#benverly college au
teethvomitz · 3 years
"Welcome to the best time of your young adult lives! COLLEGE! Where you get to live in shitty dorms, go to long classes, get drunk, and maybe even fall in love! We are really so glad you signed up to out wonderful college! Please move your shit in and get moving! Classes start soon!"
Some time has passed since that day, midterm exams are coming up. You have made friends! You have fucked around a bit for sure. And now your getting shoved into a stupid friend group! woops! Well.. Welcome to the losers club asshole. Hope your ready to start the rest of college.
18+ IT losers club college au RP server, can be nsfw!
We need a bill, mike, and patty!!
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rchtzr · 3 years
i know ben/bev are the token ~*~*~ couple of the IT world but i LOVE them not getting together at all until adulthood and then having it be kind of difficult for them to navigate at first 
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The first thing I’ve written in a while.
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astraea-writes · 4 years
Ben Hanscom College AU Aesthetic
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Okay Ben in college
Architecture is hard, y’all
Like if you’re not familiar with architecture programs.....whew
Ben is in the library 24/7
Drawing and making models on top of just studying for a course load that is way too high
The losers have a schedule to come to the library in shifts to make sure that Ben doesn’t stress himself out too much or to make sure he doesn’t fall asleep
It’s not really about the grades for Ben, though
Knowing that he put in as much effort as he could and being rewarded for it is good enough for him
Which is to say he does really well in school
I think he would minor in creative writing, just to have an escape from the very calculated and judgmental vibe of the architecture department 
Ben loves the big lecture halls because he hates talking in small groups
But he excitedly runs home to tell Bev or the rest of the losers about whatever he’s learning that day
On the blessed occasions when he doesn’t have an exam or a project due, Ben is content with anything
Richie want’s to take everyone to a party? Cool, Ben will be in the back chatting with some friends nursing a beer
Sidenote Ben is the one that every drunk person ends up talking to at the parties end- he is the one that you want rushing you up to the bathroom or making sure you get home safe (if you’ve seen Say Anything, he’s the keymaster for sure)
The Loser’s are going to the cinema or to a show? He’s there
Bill wants to go for a mini road trip? He’ll be in the 7/11 grabbing snacks for everyone while they argue about seating
They want to just walk around aimlessly and talk about nothing? Ben loves how it makes him feel like he’s in a movie with his best friends
Ben never really had much time alone with Bill growing up, and so now that they go to poetry events or readings together with Bill’s english department they’ve become a lot closer
His room is basically always clean since he never spends any time there and is the best roommate ever
Ben knows that the downtime he has is valuable so he is the one making sure the losers are utilizing every bit of it they get- if anyone needs someone to go with or an extra set of hands, Ben is always a yes
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alien-richie · 4 years
Keep In Touch Part 1:
• So there's gonna be some BenxBev RichiexEddie and MikexStan (and Bill who's awful at romantics), but we'll get into all of that later.
• Richie, Ben, Bev, and Mike start a cover band in high school when they're like 15-16 (probs the summer after their sophomore year.) Richie sings and plays rhythm guitar, Mike plays guitar (and occasional piano), Bev does some vocals and backing vocals and plays bass, and Ben plays the drums.
• They start off just doing covers and having fun for a while and posting videos/audios of their covers and/or garage/barn performances on YouTube, and they get an okay but not huge following online. They aren't famous or even really that popular by any means, but that doesn't mean they aren't any good.
• So a little after the band situation starts, Richie and Eddie start dating (finally), and it goes pretty well up until their senior year when everyone's getting ready for college and shit. Eddie's always being guilttripped by his mom, and Richie (and the other Losers) have to keep reminding him that life will be so much better for him once he's away from his mother and just Derry in general.
• Now, in Richie's head, he saw all of them going to the same college or at least colleges that are somewhat close to each other. Obviously, a bit too much to ask for for seven people with mostly differing life plans.
• Bill talks about going to a college in England towards the end of their Junior year which upsets Richie and the two get into this huge fight, and they pretty much don't talk to each other for the rest of their high school careers, but obviously they're forced to be around each other because of their friends.
• Senior year's going along, and Richie's still in this unrealistic (and kinda unhealthy) mindset that the rest of the Losers are going to go with his basically unspoken plan of sticking together for their college years.
•Eddie starts talking about going to college in New York, Ben and Stan plan to go to colleges in Nebraska and Georgia, and Mike and Bev end up wanting to go to the same college in Florida, purely by coincidence, and Richie is left in the dark about ALL of this because everyone is scared of upsetting him.
• Anyways, the band is still going strong through their Senior year. Richie actually started writing original songs (with occasional help from the others). They're upbeat and punk/alternative and sometimes about Eddie just to see him blush in the front of the little crowds at the small parties they had in Mike's barn where they performed. These songs are recorded and posted on YouTube and get just as much love as the rest of their stuff, in fact, it actually gets them a little more attention. Again, not Famous or really that popular, but good, y'know?
• Then around Spring break, Richie finds Eddie's acception letter in his backpack while digging around for his inhaler or something, and he flips. They fight, Eddie goes off telling him how unrealistic it would be for all 7 of them to go to the same place when they all have mostly different directions they want to go in. Richie refuses to accept that and feels betrayed.
And Eddie breaks up with Richie.
• Richie doesn't go to school for the rest of the week and avoids the Losers for a couple weeks after that, staying at home and pouting.. and crying.. and drinking and smoking pot and writing.. a lot. And then he only ever really hangs out with Stan and Bev, Ben, and Mike to practice and play and record and write.
• His songs get kinda more self depreciating but not concerningly so, they're still upbeat and kick-ass, and bitter/angry sometimes.
• One day Richie asks what'll happen to the band after they all split up and Stan, Bev, Ben, and Mike all look at each other and then at the floor and they say they'll try to still help Richie by sending mp4 files through emails, but that they have no idea how busy they'll be. Richie hides the pain that time, just smiles and tells them it'll be fine, and he'll work something out. They don't believe it for a second but go along with it.
• Graduation comes around, and they throw this huge party and perform with their band and then get completely wasted, but Eddie leaves halfway through the band's set during a particularly bitter song, telling everyone his mom called him (a lie.) Richie just drinks the pain away until he's behind the barn with Bev and Stan, throwing his soul up and crying into their chests about everything and wishing they could just be in high school forever and basically has a breakdown because he doesn't want to lose the rest of his best friends. He's already lost two, he can't handle anymore, and Bev and Stan try to reassure him that even while they're all at college, they'll still keep in touch and talk with him, but Richie isn't having it, he just keeps crying and begging them not to leave him.
They never talk about it after that night.
• Over the next couple weeks the Losers all start getting ready to leave for their respective colleges. Richie decides to just use his savings to move to LA and spend all of his time working and making music on his own with any possible help he gets from Ben, Mike, and/or Bev between their studies. It didn't matter, he could mix it by himself or just hire someone to play an instrument if he needed it or just make new friends in LA and get them to make music with him.
• They promise to keep in contact with each other (aside from Richie and Eddie.. and Richie and Bill.) Stan's kinda pissed at Richie as well for just being stupid and kind of an asshole about everything all year, but he still sees him as a close friend.
Like/reblog for part two cuz I have a lot more lmao
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starboystan · 4 years
This is my fic for the @stoziersecretsanta (thank u kellie 4 organising ur the best <3)
My Giftee is the incredibly talented @birdboyinthedeadlights
Ship: Stozier
Title: Perfect.
Summary: Stan has always wanted the perfect apartment. Beautiful, plant-trimmed walls and matching coffee tables and dinnerware. In college, he finally gets the chance to design his own, and it is, by all means, perfect... except for one teeny-tiny head-poundingly terrible detail that ruined Stan’s illusion of the perfect apartment.
The asshole who lived upstairs.
Words: 6381
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meanandscary · 5 years
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OPEN LOSERS CLUB RP: currently seeking writers for the characters shown above (18+ ONLY!!!)
