoming clouded only with thoughts of red. The most visceral thought was one that involved slicing at the tendons of the male spawn’s arms, leaving him helpless to teleport without the use of his hands, then slashing at him over, and over, and over-
Vero shook her head. Forget bloody murder, I need to keep Astarion safe.
“Enough!” The male spawn shouted. “Enough talk and enough lies. You were always weak, brother. We don’t follow weak.”
At that insult, Vero felt a dark rage burn in her. She prepared herself to lunge at the spawn along with Halsin and Shadowheart, who were now also awake and ready to join in on the fight.
“This is our only chance to be free, to end centuries of slavery. You will not ruin it, Astarion!” The girl screamed. Just as she did, two more spawn appeared in the suite, and that’s when the intruders made their attack.
When the male spawn launched himself at Astarion, it was the closest Vero had been to losing control in weeks. He swiped at Astarion, almost knocking the pale elf to the ground, and that same burning sensation that came with the first transformation of the Slayer crept up on her. It boiled her veins, and she almost felt herself lose control. Thankfully, Halsin immediately wild shaped into a myrmidon and began to attack the other three spawn. Vero watched his flames make quick work of the tiefling, a gnome, and another elf spawn that had arrived with gaudy curls. She looked back to Astarion who had regained his footing and began slashing quickly and efficiently at the man with his daggers. Vero launched a savage attack of vicious mockery on the disrespectful prick, giving Astarion an even easier time making bloody work of him.
That’s right, Vero was a bard. A bard with a sharp tongue and a love for finer things, not a bloodthirsty savage that desired carnage above all else. Insults, charm, and magic were what she used, not a dagger to rip into the flesh of unfortunates who crossed her path. She was a refined and elegant musician, not a monster, and she had to remind herself of that fact often.
Within minutes, the four spawn that had invaded their suite had all vanished. One by one, after taking more damage than they could handle, they vanished in puffs of smoke, leaving only a few splatters of blood on the fine carpet and mahogany floors. Vero looked at the pools of blood and maybe stared for a moment too long before she heard Astarion sigh next to her. “What a mess,” he said, bringing Vero away from her thoughts and to him again. “Well, at least you’ve met my family now.”
“The way they contorted… they were compelled by Cazador, weren’t they?” Seeing the vampiric lord’s compulsions in action sent a shiver down Vero’s spine. There was little difference between his word to the spawn and Bhaal’s word to her from the looks of it.
“Yes. They cannot fight his compulsion. But I can! Thanks to our wriggling friend.” Astarion laughed a bit hysterically before continuing. “He will be furious. And he’ll be even more furious when I get to that crypt and stop him.” He took a brief pause, one that Vero noticed as her eyes locked onto his, then spoke again in a softer, more sincere tone. “For what it’s worth, thank you. No matter what happens down there, you helped me stand up against him.” He took a step forward and placed a soft peck on Vero’s cheek, then pulled away to smile at his precious little Bhaal babe. Vero smiled in return, thankful to find someone as wonderful as him, someone who should despise her for what she was, but always managed to see the good in her, just as she did in him.
Afterwards, the two drifted off into a trance once more. Vero was now more than terrified of what a family reunion with the cult of Bhaal would have in store, but perhaps everything would be alright. As long as she had her companions by her side, as long as she had Astarion, the one person who could truly see past the compulsions and the urges and see what made Vero herself, she would be alright. She could control the Slayer, control the urges, and be the version of herself she wanted the world to know.
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lizieltallary · 5 months
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Day № 21 of Inktober. A4 notebook, ink
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herukas · 4 months
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Littlest Tyrant
Don't take it too seriously tho, i just like these two put into an arranged marriage and well, *shakes hands* adventures ensue. His name is smth smth A.N.Gortash
Sometimes i also think about how Gortie being a human is probably gonna wither and d*e pretty fast compared to these two so there's that as well.
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astarions-wife · 5 months
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Closeups of some of the (lesser known) vampire spawn Xx.
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