davidheulin · 2 days
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Aujourd'hui, le soleil brillait sur le magnifique parc du château de Belbeuf. Une belle concentration de voitures anciennes ornait l'enceinte du parc, offrant un spectacle unique aux amateurs de belles mécaniques. La mythique Côte de Belbeuf a également été le théâtre de démonstrations impressionnantes, ravissant les passionnés et les curieux. Un véritable voyage dans le temps au cœur de ce lieu historique ! Merci à Paul Marius ! #belbeuf #paulmarius #paulmarius_officiel #fujifilmx100v #normandietourisme #normandie
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skubri30 · 8 months
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BELBEUF - Seine Maritime
Le seul qui reste fidèle : Castrol
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Le château de Belbeuf
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livesunique · 7 years
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Château de Belbeuf, Belbeuf, Seine-Maritime department, France
Catherine Reznitchenko Photography
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Day 14 The Ides of March Post-gig run. See you on saturday in Belbeuf 20h30. #allyouneedislive #thebeatlesartifact #thebeatles #tributeband #belbeuf (à Pissy-Pôville) https://www.instagram.com/p/B9qeu9XoR_S/?igshid=14b993yurxxdc
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frimleyblogger · 5 years
You Will Do Foolish Things, But Do Them With Enthusiasm
You Will Do Foolish Things, But Do Them With Enthusiasm
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It’s easy, this writing lark. All you need to do is sit down at an escritoire, take out a ruled cahier, unscrew a silver fountain pen, dip it into an ink bottle and off you go. A torrent of words will flow from your pen and before you know it, you have produced a best seller with nary a crossing out and barely a blotch on the paper.
Or, at least, that is writing a la Colette. None of…
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having-it-all · 5 years
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Robert Antoine Pinchon (1886-1943), The Hills of Belbeuf, ca. 1909-1910,        oil on canvas,
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Bras de Seine
Bras de Seine par Catherine Reznitchenko Via Flickr : Belbeuf, Seine-Maritime, Normandie, France. Site: catherine-reznitchenko.fr
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leitoracomcompanhia · 5 years
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Livre de Willy, Colette iniciou uma relação com Mathilde de Morny, Marquesa de Belbeuf, conhecida por Missy. Em 1907 foram protagonistas da pantomima “Rêve d’Egypte” e causaram tal escândalo que a tolerante polícia de Paris proibiu o espectáculo. Imperturbável, Colette actuou por toda a França, teve amantes dos dois sexos, escreveu e publicou livros, colaborou na imprensa e começou a ser reconhecida como escritora.
Fotografias do estúdio Reutlinger.
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thecapitoleye · 6 years
“Colette” - Em Análise
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Entre 1900 e 1904 foram publicados uma série de livros que que descreviam o crescimento de uma jovem rapariga e as suas aventuras. Provocadora, lasciva e contra imensos tabus e imposições associadas ao sexo feminino, a série ‘Claudine’ veio agitar as ruas de Paris e inspirar milhares de jovens mulheres a assumirem a sua importância, sexualidade e uma nova estética. Infelizmente, durante muitos anos, apenas um nome era associado às aventuras da jovem Claudine, o de Willy (pseudónimo de Henry Gauthier-Villars) – marido da criadora e principal autora destes diários, Sidonie-Gabrielle Colette, sobre quem este filme se foca. 
Wash Westmoreland (realizador) e Richard Glatzer adaptam, com contributo de Rebecca Lenkiewicz, uma peça de teatro (da autoria dos dois primeiros), que explora a vida e legado de Gabrielle Colette. Focando-se nos seus primeiros anos como autora (acrescente-se também mimo, dançarina e atriz) este drama de época cai naquilo que seria expectável ver neste género, mas nem por isso menos prazeroso.
