#best pmp boot camp
eduhubspot · 8 months
Unleashing Potential: Navigating Through the Best PMP Boot Camp
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Maintaining a competitive edge in today's professional landscape frequently involves a continuous pursuit of information and skill growth Among numerous certifications available, the Project Management Professional (PMP) stands out distinctly, offering a competitive edge in the project management field. Entering the realm of the PMP demands rigorous preparation, and opting for the best PMP boot camp can be a pivotal decision in that journey.
Key Components of a Stellar PMP Boot Camp
Curriculum Congruency
A top-notch PMP boot camp will align its curriculum meticulously with the PMI's guidelines, ensuring every aspect of the PMP exam is covered comprehensively.
Experienced Instructors
The vitality of seasoned instructors, who not only possess in-depth knowledge but also the aptitude to facilitate productive learning environments, cannot be understated.
Practical Application
Ingraining theoretical knowledge through practical application, via real-life case studies and simulations, enhances retention and prepares candidates for pragmatic project management scenarios.
Flexible Learning Modules
Adaptability to different learning paces and styles, by providing various learning modules, reflects the inclusivity and versatility of a leading PMP boot camp.
Why Opt for a PMP Exam BootCamp?
Establishing a Robust Foundation
A PMP exam BootCamp helps establish a solid foundational knowledge base, vital for comprehending intricate project management concepts.
Networking Opportunities
Interacting with fellow PMP aspirants can open doors to collaborative learning and future professional networking opportunities.
Structured Learning
A well-designed boot camp offers a systematic and structured learning pathway, steering clear from the potential disarray of self-study.
Mapping Success: Preparing for the Unexpected
Delving into the labyrinth of project management through a PMP boot camp, aspirants not only equip themselves with the requisite knowledge but also develop the ability to navigate through unexpected challenges, ensuring projects are executed seamlessly even amidst unforeseen hurdles.
How EduHubSpot Can Elevate Your PMP Preparation?
Envisioned as a catalyst for professional development, EduHubSpot propels aspirants towards PMP success through a meticulously crafted curriculum, adept instructors, and a robust support system.
In-depth Courses: Offering a comprehensive range of materials, including video lessons, practice questions, and mock exams, that mirror the actual PMP examination.
Expert Guidance: Seasoned professionals, with a wealth of experience, guide candidates through every intricate nuance of the PMP curriculum.
Continuous Support: With a dedicated team on standby, candidates are assured consistent support throughout their PMP journey.
Choosing the best PMP boot camp is paramount to not only acquiring certification but also cultivating a skill set that resonates through a successful project management career. With platforms like EduHubSpot, aspirants can navigate through the challenging terrains of PMP preparation, emerging proficient and certification-ready, to stamp their authority in the project management domain.
Q1: What differentiates a PMP boot camp from traditional PMP preparation methods?
A1: PMP boot camps are intensive, short-term training programs designed to immerse candidates in the curriculum, providing structured learning, expert instruction, and peer interaction, in contrast to the often isolated and unstructured nature of self-study.
Q2: How does a PMI boot camp elevate preparation for the PMP examination?
A2: A PMI boot camp fast-tracks your preparation by providing a condensed, yet comprehensive overview of the PMP curriculum, equipping you with the strategies to navigate through the complex examination scenario, and offering insights that are often inaccessible through textbooks and self-study materials.
Q3: How does EduHubSpot facilitate a candidate's journey through the PMP certification process?
A3: EduHubSpot provides extensive study materials, expert mentorship, and continuous support, ensuring that every PMP aspirant is adeptly prepared, not only to pass the examination but also to apply theoretical knowledge pragmatically in the professional realm.
Q4: Are boot camps suitable for PMP aspirants with no prior project management experience?
A4: Absolutely! PMP boot camps are designed to accommodate and elevate individuals from varied professional backgrounds, instilling in them the requisite knowledge and skills to excel in the PMP examination and in the broader project management field.
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minervadashwood · 2 years
Scars and Stitches, Ch. 7: Lost & Found
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Series Masterlist | Masterlist
Summary: Roadside camping leads to a few self discoveries. Warnings: Panic attack, medical inaccuracies, hurt& comfort, PMP (painful amounts of mutual pining)
After leaving the CDC, you and Daryl followed the others for about ten miles until the caravan stopped.  Everyone got out and hugs were exchanged.  Carl and Sophia surprised you when they ran over and hugged you tightly. They were good kids.
You were relieved to see that both Dale and Andrea had made it out but were heartbroken that Jacqui did not. She hadn’t wanted to.
Rick and Shane decided Fort Benning was your new destination, and Glenn plotted a route to get there. Then, the scavengers went to search nearby for supplies and prepare to sleep in the vehicles for the night.
At some point in the late afternoon, Rick approached you and pulled you off to the side for a private conversation.
Daryl didn’t mean to snoop on you and Rick, but the deputy just happened to lead you over near where Daryl was siphoning gas. Daryl continued listening, hoping you would finally tell Rick about Shane. Because the second you did, Daryl would finally give Shane the ass-kicking he deserved.  However, Shane never came up. Instead, you and Rick talked about Daryl.
Rick looked down at you with what seemed like mixture of concern and anger.  He jutted his chin toward your arm.
“He do that to you?”
Taken aback, you didn’t answer right away.  Did Lori tell him about Shane?
Rick went on. “Daryl Dixon is bad news.  I was letting this slide because it seemed you could handle him alright, but now this?  From now on, you will stick close to me or Shane.”
You snickered, then burst out laughing.  “You think Daryl hurt me?  Daryl would never do anything to hurt me.”
Rick cocked his head, now glaring at you sternly.  “Don’t lie for him.  That’s what abusers want you to do so they don’t get caught.  You stay away from the guy.”
You took a deep breath.  “First of all, you don’t have to read me the pamphlet on abusers. My parents beat the shit out of me and my brother for most of my childhood. I know how that routine works and have ten years worth of therapy bills to prove it.”
Clearly you had surprised him, and he briefly patted your shoulder.  He opened his mouth to speak, but you held up your finger to silence him.
“Second of all, keeping close to Daryl Dixon is probably the safest move I could make, not to mention I happen to enjoy his company.”
“Look what he did to you! He would’ve killed Dr. Jenner!”
It had been pretty clear to you that Daryl was only trying to intimidate Jenner, not actually kill him. “Daryl didn’t hurt me, but he did keep me safe—both from what happened last night and when we left the CDC.  And it turned out Jenner wanted to kill all of us, so that point is moot.”
Rick opened his mouth to take exception, but, again, you didn’t give him a chance.
“Third of all, Daryl has been helping us stay safe, when he could fare much better on his own. He has skills none of us could match.  But even without all that, he is a good man, one of the best men I’ve ever known, and I won’t have you speaking ill of him again. Rest assured, I have no doubt if someone needs their ass kicked, Daryl would do it, and then some, but he’s no threat to you, certainly not to me, and no one else unless they deserve a boot up their ass.”
Daryl felt a heavy weight pressing against his chest.
What you just said was suffocating in its kindness, and he had to get away from everything and everyone.  Like a ghost, he fled into the thicket of trees by the road, seeking solace in the only home he knew.
Rick relaxed his stance, and you felt a lot of pride in standing up for Daryl without having to break your promise to Lori.
Running his hand through his hair, Rick paced back and forth a few times.  It was clear he had a lot more on his mind. In fact, maybe you had been only a small part of what had him keyed up.
On his next pass, you took his elbow and led him to sit at the side of the road. Surprisingly, he let you.
“What’s going on, Rick?  Is it Jacqui? She made her choice.  Like you said, it’s not abandoning someone if they decide to stay.”
Rick gave you a half smile, chagrined you were throwing his words back at him. You were probably right about Daryl, he had to admit. However, he’d lost the target of his ire, and had a lot more bottled up inside him. Not to mention a secret he didn’t have the heart to share with anyone, not even Lori or Shane.
He clapped his hands on his knees.  “Fort Benning’s a good call.  We can get there if we’re careful.”
“Trying to convince me or yourself?” you replied.
Rick threw you a half smile. “Perceptive little thing, aren’t you?”
