#bc it means i basically just will not be able to watch DoN until like. at the earliest tuesday
heartyearning · 2 years
experiencing autistic boredom and brain damage what if i make another side blog and then stop using the 5 blogs i already have for the foreseeable future before ending up with Yet Another dead blog with content i care too much abt to delete
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obutsuwrites · 4 years
a single feather (tengu!hawks x f!reader)
tumblr request:  Hi! I just read your new story on ao3 and it was amazing!!! Your writing style is really fantastic and I saw your requests were open. Could I request Yandere Hawks x fem Reader? Bonus points if it’s also NSFW but it doesn’t have to be, I just really enjoyed your take on yandere Katsuki and was curious to see how you’d approach a yandere hawks. Thanks so much for your time!
summary: “G-g-get out!” Her words sounded strangled and afraid. The princess sat up and frantically scooted away from the strange man. ‘She’s so cute, scared like this.’
She wondered how long the man had been watching her. Was he the source of the crimson feather? Was this not a man, but an oni? A pit formed in her chest, heavy with dread and fright.
“Don’t be like that, little bird. I’m a kami, shouldn’t you be falling at my feet?” Keigo asked, his tone casual. His lack of concern or formality was alarming. No one had spoken to the princess in such a way. Under normal circumstances, she would have welcomed his nonchalant nature, but now -- in her darkened room -- it was a threat. xxx basically a really self-indulgent, kinda researched feudal!au with tengu!hawks bc he rlly do got me feelin sum typa way 😳
word count:  6,209
warnings: yandere elements, dubcon, stalking, loss of virginity, choking, possessive behavior 
my ao3 for more shitposts
my ko-fi~!
my ask box is still open 4 requests~!
Tokin - a traditional or fictional small black box worn on the foreheads of Yamabushi – practitioners of Shugendō – or Tengu, dangerous yet protective spirits of the mountains and forests from the Japanese mythology
Yuigesa - pompom stash worn by Yamabushi
Yamabushi - Japanese mountain ascetic hermits
Shoji - door, window or room divider used in traditional Japanese architecture, consisting of translucent (or transparent) sheets on a lattice frame
Kami - are the spirits, phenomena or "holy powers" that are venerated in the religion of Shinto
Fundoshi - traditional Japanese undergarment for adult males, made from a length of cotton
lil special author's note: from what i've been able to read, kami/tengu are really similar?? but here obviously they're two different things v.v so hawks bein a lil misleading lmao
It was midnight and the princess had retired to her chambers. Her plush mattress and soft covers were simply too inviting. She had collapsed into bed and dove into a deep slumber. Quiet snores echoed through the obnoxiously large bedroom. It hadn’t been her choice to have such a spacious room… but it was never her choice. The princess of the kingdom was merely a figurehead. A token of the nobility. Seen in public, but never heard. Her voice was reserved for servants and other royalty behind closed doors.
‘As a lady should,’ her mother would say. ‘Your breath isn’t worth the common folk.’
The princess argued, ‘But mom, the servants… they are common folk. It’s no different!’
Her mother’s face scrunched into a sour expression, as if she ate a lemon. Under other circumstances, her expression would have been humorous, but the empress was a severe woman. A serious woman of royal blood and polite nature.
‘A woman of noble birth only attracts scoundrels and yokai.’
That had ended their discussion. Yokai -- as the princess knew -- were spirits and demons that inhabited the untamed land beyond their kingdom. They preferred the eternal darkness of dense forest. A perfect habitat for such apparitions. She had never seen one, of course, but the princess learned of their many forms from maids. Fantastical tales of wild beast men with protruding horns and unkempt hair; fox-like spirits that brought good fortune, but possessed a mischievous side, and cat yokai that roamed the mountains, often transforming into humans. However, there was one yokai that caught the princess’ attention.
The tengu; a dangerous spirit of the forest. A yokai that possessed the talons and wings of a bird, but the celestial beauty of man. Tengu wandered mountains and forests as the land’s protector. Their wings were said to expand as wide as the sun. They donned the traditional dress of a yamabushi, adorned with a tokin and yuigesa. Tengu were accompanied by strong gusts of wind generated by a magical feather fan. Sometimes, as the princess learned, tengu instead carried a pewter staff. Their approach could be told by the jingle of their pewter staff and currents of wind that almost magically appeared. Some servants even told of handsome tengu. Tengu that charmed and bewitched with their allure. Mischievous and curious.
In truth, the princess yearned to escape the frigid confines of the castle, and explore the forest. She wanted -- wished -- to stumble upon a tengu. She wanted to feel their fabled soft feathers under her fingertips, to taste the crisp air they produced. The princess had no qualms with finding a hideous tengu with a beak, as the maids told her, tengu with beaks were more common. They were also more monstrous. Portrayed as wild birds of prey that lured young women into their nests for unspeakable acts. Eventually, the young women would return… but they were different. Blind. Insane. Soiled.
These stories did not deter her. The princess knew better. She knew such stories were only regurgitated as a means to frighten her. Tales meant for cheap scares of common folk. She was no common folk; she was nobility.
The woman began to drool into her dreamless sleep, too blissfully unaware of the winged beast hovering outside her window. A curious, crimson feathered tengu that was drawn by the scent of royal blood. He inhaled deeply; the princess’ scent mixed with the humid summer air in harmony. Known as Keigo, the yokai’s expansive wings flapped violently, and left shivers of feathers that fell gently like petals. Keigo wondered what she looked like; was she clothed in a thin nightgown or nothing at all? Keigo preferred the latter and nodded his head in solitary agreement. It wouldn’t hurt to take a peek, would it? ‘Her snores could wake the dead… ’ He chuckled at the thought; a woman of her nobility never spoke out of turn -- seen but not heard -- and yet this woman could produce a symphony of noise in her sleep.
“What other noises do you make, little bird?”
Slowly, Keigo unlatched the princess’ window and crept into her quarters. The room wasn’t remarkable, but her scent was etched into every corner. A patchwork of divinity itself. He wanted to bury himself within the fragrance, bury himself within… her. Curious golden eyes searched the darkened room for the princess’ sleeping form, finally resting upon a human-shaped mound. She looked so innocent. So unaware of the tengu’s presence. He could snatch her right now and be within the forest by daybreak, but he restrained himself. He wasn’t like the beastly oni. ‘No,’ Keigo decided, ‘I’ll simply watch over her.’ Keigo watched as the princess shifted in her sleep and caught a glimpse of her chest. Ample and supple. Absolutely begging to be touched and conquered. He ran a cold hand down the woman’s exposed flesh and thought, ‘I should at least take a trophy. ’ A means to memorialize her existence.
The tengu detached himself from the woman and began his search. He wanted a garment, something personal -- something private to her. Keigo remembered that mortals kept such clothing hidden away in drawers. Like treasure. As quietly as he could manage, Keigo rummaged through exquisite textiles and cloth, until he palmed satin material. Curious, Keigo grabbed the garment and examined it. A pair of panties. He brought the undergarment to his nose and inhaled. Fresh linen, welcoming and clean. The tengu would have preferred a pair with the maiden’s carnal scent, but even possessing something that was so close to her body was a gift. It was meant for him, Keigo decided. Stuffing the panties into his robe, Keigo allowed himself a final look at the woman before quietly flying off.
She awoke, drowsy and exhausted, as if sleep had evaded her. The princess stretched and exhaled a soft yawn. Morning light streamed through the woman’s only open window. Wait. Open window? The princess had no memory of opening her window before bed. In fact, she had been too exhausted the night before to even take off her slippers. She had collapsed into bed in a weary state and fell promptly to sleep.
‘This is odd. So very odd,’ the woman thought and closed the window. She had been awfully weary, perhaps she opened it and had forgotten? It was possible, but the princess still felt perturbed and began a rudimentary inspection around her chambers. Nothing seemed out of place, until she happened upon a single crimson feather that appeared within her dresser. It was long, far too long to be a bird. The feather was unlike anything the woman had seen in her garden.
Tucking the feather away, the princess slowly started to get dressed. She savored this time in the morning. It was her simple slice of heaven. Her escape from prying eyes… and her mother. This was the princess’ only ritual that wasn’t tainted by maids and royal duties. It was a situation she had insisted upon and insisted upon until her mother eventually relented. She was an adult -- the sole heir -- and had no need for maids to dress her anymore. It had been convenient and almost fun as a child, but now as a young maiden, the task seemed almost inappropriate for hired help. The woman reasoned that their time could be spent elsewhere. This was her mother’s weak spot; the empress detested a lack of work ethic. She reasoned it was an absence of pride in one’s work. The maiden believed this to be the very reason for the garden.
The garden was quaint. A private sanctuary away from inquisitive eyes and lurking mothers. A place to call her own. This was a space not yet invaded by her controlling mother or by intrusive maids. Serenity in every meaning of the word. Plants flourished there; the modest terrace was alive with flowers and greenery. She was permitted this piece of serenity if she toiled in the earth. Hands smeared with dirt and sweat trickling down her brow. Such hard work earned her seeds and decorations for the princess’ little terrace. Fairy lights, statues, and decorative pebbles. The princess cherished every addition.
She sat in the lively terrace, hands tired and dirty. The peculiar feather plagued her mind throughout the day, until finally, the woman decided she would rid herself of such compulsive thought. Toiling in the earth allowed her mind to wander beyond it. Idle hands were the devil’s work, as her mother would say.
