harpieshestia · 6 years
Hestia Jones Character development.
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Character’s Name → Hestia Madison Jones
Character’s Nickname(s)  →Hes, Hessa, Tia
Age →15
Birthdate  →July 20
Zodiac Sign  →Cancer
Ethnicity  → British 
Gender  → Female
Sexual Orientation  → Straight 
Blood Type → A
Species  →  half-blood
Hair color  →light  brown
Eye color  → blue
Height →5′9
Weight → 121 
Scars → a few from Quidditch
Tattoos → none
Birthmarks → none
Piercings → ears
Dress/clothing preferences  → Dresses and cardigans mostly 
Right/left handed/ambidextrous  → right
Glasses/contacts → both
Wizarding World:
Blood Status → Halfblood
School Attended →Hogwarts
School House → Gryffindor
War Alliance → Order
Wand → Apple wood, Unicorn hair. 12″ Slight bend
Patronus → Wolf
Boggart → Snakes
Amortentia → Quidditch pitch, Edgar shampoo, Banana ice cream
Mirror Of Erised → Her fighting in the war beside Edgar. Them with a child playing in the sand on a beach
Family and Relationships:
Parents → Anne and Jacob Jones 
Siblings → none
Grandparents →Catherine and Scott Pain  & Freya and Michael Jones 
Marital Status → taken
Significant Other → Edgar bones
Children →none 
Pets → Toad name Ella
Other family members → Gwenog Jones
Friends →  Gwenog Jones Zara Croix 
Enemies → Amelia bones
The religion they follow (if any) → none
Superstitions → nope
Country of Birth → England
Place of Birth (Town, city, etc) →Leeds
First Language → English 
Accents → British
House → Gryffindor
Best Subject in School → Transfiguration and DADA
Worst Subject in School → none
Additional Classes Taken → potion, care of magical creature, muggle studies, Charms
Quidditch  → Yes. Seeker
Are they a Prefect?  → no
Extra curricular activities  → Dueling, video game, wizard chess club choir club 
Live with parents/grandparents/alone/other → Parents
House, apartment, etc → house
How Many Bedrooms? → 3
Mode of transportation → walking
Picture of bedroom at home → 
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Address →235 black street, Sheffield s4
Inner Workings Of Your Character:
Secrets → She can be very vexing when she wants to. She has no problem hexing someone if they deserves it.
Fears → her relationship with Edgar and  Charity
Worries → her grades , family 
Eating Habits → she will be seen snacking all the time
Food preferences → she isn’t picky she will eat anything
Sleep preferences → she believes in getting a full night rest of 7 hours and she does ever night
Book preferences → non- fiction
Music preferences → musicals 
Introverted/extroverted → extroverted
Optimist/pessimist → optimist
Hobbies → dueling Reading 
Pet peeves → bullying 
Prejudices →none
Proud of → Being on the Quidditch 
Biggest vulnerability  → her family, Edgar 
Embarrassed by → her laugh
Worst memory → When Edgar and her broke up for two months last year
Best memory → Winning a muggle singing contest 
Skilled at → Dueling, singing, 
Unskilled at → cooking
Attitude → positive 
Obsessions → ice cream, singing
Stresses → the war, family, Edgar
Addictions → Ice cream
Allergies → none
Medical history → broken collar bone when she was 12 from a back fall
Favourite Object Kept In - And Why:
Their closet → Quiddtich uniform.
Their bedroom → Pillows. They are so comfy and she loves snuggling in them when she comes home
Their purse/bag → Her wand. She loves when she reaches in her bag and touches it and it like learning she is a witch all over again
Their fridge → Ice cream, it’s the best thing in the world to her
Their desk → Awards that she won in the past. It helps movative her
Their pockets → none
Favorite Animal:  → Toads
Favorite Band:  → none 
Favorite Book:  → Merpeople: A comprehensive guide to their language and customs
Favorite Color:  → Red
Favorite Country:  → England
Favorite Drink:  → Apple cider
Favorite Food:  → pasta and Ice cream
Favorite Flavor:  → orange 
Favorite Movie:  → Wizard of Oz
Favorite Musical Genre:  → musicals 
Favorite Mythical Creature: →  merpeople
Favorite Number:  → 5
Favorite Pastime:  → singing
Favorite Person:  → Edgar Bones 
Favorite Place:  → her bedroom
Favorite Season:  → Summer
Favorite Song:  → Over the rainbow
Favorite Spell:  → Cantis
Least Favorite Animal:  →snakes
Least Favorite Band:  → Queen
Least Favorite Book:  → none
Least Favorite Color:  → purple
Least Favorite Country:  → none
Least Favorite Drink:  → Lemonade 
Least Favorite Food:  → burgers 
Least Favorite Flavor:  → spicy 
Least Favorite Movie:  → To  Kill a Mockingbird 
Least Favorite Musical Genre:  → rock 
Least Favorite Mythical Creature: →  Boggarts
Least Favorite Number:  → 13
Least Favorite Pastime:  → cooking 
Least Favorite Person:  → Amelia Bones
Least Favorite Place:  → the forest
Least Favorite Season:  → Fall
Least Favorite Song:  → none
Least Favorite Spell:  → any spell that harms people
Sexual Life:
Gender You Last Had Sex With: →  male
Dominant or Submissive: →  submissive
Fetishes:  → roleplaying 
Turnons:  → neck kisses, biting 
Turn-offs:  → none
Favourite Position: → riding him
How Active is Your Sex Life:  → a bit active 
How Did You Loose Your Virginity:  → To Edgar last year
Ever Impregnated Someone or Been Pregnant →none
First Love:  → Edgar bones
Who Do You Find Attractive →Edgar, Sky, Gilderoy 
Marital Status:  →  taken
Do You Have A Significant Other (if yes, how do you feel about them): → She loves Edgar and she always will, he brings out the best in her and he is always there for her when she needs a shoulder to cry on. She would die for him,because she knows he will do the same
Personality Classification:
Jung → ESFJ
Enneagram → Type 1
Moral Alignment → Lawful good
Four Temperaments →  sanguine
Vices → Stubborn, forthright
Virtues → Loyalty Courage kindness 
Tropes →  Girl next door.passionate sport girl
Compassion → 9/10
Empathy →9 /10
Creativity →8 /10
Mental Flexibility →8 /10
Passion/Motivation →10 /10
Intelligence →7 /10
Stamina →8 /10
Physical Strength →9/10
Battle Skill →10 /10
Initiative →9 /10
Restraint →10 /10
Agility →9 /10
Strategy → 8/10
Teamwork →10 /10  
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Cristemia Silverheart; A Character Study
Character’s Name → Cristemia Julietta Silverheart
Character’s Nickname(s)  → Crish, Cristy, Silver
Age → 17
Birthdate  → 07.08.1961
Zodiac Sign  → Leo
Ethnicity  → Cacausion
Gender  → Female
Sexual Orientation  → Pansexual
Blood Type → A+
Species  → Pureblood Witch
Hair color  → Blonde
Eye color  → Blue
Height → 5ft 8 inches (1.73 m)
Weight → 173lbs (53kg)
Scars → None
Tattoos → Four tiny stars surrounding her right ear and a crescent moon on her ear lob. She also has a Dutch name on her right hand.
Birthmarks → None.
Piercings → Ears.
Dress/clothing preferences  → Varies from girlie to grungy. Cristemia loves dresses and sandals. She also loves ripped jeans and leather jackets.
Right/left handed/ambidextrous  → Left-handed.
Glasses/contacts → None.
Wizarding World:
Blood Status → Pureblood
School Attended → Hogwarts School of Witchcraft & Wizardry
School House → Slytherin
War Alliance → Death Eater
Wand →Ebony, Dragon Heartstring, 10.5 inches and unyielding.
Patronus → Swan
Boggart → Her father.
Amortentia → Sunflowers, Freshly Cut Lawns, Cigar Smoke, Peppermint
Mirror Of Erised → Her father being able to accept her for who she is.
Family and Relationships:
Parents → Maximus Gregorio Silverheart Sr. [father] & Liliana Primrose Silverheart nee Goldstein [mother]
Siblings → Maximus Gregorio Silverheart Jr. [older brother; 7th Year Slytherin]
Grandparents → Gregorio & Maria Silverheart [paternal], Primrose & Malcolm Goldstein [maternal]
Marital Status → Single
Significant Other → None
Children → None
Pets → A male tawny owl named Flick.
Other family members → Oskar Matteo Silverheart [estranged uncles/Squib living in Muggle London]
Friends → TBD
Enemies → Anyone in Gryffindor house.
The religion they follow (if any) → None, most likely Atheist
Superstitions → None.
Country of Birth → England
Place of Birth (Town, city, etc) →  North Yorkshire
First Language → English
Accents → Posh English/Northern English
House → Slytherin
Best Subject in School → Potions
Worst Subject in School → Herbology
Additional Classes Taken → Potions, Charms, Herbology, DADA
Quidditch  → Is an avid spectator
Are they a Prefect?  → No.
Extra curricular activities  → Charms
Live with parents/grandparents/alone/other → Parents and older brother
House, apartment, etc → Manor house
How Many Bedrooms? → 7.5
Mode of transportation → Floo Network
Picture of bedroom at home →
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Address → North Yorkshire, England
Inner Workings Of Your Character:
Secrets → Her sexuality and the fact she is tired of her poor treatment by her father.
Fears → Being a constant disappointment to her father.
Worries → Not being able to be independent and having a chance to work.
Eating Habits → Eats when it is mealtime but doesn't finish a full plate.
Food preferences → Salads
Sleep preferences → Varies on her mood.
Book preferences → Anything with a plot twist and romance.
Music preferences → Classical with indie.
Introverted/extroverted → Introverted
Optimist/pessimist → Pessimistic
Hobbies → Reading and keeping out of the way.
Pet peeves → People invading her personal bubble and others being happy.
Prejudices → Due to her upbringing, Muggleborn witches and wizards.
Proud of → Her grades
Biggest vulnerability  → Conversing with others.
Embarrassed by → The way she speaks to others sometimes.
Worst memory → Being told that she shouldn't have been born by her father.
Best memory → Being sorted into Slytherin.
Skilled at → Potions and Transfiguration
Unskilled at → Interacting with others and appreciating her talents.
Attitude → Cristemia is known to be snappy and moody but can be quite insecure. Only a select few know this of her. She can also be sarcastic and flirtatious when in a good mood.
Obsessions → Studying
Stresses → Trying to impress others
Addictions → Smoking
Allergies → Nuts
Medical history → N/A
Favourite Object Kept In - And Why:
Their closet → A dress that her maternal grandmother made her when she was five. She thinks it is beautiful.
Their bedroom → A portrait of her maternal grandparents on their wedding day.
Their purse/bag → A sunflower bookmark.
Their fridge → Strawberries, her favourite fruit.
Their desk → Again, photos of both sets of grandparents.
Their pockets → A lighter from her maternal grandfather. He gave it to her when he first caught her smoking and hasn't said a word to her parents.
Favorite Animal:  → Swan
Favorite Band:  → Doesn't have one
Favorite Book:  → Pride and Prejudice
Favorite Color:  → Yellow
Favorite Country:  → The Netherlands
Favorite Drink:  → Coffee
Favorite Food:  → Strawberries
Favorite Flavor:  → Peppermint
Favorite Movie:  → Doesn't like movies.
Favorite Musical Genre:  → Indie.
Favorite Mythical Creature: →  Centaur
Favorite Number:  → 8
Favorite Pastime:  → Reading
Favorite Person:  →  Minerva MacGonagall
Favorite Place:  → The Black Lake
Favorite Season:  → Summer
Favorite Song:  → The Eton Rifles
Favorite Spell:  → Alohomora
Least Favorite Animal:  → Cats
Least Favorite Band:  →  TBD
Least Favorite Book:  →  TBD
Least Favorite Color:  →  Red
Least Favorite Country:  → France
Least Favorite Drink:  → Whisky
Least Favorite Food:  →  Meat
Least Favorite Flavor:  → Vanilla
Least Favorite Movie:  → None.
Least Favorite Musical Genre:  →  Heavy Metal
Least Favorite Mythical Creature: →  Vampire
Least Favorite Number:  → 56
Least Favorite Pastime:  →  Parties
Least Favorite Person:  → Her father Muggleborns
Least Favorite Place:  → Home
Least Favorite Season:  → Winter
Least Favorite Song:  → Anything by Verdi
Least Favorite Spell:  → Crucio
Sexual Life:
Gender You Last Had Sex With: →  Male
Dominant or Submissive: →  Submissive
Fetishes:  →  Praise, gentleness
Turnons:  → Oral, Kissing, Foreplay
Turn-offs:  →  Being rough and messing with her hair.
Favourite Position: → From underneath
How Active is Your Sex Life:  →  None existent
How Did You Loose Your Virginity:  →  Whilst in the Netherlands
Ever Impregnated Someone or Been Pregnant → No.
First Love:  →  Hasn't happened.
Who Do You Find Attractive → Sirius Black, Evan Rosier, Rabastan Lestrange
Marital Status:  →  Single
Do You Have A Significant Other (if yes, how do you feel about them): → N/A
Personality Classification:
Jung → Introverted Feeling - INFP
Enneagram → The Investigator; intense, cerebral type, perceptive, innovative, secretive, isolated
Moral Alignment → Neutral
Four Temperaments → Plegmatic
Vices → TBD
Virtues → TBD
Tropes → Ugly Duckling, Princess, Misunderstood
Compassion → 4/10
Empathy → 6/10
Creativity → 3/10
Mental Flexibility → 7/10
Passion/Motivation → 4/10
Intelligence → 7/10
Stamina → 5/10
Physical Strength → 6/10
Battle Skill → 8/10
Initiative → 5/10
Restraint → 4/10
Agility → 3/10
Strategy → 9/10
Teamwork → 4/10
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messr-black · 6 years
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Character’s Name → Sirius Orion Black
Character’s Nickname(s) → Siri, Padfoot, Pads, Black
Age → 18 years old
Birthdate  → 3rd November 1959
Zodiac Sign → Scorpio
Ethnicity  → British
Gender  → Male
Sexual Orientation → Bisexual
Blood Type → AB +
Species  → Pureblood
Hair color  → Black
Eye color → Bright grey
Height → 5′10′’
Weight →  Around 12 stone
Scars → He has a good few scars, from many different things. Most noticeably a long one across his shoulder blades from a particularly nasty argument with his parents.