You shrugged, “Hyperempathy is a side effect of my upbringing. Both a blessing and a curse.” You snickered, “And I wouldn’t exactly call myself little.”
Rick laughed with you, but he had to show you he meant no harm. “Okay, not small but cute, like the little sister I never had.”
You nodded with a smile, “I get that a lot.  Point taken.”
Rick started feeling a little better. Laughter was good.
After a moment, you said. “Fort Benning is a good idea.  Even if it’s our plan B.  That’s why you have a plan B.  Better than no plan at all. We did good to get here, and the only person we’ve lost since Atlanta was Jacqui.  That was her choice.  You have your family and Shane.  Dale and Glenn and Andrea, they made it out, too.  And Daryl’s pulled through for all of us.  This may not be the world we want, but we are lucky to have each other.”
Rick thought it over and tried to focus on what you said.  “True enough,” he sighed, feeling marginally better.  Jenner’s secret still had him rattled, but there were other things to focus on, people to take care of, decisions to make.  Maybe plans C and D to consider.  He stood up and helped you off the ground.  “Let’s get back to it.”
Back in the forest, Daryl was losing it, trying to grapple with what you said and what he knew to be true.
He wasn’t any good, not at all. He was worthless and needy and expendable. He knew you were smart, but you were stupid about this. You had him all wrong. Not even his own family wanted him, so why should anybody else? 
He thought he was getting to understand all the little pieces of you and how they fit together to make someone so remarkable, someone who sought his company, someone he cared for so deeply it was starting to scare him.
How could you say those things and mean them? He wanted to call you crazy or a liar, but he knew that you were neither.  He wanted to dismiss all that you said, but the words had come from you, a person he had been trusting since the day you met, a person who had no reason to be next to him but was, day after day.
Fuck, he was crying. It felt like the forest was pressing in from all sides, and he found it hard to breathe. A choked sob rippled through him, and he thought he might die. But he slammed his body into the trunk of a huge tree, pressing his face and fingers to its rough bark, giving in to the unpleasant sensation to keep from feeling what was inside. He allowed himself until the count of ten to ride this out.
After, he wiped his tears and snot on the inside of his undershirt.  He took his crossbow off his shoulder and walked deeper into the woods.  Hunting had a way of soothing his hurts and dragging his focus to the here and now.  Among the trees and animals, he was lord and master, everything else his prey. 
It was well after dark when he headed back to the road, a couple of possums and an owl to show for his efforts.  He intended to quietly make his way back to the RV, take over watch from whoever was on guard, and stay perched up there for the rest of the night.  However, when he emerged from the treeline, you were right there, leaning on a car near the siphoning equipment he’d abandoned, waiting.
He didn’t speak as he approached, and neither did you.  So much of him wanted to ignore your presence—had you been waiting? For him?—but he couldn’t help giving you a small nod of recognition.
You reached out a hand to stop him from walking by, and he flinched.
Instantly, you folded in on yourself, and Daryl couldn’t decide if he wanted you farther away or closer: both options soothed and hurt in equal measure.
“S-sorry,” you stammered.
He waited.
You cleared your throat. “I need to take out the stitches I put in the other day.  I thought maybe you’d want to do it out here, away from everyone.”
Daryl had to take a few deep breaths, and he cursed ever letting you help him. But the wound had been bothering him something awful, and Merle had been trapped on that roof. Then, you walked into his life, offering a helping hand and a pretty smile.  Tonight, you had waited up late for him, knowing that the darkness would best hide his scars. It would have been much easier to do this all in the RV with daylight and a table.
He turned and headed back into the woods. Instinct (or familiarity) told him you would follow, and you did. When you caught up to him, so that you were walking side by side, Daryl took your wrist and held it gently.  He told himself it was to make sure you didn’t get lost in the darkness, but he knew better.
You let Daryl lead you into the treeline; he had a large emergency flashlight, so it was easy to see in front of you.  You felt bad for startling him, but after everything you’d been through that day, touching his elbow didn’t seem like a big deal.  He had lifted you in his arms, something no one had done since you were a kid. And the way he held you afterward, cupping your face and pulling you close had been sweetly intimate. What had happened in the past few hours to to change everything? It hurt, but maybe Daryl needed more space than you’d given him.  He’d done so much for you, yet you were selfish. You wanted more comforting embraces, quiet conversations, and companionable silences.
Perhaps everything that had happened since leaving Morgan and Duane—including the radio silence that followed—had made it easy for you to find a friend in Daryl.  It’d been less than a month since you met him, but in that time, you were almost always together. Maybe today you had simply overstepped his boundaries.  Next time you’d ask before touching him.
After walking for what felt like fifteen minutes, Daryl stopped in a very small clearing.  Then, he wedged his flashlight between a couple of branches of a tree, up high, flooding the clearing with light.  Everything beyond was now in total darkness, and you had to admit it was a little frightening.
You said, “Are you sure you want to do this out here?”
He grunted his confirmation.
“What if something finds us, like a bear…or a walker.”
“I’ll hear it.”
If that was supposed to comfort you, it did not. “You’ll need to sit still, though.”
Daryl stared at you a moment before saying.  “Already scouted this area. Nothin’ out here’s gonna hurt ya.”
You sighed and had to take him at his word. As frightened as you were, he was the expert when it came to the forest.
Daryl took off his leather vest and laid it on the ground. With his back to you, he pulled his flannel shirt overhead, followed by his tank top. You couldn’t help but be mesmerized by his muscles as he moved. It was like you were seeing him for the first time:  the definition of biceps, triceps, and delts in his arms, the smooth movement of the traps and lats on his back.  His scars were just white noise compared to raw masculinity of his form.  Watching him move was fascinating, like a silent performance only you were privy to. 
He sat down in front of the vest, which he’d apparently laid it out for you to kneel on. Of course, he had. Daryl was thoughtful like that.
You kneeled on the vest and got to work. It was a struggle with your sore arm, but not terribly painful. With each step of the process, you talked him through every maneuver before actually performing it.  You hoped the information would help him stay calm and not feel cornered.  You did your best not to think of the beauty of his back, but the privilege of touching him—even in the process of treating his injury—had your heart beating faster and your stomach full of butterflies.
Often, Daryl reminded you of a barely tamed animal, not just when he was in danger but also around people.  However, with his back to you, Daryl was exhibiting absolute trust. That meant more to you than anything about his appearance.
As you began removing the stitches, Daryl abruptly asked, “How’d ya learn to be so quiet?”
The answer was complicated, but you tried your best to explain.  “My parents worked overnight at a coal refinery, so they were usually sleeping when my brother and I were awake.” You left out saying that your parents would beat the shit out of you if you woke them up.
He grunted. “How they’d look after you if they was always sleepin’?”
“They didn’t.”
“Is that why you stole stuff?”
You had finished removing all the stitches. “I’m going to rub this down with some antiseptic,” you told him and began doing just that.  “They’d spend money on liquor and cigarettes and anything else to help them get through the week.  My brother and I usually didn’t factor into it.  Food stamps only got us so far. The first time I stole, the rush was incredible. I found out I had a knack for being invisible.  Read a book about picking locks, practiced on our trailer door at night, graduated to lockers of the rich kids after school, then I was getting into anything that needed a key.  Sometimes because I needed to, sometimes because I wanted to.”
You prepared yourself for a rush of unpleasant memories, but nothing happened.  The past stayed where it was meant to: part of you but not ruling you. 
“Never took you for the sort.”
“The antiseptic is dry, so I’m going to put on a fresh bandage.”  After putting on the bandage, you got up and handed Daryl his tank top. “No one else took me for the sort, either. And that’s why I never got caught.  I’ve always been heavyset and unremarkable.  Easy for people to ignore.”
You knelt back down and began packing up your medical supplies.
Daryl could not fathom you walking into a room without notice, especially when it came to your striking eyes and beautiful curves. You were like a beautiful balm, captivating, and comforting.  He had basically run away from you earlier, but that was more about his fucked up shit than anything you did.  Now, being with you had him relaxed and almost content.  You had been gentle and patient, giving him just what he needed to be at ease while you touched him.
He found his flannel shirt and started unbuttoning it so he could put it back on.  You picked up Merle’s vest, dusted it off, and waited.
