#bg1 spoilers
y-rhywbeth2 · 4 months
The most obvious abuse aside, Bhaal's also in possession of a+ parenting skills when it comes to communicating what he wants his kids to do.
You want your child - who has no idea who you are or that they're not simply dreaming - to murder the soul of the Cyricist that they killed this morning using your own dagger and they decide to choke him to death with their bare hands instead? Well, I mean, you could've explained what you wanted instead of hinting... or!
"You turn to leave, but find the exit blocked. The lone dagger has become five: a skeletal set of claws that hovers before you. A talon extends and presses against your chest, and a hollow voice chills the air. "You should use the tools you are given." It traces a line of ichor on your tunic, increasing in pressure. "Listen to what is bred in the bone." There is a flash of motion as the claws push deep into your chest."
Or you could just fucking murder them! Because that's his solution to everything. (Interestingly, if you're being a goody two shoes at this point then Bhaal is significantly more pissed, but you wake up before the dagger hits - but he also yells at you after you wake up too)
Remember; if your father is Bhaal, then do remember that he expects you to be fully dependent on him; that you owe him for everything you are and have; and that you're supposed to somehow understand what he expects of you perfectly without him explaining a damn thing and you will be horribly punished for your lack of telepathy. Wow, this got realistic all of a sudden.
What was life like for Durge as his high priest? Did Durge just have to guess what the urges want and then gauge how hot or cold their guesses are by the way Bhaal murders them in their dreams? (I mean, yes, he wants murder - but Bhaal gets picky about this shit no torture, forced suicide, falls, or collisions and you have to do it personally and it has to be done for fun and-).
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theultimatepielord · 8 months
A long and angry rant about Sarevok's inclusion in bg3.
As a big fan of the first two Baldur's gate games, I am very angry about Sarevok's inclusion in bg3, and it feels like they just abandoned everything about his character to be like "ooh, cool cameo, remember the other games?" (Which were better fight me). Major spoilers for all 3 baldur's gate games.
First question: why is he still alive? The events of BG2 ToB were in 1369 DR, and Sarevok was already in his twenties, per the Forgotten Realms wiki (this is reasonably accurate to bg1/2) , and bg3 takes place in 1492/maybe93 DR, which makes him at least 142 years old. Bhaalspawn age slower than normal mortals, so this could make sense EXCEPT SAREVOK DOESN'T HAVE BHAALSPAWN POWERS, as his Bhaalspawn abilities weren't restored when he was resurrected by Abdel at the start of Throne of Bhaal. So first off, he should be dead by old age, and resurrection magic generally doesn't work after death by old age (since it would in-universe make the acquisition of immortality completely trivial for anyone wealthy). Already a gaping plothole, but sure let's progress through anyways.
So storywise, you find him as the justice in charge of the initiation of the Bhaalist cult headed by Orin. This immediately raises a question: WHY THE FUCK IS SAREVOK RUNNING A CULT FOR SOMEONE ELSE?
You might say, "why wouldn't a Bhaalspawn be working for a cult of Bhaal?", well, here are some good reasons.
Sarevok never worshipped his father. His cult during bg1 was dedicated to making HIM the new Lord of Murder, and his massive ego and intense selfishness kinda precluded him ever working for someone else's aims.
Sarevok ended his time with Abdel as a Chaotic Good character attempting to find redemption for his time as a murderer (this isn't guaranteed, the player can not redeem him, but his entry on the Forgotten Realms wiki implies that he is canonically redeemed, and it's significantly more in character for Abdel (also CG) to help him find redemption)
During the events of ToB he regards his non-Abdel/Imoen siblings with scorn and resentment, and is not interested in supporting any future lords of murder, save perhaps the one nice enough to resurrect him.
Not only that, he shows deference to Bhaal, the father he never cared for, and proof of his failure, after Orin kills her mother/his daughter.