Tattoos → None yet but he tends to get loads once he graduates.
Birthmarks → One above his right knee.
Piercings → He has one of his ears pierced.
Dress/clothing preferences  → In Hogwarts, usually his uniform without the tie. When he’s not in his uniform he usually opt for muggle band t-shirt and jeans, sometimes with a leather or dragon skin jacket.
Right/left handed/ambidextrous  → Left handed.
Glasses/contacts → Neither
Wizarding World:
Blood Status → Pureblood
School Attended → Hogwarts
School House → Gryffindor
War Alliance → Order of The Phoenix
Wand →  9’’, Unyielding, Unicorn tail hair core, Aspen wood
Patronus → Black dog (Those with the dog patronus are very loyal to those they care about, but can vary widely in personality, in extreme ways. Some are the silent type, speaking only to specific individuals and keeping within their comfort zone. They are hesitant in their situations and can seem to be stand-offish or intimidating to some. Others are quite bubbly, speaking to everyone and trying to be friendly and cordial. However when this demeanor is threatened they can become very blunt and harsh, showing aspects of the quieter dogs)
Boggart → Losing everyone he loves in one way or another.
Amortentia → The smell of fire burning (Particularly the one in the gryffindor common room), chocolate cake in the oven, the smell when it’s lashing rain and leather.
Mirror Of Erised → Himself after the war with his friends and Regulus by his side, all happy and safe.
Family and Relationships:
Parents → Orion and Walburga Black
Siblings → Regulus Black.
Grandparents → Arcturus Black III, Melania Black, Pollux Black and Irma Black
Marital Status → Single.
Significant Other → None technically but he’d say James.
Children → None.
Pets → An owl.
Other family members → Bellatrix Black, Andromeda Black, Narcissa Black Alphard Black, Cygnus Black and Druella Black to name just a few. James, Fleamont and Euphemia Potter
Friends → James Potter, Remus Lupin, Peter Petiigrew. Sirius is friendly with almost everyone, excluding most Slytherins.
Enemies → Most of his family, any blood purists and Severus Snape.
The religion they follow (if any) → None.
Superstitions → He doesn’t have any.
Country of Birth → England.
Place of Birth (Town, city, etc) → Borough of Islington, London,
First Language → English.
Accents → Sirius still has quite a posh accent from growing up in Pureblood society but he does a good job at covering it up. It does become quite obvious though when he gets mad.
House → Gryffindor
Best Subject in School → Defense Against the Dark Arts
Worst Subject in School → Herbology
Additional Classes Taken → Charms, Transfiguration, Potions and Care of Magical creatures. He signed up for Astronomy but never actually goes to the class.
Quidditch  → Doesn’t play on the team but enjoys playing for fun.
Are they a Prefect?  → No.
Extra curricular activities  → The Slug Club.
Live with parents/grandparents/alone/other → Spent the Summer with James, currently loves in Hogwarts and is planning on getting his own place once he graduates.
House, apartment, etc → He would love a loft style apartment.
How Many Bedrooms? → He would like two.
Mode of transportation → Muggle motorcycle.
Picture of bedroom at home → In Grimmauld Place, this was his bedroom.
Address → N/A
Inner Workings Of Your Character:
Secrets → He’s an unregistered animagus.
Fears → Regulus picking the wrong side in the war, losing his friends to the war. Also wasps.
Worries → He’s afraid that he’ll do something to mess up again and that his friends will leave him.
Eating Habits → Sirius eats far more than he should.
Food preferences → He’ll eat almost anything but he particularly loves anything sweet.
Sleep preferences → Sirius likes to go to bed late and wake up late.
Book preferences → The closest Sirius ever gets to books is motorcycle magazines.
Music preferences → Muggle rock.
Introverted/extroverted → Extroverted.
Optimist/pessimist → Pessimist.
Hobbies → Listening to music, pranking, flirting, generally annoying people, flying, sex, drinking.
Pet peeves → People who chew with their mouth open, anyone who doesn’t fancy him, clocks that tick really loudly.
Prejudices → He instantly dislikes all Slytherins.
Proud of → Whoever invented sugar quills.
Biggest vulnerability  → The fact that he sometimes feels very very alone and reliant on his friends.
Embarrassed by → Sometimes he gets really bad nightmares which really embarrasses him in front of his friends.
Worst memory → When he told Snape to go the Shrieking Shack on a full moon.
Best memory → Being the first Black to be sorted into Gryffindor.
Skilled at → Non-verbal magic, flying, dueling, talking his way out of trouble, showing off.
Unskilled at → Dealing with upset people, staying calm when he’s angry, talking about how he feels, apologising seriously.
Attitude → Arrogant and conceited, but caring underneath it all.
Obsessions → Muggle music and bikes.
Stresses → His family.
Addictions → Cigarettes.
Allergies → He likes to claim that he’s allergic to cats but really he has no allergies.
Medical history → Has broken plenty of bones from general rough + tumble and recklessness growing up.
Favourite Object Kept In - And Why:
Their closet → His muggle leather jacket that he bought instead of the dress robes his Mother actually gave him the money for.
Their bedroom → His bed. He loves sleeping.
Their purse/bag → The mirror that James has a matching one to.
Their fridge → Chocolate milk.
Their desk → The Marauders Map. (On the rare occasion they remember to put it away)
Their pockets → An old Black family ring that his uncle Alphard gave to him.
Favorite Animal:  → Dogs.
Favorite Band:  → He couldn’t pick a favourite, he has too many that he loves.
Favorite Book:  → None.
Favorite Color:  → Red.
Favorite Country:  → Spain.
Favorite Drink: → He would never admit it but hot chocolate. Especially with a hint of rum.
Favorite Food: → Cheeseburger.
Favorite Flavor:  → Chocolate.
Favorite Movie: → Rocky Horror Picture Show
Favorite Musical Genre: → Rock.
Favorite Mythical Creature: →  Phoenix.
Favorite Number:  → 13.
Favorite Pastime:  → Hanging out with his mates.
Favorite Person:  → James Potter.
Favorite Place:  → Hogwarts.
Favorite Season:  → Autumn.
Favorite Song: → Black Dog - Led Zeppelin, mainly just for the name.
Favorite Spell: → Accio.
Least Favorite Animal:  → Thestrals
Least Favorite Band:  → The Hobgoblins
Least Favorite Book: → Lupine Lawlessness: Why Lycanthropes Don’t Deserve to Live by Professor Emerett Picardy
Least Favorite Color:  → Green.
Least Favorite Country:  →
Least Favorite Drink: → Pumpkin juice
Least Favorite Food:  → Stew.
Least Favorite Flavor:  → Banana.
Least Favorite Movie: → He hasn’t really seen enough movies to have a least favourite.
Least Favorite Musical Genre:  → Classical.
Least Favorite Mythical Creature: →  Cornish pixies.
Least Favorite Number:  → 12
Least Favorite Pastime: → Homework/study.
Least Favorite Person:  → It’s a close tie between Voldemort and his Mother.
Least Favorite Place:  → His old house.
Least Favorite Season: → Summer because he has to leave Hogwarts and his friends
Least Favorite Song:  → You’re so vain - Carly Simon
Least Favorite Spell: → Crucio.
Sexual Life:
Gender You Last Had Sex With: →  Female
Dominant or Submissive: →  Dom 90% of the time
Fetishes:  → Bondage, public places.
Turnons:  → Battling for control, teasing others, high heels.
Turn-offs:  → Being teased.
Favourite Position: → Doggy style. “Table for two” - Girl lying back on a table with him between her legs, holding onto her hips and her feet on his shoulders.
How Active is Your Sex Life: → Very.
How Did You Loose Your Virginity: → To an older Gryffindor girl a few years ago.
Ever Impregnated Someone or Been Pregnant → No.
First Love: → He hasn’t been in love yet.
Who Do You Find Attractive → Almost everyone.
Marital Status:  → Single.
Do You Have A Significant Other (if yes, how do you feel about them): → Not really but once again, he would say James.
Personality Classification:
Jung → ENFP - The ENFP personality is a true free spirit. They are often the life of the party, but unlike Explorers, they are less interested in the sheer excitement and pleasure of the moment than they are in enjoying the social and emotional connections they make with others. Charming, independent, energetic and compassionate, the 7% of the population that they comprise can certainly be felt in any crowd.
Enneagram → Type 8 - Eights are self-confident, strong, and assertive. Protective, resourceful, straight-talking, and decisive, but can also be ego-centric and domineering. Eights feel they must control their environment, especially people, sometimes becoming confrontational and intimidating. Eights typically have problems with their tempers and with allowing themselves to be vulnerable. At their Best: self- mastering, they use their strength to improve others’ lives, becoming heroic, magnanimous, and inspiring.
Moral Alignment → True Neutral- A true neutral character does what seems to be a good idea. He doesn’t feel strongly one way or the other when it comes to good vs. evil or law vs. chaos. Most true neutral characters exhibit a lack of conviction or bias rather than a commitment to neutrality. Such a character thinks of good as better than evil after all, he would rather have good neighbors and rulers than evil ones. Still, he’s not personally committed to upholding good in any abstract or universal way. Some true neutral characters, on the other hand, commit themselves philosophically to neutrality. They see good, evil, law, and chaos as prejudices and dangerous extremes. They advocate the middle way of neutrality as the best, most balanced road in the long run.
Four Temperaments → Sanguine - People with sanguine personality type tend to be lively, optimistic, buoyant, and carefree. They love adventure and have a high risk tolerance. Typically, Sanguine people are very poor at tolerating boredom and will seek variety and entertainment. Needless to say, this trait may sometimes negatively affect their romantic relationships. Because this temperament is prone to pleasure-seeking behaviors, many people with sanguine personality are likely to struggle with addictions. Their constant cravings may lead to overeating and weight problems.
Vices → Alcohol, cigarettes, recklessness, self doubt
Virtues → Loyalty, integrity, passion.
Tropes → The Charmer, The Black Sheep, Misery Builds Character, The Casanova, Everybody Smokes, Abusive Parents
Compassion → 6/10
Empathy → 6/10
Creativity → 10/10
Mental Flexibility → 5/10
Passion/Motivation → 9/10 (If it’s something he genuinely cares about)
Intelligence → 10/10
Stamina → 9/10
Physical Strength → 10/10
Battle Skill → 10/10
Initiative → 8/10
Restraint → 4/10
Agility → 8/10
Strategy → 7/10
Teamwork → 9/10  
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septima-vec · 6 years
Septima Vector Survey
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Character’s Name → Septima 
Character’s Nickname(s)  → Sep/Vec
Age → 16
Birthdate  → September 17th, 1962
Zodiac Sign  → Virgo
Ethnicity  → English
Gender  → Female
Sexual Orientation  → Straight
Blood Type → A positive
Species  → Pureblood
Hair color  → Hazel
Eye color  → Medium brown
Height → 5 ft 2 in
Weight → 119
Scars → Small one on her thumb
Tattoos → None
Birthmarks → Inner knee on left leg
Piercings → Ears
Dress/clothing preferences  → Casual, jeans and a t-shirt, with the occasional skirt or dress
Right/left handed/ambidextrous  → Right handed
Glasses/contacts → None
Wizarding World:
Blood Status → Pureblood
School Attended → Hogwarts
School House → Hufflepuff
War Alliance → Undecided
Wand → 10 inches, unicorn tail hair, alder
Patronus → Seal
Boggart → A mass of centipedes
Amortentia → Firewhiskey, fresh snow, cookies
Mirror Of Erised → Septima aged 25, with her husband beside her, a three year old in his arms, and an infant in hers
Family and Relationships:
Parents → Her mother is named Jocelyn, she’s very strictly in support of pureblood supremacy, and her father is names Ediwn, who is very strictly opposing pureblood supremacy
Siblings → None
Grandparents → Deceased
Marital Status → Single
Significant Other → None
Children → None
Pets → A grey tabby named Alexandra
Other family members → She has a few distant cousins
Friends → Barty Crouch, Gideon Prewett, Hope Scamander, Lucius Malfoy (kinda)
Enemies → None, but she highly dislikes Dolores Umbridge
The religion they follow (if any) → Vaguely believes in God
Superstitions → She has a lucky ring she wears on her right pinky
Country of Birth → Britain
Place of Birth (Town, city, etc) → 
First Language → Edinborough
Accents → English
House → Hufflepuff
Best Subject in School → Arithmancy
Worst Subject in School → Charms
Additional Classes Taken → Care of Magical Creatures, Herbology, Potions, Charms, Defense Against the Dark Arts, Arithmancy
Quidditch  → She has never flown before
Are they a Prefect?  → Nope
Extra curricular activities  → Potions club, herbology club
Live with parents/grandparents/alone/other → Splits her time between her father’s and mother’s
House, apartment, etc → Houses
How Many Bedrooms? → Her father’s has three, and her mother’s has five
Mode of transportation → Walking, or floo powder
Address → Her father’s home is in Whitby, while her mother’s is in a wizarding village outside of London.
Picture of bedroom at home → Father’s house is first photo, and mother’s is second photo.
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Inner Workings Of Your Character:
Secrets → Septima gets a secret joy from fires.
