#before I fall back into FFXIV for Dawntrail
amphoterrible · 2 months
please Supergiant Games let me play the Hades II technical test
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zahra-hydris · 19 days
finally finished the msq up to dawntrail last night (after about a week of trying to get groups for the trials lmao)
so I found the whole thirteenth storyline really boring before I stopped playing ffxiv last year and coming back to it... it's still kinda boring. it's not *as* boring as it was, but I think it's helped when you're not playing little bits and pieces in the patch drops.
I just found it hard to care too much about azdaja's fate and zero bounced between being likeable and interesting and then kind of flat. golbez wasn't compelling until the last few quests (and even then it was too little too late - I mean he was actually a kind of emet-selch figure but without any of the character depth emet had). it seemed really lacking in any notable character moments from the main crew. and the humour was missing. it became super earnest, especially re: zero's shift into mini wol. and that was fine and all, but just kind of eh.
things I did like:
learning more about the thirteenth and its fall
the dungeon where you go back to the contramemoria and play through golbez's memories
y'shtola revealing she changed the incantation for her nixie and then threatening wol and estinien into silence about the old version
GAIA ACTUALLY REAPPEARING AND BEING VOICED though right at the end and with the whole 'you should have asked me for help' YEAH WE SHOULD HAVE WOW WHAT A THOUGHT SQUEENIX
that moment when they're talking about the trust and belief in someone displayed by clasping their hand (like a handshake) and wol thinks about zenos reaching out to them as he died (made me a little feral!!!!!)
but the big thing that seemed off to me was that... this kind of felt like a big side quest? I kept waiting for the moment where this would tie to a bigger story and then they were like 'ok all done bye zero'. we didn't even get any significant payoff in terms of establishing cross rift travel? and THEN the dawntrail msq started.
speaking of the dawntrail stuff... I'm also kind of 'eh' about it. I liked that they actually stressed that maybe it's not a great idea to just jump into a foreign country's power succession process and that you know very little about the person whose claim you might be supporting. I like that krile is finally getting a chance to shine (though I am FURIOUS about g'raha staying behind). but I'm not super invested atm. the only thing I am very curious about is what thancred and urianger are up to (besides being unable to stay apart).
and i'm sorry but pictomancer looks kind of ridiculous
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cynda-queer · 7 months
“People You’d Like to Know Better” Tag Game
Tagged by @full---ofstarlight, I fucking love these games sooooooo
Three Ships:
- DabiHawks
- Hero and villain? Check. Two sides of the same coin? Check. Enemies-to-lovers? Check. Back to enemies again? Check. I am actively rotating them in my head like all day. I want to explain my obsession with them, but the only way I feel I can get it across is grabbing someone in the face and screaming. But legit, it’s the “I love you, but not enough to change” “I love you, but not like this” “You’re the first thing that was mine” and looking at someone and seeing them for who they are beyond the outside and loving what you see, but your ideas/desires/destiny is too great to ignore. This a ship where all ends are satisfying—in canon, they’ll never get a happy ending because their story is literally the love wasn’t enough, but sometimes I just like to imagine what could be if things were a little different. Dabi and Hawks both need someone to look at them and *actually* see them, to think that they’re worth something as themselves and not what they can do and, I think for a little while, they both get that from one another, but like every other person in their life, they picked something else rather than the other and that hurts so nice. I also just think they should fuck nasty.
- ZuzuRaha
- The person who tagged me is stronger than I am for not putting an OC-ship in their response. Zu’zu is my slutty catboy bard and G’raha Tia is his nerdy over 100-year old boyfriend from FFXIV. It’s about falling in love with your heroes and then falling in love with a person. It’s about “I want to go with you through thick and thin” and “my place is by your side” and “there’s no where else I’d rather be than with you” and “take me with you” and “love me for the quiet moments too”. The moment is Shadowbringers where the cowl comes off and you can call him by his name and he *cries* is literally everything to me. The idea of waking Raha up in the Source and then he just never wants to spend a moment away from you? Beautiful. Zu’zu found someone he connects with and rather than pushing it away in the face of “saving someone” from heartache like he did the first time, he loves and loves and loves Raha wholeheartedly because the future isn’t promised, but I want to spend right now with you. I’m excited to see how Dawntrail goes and spend more time with Zu’zu’s dweeb of a boyfriend.
- GriddleHark
- Literally, again, enemies-to-lovers is everything to me. No one understands me like you do and there is no one else who matters and no me without you. Literally read the first chapter of Gideon the Ninth and was just obsessed. I am gnawing on Gideon like a good bone and I’m spinning Harrow in a salad spinner. Two kids having to be bigger than they are and they fool everyone, even themselves, but not the other. Harrow the Ninth being from Gideon’s POV and just how she sees Harrow and how she knows her and how she *adores* her in her own way just makes me fucking feral. And how Harrow recognizes Gideon even when she’s not herself and how there’s a part of her down in her bones that knows Gideon, *loves* Gideon is just making me shake. I want them back together in the same room and want to watch them scrap like a pair of feral chickens and maybe, if Tamsyn is kind to me, I can finally get them to kiss* in the worst way possible.
- *(While both of them are in their body and aware of what the fuck is going on)
Last Film:
- Bill and Ted’s Excellent Adventure
- It’s a fun movie, we needed to put something on and it’s on the plex and so we put it on. Only watched it for the first time like a year or two again and I enjoyed it. I saw the Universal Halloween Horror Nights Show (mind you, the last show they did) before I saw the actual movie.
Currently Watching
- Fall of the House of Usher
- Weird feelings about this show. It’s certainly something and it’s certainly making me feel things. I’m morbidly curious about this show and I want to finish it before Netflix gets rid of it like they did Midnight Mass (which was such a good show). Fun to see Mark Hamil.
Currently Reading
- The Bayou
- I started this book, like, months ago, I think before I started school this semester and I still haven’t gotten more than a few pages into it. Been really into American Southern Gothic and roommate recommended this to me. One day I’ll finish it, maybe after finals.
Currently Consuming
- Pom Pomegranate Tea Lemonade
- My fucking crack shit I love this juice so much I buy, like, four bottles of it whenever I see it in the grocery store and they’ve stopped carrying it at all of the ones I shop at and so I’m not hording it like a dragon
Currently Craving
- My new community college to get back to me so I can get this nonsense figured out and maybe get into the mortuary program on time
- Also pumpkin pie (but that’ll be fixed tomorrow >:3)
Tagging: @fluffy-fern @lenkagamine133 @amilliontinysqueaks @evelynnsometimes @keclan and viewers like you :)
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