As he pulled his flannel on, you showed him the stitches in the palm of your hand.  “Can I just toss these here, or will they hurt a baby squirrel or something?”
Daryl took the cut stitches and put them in his jeans pocket, no reason why, he just did. 
You dusted off your hands. “My turn for a deep, personal question,”
Daryl’s breath caught in his throat.  You wanted to know about his scars.  He’d been lucky that you waited until now. Still, after what you'd said about your own parents, maybe you would understand. Maybe you wouldn't look at him with pity or comfort him with empty words.
Clearing your throat, you said, “Are you allergic to sleeves?”
Daryl snorted and gave you a half smile. You were grinning back at him, so pretty in the light.  He couldn’t answer right away—not because he had no words but because he needed to commit the vision to memory: the spark of joy in your eyes, the fullness of your round cheeks, the way you held your head just so.  After a few seconds, he blinked away and finished buttoning his shirt. 
“Sleeves get in the way.  Caught on branches, caught in my bow strap.  And if you haven’t noticed, it’s damn hot out here.”
“Oh, I’ve noticed.”
Daryl flushed, unsure if that was innuendo or just you agreeing with him.  Flirting was not unknown to him, but it always did make him uncomfortable.  He never knew what to say, nor did he ever think people actually liked him. Flirting was full of empty words and vapid nonverbal cues, all part of a game with rules he would never master, never wanted to master.  Merle had done enough of that for the both of them.
Without looking at you, he took Merle’s vest and put it on. He grabbed his crossbow and flashlight.  Then, he led you by the wrist out of the woods.
Back at Daryl’s truck, he stood on the driver’s side, you on the passenger side, and together you laid down the back of the bench seat, making a small two-person bed.  There were even tiny cubbies to put the seat belt locks out of the way.  It was cozy.
“I can hop in there and lay out the sleeping bags. May be easier since I’m shorter,” you said
“Just yours,” Daryl replied.  “Gotta clean my kills and then take watch.  Ya good?”
“Yep,” you told him, ignoring the twinge of disappointment.   It’s not like you desperately wanted to sleep next to him, but you were hungry for his company. Nothing made sense about it, just an errant longing that you tried to brush aside.
You managed to make yourself a quite comfortable bed, but you decided to sleep on top of your sleeping bag rather than in it.  Like Daryl said, it was hot, and even nighttime hadn’t eased the humid heat of the day.  You reminded yourself to drink plenty of water tomorrow, and after a well-practiced body scan meditation, you were asleep.
Sometime later, the door to the truck opened, startling you awake.  Daryl was there, and he did not look happy.
“What’s wrong?” you mumbled, sitting up.
Daryl maneuvered around until he was sitting beside you, breathing heavily with his arms resting on his knees.
“If you don’t want to talk about it, that’s fine.”
He slammed his fist on the bed.  “They think I cain’t take watch. Tole me to go off an’ sleep.”
“Shane and Dale.”  Daryl’s eyes flew to yours, and now you knew it wasn’t anger—not really—it was rejection.
“You were out hunting all evening and got us food for tomorrow.  Maybe they figure you deserve to rest more than they do.”
He squinted at you.
You almost reached out a hand to squeeze his elbow but thought better of it.   You just let him sit in silence.  Maybe that’s what he needed.
Daryl didn’t believe a word you said, but he felt bad for messing up your sleep, so he kept quiet rather than argue with you.  Part of him wanted to punch Shane right in the mouth, repeatedly, the other part wanted to lay down here next to you and stay put until sunrise.
He sat there for a long time, thinking it over.
After about ten minutes, you said, “C’mon, let’s get some sleep.  If you can’t relax, you can have a Valium.  It’ll slow down your adrenal response and make it easier to rest.”
He stared at the bed, not ready to talk yet.  Thankfully you gave him some time before you said, in a small voice, “Can I give you a hug?  It may help.”
He was feeling lonely and hurt and remembered the first time you hugged him, how nice it had been. He gave you a small nod.
You sat facing him and hugged him from the side.  He felt your arms holding him tightly, and the pressure was delightful.  There was nothing sexual about this, but it was pleasurable to be held and soothed.  You pressed your forehead on the shoulder nearest you, and on the far shoulder you patted him gently.  It felt good to be touched, to imagine that someone cared.
You pulled away much to soon, but he didn’t stop you. He had no right to.
“Feel better?” you asked.
He nodded, dropping his head so you couldn’t see his face.  He did, he felt a lot better.  Always seemed to with you.
“Okay, let’s lay out this sleeping bag. Too hot for covers anyway.” 
Together, Daryl and you remade the bed, and laid side-by-side, both staring at the ceiling.  You offered to share your pillow, but he refused. 
Daryl basked in the stillness of having you near him, imagined hugging you asleep, and wished he was worthy of all you did for him.
“Did you want that Valium?” you asked after a time.
“’m good,” he said, and he was.
You rolled over, facing the back of the truck, curling into the fetal position until you were comfortable.  You heard Daryl shift behind you, but then he was still.  The easy silence encompassed you and held you safe.  It was not long before you were asleep again.
In the night, you could have sworn that a hand was resting on your hip, or someone was gently stroking the hair on the back of your head. Both were likely fragments of dreams you couldn’t remember.
It wasn’t until Rick took over the second watch shift that he realized you never told him how you got hurt.
Daryl's counting is a slight nod to the tv series LOST.
Thanks for reading! Please like, reply, or reblog if you enjoyed this <3
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pmpprep · 4 months
Charting Your Career Course: PMP vs. CBAP Certification Guide
Certifications such as Project Management Professional (PMP) and Certified Business Analysis Professional (CBAP) are in high demand in today's competitive job market. These certifications not only enhance your skills but also add credibility to your resume, making you stand out among your peers. In this article, we will delve deeper into the world of PMP and CBAP certification, exploring their importance, exam format, study materials, career opportunities, and more.
Understanding PMP CertificationImportance of PMP CertificationPMP certification is globally recognized and considered the gold standard in project management. It validates your proficiency in managing projects, leading teams and delivering results within the constraints of time, budget and scope. Employers often prefer candidates with PMP certification because it demonstrates their commitment to professional excellence.
eligibility criteriaTo be eligible for the PMP exam, candidates must meet certain requirements, including a post-secondary degree (high school diploma, associate degree, or equivalent), 35 hours of project management education, and 7,500 hours of leading and directing projects. Or leadership is involved. , 4,500 hours. Directing projects with a bachelor's degree.
pmp exam formatThe PMP exam consists of 200 multiple choice questions covering areas such as project initiation, planning, execution, monitoring and controlling, and closing. It is a four-hour examination conducted in a computer-based format.
Study Material for PMP Preparing for the PMP Course requires extensive study material such as textbooks, online courses, practice tests, and study guides. Additionally, joining study groups and attending boot camps can enhance your preparation.
Introduction to CBAP CertificationImportance of CBAP CertificationThe CBAP certification is designed for business analysts who have extensive experience in identifying business needs, eliciting requirements, and facilitating communication between stakeholders. It demonstrates your expertise in analyzing business processes and suggesting solutions to improve efficiency and productivity.
eligibility criteria To be eligible for the CBAP Prep, candidates must have at least 7,500 hours of work experience in business analysis within the last ten years, as well as 900 hours of experience in four of the six knowledge areas defined in the BABOK Guide . Additionally, candidates must have completed a minimum of 21 hours of professional development over the past four years.
cbap exam formatThe CBAP exam consists of 120 multiple-choice questions based on scenarios and case studies. It assesses the candidate's knowledge of business analysis principles and practices, requirements analysis, solution evaluation and validation, among other topics. The duration of the exam is three and a half hours.
Study Material for CBAPSimilar to the PMP, preparing for the CBAP exam requires access to a variety of study materials such as textbooks, online courses, practice exams, and study guides. Additionally, attending workshops and webinars can provide valuable insight into business analysis techniques and best practices.
Difference between PMP and CBAPWhile both the PMP and CBAP certifications focus on enhancing project management and business analysis skills, there are significant differences between the two. PMP primarily emphasizes project management methods, tools, and techniques, while CBAP focuses on business analysis processes, requirements management, and stakeholder engagement.