Fears → Centipedes, her parents
Worries → Her current indecision with the war
Eating Habits → Lots of pastries
Food preferences → Pastries
Sleep preferences → Lying on her back
Book preferences → Arithmancy
Music preferences → Muggle rock
Introverted/extroverted → Extroverted
Optimist/pessimist → Slightly more on the pessimistic side
Hobbies → Arithmancy! & reading
Pet peeves → Rudeness (even if she’s the one doing it)
Prejudices → Rude people
Proud of → Her arithmancy skill
Biggest vulnerability  → She is easily persuaded
Embarrassed by → Her hair and face in the morning and after crying
Worst memory → Her parents splitting up, and them each trying to persuade her of their beliefs directly after
Best memory → Sitting on the docks midsummer, listening to some Muggle music and sunbathing
Skilled at → Arithmancy and being convivial
Unskilled at → Charms
Attitude → Generally very friendly, but indecisive and confused by morality
Obsessions → None
Stresses → The war
Addictions → Wearing her lucky ring
Allergies → None
Medical history → She broke her leg when she was 2 but doesn’t have much otherwise
Favourite Object Kept In - And Why:
Their closet → Her favorite olive dress with a crocheted top half
Their bedroom → Her arithmancy books
Their purse/bag → Her licorice wands
Their fridge → Firewhiskey
Their desk → Her colored paperclips (they just look nice)
Their pockets → Licorice wands
Favorite Animal:  → The Giant Squid
Favorite Band:  → Beatles
Favorite Book:  → Her current arithmancy textbook
Favorite Color:  → Orange
Favorite Country:  → The UK
Favorite Drink:  → Firewhiskey
Favorite Food:  → Cookies
Favorite Flavor:  → Black licorice
Favorite Movie:  → The movie adaptation of Babbity Rabbity and her Cackling Stump
Favorite Musical Genre:  → Rock
Favorite Mythical Creature: →  The Giant Squid
Favorite Number:  → 17
Favorite Pastime:  → Reading
Favorite Person:  → Barty Crouch
Favorite Place:  → The docks in the summertime
Favorite Season:  → Spring
Favorite Song:  → Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds
Favorite Spell:  → Jelly legs jinx
Least Favorite Animal:  → Centipede
Least Favorite Band:  → Frank Sinatra
Least Favorite Book:  → Anything to do w Charms
Least Favorite Color:  → Grey
Least Favorite Country:  → France
Least Favorite Drink:  → Pumpkin juice
Least Favorite Food:  → Ham
Least Favorite Flavor:  → Paprika
Least Favorite Movie:  → The black and white French version of Beauty and the Beast
Least Favorite Musical Genre:  → Country
Least Favorite Mythical Creature: → Grindylow
Least Favorite Number:  → 13
Least Favorite Pastime:  → Lying in bed with nothing to focus on
Least Favorite Person:  → The beast from the black and white French version of Beauty and the Beast
Least Favorite Place:  → The Forbidden Forest
Least Favorite Season:  → Summer
Least Favorite Song:  → Polythene Pam
Least Favorite Spell:  → Aguamenti
Sexual Life:
Gender You Last Had Sex With: →  Male
Dominant or Submissive: →  Neither, specifically (she’s not incredibly experienced)
Fetishes:  → Unknown
Turnons:  → Neck kissing and general grabbing
Turn-offs:  → Mean names
Favourite Position: → On top
How Active is Your Sex Life:  → Not extremely
How Did You Lose Your Virginity:  → Over the summer after her fourth year with a Muggle boy
Ever Impregnated Someone or Been Pregnant → Nope
First Love:  → Hasn’t had it
Who Do You Find Attractive → Barty Crouch, Gideon Prewett, Malachai Greengrass, Caradoc Dearborn, Gilderoy Lockhart, James Potter, Rodolphus Lestrange
Marital Status:  → Single
Do You Have A Significant Other (if yes, how do you feel about them): → Nope
Personality Classification:
Jung → ISTP
Enneagram → Helper
Moral Alignment → True Neutral
Four Temperaments → Sanguine
Vices → Licorice and being easily persuaded
Virtues → Helpful
Tropes → [ This page no longer exists ]
Compassion → 7/10
Empathy → 9/10
Creativity → 6/10
Mental Flexibility → 10/10
Passion/Motivation → 8/10
Intelligence → 6/10
Stamina → 4/10
Physical Strength → 4/10
Battle Skill → 6/10
Initiative → 8/10
Restraint → 8/10
Agility → 9/10
Strategy → 7/10
Teamwork → 9/10  
1 note · View note
doc-dearborn · 6 years
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Character’s Name → Caradoc Dearborn
Character’s Nickname(s)  → Doc
Age → 17
Birthdate  →  11th of May
Zodiac Sign  →  Taurus
Ethnicity  → British
Gender  → Male
Sexual Orientation  → Bisexual
Blood Type → A+
Species  → Pureblood
Hair color  → Brown
Eye color  → Dark brown 
Height →  6′ 2″
Weight → 63.5 kg
Scars → A small scar on his hand from a Quidditch injury he got in his first ever game.
Tattoos → None
Birthmarks → Nothing that stands out, a few moles on his back but they’re not that noticeable.
Piercings → None
Dress/clothing preferences  → Comfort above fashion. He prefers muggle clothes outside of school time but he has a series of wizarding robes that he feels comfortable in. He usually goes for dark colours and greys, although his Hufflepuff scarf is a signature piece of clothing.
Right/left handed/ambidextrous  → Right-handed
Glasses/contacts → Has glasses but only wears them on occasion, he usually wears contacts although he’s been practising a charm that works in about the same way as contact lenses do.
Wizarding World:
Blood Status → Pureblood (by birth, his mother remarried a half blood when he was around 7) 
School Attended → Hogwarts
School House → Hufflepuff
War Alliance → Order of the Pheonix 
Wand →  English Oak, Unicorn Hair, 12"
Patronus → Snow Leopard
Boggart → Someone he cares about telling him they’re disappointed in him
Amortentia → The Hufflepuff Dorm Room, apple pie cooking and fresh earth
Mirror Of Erised → He sees himself as a successful herbologist, a wedding ring on his finger and surrounded by his family and friends. 
Family and Relationships:
Parents → Eira and Martin Dearborn are his parents, although his biological father is Abraham Goyle. His mother left him when he was around three years old and remarried when he was seven. 
Siblings → None
Grandparents → Martin’s grandfather is the only grandparent still in contact with the family, he is a muggleborn wizard and Caradoc loves spending time with him.
Marital Status → Single
Significant Other → None
Children → He wants to have them some day. Also do his plants count?
Pets → Freckles, his tabby cat
Other family members → Cressida is his ‘sister’, technically they’re actually step siblings now. Their mothers were close friends in school, however when Cressida’s mother remarried (to Caradoc’s biological father) and kicked her out of her home Eira took her in instantly and stopped contact with Cressida’s mother. 
Friends → So many. Frank is his best friend without a doubt. Also Ted, Alice, Lily, Dorcas, Mary, Remus and Marlene are people he considers himself close to in his year. As well as that he has the younger students he is incredibly protective of. 
Enemies → Rodolphus Lestrange. Pretty much all Death Eaters. He also has the usual rivalry with opposing Quidditch Teams. 
The religion they follow (if any) → Doesn’t really follow any religion although he believes in an after life. 
Superstitions → To an extent. He believes strongly that bad things happen in threes, as well as a few other superstitions his mother has drilled into him. (Don’t put new shoes upon the table)
Country of Birth → England 
Place of Birth (Town, city, etc) → London
First Language → English
Accents → He has lived in Wales since his mother left his father when he was three, so he has a bit of a Welsh accent. 
House → Hufflepuff
Best Subject in School → Herbology 
Worst Subject in School → Arithmancy
Additional Classes Taken → His additional subjects in third year were Care of Magical Creatures, Arithmancy and Divination
Quidditch  → Beater
Are they a Prefect?  → Nope
Extra curricular activities  → Nope
Live with parents/grandparents/alone/other → Live with his mum, dad and Cressida
House, apartment, etc → Small ish home in the countryside of Wales
How Many Bedrooms? → Three
Mode of transportation → Floo Network
Picture of bedroom at home → A little bit like this 
Address → Rose Cottage, Pembroke, Wales
Inner Workings Of Your Character:
Secrets → His huge crush on Frank, the fact that he feels super unprepared and lost about his future, he’s scared of what’s lurking at the bottom of he ocean, he’s not really that bothered about winning the Quidditch cup he just hates the idea of Gwenog loosing. That despite all his ego and flare he had a huge crush on James Potter when he was in fourth year.
Fears → That he’s going to die young, without accomplishing anything.
Worries → That he’s actually just a huge disappointment and that his friends will one day inevitably leave him. 
Eating Habits → He eats a little more than the normal seventeen year old boy, but eats regular meals at regular times, only snacking occasionally.
Food preferences → He likes desserts (especially when pastry is involved) 
Sleep preferences → Late to bed, late to rise. 
Book preferences → Sci-Fi, incredibly cheap pulpy science fiction to be exact. 
Music preferences → Popular/rock music to be honest, he just likes to dance.
Introverted/extroverted → He does well with people but he has to spend a bit of time alone to recharge, so a bit of both.
Optimist/pessimist → He’d say he’s a realist, even though he tries to look on the bright side when he’s with other people. 
Hobbies → Quidditch, herbology, general gardening.
Pet peeves → People gossiping about him, reading over his shoulder, using him for homework help and them blanking him in the corridors. 
Prejudices → He tends to assume anyone younger than him will need his help and he is wiser than they are.
Proud of → His family, his friends, his achievements and talent in Herbology. 
Biggest vulnerability  → He’s deadly terrified of being left alone, or loosing someone due to his own weakness. His friends can be a weakness if they’re being threatened because Caradoc will do anything to protect them. He also tends to look for the best in people.
Embarrassed by → People giving him undeserved praise.
Worst memory → His biological father screaming at his mother, and cursing her when she tried to leave, it’s one of his first memories. It’s joint with the first time he found a younger muggleborn crying after she had been harmed by an older student.
Best memory → One summer he and Frank went flying around the country side all afternoon and finished the evening by having a bbq with Frank’s family and staying up talking well into the evening.
Skilled at → Herbology, judging what people need, quidditch (to an extent)
Unskilled at → General essays, making quick decisions, cooking anything except sweet stuff.
Attitude → He’s got a positive attitude although he will get pissy with people if it’s deserved. 
Obsessions → Herbology, he really wants to be the best of the best. 
Stresses → The impending war
Addictions → None
Allergies → None
Medical history → The usual scrapes and bruises one gets from being an adventurous kid and learning Quidditch at a young age.
Favourite Object Kept In - And Why:
Their closet → His Hufflepuff Scarf
Their bedroom → Does Freckles count? Because he loves his cat so much
Their purse/bag → His wand.
Their fridge → If it’s present his mums Apple Pie. 
Their desk → The photo of him, his parents and Cressida took a few years ago.
Their pockets → He tends to keep a few sunflower seeds and such in his pocket, which is really stupid and makes him smell a little bit like dirt all the time, but sometimes when he’s stressed out he’ll randomly plant some around the gardens in Hogwarts. 
Favorite Animal:  → Cat
Favorite Band:  → Pink Floyd
Favorite Book:  →  The Time Machine by H.G. Wells 
Favorite Color:  → Yellow
Favorite Country:  → France (his grandpa took him on holiday there)
Favorite Drink:  → Orange Juice 
Favorite Food:  → Apple Pie 
Favorite Flavor:  → Sugar sweet biscuits
Favorite Movie:  → Star Wars: A New Hope
Favorite Musical Genre:  → Prog Rock or anything he can dance to
Favorite Mythical Creature: →  Nifflers 
Favorite Number:  → 4 (his number on the Quidditch team)
Favorite Pastime:  → Gardening / Herbology 
Favorite Person:  → Joint between Cressida Zabini and Frank Longbottom 
Favorite Place:  → His garden at home.
Favorite Season:  → Spring
Favorite Song:  → Wish you were here - Pink Floyd 
Favorite Spell:  → Lumos (makes bedtime reading way easier) 
Least Favorite Animal:  → Spiders
Least Favorite Band:  → Likes most music so doesn’t really have a least favourite
Least Favorite Book:  → Great Expectations (his mum made him read it and it was too boring for him) 
Least Favorite Color:  → Grey 
Least Favorite Country:  → Hasn’t travelled enough to have one.
Least Favorite Drink:  → Coffee (hates the taste)
Least Favorite Food:  → Sprouts
Least Favorite Flavor:  → Anything too bitter
Least Favorite Movie:  → The Good, The Bad and The Ugly. 
Least Favorite Musical Genre:  → He’s not hugely into punk music. 
Least Favorite Mythical Creature: →  Any that will blow up on him.
Least Favorite Number:  → He’s never thought about it. 
Least Favorite Pastime:  → Jogging
Least Favorite Person:  → His biological father. 
Least Favorite Place:  → The potions room, he always feels claustrophobic.
Least Favorite Season:  → Winter (all the plants die)
Least Favorite Song:  → You're Sixteen You're Beautiful (And You're Mine) - Ringo Starr 
Least Favorite Spell:  → Crucio 
Sexual Life:
Gender You Last Had Sex With: →  Male (in summer, a childhood friend he had lost touch with)
Dominant or Submissive: → He’s pretty flexible but more submissive.
Fetishes:  → Praise, lingerie, 
Turnons:  → Knowing the other person is having a good time, people biting his neck, heavy make out sessions. 
Turn-offs:  → People who don’t wash, smelly breath
Favourite Position: → He likes to be facing his partner but he’s not that experienced so he’s an awkward fool. 
How Active is Your Sex Life:  → Not very active at all.
How Did You Loose Your Virginity:  → Again, an old friend in the summer holiday before seventh year. 
Ever Impregnated Someone or Been Pregnant → Nope
First Love:  →  He’s never been properly in love, but his first real crush was on Mary in his third year followed by James Potter and the awkward coincidence of anyone in Gryffindor who was friends with either of them.