The afternoon sun was high in the sky and beat down upon her back. The silk fabric of her summer kimono stuck to the maiden’s back like tree sap. Impossibly thick. The princess felt exhausted and unbearably hot, but busy work kept her thoughts at ease, and away from the stark reality of a midnight visitor. She had wrestled with the thought. How could an animal -- a beast -- flutter into her room, only to escape and leave behind a single feather? What bird could manipulate a latch? Originally, the woman settled on the possibility of a trained eagle being her intruder… but the idea was preposterous. Insane. Unlikely. The empress had no mortal enemies. Not a living soul was capable of such a feat, no commoner had reason. Her mother’s public demeanor was a farce. Kind. Generous. Loving. Traits she lacked in private, behind pristine castle doors.
Unbeknownst to her, on a nearby towering tree, sat a red-tailed hawk. Golden, predatory eyes were trained on the princess; unmoving and calculating.
Throughout the day, the princess couldn’t escape the feeling of being watched. Like a lab rat. The thought was preposterous. The castle walls were far too great for peering eyes. No pervert could spy on her, and yet, she felt like this. This tightness in her chest that had appeared once she began to toil within the garden. It was so suffocating -- so frightening -- the princess decided to abandon any cultivation for the day. Instead, the princess focused on her studies. Academic topics specially suited for a “maiden of her stature,” as her mother would say. Subjects included etiquette, housewifely duties, mathematics, language, and archery. Archery, of course, was the maiden’s suggestion. A term the empress begrudgingly obliged. If a woman couldn’t protect herself, what sort of woman was she?
The bow fit neatly in her callused hands. Rough palms were earned from hard work and determination. Hands “unbecoming of a noble,” the empress would chide. As if it mattered. The princess was of age, but still had no suitors. No man of nobility had even considered her as a wife. She was never seen in public enough for such courtship. The castle was her home and her prison.
An arrow flew through the air, hitting its target. Archery was simply another means of keeping idle hands busy. Nothing more, nothing less. The woman felt safer within the confines of the castle. She didn’t feel the carnivorous eyes that burned into her body like hot coals. Perhaps this was all caused by the feather. It’s discovery caused her mind to wander with possibilities until her thoughts landed on something irrational: a tengu.
The thought had crept into the back of her skull and taken up residency like a canker sore. Unrelenting and impossible to ignore. It only grew in size as the day continued, until the idea was all she could muster. A large part of the princess was excited by such a discovery, but a smaller, weaker aspect dreaded the possibility. Her room wasn’t a forest and the maiden didn’t require protection, which left only a simple reality; the tengu was attracted to her. The empress’ previous words now echoed, ‘A woman of noble birth only attracts scoundrels and yokai.’ Was this true? If it was, no maid gossiped about it. It was unlikely shrill midwives could keep such a juicy secret to themselves, the princess reasoned. She prayed it was true a crimson feathered tengu had visited her. She didn’t mind if the tengu wasn’t handsome and instead had the face of a bird. She merely wanted the feather to have significance. It should, at least.
However, the maiden did wonder if the prying eyes were that of a tengu. They could shape-shift -- she only knew from castle gossip -- but they preferred a more mortal form. Imposing wings and a yamabushi’s robe, sometimes, tengu would wear a red mask with a long nose. This was less common now. Instead, such a mask existed for festivals and revelry. An accessory taken by man. Maybe the tengu had taken the shape of a bird. They were, after all, protective yokai of the forest. A bird’s eye view of the land seemed the most logical… but if it was a tengu, why did she feel so uneasy? Why did her skin prickle and become so sensitive?
She was familiar with stories of tengu that were renegades. Yokai -- like oni -- that preferred mortal desires. The mortal sin of flesh. It was a topic that was taboo to the princess. Courtship wasn’t a necessary knowledge. It was more useful of her time to learn household responsibilities. How to hold a babe. How to preserve fruits. What linens were best for summer months. Nothing truly of value beyond mathematics and archery. The prospect of a tengu that wanted her for carnal reasons left a horrid taste in her mouth and her knees weak. It was both thrilling and frightening.
Days melted into one another, but the princess couldn’t purge the feeling of being watched. Her garden was no longer a sanctuary. It was crypt; suffocating and miserable. Because of this, she opted to stay inside and attend to her studies. Busy work that kept prying eyes at bay. The castle walls now provided protection from the rotten anxiety decaying her gut. Caring for plants used to be a welcome chore; an activity that broke up the monotony of royal life. Instead, the fresh air and bright sun only brought a sense of dread the princess couldn’t escape. It sat in her gut like a stone. Heavy with burden.
She experimented with venturing out during different times of day. Neither the cool morning nor the starless evening cure her. Everyday was the same, except for her lack of gardening. Servants took note and tried to coax the princess into the terrace, but she held fast in her fear. It was becoming all consuming. A black hole even the empress noticed.
“You insisted on this ridiculous hobby, and yet, you won’t be appreciative?” Cold, hard eyes observed the woman, waiting for a response. Her mother’s eyes never quite held any warmth of familiar love. It was an aspect the princess was accustomed to.
The princess, playing with the hem of her kimono responded, “I… Of course I appreciate it, Your Majesty.”
“Well then, why don’t you tend to it, little bug?”
She winced at the epithet. It was an embarrassing and old name that was born of the maiden’s interest in plants. Nothing more than an insult veiled as a loving moniker. The name brought forth memories of childhood. Memories of learning cruelty.
“It’s been too hot lately, Your Majesty. My kimono sticks to my back and it’s very unbecoming.” Picking her words carefully would be the key here. She knew the vicious nature her mother carried. A stick to beat others down into submission; into the dirt.
Satisfied, or perhaps finally disinterested, the empress curtly nodded and continued her stroll around the castle grounds. The lack of her mother’s love didn’t bother her anymore. She was the empress. Nobility that commanded -- demanded -- respect.
The day had transformed into night. Humid summer air that melted into a brisk evening. Typically, twilight was the perfect time for tending to her garden, but the princess hadn’t set foot within her sanctuary. She sat directly in front of the shoji that led to the terrace, timid hands fumbling with the hem of her kimono. It was a nervous habit that followed from childhood.
‘Should I try again? ’ Thick saliva began to pool within the maiden’s mouth. A bundle of anxiety coiled within the pit of her stomach; like a hot brand. Truth be told, she wanted to run and hide further within the castle. The princess’ bed was her sanctuary now.
‘...but it’s only a feeling. Mother wouldn’t want me to be such a child. ’ Swallowing the saliva, the woman stood up and meekly slid open the door.
Sticky, heavy air stuck to her lungs. Her chest rapidly rose and fell; the princess desperate to not suffocate. It was a starless night. An inky blackness that threatened to swallow the princess whole. The evening was darker than usual, which allowed dread to further creep into her body. Instinctual goosebumps decorated her arms as she slinked towards a bed of flowers. The floral scent was almost nauseating. Too overpowering and fragrant.
Shaky knees knelt into the earth and trembling hands began to pull at weeds. Her lack of care supported an invasion within her garden. It was no longer a garden of love. Now, the terrace sat abandoned and overrun. Stubborn weeds were plucked and tossed aside. The princess’ hands ached and were caked in dirt. Not becoming a of woman. Of a princess. But the woman lacked care. She didn’t want to live in fear of her only outlet. Her only safe haven from her mother and from the castle servants.
Tears gathered at the corner of the maiden’s eyes as she worked. Her disdain and anxiety had become tangible. She brought a dirt crusted finger to her eye and wiped away the salty liquid. Crying was a sign of weakness. It was a saying the empress had drilled into the princess since birth. Crying wasn’t allowed for nobility. The woman needed to be strong and feminine; not a blubbering child. Gradually, the feeling of being watched dissipated and was instead replaced by a feeling of inadequacy and misery.
Atop a neighboring tree within the terrace sat a red-tailed hawk. Beautiful and majestic. The bird watched the woman below. It cocked it’s head in interest. Despite his watchful gaze, the tengu known as Keigo hadn’t seen the princess cry before. The action seemed almost foreign to her, as if she had never cried before. Her chest didn’t heave and no sound emitted from her. Instead, the maiden sat on her knees and silently toiled. This lack of passion angered Keigo in a way. He wanted to see the woman in all her entirety. He wanted to witness her anger. Her sadness. Her wailing. A part of him would envision her beneath him, begging him with tears in her eyes. It was a sick pleasure, really. Keigo wanted to be disgusted by this desire, but it was a thought that dug its heels in, refusing to leave. He was left with the only option; to embrace it.
Keigo continued to watch the quiet sobbing until he grew bored. Until an idea surfaced. He should try to comfort her, shouldn’t he?
‘I want to touch her. I want to feel her warmth. I want to feel her writhe underneath me,’ the tengu thought as he gently fluttered to the ground. Keigo didn’t want to approach her as a man. He knew mortals weren’t stupid; she would question why a strange man with golden eyes suddenly appeared within her castle. ‘I want you to love me. ’
Softly, the tengu made his way towards the princess. Keigo’s footfalls were ignored by the maiden until he rubbed a wing against her. Startled, she released a quiet yelp and looked at the creature. The bird was small for a hawk and looked to be the runt. An unfortunate bird that had been given the same lot in life as herself. The princess regained her composure and reached out, touching the little bird.