•Ben Hanscom
•Mike Hanlon
•Stanley Uris
•Audra Phillips
•Henry Bowers
•Victor Criss
•Patrick Hocksetter
•Belch Huggins
The Background Info:
The current RP takes place in a college type AU. Freshmen year to be exact. We started this RP back in April with an original idea that didn’t exactly pan out accordingly so we aren’t SUPER strict on anything just yet and recently started back up and are welcoming new members to hopefully get this thing rolling again.
As of current the characters of Bill and Eddie are dating with of course future plans for a Reddie pairing. Stanpat is becoming a thing. Benverly (of course) and everyone else is entirely up for grabs and we are totally welcome to see what you guys come up with! What directions you’d like to take the characters. Etc. it’s a fairly new RP honestly and like I said no strict rules. Upon joining we will explain more but we pretty much wanted more people to join so we could each focus on our characters in a more detailed fashion.
Adding The Bowers seemed like a fun idea since there have already been SOME mentions of them.
PLEASE DM IF INTERESTED with the following info:
•Tumblr URL
•Character/Characters you’d be interested in writing for
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Losers as college students
📚 They live happily in a shared apartment full of food and love 📚
Mike studies veterinary
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Bill studies literature
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Stan studies painting and art
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Bev studies fashion
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Ben studies architecture
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Eddie studies medicine
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Richie studies psychology and conducts a radio program 
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I met you in the dark, you lit me up, ch 2
Chapter 2: The day after
Summary: In which Richie Tozier is dying to call Eddie Kaspbrak, aka the love of his life since last night, and ask him out on a date. But before he can do that, he has to explain to Stan and Mike why he ended up in their apartment and just how he went from a sulking mess to a love sick idiot in just one night. He must also convince Beverly to get him Eddie’s number. Not to mention get over his own doubts and nerves and actually call the kid.
Pairing: Richie Tozier x Eddie Kaspbrak
Words: 3,294
AO3 link
Chapter 1 link
tag list: @daddyphantomtbh enjoy <3 
And I’m also tagging @richietoaster @yes-dillman-yes @beepbeeprichiellc and @thetheatregal  because you commented on the first part and I thought you might want to read this one too, hope you all don’t mind <3  
When Richie went to sleep earlier that day, he planned on sleeping till noon to the very least, but Stan, Mike and their cat, Noodles had a very different idea.
Richie knew his friends were morning people, and he had gotten used to sleeping through the noise of their morning routine after countless sleepovers in their years of friendship. What he was not used to was having a cat mistake his legs for something he could sharpen his nails with. 
Luckily for Richie he had been too tired last night to take off his pants before he fell asleep on the couch and Noodles’ nails did more damage to the fabric than to his skin. He still felt it though and, in an attempt to shake the cat off, he kicked at it with his legs making both him and Noodles fall from the couch, but whereas Noodles landed gracefully on the floor, Richie most definitely didn’t, hitting his elbow against the coffee table on his way down.
“Fucking hell!” he shouted, rubbing at his injured arm. He tried to stand up only to get tangled up in the blankets and fall again, hitting his head this time, “This is all your fault, you stupid cat.”
“I can hear you Richard, leave Noodles alone” he heard Stan say from the kitchen.
“Tell your evil hairball of a pet to leave me alone then!”
“He is not evil. He is a sweetheart and he is harmless” Stan said.
“Harmless my ass, he was using my leg as his personal nail sharpener.”
“Well, you took over his couch so, can you blame him?”
“Sometimes I feel like you love this cat more than you love me, Stanley” Richie replied flatly while disentangling himself from the mess of blankets on the floor.
“More like, always” Stan answered. Richie could hear Mike laugh at that, “Especially considering said cat doesn’t wake me up in the middle of the night to ask if he can sleep over.”
“I already said I was sorry, if anything you should blame Beverly, she was the one who sexiled me” he said entering the kitchen. Stan was sitting on the counter sipping coffee from a mug, while Mike stood in front of the kitchen cooking breakfast, something delicious if the smell that filled the room was any indication, “Hiya, Mikey” he said and took a seat next to Stan.
“Hey Rich” Mike answered waving at him with the spatula.
“Even then” Stan replied, “you are to blame. If you had other friends you could’ve crashed at their place instead of ours.”
“Oh but who needs more friends when I already have you, Stan the man” Richie said throwing an arm around his friend’s shoulders and messily kissing his cheek.
“Uhh get off of me, you menace” said Stan, forcefully pushing Richie’s face away but failing to hide how the corners of his mouth were curling up in a smile.
“How about instead, you two get off my counter and go sit on a chair, you know, like normal people?” Mike said.
“Aww Mikey. You should know by now we are nowhere near normal, ain’t that right, Stanny?” Richie joked but they did get off the counter.
They made small talk while Mike finished cooking and Richie and Stan helped set the table. Then, before they sat down together to eat, Richie went to the bathroom and searched through the cabinets until he found some ibuprofen and took it, he didn’t get hangovers anymore, two years of college and years of being friends with Beverly Marsh will do that to you, but sometimes he did wake up with a headache.
I wonder how Eds is feeling though, he thinks, he seems like the kind of guy who does get hangovers after drinking too much, and he drank an awful lot last night. The thought of Eddie and the memory of last night brings a smile to his face, something both Stan and Mike notice when he joins them at the table.
“Okay, spill, what happened last night” said Stan.
“You have the exact same stupid smile as you did when you showed up.”
“Can’t I just be happy, Stan?” Richie replied trying to shrug it off but he could feel his cheeks starting to pink up.
“Yes, you can, but Beverly called me yesterday afternoon saying you were sulking over the Heather thing again” Richie flinched at the mention of her name and Stan smiled sympathetically before continuing, “she said you refused to talk to her or go out or even eat and yet, here you are not even 24 hours later smiling and joking and you expect me to believe nothing happened?”
Richie considered bullshitting his way out of this one, but these were two of his closest friends and truth be told he was dying to tell someone about Eddie, so he sighed and said instead, “Fine, you’re right.”
“Of course I am, I know you better than anyone” Stan replied smugly, “now spill.”
Mike added, “Yeah Rich, tell us”.
“Fine, you nosy losers. So, after hours of being annoying Bev managed to drag me out of the apartment last night and we went to this bar. Then the guy Bev has been gushing about, Ben, shows up, right? So, Bev wasn’t exaggerating when she talked to you, I was in a really shitty mood cause of the whole Heather thing so when she went to say hi to him I stayed behind, cause I didn’t feel like being around anyone. Except she didn’t only say hi, she sat down to talk to him some more. So I drank for a while but then, when I was about to leave, this guy and I swear to you, he was hands down the most gorgeous guy I’ve ever seen, just sits next to me.”
“Ah, everything is starting to make sense now” Mike said grinning.
“Yeah and turns out, he knows my name and at first I freak out a bit cause weird, right? But then he gets so flustered and nervous and tries to explain and turns out he’s Ben’s friend and he saw me walk in with Bev and figured if our friends were going to ditch us we might as well keep each other company” Richie is full on grinning by now and Mike and Stan are both giving him a knowing look, “so we talked, got to know each other, then Bev tells me she’s leaving with Ben and that I need to find a place to stay, and he, Eddie, says that I can stay at his apartment”.
“Wait, so if he invited you to stay over, why did you come here instead?”
“Patience, Stanley dear. I did go to his apartment but he was drunk, I mean so was I, but that’s not the point. The point is, he wasn’t feeling well so it didn’t feel right for me to stay there, let alone do anything with him, even though he did ask me to. Stay, that is. And to kiss him. Gosh you should have seen him, he was pouting and it was the cutest fucking thing ever and…”
“Right, focus. So I helped him to bed and told him I’d call him today, maybe ask him on out a date? I mean, I didn’t tell him that but I really, really want to ask him out. He’s just the most amazing guy and he’s so beautiful and his eyes are so fucking pretty, you guys, and truth be told I think I might be in love with him” he finishes and there’s that silly smile again. He can see Stan opening his mouth to say something but before he can, he adds “I know what you’re going to say…”
“Oh do you?” said Stan with a raised eyebrow.
“Yeah, you’re going to say that I just met him and that I can’t be in love with him”
“Actually, I was gonna say I’m glad you met this guy and that he was able to cheer you up. No matter what I say, I hate seeing you all mopey and miserable.”