Who Do You Find Attractive → People who are kind to him, who he can tease and joke around with. He likes genuine people and people who show interest in him. He’s not above finding someone attractive just because they’re cocky and attractive though. 
Marital Status:  → Single
Do You Have A Significant Other (if yes, how do you feel about them): → No
Personality Classification:
Jung → ENFJ:  "Persuader". Outstanding leader of groups. Can be aggressive at helping others to be the best that they can be.
Enneagram →  Type 2:  I must be helpful and caring to survive.  Twos are empathetic, sincere, and warm-hearted. They are friendly, generous, and self-sacrificing, but can also be sentimental, flattering, and people-pleasing. They are well-meaning and driven to be close to others, but can slip into doing things for others in order to be needed. They typically have problems with possessiveness and with acknowledging their own needs. At their Best: unselfish and altruistic, they have unconditional love for others.
Moral Alignment → Neutral Good
Four Temperaments → Melancholic
Vices → Doubt, Envy, Fearfulness, Impatience, Jealousy, Wrath
Virtues →  Altruism, Caring, Creativity, Empathy, Gentleness, Understanding
Tropes → The Boy Next Door, Adokable, Chronic Hero Syndrome, The Confidant, Hyper-Competent Sidekick, Platonic Life Partners, Undying Loyalty, Beware the Nice Ones 
Compassion → 9/10
Empathy → 9/10
Creativity → 8/10
Mental Flexibility → 5/10
Passion/Motivation → 8/10
Intelligence → 7/10
Stamina → 6/10
Physical Strength → 6/10
Battle Skill → 6/10
Initiative → 7/10
Restraint → 6/10
Agility → 6/10
Strategy → 8/10
Teamwork → 9/10  
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leenashafiq · 6 years
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Character’s Name → Leena Shafiq
Character’s Nickname(s)  → Lee, Leen, utp
Age →  18
Birthdate  → December 1st
Zodiac Sign  → Sagittarius
Ethnicity  →  Indian
Gender  →  female
Sexual Orientation  → bisexual
Blood Type →  B+
Species  →  pureblood, witch
Hair color  →  black
Eye color  →  dark brown
Height →  5″6
Weight →  54kg
Scars →  some on her knees and elbows from quidditch injuries
Tattoos →  n/a
Birthmarks →  n/a
Piercings →  only her ears
Dress/clothing preferences  →  light dresses, sportswear
Right/left handed/ambidextrous  →  right handed
Glasses/contacts →  n/a
Wizarding World:
Blood Status →  pureblood
School Attended →  hogwarts
School House →  hufflepuff
War Alliance →  neutral
Wand → 8 and ¾ inches, walnut wand, core of unicorn hair, springy   
Patronus →  field mouse
Boggart →  devil’s snare
Amortentia → freshly baked bread, flowers, sea breeze
Mirror Of Erised →  
Family and Relationships:
Parents →  Mr & Mrs Shafiq (names tbd)
Siblings → none
Grandparents → unknown
Marital Status →  single
Significant Other → n/a
Children →  n/a
Pets →  her owl
Other family members → unknown
Friends →  Malachai Greengrass, Cressida Zabini, Dedalus Diggle, Lucy Karoonda
Enemies → Alexander Nott (though enemy is a very strong word)
The religion they follow (if any) →  agnostic, non-practising Muslim
Superstitions →  she actively defies superstitions
Country of Birth →  England
Place of Birth (Town, city, etc) →  London
First Language →  English
Accents →  RP (Queen’s English)
House →  Hufflepuff
Best Subject in School →  Care of Magical Creatures
Worst Subject in School →  Ancient Runes
Additional Classes Taken → Care of Magical Creatures, Apparition
Quidditch  →  Chaser
Are they a Prefect?  → no, but probably in younger years
Extra curricular activities  → Magical Creatures Club
Live with parents/grandparents/alone/other → Lives with friends in London
House, apartment, etc → apartment
How Many Bedrooms? → four or five
Mode of transportation →  broom, floo network, apparition
Picture of bedroom at home →  
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Address → central london
Inner Workings Of Your Character:
Secrets →  
Fears → 
Worries → 
Eating Habits →  healthy, she doesn’t could her calories but she always has salad with her meals and eats fruit
Food preferences →  fruit
Sleep preferences →  generally early to bed so she can wake up early and go for a run
Book preferences →  fiction, romance
Music preferences →  she’s not picky but since living with muggle flatmates she’s come to enjoy muggle music too
Introverted/extroverted → extroverted
Optimist/pessimist →  optimistic
Hobbies →  quidditch, exercising, spending time with friends, shopping
Pet peeves → messiness 
Prejudices →  against people who are prejudiced for no good reason
Proud of → how she’s become independent and grown as a person over the last few years
Biggest vulnerability  →  too trusting of people, needs to be liked
Embarrassed by →  people not liking her
Worst memory →  when she had to leave her parents’ home
Best memory →  the celebration with the Hufflepuff team after she won her first match them
Skilled at → quidditch, caring for animals, anticipating the needs of others
Unskilled at → arithmancy, history
Attitude →  very nice, tries to be sympathetic with everyone and non-judgemental. Maybe a little too much for some people.
Obsessions →  cute animals
Stresses → failing
Addictions →  adrenaline 
Allergies →   shellfish
Medical history → a particularly nasty game of quidditch in her third year left her with a broken arm. That was the worst injury she’s gotten but she’s been to the infirmary countless times for strains and pulled muscles.
Favourite Object Kept In - And Why:
Their closet → summer dress - it was bought for one of the last holidays she went on with her parents. she rarely wears it now, it’s a tad too small for her but she could never throw it out. 
Their bedroom → picture of herself with her family - she keeps it somewhere she can always look at it as a reminder of easier times, and what she hopes to achieve again.
Their purse/bag →  lip gloss - for preparedness.
Their fridge → fruits - she always has fruit in the fridge no matter what time of year it is, to snack on or blend into smoothies. strawberries, cherries and watermelon are her favourites.
Their desk → her diary - she often hides her pain, striving to maintain a positive and bubbly persona. Her diary is the one place that contains her true feelings.
Their pockets →  spare quill - in her first few years at hogwarts she constantly found herself without a quill, either because she’d lost hers or she’d lent it to a classmate. now she never goes to class without a spare and it has saved her on numerous occasions.
Favorite Animal:  →  kittens
Favorite Band:  →  ABBA
Favorite Book:  →  the autobiography of an inspirational witch
Favorite Color:  →  yellow
Favorite Country:  → Spain 
Favorite Drink:  →  fruit smoothie
Favorite Food:  →  ice cream
Favorite Flavor:  →  raspberry ripple
Favorite Movie:  →  saturday night fever
Favorite Musical Genre:  → disco
Favorite Mythical Creature: → unicorn
Favorite Number:  →  7 
Favorite Pastime:  →  jogging, swimming
Favorite Person:  →  her parents, she loves them  dearly even if they’ve grown distant over the last few years. 
Favorite Place:  → the beach by her family’s summerhouse in Spain
Favorite Season:  →   summer
Favorite Song:  →  thank you for the music - ABBA
Favorite Spell:  →  alohomora 
Least Favorite Animal:  → rat  
Least Favorite Band:  → Black Sabbath 
Least Favorite Book:  →  -
Least Favorite Color:  →  green 
Least Favorite Country:  →  none
Least Favorite Drink:  →  rum
Least Favorite Food:  →  tuna 
Least Favorite Flavor:  →   vanilla
Least Favorite Movie:  →  Carrie
Least Favorite Musical Genre:  →  punk rock
Least Favorite Mythical Creature: →   flesh-eating slug
Least Favorite Number:  →  n/a
Least Favorite Pastime:  →    
Least Favorite Person:  →  
Least Favorite Place:  →
Least Favorite Season:  →  autumn
Least Favorite Song:  →  n/a
Least Favorite Spell:  → jelly-legs curse
Sexual Life:
Gender You Last Had Sex With: →  male
Dominant or Submissive: →  either
Fetishes:  →   rough sex, unusual locations   
Turn-ons:  →  biting, foreplay
Turn-offs:  →  quiet sex, insecurity, bondage
Favourite Position: →  n/a
How Active is Your Sex Life:  → fairly active
How Did You Loose Your Virginity:  → tbd
Ever Impregnated Someone or Been Pregnant →  no
First Love:  →  tbd 
Who Do You Find Attractive →  Dedalus Diggle for some strange reason
Marital Status:  →  single
Do You Have A Significant Other (if yes, how do you feel about them): →  no
Personality Classification:
Jung → ESFJ - The Consul
Enneagram → Type 2 - The Helper
Moral Alignment → Neutral Good
Four Temperaments → Sanguine 
Vices → Gullible, Impatient, Flaky 
Virtues → Generous, Optimistic, Compassionate, Kind
Tropes →  
Compassion → 9/10
Empathy → 9/10
Creativity → 8/10
Mental Flexibility → 7/10
Passion/Motivation → 10/10
Intelligence → 7/10
Stamina → 8/10
Physical Strength → 8/10
Battle Skill → 6/10
Initiative → 7/10
Restraint → 6/10
Agility → 9/10
Strategy → 6/10
Teamwork → 10/10  
0 notes
thecaradocisin · 6 years
Caradoc Dearborn: A Study
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Character’s Name → Caradoc Dearborn
Character’s Nickname(s)  → Doc, Docky 
Age → 17
Birthdate  → April 27
Zodiac Sign  → Taurus
Ethnicity  → Caucasian
Gender  → Male
Sexual Orientation  → Bisexual (and wildly confused about it)
Blood Type → O+
Species  → Pureblood
Hair color  → Brown
Eye color  → Blue
Height → 188 cm (6′2″)
Weight → 82 kg (180 lb)
Scars → N/A
Tattoos → N/A
Birthmarks → N/A
Piercings → Doc’s thought of getting one in the past, but he knows his mother would have a heart attack, and has never seriously considered it.
Dress/clothing preferences  → Usually, he’s a function over fashion kind of guy. Function meaning, obviously, it’s comfortable enough to take a nap in. 
Right/left handed/ambidextrous  → Left handed.
Glasses/contacts → Lately, he’s been having trouble seeing exactly what his professors are writing on the board. Instead of accepting his problem, though, he’s moved himself to sit in the front of any class where he needs to see. 
Wizarding World:
Blood Status → Pureblood.
School Attended → Hogwarts.
School House → Hufflepuff.
War Alliance → Neutral/Order leaning: As of right now, he’s not sided with anyone, as it’s not on the top of his to-do list, but he’d join the Order in a second when it came down to it.
Wand → Ash, 12″, Dragon Heartstring core. Surprisingly rigid. 
Patronus → Boykin Spaniel (note: exceptionally fluffy coat). 
Boggart → A mass of his friends and family stand before him, staring. Some of them snicker into their hands, whispering to each other, some of them laugh, and some of them, particularly his parents, look at him in disappointment. He doesn’t know what he did wrong. 
Amortentia → Something fresh and clean that Doc can’t quite place. It smells vaguely herbal, almost, if you think closely, like chamomile tea. 
Mirror Of Erised → He’s holding a signed copy of his own extremely popular book on Herbology. Behind him, his mother and father clasp his shoulders, smiling widely and with pride. Behind them still, he can see his friends: safe, unworried, and happy. 
Family and Relationships:
Parents → Mr. and Mrs. Dearborn have what can only be described as an enviably stable relationship with their son. Caradoc writes them often, and in his years at Hogwarts, has not missed a Christmas with them yet.
Siblings → N/A
Grandparents → His grandfather died long before he was born of Dragon Pox, and his grandmother died when he was a young boy. He hardly remembers her. 
Marital Status → Single
Significant Other → N/A
Children → N/A
Pets → His Ragdoll cat, Hiccup, whom he adores. 
Other family members → Caradoc has always had a close relationship with his uncle, who is a lonely bachelor and passionate gardener. He always spends a week or so of his summer at his home, studying Herbology. 
Friends → Caradoc has may friends, but few of them are close. Among those few are Frank Longbottom, Sybil Trelawney, and Bertha Jorkins. 
Enemies → Rodolphus Lestrange. 
The religion they follow (if any) → Agnostic and a tad too busy to be extremely concerned with it at the moment. 
Superstitions → If you can name it, chances are he’ll claim not to believe it but still follows it strictly. He has not once in his life opened an umbrella inside. 
Country of Birth → England.
Place of Birth (Town, city, etc) → London. Currently resides in the wizarding village of Chudleigh when not attending school.
First Language → English.
Accents → West Country British. 
House → Hufflepuff.
Best Subject in School → Herbology.
Worst Subject in School → Transfiguration.
Additional Classes Taken → Care of Magical Creatures, Study of Ancient Runes.
Quidditch  → Hufflepuff beater. 
Are they a Prefect?  → No.
Extra curricular activities  → Herbology club fanatic, strongly believes in the power of some good greenhouse therapy. 
Live with parents/grandparents/alone/other → Lives with parents. 
House, apartment, etc → House, constructed in the mid 19th century. 
How Many Bedrooms? → 3.
Mode of transportation → Apparation.
Picture of bedroom at home →
Tumblr media
Address → Centre Street, Chudleigh, England. 
Inner Workings Of Your Character:
Secrets → There are many things Caradoc isn’t open about to anyone. Namely, his tendency to jealousy, his sexuality, and how hard he has to work to pull things together perfectly. He’d like to appear as effortlessly settled as possible.
Fears → Failure and loneliness. 
Worries → He often worries about whether or not he’ll be able to live up to everyone’s expectations, despite having no raging obstacles to stop him from doing so. 
Eating Habits → He tends to be more of a grazer than one for big meals. He snacks often. 
Food preferences → Generally, he prefers salty food. 