Colette (Keira Knightley) desde cedo revela-se como uma mulher amante da natureza, do campo e das coisas simples. Contudo, rapidamente entra em ‘colisão’ com o mundo pretensioso e superficial das elites artísticas e ‘avant-garde’ da paris na viragem do século XIX para o XX – o mundo do seu marido Henry (Dominic West). Não demora muito até Colette se observar como um peão numa relação que só serve um sentido: o de satisfazer os anseios autorais de um homem demasiado preguiçoso para criar algo verdadeiramente novo.
Mas Colette não é uma mulher qualquer e com o seu espírito indomável usa isso a seu favor para colocar em Claudine os seus pensamentos, desejos, estética e ideologia. A Marquesa de Belbeuf (Denise Gough) tem, por isso, um papel extremamente importante no mundo criativo de Colette, como uma mulher que claramente lutava pela igualdade das mulheres na sociedade francesa (e pelo direito a amar quem o coração ordena, independentemente do género) ao assumir a estética masculina e não se deixar domar pelos homens.
Da honestidade às relações de poder num casamento e do abuso e apropriação de qualidades artísticas, as linhas entre a ficção e a realidade cruzam-se no relacionamento tóxico e fervoroso vivido por Colette e Henry. ‘Colette’ presenteia o espectador com uma estética equilibrada, uma banda sonora que serve os propósitos dramáticos da narrativa, décors (exteriores, interiores, artificias e naturais) muito ricos e detalhados, com figurinos muito bem conseguidos.
Mas o que talvez se destaca mais é a ideia que nos é transmitida através da protagonista, Colette (uma interpretação fantástica e elegante de Knightley), cuja força dos seus atos e legado ressoa (um século depois) a importância ainda atual da luta pela igualdade de direitos e género: alguém que tem uma voz e que quer dar uma voz às mulheres que viveram “abafadas” numa sociedade patriarcal e tóxica. Afinal, a desculpa do «sou homem e é o que os homens fazem» já está mais do que usada e é tempo de mudar.
Classificação:  ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Rui Ferreira
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fleurdulys · 6 years
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The Hills of Belbeuf - Robert Antoine Pinchon
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cazadora-libros · 4 years
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La escritora francesa Colette desapareció de la escena parisina en 1954. Tras de sí había dejado un buen número de novelas y su nombre figuraba desde 1936 entre los miembros de la Real Academia de Bélgica. Con el comienzo del siglo Colette iniciaba su famosa serie de Claudine, fama que le sería un tanto usurpada por la colaboración de su primer marido, de seudónimo Willy: un señor con clase, un vividor de la Belle Epoque. Tras su primer matrimonio mantuvo una intensa aventura con Mathilde de Morny, “Missy”, la extravagante marquesa de Belbeuf. A principios de los años veinte –una década en que los personajes de la escritora eran utilizados como estandarte del feminismo–, cuando Colette está cerca de cumplir los cuarenta años se convertiría en la respetable esposa del periodista Henry de Jouvenel. Los últimos años de su vida los compartió con us amigo y posteriormente compañero Maurice Goudeket. Herbert Lottman consigue en “Colette” mostrarlo todo sobre ella, los detalles más curiosos y también los más extravagantes: hacer de la escritora un personaje tan universal como sus Claudine, Chéri, Gigi, o Camille, adaptando el biógrafo para sí el propio estilo de Colette: sabroso, sensual y punzante. Colette. Una vida Herbert Lottman Circe Bolsillo, España, 1998 356 páginas ; tapa blanda Biografía de la escritora francesa. ejemplar usado, excelente estado. Incluye fotografías blanco y negro. Índice de nombres
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aqua2244 · 4 years
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à Belbeuf https://www.instagram.com/p/B6qYc7CK8BU/?igshid=z6bolnafjgpf
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365daysoflesbians · 7 years
MAY 26: Mathilde de Morny (1863-1944)
On this day in 1863, Mathilde de Morny was born in Paris, France. The gender non-conforming aristocrat would go on to make a name for herself in the art world as “Yssim,” a painter, sculptor, and rebellious personality. 
