#bc they don't have Lucilla
nikikikiko · 1 month
ok we did some cooking here
AFK Arena - Forbidden Family Odyssey AU !
The Invasion upon Gavus and Eugene's family home proved... semi-successful. Eugene had been captured, and Liberta was acquired quickly by the Goddess, Morgana, but Gavus managed to escape with Lucilla. 10 years later, imprisoned, Eugene catches wind of a suspicious lack of guards. Using his wits, and some of his power, Eugene broke out and began his run for home.
Unluckily... He runs right into a Commander Dawn and the kid's Adventurer companion, and that's only the START of his bad luck on this journey. Let's hope that this journey home doesn't take a ridiculously long time! (It does.) (Horrendously so.)
So !!! AU time !!!
Eugene (and somewhat Liberta) - Odysseus's role
Gavus - Penelope
Lucilla - Telemachus
The idea is that Eugene and Liberta were both taken when Conrad and Morgana made an... oh-so "civil" visit to the family home. Liberta, who has no memories unsealed because he never fought Lucilla, is taking the company of soldiers back home with the Adventurer he befriended when they run into Eugene. After a brief fight, Liberta and the Adventurer put 2 and 2 together and realize this is the same Eugene from the diary, and they propose to help him get home (much to the issue of .... literally every soldier there but that comes up later<3)
Essentially, this AU will focus on four-ish storylines... sort of?:
Eugene's story on getting home, his journey back to his family and all the perils it will have.
Liberta's story on finding out who he is, because Lucilla never fought Liberta, undoing the seal is taking a long ass time. He will be named "Commander Dawn" until a certain point in this AU
Gavus's story on protecting Lucilla, since the Hypogeans didn't really stop after they didn't get their Weapon.
Lucilla's story on finding out where her brother and father are, since she wants to see her papa happy again, and he's always looking mournfully at a red diary.
Will I make a fanfic ??? Possibly !!! It's sitting in my mind a lot and I have a bit of the story figured out, but I also might just leave this as a Tumblr-only AU where I just occasionally post content for it instead depending on where my whims take me.
Now, there is a whole lot more planned out for this AU [just not... indetail bUT I HAVE BARE BONES] so if you have any questions, I am more than happy to answer!
take this concept eugene art as compensation for ur time
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thank you!
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islandoforder · 3 months
My thing re: Porter was only that he wasn't praising Fig for what he disapproved of with Gorgug. Like, Fig was doing things differently than Gorgug was, and it didn't have anything to do with protecting one's friends or anything like that, it was a matter of embracing fury in order to do so. He's still not a great teacher, though I do think Zac meant "I go into a worry" to be a flaw and that he wasn't looking for someone to just say "that's valid".
brace for a reply that's at least twice as long as intended haha
okay i think we do actually agree on more than we don't - i do think that 'i go into a worry' is a sign of gorgug not being raised to be comfortable with negative emotions, and the ramifications of that (love the thistlesprings, no hate to them, but their hardwon earnest positivity is probably a lot harder to recognise and appreciate as a teenager who has literally the weight of the world on his shoulders a bunch).
the point i was trying to make was about this exchange from porter to gorgug: "Most of what I see from you in class is, your rage is a place that you go to to put your body on the line for your friends. It's very selfless, very noble. Do I see you actually capable of wielding the destructive power of rage, when the chips are really down?"
to me, this reads as porter saying that his rage stemming from his protection of his friends, that selflessness, that loyalty, is not a good enough motivation, that his rage HAS to be destructive to be valued in porter's eyes, even though he has literally established in this conversation that gorgug is v good at the basic tenets of being a barbarian. he's not saying that gorgug isn't using his rage at all, he's explicitly saying that it's not the right flavour of rage for him. this exchange bugs me so much just because his little speech to fig about her paladin powers being inspired by her friends is very explicitly praising the exact same type of selfless nobility and loyalty. it feels even more hypocritical as this is the same convo with gorgug where he says he feels "heartbroken" and the same convo with fig where he says lucilla was too emotionally involved in fig's decisions in an inappropriate way.
i think it's also a bit tricky bc since emily has decided to engage with/agree with porter (and possibly with bts convos with zac there's no way to tell) brennan has (rightfully!) pivoted. it's a good move as a dm of a campaign to react to your players and how they interact with your npcs, but it does lead to a sort of retconning over the points porter was initially making. like on a mechanics of roleplaying level i get it, but if we just look at the character, it makes him inconsistent and hypocritical more than anything.