Sleep preferences → Early to bed, early to rise. Every time he knows he has something to do later at night, he has to plan and adjust his sleep schedule in advance so he won’t be falling asleep five minutes into it. 
Book preferences → He’s very much a fan of Arthurian romance, loves stories with heroic protagonists. He rarely reads what he considers to be think pieces. 
Music preferences → He only really listen to music for relaxation - it distracts him from work or from focusing before a game. 
Introverted/extroverted → Extroverted.
Optimist/pessimist → Optimistic most of the time. 
Hobbies → Gardening and quidditch. 
Pet peeves → Loud, phlegmy noises set him off quicker than anything else. 
Prejudices → Despite his best efforts to be a generally unbiased person, Caradoc can’t help but be wary of Slytherins, especially with the War. 
Proud of → His abilities and accomplishments in Herbology, as well as his friends. He could go on about them for hours. 
Biggest vulnerability  → Caradoc is extremely opposed to the idea of anyone realizing 
Embarrassed by → Any picture of him before his third year, when he learned how to manage his hair. He thinks he looks positively abysmal. 
Worst memory → He has seldom disappointed his parents in the past, but after one particular term his mother sent him a letter (not a howler, bless her) notating her dissatisfaction with his efforts in transfiguration and charms that year. He was so unused to her disappointment that he felt sick for days. 
Best memory → Any of his summers spent with Frank or his uncle - he can’t choose between them.
Skilled at → Herbology and cheering people up.
Unskilled at → Time management and telling people no. 
Attitude → Doc is a supportive person. When it comes to matters concerning most anyone he knows, he makes an effort to be unflinchingly positive. 
Obsessions → Currently, improving his quidditch skills and attempting to find a replacement beater for Hufflepuff’s team next year.
Stresses → Getting good marks while saving time for his friends and family. 
Addictions → Spending time in the greenhouse and fixing his hair until it’s absolutely perfect.
Allergies → Peanuts.
Medical history → As an infant, Caradoc often got ill. Now, he tends to be more resilient, but still is prone to a seasonal cold. 
Favourite Object Kept In - And Why:
Their closet → His Hufflepuff scarf is the perfect balance of warmth, comfort, and fashion, or so he tells himself. 
Their bedroom → Does Hiccup count? He spends most of his time in Doc’s room. 
Their purse/bag → Doc never keeps a bag on him, but usually has stuffed pockets. 
Their fridge → Strangely, Doc is more of a fan of room temp to warm foods (read: pretzels), but enjoys the selection of cheese his parents keep in the fridge. 
Their desk → A rare potted plant, courtesy of his uncle. It’s an unusually light yellow color, and reminds him of summer and his uncle. 
Their pockets →  How could he have a favorite when there’s so much to choose from? Perhaps his crumpled up notes from charms that he shoved in his pockets when he had to rush out of class... those might be useful at some point.
Favorite Animal:  → Ragdoll cats.
Favorite Band:  → The Beatles. 
Favorite Book:  → The Once and Future King by T.H. White. 
Favorite Color:  → Green.
Favorite Country:  → England.
Favorite Drink:  → Chamomile tea.
Favorite Food:  → Pretzels.
Favorite Flavor:  → Salt (if he’s in the mood for sweets, toffee).
Favorite Movie:  → Willy Wonka and The Chocolate Factory.
Favorite Musical Genre:  → Psychadelic rock, jazz.
Favorite Mythical Creature: →  Mooncalf. 
Favorite Number:  → 27.
Favorite Pastime:  → Gardening. 
Favorite Person:  → It’s a tie between Frank Longbottom and his uncle. 
Favorite Place:  → His uncle’s greenhouse.
Favorite Season:  → Spring. 
Favorite Song:  → Honey Pie by The Beatles.
Favorite Spell:  → the Cheering Charm. 
Least Favorite Animal:  → Geese.
Least Favorite Band:  → Fleetwood Mac.
Least Favorite Book:  → 1984 by George Orwell.
Least Favorite Color:  → Purple.
Least Favorite Country:  → None? He doesn’t have one. 
Least Favorite Drink:  → Tonic water.
Least Favorite Food:  → Chicken liver.
Least Favorite Flavor:  → Banana. 
Least Favorite Movie:  → He isn’t a big movie fan, and hasn’t watched enough to decipher his least favorite yet. 
Least Favorite Musical Genre:  → Classical. 
Least Favorite Mythical Creature: →  Quintapeds. 
Least Favorite Number:  → 6.
Least Favorite Pastime:  → Transfiguration homework. 
Least Favorite Person:  → His transfiguration professor, especially with this year’s work load. 
Least Favorite Place:  → Knockturn Alley. 
Least Favorite Season:  → Winter.
Least Favorite Song:  → Anything performed by Fleetwood Mac.
Least Favorite Spell:  → Avifors.
Sexual Life:
Gender You Last Had Sex With: →  Nope!
Dominant or Submissive: →  Who knows? (I do, you do, everyone does. He’s dominant.)
Fetishes:  → Who knows? 
Turn-ons:  → Who knows? 
Turn-offs:  → Who knows?
Favourite Position: → Nope!
How Active is Your Sex Life:  → Nope!
How Did You Loose Your Virginity:  → Nope!
Ever Impregnated Someone or Been Pregnant → Nope!
First Love:  → Hiccup. 
Who Do You Find Attractive → Anyone that’s nice. Or smart. Or, like, has nice hair. Whatever. He doesn’t want to talk about it.
Marital Status:  → SIngle. 
Do You Have A Significant Other (if yes, how do you feel about them): → Nope!
Personality Classification:
Jung → ENFJ.
Enneagram → Type 2.
Moral Alignment → Lawful good.
Four Temperaments → Phlegmatic.
Vices → Jealousy, yikes.
Virtues → Compassion, cooperation. 
Tropes → Good isn’t dumb. 
Compassion → 9/10
Empathy → 8/10
Creativity → 6/10
Mental Flexibility → 4/10
Passion/Motivation → 10/10
Intelligence → 6/10
Stamina → 5/10
Physical Strength → 7/10
Battle Skill → 3/10
Initiative → /10
Restraint → 6/10
Agility → 4/10
Strategy → 3/10
Teamwork → 8/10  
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andrxmcdablxck-blog · 6 years
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Character’s Name →  Andromeda Black
Character’s Nickname(s)  →  Dromeda, Andi
Age →  17
Birthdate  →   October 27th
Zodiac Sign  →  Scorpio
Ethnicity  →  english
Gender  →  female
Sexual Orientation  → heterosexual
Blood Type →  O+
Species  →  pureblood, witch
Hair color  →  dark brown
Eye color  →  brown
Height →  5″4
Weight →  50kg
Scars →  n/a
Tattoos →  n/a
Birthmarks →  n/a
Piercings →  only her ears
Dress/clothing preferences  →  dresses or skirts, high-heels. she always looks her best, as is expected of a Black. in more casual settings she might wear a leather jacket and heeled boots
Right/left handed/ambidextrous  →  right handed
Glasses/contacts →  n/a
Wizarding World:
Blood Status →  pureblood
School Attended →  hogwarts
School House →  slytherin
War Alliance →  death eaters but wavering
Wand →   10 inches, cherrywood wand, core of merfolk hair
Patronus →  Raven
Boggart →   Herself trapped in a cage - because she’s not free & because she’s isolated from her loved ones
Amortentia →  the smell of the air just after a storm, lemon sweets, old books
Mirror Of Erised → herself, somewhere bright with her husband and several children
Family and Relationships:
Parents →  Cygnus and Druella Black (née Rosier)
Siblings → Bellatrix and Narcissa Black
Grandparents → Pollux and Irma Black
Marital Status →  engaged
Significant Other →  betrothed to Rabastan Lestrange
Children →  n/a
Pets →  a black cat named Astrea
Other family members → Sirius & Regulus Black (cousins), 
Friends →  Emma Vanity, Ted Tonks
Enemies →  none at the moment, but there are plenty of people she dislikes
The religion they follow (if any) →  n/a
Superstitions →   she believes in bad omens before monumental events
Country of Birth →  England
Place of Birth (Town, city, etc) →  London
First Language →  English, she can also speak French
Accents →  RP (Queen’s English)
House →  Slytherin
Best Subject in School →   Charms
Worst Subject in School →  Herbology
Additional Classes Taken →  Apparition, Alchemy 
Quidditch  →  nope
Are they a Prefect?  →  yes
Extra curricular activities  →   Slug Club, Charms Club
Live with parents/grandparents/alone/other →  with her parents and siblings
House, apartment, etc →   house
How Many Bedrooms? →   many
Mode of transportation →   floo network, apparition
Picture of bedroom at home →  something like this
Address →  somewhere in central london
Inner Workings Of Your Character:
Secrets →  she doesn’t completely agree with her family’s beliefs and traditions
Fears →  losing her loved ones
Worries →  that she might be catching feelings for Ted, for her sisters (especially Narcissa)
Eating Habits →  she's the type of person who would eat pizza with a knife and fork. she eats very gracefully and can’t stand bad table manners. she touch highly processed foods.
Food preferences →   sweets are a guilty pleasure of hers
Sleep preferences →  she’s a morning person but needs a solid seven hours
Book preferences →   history books, she likes to read about people’s adventures
Music preferences →  classical, she quite enjoys a ball
Introverted/extroverted →   introverted - she’s very selective about the company she keeps
Optimist/pessimist →  a realist. she hopes for the best but is prepared for the worst 
Hobbies →   reading, light exercise
Pet peeves →  insincerity, people who don’t get to the point
Prejudices →  against her own pureblood housemates
Proud of →  her values, her sisters
Biggest vulnerability  →   her family
Embarrassed by →  the differences between her beliefs and her family's 
Worst memory →   when Sirius left and his portrait was burned off the family tree
Best memory →   holidays with her family
Skilled at →  sarcasm, a good memory, academics
Unskilled at →  quidditch, herbology
Attitude →  too much sometimes? It takes a while for her to truly warm up to people, but she is generally very civil and tries to be nice.
Obsessions →  
Stresses →  interacting with people, dealing with her family
Addictions →   n/a
Allergies →   n/a
Medical history →   n/a
Favourite Object Kept In - And Why:
Their closet →  a dress her mother bought her that she had wanted for a long time
Their bedroom →  her diary
Their purse/bag →  compact mirror
Their fridge →  chocolate
Their desk → her favourite book
Their pockets →  her wand
Favorite Animal:  →  cat
Favorite Band:  →  Blue Swede
Favorite Book:  →  tbd, something historic 
Favorite Color:  →  indigo
Favorite Country:  →  France
Favorite Drink:  →   red wine
Favorite Food:  →   tbd
Favorite Flavor:  →  mint chocolate chip
Favorite Movie:  →  n/a
Favorite Musical Genre:  →  classical
Favorite Mythical Creature: →   pegasus
Favorite Number:  →   3
Favorite Pastime:  →  reading, walking through nature
Favorite Person:  →  Narcissa, and Bellatrix on a good day
Favorite Place:  →  the lake, home
Favorite Season:  →   spring
Favorite Song:  →  Can’t take my eyes off you -  Frankie Valli And The 4 Seasons
Favorite Spell:  →  stupefy
Least Favorite Animal:  → cockroaches
Least Favorite Band:  →  n/a
Least Favorite Book:  →  n/a
Least Favorite Color:  →  yellow
Least Favorite Country:  →  n/a
Least Favorite Drink:  →   tbd
Least Favorite Food:  →  crisps
Least Favorite Flavor:  →  vomit (bertie botts) 
Least Favorite Movie:  →  n/a
Least Favorite Musical Genre:  →  pop
Least Favorite Mythical Creature: →  Acromantula
Least Favorite Number:  →  n/a
Least Favorite Pastime:  →   being cold
Least Favorite Person:  →  still pending
Least Favorite Place:  →  somewhere crowded and full of people she doesn’t know
Least Favorite Season:  →  winter
Least Favorite Song:  →  n/a
Least Favorite Spell:  →  imperio
Sexual Life:
Gender You Last Had Sex With: →  male
Dominant or Submissive: →  probably dominant, depends on whether she has feelings towards the person
Fetishes:  →  competing for dominance, rough sex
Turn-ons:  →  foreplay, neck kisses
Turn-offs:  → clingy, self-absorbed
Favourite Position: →  n/a
How Active is Your Sex Life:  →   pretty inactive
How Did You Loose Your Virginity:  → tbd
Ever Impregnated Someone or Been Pregnant →  no
First Love:  →  yet to happen
Who Do You Find Attractive →  sexually; someone who challenges her, is not afraid to question her and take control. romantic; someone genuine with a sense of humour
Marital Status:  →  engaged
Do You Have A Significant Other (if yes, how do you feel about them): →  Engaged to Rabastan, not overjoyed with him
Personality Classification:
Jung → ISFJ - The Logistician
Enneagram → Type 1
Moral Alignment → Lawful Neutral
Four Temperaments → Melancholic
Vices → Pride, Stubbornness, Impulsive
Virtues → Commitment, Compassion, Graciousness
Tropes →  
Compassion → 6/10
Empathy → 8/10
Creativity → 7/10
Mental Flexibility → 9/10
Passion/Motivation → 7/10
Intelligence → 9/10
Stamina → 6/10
Physical Strength → 6/10
Battle Skill → 9/10
Initiative → 8/10
Restraint → 6/10
Agility → 7/10
Strategy → 9/10
Teamwork → 6/10  
0 notes
Aurelius Alderney: A Character Study
Character’s Name → Aurelius Augustus Barnabas Alderney
Character’s Nickname(s)  �� Eli, Gus, Ariel, Alderney
Age → 17
Birthdate  → 04.05.1961
Zodiac Sign  → Taurus
Ethnicity  → Cacasusion
Gender  → Male
Sexual Orientation  → Bisexual
Blood Type → AB
Species  → Pureblood Wizard
Hair color  → Dark Brown
Eye color  → Green
Height → 5' 9" (1.75 m)
Weight → 84 kg (185.2 lbs)
Scars → One on his right collarbone roughly 10 inches; he fell out of a tree when he was eleven. He refused to have it magically removed.
