#because Eddie is a medic
lover-of-mine · 11 months
I am here once again to ask: how the fuck does Edmundo Diaz know how long Evan Buckley was dead down to the second???????????
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nerdygingergremlin · 1 year
I'm supposed to be doing a training thing via zoom call and my boss is late. So y'all are gonna get this thing that's been in my brain for a while.
Pirate!Eddie who needs a medic for his crew except the best medic that he can find is Steve who comes with four kids who he adopted after each one attempted something on his person. (Max tried to stab him and Dustin tried to pick pocket. Erica succeeded on the pickpocket and Lucas was just the distraction.) Plus his twin sister Robin (who his not his actual sister but anyone who says that will get a feral medic).
Medic!Steve is a package deal and Eddie eventually accepts his terms.
Except they get hunted down by Nancy Wheeler's crew where the 3 children there are upset because Steve didn't take them too while Nancy and Jonathan would have just appreciated a heads up so that their siblings don't wreak havoc in port again.
At some point, they come to some sort of alliance and a shovel talk gets squeezed in somewhere when one of them realizes he has less than platonic feelings for Steve. Barb, Robin, Steve, and Argyle meanwhile are chilling on the deck and being bitchy about the latest attempts from the Navy to find their crews.
Only for Steve to drop a figurative bomb a la "You'd think my father would have realized I do not want to come home when he hasn't been able to find me in the last 3 years."
And that's how Eddie and the Hellfire crew find out that their slightly bitchy medic is in fact the missing Prince.
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munsonfamilyband · 1 year
This was just a random thought I had while I’m still trying to figure out how to finish my Valentine’s Day Ficlet
After finding Eddie nearly dead and limp in Dustin’s arms, Steve managed to carry him out and through the gate. Nancy found his keys in the trailer and the five of them climbed into Eddie’s van, with Steve supporting him in the back. When they came to a squealing stop in the hospital parking lot, they all burst out and Steve ran inside with Eddie’s body in his arms still. He was quickly taken away and they were stuck in the waiting room.
The four of them were sitting in chairs, Robin leaned against Steve’s shoulder and she could feel him getting more and more relaxed, which seemed like a good thing before he spoke up.
“Robbie, I think-I think I’m gonna….p’ss out….” Before she could even respond he was going fully limp and half sliding out of his chair. They screamed for help and then it was just Robin, Nancy, and Dustin in the waiting room.
Steve woke up to soft voices that he didn’t recognize, pain radiating from his sides and a too light blanket covering his legs. He forced his eyes open and saw three people he vaguely recognized sitting in chairs around another bed and made eye contact with the black guy sitting at the foot of the bed. The guy startled and turned back to the other guys.
“Oh shit, Harrington’s awake. Should I, like, go get someone or-“
“Eddie…?” Steve croaked out, his voice raw and he saw all three of them suddenly turned to face him with varying degrees of anger on their faces.
“Why the fuck do you want to know about Eddie? You’re probably the reason he’s here in the first place—!” The shorter one with big hair had stood and was stepping toward him when the third guy put a hand on his arm to stop him.
“Dude, pull back the third degree. He’s in a hospital bed right now. Jeff, go get a nurse or something.” The black guy nodded and stood up before leaving the room. The shorter guy gave Steve one last nasty look before he collapsed back in his chair.
If Steve’s throat wasn’t so sore he would have said something, but even swallowing felt like knives in his throat. It felt like the silence in the room stretched on for ages before the door opened back up. He got a glimpse of the black guy, Jeff he heard one of the guys say, and a nurse before long limbs and blonde hair were in his face and Steve gave a weak smile.
“Rob…” He tried to lift his hand up to touch her, needing to know she’s real but he found he was too weak to manage getting his hand up more than a couple inches. Thankfully, she saw him move and swooped in to grab his hand in both of hers.
“I am so mad at you right now, and if you weren’t in a hospital bed actively dealing with an infection, I would have already hit you. What sort of warning is ‘I���m gonna pass out’, Steve? And why did you decide it was a good idea to carry a human person while you were injured the way you were, huh?” He could see that she had been crying, and was fighting back tears at that moment as well, so he gave her a weak smile.