Both he and Mike stared at him and Stanley just shrugged as if saying ’What?’, then Richie said, “Hold me, Stanley I think that’s the nicest thing you’ve ever said to me. In fact, I wish it was possible to screen shot a verbal conversation so that I could show it to you the next time you claim that you hate me.” The three of them laughed at that.
“When are you going to call him?” Mike asked.
“Well I need his number first” he said “don’t worry, I already told Bev to ask Ben for it, I just don’t think she has seen the message yet. Can’t blame her though, if it had been me getting laid last night I wouldn’t have read my messages either.”
As if on cue Richie’s phone rang. He went to get it and found Bev’s response to the text he sent her the night before.
 Bev: Love of your life, huh? Aren't you getting a little bit ahead of yourself there buddy?
Richie: Uh no, he is the love of my life
He just doesn’t know it yet
Bev:  Is that why he didn’t give you his number?
Richie: No, he didn’t give me his number because he was drunk and fell asleep before I could ask him for it
Bev: Wait, so you did leave with him? I thought you went to Stan and Mike's
Mike texted me saying that if Stan killed you, it was my fault for wanting to get laid
Which reminds me, thank you for telling them, asshole
Richie: You never said I couldn’t tell them? And I had to defend myself if I was to survive Stan’s wrath
But yeah, I did leave with Eddie
But I also went to their apartment
Bev: ??? That explains literally nothing
Richie: It's a long story, they can fill you in later.
Bev: You exposed me to them, why should I help you?
Richie: Because you love me
No, but seriously Bev I really like him and I want to ask him out and date him and love him
Please <3
Bev: Fine
But only because Ben saw your texts and he thinks it's cute you like Eddie so much
Bev: (215) 509-6995
Bev: I know
Now go get your man ;)
 He saved the number under ’Eds <3’ and returned to the kitchen. Mike and Stan were cleaning up, so he joined them, all the while thinking what he was going to say to Eddie when he called him.
After they were done with the cleanup, Mike and Stan invited Richie to hang out with them. I can always call Eds later, he thought, he’s probably still asleep, so he said yes and stayed at their apartment. A few hours later he said his goodbyes, promised to tell them how everything turned out with Eddie and head back home.
Once he was there, Bev and Ben nowhere to be found, he took a shower and figured he might as well get some work done. He knew he was putting off calling Eddie but he told himself he was giving him time to recover from his imminent hangover, but the truth was that he was nervous, it had been a while since he had felt like this with anyone, especially someone he had just met and he was afraid of somehow ruining it before it even started.
After hours of stalling, he finally forced himself to grab the phone and dial Eddie’s number, he almost hung up especially because it was a while before Eddie answered and when he did answer Richie almost dropped the phone.
“Eds! Hi!”
“Richie?” He heard the surprise in Eddie’s voice and he felt bad for not calling him earlier, it was clear he thought Richie wasn’t going to.
“The one and only. Sorry I didn’t call you earlier Eds”
“That’s okay” he didn’t sound convinced though.
“It’s just… I was a bit nervous I guess” Richie explained.
“Why would you be nervous?” Eddie asked, confused.
“I didn’t know if you actually wanted me to call you? I thought maybe last night was just the alcohol in you talking” Until he said it aloud Richie hadn’t realized it was true, he was worried that maybe sober Eddie didn’t like him as much as drunk Eddie had seemed to.
“Hey, you don’t have to be nervous. As embarrassed as I am for saying what I said… I meant all of it. I’m really glad you called, Richie.” He said softly and Richie smiled.
“Me too. I missed your voice, Eddie Spaghetti” and before Eddie could say something about the nickname, he added, “How are you feeling?”
“Oh, uh I’m good. I slept a lot, so. Bill actually checked of I was alive when he got home around noon and saw I wasn’t up yet” he chuckled, “and when I woke up I did have this horrible headache but the aspirins you left out for me helped, so thanks for that and, you know, everything else.”
“You don’t have to thank me, Eds” he said sincerely, “I’m just glad you’re all better now”.
“I do, and I also feel like I have to apologize to you. I’m sorry you had to see all of... that” Richie could practically hear the grimace in Eddie’s voice.
“Eds, stop worrying. It’s not the first time nor the last time I’ll have to deal with drunken sick people” he assured him, “ and I can promise you none of them were as adorable as you, so really it was my pleasure”.
“Oh God, please stop” Eddie said but he was laughing, “I am not adorable, and definitely not while laying sick on the bathroom floor”.
“Sorry babe, I meant what I said. Not even vomit can stop you from being attractive” he said and he knew that by now Eddie was probably blushing like crazy both at the nickname and what Richie said. God, I wish I could see his face right now, he thinks.
“You’re an idiot” Eddie replied and Richie smiled at the fondness with which he said it.  
They both felt silent after that, it wasn’t an awkward silence but it made both of them anxious, they wanted to keep the conversation going but they didn’t know what to say. C’mon Tozier, they don’t call you Trashmouth for nothing, just say something, Richie said to himself.
“Uh, so I got attacked by a cat today” Seriously, out of all the things, that’s what you choose to say?
“You… what?” Eddie asked and he seemed to not know if he should take this seriously or if it was some joke.
“Stan and Mike’s cat, Noodles, attacked me. You would think a cat with a name like that would be a sweetheart but the truth is that he’s the spawn of Satan and he fucking hates me.”
Eddie chuckled, Richie could be so dramatic, “What happened?”
“He thought my leg was one of those things cats use to scratch their nails on?”
“A scratching post?”
Richie pauses, “is that what they’re called?”
“I think so”
“Huh, interesting. Anyways yeah, he did that.”
“Did he hurt you?”
“I mean, he messed up my jeans and when I tried to defend myself I fell from the couch and hit the coffee table, but I lived.”
Eddie exploded in laughter at that, Richie would have been offended if it wasn’t the most beautiful sound he had ever heard. Eventually, his laughter dissolved into giggles and Richie was sure he was going to die with how cute Eddie sounded.
“That sounds awful, I’m glad you made it out alive” Eddie said, still giggling.
“You don’t sound so concerned” Richie said with fake offense.
“Oh no, I am. I know cats can be dangerous.”
“Oh yeah? You ever been attacked by one?”
“Not attacked, but I used to be really allergic to them and there was this one time where I ended up in the hospital after Bill and I rescued a lost kitten from the rain and took him to his house” he explained.
“Seriously? Just picturing that is giving me a fucking cavity Eds, it’s too fucking sweet” A small Eddie carrying an even smaller kitten under the rain? Yeah, definitely the most adorable thing ever.
Eddie snorts and Richie can hear someone call his name in the background.
“Hold on a second, Rich” he tells him and then there are muffled voices, Eddie’s and some other guy’s, they conversation lasts a couple of seconds and then he’s back on the phone. “Sorry, that was Bill, I’m supposed to drive him to work and he has to go in a bit earlier than usual”.
“Oh. So you have to go?” Richie says, and tries to keep the disappointment out of his voice but fails miserably.
“Unfortunately” Richie took comfort in the fact that Eddie sounded just as upset as him to end the phone call, “But, uh, we could text? I mean, not while I’m driving of course, but you can text me and I’ll answer as soon as I can. If you want, that is.”
“Can’t get enough of me, can you, Spaghetti?” Richie joked, but the idea of continuing to talk to Eddie, even if it was through texts, excited him.
“Oh shut up, I could practically hear you pouting when I told you I had to go” Eddie replied in defense.
“You got me there” Richie admits. No point in denying it, he thinks.
There’s silence again and Richie hears who he guesses is Bill calling Eddie’s name.
“Shit, I really have to go Rich”
“Fine. But can I ask you something first?”
“You just did” He can hear the smirk in Eddie’s voice.
“Don’t be a smartass” he says but he’s laughing, “so, I wanted to know, if, you know, if maybe you would like to, I don’t know, go out? With me? Like, on a date?” He face palms at how that came out. Real fucking smooth, Tozier.
Eddie doesn’t answer right away and Richie starts to panic. He’s trying to decide whether he should apologize or just hang up, when Eddie answers, “I’d love to.”