Tattoos → On his left wrist is a date; this is actually the date that his grandfather that passed away. Above it is a smoking pipe similar to the one his grandfather used.
Birthmarks → A small mole shaped like a peach on his right shoulder blade.
Piercings → None, the idea isn't appealing for him.
Dress/clothing preferences  →  Dresses for comfort but also preppy. He has started to enjoy jeans and the occasional leather jacket too.
Right/left handed/ambidextrous  → Ambidextrous; writes with his right hand but draws with his left.
Glasses/contacts → None.
Wizarding World:
Blood Status → Pureblood
School Attended → Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
School House → Ravenclaw
War Alliance → Neutral
Wand → Hawthron, Unicorn Hair, 11.5 inches and slightly springy.
Patronus → Nebulous Cat (Blue cat, very rare breed)
Boggart → A mummy/corpse)
Amortentia → Cigarettes, Whiskey, Annaseed
Mirror Of Erised → Him and his grandfather going to a lake to fish.
Family and Relationships:
Parents → Barnabas Alessandro Alderney [father] & Cadi Elen Alderney [mother]
Siblings → Astor Lucian Alderney [brother] & Arian Alfonso Alderney [younger brother]
Grandparents → Alfonso Gwain Barnard & Bronwenn Barnard [maternal grandparents], Alessandro Augustus Barnabas Alderney & Kathy Anne Alderney [paternal grandparents]
Marital Status → Single
Significant Other → N/A
Children → N/A
Pets → A tabby cat named Tabitha, who only likes the attention of Aurelius.
Other family members → N/A
Friends → TBD
Enemies → TBD
The religion they follow (if any) → Atheist
Superstitions → Corpse Candles; spectral candles seen by roadsides foretell impending death. Aurelius tends to avoid the situation as he doesn't like corpses.
Country of Birth → Wales, England
Place of Birth (Town, city, etc) → Pembrokeshire, Southwest Wales
First Language → Welsh
Accents → Southwesterly Welsh
House → Ravenclaw
Best Subject in School → Charms
Worst Subject in School → Divination
Additional Classes Taken → Herbology, Potions
Quidditch  → Loves to cheer on his house team.
Are they a Prefect?  → No.
Extra curricular activities  → Duelling, Astronmony
Live with parents/grandparents/alone/other → Both of his parents and two brothers.
House, apartment, etc → House
How Many Bedrooms? → Four bedrooms
Mode of transportation → Floo Network
Picture of bedroom at home →
Tumblr media
Address → Pembrokeshire, Southwest Wales
Inner Workings Of Your Character:
Secrets → He doesn't want to be a lawyer and take over the family business, like his father expects. Aurelius has the ambition of travelling and being a Curse Breaker.
Fears → Letting others down.
Worries → His family
Eating Habits → Eats quickly but remains clean
Food preferences → Homemade food is the best.
Sleep preferences → Usually after reading a good book and listening to a record.
Book preferences → Classical Literature like Charles Dickens
Music preferences → Classical and some Indie
Introverted/extroverted → Extroverted
Optimist/pessimist → Optimistic
Hobbies → Reading, Drawing and listening to music.
Pet peeves → Being outshone by others.
Prejudices → None, since his father supports many people, Aurelius has learnt to go with it.
Proud of → When he was sorted into Ravenclaw, like his family.
Biggest vulnerability  → Mentioning his late Grandfather.
Embarrassed by → Literally any teasing his brothers do.
Worst memory → When his grandfather - Alessandro - passed away.
Best memory → His paternal grandparents renewing their vows shortly before Alessandro's passing.
Skilled at → Charms, Transfiguration and Potions
Unskilled at → Herbology
Attitude → Pretty egotistical or chilled back, sometimes can let his jealous side out.
Obsessions → Smoking using a pipe.
Stresses → Not getting the right grades for his dream job.
Addictions → Smoking
Allergies → Almonds
Medical history → Had coupe as a baby, his mother hated it.
Favourite Object Kept In - And Why:
Their closet → A huge patchwork blanket knitted by mother, refuses to use it.
Their bedroom → A lute from his maternal grandmother - has not played at all.
Their purse/bag → Old photos of his grandparents.
Their fridge → Anything his mother has made.
Their desk → His grandfather's old pipe - its symbolic as it was always used.
Their pockets → A smoking pipe - given to him by his grandfather.
Favorite Animal:  → Cats
Favorite Band:  → Pink Floyd
Favorite Book:  → David Copperfeild by Charles Dickens
Favorite Color:  → Grey
Favorite Country:  → Wales, England
Favorite Drink:  → Whisky, loves the smell
Favorite Food:  → A traditional Welsh broth.
Favorite Flavor:  → Annaseed
Favorite Movie:  → The Boy Who Cried Werewolf
Favorite Musical Genre:  → Indie
Favorite Mythical Creature: →  Werewolf
Favorite Number:  → 17
Favorite Pastime:  → Drawing aka "Doodling"
Favorite Person:  → His late Grandfather Alessandro
Favorite Place:  → Forests/Woods
Favorite Season:  → Autumn/Fall
Favorite Song:  → The Butterfly Collector
Favorite Spell:  → Lumos/Nox
Least Favorite Animal:  → Mice/Rats
Least Favorite Band:  → None.
Least Favorite Book:  → Frankenstein's Monster
Least Favorite Color:  → Anything that is loud.
Least Favorite Country:  → Russia
Least Favorite Drink:  → Water
Least Favorite Food:  → Lettuce
Least Favorite Flavor:  → Salad?
Least Favorite Movie:  → The Bride of Frankenstein
Least Favorite Musical Genre:  → Heavy Metal
Least Favorite Mythical Creature: →  Mermaid
Least Favorite Number:  → 13
Least Favorite Pastime:  → Dancing
Least Favorite Person:  → Nobody
Least Favorite Place:  → The library, surprisingly
Least Favorite Season:  → Spring
Least Favorite Song:  → None
Least Favorite Spell:  → Any spell/curse that inflicts pain on others.
Sexual Life:
Gender You Last Had Sex With: →  Female
Dominant or Submissive: →  Dominant
Fetishes:  → Praise, Vouyerism
Turnons:  → Dirty Talk, Roughness
Turn-offs:  → Being slow and gentle
Favourite Position: → Being ridden and doggy style
How Active is Your Sex Life:  → About average, twice every three months.
How Did You Loose Your Virginity:  →  To a Welsh farmer at the age of fifteen, she was about the same age.
Ever Impregnated Someone or Been Pregnant → No.
First Love:  → Hasn't found it yet.
Who Do You Find Attractive → Edith Borgin, Bellatrix Black, Gilderoy Lockhart?
Marital Status:  →  Single
Do You Have A Significant Other (if yes, how do you feel about them): → N/A
Personality Classification:
Jung → ESFJ - "Seller". Most sociable of all types. Nurturer of harmony. Outstanding host or hostesses. 12.3% of total population.
Enneagram → "Your main type is Type 3 Your variant stacking is so/sx/sp Your level of health is above average
Your main type is which ever behavior you utilize most and/or prefer. Yourvariant reflects your scoring profile on all nine types: so = social variant (compliant, friendly), sx = sexual variant (assertive, intense), sp = self preservation variant (withdrawn, security seeking). "
Moral Alignment → Neutral Good
Four Temperaments →Sanguine
Vices → TBD
Virtues → TBD
Tropes → TBD
Compassion → 8/10
Empathy → 7/10
Creativity → 9/10
Mental Flexibility → 10/10
Passion/Motivation → 6/10
Intelligence → 9/10
Stamina → 5/10
Physical Strength → 4/10
Battle Skill → 8/10
Initiative → 7/10
Restraint → 6/10
Agility → 8/10
Strategy → 7/10
Teamwork → 5/10
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daisyxhookedum · 6 years
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Character’s Name → Daisy Amelia Hookum
Character’s Nickname(s) → Daise, D, Hookum
Age → 17 years old
Birthdate → October 13th, 1961
Zodiac Sign → Libra
Ethnicity → British
Gender → Female
Sexual Orientation → Bisexual
Blood Type → A+
Species → Half-blood
Hair color → Auburn
Eye color → Hazel
Height → 5’0”
Weight → 115 pounds
Scars → N/A
Tattoos → None at this moment. However, Daisy has     ideas and would get a tattoo at the first chance she receives
Birthmarks → N/A
Piercings → Daisy has both of her ear lobes pierced     twice and her belly button pierced
Dress/clothing preferences → Daisy is normally     found in her Hufflepuff robes (which she abhors) when she has to wear them     at Hogwarts. Otherwise she can most often be found in a pair of jeans and     a t-shirt.  
Right/left handed/ambidextrous → Left handed
Glasses/contacts → N/A
Wizarding World:
Blood Status → Half-blood
School Attended → Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and     Wizardry
School House → Hufflepuff
War Alliance → Neutral
Wand → 8 ½ inches, dogwood, unicorn hair core
Patronus → Seal
Boggart → The death of her family or close friends
Amortentia → Vanilla, the smell of fresh dirt, & peppermint
Mirror of Erised → Daisy sees herself drug and     anxiety free, happy, and standing with her older brothers
Family and Relationships:
Parents → Thomas Hookum Sr (Pureblood) & Rose     Hookum nee Blackmon (Muggleborn)
Siblings → Thomas Hookum Jr (20, deceased), Michael Hookum (18, deceased)
Grandparents → N/A, both maternal and paternal     grandparents are deceased
Marital Status → Single, on and off relationship with     Walden McNair
Significant Other → Walden McNair
Children → N/A
Pets → A grey and white cat named Sooty
Other family members → N/A
Friends → Bertram Aubrey, Frank Longbottom, Barty     Crouch Jr, & Tilden Toots
Enemies → Most of the Slytherin house
The religion they follow (if any) → N/A
Superstitions → N/A
Country of Birth → England
Place of Birth (Town, city, etc) → Liverpool
First Language → English
Accents → N/A
House → Hufflepuff
Best Subject in School → Potions
Worst Subject in School → History of Magic
Additional Classes Taken → Muggle studies
Quidditch → N/A
Are they a Prefect?  → No
Extracurricular activities → N/A. Daisy doesn’t     believe in wasting her time with extracurriculars
Live with parents/grandparents/alone/other → Lives     with her parents
House, apartment, etc → House
How Many Bedrooms? → 4
Mode of transportation → Broom, apparition, floo     network
Picture of bedroom at home → Here
Inner Workings of Your Character:
Secrets → Her anxiety is Daisy’s biggest secret. She     goes out of her way to hide it
Fears → The war, dying like her brothers, her parents     finding out about her drug addiction
Worries → Daisy worries about anything and everything     and those worries only go away when she is high.
Eating Habits → Daisy is a light eater and never eats     very much during each meal. Her favorite meal is breakfast.
Food preferences → She loves breakfast foods. Pancakes,     bacon, toast, anything involved with breakfast
Sleep preferences → She prefers to sleep alone and     usually in the least amount of clothing as possible. She gets overheated     very easily
Book preferences → Daisy doesn’t like to read
Music preferences → Daisy loves classic rock. Her mum     introduced her to it
Introverted/extroverted → Introverted
Optimist/pessimist → Pessimist
Hobbies → Smoking, doing drugs, drinking alcohol,     planting flowers during the summers when she is away from Hogwarts,     writing in her journal
Pet peeves → Judgmental people
Prejudices → N/A
Proud of → N/A
Biggest vulnerability → Her anxiety and drug     addiction
Embarrassed by → Her anxiety
Worst memory → The death of both of her older     brothers
Best memory → Being sorted into Hufflepuff, the same     house as her older brothers
Skilled at → Lying, pretending that everything is     alright, pretending as if she doesn’t have a drug addiction, writing
Unskilled at → Self-soothing
Attitude → Daisy’s attitude can best be described as     uncaring and relaxed. This is when she is on drugs or high. When she is     sober, Daisy is anxious, but bright and very intelligent
Obsessions → N/A
Stresses → The war, her school work, her relationship     with Walden, almost everything
Addictions → Drugs, smoking, alcohol
Allergies → Shellfish
Medical history → Undiagnosed anxiety and depression
Favourite Object Kept In - And Why:
Their closet → A blue dress
Their bedroom → A photograph of her and her brothers     when they were children
Their purse/bag → A bag of gillyweed
Their fridge → N/A
Their desk → A letter from her eldest brother
Their pockets → Her wand
Favorite Animal:  → Cats
Favorite Band:  → Fleetwood Mac
Favorite Book:  → N/A
Favorite Color:  → Blue
Favorite Country:  → England
Favorite Drink:  → Firewhiskey
Favorite Food:  → Bacon
Favorite Flavor:  → Maple syrup
Favorite Movie:  → N/A
Favorite Musical Genre:  → Rock
Favorite Mythical Creature: → Dragon
Favorite Number:  → 13
Favorite Pastime:  → Smoking
Favorite Person:  → N/A
Favorite Place:  → Her bedroom
Favorite Season:  → Autumn
Favorite Song:  → ‘Go Your Own Way’     Fleetwood Mac
Favorite Spell:  → Incendio        
Least Favorite Animal:  → Owls
Least Favorite Band:  → N/A
Least Favorite Book:  → Her History of     Magic textbook
Least Favorite Color:  → Yellow
Least Favorite Country:  → N/A
Least Favorite Drink:  → Coffee
Least Favorite Food:  → Asparagus
Least Favorite Flavor:  → Coffee
Least Favorite Movie:  → N/A
Least Favorite Musical Genre:  → Country
Least Favorite Mythical Creature: → Trolls
Least Favorite Number:  → N/A
Least Favorite Pastime:  → Attending     History of Magic
Least Favorite Person:  → N/A
Least Favorite Place:  → Hogwarts
Least Favorite Season:  → Winter
Least Favorite Song:  → N/A
Least Favorite Spell:  → Avada Kedevra
Sexual Life:
Gender You Last Had Sex With: → Male
Dominant or Submissive: → Varies; Daisy is a bit of     both
Fetishes:  → Domination, bondage,
Turnons:  → Neck kisses, biting, spanking
Turn-offs:  → Rudeness, bad hygiene,     selfishness
Favourite Position: → Varies
How Active is Your Sex Life?  → Active
How Did You Lose Your Virginity?  → Daisy     lost her virginity during the winter Holidays during her fifth year to a     muggle boy she met at a Christmas party
Ever Impregnated Someone or Been Pregnant → N/A
First Love:  → N/A
Who Do You Find Attractive → Walden McNair,
Marital Status:  → On and off relationship     with Walden
Do You Have a Significant Other (if yes, how do you     feel about them)? → Daisy knows that her relationship with Walden is     reckless and bound to implode, but at the moment she really doesn’t care.     She likes the way she feels when she is with Walden and will stick with     him for as long as their tumultuous relationship lasts
Personality Classification:
Jung → INFP: INFPs value authenticity and want to be     original and individual in what they do. They are often concerned with a     search for meaning and truth within themselves. Following tradition holds     little appeal for the INFP; they prefer to do their own exploration of     values and ideas, and decide for themselves what seems right. INFPs are     often offbeat and unconventional, but they feel no desire to conform. The     INFP would rather be true to themselves than try to fit in with the crowd.