Choosing between PMP and CBAPThe choice between PMP and CBAP depends on your career aspirations and professional goals. If you aspire to lead projects and manage teams, the PMP certification will be a good fit for you. On the other hand, if you are an expert in analyzing business needs, identifying improvement opportunities, and recommending solutions, the CBAP certification would be a more suitable fit.
Career Opportunities with PMP CertificationPMP certification opens doors to a wide range of career opportunities in various industries such as IT, construction, healthcare, finance, and manufacturing. Job roles such as project managers, program managers, and project consultants are highly sought after by organizations looking for skilled professionals to lead their projects to success.
Career Opportunities with CBAP CertificationCBAP certification enhances your career prospects in roles such as business analyst, systems analyst, requirements analyst, and business process analyst. Organizations value CBAP-certified professionals for their ability to understand complex business problems, analyze data, and propose effective solutions that align with organizational goals.
Cost Comparison of PMP and CBAP CertificationThe cost of obtaining PMP certification typically includes examination fees, study materials, and training programs, which can amount to several hundred or even thousands of dollars. Similarly, CBAP certification expenses include examination fees, study materials, and professional development activities. It is essential to budget accordingly and find cost-effective study options.
Tips to Pass the PMP ExamFamiliarize yourself with the PMBOK guide and exam syllabus. Practice solving sample questions and mock exams to assess your preparation. Join study groups or online forums to exchange study tips and resources with fellow candidates. Allocate adequate time for exam preparation and revision. Stay calm and focused during the exam and manage your time effectively. Tips to Pass the CBAP ExamUnderstand the BABOK Guide thoroughly and apply its principles to real-world scenarios. Enhance your analytical skills by practicing requirements elicitation, analysis and validation techniques. Participate in case studies and workshops to improve your problem-solving abilities. Seek guidance from experienced business analysts and mentors. Review your study material regularly and revise key concepts to strengthen your understanding. conclusionUltimately, obtaining PMP or CBAP certification can greatly expand your career prospects and open the door to exciting opportunities in project management and business analysis. By understanding the exam requirements, preparing diligently, and using the study materials effectively, you can increase your chances of passing the exam with good marks and advancing your professional journey.questions to askIs PMP certification better than CBAP for career advancement?Both certifications offer unique benefits depending on your career goals. The PMP is ideal for aspiring project managers, while the CBAP is suitable for those with expertise in business analysis.
Are there any prerequisites for the PMP or CBAP certification exam?Yes, both certifications have specific eligibility criteria regarding education, work experience, and professional development.
How long does it take to prepare for PMP or CBAP exam?Preparation time varies depending on individual proficiency and study habits. On average, candidates spend several months preparing for the exam.
Can I get both PMP and CBAP certifications together?Yes, there is no restriction on obtaining multiple certificates simultaneously. However, it is essential to manage your time and resources effectively.
Do PMP and CBAP certifications expire?The PMP certification is valid for three years, after which you need to earn PDUs (Professional Development Units) to maintain your certification. CBAP certification is valid for three years and requires recertification through continuing education credits.
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educationedge0123 · 9 months
The Best PMP Exam Prep Books for 2023
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If you’re considering taking the Project Management Professional (PMP) exam in 2023, you’re on the right track to advancing your career in project management. However, preparing for the PMP exam can be a daunting task. Fortunately, there are many excellent PMP exam prep books available to help you succeed.
“PMP Exam Prep” by Rita Mulcahy
Rita Mulcahy’s “PMP Exam Prep” book is a perennial favorite among PMP exam takers. Known for its clear and concise explanations, this book covers all the key concepts and processes you need to know for the PMP exam. It includes a plethora of practice questions and real-world examples to help you understand and apply project management principles effectively.
One of the standout features of this book is Rita’s Process Chart, which provides a visual roadmap of the PMP exam process, making it easier to grasp the interrelationships between different project management processes.
“A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK® Guide)” by PMI
Published by the Project Management Institute (PMI), “A Guide to the PMBOK® Guide” is the definitive resource for PMP exam preparation. While not a traditional prep book, it is a crucial reference for the exam. The book outlines the PMBOK® Guide’s framework, including the five process groups and ten knowledge areas, offering a comprehensive understanding of project management.
It’s highly recommended to use this guide in conjunction with other prep books to ensure you have a solid grasp of the PMBOK® Guide concepts.
“PMP Exam Prep Simplified” by Andrew Ramdayal
If you’re looking for a simplified approach to PMP exam preparation, Andrew Ramdayal’s “PMP Exam Prep Simplified” might be the perfect choice. This book breaks down complex concepts into easy-to-understand language and includes mnemonic devices and memory aids to help you remember important information.
Ramdayal’s book also offers practical tips on managing your study time efficiently and tackling exam questions effectively, making it an excellent resource for those with busy schedules.
“PMP Project Management Professional Study Guide” by Kim Heldman
Kim Heldman’s “PMP Project Management Professional Study Guide” is another top-rated PMP exam prep book. It covers the exam material comprehensively and includes numerous practice questions, chapter quizzes, and two full-length practice exams to assess your readiness.
This book is well-organized, making it easy to follow along and track your progress. Additionally, it provides valuable insights into real-world project management scenarios and how they relate to the PMP exam content.
“Head First PMP” by Jennifer Greene and Andrew Stellman
For those who prefer a more interactive and engaging learning style, “Head First PMP” by Jennifer Greene and Andrew Stellman is a refreshing choice. This book takes a unique approach by incorporating humor, visuals, and interactive activities to help you absorb and retain information effectively.
The “Head First” series is known for its engaging style, making it an excellent option for individuals who find traditional textbooks boring. It covers all the necessary PMP exam topics and includes practice questions to reinforce your understanding.
“PMP Exam Prep: Questions, Answers, & Explanations” by Christopher Scordo
If you’re looking to drill down on practice questions, Christopher Scordo’s “PMP Exam Prep: Questions, Answers, & Explanations” is a valuable resource. This book provides over 1,000 practice questions, detailed explanations, and references to the PMBOK® Guide.
Using this book alongside your main study materials can help you test your knowledge and identify areas that require further review. It’s an excellent tool for building confidence in your exam readiness.
“PMP Exam Prep Boot Camp” by Joseph Phillips
Joseph Phillips’ “PMP Exam Prep Boot Camp” is designed to give you an intensive and focused preparation experience. It includes a structured study plan, numerous practice questions, and exercises to reinforce your understanding of key concepts.
The book also includes access to online resources, such as practice exams and flashcards, to enhance your study experience. If you’re looking for a comprehensive and hands-on approach to PMP exam prep, this book is worth considering.
Preparing for the PMP exam is a significant endeavor, but with the right resources, you can increase your chances of success. The PMP exam prep books mentioned in this article offer a range of options to suit different learning styles and preferences. Whether you prefer a traditional textbook, an interactive guide, or a practice question-focused approach, there’s a book that can help you achieve your PMP certification goals in 2023.
Remember that successful PMP exam preparation often involves using multiple resources in combination. Consider using the PMBOK® Guide in tandem with one or more of the recommended prep books to ensure a comprehensive understanding of project management principles and practices.
Whichever book(s) you choose, stay committed to your study plan, practice regularly, and remain confident in your abilities. With dedication and the right study materials, you’ll be well-prepared to conquer the PMP exam and advance your career in project management.
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lonniesharp · 1 year
Top 5 Best PMP Boot Camps of 2023
PMP certification is a valuable credential for project managers. To pass the PMP exam, many professionals choose to attend a PMP boot camp. In this article, we'll explore the top 5 best PMP boot camp of 2023.
Top 5 Best PMP Boot Camps of 2023
1. Project Management Academy
Project Management Academy is a well-established boot camp with a strong reputation. They offer a variety of training options, including online, in-person, and hybrid courses. Their courses are designed to cover all the topics tested on the PMP exam.
2. Simplilearn
Simplilearn is a popular online training provider that offers a variety of project management courses, including PMP boot camps. Their PMP boot camps are led by experienced instructors and include study materials and practice exams.
3. GreyCampus
GreyCampus offers both online and in-person PMP boot camps. Their courses are designed to help students pass the PMP exam on the first try. They provide study materials, practice exams, and a money-back guarantee.