"Ok but it was for his daughter/granddaughter, surely that changes the equation"
First off Sarevok didn't really care for his close family, as he either manipulates Abdel and company into killing his adoptive father Rieltar or just does it himself and frames Abdel. Either way, the murder of his adoptive father is a critical part of his plan. He also kills Winski Perorate, his beloved tutor who told him he was a Bhaalspawn for helping him escape the Grand Dukes + Flaming Fist + Abdel crew instead of helping fight. A minor transgression to kill someone close to you over. He also tosses aside the love of his life, Tamoko, to pursue godhood. His evil side does not care for ANYONE. And his good side sure as hell wouldn't react to Bhaal declaring his daughter/granddaughter his Chosen by supporting them.
Which brings us to the final plothole: who the hell is Helen(Orin's mother/Sarevok's daughter)'s mother?
It really should be a doppelganger, given that Changelings can be the offspring of a doppelganger and a human, giving Orin changeling blood, which makes sense on the surface level given Sarevok's army of doppelgangers in bg1. Except throughout bg1 Sarevok is in a relationship (initially with Tamoko, and then later Cythandria), and changelings live as long as humans, which creates the same issue of bg1 being over 120 years ago. This means that Sarevok went doppelganger-fucking at some point in his ceaseless tortured post-bg2 wanderings and then opted to settle down and raise the offspring despite canonically never falling in love again after Tamoko.
Even if Helen were not a doppelganger, and Orin's father was, we still hit the issue of Sarevok needing to conceive her almost certainly with either Tamoko or Cythandria 120 years before the events of bg3, so either Orin's ancient or Helen was ancient when she birthed her. Neither really makes sense.
NOT ONLY THAT, if Sarevok WAS supportive of his daughter's scheming, why the hell is Orin just Gortash's mad dog? Sarevok's a consummate schemer, a relentless power-seeker with as much similarity to Bane as to Bhaal. Why the hell was he ok with Gortash taking prime position? Why didn't he ever teach his daughter subtlety or politics? Even if Orin kills Gortash, she couldn't hold Baldur's Gate. What the hell?
I don't think Larian asked any of these questions, I think they just wanted callbacks to bg1 so they tossed in the main villain because he's a recognizable helmet and name. And to top it all off they recast him. The most iconic VA performance from bg1 gets recast. Original VA Kevin Michael Richardson is still active and still does video games, with no major controversies near as I can tell. I can forgive not bringing back Heidi Shanon (retired for 20 years) and Jim Cummings (accused of sexual abuse), but come the fuck on with not bringing back KMR.
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shaykai · 5 months
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Hope to see Corwin in BG2 so I can punch her
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bloedewir · 6 months
most treacherous treachery in bg3? easy.
Sarevok Anchev.
>> bg1/bg2 spoilers <<
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yes, we were enemies in bg1 but he still was my brother. and then I gave him a part of my soul so he could join my squad. we traveled together. it's was a ✨marvelous✨ family trip. we talked, he changed his mind a bit and everything was really cool and sweet. (as much as it possibly can be if there's three Bhaal spawns in squad).
and here I am meeting that ungrateful ass in bg3 sitting on a throne of a treachery wearing a crown made of lies.
we're supposed to be friends against daddy, dumbass
swear to gods i switched from this:
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to this:
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in a second.
he didn't even have time to say "oh, fu..".
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crysdrawsthings · 5 months
Started playing BG1 while I muster mental energy to continue my Tactician ran of BG3 as well as planning out Honor one and...
I can't believe Sarevok is really just having some divinely ordained beef with yesterday college kid and it is the main force behind the plot.
Also yes, my Gorion's Ward is the sweetest half-orc fighter/cleric in the entire Faerun and, as you can guess, Gingy is a horrible, awful disappointment for the stabby-crabby side of the family.