“You scared me! Are you lonely, little birdie?” She asked, trying to stifle a giggle. Being frightened by such a small thing was comedic in a way. Deep inside, the bird and it’s tiny, insignificant body reminded the woman of herself. Perhaps this creature had been the prying eyes? ‘It was so silly of me to worry,’ the princess thought as she petted the bird.
The hawk released a low growl, as if the sound came from the very back of their throat. It reminded the princess of a cat’s purr. A sound only produced from trust and contentment. Soft lips curled into an insignificant smile. Her lips felt tense and unfamiliar with the action; smiling wasn’t common within the castle. The empress saw it as fictitious and unnecessary.
‘You can express pleasantries through your words. A noble woman doesn’t need to stoop down to a commoner.’
She reasoned the bird couldn’t be more than a young babe; the runt of a litter. ‘Are its wings hurt? Is the mother looking for..? ’ Before the princess could finish her thought, the bird gently pecked at her palm. Almost like a warning. The feeling of being watched had subsided; the princess was confident that her intruder was a lonely baby hawk. She hadn’t seen such a bird before. Hawks weren’t common in her kingdom and the woman was unsure the creature could fly. If the bird couldn’t fly, surely she should nurse it to health and then release it. The woman had never raised a dog before, much less a hawk, but it’s kindness proved too powerful.
The princess managed to smuggle the hawk into her room. The operation had required bribing maids, but ‘business deals are important and are to be honored,’ as her mother would say. It wasn’t bribing; she was merely asking for a service and in turn, the maids were paid. ‘A simple transaction,’ she told herself.
Currently, the hawk was cuddled against the woman. She had made several attempts to leave, but the creature would loudly squawk like a threat. The princess knew her mother would at best be displeased -- and at worst -- demand the bird be confiscated. No animal was worthy of a princess. No creature was bred with the same noble blood. The empress deemed animals unworthy of her daughter’s company. ‘To rule, you must have conviction and a barn animal would only dirty you.’ Remembering her words only caused the woman to flinch. Even the ghost of her words carried severity and coldness.
Keigo was growing annoyed. Yes, it was blissful to be smothered by this woman, but he desired more. His heart grew black with a carnal want that only oni experienced. He wanted to defile her in the worst way. He wanted to feel the princess squirm underneath him, begging him in ecstasy. Naturally, the mind of a tengu is always several steps ahead of a mortal. A plan began to form; once she retired to bed, Keigo would reveal himself, explain he was a kami and had selected her for his divine touch. The tengu knew that even among nobility, the visit of a kami was prized. It was an offer the princess couldn’t -- wouldn’t refuse. Keigo ruffled his feathers in anticipation.
The night was still and silent, except for a slight breeze that blew through an open window. The princess had retired to sleep, but decided to keep her window open for the little bird. Keigo sat atop the windowsill and watched her sleeping form. He noted how small she was; an impossibly tiny body dwarfed by a mattress decorated in ornate blankets and pillows. This form allowed for the tengu to watch the princess undress. Her body was delicate and without blemish. A part of Keigo felt excited by this; a perfect body he could ruin. He would claim her and defile her.
With a quick pop, and a patch of black smoke, the bird was no more. In place sat a young man with ash blonde hair and golden eyes. His features were sharp and almost avian like, but his expression was laid-back and carefree. He wore the traditional garb of a yamabushi, complete with a tokin. He was a handsome man, but carried the dark intentions of a predator. Yellow orbs that burned with want.
Keigo slowly drifted towards the princess, leaving red feathers in his wake. He watched with interest as she tossed in bed. So blissful. So blissfully unaware of him. Unable to resist any further, the tengu placed a gentle kiss on her cheek. She was soft -- malleable -- and smelled of perfume. Like a garden.
The princess awoke suddenly from the action and came face-to-face with the tengu. By the moonlight, she couldn’t make out his features, but knew the shape was that of a man. Shock ignited in her eyes and the princess instinctively opened her mouth, but no sound came out. She felt suffocated by the intruder. As her eyes adjusted to the darkness, she noticed how bizarre the man’s silhouette was. He stood of average height, but it looked as if the man had hidden an object behind his back. An object that resembled the wings of a bird.
Finally, a whimper escaped the woman. A small and pathetic sound that aroused the tengu. Before the princess could helpless babble, Keigo spoke, “Sorry if I scared you! Wasn’t my intention, but I’m Keigo.” A lop-sided grin found its way onto his thin lips. The smile did little to quell the fear in the woman’s gut.
“G-g-get out!” Her words sounded strangled and afraid. The princess sat up and frantically scooted away from the strange man. ‘She’s so cute, scared like this.’
She wondered how long the man had been watching her. Was he the source of the crimson feather? Was this not a man, but an oni? A pit formed in her chest, heavy with dread and fright.
“Don’t be like that, little bird. I’m a kami, shouldn’t you be falling at my feet?” Keigo asked, his tone casual.  His lack of concern or formality was alarming. No one had spoken to the princess in such a way. Under normal circumstances, she would have welcomed his nonchalant nature, but now -- in her darkened room -- it was a threat.
The princess’ heart hammered in her chest like a drum. Too loud and too thunderous to ignore.
“A k-kami..? I -- you visited me several nights ago, didn’t you?” She desperately wanted to believe the man. Any other possibility was horrific. She squinted in the dark and noticed the sharp features he possessed; blonde hair illustrated in the moonlight and yellow eyes that seemed to glow.
The tengu laughed. It was soft and gentle, the pure opposite of the roaring cackle she was accustomed to.
“I wanted you to have somethin’ to remember me by, little birdie. It’s flattering how close you keep it.” It excited Keigo that the young maiden had kept the feather. Especially because she kept the feather so close, buried underneath her kimono, right atop her breast. He hoped her breasts were as soft as her cheek.
Plump cheeks flushed with pink. She hated being teased. It was one of the few social interactions her mother was capable of, but it always left a sour taste in the woman’s mouth.
“How… how do I know you’re a kami? You could simply be a convincing oni, a pretender.”
His smile faltered. “You don’t trust me? That’s okay, little birdie. I’ll take my leave,” Keigo replied. Leaving wasn’t a part of his plan, it was merely a distraction from the bewitching magic he cast. A glamour that would enlighten the princess to desires held deep within her heart.
The princess didn’t want him to leave; it was improper to turn away a guest. Compelled, a delicate hand grabbed Keigo’s robe. It was tightly woven material, similar to the great textiles within the castle.
“Stay,” she begged, “please stay. I didn’t mean…”
Keigo placed a large hand atop the crown of her head and stroked. The maiden leaned into the touch, it was unlike any sensation she had experienced within the castle. It wasn’t the uncaring, technical touch of a wet nurse, but the tender touch of a lover. Warmth began to bloom in the pit of her stomach. A feeling that was foreign, but welcomed. She wanted nothing more than to melt into the tengu’s touch.
The woman patted the empty spot next to her. She hoped the winged man would slide into bed and perhaps hold her. Simply hold her and their body heat mixed together in the summer air. A small, childish part of the princess desired to touch the man’s wings. If they were as soft as the feather, they must feel like heaven. ‘He’s divinity in every sense of the word.’
Silently, Keigo slid into bed beside the princess, his wings ruffling against her soft skin. He shivered from the sensation. Tingly and electric. Keigo draped an arm around her and pulled the princess closer. He needed to hear her heartbeat and feel the blood coursing under her skin. The maiden’s floral scent was overpowering now; the smell fresh and heavenly. The woman buried herself into the tengu’s robe. His body was warm, almost hot. A summer heat draped in a man. He smelled of the earth and pine. It was a scent that the woman found comforting.
“Eager little bird,” Keigo joked, his hand now drifting down her form. He was desperate to memorize the soft landscape of her body. She was a treat to be savored. “Gonna touch you and make you feel good, okay little birdie?”Keigo grabbed the princess through her nightgown, her breast fitting perfectly within his palm, as if she was made for him. Only one thought came to Keigo’s mind: ‘This is mine. She is mine.’ It was uncommon for the tengu to feel so territorial -- so protective, but she was giving herself to him, afterall.
He palmed the woman through her nightgown, eliciting a quiet moan. Keigo had to strain to hear it; she tried to stifle the sound. It was unnatural and embarrassing. She had never been touched like this before, much less by a kami.
“Don’t be so shy.” Keigo continued to caress and massage her breast, his other hand wandering down his lover’s nightgown. His hand stopped at the hem of her gown, sliding up the material until it was bunched around her waist. The princess shivered from the cool air, and from a foreign feeling of shame. A part of her wanted to push the winged man away and lock herself in a neighboring bathroom until guards arrived, but another insatiable piece wanted the kami to take her maidenhood right now. Her body burned with an undeniable passion that only Keigo could extinguish.
Mewls of want penetrated the night air as the tengu circled a finger around her sensitive lips, the warmth of his touch separated only by satin panties. The cloth -- saturated with her juices -- would be Keigo’s prize. Another memento of the woman, of his lover. Her squirming underneath him only cemented that fact.