“No one else could lift him…is he-did he…”
“He’s fine, he’s literally in this room, Dingus, did no one-“ She cut herself off and turned to face the guys who had apparently been watching them the whole time. “Did he ask about Eddie?”
The short guy from earlier scoffed, “yeah, and I told him he had no right-“
“No right?! Who do you think brought him here, asshole?! Steve literally carried him here while also injured!” That seemed to get all three of the boys to freeze, looking between Steve and Robin. Robin just rolled her eyes and looked back at Steve, her anger immediately melting away. “Eddie’s fine. They think he’s gonna be out for another day or so just from the blood loss, but then again, they also said you weren’t going to wake up until tomorrow and-“
“Miss Buckley, if you wouldn’t mind stepping back, I really should be checking over Mr. Harrington’s injuries.” Robin’s eyes snapped over to the nurse and seemed to remember where they were, quickly stepping back.
“I am so sorry, I was just so glad he’s okay, I totally forgot he needed to be looked at.” The nurse gave her a gentle smile as she walked over to read Steve’s vitals on the screen next to the bed.
“It’s alright, you aren’t the first person to get in the way of a nurse out of relief that your loved one is okay.” She wrote down the information on Steve’s chart and turned to face him. “How are you feeling? In any pain?”
Steve managed a nod, swallowing thickly before he could speak. “My sides are really painful, and my throat hurts.”
“Well I can definitely fix that.” The nurse walked over to a tray that Steve hadn’t noticed and grabbed a syringe. The whole room listened to his heart monitor start beating faster as he watched her get closer, Robin sliding a chair up to the other side of his bed and grabbing his hand. “It’s alright, I’m just adding this to your IV bag, needle won’t go anywhere near you.” Steve felt his muscles relax but his heartbeat didn’t start to slow down until the nurse was putting the needle back on the tray. “There, some more pain killers should help with the pain in your sides. You already have plenty of antibiotics in your system but I’ll be back later to give you more of those. I’m going to go get you some ice chips to suck on, which should help with the sore throat.” Steve had already closed his eyes so he just nodded, and he heard Robin say something but he wasn’t paying enough attention to make out what she said.
The next time he woke up, there were more voices in the room, some he recognized and some he didn’t - though somewhere in the back of his mind, he knew he had heard them recently. Unfortunately for him, when he tried to open his eyes every fiber of his being resisted and all that happened was he groaned. The voices all stopped at once, and then the whispering started.
“Do you think he’s awake?”
“Maybe, I don’t know if he’s made that sound while sleeping before.”
“He definitely hasn’t, but his eyes are still shut-“
“He could just be in pain-“
“If he’s asleep, you all bickering will certainly wake him up.”
“Hey! We’re just worried, okay? And just because you guys stole Dustin-“
“We didn’t steal Dustin, he came over here on his own.”
“Because you guys kept glaring at us-“
Steve finally gathered enough strength to speak, having had enough of the fighting that had just started, “would you all please shut up?” This did not work, and Steve asked himself why he thought it ever would, as multiple voices started shouting his name in excitement. Squinting one of his eyes open he saw Erica and Robin, and surprisingly, El, Mike, and Will all staring back at him. Immediately, Steve noticed people were missing, some of his kids were missing. “Were’s the rest of you?” He saw Erica glare over at the other side of the room - Steve couldn’t see what she was looking at, but he assumed there were people.
“Dustin’s been stolen, and they are refusing to wake him up so that he can see that his god damn-“
“Shut up, hair boy. They won’t wake him up to see that you’re awake, just because they’re mad that Eddie isn’t-“
“Eddie? He’s okay?” Robin grabbed his hand, sitting down on the bed next to his leg.
“We talked about this yesterday, do you remember? You woke up and asked where he was, if he was okay. I told you he was fine, just out because of the blood loss.” Steve frowned, trying to remember but it was all so blurry.
“Oh…okay. Good, that’s…. Good. So, Dustin is… with Eddie?” He looked at Robin for confirmation before he kept talking. “Okay, that’s okay. Where…..is Max-did she?”