Enneagram → Type 9: The Peacemaker
Moral Alignment → True Neutral: A neutral character     does what seems to be a good idea. She doesn't feel strongly one way or     the other when it comes to good vs. evil or law vs. chaos. Most neutral     characters exhibit a lack of conviction or bias rather than a commitment     to neutrality. Such a character thinks of good as better than evil-after     all, she would rather have good neighbors and rulers than evil ones.     Still, she's not personally committed to upholding good in any abstract or     universal way.
Four Temperaments → Melancholic
Vices → Alcohol, drugs
Virtues → Intelligence, confidence
Tropes → Brilliant but Lazy, Commitment Issues, The     Stoner
Compassion → 5/10
Empathy → 4/10
Creativity → 7/10
Mental Flexibility → 8/10
Passion/Motivation → 5/10
Intelligence → 7/10
Stamina → 6/10
Physical Strength → 5/10
Battle Skill → 5/10
Initiative → 4/10
Restraint → 3/10
Agility → 5/10
Strategy → 5/10
Teamwork → 6/10  
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ravenclawrita · 6 years
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Character development task
Character’s Name → Rita Evangeline Skeeter
Character’s Nickname(s)  → n/a
Age → 16
Birthdate  → June 4th 
Zodiac Sign  → Gemini
Ethnicity  → white
Gender  → female
Sexual Orientation  → bisexual
Blood Type → A+
Species  → halfblood
Hair color  → natural blonde, dyed red atm
Eye color  →  green 
Height → 5′ 5″
Weight → 115 lbs
Scars → none
Tattoos → none
Birthmarks → none
Piercings → ears
Dress/clothing preferences  → Rita likes to accessorize. she can be found in pants, dresses, skirts, etc depending on the day, but she loves jackets on top
Right/left handed/ambidextrous  → right handed
Glasses/contacts → both, but in school she rarely wears her glasses except for exams/etc
Wizarding World:
Blood Status → halfblood
School Attended → Hogwarts
School House → Ravenclaw
War Alliance → neutral
Wand → pine, 7″, unicorn tail hair
Patronus → beetle
Boggart → clowns (after she graduates it becomes Voldemort)
Amortentia → the smell of ink and parchment, peppermint, cedar trees
Mirror Of Erised → her holding best selling copies of books she’s written
Family and Relationships:
Parents →  Mary Dawling and Henry Skeeter
Siblings → none
Grandparents → all her grandparents are currently alive
Marital Status → single
Significant Other → n/a
Children → none
Pets → none
Other family members → n/a
Friends → Lucinda Talkalot, Charity Burbage
Enemies → anyone who doesnt like her writing, Xeno Lovegood
The religion they follow (if any) → raised catholic, not religious
Superstitions → none
Country of Birth → England
Place of Birth (Town, city, etc) → London
First Language → English
Accents → cockney
House → ravenclaw
Best Subject in School → history f magic and transfiguration
Worst Subject in School → potions
Additional Classes Taken → CoMC and Ancient Runes
Quidditch  → doesnt play
Are they a Prefect?  → nope
Extra curricular activities  → The Hogwarts Insider, Charms Clum, Magical Creatures club
Live with parents/grandparents/alone/other → parents
House, apartment, etc → house
How Many Bedrooms? → 3
Mode of transportation → floo network, knightbus
Picture of bedroom at home → here
Address → 
Inner Workings Of Your Character:
Secrets → working on becoming an animagus
Fears → clowns, not being good enough, failure
Worries → deadlines, the fighting in school
Eating Habits → Rita is always snacking, but she rarely eats a big hearty meal
Food preferences → she loves fish and chips and anything pumpkin flavored
Sleep preferences → she sleeps on her side, preferably in a dark room with lots of blankets
Book preferences → biographies
Music preferences → a mix of muggle and wizard music
Introverted/extroverted → extroverted
Optimist/pessimist → realist
Hobbies → writing & clubs
Pet peeves → incorrect spelling/grammar
Prejudices → none
Proud of → her paper, her grades
Biggest vulnerability  → rita doesn’t like talking about herself, just her accomplishments. she’s a bit closed off 
Embarrassed by → mistakes
Worst memory → 
Best memory → the first time her paper was published for the school
Skilled at → writing, charms, transfiguration
Unskilled at →dueling, quidditch
Attitude → mostly positive
Obsessions → gossip
Stresses → deadlines, school work
Addictions → n/a
Allergies → n/a
Medical history → nothing out of the ordinary
Favourite Object Kept In - And Why:
Their closet → a leather jacket
Their bedroom → her set of quills and ink
Their purse/bag → quill 
Their fridge → wine
Their desk →set of famous wizard biographies
Their pockets → wand
Favorite Animal:  → cat
Favorite Band:  → doesnt have a favorite
Favorite Book:  → she loves books, would not pick a favorite
Favorite Color:  → blue
Favorite Country:  →  France
Favorite Drink:  → butterbeer
Favorite Food:  → cod
Favorite Flavor:  → orange
Favorite Movie:  → star wars
Favorite Musical Genre:  → rock
Favorite Mythical Creature: →  hippogriff
Favorite Number:  → 7
Favorite Pastime:  → writing and reading
Favorite Person:  → lucinda
Favorite Place:  → her common room
Favorite Season:  → winter
Favorite Song:  → n/a
Favorite Spell:  → alohamora
Least Favorite Animal:  → frogs
Least Favorite Band:  → n/a
Least Favorite Book:  → n/a
Least Favorite Color:  → bright yellow
Least Favorite Country:  → Russia
Least Favorite Drink:  → beer
Least Favorite Food:  → bertie botts beans
Least Favorite Flavor:  → spicy
Least Favorite Movie:  → n/a
Least Favorite Musical Genre:  →  church music
Least Favorite Mythical Creature: →  grindelows
Least Favorite Number:  → 13
Least Favorite Pastime:  →
Least Favorite Person:  → not many, atm probs Xeno
Least Favorite Place:  → the forbidden forest
Least Favorite Season:  → summer
Least Favorite Song:  → n/a
Least Favorite Spell:  → imperio
Sexual Life:
Gender You Last Had Sex With: →  female
Dominant or Submissive: →  a bit of both
Fetishes:  → being tied up, teasing
Turnons:  → collarbones. neck kissing, confidence
Turn-offs:  → bad hygeine
Favourite Position: →on bottom/her back
How Active is Your Sex Life:  → not very
How Did You Loose Your Virginity:  → 5th year after a party while drunk
Ever Impregnated Someone or Been Pregnant → no
First Love:  → none
Who Do You Find Attractive → almost everyone
Marital Status:  → single
Do You Have A Significant Other (if yes, how do you feel about them): → nope
Personality Classification:
Jung →  ENTJ - "Field Marshall". The basic driving force and need is to lead. Tend to seek a position of responsibility and enjoys being an executive. 1.8% of total population.
Enneagram → Type 3
Moral Alignment →  A chaotic evil character does whatever his greed, hatred, and lust for destruction drive him to do. He is hot-tempered, vicious, arbitrarily violent, and unpredictable. If he is simply out for whatever he can get, he is ruthless and brutal. If he is committed to the spread of evil and chaos, he is even worse. Thankfully, his plans are haphazard, and any groups he joins or forms are poorly organized. Typically, chaotic evil people can be made to work together only by force, and their leader lasts only as long as he can thwart attempts to topple or assassinate him. Chaotic evil is sometimes called demonic because demons are the epitome of chaotic evil. Chaotic evil is the best alignment you can be because combines self-interest and pure freedom. However, chaotic evil can be a dangerous alignment because it represents the destruction not only of beauty and life but also of the order on which beauty and life depend. (??? im surprised)
Four Temperaments → melancholic
Vices → gossip
Virtues →driven
Tropes → Academic Alpha Bitch (if you read the description, it works), Gossipy Hens  
Compassion → 6/10
Empathy → 6/10
Creativity → 9/10
Mental Flexibility → 8/10
Passion/Motivation → 9/10
Intelligence → 8/10
Stamina → 5/10
Physical Strength → 4/10
Battle Skill → 4/10
Initiative → 9/10
Restraint → 7/10
Agility → 6/10
Strategy → 9/10
Teamwork →6 /10  
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doexmeadcwesarchive · 6 years
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Character’s Name → Dorcas Evelyn Meadowes
Character’s Nickname(s) → Doe, Meadowes
Age → 17 years old
Birthdate → August 18th, 1961
Zodiac Sign → Leo
Ethnicity → British
Gender → Female
Sexual Orientation → Heterosexual
Blood Type → O+
Species → Pureblood
Hair color → Dark brown, has a reddish tint in certain light
Eye color → Dark brown
Height → 5’2
Weight → 120 pounds
Scars → Dorcas has a scar on the bottom of her left foot that measures about 2 inches. She received it at the age of 6 when she was running around in the garden in her bare feet. She stepped on a broken piece of glass.
Tattoos → N/A
Birthmarks → N/A
Piercings → Dorcas has her ear lobes pierced once.
Dress/clothing preferences → She can usually be found in her Ravenclaw robes. When not in her robes, Dorcas prefers a pair of jeans and a dressy blouse. She likes to break out her sundresses when the sun decides to shine.
Right/left handed/ambidextrous → Right handed
Glasses/contacts → N/A
Wizarding World:
Blood Status → Pureblood
School Attended → Hogwarts School for Witchcraft and Wizardry
School House → Ravenclaw
War Alliance → The Order of the Phoenix
Wand → 10 inches, holly, dragon heartstring  
Patronus → Gazelle
Boggart → Being killed by Voldemort
Amortentia → Coffee, the smell of the land after a good rain, & a cologne that she can’t seem to place
Mirror of Erised → She sees herself happy, standing with her parents.
Family and Relationships:
Parents → David and Victoria (nee Foster) Meadowes
Siblings → N/A
Grandparents → Alexandria and Johnathan Foster (maternal) – both deceased, Evelyn and David Meadowes (paternal)
Marital Status → Single
Significant Other → N/A
Children → N/A
Pets → A white owl named Apollo
Friends → Rabastan Lestrange, Lily Evans, Mary MacDonald, Marlene McKinnon, Caradoc Dearborn, Remus Lupin, Ophelia Ollivander.
Enemies → N/A
The religion they follow (if any) → N/A
Superstitions → Dorcas is rarely superstitious, but she does dislike the number 13
Country of Birth → England
Place of Birth (Town, city, etc) → London
First Language → English
Accents → Dorcas doesn’t have an accent other than the regional English one. Some of her words are more posh than others.
House → Ravenclaw
Best Subject in School → Charms
Worst Subject in School → Potions
Additional Classes Taken → Astronomy, Ancient Runes
Quidditch → Beater, eventual captain of the Ravenclaw quidditch team
Are they a Prefect?  → Dorcas is a prefect for the Ravenclaw house
Extracurricular activities → Dorcas is part of  the wizards chess club and the dueling club
Live with parents/grandparents/alone/other → Dorcas lives with her parents during her childhood and summers when she isn’t attending Hogwarts. As soon as she graduates Hogwarts, however, she has     plans to leave her parents’ home.
House, apartment, etc → House
How Many Bedrooms? → 5
Picture of bedroom at home → Here.    
Inner Workings of Your Character:
Secrets → Dorcas constantly has the internal battle of wondering whether she is doing what is right. She knows what her father expects of her and she’s terrified that she won’t have the will to resist it. She knows she will never believe what the dark side is doing, but worries she isn’t strong enough.
Fears → Voldemort, death, snakes
Worries → Dorcas worries more than she’d like to admit. She worries about Rabastan and losing him to the dark side. She  worries about her father and becoming like her father. She worries about not being strong enough to continue to resist the dark side. She worries     always about the war.
Eating Habits → Dorcas is a light eater and usually eats light meals. For breakfast, she usually has a cup of coffee or tea with a piece of toast. She often skips lunch and has a sustainable meal for dinner. She prefers dessert.
Food preferences → Dorcas has a major sweet tooth. She loves chocolate.
Sleep preferences → When she can get some sleep, Dorcas sleeps mostly on her sides, favoring her right side. When she can’t sleep, she just tosses and turns most of the night.
Book preferences → Dorcas loves a good book. She can be most often found curled up with a romance novel near the fireplace,  especially on cold nights.