Greedy, trembling hands reached for Keigo; needy for his body to be pressed against hers. She slid a hand underneath his robe, and traveled down his body, stopping at his waist. Pleasing a man was never a topic of discussion in the princess’ studies. The maiden’s hands glided under Keigo’s fundoshi. His member stood proud and leaking pre-cum, unsure and nervous, she began to rub his leaking head. A groan rumbled from deep within Keigo’s chest, like a thunderstorm.
“Don’t stop, little bird,” Keigo murmured, the tengu too enamored from the woman’s touch. He had dreamed of this for several nights, but finally, her soft hands were working his manhood. She stroked down his length, clumsy and inexperienced. The tengu was growling now; noises guttural and rough. Like a wild beast set free.
Encouraged by her touch, he tore her undergarment, allowing for proper access to her nether region. Roughly, Keigo parted the woman’s lips apart and a calloused thumb began to rub her now swollen clit. Under normal circumstances, the princess would have recoiled from such brazen action; she was taught a man should never tear a royal’s garment. It was an act perpetrated by oni and men of lesser nobility, but this man wasn’t of lesser nobility. He was a kami. A god.
Golden, hungry eyes looked down at her; like a wolf appraising meat. Predatory and insatiable. An idea formed within his mind and the tengu detached himself from the princess. She released a whine, her features twisted in a pout. A little brat denied subsistence.
“Touch me,” she requested. Her tone was demanding. It was more of a command than a request. Her hands felt empty and useless, the maiden convinced her only purpose now was to please the kami.
Keigo positioned himself at her entrance and commanded, “Lay down, let me pleasure you.” His words were like velvet, his voice like nirvana. Sickeningly sweet and light. With hesitation, the woman laid down, her cunt in full view of the tengu. She felt another pang of embarrassment. Even wet nurses hadn’t seen her exposed like this. Her instincts screamed to cover up and to run away, but the allure of Keigo proved too much.
A single finger was harshly jammed into her slick core as Keigo’s mouth engulfed her mound. His hot tongue swirled around in her cunt, learning every sensitive spot. His wide finger sent a shock of pain up the maiden’s body, but the sensation was soon replaced by warmth that spread between her thighs. He pumped into her, scissoring and stretching her. Preparing her for him. His teeth grazed against her delicate clit, evoking a wanton moan. Her legs trembled as Keigo shoved another finger into her wetness. She felt full -- whole -- with the tengu’s fingers inside. A thumb prodded her clit again, gently rubbing the nub. The red-hot coil within her center made the maiden feel as if she would burst, the sensation of an orgasm building. Sounds of squelching and a river of moans flowed from her.
The tengu brought his face up to her, fingers wet with her arousal.
“Little birdie all ready for my cock, huh?” Keigo stood up and quickly disrobed. His lean frame vibrating from excitement. In the moonlight, the princess could make out the sculpted body Keigo possessed. The body befitting of a kami. He crawled over her body and positioned his cock up against her lips. Slowly, savoring the moment, Keigo pushed into the woman. His cock stretched her, far more than his fingers. Sensitive, wet walls clasped around him. Her body was desperate to swallow his member whole. The tengu crammed his soaked fingers into his lover’s mouth, muffling her moans. “Don’t want you too loud, little birdie.”
She wondered if this was a normal part of lovemaking, but obliged the tengu and sucked on his fingers. Lewd sounds erupted from Keigo, along with a string of swears. The princess hadn’t heard such depravity before, but Keigo’s thick cock was too distracting. He sped up, provoked by the sucking of his fingers. His balls slapped against her ass at a feverish pace. Keigo’s strokes were no longer slow and delicate, but harsh and starving. A man -- a beast -- possessed. The force of his strokes almost hurt and his fingers were jammed to almost the back of her throat.
“Pl-please stop,” the maiden slurred, spit trailing down her chin. Keigo had to strain to hear her, but decided to partially accommodate. He removed the saliva coated fingers, leaving her to gup down chestfuls of air. Instead, strong hands clasped around her delicate neck. A neck that had only known the pleasures of cotton or satin. His touch around her neck was the opposite of the tenderness she had known before; his touch now felt possessive and dark. An aura of blackness that threatened to consume her. Keigo’s grip tightened, along with his feverish pace. The princess’ hips now began to ache underneath him.
The coil in her stomach reached its peak; a feeling of relief washed over her. The maiden felt grounded, more aware, less hazy. She finally noticed the dangerous shine in the tengu’s yellow eyes, which sent a deathly chill down her body, leaving goosebumps. She no longer wanted this. She no longer wanted him. The woman began to squirm underneath the tengu, defaulting to her original fear. Realizing the turn of her nature, Keigo released a final pump into her soaking cunt. A deep growl sounded from his chest, this time the sound no longer velvet and soft. The sound of a predator. As he climaxed, Keigo’s grip around her worsened. The maiden feeling out of breath. Asphyxiated. She beat against his chest, her vision becoming a blurry mess of black spots and dots.
Keigo’s large hands fell from her neck and the princess swallowed greedy gulps of air. ‘She looks so beautiful like this,’ the tengu thought, ‘sweaty and broken beneath me.’ His seed began to leak out of her, staining her plush thighs. The sensation made her feel dirty, wrong, used.
Yellow eyes bore into her features, memorizing every inch. A carefree grin plastered on the tengu’s handsome face.
“...but you’re mine now, little birdie.”
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babycracker · 3 years
Fire Meet Gasoline: Chapter 6
chapter rating: teen & up story rating: explicit pairing: morgan/m!oc (tanner drake) & farah/f!oc (sadie kennedy) word count: ~2.7k chapter warnings: none story warnings: eventual smut, canon-typical violence, au - canon divergent a/n: as you can see, pairings have changed and i've added some warnings for the future bc this entire story has taken an unexpected turn and it's going to be much bigger than manner now. please don't hesitate to let me know if you wanna be taken off of the tags!
read it on ao3 here
Sadie was sure that she'd have more time than this. Six months isn't long, after all. Well, technically four months. She's been basically on the run for the last two.
She'd had four months to enjoy being twenty-one before the Agency had contacted her about signing the treaty, and for the two months since not so politely telling them to shove it she'd been dodging the bounty hunter that she'd evidently been assigned to.
He was an idiot. A troll, she was sure of it. Big and imposing and clumsy and menacing… but stupid. She hasn't seen him in a few weeks though, and she's starting to relax, fairly sure that she's lost him.
So, for the first time in the week and a half that she's been in this city she's daring to leave her room at the hostel and check out some of what could well be her new home. She pulls her hoodie on, reluctantly pulling the hood over her head and eyeing the bland grey of the fabric with disdain for a moment. Dreadfully boring, and dreadfully cliché - a banshee roaming around donning a grey hood - but she still needs to keep a low profile. Just for a little bit longer.
Everyone's heard about the supernatural bar in the city, such things are not exactly common, though no one seems to know where it is. It would seem the only way to find out is by word of mouth, and unfortunately she doesn't know anyone here, and she can't exactly go up to random people and ask them where the local supernaturals hang.
It would really be preferable; at just over 4'3 she doesn't exactly fit in with humans, but she supposes she'll just have to make do as she heads down the street. She sticks cautiously close to the buildings, avoiding the laughing groups of people and curiously looking around at the bright and colourful nightlife.
She could get used to this.
But for now, she resigns herself to something less flashy, a not quite as cheerful and slightly shabby bar with a bright green neon sign shining from its façade reading Shakers.
Looks good enough for now, so she steps inside, a grin spreading across her face as she takes in the atmosphere. God she's missed being around humans, and this place is packed with some of the rowdiest ones she's ever seen. Her favourite kind.
There's no dancing space as far as she can see (disappointing) but the bar is huge and there are booths lining every wall, the space in the middle filled with several pool tables.
She weaves her way through the crowd, thankfully remaining largely unnoticed, and slips up onto a stool at the bar, breathing out a sigh of relief now that her height is less obvious. She spins around on her seat, leaning one elbow on the bar and watching a group of guys at the closest pool table, trying (unsuccessfully) to gather some kind of hint at how to play the game, when a voice from behind distracts her.
"What are you drinking, pretty?"
She turns, expecting to find a bartender but instead there's a man on her side of the bar and uncomfortably close, a charming and yet slightly unsettling smile on his face. She forces one to her own to keep her frown away, the eerie sense of this guy being bad news creeping through her mind and making her thoughts slightly foggy.
“I’m really not much of a drinker, thanks anyway.”
He’s good looking enough, blonde hair, bright blue eyes and dimples in both cheeks on proud display as he grins at her. But her advanced senses are ringing every bell inside of her, warning her not to trust him.
“C’mon darl, no one comes to a bar unless they want a drink,” he presses, reaching out and letting his fingertips brush against the sliver of bare wrist peeking out from the sleeve of her hoodie.
She gasps and recoils too fast to be able to reign it in, her face twisting into a frown as she pulls her sleeves down and clutches them in her fists to cover her hands entirely. She really should've worn her gloves.
He lifts both hands in front of him, a kind of peace offering, and takes a slight step back. “Woah, take it easy. I didn’t mean to overstep.”
“It’s fine,” she clears her throat, hoping it’ll take the obvious rasp out of her voice as she struggles to get any words out at all. He grins and slides onto the stool next to her.
“If I promise not to touch you again, will you come and join us?”