“I won’t lie to you, Dingus. She’s hurt, pretty badly. But she’s alive, and she’s been awake for a couple hours since coming out of anesthesia for her surgery. Lucas is with her, which is why they’re missing. But they’re both okay, Max is going to need a lot of help but she’s okay.” Steve just nodded, and he was so glad Robin knew him as well as she did, because she wiped away the tears that started falling so he didn’t have to. Just then, there was the sound of coughing from the other side of the curtain and Mike was running over to the other side of the room, only disappearing for a second before skidding back to their side.
“He’s waking up!” Robin stood quickly, still holding Steve’s hand.
“Then pull back the curtain, idiot! And go get everyone else!” El decided to go get the others apparently, as she gave Steve’s leg a gentle squeeze before leaving the room. Mike quickly rolled the curtain back and Robin helped Steve sit his bed up so he could look over at the other side of the room. There was someone standing in the way though, and by his posture you could tell it was intentional. “Gareth, I swear to god, if you do not move so Steve can see if Eddie is alive I will put a whole pack of chewed gum in your hair.” Surprisingly, that got him to move, albeit with some annoyed grumbling, and suddenly Steve could see Eddie for the first time since he got them to the hospital. He was curling into himself as he coughed, bandages covering his torso and parts of his arms, and his hair had been pulled back at some point into a bun-type thing.
Tension Steve hadn’t even been aware of melted away and he leaned more fully into his pillows upon seeing Eddie breathing and alive. When he finally stopped coughing, Eddie opened his eyes and gave a weak grin to the guys by his bed, including Dustin.
“Hey, guys, how’s it been?” They all started shouting at him, but the grin never left his face as he started looking around the room. That is, until he made eye contact with Steve. Steve knew he was smiling dreamily (Robin was going to make fun of him so much later) but seeing Eddie pause and then give him a soft smile in return made everything feel warm in Steve’s chest.
They were beaten and bloodied and Vecna wasn’t even dead, but Steve had a feeling they would be okay.
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sunshinediaz · 8 months
tease tidbit tuesday 🫧
i was tagged by @disasterbuckdiaz, @daffi-990, and @exhuastedpigeon mwah mwah
i have semi-high hopes of finishing the heart attack fic tomorrow if i don't have to stand anymore beams in the barn loft, sigh, so have a little bit of something from that 🫶🏼
“You were dead for almost four minutes.”  Eddie sighs. “Damn,” he says, tossing his head back against the pillows and giving Buck a lazy, crooked smile. It’s so much like Christopher’s it hurts the fat meat of his heart. “There goes another one of my lives. Don’t know how many more I have left at this point.”  Something shoves up in Buck’s throat, mean and nasty and sour. It tastes like Eddie’s blood when he was shot.  “It’s not funny.”  Eddie laughs. “It’s a little funny,” he insists, wiggling his toes beneath the blanket and poking at Buck’s thigh. “I mean—Buck, come on. It’s okay to laugh. I am.”  Buck shakes his head. “You died, Eddie,” he says, quiet, and grabs Eddie’s squirming toes as a casual tether. “I don’t want to laugh at that.” 
no pressure tagging @giddyupbuck, @callmenewbie, @callaplums, @eddiebabygirldiaz, @eddiediaztho, @wikiangela, @wildlife4life, @eowon, @thewolvesof1998, @loserdiaz, @try-set-me-on-fire, @folk-fae, @fortheloveofbuddie, @hippolotamus, @honestlydarkprincess, @jesuisici33, @ladydorian05, @made-ofmemories, and @mysteriouslyyounggalaxy, and anybody else who wants to have fun!
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bucksboobs · 1 year
Are you fucking KIDDING me he's getting struck by lightning on his RIGHT SHOULDER??? THE SAME FUCKING PLACE EDDIE GOT SHOT????
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wolverineheight · 5 months
arkhsm knight riddler but he trips and falls into just a whole bunch of wires and gets tangled and oh nooo here comes the batman whatever will hedooooo
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stagefoureddiediaz · 2 years
Can’t stop thinking about the fact that it’s a knight that needs the 118’s help at the Ren Faire and the whole knight in shining armour metaphor and how it relates to Buck and the sperm donor plot.