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blighted-elf · 5 months
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Baldur's Gate (1998) / Baldur's Gate 3 (2023) - Sarevok Anchev
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tackypies · 6 months
viconia devir denied lolth because the goddess demanded a child sacrifice. her brother sacrificed himself for her, and she fled to the alien surface in order to survive. she was forced into sexual slavery and escaped only because the slaver died. at one point, she found a farm to eke out a peaceful existence and was tortured and buried alive by her neighbor, who she thought of as her friend. throughout her entire life, she is constantly hunted by both lolth's followers and racist surface-dwellers who wanted to hurt and kill her
like, in a game about overcoming your past, breaking free of the powers that've shackled you, viconia could've been SUCH an interesting NPC ally. what's even more insane is that it's clear that minthara's writers took inspiration from viconia's story. both of them escaped the cults that took advantage of them. we could've had interactions between the two women! we could've had viconia sympathize with astarion's plight as spawn! viconia did NOT deserve her rewrite into a flat, boring villain for shadowheart's arc
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wilchur · 26 days
It will never cease being funny to me (in a "my god this is pathetic" way) how much the doppelganger subplot in BG3 sucks ass meanwhile BG1 had none of the flashy visuals, yet that part of the game had me literally questioning my own sanity thanks to the power of that game's storytelling alone. I really felt like I couldn't trust fucking anyone, including myself. In Larian's Gate it's just like.. oh yeah Hi Orin. Even when I'm not expecting someone to be a shapechanger, I just get surprised. There's literally no emotional weight to it.
And don't get me started on how stupid the whole Yenna failsafe is.
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baldursyourgate · 5 months
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Piecing things together... If you chose to go back to the Underdark, 6 months later, Minthara and Tav will be building their "army of outcasts, exiles and rebels" for a campaign against House Baenre (and by extension probably Lolth too).
Like damn that's hot...
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brekkie-e · 6 months
I’ve seen some Reddit posts and articles thrown around talking about how Jaheira and Minsc shouldn’t have been resurrected for BG3 because it’s impossible to do legacy characters like that justice. And honestly, I really disagree. Talking with Minsc was a surprisingly refreshing aspect to the game for me, personally? It made me appreciate him in a different way, and I thought the relationship strife they explore between the two of them was interesting. It was one of the only areas of the game that explored inter- party dynamics. Jaheira’s guilt and constant fear that she’s never doing enough was so compelling to me. Getting to explore her home and see the dynamic with her kids was a nice break from all the horny nonsense going on with the origin companions.
I also thought that it was so interesting getting to see a city Druid? A good contrast to the cloistered life of the druids in the grove. She may have left the wilds behind, but she uses her skills for good in a way that the druids of the circle can’t compare to. Plus! Discussing the fact that there are many spellls in DnD that can extend people’s lives was a good drop of lore! And I appreciated they explored the classic “woman is afraid of aging” trope but from a new angle? She’s so devoted to her work and her duty that she’s afraid of aging out of being able to do what needs to be done. She can’t let go of that control, and it even affects her personal life. Her relationships with her children have suffered because of these choices. If she let’s go of that burden because she’s found Tav, and realizes that someone else will rise up to take her place- she can finally be free to put down her blade and live the life of peace she’s earned with her family.
I didn’t romance Jaheira, cause honestly it always felt odd to me that it was even an option given her BG1 plotline, so I don’t feel like it ruined my Bhaalspawn’s narrative that she’s back in the hero business without them. That being said, I can understand why that might have really put a bad taste in certain player’s mouths if she was their love interest.
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displacer-beasts · 8 months
Oh god I'm in near tears.
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Khalid's letter to Jaheira (she's kept it over 100 years)
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I remember doing the quest in SoD to gather the materials for Khalid to make this for her!!!
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And!!! She's got fucking Belm, which was one of the best scimitars in BG2 and (if you kept her in the party) best given to Jaheira!!!
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y-rhywbeth2 · 4 months
So, BG1 and BG2 Spoilers ahead:
Flicking through the original games again to check on certain lore points and also stopped on Sarevok's dialogues to make sure I'm not hallucinating, but nope.
Sarevok misremembers his past and his attitude towards Bhaal has changed. If he's supposed to be the same guy, then hey, Larian, you could've, I don't know... explored what the hell happened?? It would even be relevant to the themes of Bhaal's cult, indoctination, loss of will/identity and his shitty parenting?