She eyes him carefully for a moment before letting out a resigned sigh and giving a small nod. He seems nice enough, respectful enough. And she’s never been given any kind of guarantee that her perception is always one hundred percent accurate. Maybe she gets it wrong sometimes. Maybe she’s been disregarding people her entire life based on what she sees of them on the inside, and some of them didn’t deserve disregarding.
She’s been on her own since she ran away from home after her parents’ relentless persistence that she signed the Agency’s treaty became too much, she could do with some friends. Maybe now she can’t afford to turn down every single person that gives her a slight dishonest vibe. Who is completely honest these days anyway?
He grins again and gets to his feet, nodding towards one of the pool tables as a gesture for her to follow him. “I’m Axle.”
“Sadie,” she replies, reluctantly slipping off her seat and noticing the way he immediately arches an eyebrow at her height. He’s a demon, a supernatural, he’s probably already worked out that she’s not human and she just about winces as she waits for the inevitable questions.
They don’t come, however. He’s either much more polite than she’d expected, naïve and just thinks that she’s short, or he’s already worked out what she is and is choosing to stay quiet about it in this public space.
She follows him over to the pool table where a group of five other men are standing around playing a game, and a brief wave of panic surges through her when she realises that they’re probably all demons. They usually hang out with their own kind, and it would mean that she’s heavily outnumbered by a group of supernaturals far more dangerous and powerful than she is.
They barely spare her a glance though as she comes to stand at Axle’s side, and he barely offers an introduction in turn, instead waving his arm around the group and simply referring to them as “the guys”.
It’s probably for the best. She can handle one demon, should the need arise, she can slink away from him unnoticed, but once she has the attention of an entire group of them she’s not exactly sure how she’d get away if she needed to.
For someone that doesn’t talk a whole lot, Morgan sure spends a lot of time on the phone. Tanner hadn’t expected her to be so… clingy. She seems to really miss the rest of Unit Bravo now that she’s stuck away from them, which seems strange to him given that he’d assumed she wasn’t so different from him and would enjoy the break and getting to do her own thing (apart from having to work with him, of course) for a while.
But she’s on the phone again. Granted, she’s talking to Adam about their mission, but still. The number of questions she’d had about what they were supposed to do had been alarming to Tanner until he’d realised that she was most likely just coming up with the need for so much clarification as an excuse to speak to someone from her team.
Whatever her reasons though, he’s bored. He gets bored quite often with her, he realises, and he finds himself watching her on the other side of the room from where he’s kicked back on the couch, obviously and shamelessly checking her out as she paces and speaks in a hushed voice into the phone. Maybe it’d be different if he worked with her a little more; in regard to both her flirtation and their current job. At first, it’d been fun to irk her and get on her nerves but it’s already starting to get old - even for him - and he decides that maybe he should make more of an effort to be agreeable if they’re going to be stuck together for now. Or he could at least sleep with her. That might relieve some of her tension and get her to stop being such a hardass, at least.
She runs a hand through her hair and turns to face him, scowling when she notices his attention and lifting her middle finger at him before turning away.
He grins and sits up straight when she finally ends the call and turns to face him again.
“They want us to go to that bar tonight,” she tells him before he has a chance to say anything, and he groans dramatically and slides down to a slouching position, throwing his head back against the back of the couch and closing his eyes.
“It’s all work with you,” he complains, opening his eyes again when he hears her moving and watching her cross the room and start to pull her jacket on.
“We are on a job at the moment, so yeah, it’s all work.”
“You know this place isn’t gonna be like Mickey’s, right?”
She pulls a face, only small and only for the briefest second but he catches it anyway and for the first time sees how uncertain she is about having to be in that kind of environment.
“You gonna be good?” he adds, trying to sound at least a little sympathetic.
It actually surprises him how much he cares about how much this is going to affect her, and not just for the job. It’s going to be a pain in the ass, definitely. Having to keep an eye on her and make sure she’s not overwhelmed while trying to do his job at the same time, but more than that, whenever he thinks about how painful this is going to be for Morgan his stomach twists slightly, churning uncomfortably and making him feel… he doesn’t even know. Worried? Is this what worry for somebody else is?
Probably not. He’s probably just dreading having to babysit her.
He can already practically hear her teeth grinding by the time they get to the door of Shakers, let alone inside. They can hear (to be fair, godawful) rock music as well as the noise of what sounds like a pretty big crowd through the door, and he casts a glance in her direction. Her jaw’s clenched, brow furrowed, and eyes narrowed as she stares at the door before turning to the side and meeting his gaze.
“What? We going in or not?” she snaps, and he shrugs and waves a hand at her, gesturing to her general demeanour.
“I dunno, are we?”
She rolls her eyes and steps away from him, but he sees her shoulders rise and fall as she takes a deep breath before pushing the door open.
It’s loud. Really loud. Not too bright at least, but even he immediately catches the faint scent of alcohol, cigarettes and weed in the air. He can only imagine how strong it is to her.
His concerns for her are quickly overshadowed though when it takes less than a minute for his eyes to land on a group of men playing pool near the back of the room. He recognises them straight away, which means that they’re going to recognise him straight away and they’ll be gone before he and Morgan have gotten anywhere near them.
“Shit,” he mutters, ducking his head and turning to face Morgan more so as to turn himself away from them.
“What?” she snaps, glaring at him and not seeming to realise that something’s gone wrong, too caught up in trying to distract herself from the sensations bombarding her.
“I know them,” he answers distractedly, looking her up and down for a moment before casting a quick glance around the room in search of somewhere quieter. Something that doesn’t seem to exist in this bar.
He grabs her hand and pulls her over to the bar, nudging her to sit up on one of the stools and standing beside her, draping an arm over her shoulders and leaning in close to her. The close contact seemed to work the previous day when she was starting to become overwhelmed on the street outside, there’s no reason to think that it won’t work again in here.
“What do you mean you know them?” she asks, her voice a little less impatient as she leans back against him slightly, and he doesn’t miss the soft sigh of relief she lets out as he feels her body start to relax a little.
He doesn’t know why physical contact with him, of all people, seems to help her out but he’s going to count it as a bonus when it means that he’s able to set her at ease enough for her to function in these situations.
He glances back towards the pool table, but looks away again just as quickly, leaning down closer to Morgan to hide his face when he sees that the group are starting towards the door.
“They know you?” Morgan finally seems to click on, looking quickly towards the group and then back at him, and he only just realises how close he’s gotten to her when her nose just about brushes against his when she does it.
“Mhm,” he distractedly hums in reply, and she studies him for a moment before a small smirk crosses her face.
“I’ve been trying to get this close to you since we met, and now you’re telling me all it would’ve taken was a few demons to scare you?”
This bitch. He frowns at her, his arm dropping away from her shoulders as he straightens up again and moves away from her, temporarily forgetting that he’s trying to hide himself.
“I am not scared.” He spits indignantly.
Of all the things for her to say. Scared.
“You sure, sweetheart?”
Condescension drips from every word and his frown deepens into a glare. “Fuck you.”
“They’re going to see you,” she ignores his insult and nods behind him, and his eyes dart towards the group that have thankfully already moved past him when he remembers that whatever she thinks about him, them seeing him would be a disaster and if they knew that he was after them they’d be looking for them for weeks.
He subtly watches them go, waiting until the last two people are through the door, a blonde guy and a freakishly short girl, and then grabs Morgan’s hand and pulls her off of the stool. “Come on.”
He practically drags her out onto the street, making sure to keep a fair distance away from the group without losing sight of them through the crowd until he realises where they’re going.
“You’ve gotta be kidding me,” Morgan mutters from beside him, obviously realising the same thing at the same time, and he stops and watches them step through the doors of the same motel that they’re staying in.
He grins and looks over at her, letting go of her hand. “Our job just got a whole lot easier.”
“You think?”
He doesn’t bother answering, just heads towards the motel once he’s sure that they’ve had a chance to get to their room and he’s not about to run into them in the lobby.
He’s stayed here countless times, he knows pretty much the entire reception staff, it shouldn’t be too hard for him to find out what room they’re staying in and pay them a visit when they’re not expecting it. Then all he needs to do is convince Morgan that he doesn’t need her help with his next job, they can go their separate ways, and everyone will be happy.
tags (let me know if you want to be added or removed): @admdmrtn @masonsfangs @homeformyheart @mmerengue @agentsunshine @bravomckenzie @freckles-spangledvampire @mistyeyedbi @kelseaaa @fhauvilles @amlovelies @forestcreatures @maraudern05 @kat-tia801 @alyssalauren @agentnolastname @utterlyinevitable @masonscig
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alex-fa-ch · 3 years
Tropes Timeline, as I Understand it
Alex, Potion, and Skulk are born, each gods I think?? Alex being the oldest and the heir to the throne
The parents die, and Alex is left to take the throne at the fun age of 13
Around this time, Potion runs/is sent/chosen? by another kingdom to marry their heiress and become a prince there 
Skulk fucks off to the horror kingdom
Alex stops a war with a neighboring kingdom by challenging their king to one on one combat and winning, though this does result in the notch in Alex’s ear
Around this time I think is when Almond befriends the romance kingdom people 
Sometime after this, Alex meets Almond and they fall in love and get married, all that fun stuff
Alex and Almond have Rigel, their first child and now the heir to the throne
Adrian is born next
And Scar is born last (with horns which is not a mental image I wanted but one I will inflict on all of you) 
So the three princes grow up mostly normally, with varying levels of power inherited from Alex 
Adrian being the weakest
Silas and Rigel begin dating 
Adrian finds the mask and dons it, beginning to struggle with the impulse to murder people. 