4. PMI
PMI, the organization that offers the PMP certification, also offers PMP boot camps. Their courses are designed to align with PMI's standards and cover all the topics tested on the PMP exam. They offer both online and in-person courses.
5. Master of Project Academy
Master of Project Academy is an online training provider that offers a variety of project management courses, including PMP boot camps. Their PMP boot camps are designed to be self-paced and include study materials, practice exams, and instructor support.
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Choosing the best PMP boot camp can be a daunting task. However, by considering these top five PMP boot camps of 2023, you can make an informed decision on which boot camp is right for you.
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dileepm · 3 years
PMP Certification in Bangalore
ExcelR- PMP Certification In Bangalore
Like different Project Management courses, ExcelR also supplies training for Pmp Certification In Bangalore. The training course begins with the basics of project management skills. It covers topics about individuals administration, conflict administration, primary processes involved in projects, and the entire enterprise perspective of project administration. The weightage within the exam is majorly for people and processes with really limited give attention to the business surroundings. It is obvious that the celebrated PMP is acknowledged because of the gold commonplace of project administration worldwide.  It confirms that a candidate possesses the data and abilities required to successfully lead the team in an organization and enhance and its profitability.
Yes, several institutes are providing PMP courses in Bangalore. If they will assist in registering for the PMP examination as it's a tedious process. These checkpoints will enable you the select the proper PMP class. You need to resolve upfront for the PMP examination date and schedule the examination. This is as a result of it is a proctored exam and a stay proctor will watch you in the course of the examination. This online examination could be taken in the comfort of home or office.
This three-day course covers all matter areas required to pass the CAPM® examination. It covers the information areas and course of groups contained in the latest "A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge" (PMBOK® Guide)as well as associated concepts, tools, and strategies. This 3-day examination prep boot camp covers all matter areas required to move the examination. It covers the information areas and process teams contained within the latest "A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK® Guide)" as well as related ideas, tools, and techniques.
You’ll also have entry to native and world communities, the chance to advance and provides back to the profession, reductions, rewards, and perks. A. At the moment you'll enroll, you're going to get 60 days of flexible access to our PMP® virtual live session. Once you enroll, you will obtain an email with PMP® virtual reside session details. A. In case, you change your thoughts about taking our PMP® virtual live session for any purpose, you will be entitled to a full or partial refund.
The ExcelR PMP training course is obligatory to apply for the PMP certification examination. By attending the web or classroom course you have to make 35 hours of professional development models to satisfy the requirements and this can be fulfilled by attending the coaching course. Look no further than ExcelR provides the best pump coaching in Bangalore. It is a workshop masking all matters in project management with lectures delivered by a professional with greater than 2 a long time of expertise in industry and training.
High-high quality training videos to understand and apply PMP Certification in actual life. With a PMI certification, you outline yourself beyond a job title while gaining a sense of private satisfaction.
ExcelR Provides 100% Placement Assistance, Internship, and Project Support exclusively entitled for PMP® certification training course enrollees. 36-hours Instructor-led Training a virtual tour on project administration methods, ideas, and implications. Develop flexible strategies and adapt them to the context and constraints of particular tasks. Deliver initiatives on time and with the allotted price range & assets. Know about up-to-date instruments utilized in project administration corresponding to task fragmenting, construction, resource allocation, mathematical project organizing fashions, Gantt charts, project price estimation, and value administration. Augments your skills to determine, analyze, and solve project management points.
A fact was disclosed in the latest poll, carried out by Project Management Institute (PMI®) that, Project Management Professional (PMP®)Accredited Managers earn about 20% more salary than the regular supervisors. ExcelR has been facilitating PMP certification Pune with exam preparation for aspiring managers for 12 a long time. ExcelR is the very first R.E.P of all PMI® since 2002 in Bangalore. This course is designed for project managers, project group members, different managers, and all those who would profit from publicity to best follow in project management. The PMI is the predominant project administration commonplace outdoors of the UK and Europe. This has led to the development of using the best practices and requirements in project administration while executing tasks thereby remain competitive and valued. Innate Labs has efficiently trained and certified about four hundred,1000+ individuals throughout numerous IT and administration programs by way of prime quality training supply and operational excellence.
You can reach us at:
Name: ExcelR Solutions - PMP Certification Training Bangalore
Address: #49, Ground Floor, 27th Main Near IQRA International School, opposite to WIF Hospital, 1st Stage, BTM Layout, Bengaluru, Karnataka 560068
Phone: 08792928610
Map Url: https://goo.gl/maps/h8Fp1JhZT5atvMhS8
Base page link: https://www.excelr.com/pmp-training-in-bangalore
Web site URL: https://www.excelr.com/data-science-course-training-in-bangalore
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mindcypress1 · 2 years
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The Project Management Professional (PMP) credential is the most recognized certification in the project management industry. The PMP credential is awarded to project managers who have passed the rigorous exam administered by the Project Management Institute(PMI). Mindcypress is a very reliable resource for PMP exam preparation. Their course material is the most comprehensive one on the market and is regularly updated by PMI. They have a great Online PMP boot camp and bring together the best instructors from all over the world. They also have a team of expert practitioners who ensure that all the PMP questions are properly verified and formatted.
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edumind · 3 years
How to choose the right PMP course online?
Choosing a PMP course online that meets your needs is an important decision that will determine if you pass your PMP certification exam. There are numerous PMP certification courses available online and onsite with different benefits for students. You must decide which one best fits your needs in terms of preparation style, finances, course curriculum, and customization.
Picking a PMP course online involves a bit of research utilizing the following parameters. Let's take a look.
Comprehensive Curriculum
The course should contain all of the information needed to pass the PMP certification exam. The class curriculum should utilize practice exams to give students an idea of how the exam will feel. Most providers of online courses display their course curriculum online. A simple analysis of course curriculums of different providers will reveal if it is truly comprehensive.
Course flexibility
Some of the people that want to take the PMP exam work a full-time job and have a family. Online schools have started providing flexible course modules to students to accommodate time for preparation. EduMind is a course provider that offers multiple teaching methods for PMP certification. EduMind has Live Online, Onsite, Ondemand, and Boot Camp learning formats.
Reviews and opinions from previous students that have taken and passed the PMP exam provide consumer accounts of how EduMind helped them. Online reviews help students with their decision on whether or not to attend a specific school. Students should get enough information from an institution's evaluations to make an educated decision about their future.
Track Record
You should choose the course provider that has the best track record of their students passing their certification exams. The schools with pass percentages above the national average should be first on your list. These course providers are popular and economical. You should research which school has the most students that have gone on to become PMP certified professionals.
Cost is a factor for students who are preparing for the PMP certification exam. Students need to check if the money spent is worth the cost of registration. Cost is an important parameter for students before they register for any course. Students should consider that the money spent on an online review program is an investment in their future.
Conclusion – Additional Value
The above parameters are only the basics of choosing the right course provider. There may be other factors that vary from student to student. The PMP certification courses are competitive among course providers, and some have valuable additions that benefit students. Students can assess these add-ons provided by the course providers and get value for their money based on what they provide without compromising the integrity of the course. For More Information Visit: https://www.edumind.com/project-management/pmp-certification-training/
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eduhubspot · 8 months
Unleashing Potential: Navigating Through the Best PMP Boot Camp
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Maintaining a competitive edge in today's professional landscape frequently involves a continuous pursuit of information and skill growth Among numerous certifications available, the Project Management Professional (PMP) stands out distinctly, offering a competitive edge in the project management field. Entering the realm of the PMP demands rigorous preparation, and opting for the best PMP boot camp can be a pivotal decision in that journey.
Key Components of a Stellar PMP Boot Camp
Curriculum Congruency
A top-notch PMP boot camp will align its curriculum meticulously with the PMI's guidelines, ensuring every aspect of the PMP exam is covered comprehensively.
Experienced Instructors
The vitality of seasoned instructors, who not only possess in-depth knowledge but also the aptitude to facilitate productive learning environments, cannot be understated.
Practical Application
Ingraining theoretical knowledge through practical application, via real-life case studies and simulations, enhances retention and prepares candidates for pragmatic project management scenarios.
