critterpages · 1 year
You mean we get to see ✨this✨ animated??
LAURA: Um... "Oh, Beau, Beau, Beau" is probably how it starts.
ASHLEY: Yeah, I like that start. "Oh, Beau, Beau, Beau."
ASHLEY: "Eyes so blue and hair so shorn on the sides."
LAURA: Yeah, that's good, that's good.
ASHLEY: Okay. Eyes so blue, hair shorn.
LAURA: "Abs, so many."
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LAURA: "But frame so small."
ASHLEY: Frame so small. Yeah, she's so small.
LAURA: (gasps) Ooh, ooh, I got a good one. "How I wish to envelop you with my wings."
ASHLEY: Oh! Okay. "How I wish to envelop you with my wings."
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confusedacenb · 3 years
This is a petition so that Disney doesn't cancel The Owl House. They are trying to make the last season (season 3) only three episodes. Dana Terrance has stated that this is not what she wanted or intended. Here is the link http://chng.it/XycKF78VFC. This so had great representation and diversity.
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retroredpanda · 3 years
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"I want a woman that can bench press me" -Beau at some point probably
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Beau and Yasha Get Engaged Truther Watch Update:
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natreidess · 4 years
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crittique · 5 years
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how about that
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mmm0204 · 5 years
Y’all I had a dream a few days ago that Ashley showed up in my driveway and if that isn’t a sign that she’ll be back this Thursday I don’t know what is
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kalrialcock · 5 years
when dairon came back and beau yelled YOU FUCKING LEFT that but 10x worse when yasha finds them because this time beau was the one who left and deep down she knows it wasn’t yasha. she knows she left yasha to suffer with whatever took her over in there with the laughing hand
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fractalnstuff · 3 years
Nature art 🎨
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weaseltotheface · 2 years
why is my beau playlist 5 hours long
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c-kiddo · 3 years
this might be a silly question, so feel free to ignore it, but after Cad confirmed himself to be aro/ace and effectively took fj*rclay off the table, has that changed how you viewed other Fjord ships?
its not a silly question :-3 .. but also, not really.. i mostly realised i actually dont care about ships as much as i thought i did jknfskjk. also realised im aroace-spec and what was actually important to me was Connection but i didnt know how to convey it without romance bc... thats how everyone else did it. also something-something internalised arophobia  :’)
i honestly am jus having a good time enjoying th relationships (platonic and romantic) that are happening in th show rn. and im glad i distanced myself from like... shipping culture n people who argue about that kind of stuff. it wasnt healthy to be around constantly and i realise that now, even tho i didnt at the time ;w;
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noassallclass · 4 years
As a bitter BeauJes shipper something really tickles me about BY's saying how romantic and sweet it was when Beau was like "nobody's ever written me a poem before" and Yasha saying "well they should've!" When,y'know it was Jes's idea in the first place--- I'll take my BJ crumbs where I can find them,which is basically Jes romancing Beau through Yasha lol✌ (my HC is Jes went to bed and decided to write a heartfelt one from Y,cause Beau deserves it. And ended up realizing it was her own feelings)
Like yes, we take our crumbs. We would just also like Beau and Jester to be friends again so we can actually enjoy their relationship again. Like yes, our expectation that they would one day be Canon has been mostly destroyed but just let us see what we actually enjoyed about the ship. And if that means Jester vicariously courting Beau through Yasha so let it be
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Welcome to Tonight's Episode of:
Make the Blog Name Canon Truther Watch
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luwonderlands · 4 years
I really like beauyasha and beaujester and I think it’s wonderful. Also think that the three of them together is great. I also highkey ship fjorester And I think that clearly Jest and Beau have a lot more time together than either of them have with Yasha due to reasons we all know. But from Beau’s perspective specifically I feel like her love for Jester is that deep and gentle love we have when we fall for a friend and maybe it takes us a while to even notice it’s romantic love and not just love. It is strong but it’s soft. While her love for Yasha is a lot more... abrasive. It burns and it rocks her world up and down. She doesn’t have that much intimacy with Yasha, comparably, but man does she want to. She wants that badly and she can’t even grasp or properly voice how deep it runs because it’s too raw for words. Much like storms, it touches her soul and shakes her to her core. And I don’t think that makes one better than the other. I think both are deep and real in their own ways. But if I’m honest I hope Yasha and Beau truly have a chance with each other for a few reasons but the main one being that they’re both very love broken and they both have in each other the opportunity to grow without being saved or cured. Healing may come with time but it’s not certain that it will. Growth does tho. One way or another. Either way I hope they all find the love that they need.
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The fact that Ao3 only has twenty-four(24) Beau/Keg fics is homophobic and bi erasure and I will not stand for it.
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bogappreciation · 5 years
once I'm done with my exams I am FINISHING that beauyasha fic
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