“Oh, thank fuck” Richie exhales and both of them start laughing giddily.
It’s Eddie who talks first and he says, “Listen, Rich, Bill is one second away from stealing my car and driving himself to work so I really have to go, but let’s discuss the details over texts, okay?”
“Sure thing, Eds” Richie answers and he’s smiling so much his face is starting to hurt. Richie is glad he didn’t make this call while still on Mike and Stan’s apartment or with Beverly around, he would be in for so much teasing if he had.
“Great! Talk to you soon then” Eddie said.
“Bye, Eddie” He says and hangs up after Eddie’s small “Bye”.
He sits there, on his bed for a couple of minutes, still smiling. Then he opens the group chat he has with Beverly, Stan and Mike and types a message.
Guess who has a date with the most adorable boy in the history of forever?
And before either of them can answer, he sends second message.
That’s fucking right, you losers, it’s me!
Then he opens a new chat and texts Eddie, eager to start planning their first date.
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eddickaspbrak · 6 years
So I’m working on my next chapter for my College Au fic, and all I can say is I can’t help but write very subtle, soft Stenbrough and Benverly moments even if it’s a reddie fic.
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sabansbabes · 6 years
Happy New Year// Stanlon
Stanley Uris did not want to be here.
In fact, he specifically asked Richie motherfucking Tozier not to drag him along to any of his bullshit parties but here he is, once again. Stupid Richie and his stupid crush on Eddie. 
This is what has been happening every single fucking weekend since Richie ran into Eddie on campus two months ago. It was always “Eddie this” and “Eddie that”. At first his little crush was cute but now it had just gotten annoying. Stan was tired of being Richie’s “wing man”  and in all honesty, he felt like he never did much. Usually just shoved him in Eddie’s direction when necessary and then drove him home when it was over. 
Not exactly a vital element to Richie’s relationship but still, here he was, on New Year’s Eve of all nights. 
Well, it wasn’t like he had any big plans before but still, it would’ve been nice to hit up his favorite bookstore where the cute cashier worked. Stan didn’t know his name, I mean he always managed to avoid talking to him or even getting close enough to see his name tag but who knows what could’ve happened? Anything could’ve happened, it was New Year’s. 
Curse his hopeless romantic nature. 
Stan didn’t know if he would be there because it was the holidays and all but still, he could hope right?
He honestly thought tonight would be a little different, I mean Bev had come with them and if he couldn’t hang out with Richie then he could with Bev right? 
She went off with some guy in her Intro to Psych class two minutes after Richie left to go find Eddie.
Now, here he was, alone, on arguably one of the most romantic nights of the year. 
He looked up at the clock and sighed, 11:45.
Fifteen more minutes before the clock strikes 12 and everyone in the room was locking lips with someone they liked or worst of all, with a stranger. Stan didn’t want to be around when that happened, he had had the unfortunate opportunity of being forced into a kiss with a girl he didn’t even know the name of two years prior. He did not want that to happen again. 
Stan weaved his way through the crowd and towards the kitchen, if he couldn’t drink he sure as hell could eat. He’d go to the backyard after that, there’d be less people and Stan could avoid that kiss like the plague it was. 
Meanwhile, Mike Hanlon was stuck in a conversation with a drunk girl in a bathroom on the other side of the house. 
Mike had come here on the request of Ben Hanscom, his best friend since the eighth grade. Ben had been crushing on this girl, Bev, since he first saw her in his Intro to Psych class a few months ago. 
He really didn’t think he needed a wing man. Bev and Ben texted each other constantly and it was more than obvious that the feelings were mutual. To everyone except Ben that is. 
Nonetheless, he agreed so that he could set his friend’s mind at ease. They got there an hour earlier than the redhead girl and Mike hated it. He could’ve been working a small shift, or just popping in at the store.
See if the cute guy who liked bird books would be in. 
It was a stupid thought, but Mike was a hopeless romantic and maybe he could actually talk to him, instead of glancing at him whenever he came in. 
Then he remembered that bird book guy probably had a life and plans on New Year’s Eve. Like every other college student on the planet. 
When Bev got there, Ben disappeared with her earlier. 
God knows what they were doing. 
(PS: They were playing Minecraft in some guys bedroom upstairs.)
Now Mike managed to drift around the party up until now and then he had to use the bathroom, only to find a sweet girl who was incredibly wasted throwing up in the toilet. 
So naturally, Mike lifted her hair and rubbed her back as she spilled the contents in her stomach. 
Her name was Audra and she had just broken up with her boyfriend of three months, Bill. Apparently the timing was wrong and he was going to turn down a huge writing opportunity to be with her. She knew it was his dream and she couldn’t let him do that. 
Audra, being Audra, dumped him so that she wouldn’t hold him back. That was four hours ago. 
Now, four vodka shots and three beers later, she was here. 
“Miike, I-I really liked hiiimmm, He was so kind and sweet. Kind of like you but white and skinnier.” Mike laughed as he handed her his bottled water. 
She thanked him before downing the entire thing. 
“My roommate said this would be good for me and now I just, I feel worse.” She slurred and Mike nodded. 
“But I know I did the right thing, that program will change Bill’s life and make him a better writer. It’ll put him on the map and pub-publi-publis-” 
“Publishers?” Mike finished and she nodded. 
“Yeah, they’ll be lining up for his stories. He’s so talented Mikey, like so talented.He has a bigger shot of becoming a wri-writer than I do of being an actress.” 
“I bet you’re an incredible actress” Mike assured her and Audra laughed bitterly. 
“Yeah, tell casting directors that.” 
“Yeah yeah, I know. Believe in yourself and stuff and I do. I’ll get there eventually. But Bill can get there now, I’m no-not gonna hold him back. I-I just wa-want him to be ha-happy Mike.” 
Before he could respond, a unfamiliar voice interrupted the two. 
“Y-You make me happy.” Mike looked up to see a lanky looking guy standing above them. He looked down at Audra and the love in his eyes was evident enough to make the moment feel incredibly intimate.
“B-Bill!” Audra whined and Mike’s eyes widened.
“What are you doing here?” She slurred. 
Mike took it as his cue to leave. Awkwardly he excused himself, whispering a small good luck to Audra as he left. 
He pulled out his phone and sighed: 11: 45. 
He had to find a bathroom. 
Stan however, was knee deep in tortilla chips. He moved his head to the  beat of the music and looked around to see Richie leaning his hand on the wall above’s Eddie’s head. 
They were laughing and talking and the whole thing looked a little to intimate for Stan. He looked away with a small smile on his face, eyes finding Bev and that psych guy making their way downstairs. Bev was laughing loudly as Ben explained something to her. 
His heart warmed a little, it was nice, seeing his friends happy. 
A cold feeling of loneliness crept up inside him and Stan’s smile faded. He put the chips down and looked down at his watch. 
Time to go and hide outside. 
Mike had found a bathroom and quickly took care of his business. When he got out,he realized the lighting thoughout the frat house had dimmed significantly. 
The romance of it all made his heart ache a little bit.
It was suffocating. 
He looked up at the giant clock on the wall and sighed. 
He looked back only to see his eyes land on Ben and Bev, Bev leaning on the fridge and Ben to the side of her. He was smiling and that made Mike smile. 
It was nice to see him happy, he deserved it. 
But the look in both their eyes was enough to make his heart ache a little more. Not with jealousy but with longing. 
He wanted that. 
He craved it. 
Mike suddenly needed air. He weaved his way through the crowd and towards the back door. 
There wasn’t a lot in the back, just a few guys and their girlfriend playing with sprinklers and setting up fireworks. 
His gaze darted around until they landed on someone moving to the side of the house.
The curly hair was familiar, really familiar. 
Mike followed it without thinking twice. 
Could it be? Bird book guy? 
God, he hoped it was bird book guy.
Mike was a hopeful one and most of the time, it didn’t do him any favors. Still, he couldn’t help but hope that this time it would. 
He hesitated, taking a deep breath before turning the corner. 
Stan was too busy skimming through his camera feed, absentmindedly looking at birds to notice Mike’s presence. 
“Bird book guy?” 
Confusion clouded Stan’s mind as he looked up, eyes widening as he caught sight of who the voice belonged to.