And if it is bees that are the reason for the call and the knight is having an allergic reaction - but is trapped in his suit and can’t get out - and so his allergic reaction continues to get worse becoming anaphylaxis - which is life threatening!
Hello metaphor for sperm donor knight in shining armour Buck who is now trapped in this decision he’s made to be Conor and Kamerons knight in shining armour and it’s actually making his already fragile mental health worse!
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bluecollarbisexual · 1 month
My dad was a fire captain for calfire. I’m a nurse.
Started watching 911 for the bisexual rep that’s cropped up recently, as I’ve watched much worse shows for a lot less. Was really excited to watch a dumb procedural with a compelling bi storyline since I feel like the experience of figuring your shit out/exploring your sexuality older is a distinctly bisexual experience.
My experience of actually watching the show has been a little surprising though. I went into it mostly just stoked for a queer storyline that I could see myself reflected in. But what’s sticking with me more is the way I’m sort of understanding my father.
It took me until I started working as a nurse to really be able to understand even a fraction of some of the stuff I was only peripherally aware of as a kid. The way he resisted to the point of rage when I was insisting on wanting a motorcycle. The way he would angrily tell me how he spent too many nights scraping people off of the freeway for him to ever condone me buying something like that.
When I finally started working in medicine I began to understand some of his trauma, and the way it made him angry. I’ve learned what it’s like not to be able to save people and to watch them die, sometimes horrifically.
I didn’t go into this show expecting any real insights. I just wanted a fun romp with a queer reward. But weirdly the standout character has been Bobby for me. I see a lot of my father in him. The trauma and the fear and the still putting the turnouts back on and going out there under the influence of some drive that’s 1 part naturally-born hero, 1 martyr, and 1 part adrenaline junkie. And the mark that these kinds of jobs leave on the people who do them.
I grew up hearing stories about horrific motorcycle accidents. About how my father wasn’t there to help my mother when I was a newborn, because he was in San Francisco responding to the devastation of Loma Prieta. About how after one particularly nasty stretch, his brand new turnouts were completely black from blood. About how I didn’t recognize him and hid behind my mother’s leg when he came home after months on the line one fire season.
And this shit did take a toll. I’ve seen a lot of his anger, his inability to cry or mourn even when his father died, his tendency to fly into fire captain mode over even really mild emergencies. He couldn’t even finish the movie Seabiscuit because he couldn’t stomach the kid dying in the beginning of the film. Watching similar struggles of Bobby’s character, the PTSD, and the situations that contribute to it, is making me appreciate the life he lead in a way that not even being a nurse can.
Anyway I don’t expect anyone is particularly interested in this. I’m in season 2, and just a little surprised by the way this show is hitting me and just sorta needed to reflect on it.
If anyone is also in emergency/medical (or has a loved one who is) and has had similar experiences watching this show I’d be interested in hearing from you.