Flexible Learning Modules
Adaptability to different learning paces and styles, by providing various learning modules, reflects the inclusivity and versatility of a leading PMP boot camp.
Why Opt for a PMP Exam BootCamp?
Establishing a Robust Foundation
A PMP exam BootCamp helps establish a solid foundational knowledge base, vital for comprehending intricate project management concepts.
Networking Opportunities
Interacting with fellow PMP aspirants can open doors to collaborative learning and future professional networking opportunities.
Structured Learning
A well-designed boot camp offers a systematic and structured learning pathway, steering clear from the potential disarray of self-study.
Mapping Success: Preparing for the Unexpected
Delving into the labyrinth of project management through a PMP boot camp, aspirants not only equip themselves with the requisite knowledge but also develop the ability to navigate through unexpected challenges, ensuring projects are executed seamlessly even amidst unforeseen hurdles.
How EduHubSpot Can Elevate Your PMP Preparation?
Envisioned as a catalyst for professional development, EduHubSpot propels aspirants towards PMP success through a meticulously crafted curriculum, adept instructors, and a robust support system.
In-depth Courses: Offering a comprehensive range of materials, including video lessons, practice questions, and mock exams, that mirror the actual PMP examination.
Expert Guidance: Seasoned professionals, with a wealth of experience, guide candidates through every intricate nuance of the PMP curriculum.
Continuous Support: With a dedicated team on standby, candidates are assured consistent support throughout their PMP journey.
Choosing the best PMP boot camp is paramount to not only acquiring certification but also cultivating a skill set that resonates through a successful project management career. With platforms like EduHubSpot, aspirants can navigate through the challenging terrains of PMP preparation, emerging proficient and certification-ready, to stamp their authority in the project management domain.
Q1: What differentiates a PMP boot camp from traditional PMP preparation methods?
A1: PMP boot camps are intensive, short-term training programs designed to immerse candidates in the curriculum, providing structured learning, expert instruction, and peer interaction, in contrast to the often isolated and unstructured nature of self-study.
Q2: How does a PMI boot camp elevate preparation for the PMP examination?
A2: A PMI boot camp fast-tracks your preparation by providing a condensed, yet comprehensive overview of the PMP curriculum, equipping you with the strategies to navigate through the complex examination scenario, and offering insights that are often inaccessible through textbooks and self-study materials.
Q3: How does EduHubSpot facilitate a candidate's journey through the PMP certification process?
A3: EduHubSpot provides extensive study materials, expert mentorship, and continuous support, ensuring that every PMP aspirant is adeptly prepared, not only to pass the examination but also to apply theoretical knowledge pragmatically in the professional realm.
Q4: Are boot camps suitable for PMP aspirants with no prior project management experience?
A4: Absolutely! PMP boot camps are designed to accommodate and elevate individuals from varied professional backgrounds, instilling in them the requisite knowledge and skills to excel in the PMP examination and in the broader project management field.
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arohi19 · 3 years
What Are The Pmp Exam Requirements?
Since you might be here, I am assuming that you've already been by way of the PMI’s website as well. You have already seen what it takes to be PMP certified, you understand the fees, time required, efforts required and experience required. What you most likely don’t know is, whether or not all these investments are worth it? And the reply is, Yes, PMP certification is worth all your efforts and investments. Below are certain advantages of pmp certification in bangalore that may make you imagine that getting PMP licensed is the correct alternative for you. Road to Project Success your most comprehensive information to PMP Certification.
Project Management Certification is a widely known and most demanded stage of feat for the professional who want to be a successful & recognized Project Manager. PMP Certification is Professional Qualification for Project Managers provided by Project Management Institute . What your expertise are price in the job market is constantly changing.
You can learn via Videos, Flash playing cards, Games and Mind Maps. To check your understanding, we offer you our entry to our on-line question bank. All this at your fingertips via our consumer-pleasant learning platform IcLeaf. Understanding the Significance of Project Charter, Scope Statement, Work Breakdown Structure , Responsibility Matrix, Network Building, CPM whereas giving the Project Management Professional Exam. Demonstrate a clear comprehension of what actions, instruments, & techniques, are necessary for every part of a job & perceive that the PMI® In PMP Training in Pune, examination nuances. Facilitate, acknowledge & respect the Value of Risk management, Procurement Management, Human Resource Management by way of foundations of Project Management. With the help of the case studies, motivating the individuals to use the principles of Project Management in their very own Work space discussed with the assist of case research.
At the same time I additionally came across IIBM Institute of Business Management and located this useful online course. Now I really feel extra empowered with requisite data to take up larger duties not solely in insurance trade but in addition in any business per se. PMP course is a globally acknowledged certification, after completion of which you'll work as a project manager in any trade, with any methodology and in any location. The PMP indicates that you'll be able to speak and understand the worldwide language of project administration and connects you to a neighborhood of pros, organizations and consultants worldwide. This implies that when you have the phrases PMP earlier than your name, the individuals will know the amount of data you could have in the subject and it’ll make your life a lot easier. This is the place a PMP® Certification is nice for your personal as well as skilled growth.
Completing a project successfully requires a combined effort of all the designated groups and their leaders. Whether a project is for brief-term or lengthy-term, it ought to be under the hands of an professional who could deal with the overall management of each section and be sure that deadlines are met. Such professionals are generally known as project managers and they form the spine of every project that a company works on. PMBOK Guide Process Groups - Read this infographic to learn about 5 Process Groups of project management for PMI certification exams(PMP/CAPM).
Our PMP boot camp coaching in Mumbai is curated by specialists to help aspirants put together for and move the PMP examination in a single go. When you full the coaching course, you will obtain a course completion certificate from Sprintzeal. However, Sprintzeal doesn't administer the PMP certification. But after you have handed that examination, you will receive the certification from the Project Management Institute PMI. The aspirant ought to have at least 5 years of experience in project management. Let’s check out prime project management certifications and other superior project administration certifications provided by PMI. Even though you possess the best project administration abilities, it is very important to have exterior validation and accreditation from famend institutions.
I attended ITIL® coaching for clearing the certification exam. I’m grateful to the coach for imparting high quality training.
However, we consider the most effective only if they are accredited by the project administration institute. Only those permitted by PMI will have the ability to help in registering for the examination. Improves your communication skills– As PMP certified professionals speak the same language of project management as others in the entire world they have good communication skills. A four-12 months degree (Bachelor’s or the worldwide equal) and a minimum of three years of project management experience.
A. The Certified Associate Project Management course is one other project administration certification supplied by PMI involving a research of fundamental degree Project Management for entry level professionals or novices. Candidate who've handed high school diploma, associates degree should have minimal 7500 hours of skilled project management experience. Candidate with a Bachelor's Degree must have minimal 4500 hours of professional project administration expertise. My expertise was just terrific and you should attend this PMP certification course. You will purchase information about project administration and all necessary particulars with real case research. I even have been managing tasks for years, but by no means had any formal coaching.
Address :
#49, Ground Floor, 27th Main Near IQRA International School, opposite to WIF Hospital, 1st Stage, BTM Layout, Bengaluru, Karnataka 560068
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ayonde · 4 years
Fall, Winter and Spring (Blog#6)
I came to US for my MBA in Aug 2013. A month later I had landed an internship at Nationwide Insurance thanks to National Black MBA. After returning to Williamsburg I was undoubtedly happy. However that euphoria didn’t last long as up next were Mid-term exams. At William & Mary, the 1st year is divided into 3 MODs. Some subjects lasted only one MOD while some spread across MODs. In MOD 1 we had Accounting, Organizational Behavior, Business Analytics and IT Technology that were one MOD subject while Management communication and Leadership Development Experience was spread across MODs.
In accounting I felt like a fish out of water. Accounting wasn’t (and still isn’t) my cup of tea – like at all!! W&M does recommend incoming students at arrive early before the start of the program and attend boot camp where they go over accounting basics. In India as I studied science in my high school and then engineering during my undergrad I had a hard time classifying line items into asset or liability, let alone balancing the two.
Organizational Behavior required a lot of reading and case studies. My reading speed was slow. My mid-term results were not very encouraging. I was average at best and ended up with a 3.0 GPA Mid-term. Now there was a new threat looming. If my GPA drops below 3.0 and stays there I will lose my financial aid – which would be disastrous!