Music preferences → She doesn’t listen to music. She likes muggle music and thinks that it is catchy, but she knows her parents  would never approve of her listening to it.
Introverted/extroverted → Introverted
Optimist/pessimist → A little bit of both
Hobbies → Quidditch,
Pet peeves → Tardiness, rudeness, & prejudice
Prejudices → N/A
Proud of → Her school marks 
Biggest vulnerability → Her unconditional love for Rabastan
Embarrassed by → Her father, her clumsiness 
Worst memory → Learning of her father’s involvement with Voldemort
Best memory → Being sorted into Ravenclaw
Skilled at → Astronomy, Charms, tutoring other students, her empathy and kindness for others, and baking
Unskilled at → History of magic, Potions, & speaking up for herself
Attitude → Dorcas is kind to everyone she meets. She is generally quiet around those she doesn’t know or figures of authority, and will only come out of her shell around her close friends.
Obsessions → Organization, pleasing others
Stresses → The war, her need for perfection in her school work and in general.
Addictions → Chocolate
Allergies → N/A
Medical history → N/A
Favourite Object Kept In - And Why:
Their closet → A pair of black heels
Their bedroom → A photograph of she and Rabastan when they were children
Their purse/bag → Dorcas rarely carries a purse
Their fridge → Anything with chocolate or sweet
Their desk → A quill set her father gave her at the age of 11 when she was shipped off to Hogwarts
Their pockets → Her wand
Favorite Animal:  → Lion
Favorite Band:  → She doesn’t listen to music often enough to have a favorite band
Favorite Book:  → Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen
Favorite Color:  → Yellow
Favorite Country:  → Scotland
Favorite Drink:  → Coffee
Favorite Food:  → Chocolate
Favorite Flavor:  → Vanilla
Favorite Movie:  → She rarely watches movies
Favorite Musical Genre:  → She doesn’t listen to music often enough to have a favorite genre of music
Favorite Mythical Creature: → Dragon
Favorite Number:  → 8
Favorite Pastime:  → She loves curling up next  to the fire with a good book
Favorite Person:  → Rabastan Lestrange
Favorite Place:  → Hogwarts
Favorite Season:  → Spring
Favorite Song:  → N/A
Favorite Spell:  → Accio        
Least Favorite Animal:  → Snakes
Least Favorite Band:  → N/A
Least Favorite Book:  → Probably her History of Magic text
Least Favorite Color:  → Black
Least Favorite Country:  → N/A
Least Favorite Drink:  → Pumpkin juice
Least Favorite Food:  → Brussel sprouts
Least Favorite Flavor:  → Pumpkin
Least Favorite Movie:  → N/A
Least Favorite Musical Genre:  → N/A
Least Favorite Mythical Creature: → Cyclops
Least Favorite Number:  → 13
Least Favorite Pastime:  → Going home for the summer or holidays from Hogwarts
Least Favorite Person:  → Voldemort
Least Favorite Place:  → Her parent’s house
Least Favorite Season:  → Winter
Least Favorite Song:  → N/A
Least Favorite Spell:  → Cruciatus curse
Sexual Life:
Gender You Last Had Sex With: → Male
Dominant or Submissive: → Submissive
Fetishes:  → N/A – None that she currently knows of
Turnons:  → Neck kissing, foreplay, hair pulling
Turn-offs:  → Rudeness, aggressiveness (other than in the bedroom), bad hygiene
Favourite Position: → She likes to be on top
How Active is Your Sex Life:  → Her sex life isn’t active
How Did You Lose Your Virginity?  → Dorcas  lost her virginity to a summer romance that she hid between her fifth and  sixth year at Hogwarts
Ever Impregnated Someone or Been Pregnant → No
First Love:  → Malachai Greengrass, but in all reality, her true first love was more than likely Rabastan Lestrange whether it be platonic or not
Who Do You Find Attractive → Rabastan Lestrange,  Caradoc Dearborn, Malachai Greengrass, etc.
Marital Status:  → Single
Do You Have A Significant Other (if yes, how do you feel about them): → N/A
Personality Classification:
Jung → ISFJ - The ISFJ personality type is quite unique, as many of their qualities defy the definition of their individual traits. Though possessing the Feeling (F) trait, ISFJs have excellent analytical abilities; though Introverted (I), they have well-developed  people skills and robust social relationships; and though they are a Judging (J) type, ISFJs are often receptive to change and new ideas. As with so many things, people with the ISFJ personality type are more than the sum of their parts, and it is the way they use these strengths that     defines who they are.
Enneagram → Type 1: Ones are conscientious and ethical, with a strong sense of right and wrong. They are teachers, crusaders, and advocates for change: always striving to improve things, but afraid of making a mistake. Well-organized, orderly, and fastidious,     they try to maintain high standards, but can slip into being critical and perfectionistic. They typically have problems with resentment and impatience. At their Best: wise, discerning, realistic, and noble. Can be morally heroic.
Moral Alignment → Lawful good: A lawful good character acts as a good person is expected or required to act. He combines a commitment to oppose evil with the discipline to fight  relentlessly. He tells the truth, keeps his word, helps those in need, and     speaks out against injustice. A lawful good character hates to see the guilty go unpunished. Lawful good is the best alignment you can be because it combines honor and compassion. However, lawful good can be a dangerous alignment when it restricts freedom and criminalizes self-interest.
Four Temperaments → Phlegmatic
Vices → Self-doubt, being taken advantage of, her quietness  
Virtues → Empathy, kindness, her loyalty
Tropes → The Quiet One, Lawful Good, Good is Not Soft
Compassion → 8/10
Empathy → 6/10
Creativity → 5/10
Mental Flexibility → 8/10
Passion/Motivation → 7/10
Intelligence → 9/10
Stamina → 7/10
Physical Strength → 5/10
Battle Skill → 6/10
Initiative → 6/10
Restraint → 5/10
Agility → 7/10
Strategy → 5/10
Teamwork → 6/10 
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bcllaxblack-blog · 6 years
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Character Development Task
Character’s Name → Bellatrix Elladora Black
Character’s Nickname(s)  → Bella, Trixie (only by her dad)
Age → 17
Birthdate  → April 4th
Zodiac Sign  → Aries
Ethnicity  → white
Gender  → female
Sexual Orientation  → Bisexual (but has only had sex with/been in relationships with men)
Blood Type → B+
Species  → pureblood
Hair color  → Brunette
Eye color  → blue-green/grey
Height → 5′ 5′’
Weight → 120 lbs
Scars → several small ones across her body from her tantrums (esp when she was younger)
Tattoos → Dark Mark
Birthmarks → none that are super noticeable
Piercings → ears
Dress/clothing preferences  → Bella likes skirts and dresses for the most part, though in the common room she can be found in sweats and pajama pants and sweatshirts. 
Right/left handed/ambidextrous  → right handed
Glasses/contacts → none
Wizarding World:
Blood Status → pureblood
School Attended → Hogwarts
School House → Slytherin
War Alliance → Death Eaters
Wand → her canon wand is  12¾", Walnut, dragon heartstring, but I hc her first wand is  Aspen, Dragon Heartstring Core, 9.5 (the wand listed on her bio)
Patronus → none 
Boggart → Squib Bella
Amortentia → black tea, cinnamon & caramel, fire smoke
Mirror Of Erised → herself standing arm in arm with Voldemort
Family and Relationships:
Parents → Cygnus & Druella Black
Siblings → Narcissa & Andromeda Black
Grandparents → Pollux & Irma Black
Marital Status → engaged
Significant Other → Rodolphus (engagement)
Children → none
Pets → none, family Owl
Other family members → Regulus & Sirius Black (cousins), Rabastan Lestrange (future brother-in-law), Lucius Malfoy (future brother-in-law)
Friends → Alecto & Amycus Carrow, Mallory Pomfrey, Vincent Mulciber, Lucius Malfoy
Enemies → Coraline Avery, Sirius Black & Friends
The religion they follow (if any) → not religious
Superstitions → not very superstitious
Country of Birth → England
Place of Birth (Town, city, etc) → London
First Language → English (2nd language french)
Accents → posh
House → Slytherin
Best Subject in School → Defense Against the Dark Arts
Worst Subject in School → Potions
Additional Classes Taken → Apparition, core classes
Quidditch  → n/a
Are they a Prefect?  → nope
Extra curricular activities  → none, asked to leave Dueling Club in 4th year
Live with parents/grandparents/alone/other → parents & siblings
House, apartment, etc → house
How Many Bedrooms? → 7 (?) at least 4
Mode of transportation → apparition, floo system
Picture of bedroom at home → here
Address → tbd
Inner Workings Of Your Character:
Secrets → her relationship with Vincent, joining the Death Eaters (secret from some family and friends/public)
Fears → not being good enough for the Dark Lord
Worries → her sisters, what they’ll do after Hogwarts
Eating Habits → Bella eats as much as any other girl her age, but her diet consists of more liquids than solids (she likes teas and wine a lot). her go-to snack is a sugar quill
Food preferences → depends on the day and her mood, she’s not picky
Sleep preferences → she stays up late and wakes up late, often going to her first class or two before going back and showering during her first break. 
Book preferences → Her family’s got a ton of books at home, she prefers reading books with practical applications. 
Music preferences → she likes classic piano music, but also the wizarding bands that are popular
Introverted/extroverted → a mix, more introverted than extroverted because she doesnt need to be around people
Optimist/pessimist → more optimistic than pessimistic
Hobbies → learning dark magic (I’m not sure other things would be considered a hobby lmao)
Pet peeves → sass/disrespect, laziness, rebelling against parents
Prejudices → blood supremacy
Proud of → becoming a death eater & getting her Dark Mark
Biggest vulnerability  → her sisters
Embarrassed by → Sirius
Worst memory → the first time she was punished for an outburst at home. she had to stay in their library/study for almost a full day. 
Best memory → meeting Tom Riddle
Skilled at → curses, charms, hexes/etc
Unskilled at → potions are anything requiring a lot of patience
Attitude → dependent on mood. she can be the whole spectrum
Obsessions → the Dark Lord. Thinking about him is one of the few things getting her through her last year of school.
Stresses → maintaining her family’s reputation after Sirius left
Addictions → none really
Allergies → none
Medical history → nothing out of the ordinary
Favourite Object Kept In - And Why:
Their closet → At the moment, Vincent’s jumper. She’s not very attached to clothes
Their bedroom → a quilt given to her by her grandma
Their purse/bag → her father’s watch
Their fridge → a liquor or wine, probably
Their desk → a photo of her and her friends at a Christmas Party
Their pockets → her wand. she almost never is without it. 
Favorite Animal:  → dragons
Favorite Band:  → doesnt have one
Favorite Book:  → an unpublished book written by her great grandmother
Favorite Color:  → blue
Favorite Country:  → Spain
Favorite Drink:  → Exploding Lemonade (non alcoholic), Daisyroot Draught (alcoholic)
Favorite Food:  → pastries 
Favorite Flavor:  → lemon
Favorite Movie:  → none
Favorite Musical Genre:  → rock or classical
Favorite Mythical Creature: →  dragons
Favorite Number:  → 15
Favorite Pastime:  →  drinking with friends?
Favorite Person:  → Alecto Carrow
Favorite Place:  → at school, the grass by the Black Lake or the Slytherin common room
Favorite Season:  → Autumn
Favorite Song:  → n/a
Favorite Spell:  → Confringo
Least Favorite Animal:  → dogs
Least Favorite Band:  → n/a
Least Favorite Book:  → anything to do with muggles
Least Favorite Color:  → yellow
Least Favorite Country:  → doesnt have one
Least Favorite Drink:  → rum
Least Favorite Food:  → berty botts every flavor beans (the gross ones)
Least Favorite Flavor:  → grape
Least Favorite Movie:  → n/a
Least Favorite Musical Genre:  → muggle music
Least Favorite Mythical Creature: →  nifflers
Least Favorite Number:  → 16
Least Favorite Pastime:  → detention? 
Least Favorite Person:  → at the moment, Sirius Black
Least Favorite Place:  → Madame Puddifoot’s 
Least Favorite Season:  → winter
Least Favorite Song:  → n/a
Least Favorite Spell:  → Expecto Patronum
Sexual Life:
Gender You Last Had Sex With: →  male
Dominant or Submissive: →  dominant, except with certain people
Fetishes:  → rough sex, public
Turnons:  → jealousy, neck kisses, hair pulling, eye contact, etc 
Turn-offs:  → silence, bad hygiene
Favourite Position: → on top or against something
How Active is Your Sex Life:  → more active since the end of 6th year
How Did You Lose Your Virginity:  → 5th year boyfriend (open connection ;) )
Ever Impregnated Someone or Been Pregnant → nope
First Love:  → hasn’t been in love
Who Do You Find Attractive → a lot of people lol but apart from physically, anyone who isn’t scared of her lol
Marital Status:  → engaged
Do You Have A Significant Other (if yes, how do you feel about them): → Rodolphus - so far Bella is very neutral about him. He’s attractive and the right kind of person, but she thinks he needs to loosen up. 
Personality Classification:
Jung → ENTJ (funny because I see her more as an introvert but there ya go)
Enneagram → Your main type is Type 8 Your variant stacking is sx/so/sp Your level of health is average
Moral Alignment → Chaotic Evil / Neutral Evil (close second)
Four Temperaments → Choleric
Vices → sugar quills, good wine
Virtues → diligence, passion, 
Tropes → Dark Action girl,  Evil Is Sexy, All Girls Want Bad Boys, Alpha Bitch
Compassion → 2/10
Empathy → 2/10
Creativity → 8/10
Mental Flexibility → 3/10
Passion/Motivation → 9/10
Intelligence → 8/10
Stamina → 8/10
Physical Strength → 6/10
Battle Skill → 9/10
Initiative → 8/10
Restraint → 3/10
Agility → 4/10
Strategy → 4/10
Teamwork → 3/10  
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