it's also hard to know where exactly i'm bringing my own feelings about teaching into it, but in this specific scenario, where gorgug is struggling to articulate his rage and negative emotions, i think not only is porter's behaviour to gorgug not helpful but is actively unhelpful, let alone how he acts with and what he says to fig, knowing they're close friends and gorgug will inevitably hear these double standards. i know it worked in the show, but i think that's bc the players chose to have it work, rather than it being a good or healthy method for a teacher to take. i've honestly got other issues with him too, but not on the point you were making so i'm not gonna keep ranting haha
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dreepy-draws · 2 months
Okay hear me out, but I've been thinking about what beasts some heroes would have. they exist in the world, so the idea of some characters having pets isn't too crazy. here's some i've come up with
Gavus: flutterplume owl (serious and intelligent guy gets along with serious and intelligent beast)
Lucilla: shroom spider (well other than the fact she was shown playing with spooders multiple times in the comic, I believe she would love the fact that they are "cute but deadly". Liberta is also scared of them (personal headcanon), which makes lucilla like them even more lmao)
Tarnos: talismane (the guy despises hypogeans a LOT. tell me a beast who is strong against hypogeans and actively lives to protect wouldn't be perfect)
Eorin: grassy orb (this is kinda biased bc I used to always use Eorin with grassy orb bc of the haste boost lmao. but I also think Mishka would wanna get him a pet bc she has her wolves so she wants him to have a pet as well. she turns up with a grassy orb she rescued and gives it to Eorin. Eorin: I don't want a grassy orb! then he and the grassy orb r bonded by the next week ofc. (man I wanna write a fic about this now)
Nevanthi: radish rotunda (a gentle beast that goes out of its way to cheer on someone when they're in danger. a very sweet and kind beast for a very sweet and kind character :))
Lorsan: bellbellow (I imagine he befriends a bellbellow, but refuses to call it his "pet". when he's not traveling, he will visit the place where his bellbellow buddy hangs out, and talk to it about his travels)
BONUS Eugene: slumber seal (OH NO Esperia is now in ruins)
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OC fact Swap? I'm sorta dumping a bunch of stuff here bc i got excited.
Sister Lucia (common name but imperator unbaptized her with it so its staying) is a midranking sister in the clergy and usually tasked with assisting Primo in the gardens. Having a relatively simple job allows her a lot of time for scheming/causing problems on purpose.
She likes hanging out with the ghouls but is very concerned that they don't actually like her (they do) or are just humoring her. She tries to enlist the ghouls in her schemes with carrying degrees of success (Swiss and Sunshine are almost always down, Dew if he has the spoons, Rain is a dark horse of excellent shenanigans, Mountain participating in any tomfoolery is high praise).
Her most recent scheme is to parent-trap Sister Imperator and Papa Nihil back together to make staff meetings less boring
(Shes the mc of the parent trap fic i keep telling myself ill write)
I love how the fact that some of the siblings/OCs has almost same name as Lucilla, imagine calling for one but 10 pops up
Oh a schemer I see! I raise you my boy Quartus, the enigma of the clergy. Nobody knows where he came from or how he got there, all they know is that he “stole” Copia’s face point look and looks as if he can defy gravity. He’s almost like a jester .
He barely talks, but mimes and uses his body language the most . But when he does talk it looks as if his speech is italicised
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top 5 commodus moments 👀
thank u belovedest for the opportunity to talk about my boy!!!! ❤❤
PATRICIDE SCENE!!!! patricide!!!! I do love the deep neediness he has in that moment, he's just embodying such a narratively fascinating archetype (degenerate son bringing ruin to the father) while also embodying social decay (the imperial family is the empire and if the family rots so does the state) while looking absolutely pathetic. a serve
AM I NOT MERCIFUL SCENE. he trying so hard to retake control of the narrative dubbing himself commodus the merciful, but then everyone in the room most of all him has this jaundiced look, the sun is setting, the family is rotting. and ill be real the whole obsession with purity and cleanliness as the decay finally reaches its apex gets to me on a profound level
i do love the scene where he and lucilla are in the cart together. they have a peculiar sense of complicity but you see the cracks so soon. honestly the patricide later in the movie just precipitated his mental status so hard
when he says that lucius knows he is loved and thats why he sleeps so easy. like the threat, moment of genuine emotional openness, but puncuated by him having ruined all social roles prescibed onto him and thats bc the family failed him first in ways he could not tolerate, the mother envy!!!
his death scene. I love the way this man was preparing himself for apotheosis with the white armor and the ascent from the underground, and then he gets betrayed so hard by everybody who once supported him. I don't care abt maximus but the shot where commodus has those doe eyes as he's gurgling blood fucks. To me
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