“Bookstore cashier guy” He whispered and Mike could feel his cheeks warm as his gaze flew to his boots. 
“Yeah that’s-uh-that’s me I guess” He said, scatching the back of his neck nervously. 
“What are you doing here?” Stan asked, still not believing he was here. 
“I’m playing wingman tonight, you?” 
Stan stared and Mike’s eyes met his. 
He liked his brown eyes, he really liked them. 
“Um, I was, I mean, yeah same” He stuttered out and Mike nodded. 
“Why are you hiding out here” He asked and Stan blinked, regaining what little composure he managed to have around Mike. 
“I’m just, I needed to get away for awhile you know?” 
“Yeah, I-uh-I do know.” 
The two went silent for a moment, both trying to figure out what to say. 
“So-uh” Mike started and Stan held in his sigh of relief because he hated awkward silence, “you like birds huh?” 
Mike wanted to shoot himself as soon as the words came out. Of course Stan liked birds, he had gotten about twenty books on them from his store alone.
Before Stan could answer, the countdown grew louder . 
“3, 2, 1″ Screams erupted and both their eyes drifted to the window beside them, a clear view of the kitchen. 
Mike watched as Bev put both hands on the side of Ben’s face and bought him into a sweet kiss. It was short and by the end of it, they both had turned a bright red afterward. 
Bev interlocked their fingers and Ben’s smile widened. 
Stan watched as Richie and Eddie both stared at each other for a long minute and then as Eddie grabbed Richie by the collar and brought their lips together. 
The kiss was sloppy and Richie eyes were open throughout half of it. Finally they gained a rhythm, a slow and intoxicating rhythm and Richie finally closed his eyes and lost himself in Eddie.
Wrapping his arms around the smaller boy’s waist and pulling him into him. 
Eddie’s fingers locked in Richie’s hair and Stan looked away before things could go any further.
Meanwhile, Bill was helping Audra into his car. He kissed the top of her forehead, telling her he loved her before helping her inside. 
Mike looked back at Stan and smiled, a dumb idea in his head. 
“Hey bird book guy.”
Stan turned around to face him and Mike moved his hand to grip Stan’s face. 
“This might be really stupid but fuck it,”  he whispered, before leaning in to kiss him. 
Stan reacted immediately, melting into Mike and moving his hands to his waist. 
The kiss was soft and sweet at first. Mike moved Stan so that his back was against the wall and the curly headed boy gasped. Mike took the opportunity to deepen the kiss. 
Both of Mike’s hands made their way to the side of Stan’s head and Stan’s moved to Mike’s back. 
They lost themselves in each other,  breathing each other in like oxygen. 
Stan could feel Mike smile against his lips and the warm feeling that erupted in his stomach earlier filled him entirely now. 
There he was, making out with a guy he’s secretly had a crush on for almost a year now (whose name he didn’t even know), on the side of a frat boy house at midnight on New Year’s, with fireworks sounding in the background.
Stan couldn’t be happier. 
When they pulled apart, foreheads touching, both gasping for air. Stan couldn’t help but smile. 
“I’m Mike by the way” the brown boy muttered and Stan laughed lightly. 
Mike smiled and Stan’s grew wider.
“Happy New Year Stan” Mike whispered. 
“Happy New Year Mike.” 
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assholetozier · 7 years
Safety Embers; Benverly College Au
@forstenbrough @trashmoutheds
"My heart burns there too."
Beverly traces her finger tips over the messy, light writing on the back of an old ass postcard. It was a little worn and tattered from all the years of hauling it around to interviews and tests, practically everywhere she went.
It made her feel safe.
The red haired beauty just started her freshmen year of college and honestly she needs all the help she could get. Her journalism classes were a living Hell, and her psychologies made her want to vomit. All they were doing was writing papers about the American Revolution and Beverly wanted to die.
Her legs dangled on the counter in the kitchen, in the same apartment her, Richie and Mike split. They all made the agreement to live together after all of them ended up on the same campus that year. Bill, Ben, Stan and Eddie were in the same city just studying elsewhere so it only made sense.
Smoke peered out of her lips and she groans, throwing her pencil across the room. Her phone went off, symbolizing another class project was posted online.
"My students! My apologies for the late posting, but I didn't give you an assignment today so it only seems fair!"
Eye roll.
"Your project is more creative. You are going to write or create something for a loved one. No format. Whatever you feel in your heart. It needs to express some type of emotion and make me feel something. This is worth fifty percent of your grade, and you have a week. BEGIN!"
She bangs her fist against the silver stove, "JESUS FUCK!"
Who was she even supposed to write to? She could write to Richie, who had been her best friend for a long time and kept her on her toes. But that felt wrong.
Bill, her technical ex boyfriend. They dated in high school for a month, a fake relationship to get Stan jealous and crawl into Bill's arms. Beverly was happy to help, and he always was her rock of sorts. But that felt wrong.
Mike, her BROTHER in her heart who taught her the beauties of the world and showed her the starts (literally taught her the constellations) and always welcomed her with open arms and a smile, she could write for him. Again.. weird.
Maybe Eddie, the only "mother" she's ever had, which is very ironic on multiple levels. He's always checking up on her, taking care of her when she's sick, being her only sort of "girl" friend. They fought once because he thought her and Richie were dating sopmore year and ever since they'd been close. She couldn't write for him.
Stan, who was so incredibly smart and kept her organised, probably the only reason she graduated. He also hated her once while her and Bill "dated", and now she tell him everything and in return he tells her everything. No. WRONG.
That left Ben. The guy that saved her from the CLOWN. The guy that was always peering at her down the hall and in all buying her the coffee beans she likes, that you have to order from Miami and cost like fifty bucks a pound. The guy that makes her smile so bright that it makes her mouth hurt. The guy that applied to college in Washington because she, Richie, Mike and what ended up to be all of the Losers did.
The guy that makes her feel the most safe. She couldn't write to him- but why?
"Because he'd laugh at my writing-" Beverly says as the front door opens.
Mike strode into the room carrying a few grocery bags and textbooks, a look of curiosity on his face.
"Who would laugh?"
She feels her teeth hug her lips roughly. Mike wouldn't tell Ben, she knew that. But at the same time... wouldn't he?
"Nobody," the red head snaps. "M' talking about this guy in my psych class, he would laugh at my final report."
The dark skinned boy smiles, dimples forming in cheeks and suddenly he starts laughing.
"What's so funny-"
"You! I'm not dumb, Richie told me about that assignment, he texted me he was going to pour his heart out to Eddie since their anniversary is in a month."
Beverly frowns, "What does that have to do with me?"
He smiles, "I know you, Bev. And I know about you and your feelings. I heard you on the phone with Eddie last night."
"Oh so you're stalking my conversations now?"
"Worry about that later! He's been waiting for you for years so what the hell is your problem?"
Mike was probably right. What was her problem? There was nothing wrong with this... right?
"Have you read any of his poetry! It's beautiful! It is so heartwarming that I CRY thinking about the fact that I can't listen to his thoughts and see all of his muses! His hands are soft and he always lets me borrow his sweatshirts even when he's only wearing a tank top under them because he is too FUCKING sweet! He smells like cherries and lemons and his hands are so soft. Almost softer than his words. How can I write him how I feel when I don't even know?"
She released a sob she'd been holding for months, Mike immediately wrapping his arms around her and rubbing her back.
"Hey hey shhh... it's gonna be okay, Ben loves you."
Beverly sighs, "I'm not enough for him, Mike. I'm a mess."
They sit there what feels like hours, even though she knows it's only been like five minutes. Mike slows her breath and she begins to calm down.
"It's a creative assignment."
The boy releases her, smiling wide and proud, "it's a creative assignment! You don't even have to write anything! Fuck, if you wanted to you could use magazine cut outs to describe your thoughts-"
They slowly make eye contact, the red head coming to the realization of what the other said. He was right it was a CREATIVE assignment, no ten page papers on dumb shit from the eighteen forties. It was all her. And if she didn't have to write her words the better.
"Do we still have that collection of magazines in the laundry room?"