Silas and Rigel break up 
Almond leaves to be a diplomat to another kingdom
Silas lures Rigel into a building, traps him in it, and sets it on fire 
Alex rushes in to save Rigel, losing their life in the process 
Rigel becomes the new king but doesn’t take the crown right away
Adrian blames Rigel for Alex’s death, causing him to SNAP and finally listen to the mask
Rigel does take the crown and is king for about two weeks
Adrian murders Rigel with his own axe, in front of Scar, thus becoming king for himself 
Alex is revived due to being a GOD, and has to find out that Rigel is dead
But Rigel’s ghost is bound to his grave, like most ghosts are. However, Alex uses their divine powers to bind his spirit to a necklace in the shape of a star instead
Almond returns, and finds out that Alex is dead. She then finds out that Rigel is dead and breaks down completely. 
Rigel tells Alex what really happened. Alex is determined to still try and solve things peacefully, but knows better than to head for the castle
Around this time I imagine Scar tells Almond what really happened too, but it’s not like either of them can do anything... except well
Scar makes the coup attempt using poison. But someone (I think Addict) alerts Adrian to the attempt. Adrian keeps quiet until the dinner, where he then reveals he knows.
Scar is thus taken to the dungeon and awaits execution. 
Adrian decides to be a cruel motherfucker and have Scar fight fully trained warriors in the arena. He makes a big spectacle of it, inviting the whole kingdom to witness it. Alex and Almond both separately catch word
Alex finally takes action, realizing that Adrian is beyond saving. 
Almond visits Scar in the dungeon, crying because she knows she’s about to watch her last child die. But she’s still going to be there, because she feels it’s better than NOT being there. 
Scar is taken to the arena, but...
Alex jumps in, taking on some of the warriors. Scar is confused at first, and no one knows if it’s part of the show or not. (Well, Adrian does but he keeps his cool for the second) 
One of the other warriors cuts away Alex’s cloak, revealing them. Revealing that they are alive. Alex manages to push them back for a moment and runs over to Scar
They give Scar the star necklace with Rigel, and tells him to run. Scar doesn’t want to because gods, Alex is alive and Rigel is in the necklace but Alex insists and kisses his head, saying they’ll find him
Scar manages to escape the arena 
Adrian, furious by this turn of events, calls down to Alex and puts a knife to Almond’s throat. This is the only thing that gets Alex to back down and surrender. 
Alex is taken to the dungeon, which Almond is now forbidden from visiting. 
But that doesn’t matter bc they’re both soon taken out into the forest. Adrian decides Alex needs to be punished for being alive, and Almond needs to be punished for idk. something?? she just has to watch Alex suffer
So Adrian burns the maple forest to the ground. He starts a wild forest fire
Scar is running through this fire, trying to escape. He meets up with Cherry, an ex-assassin who guides them out of the forest and they escape to I think the fluff kingdom. 
I think they meet up with Silas here too but boy oh boy rip Silas if they can’t get Scar to forgive them for, yk, the death of Alex in the first place
The forest fire hurts Alex both emotionally and physically, and it causes them to lose all hope and energy. Adrian lets the hands drop them and leave them on the forest floor, and lets Almond stay with them
Hell, Adrian probably thinks Alex is dead
Almond manages to barely convinced Alex that there’s still hope because look, she has maple seeds and all life regrows. 
Almond takes Alex to her friends in the romance kingdom, where they find shelter
Meanwhile, Adrian is losing his goddamned mind and is getting paranoid, threatening even the hands (Addict and Rhodes)
Rhodes was in it out of loyalty to Adrian, but he slowly and slowly becomes more determined to protect Addict. 
I think Adrian kills Addict?? or threatens them in some way that pushes Rhodes over the edge
Meanwhile, Scar and Cherry are convincing the fluff kingdom to help 
I think around this time, Scar gives the necklace with Rigel in it to Silas and they make peace
Potion is in the Charming Kingdom, having just caught word of everything that happened and (without knowing that Alex is, in fact, alive), decides to intervene 
Skulk, on word of their advisor, Tern, also separately decides to intervene. 
Almond and Alex are able to convince (I think his name is King Burgundy?) to also mobilize and help
Most of these kingdoms have more to be lost if someone as unstable as Adrian is allowed to remain on the throne than to be gained by helping any of the individuals who have convinced them
But still, this means the Angst Kingdom is surrounded on basically all sides by what were once friends, now enemies 
And Adrian is ofc fucking paranoid as all unstable rulers are and if he didn’t kill Addict before I think this is where he does it?? 
And Rhodes has enough and manages to I think send out contact to the other four forces who are intervening and tells them where to be and when. And, sure it could be a trap but fuck it
Also this is the first time any of the other four kingdoms are aware that the others are intervening 
anyways I’m not sure what happens in between that and the final scene with Adrian but 
Adrian eventually comes back to a small sliver of sanity and begs to die, to which Rhodes happily obliges 
Alex doesn’t take back the throne, saying the change of power was always meant to happen. Though they do reunite with Skulk and Potion, who are both happy they’re alive after all. 
Rigel’s spirit is allowed to “move on” to the next life, as he finally has peace
It’s unknown if Adrian enters the afterlife or not, but he definitely dead.  
Thus, Scar becomes the new king, being the only other person eligible. And I’m sure Scar rules with just as much wisdom as Rigel and Alex before him. 
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tsipasce · 3 years
Same Difference Ch. 13
A/N: sorry for the late upload for anyone following, I’ve been pretty lax on uploading on here bc of the low interaction with these posts (I think like 3 people read this, maybe lol). But I’m going to try and upload them here just in case. 
Chapters: 01  |  02 |  03 |  04 | 05  | 06 | 07 | 08 |  09 |  10 |  11 | 12
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 “We need to talk. Now.”
“Yes. That’s why we’re on the phone.”
“We don’t have time for games today. You need to come to the base immediately.”
She’d recognize that “not now, Nanami” tone anywhere. Whatever it was, it was serious. Switching gears mentally to brace for the impending shitstorm, she exhaled,” Give me 30 minutes.”
“What? That’s not even realisti—” she stopped, hearing the phone click. Rolling her eyes, she watched her friend exit the post office and walk over to the car.
“So, I say we go to that new brunch place first and then—wait what’s wrong?” Hitomi pivoted recognizing her friend was much less enthused than when she’d left. Nanami turned to her, an apologetic look on her face. “The hospital has you on-call again, huh?”
“Duty calls, sadly.” She felt bad about lying, but knew she’d feel worse if Hitomi got caught up in her mess. “Though I don’t know how long it’ll take so we might be able to salvage the day.”
“No, it’s ok, I understand. Take your time, we can always hang tomorrow or later in the week. When do you need to be there?”
“… in 20 minutes.”
“That’s unrealistic.”
“That’s what I tried to tell hi—I mean them, but it’s an emergency. Mind dropping me off at my house?”
“You got it. I’ll drive, you watch for cops.” Before Nanami could protest, Hitomi screeched out of the parking lot and back down the road they came.
 Waving bye to her friend, Nanami hurriedly grabbed her keys and work bag just in case the talk carried over to lab work. Running down to her car, she sped over to the base, basically rolling out of the car when she arrived as there were only 5 minutes to spare. Hearing a noise, she reflexively turned to look but continued running forward. Suddenly she felt herself run into a solid figure as she bounced back, falling onto her soon-to-be-late keester. Regaining her bearings, she looked up and saw an older gentleman in traditional attire, his hair slicked back and his face serious.
“Oh my gosh I am so sorry, I wasn’t watching where I was going,” she apologized, giving him an earnest look.
He paused for a beat before giving her a kind smile, offering his hand to help her up, “That’s alright miss, no need to apologize. Where are you off to in such a hurry anyway?”
Crap, how do I get out of this one… she strategized inwardly on how to answer the question discreetly without sounding rude. “Oh nowhere, I just have to… make a house call! I’m a doctor, and my patient’s a massive germaphobe; very needy, you see.” She laughed awkwardly, hoping he bought it.
At her last comment, she could’ve sworn she saw a look of recognition flash across his face, but figured it was her imagination. “Oh, I see. Well he’s a lucky man to have you. As such an attentive caretaker, I mean. I won’t hold you up any longer, have a nice day Dr… what did you say your name was?”
“I didn’t.” She smiled, “You have a nice day too!” She said as she continued her jog to the base. She looked back to see him waving, returning it as she rounded the corner. Well that was close.
Once at the front gate, the door opened before she knocked, an irritated Overhaul waiting on the other side. “What took you so long. I said 20.”
“And I was going to say that was unrealistic before you rudely hung up on me. Besides, I would’ve actually gotten here on time if not for your friendly neighbors. I don’t know how the HOA of this neighborhood decided to let you of all people in. Everyone else seems so nice.” She pouted.
“What are you rambling about?”
“Your neighbor? I ran into an old man outside—I didn’t tell him where I was going or why I was here, obviously—but he seemed nice, if not a tad nosey.”
At this she saw him pause, “… What did he say to you?” The question much meeker than the last.