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lupismaris · 5 months
Shout out to my beloved budtenders for always having my back I barely have to say anything and they take care of me I love them so
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thesoftestpunk · 1 year
only one person has truly asked for it but y'all have me researching too much for this new fic lmao I have five tabs open
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lover-of-mine · 9 months
i know eddie has been through some shit in terms of his military trauma, but i would love it if season 7 remembered he actually has medical/combat experience that the others don’t. i recently watched season 2 again and omg there are so many times when he gives advice or takes control of something bc of his experience. the only time i can remember off the top of my head since then is season 5 when he gives the advice about the bomb when he’s at dispatch. i need them to have a call where there’s something really awful happening, mass chaos, mass injury etc etc, and there are multiple ladder teams there and another captain asks if there’s anyone with expertise in something like this and bobby just goes ‘i know a guy 🙂’ and then hard cut to eddie storming around giving people orders and telling them what to do and where and when! he gets to have a bamf moment where he remembers that his military experience can also be an asset rather than just a burden (and bonus points if it affeCTS buck, i you know what i mean lol)
OH MY GOD I WAS THINKING ABOUT THIS LITERALLY LAST NIGHT BEFORE I WENT TO BED. I was thinking about when Taylor (derogatory) is introduced and he just starts talking physics and deals with the whole helicopter. And obviously there's the bomb, the grenade, and the few times he says I've seen a few of these in combat, but like, it's an expertise they never talked about again. Besides the medical training, the academy training, he also has around 5 (?) years of army experience and it would be great to see him use that knowledge and I think it would be good for him to also see that he can use that in a way, and somewhere he would have people around to support him if it triggered him (ideally it wouldn't but they could use that to go all recovery isn't linear). They could've gone in such fun ways with his knowledge outside the academy, and they just never used again. And I guess sure, if you're in Los Angeles the expectation would be for him to not encounter that type of situation but it would interesting to see him bend what he knows to apply there. He clearly dealt with bombs in the past, some improvisation skills, even the random tipbits about why rushing into a specific situation would be bad like he does with the helicopter and the dynamic rollovet, and I'm pretty sure there's another call he starts talking physics I don't remember what now, that could add a whole layer as to why he is so good at the job, because, yes, it traumatized him, but I think it would be good for him to realize that he got something useful from all that too.
Also yes please, call where Eddie is taking over and Buck is just "this is definitely working for me, yes sir"
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stmunson · 2 years
your muse should take care of eddie after he gets fucked up in a mosh pit, is what i’m saying
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munsonfamilyband · 1 year
So I’ve been diagnosed with ADHD since I was a toddler but my dad grew up in the 70s and 80s and didn’t get diagnosed until he was almost 50, let alone taking medication for it. Can you imagine the pure relief Eddie would feel the first time he took ADHD medication? For people who don’t have it/have never experienced it, it truly is an insane feeling to suddenly have the ability to focus on things and finish thoughts coherently.
Imagine Eddie in his late 20s, maybe early 30s, it’s the 90s and Robin just got diagnosed and told him he should get tested. He gets tested, diagnosed and he starts trying out meds. He and Steve suffer through the process of finding the right medication and dosage but the moment it clicks? Eddie cleans the apartment and get’s caught up on all the paperwork he needed to do for weeks but kept pushing off. He found things he had misplaced months ago and set up a plan for the next day to keep being productive. Steve is at a loss for words and Eddie almost cries when he sees what he did, both because he finally has something that helps him do things, but also because he should have been able to get this as a kid. He starts advocating for testing your kids because he would have done so much better in school if he had someone or something to help his brain chemistry even out and function like a regular brain.
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i really need to write down my stranger things timeline , which mostly only ties in with the summer before season 4 and the following months . . given i actually have some mutuals now i could interact with in that verse ( huge thank you to everyone who even followed me ?! ) if anyone would be interested in plotting or figuring out dynamics that can either go from early post s3 / shortly before s4 or when amelia was a child living in hawkins ( to around the age of 9 ) . . PLEASE . even though . . i cant say this often enough : my best friends blog over at @outahell is an important part of that verse and might find mention in threads or therefore influence amelias presence / actions in season four . this is chaos .
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sunshinebarbie · 2 years
Might as well no one reads your shitty writing any ways 🤷 It’s not like you write anymore
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sp0o0kylights · 2 months
I keep seeing gif sets and photos of Steve's injuries from fighting the bats and I keep thinking someone should write a fanfic where he successfully defends everyone in that scene and then just *drops.*
He's done. Taken out. Needs serious medical care and cannot be easily moved. Is trying to keep a straight face but keeps hissing through his teeth, voice breaking, whining and wiggling away when people try to touch him.
Cue Robin and Nancy setting out to figure out how the hell to get out (and get Steve help) while Eddie is left behind.
With Steve.
In the Upside Version of Steve's house.
For a long ass time.
Then Steve starts admitting things to him and Eddie thinks it's a good distraction at first until he slowly realizes that these are Steve's confessions.
His promises to the kids and Robin that he's now passing on to Eddie, because Steve thinks he's going to die.
And that Eddie cannot, will not, let him.
Even if he has to fight Steve himself on the matter.
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