It took all night, but she finally realized what she wanted and made it happen. Her and Mike dug through several magazines, from sex advice to food to teenage girl dressing issues. She needed all of it.
Beverly decided on a poem, because that was how he communicated his feelings with her over the years and now that she knew hers she could return the favor. There were pictures too, though, like pictures of coffee cups and baseball bats and books. All the things they liked together.
She glued the last word on the large, thick poster paper they found under Richie's bed (along some other questionable things she was going to ask Eddie about later) and sighed. This was it.
"He has to see it." She says, smiling and her hands shaking in anxiety.
Mike nods, "I'll take you to their place tomorrow, I have to go to drop off Stan's notes from math-"
"No. NOW."
He sighs, "Bev, it is three in the morning."
Her red curls bounce as she jumps out of her seat, "does it look like I give a shit? C'mon now or never!"
So they get in Mike's car and he drives as fast as he can and the whole time she is either screaming in her head or out of the window. She's finally doing it.
They pull up in the driveway of the duplex the boys live in, and while Mike begins to get out she is glued to the seat.
He notices and walks over to her side, opening her door. She still refuses to get out.
"You've got this-"
"What if he's over me? Or if he is done with me taking so long? Any girl would be lucky to have him ya know."
Mike nods, "and the only one he sees is you."
She smiles and takes his hand up, running to the front door and slamming on it with her palm. After a few bangs, she saw the living room light come on and the door open.
It was Ben, in a sweatshirt and pants, an open copy of How To Kill A Mockingbird in his left hand while the right help open the door. He had grown taller, and he started playing a few sports and building plenty in high school so a majority of his chubby went away but he was still stocky. He was wearing his glasses.
"Hello I-" his speach faltered before smiling. "Hey Bev... Mike, what's up?"
Beverly began breathing heavily, chest heaving and curls shaking in the wind. Words began to form but wouldn't come out of her throat.
Mike coughs, "Can we come in? We have a surprise for you."
Ben leaded them in, to where Mike proceeded to the restroom, not before winking at Beverly and gave her a thumbs up.
The boy in the room smiled again, "are you okay? Richie is in Eddie's room, if that's-"
"I came to see you, you goof." A blush arose on her cheeks.
She began to unroll the poster in her hand that had went unnoticed until that moment. It was crumpled from her squeezing it.
"W-what's that?"
Beverly smiles, "I made this for you. It's a... token of my affection." She winks for good measure.
Taking the paper from her hands, he looks over it. No look on his face.
The poem reads;
My heart is at home, safe
Safe in your words
In your arms
In your miles and miles of comfort
In your sweatshirts
And in you.
You keep me safe
Something I never knew could happen
It's a feeling I'm not used to
But yet, here I am addicted like a heroin addict
This was cheesy yes I know
But cheese is hot, and so is your safety
And my heart burns there too.
Ben stared at the paper, mouthing the words and refusing to look at the red head.
"It's stupid isn't it?" Beverly sighs, grabbing a cigarette from her pocket.
"I'm sorry, Ben, it's not-"
A tear rolled from under his frames that covered his eyes.
He stayed silent for a moment, thinking.
"Oh fuck it," he mutters before striding over to her, pulling the cigarette from her mouth and kissing her.
The kiss was soft, slow, and sweet. He tasted like coffee, and she tasted like cigarettes but they loved it. It tastes them.
Ben pulled away first, "what took you so long?"
"I didn't realize why my heart was burning and why you made me feel so safe."
They sit there in each other's arms, in the silence.
"That was the most beautiful thing I've ever read, Bev."
"Impossible, you go to the library every day."
He nods, "yeah, but nothing will ever be as beautiful to me as your heart. As you."
A/N: That was it!!! Thank you @forstenbrough for the prompt I really appreciate it! I'm sorry if it wasn't good but this was my first Benverly fic. If you have any requests my asks are always open!!!
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paotulip · 3 years
idk how to give suggestions exactly but maybe reddie returning home and seeing each other for the first time after their college semester is over/ (winter or summer) break begins? if that even makes sense sjfbskfnjd. like a no-forgetting AU, i guess 🤷🏻‍♀️ maybe at an airport where one picks up the other 🧐 i see a lot of fics with that concept 😁
and for benverly,, IT: chapter 2 school scene except bev is actually bev and there's no mean pennywise and they do end up with a kiss :) idk!
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Thank you for the suggestions!! ❤️ I have a lot of fun with these!
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alien-richie · 4 years
Keep In Touch Part 2
Part 1
• The Losers keep track of Richie's music while they're at college, even Eddie, but Richie doesn't know about this. They don't really have time to talk to each other anymore let alone Richie, but it's not their fault. They have classes and homework and some have work alongside classes and they all probably have all new friends now.
• Richie's music starts to get pretty dark/depressing/self-depreciating around winter break, and Bev reaches out, then Stan, then Mike, then Ben. He DOES answer them, but he doesn't talk about his music, and they start to get a little concerned but figure he was just going through a rough patch. They all try to make plans to see each other during the break, but it sorta falls through since most of them didn't have enough money to fly anywhere. Eddie worries a lot about Richie after hearing the new covers and songs. He tries to contact Richie, but gets ignored.
• Overall, here's they're school year:
- Eddie does exceptionally well in most of his classes, he makes a couple of friends (his roommate and their girlfriend), they aren't super close, but they hang out when they aren't in class or studying.
- Bev and Mike practically have the time of the time of their lives partying and having fun. Their grades are okay, Bev's aren't great but she's passing and that's what matters. Mike gets a boyfriend for a bit, but they end up breaking it off mutually and staying friends. Bev and Ben talk everyday through video calls or texts or regular calls and they love each dammit.
- Ben's okay in some of his classes. Just the ones he actually finds interesting tho, he's not that good at paying attention in the ones he couldn't care less about, but he genuinely tries and his profs like him so they try with him too.
- Stan doesn't do that great mentally. He starts off with good grades, but they start to slip around wintertime, but we'll get into that later.
- Bill doesn't do well in most of his classes, his profs seem to dislike him and hate his writing. He gets a girlfriend whom he ends up cheating on.
• AND THEN SUMMER COMES ALONG, and Mike sends a message out to the Losers' Snapchat groupchat (which has barely been touched all year aside from winter and spring break), wanting to finally meet up and hang out over the summer. Bill takes some convincing since it's such a long plane ride but eventually gives in because of his dumbass relationship problems. Eddie also takes some convincing because he planned to visit his mom for a bit. Richie surprisingly says yes along with the rest of the Losers, and they plan to meet up in California since it's warm and sunny there, and IT'S SUMMER DAMN IT, they deserve a nice vacation after all the hard work they did all year.
• The first day, they meet up at a restaurant then they all go back to Richie's apartment. It's not big, but he did some redecorating and cleaning before they arrived, so they all fit comfortably in the living area, sitting on a couch and some chairs. Richie brings out some champagne and whiskey and manages to get the rest of the others to at least have a little bit to drink with him to celebrate. He ends up drinking half the bottle of whiskey after Ben takes a couple sips. No one says anything about it.
• Stan's been depressed all year. The only thing really keeping him distracted from it was his classes/homework and sometimes bird-watching. He didn't say anything to any of the Losers though, he didn't want to bring them down while they were off living their own lives and stressed out with their work, and Richie clearly didn't need any more issues to deal with. He'd heard some of those songs/covers. In all honesty he could relate to a lot of the lyrics. That being said, being alone in a motel room with nothing to do but read or watch TV gets to him a little, so he tries to be with at least one of the there Losers as much as possible.
• Bev, Mike and Eddie go out to lunch a couple days in while Ben is with Richie, drinking whiskey and watching some movies. Bill and Stan go for a walk out at a park near Richie's apartment. They talk and laugh about childhood/highschool memories and eat, and then they start talking about Richie and his music and wonder about just how true to Richie's head and mental state the lyrics might be. They know some of his lyrics were purposefully over confident or angry or pushy to fit the punk/alternative sounds or to set a certain mood and whatnot, but something was off when they were all together again for the first time in a year. Richie has never been one to talk about his feelings, everyone knows this. He'd rather make jokes and help his friends with their problems, but what happens when the only ones you tend to really talk to are a piece of paper, a bottle of whiskey, and a microphone? They're worried about him, definitely, but they have no idea how to approach him about it.