I focused all my attention in getting my grades up. In MOD 2 I had Marketing and Finance in addition to Economic analysis and Ethics. The latter two were easy for me, and I was able to get good scores. Marketing was taught by Prof. Larry Ring, it’s more like a lesson in consulting case than marketing. Really exciting and wonderful stuff but a lot of reading. I have always struggled with that when under clock. If I was fish out of water for Accounting I was a fish in outer space when it came to Finance. Regardless I somehow managed to get average grades in those two. So it put my GPA at 3.0 but top of the class grades in other subjects moved me out of danger and my GPA was at 3.3 by MOD 2.
On Campus Job & SSN: At W&M, my financial aid was scheduled to kick in during the 2nd year of the MBA program, but I desperately needed a job in my 1st year to keep me afloat. I applied for an on-campus job and got one as website caretaker for an English professor. It helped me pay my monthly phone bill at Verizon at the very least. Having an on-campus job also helped me get my Social Security Number. Usually for SSN you need a job offer or an internship offer. I did have an Internship with Nationwide but since the actual start date was 9 months out I didn’t have offer letter required for SSN until later. Regardless, 2 hours and 2 bus transfers later I reached Newport News in VA and applied for my SSN. I would feel bad for myself for being middle class poor and not having a car really. My classmates from China would have $$$ thanks to their strong currency and buy cars in the 1st week of our MBA program. Most US students will get some sort of auto loan or have existing vehicles. Most Indians come from a middle class families and our savings got divided by a factor of 60 thanks to the weaker Rupee. Which meant a very tight USD budget and worrying about money most times. Worse, the Indian currency was weakening meaning my parents had to put more Rupees than anticipated to meet the budget.
1 US Dollar = 55 Rupees in Jan 2013
1 US Dollar = 61 Rupees in June 2013
1 US Dollar = 65 Rupees in Sep 2013
Updating my SSN at Verizon helped me get my $400 deposit back. Remainder of academic year in 2013 was spent managing my budget, studying for grades and finding a work life balance. Chris let me drive his car and soon I got my driving license. Chris also invited Chloe, Teru, Frank and me to his home at Newport News for Thanksgiving. He taught us the rules for American football. I soon realized that talking about football is the easiest way to break ice with virtually everyone in the United States. I learned the rules of the game, and I picked up the team names and some players names over the course of time.
 Life was past paced until 2nd week of December that’s when 1st semester concluded after End-term exams were over. All of my US friends went back to their respective home cities. All of my international friends either went to their relative in US, or went back to China/India/Thailand etc. to be back with family. Some went on to discover America. Disney world, Alaska, Las Vegas etc. I had no money for such travel. Being on a budget meant I was by myself at Graduate complex. There were 4 students in all of Gradplex. Williamsburg resembled a ghost town in winters. (See empty law school library)
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PMP: Since the Green (University) Line stop running during winter break. Buying grocery meant a 2-3 hour roundtrip bus ride. I often walked to buy bread and eggs and the slippery ice or snowy conditions didn’t help at all. I was alone, poor and depressed. I thought of using this opportunity and start preparing for my PMP exam. Nearest test center was 3.5 hours via Amtrak away – Washington DC. I scheduled it in 2nd week of Jan 2014 and studied hard. I was locked in my apartment and literally had nothing else to do. Took the Amtrak to DC and stayed at my friend - Vipul’s place. Took the exam and cleared the PMP the next day. I was now a certified Project Management Professional. I was happy, not only because I cleared the PMP but also that I got to spend some time with Vipul. Vipul was my roommate during the last two years of my undergrad engineering. It was good to cherish old days.
I went back to Williamsburg after spending few days in DC as 2nd semester was about to start. Finally school reopened and Williamsburg became alive again. By end of Feb/March we were done with MOD 2 and MOD 3 started. MOD 3 was my comfort zone. Winter was on retreat and Operations, Macroeconomics, and Cost Accounting were my favorite subjects. My GPA was back up and I was looking forward to summer of 2014!!
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PMI-ACP Exam-PMI Agile Certified Practitioner
Do you want to pass the PMI Agile Certified Practitioner exam with best marks? Well, check out our latest exam dump questions for PMI-ACP exam. It is the perfect opportunity for you to practice with actual PMI-ACP exam questions and you will be able to feel the real PMI Agile Certified Practitioner exam scenario. With the help of us, you will be able to get the PMI-ACP PDF questions dumps so you can go through all the PMI-ACP test answers. There are countless cheap options available out there but, our PMI-ACP exam braindumps will provide you everything you need to prepare for PMI-ACP exam and pass it in the first attempt.
To pass the PMI-ACP exam you definitely need this PMI-ACP PDF Braindump. We guarantee that it is going to help you pass your exam in your first attempt. This PMI-ACP PDF Braindump is designed to help you save time and money with regards to your PMI-ACP exam. You do not need to attend any PMI-ACP boot camps and pay hundreds of dollars to just prepare for this exam. By simply reviewing these real questions and answers from our PMI-ACP PDF Braindump you will gain the knowledge and confidence to clear your PMI-ACP exam.
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If you are a student seeking assistance with your PMI-ACP certification exam, then you have come to the right place. This PMI-ACP PDF braindump or BrainDump contains content from the 2019, PMI-ACP real exam. The PMI-ACP questions and answers are very accurate and as such we guarantee your pass in your first try!
This PMI-ACP PDF braindump has been carefully, formatted, reviewed and tested by a team of professional PMP - PMI trainers.
The PMI-ACP practice test and preparation material are available in 2 different formats. The PMI-ACP question and answer PDF questions dumps will help you to revise the questions before taking PMI-ACP exam. It will give you the perfect idea of the real time PMI-ACP exam questions so you can prepare yourself easily for the PMI Agile Certified Practitioner exam. You don’t have to go through the huge PMI-ACP books to prepare yourself for the PMI-ACP exam when you have access to the best PMI-ACP exam dumps.
Are you afraid of failing the PMI-ACP exam? If you want the best PMI-ACP practice material to pass the PMI Agile Certified Practitioner exam then you should consider to buy PMI-ACP exam dump. We offer a money back guarantee on our PMI Agile Certified Practitioner exam products. If you are unable to pass the PMI-ACP exam after using our practice test and PMI-ACP .pdf dumps questions, then you can always get your money back. More importantly, we offer a free PMI-ACP questions, and it helps our customers to get the idea of the quality validity of the PMI-ACP exam practice test software. You are not wasting your money as we are providing you money back guarantee on the PMI Agile Certified Practitioner products.
You won’t find such a great PMI Agile Certified Practitioner exam package elsewhere. We provide you 15% discount on the purchase of complete PMI-ACP exam package that includes practice test software and PDF Q&A. If you are purchasing the whole PMI-ACP package, it will be easier for you to prepare for the exam. You can always revise before PMI-ACP exam using our PDF Question answers for PMI-ACP exam.
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edumind · 3 years
Why should you attend a boot camp for PMP exam preparation?
There are many ways to prepare for an exam and boot camp is one of the best. Boot camp is a great Onsite group event that takes place over a few days. It is one of the best methods to learn various concepts of any subject. If you are taking the PMP exam and want to prepare for the exam using our PMP boot camp and are unsure if it will help. The following are a few reasons that should convince you.
5 reasons why you should attend a boot camp
1. Extensive interaction  
Students can interact with each other and instructors in an open forum arena. This is the best place to connect with other project managers and share ideas and experiences. Interacting with the trainers is an added benefit.
2. Engaging sessions
Instructors at PMP Boot Camps can help you pass the exam with ease. Onsite boot camps keep you away from the distractions that come with learning at your own pace from your home. You can interact with students and review concepts and ideas.
3. Intensive training
PMP boot camp will give you intensive training because all the teachers are professional experts in their fields. The instructors are more than capable in helping students prepare for their exams. We provide online profiles of our trainers to help you decide.
4. Improves your self-confidence
Preparing for the PMP exam is not easy and students are often unsure if they are ready. The PMP boot camp allows you to interact with the instructor and discuss your readiness to take the exam. You can evaluate your performance during any class discussions or exercises.