“Uhm, I bumped into him by accident, so he just asked where I was going, told me to have a nice day... oh! Also, how lucky you are to have me. You know, obvious stuff.” His brows raised before she quickly clarified the last statement, “As a doctor! I told him I was your doctor. He was pretty nonchalant about the whole thing.”
Though he donned his usual mask, she could tell his features had softened at whatever he was thinking. She’d even bet there was a small smile forming, but at what she wasn’t sure, “Hm, I see. Well, there’s no use in loitering around, let’s go.”
“Well you’re the one that stopped but ok” she said under her breath. He turned, giving her a warning look as she shrugged, raising her hands in faux surrender.
They continued down the usual pathway in the underground base before reaching his office and passing it, going down a hallway she wasn’t familiar with. It gradually became much darker the further they went, and the air temperature felt as though it had dropped at least 10 degrees, almost causing her to shiver. After what felt like an indefinite amount of time they arrived at a door, but before Overhaul could reach the handle, it opened, a panicked Kurono standing in the doorway.
“He had a pill.”
Looking past him, Nanami could see the assailant from the night before. Though he was savagely beaten, it was apparent he’d killed himself with whatever pill was hidden in his mouth as foam was formed around it, his body still going through its final convulsions. Working in a large hospital, she’d seen her fair share of people dying, but to say it got any easier would be a half-truth. The vision was familiar, but it was still unpleasant, no matter who it was. In contrast, Overhaul seemed irritated for a second before realizing something and returning to his stoic expression.
“No matter, we got all we needed from him anyway. Follow me,” he directed at her as he left the room and Kurono to dispose of the body. Nanami somberly followed, mentally giving the man a moment of silence. Whatever happened, she knew the importance of remaining objective in the presence of death. There might come a time when she’d make some bad decisions herself—to put it ever so lightly— and she hoped whoever was there in her last moments wouldn’t relish in her death either. They arrived at the door of his office, the clicking of the handle rousing her from her thoughts. He sat down across from her on one couch as she sat on the other, now feeling a bit out of place in her casual attire.
“It seems you have a price on your head.”
“Hm?” Nanami squeaked, her face that of disbelief.
“The lackeys that tried to take you were sent by the head of the Okumura clan, a rival organization. He seems sure you have a unique ability and learning of our partnership only seemed to confirm this.”
“Bu…But I was so careful. I don’t talk to anyone about us, I take weird routes every time I come here, I always use the burner ph—“ she began frantically before he cut in.
“You were not at fault for this. One of the new recruits was abducted. He didn’t know much, but he gave enough information to pique their interest.”
“And what happened to him?”
He was surprised at the question, but answered anyway, “He was set free after the questioning.”
“Well where is he now? Maybe he can tell us something useful about them and what else they want.”
“He’s no longer with us.”
“… Like he quit?”
“… As I said, he’s no longer with us.” They stared at each other, Nanami now knowing the “snitches get stitches” saying to be only half true. Something tells me stiches wouldn’t help him now… She sighed, his blank expression unwavering as he continued, “Also, there is no ‘us’ when it comes to you and I and the Okumura. You will stay here until this problem is solved.”
“I’m gonna do what now?”
“You heard me. Your apartment is no longer safe. Considering they probably expected to see their men return last night with you captured, they will undoubtedly send more to finish the job.”
She opened her mouth to speak before closing it again. She knew it wasn’t safe to stay at her place, but staying at the base was just a lot, especially if her assumption about not being able to leave was correct. “Ok, but I have work and a life. Am I just supposed to hide here and put all that on hold?”
“Would you rather put it on hold or have it all end?”
“…That’s not fair.”
“Most things aren’t.”
She shifted in her seat biting her lip, realizing she was losing the argument. Every counter she came up with she mentally shot down before speaking it. I could stay at Hitomi’s house? No, they’d just follow me there and attack her too, or worse… I could stay at home and defend my place? Except they wouldn’t stop coming. My place would be trashed and then the neighbors would find out...I could...
“I could go in myself and get them. It’s my head they’re after, I’ll just have to convince them it’s not worth the trouble.”
He gave her a pitiable look, knowing the suggestion was equal parts blind bravery and desperation, “Your training with Rappa has made you a capable fighter, but are you really prepared to kill another person, permanently? Dozens of them? Simply maiming them wouldn’t be enough, they’d keep coming until…” He paused as he saw her look down in defeat, her fists clenched in her lap, her jaw tightening. She was angry—mad as hell—but she knew he was right. She was a fighter, not a killer, and no amount of training could change that overnight. She knew the logical solution to the problem, but her nature wouldn’t allow her to solve it. Seated across from her, his head tilted as he gazed at her pensively. Overhaul couldn’t figure out why but seeing her so upset was… unpleasant. He wanted nothing more than to make it stop, though the motivation behind the action remained a mystery. “Dr. Watanabe,” He continued slightly softer than before, her fists unclenching for a moment at the change in tone, “Your strengths lie elsewhere. Strategically, it makes the most sense for you to be here. It will only be for two weeks.”
“Two weeks?” Nanami could tell he was trying, but the frustration with the situation lingered. Attempting to calm herself and accept reality, she finally managed to respond,” Can I at least get my stuff first?”
“Yes, but let’s be quick about it.”
“You didn’t really think you were going alone, did you?”
“No!... Well, yes. Fine, let’s go.”
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imbruedinfear-a · 3 years
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@undeadrphub​ asked: ALL OF THEM FOR EZRA
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🍍  :    how comfortable is my muse in their body? how do they feel about their height,  weight,  strength,  and body type?  how important is being attractive to them? 
LMAO this man is more than comfortable. he literally models nude sometimes, he has absolutely zero body issues and i envy him for the confidence. he’s super big on appearing attractive, both for work and simply bc he’s a vain little shit, but he doesn’t really care if someone doesn’t find him attractive?? he thinks he’s hot shit and that’s all that matters.
🍅  :    how does my muse feel about plastic  /  cosmetic surgeries   &   procedures?  is it something they have done or would do?  do they mind if others do it? 
not a fan but not against it. he thinks it’s really fucking shit that we live in a world where people deadass think changing their appearance is that important, but he’s not going to talk shit on someone who gets it done. he’s just a fan of liking yourself how you are, really. shrug emoji if ya do it, shrug emoji if ya don’t.
🍏  :    how stable is my muse’s physical health?  do they go for regular or semi-regular checkups by a physician?  do they have any diagnosed illnesses and / or take any medication?  how often do they get sick?
LISTEN. this man is in perfect health physically, he’s got a high metabolism and he exercises regularly. but. fuck doctors. he’ll only go if he’s really fucking sick and thinks he’s dying. yes, he pays his shit out of pocket, because fuck health insurance, they make u got to the doctor. he doesn’t get sick often! but when he does, it lasts for a while.
🍎  :    how stable is my muse’s mental health?  have they been diagnosed with any mental illnesses and  /  or conditions?  do they have any undiagnosed mental illnesses and  /  or conditions?  do they or should they attend therapy? 
f,, fairly stable? diagnosed PTSD and depression, no biggie. he copes really well for the most part, and his trauma doesn’t particularly show unless you’re very aware it’s a symptom. he attends therapy when his depression episode gets really bad, so rly only like three times a year. you basically can’t even tell he’s mentally ill unless you know him really well and are around for a long period of time.
🍑  :    how meticulously does my muse look after their physical appearance?  do they spend a lot of time on their hair,  makeup,  grooming,  and clothing?  is there a particular reason why they do or don’t?  
dEPENDS MY DUDE. yes, boy is conceited. yes, he has depression. we all know what that means!! he’s either paying attention to everything and not leaving the house until he’s perfect or he’s fucking walking outside without pants, no fucks, and without having showered for a week.
🍒  :    how much does my muse value companionship?  do they constantly keep people around them,  or do they prefer to be alone often?  do they have or desire to have many friends?  do they see every meeting as an opportunity to make a new friend?  
ehhhh. he’s both extroverted and introverted. he has no problem making friends and he has a lot of them, but he doesn’t really hangout with people. he might go out a couple of times in a month, but he really prefers to be alone. it’s best to think of it as he’ll make new friends very easily and get along with most people, but he doesn’t go out of his way to spend time with anyone else unless he’s invited or really likes them.
🍇  :    how would my muse describe their childhood?  how much has it impacted the person they are now,  or will become as an adult?  around what age did they or will they start to mature,  and why?  do they wish to go back to their days as a child,  or have they embraced adulthood? 
oh honey. childhood was hell. trauma has erased a lot of it, and what little he remembers give him nothing but guilt and deep desire to never ever think of it again. adulthood is where it’s at, bois.
🍐  :    how intelligent is my muse overall?  are they smarter than the average person,  or less than?  are they primarily self-taught,  or did they acquire most of their knowledge in school?  are they more street smart or book smart? 
he’s on the genius end. he literally had nothing to do but read and talk to people as a kid, so he’s pretty fucking rounded out on knowledge. the only downside is he doesn’t really remember facts. he remembers the logic of it. you could ask him if sharks live in sea water and he’s gonna fucking hesitate, but if you ask him if this weird idea you have for a spaceship is possible, he’s gonna give you a fully detailed explanation on why it isn’t, big ass physics words and all. he was raised by drug dealers and his brother was involved in gangs so u can figure out how street smart he is.