Like/reblog for more! Thank y'all for the support/encouragement btw it means a lot!
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roleplayfinder · 3 years
hey! i’m 23 and i’m looking for a reddie 18+ discord 1x1 rp. i’d prefer eddie, but i also can write richie if need be! i’d also be up for doubling with stenbrough or benverly if you want. i’d love to do maybe a college au, or some other type of au if you want! if you’re interested, like this and i’ll message you!
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nblesbianbenhanscom · 3 years
part two of my college benverly au. link to read it on ao3 in the reblog.
cw: transphobic/homophobic violence
Huffing a little, Ben rubs their face and looks out at the dark campus. There are still students milling about, but less now that the sun has gone down. Richie is supposed to be picking them up but he’d gotten a flat tire and has to wait for Stan and Eddie to help him because of course Richie does not know how to change a tire. Ben knows logically that they could call any of the other Losers but they feel bad because everyone has been so stressed. Midterms had been that week and they are all fucking exhausted. 
It doesn’t matter anyway. Ben can walk home; it’s warm enough and even though it’s dark, their dorm isn’t that far. They smile a little as they take off down the steps of the library. 
They walk down the path and listen to the sounds of other students laughing as they head to their various destinations. No one seems to care that Ben is walking alone.
When Ben gets to the dorms, they sigh. Bowers and his friends sitting out front and laughing loudly. They are clearly drunk and are harassing students as they go in and out.
Licking their lips, Ben wonders if they should call one of the Losers to come down, but then it doesn’t matter because someone spots them from the top of the steps.
“Hey, look, it’s the freak that kicked your ass last week!” someone says and laughs. Bowers looks around and spots Ben. They’d seen each other a few times since the fight, but their friends had kept them apart.
Ben is alone now and there is no one to save them from what is about to happen.
“Hey, dyke!” Bowers yells and his friends laugh.
Bristling, Ben adjusts their bag and starts up the steps as they try to ignore the people around them. Ben manages to get all the way up to the top of the steps before Bowers blocks their path.
“Uh uh, freak. Can’t go in till you pay us five bucks,” Bowers says.
“I’m not giving you any money. Get out of my way,” Ben growls.
Bowers laughs and Ben can smell the cheap beer wafting off his breath. “Then you’re not going in tonight.”
“Get out of my way, Bowers.”
“Make me!” Bowers challenges. He shoves at Ben’s shoulder and Ben glowers up at him.
“Don’t fucking touch me,” Ben hisses. Everyone laughs.
“Don’t fucking touch me,” Bowers mocks. He shoves harder. “What are you going to do about it, bitch?” Everyone laughs again.
Ben grabs Bowers’s shirt, pulls him close, and just glares. “You really want to fucking go again?”
Bowers just smiles, and in a low voice says,  “You lay a hand on me, and it’s over little girl.”
Blushing furiously, Ben clenches their fists harder. “I just want to go to my room. Just let me pass.”
Laughing loudly, Bowers just nods. “I’ll tell you what. You just give me a little kiss and-”
Panic floods Ben’s body as they slam their fist into Bowers’s stomach without any thought. They need to get away; they should not be here. Not now, not like this. Bowers folds in half and Ben tries to pull free, but two people grab Ben and hold tightly to Ben's upper arms. Their fingers dog so cruelly, and it fucking hurts.
“Fucking bitch!” Bowers yells when he catches his breath. “You’re going to regret that!” He stands up and watches as Ben struggles to get away.
Their heart is racing, sound is starting to get weird. They need to get out of there, break free and just run. Run anywhere but there.
Some people walk quickly behind Bowers as they pretend to not see. Tears flood Ben’s eyes. No one gives a fuck about what’s going on. All the people watching are just going to let this happen; they are going to let Bowers torture Ben.
Ben nearly pisses themself when Bowers pulls out a switchblade.
“Bowers, please,” Ben says, tears filling their eyes as they struggle against the hands holding them back.
Laughing cruelly, Bowers just laughs and advances on Ben, the blade out between them. He freezes at the sound of a cop siren.
“What the fuck is going on?” Someone yells as people begin to scatter. Ben looks down the steps and sees a campus police officer coming up the steps. “Henry! Let that kid go right fucking now!”
“Officer Anderson, this isn't what it looks like,” Henry says. The two guys holding Ben let them go and Ben rushes into the dorm. They are halfway to the elevator when someone grabs their hand.
“Let me go!” Ben screams and swings with their free hand before they register Bill is the one who grabbed them. Bill pulls back just in time to not get his face smashed in.
“S-Sorry, B-Ben,” Bill says. “A-Are you oh-ok?”
“I’m fine,” Ben lies. They both glance at the front of the dorms. “Who called the cops?”
“I c-called. I d-didn’t kn-know wuh-what else t-to do.” Bill’s stutter is so bad Ben is having trouble understanding him.
Ben looks at Bil. “Are you ok?”
“N-No. B-Ben y-you-” Bill stops and takes a deep breath. He holds his hand out and Ben takes it. They head to the elevator Bill is so upset he’s shaking but Ben just wants to put the whole thing behind them.
It’s all over and Ben wants to tell Bill they are fine, that nothing happened, that they would have been fine, but Ben just looks up at Bill who can’t seem to make eye contact with them.
Bill is close to tears. Ben just stares down at the floor unsure of what to say.
They go to their suite where Bev is working on homework in front of the TV. She smiles up at them but it quickly changes to a frown.
“What-” She starts.
“F-ucking B-Bowers-” Bill manages before Ben cuts him off.
“It’s fine. He was just pulling his usual shit,” Ben says as they let go of Bill’s hand.
“S-S-Stop s-saying th-at!” Bill yells. Ben sighs.
“What happened?” Bev asks.
“Nothing,” Ben says.
“I s-swear to g-awd, B-B-en, I’m guh-na p-punch you m-m-myself.”
“Did Bowers touch you?” Bev jumps to her feet.
“Oh my gawd! I’m fine!”
“If y- you’re s- s- so f-ine, wh- why are y- you sh- shaking?” Bill asks.
Ben frowns at him. They look down at their hands and their frown deepens when they realize that they are shaking. 
“I’m fine,” Ben says in a small voice.
Bev gets to her feet and comes over to Ben. In a soft voice she says, “Ok. Let’s go sit on the couch, yeah?” She holds out her hand and Ben takes it, swallowing hard.
“I’m fine,” Ben insists a little louder this time. Neither Bev or Bill argue, although Bill does let out an annoyed sigh. Ben follows Bev to the couch and lets her help pull off their backpack. Bill disappears and comes back with three cold water bottles. After handing over two for Ben and Bev, he sits on the floor in front of where they are sitting on the couch.
“I’m fine,” Ben says as they take a bottle. They take a small sip. Bill huffs and Bev squeezes his shoulder.
“We know, Benny. Can you drink a little more?” Bev asks. Sighing, Ben takes another drink before putting the cap on. They curl up on top of Bev, resting their head on her chest, and she strokes their back.
For the next twenty minutes Ben just sort of floats. They are tired and just want the night to be over, and they are just drifting off to sleep when the four other Losers come in together. They are all talking loudly, laughing and smiling. None of them have really looked at the others.
“Have you guys seen what’s going on outside?” Richie asks excitedly as he goes to the window. “Bowers is getting arrested! I wonder what happened.”
“Nothing!” Ben snaps. “Nothing fucking happened!” Ben gets up and rushes to the bathroom. After slamming the door and locking it, Ben doesn’t bother with the lights, just curls up in the empty tub and pulls their knees up to their chest as they try to not cry.
“Ben, honey,” Bev calls through the door. “Baby.”
Ben doesn’t say anything. Bev tries the knob and sighs. Ben listens as she leans heavily against the door and slides down to the floor. They want to get up and go to her, but no matter how many times they tell themself to get up, they just stay curled up in the tub.
The others quietly talk on the other side of the door. Ben doesn’t need to hear them to know they are talking about Ben. Sucking in a shaky breath, Ben shoves their face into their knees.