If several years have lapsed since you last took the exam, it can seem impossible to try again. PMP boot camps can help you build your confidence through interaction with lecturers and fellow classmates.
5. Helps you answer questions
The Project Management Institute requires that applicants have 4,500 hours of experience before taking the exam. It can be difficult to apply real-world experience to the exam. Students and instructors can help you use your real-world experience to pass their exams.
Live Onsite boot camps can help you prepare for the exam. EduMind offers traditional classroom experience through in-person lectures. EduMind’s preparation strategy will help you pass your exam with ease and confidence.
For more information. visit https://www.edumind.com/project-management/pmp-certification-training/course-registration.html
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expertdigi · 4 years
The PMP Certification synergistic administration so that a number of initiatives profit from coordinated oversight versus being managed separately. The Professional in Project Management credential is a project administration certification administered by the Global Association for Quality Management. It is considered a certification for middle administration positions, which incorporates the core fundamentals of project management, as well as more superior ideas like disaster administration.
This means that in addition to the one-yr ready interval, PMI also requires you to submit (and pay for) a brand new PMP examination software if you want to try again after your one-12 months wait is over. While the online exam simulator may cost you a bit of cash, now could be the time to take a position the additional dollar in order to be sure to pass the take a look at the following time round. Your current sport is to take the PMP examination and you need to follow, practice, apply. The best means to do that is through the net exam simulator which can provide you a lot apply exams and provides a great evaluation instruments after you take the simulation exams.
With the knowledge on PMP® Exam offered here, it is hoped that Aspirants will be able to lay out a plan that is most suitable for his or her success. This article offers will you some ballpark figures on the money, time and efforts required for writing the PMP® examination and sustaining the PMP® Certification to help you estimate useful resource availability. Earning the PMP® Certification might price you some huge cash, time and efforts.
The common annual wage of a PMP licensed project manager can also be about $a hundred.000. The Program Management Professional certificate is for senior-stage professionals who handle and coordinate multiple initiatives for his or her organizations.
I've PMP Certification highest rated ones (Rita, Heldman, Crowe and so on) and this is simply one of the best of the lot. The end of chapter quizzes and supplemental workouts are a good way to strengthen the knowledge. The e-book is laid out in a logical order and the grammar is spot o. After fourteen years within the subject, together with six years educating a PMP exam boot camp, the creator now offers his easy, clear strategy to successfully passing your PMP and CAPM certification exams.
It is crucial to estimate whether your finances and examine time allows you to tackle PMP® as your subsequent professional achievement. In this case, there are two strategies to bear in mind as you end your remaining project expertise hours. First, verify to see when you have the proper variety of project expertise.
There might be out there slots every quarter-hour so PMP exam takers will be able to find a time 24/7 around their schedule. Many aspirants are nervous about math-based mostly questions and the calculations concerned in fixing these questions. They marvel if they'll use a calculator through the PMP certification exam.
Even if there are a few questions that appear unanswerable, ensure you a minimum of guess...you could have a 25% likelihood of answering appropriately when guessing, where if left unanswered you have a a hundred% chance of getting it incorrect. Both heart-based mostly testing and online proctoring examination provide a ten-min break possibility. The PMP exam has two components, you'll complete the primary part and you will have the choice to take a 10-mins break. Once you accomplished the first half, you can't revisit/change the questions you already answered in the first half.
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eduhubspot · 10 months
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Hello aspiring PMI-ACP professionals! 👋
Enroll In our upcoming PMI-ACP Bootcamp, which will begin on August 26th, 2023! This PMI-ACP Bootcamp, guided by the wonderful Nidhi Kohli, an experienced PMI-approved trainer, will provide you with the skills and knowledge required to grasp Agile concepts and practices
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projectlabsco · 4 years
9 Tips for Studying for the PMP Exam
The Project Management Professional (PMP) exam is an internationally recognized test for professionals in the project management industry. It is based on the information covered in the PMI’s Project Management Body of Knowledge, consisting of 200 mutually exclusive, four-option, multiple-choice questions. As with any test, you’ll want to prepare before taking the PMP exam. Many people neglect to take mock tests or study hard enough before their exam date. Signing up for a PMP Certification Training program is extremely beneficial since you’ll be able to pursue your project management career skills with the help of an instructor. When you’re enrolled in a class, you can work to achieve your certification at your convenience.  How to Prepare for the PMP Exam Here are some of the best ways to help you prepare for the project management professional exam in and outside of the classroom.  1. Study hard There’s no right or wrong amount of time to study, as every individual learner is different. Generally speaking, it’s recommended that you spend 20 to 40 hours studying (in addition to the time you spend in class) for the PMP exam in order to succeed. For best results, base your studies off of The Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge. This guide will give you a great head start on test prep.  2. Follow a plan Regardless of what you’re studying for, having a plan of attack is always essential. Set clear and specific goals for your studies so that you know when you’ve achieved them. Balance your time wisely, being sure to consider how much time you can realistically study on any given day. Finally, be sure you’re studying the resources that are going to serve you best. The exam can be overwhelming, but with a plan in place, you can and will succeed. 3. Make time for practice tests As previously mentioned, one of the biggest mistakes people make in taking the PMP exam is neglecting to take a few practice tests first. By taking practice tests, you’ll have a better idea of what to expect on the actual test. In addition, you’ll be able to put a laser focus on the areas you don’t know as well and spend more time studying them. You won’t have a lot of time to spend on each question when you’re taking the actual exam. Practice tests can improve your question and answer recall and enable to you come to a conclusion quicker.  4. Study more than one guide The Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge is a great starting point, but it shouldn’t be the only thing you study for the PMP exam. Other guides that come highly recommended include:  5. Read the questions carefully Even though the questions are multiple-choice, one switch of a word can completely change its answer. Keep an eye out for those questions that lead you to believe it’s something you’ve read before in a reference book or guide. Minor changes can cause major blunders in your final test score.  6. Create flashcards One study method that will never go out of style is flashcards. The PMP exam features definition-based and formula-based questions. Flashcards are an easy way to study for these portions of the test. Not only will you be going over the cards again and again, but you’ll have to write out the question and answer, which can help your memorization of the terms and formulas.  7. Take training seriously The Project Management Institute requires that you spend 35 hours on your education before you apply to take the exam. Use this time wisely, as what you learn can help you pass the exam. Focus on the founding concepts of project management, and most importantly, if you have questions, ask them! The classroom is your direct line to the answers and insight needed to pass the test.  8. Allow breaks Make sure you give yourself time for mental breaks. It’s just as important to have enough rest leading up to the exam as it is to study the reference book and take practice exams. You don’t want to go into the test feeling stressed out and tired. Ensuring you stay healthy, physically and mentally, while preparing for the test will enable you to remain cool, calm, and collected during the exam.  The grading system for the PMP Exam is not straightforward. Each question is weighted by level of difficulty, and no two students will get the same set of problems. So, it’s tough to say what the pass rate is. That’s why taking practice exams is of the utmost importance. The more you practice, the more knowledge you’ll have to help you determine what questions may be considered easy and what may be considered hard.  9. Enroll in a PMP certification program The Project Management Excellence Center (PMEC) offers a PMP certification program that will ensure you are fully prepared to take the test. Their team of instructors specialize in PMP, CAPM, PMI-ACP, as well as Agile and Scrum methodologies and training, and are hand-selected based on their experience and industry knowledge.   PMEC provides complete course materials, including study aids, references, and a 90-day subscription to their online simulation of the PMP exam with over 500 practice test questions. Thanks to their well-rounded approach at tackling the exam and their expert instructors, 98 percent of their students pass the exam the first time around.  Everyone has different needs and learning styles. PMEC programs are located across the United States in 23 cities as well as online. They also offer a 4-day PMP Boot Camp which is an accelerated, guaranteed path to achieving your PMP certification. No matter what your preference is, you’ll be able to study the project management career skills and related certifications you need to excel in your career at your convenience. Remember — there isn’t a one-size-fits-all strategy to studying for the PMP exam. Use the methods that work best for you to ensure you understand the concepts at play. In this way, you’ll be able to pass the test with flying colors. Read more: from WordPress https://ift.tt/2JolR15 via IFTTT
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