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Mathilde :Missy” de Morny stares away from the camera, sporting short cropped hair and a full men’s suit (x). 
Mathilde, or Missy as she was called by friends and family,  was born on May 26, 1863. Her parents were Charles de Morny, Duke of Morny and Sofia Sergeyevna Trubetskaya. Those names may mean little to contemporary readers, but her father was Napoleon III’s half-brother and her mother was the illegitimate daughter of Czar Nicholas I. It was the reputations of her parents that allowed Missy to lead such a lavish and non-conforming (in more ways than one!) life. It is possible that Missy could have been a transgender man, having undergone both a hysterectomy and a mastectomy in her lifetime, but in the world of the nineteenth century, she went by she/her pronouns and found a home in the thriving lesbian subculture of the Belle Époque.
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Missy is photographed with her longtime lover, the burlesque performer turned novelist, Colette, in their home in Le Crotoy (x). 
Although women in France had been granted legal permission to wear pants by the 1880s, Missy consistently caused social scandal by wearing an entire three-piece suit and smoking cigars wherever she went. She married the marquis of Belbeuf, Jacques Godart, in 1881, but both she and Jacques made no secret of the fact of their gayness and the two divorced in 1903. Missy’s longest lasting love affairs were with Liane de Pougy and Colette, two famous dancers who had arisen out of French Bohemia. For almost five years, she and Colette lived together at the 'Belle Plage' villa in Le Crotoy. It was at the ‘Belle Plage’ where both Missy and Colette came into their own as artists. Colette began writing her novels and Missy began painting and sculpting and chose the pseudonym “Yssim” (Missy backwards) for her artistic persona. Today, Missy is most well-remembered as the inspiration for the character of La Chevalière in Colette's breakout novel Le Pur et l'Impur and for inciting a riot at the Moulin Rogue when she and Colette simulated a sex scene together on stage.
Missy tragically committed suicide on June 29, 1944, but she is forever remembered for the rebel she was. In Le Pur et l'Impur, her spirit is immortalized with the words, “in dark masculine attire, belying any notion of gaiety or bravado... High born, she slummed it like a prince."
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historical-babes · 5 years
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Colette (1873-1954).
French novelist.
She was a French author and woman of letters nominated for the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1948; also known as a mime, actress, and journalist.
Her best novels, largely concerned with the pains and pleasures of love, are remarkable for their command of sensual description.
A delicate and humorous realist, Colette was the annalist of female existence. She wrote chiefly of women in traditional roles, such as husband hunters or discarded, aging, or déclassé mistresses.
She married Henri Gauthier-Villars (“Willy”) in 1893, her first four novels appeared under his name. He introduced Colette into avant-garde intellectual and artistic circles, engaged in sexual affairs, and encouraged Colette's lesbian alliances.
She left him in 1906. Colette had no access to the sizable earnings of her first books – the copyright belonged to Willy – and until 1912 she initiated a stage career in music halls across France
During these years she embarked on a series of relationships with other women, notably with Mathilde de Morny, the Marquise de Belbeuf ("Missy").
She married Henry de Jouvenel in 1913 and had a daughter with him. During World War I Colette devoted herself to journalism. The writings she published up to this point belong to what Colette called her years of apprenticeship.
After 1930 her life was both productive and serene. In 1935, having divorced de Jouvenel the previous year, she married the writer Maurice Goudeket. The marriage brought much happiness.
From 1949 she was increasingly crippled by arthritis. She ended her days, a legendary figure surrounded by her beloved cats.
Famous novels :
Claudine (4 novels)
The Indulgent Husband
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Saturday March the 14th Salle des fêtes Belbeuf 20h30 https://www.facebook.com/events/473437773546611/ #allyouneedislive #thebeatlesartifact #thebeatles #tributeband #gigs #belbeuf (à Pissy-Pôville) https://www.instagram.com/p/B9ms84nohHs/?igshid=s2eizh0bv2o8
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