I mean, I can kind of see where the whole "Durge, do what I failed to do so that Bhaal may live again through you" stuff came from, though I feel like they missed the mark a smidgeon (Sarevok seems a little too devoted to Daddy in BG3 from what I remember - he was not originally. Sarevok has no respect for Bhaal (dude's got twice the daddy issues of the typical Bhaalspawn), he's only interested in his power.):
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Sarvok: "You are indeed family. No other could have lived to oppose me in person. Of course, it will not matter in the end. Ultimately I will prevail, and a new era will be born unto the realms." Charname: "You are mad! What do you hope to gain by resurrecting a dead god?" Sarevok: "Father Bhaal is dead, but the slaughter I will orchestrate will prove me to be the most worthy successor. It will raise his power from the ashes. The streets will run red with blood when my work is finished!" Charname: "Successor? Deities are not known for sharing their power willingly!" Sarevok: "Fool! I do not wish to RESTORE his power - merely to RAISE it! With the divine blood that flows through these veins, I shall assume control over that which he so foolishly lost! I shall BECOME Bhaal. THAT... is the only acceptable outcome. [...] Face me! Face the new LORD OF MURDER!"
Sarevok: "Fuck Bhaal, he didn't deserve his job, so I'm taking it."
As for the bitching about being resurrected against his will, oh he's so annoyed. How could his cruel sibling do this to him against his will???
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Sarevok: "So. You have finally arrived. I have been waiting for you." Charname: "Sarevok?! Didn't I kill you for the last time in Hell?" Sarevok: "You did indeed... although that was no fault of mine. [...] I have done nothing but attempt to reform myself since."
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Sarevok: "Regardless, I spotted [this pocket plane] forming and guessed at its purpose. So I came here and waited, kniwing that eventually you would come... and that then we could discuss my... deal." Charname: "What kind of deal? What could *you* want?" Sarevok: "What do you think I want, dear [sibling]? I wish to exist... I wish to be alive again. You can do that. The smallest fraction of your soul, my [sibling]... given freely, with the taint of our dead father within it. That would recreate my flesh, restore my mortality... Sarevok would live again!" Charname: "I killed you once before... what makes you think I would want to return you to life?" Sarevok: "I do not come to the table empty-handed, [charname]. You think me a fool? [...] I can help you. And that has its price."
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Charname: "Forget it. I don't trust you." Sarevok: "As you wish. By all means, stroll about and examine what you will of your domain. Time passes and events move with them. I'm sure it will not take long even for you to realise the truth"
Basically, he holds you hostage in this tiny dimension and won't let you progress with the game until you share your soul with him and resurrect him.
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Charname: "...I will restore you." Sarevok: "So I have cheated death! Thank you, dear [sibling]... no gift could please me more." ... Sarevok: "I live! Flesh and blood and bone! I am ALIVE! Ha ha ha ha ha! I swore I would scratch and crawl my way back into the world of the living... and I have done it! "Though my sword and armour have not appeared. No matter. Without the Bhaal essence to channel their powers, they are of little use. I shall make do without them, as I once did. Thank you, [charname]. I am pleased."
Oh, he totally didn't want to escape! See how mad about it he is! See how happy he was in the afterlife??
(Sarevok bitches about this in his journal and Solath manifests over his shoulder and whacks him over the head with her staff because excuse you?? After all that nagging??)
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proffbon · 7 months
Me when Viconia and Sarevok's characterization in BG3:
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shaykai · 5 months
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Oh my blood cursed kin, how do you do what you do?
In other words I’ve been thinking about Kaine (BG1 protag) and Vat’il (BG3 durge) and their parallels/what would happen if they got to interact in some way, have a WIP that I may or may not finish
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doli-nemae · 1 month
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her thoughts were fast, but she was faster (no regrets tho)
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passionesolja · 9 months
Crazy how the whole plot of Baldur’s Gate is that Bhaal be hoeing. Mf been thotting for at least 2 centuries. I know Bane and Myrkul sick and tired of him
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