After a bit Stan knocks on the door. “Ben? Can you let one of us in? We just want to make sure you’re ok.”
Ben doesn’t move or make a sound.
“Ben, please say something,” Stan says, but Ben just ignores him.
A few minutes later Ben hears Stan fiddling with the door. When it opens, Ben just pulls the shower curtain closed like it would protect them from their friends. Bev comes in a minute later and sits on the toilet.
“We don’t have to talk about it, but can you come lay in the front room with us?” Bev asks.
“‘M fine,” Ben mumbles.
“I know, I know honey, but won’t you be more comfortable out there?” Bev asks.
Sighing, Ben shrugs. “I’m tired.”
“Would you rather just go to bed then?” Bev asks.
Ben considers this for a moment and lets out another breath. “Not really.”
“Do you want to come out when the pizza gets here and the blanket fort is all set up?”
Lifting their head a little, Ben whispers, “Blanket fort?”
“Yeah. The others are just about done,” Bev says. “Do you want to come join us?”
“No one’s going to make me talk?” Ben asks.
“Nope. You can just lay down with us and we’ll watch Disney movies and just relax.”
After thinking about it for a minute, Ben licks their lips and sighs. “Yeah, ok. I’ll come out when the fort is up.”
Bev lets out a sigh of relief. “Do you want me to get you some pajamas?”
“Ok. I’ll be right back.” Bev leaves and comes back in a few minutes later. She flicks the light on and closes the door while Ben blinks at the sudden brightness.
They stand up and pull back the shower curtain. Bev smiles at them and Ben gives her a big hug before tugging out of their clothes. Ben’s finally starting to feel better until they pull off their shirt and see the beginnings of bruises on their upper arms where Bowers’s friends had held them.
Ben bursts into tears, and Bev pulls them close, holding them gently while Ben just clings to her. Bev rubs their back, kisses their hair, and just lets them cry until they are empty. Ben just leans into Bev for several minutes while they just breathe.
When they finally stand up, Bev hands Ben some toilet paper and Ben blows their nose. They look down at the bruising.
“When those guys grabbed me, I was so scared and angry. Then Bowers pulled out a knife and I-”
“He what?!” Bev asks. She looks at Ben looking for any signs of blood.
“The cops came before- Cause Bill-” Ben takes a deep breath. "The whole thing only lasted a few minutes, but…" They take a deep breath. "Is Bill ok? He must have seen everything.”
Bev licks her lips. “He’s a little shaken up, but I think he’s going to be ok. He’s more worried about you.”
Ben opens their mouth to say that they are fine but stops at the last minute.
Because they aren’t. They can't remember a time in their life that they had been more scared.
Taking a deep breath, Ben lets it out slowly and finishes changing.
“Hey, Bev?” Ben asks as she goes to open the door.
“Yeah, baby?”
“Can you get me a hoodie? I don’t want the others to see.” They look down at their arms where their short sleeves don’t quite cover the bruising.
“Absolutely, be right back.”
Bev gets them a hoodie, and then they go out to the others. They are just finishing up, but Bill’s already curled up under some blankets, playing on his phone. Ben lays down next to him, pushing into his space. Without looking up, Bill wraps an arm around Ben’s shoulders and pulls them close. As soon as Bill is done doing whatever he’d been doing on his phone, he shoves his face into Ben’s neck and neither of them say anything for a long time.
“Hey, Bill?” Ben asks after a while.
“Thank you.”
“And I’m sorry.”
“For saying I was fine.”
“Mmm…” Bill sighs. “It’s ok. I w-was juh-st s-so sc-scared.”
“Me too. I don’t know what would have happened if you hadn’t-”
Bill cuts them off with a tight squeeze. “You d-don’t have t-to worry ab-about that. It w-won’t ever ha-happen again.”
Ben wants to argue, but then the pizza arrives, and their conversation is cut short. Eddie gets paper plates and paper towels while Richie hands out cans of soda. They all get settled. Ben is smooshed comfortably in between Bev and Bill.
They all eat too much pizza while they watch Ratatouille and Richie talks in a terrible French accent for the rest of the night. When the movie is over, Stan puts on The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh. Everyone breaks off into separate conversations, but Ben just curls up and rests in Bill’s arms.
Ben can’t even imagine what it must have been like to walk up and find Ben like that. If roles had been reversed Ben would have lost it. Just absolutely lost it. Ben squeezes Bill who just rubs their back.
When Bev curls up behind Ben, pushing them into Bill, Ben knows they are all sleeping in the front room.
“Wait, wait, wait,” Ben says as they try to shrug Bev off. She whines a little, and Ben kisses her nose. “I’ll be right back. I just have to pee.” They both laugh.
Ben gets up and stumbles to the bathroom. After using the toilet, Ben washes their hands and brushes their teeth before heading back out to the others. Mike is curled up beside Bill and they are talking quietly.
When Ben comes back, Bill kisses Mike before rolling onto his back so he can pull Ben close. Ben settles into Bill's arms and sighs as Bev scoots up behind Ben. She wraps her arms around them and lets out a deep breath.
"Love you," Bev mumbles.
Ben squeezes her hand. The others are whispering quietly to each other and Ben just lays there listening to them and the sound of Bill's heartbeat.
It is so steady, so solid. Just like Bill.
Taking a deep breath, Ben closes their eyes. They are a little warm but they don't want to take off the hoodie, they don't want the others to see their arms. It's all too much, and Ben knows they are already worried; they don't want to add more.
Ben listens as their friends around them fall asleep one by one until only Ben is awake. Ben wants to sleep but they are too keyed up, so they just doze for a long time.
When they do manage to get to sleep, they have horrible nightmares. They dream of hands and fists and knives, and they wake up crying. Each time Bev and Bill are there to help calm them down.
The next day, Ben just sort of floats along, there but not really there. Bev convinces Ben to take a shower and they go out to breakfast with Bill and Mike. They’d invited the others, but they had just waved them off, none of them wanting to be awake before noon on a Saturday.
As they walk to the car, they hear people talking about the night before. There are so many rumors flying around that it makes Ben feel a little queasy. Apparently the police are looking for Ben, but Ben ignores the stares. The police know where they are. If the police want to find Ben, they will.
Walking out the door to the parking lot is hard. Ben holds their breath until they get in Bill's car.
When they get to the diner, Ben hunches low in the booth next to Bev, and while they logically know that no one is looking at them, they still feel like people are staring. They stay quiet, but do feel a little better after eating a large stack of pancakes and some bacon.
On the way home, Ben feels their chest start to freeze up the closer they get to the dorm. They cling tightly to Bev's hand. All they can see are the leering faces, all they can feel are the gripping hands on their shoulders. Ben still can't quite believe that some people had just walked by, that they hadn't stopped to help.
After they park, Ben stays frozen in their seat even as the others get out.
When Bev realises Ben isn't with them, she goes back to sit with Ben and she just talks about nothing for a long time. Eventually Ben leans over and puts their head in her lap. She keeps talking and begins to stroke Ben's hair.
Slowly, Ben lets themself unwind. They are safe in the arms of their partner and that's all that matters. Eventually Ben falls asleep, and manages to get a few hours in. There are still nightmares, but in the daylight they aren't quite as bad.
When they wake up, Bev takes them in the side door that Ben had forgotten about the night before. The others are all hanging out in the blanket fort playing Mario Kart 8. They shift to make room for Ben and Bev. Ben leans back on Bev's chest and pulls her arms around them sighing deeply.
After the race is over, Bill looks at Ben over his shoulder. "You wanna p- play?"
Ben shakes their head. "Nah, I'm ok with just watching, but thank you." Bill nods once and turns back around.
After kissing the space between Ben's neck and their shoulder, Bev murmurs, "You still tired?"
Shrugging, Ben squeezes her hand. "A little, but I'm tired of sleeping." Ben never really likes to sleep, and they really hate it the night after having nightmares. Bev kisses their neck again. 
"Love you, baby," she says.
"Love you, too." Ben turns their attention back to the screen and watches as their friends play. They aren't sure what the days following would bring, but they know they are not alone, and in that moment, it is enough.
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