🍉  :    which of the four seasons suits my muse best,  and why? 
winter! he’s at his most sad goth. otherwise, autumn, bc he’s a pumpkin spice slut.
🍌  :    is my muse inclined to help others,  or will they only do it when it benefits them,  if at all?  what makes them this way?  has it ever gotten them into trouble,  or inconvenienced them?
will help, even if he sighs first. he just thinks it’s the right thing to do. but also: watching his brother get fucking tortured and not being able to help for 18 years might’ve fuckin done something. he’s been inconvenienced a few times, but never really in trouble.
🍊  :    does my muse desire romance?  is it something they would actively seek out,  or prefer to happen more  ‘  naturally?  ’  what is their love life like?  do they have any exes or past flings,  or crushes? 
wouldn’t u like to know, weatherboy :^) actually he’s a bit of both. he definitely desires romance, and he’ll sometimes actively try dating around, but he mostly prefers the ‘if it happens, it happens’. he’s only truly dated a few women. currently, though, he hesitates on dating big time. in canon, he’s pretty freshly broken up with in a really shitty manner, so he’s just. existing. the thought of catching feelings fills him with dread, but he’s also a dumb fuckin hopeless romantic who instantly is like okay but what if it DOESN’T go terribly this time.
🍓  :    how is my muse typically seen by others?  does it ring true to who they really are?  does their reputation matter to them? 
iiiiiii have no idea. it depends on your personality, because he’s sarcastic and sassy, and some people would consider that as rude and asshole-ish. if you’re in the kink scene, 9.5/10 times you’ll know him as the master of the city’s biggest dungeon ( it’s also connected to a fetish club ), so it’s. accurate. he doesn’t care for his rep tho, it’s not gonna hurt his book sales since he’s anonymous
🥝  :    does my muse have any  ‘  unusual  ’  habits, interests,  and  /  or talents?  do they hide it,  or are they proud of it? 
h m. not really. his only unusual habit would be how much he’ll just drown himself in working, but it’s from trauma, so????? nah. he’s p open about everything anyways.
🍋  :    what kind of diet does my muse have?  do they eat regularly,  or the standard 2-3 meals a day?  do they have to be reminded to eat,  or are they likely to remind others?  do they cook,  or have others cook for them?  do they eat healthily,  or not so much?  
wild. just wild. he can go from deadass vegan to eating 20 chicken wings by himself. no one understands it. if he’s actually working on a new novel, he needs reminded sometimes, but he’s usually the one reminding other people. he’s a big cook, he loves finding and creating new recipes, and he’s usually on the healthier end of things. doesn’t mean he won’t eat an entire fucking cake because he didn’t eat anything else for two days tho. 
🥭  :    how important to my muse is their hometown,  or where they’re from?  are they proud of it,  or considered a hometown hero? did they move away,  or do they wish to?
e h. he doesn’t really care for hometown sentiment, but he does love Chicago. it’s his favorite place just because he’s comfortable, knows it and the people well, and always finds something to do. plus, like, the fetish club is there. ofc he’s gonna have fun. not proud, just doesnt care. moves around when bored.
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shiftingdani · 5 years
True Colors //Darley
Tagging: Marley Rose ( @littlefaerose ) and Dani Harper
When: January 31st, 2019, early morning ( bc we´re slow as snails )
Where: Dani´s Room
General Notes: Dani and Marley decide to move Marley´s things into Dani´s room and while doing so they talk.
Dani knew that, technically, Marley wasn´t allowed to live with her. Not unless they officially requested it at least. But in the end she was just helping out her girlfriend, whose room was messed up, and if that meant that they got to share the same bed a little more often then she surely wasn´t complaining. Besides, they could help each other out with studying, it was something everyone was going to benefit from. Dani grinned to herself as she emptied one side of her drawer. She had no idea how she had managed to get so lucky, but here she was, happy with Marley, when she had come here swearing to never fall in love again. The world had its funny ways. She´d left the door open, wondering if they could somehow get second key. Maybe she could pretend she´d lost hers? They´d figure something out, for sure.
Between trying to gain the favor of a school board she could care less about and figuring out more pieces of the complicated case of the end-of-the-world plot, there had been little time for Marley to actually fix up her trashed dorm room, let alone figure out what (or who) had done the trashing. She could make a few guesses but frankly there were matters much worse to put her energy towards, so she waded through the mess, grabbing only the essentials - a few pieces of clothing here and there, her camera, her laptop, a big bag of fresh soil... she could figure out the logistics of making living with Dani work once she got to her room. Her arms loaded down, she made the trek from her dorm to Dani's, using her boot to tap on her door. "If there's a password, it's probably a kiss, and I can't give it to you through the door," she called from the other side, fighting back a smile.
Dani couldn’t help but chuckle as she heard her girlfriends words through the door. „You know,“ she called back as she moved her last pieces of clothing into a different drawer. „A kiss as a password Sounds fantastic, but only from you,“ she moved to open the door, her smile as bright as it hadn’t been in days. They might not have been able to hold up the barricade for much longer, but at least they had gotten the attention of the media, good or bad. „Alright.“ Dani nodded. „I made room in the drawer and closet for you,“ She then explained. „Everything else can be moved around. I’m not opposed to change. But first, once you’ve placed all that stuff somewhere, a kiss,“
"Well don't let me completely uproot the whole room," Marley chuckled, edging her way into the room. She loved being in Dani's room. It felt so bright and colorful in comparison to all of the earthy tones in her own room. It felt like happiness personified, or maybe that was just her girlfriend. She set the bag of soil down by the bed and the other items in her arms beside it, turning around so she could reach out for Dani's face to hold. "You're sure you're alright with me staying with you?" she asked in a murmur, leaning in to rest her forehead to hers.
Dani let out a chuckle. "I´m used to change," she then told her and while she did like a bit of consistency, namely the fact that Marley and her had been dating for almost a whole year, she didn´t mind the small changes. Lips curved into a soft smile as the other leaned their foreheads together and for a moment Dani closed her eyes, just taking it in. "Mhm...of course I don´t." she then replied in all honestly. "I´d love for you to live here." she wrapped her arms around Marley´s waist to keep her close. "I´d love nothing more, actually."
"Well, how can I argue with that, then?" Marley asked with a soft chuckle, finally bringing her in for the sought after kiss. Breathing in against her cheek, she pulled back to smooth back Dani's hair from her face. "Now... honest answer - how are you doing after all of this?" she asked, her tone shifting to one laced with worry. The barricade had gone one for so long, she'd been certain some kind of good would've come from it. But it felt like they were stuck back at square one.
Dani let herself get lost in the kiss for a moment before sighing. "It´s...upsetting." she then admitted. "I mean...I know we got something out of it, whether it´s good or bad press, it doesn´t matter. But we made sure people didn´t forget. And we can´t stop." she offered a somewhat smile. "I can´t have them doing things like this to the others. To you," she had no idea what they could do to restrict Marley´s powers, but she didn´t want to really think about it either. "I´m glad so many people were here to help, though. It´s good to know who´s on our side." She pointed at the drawer. "I emptied that one for you. And we should definitely get more plants. I´ve been meaning to get some anyways,"
Marley's expression softened at her answer as she tucked her hair behind her ear. "No, they won't forget," she agreed. She would make sure of it with those photographs she sent to Professor Shutter. "This'll just be one of many things done until everyone realizes how backwards and ridiculous all of this is... until then, we'll keep finding ways to shove it in their faces so they can't ignore it." She smiled, stealing another kiss before letting go to grab the bag of clothes she'd brought with her. "Well if you want, I need to go beg for my job back at Faun's Floralis anyway. Worst comes to worse, we could pick up some pots and seedlings. Or I could grow you some... actually-" Oh Aether, forgive her for dirtying up the room before she could build a small garden box, but she moved to grab the bag of soil, gathering up a generous handful. She looked around the room and grabbed the first item with some depth in it, pouring the dirt in, before producing a few seeds to plant inside. Leaning down to whisper to them - <<Bloom!>> - she watched as a green seedling pushed through the soil and swiftly bloomed into tall stalk of deep red amaryllis flowers. "Just something to start," she smiled, straightening back up and handing them off to Dani. "And to match your bracelet."
The magical and the common worlds weren´t so different when it came to these things. They had both come far, but still had a long way before anything could be considered done. And since this was her world now she was going to keep fighting, like she´d always done. Not only for herself, but for her friends and the people she had come to consider family. So much had changed in a year, and while not everything was good Dani knew she had people she could rely on, people who also relied on her, and she didn´t want to disappoint them. She watched as Marley went to grab some soil and soon enough a beautiful flower was blooming from it, one she recognized all too well. "Beautiful," she whispered as she gave Marley a smile. "Just like you," And hell, she had always been smooth when it came to flirting, but Marley had turned her in a sappy romantic. But Dani didn´t regret one bit of it. "How long do you think we´ll get away with it?" she then asked, chuckling once more.
"Hmm... long enough to make a lot of fun memories in this room," she teased, holding her cheek while kissing the other. "Or at least long enough for me to get my room cleaned up in the spare time." And at this point, she knew that would take a good chunk of time, time she didn't have anymore if she was going to make good on even half of the promises she was making to the educational board. There was a dismally low GPA to raise, a job to regain, positions on the Sirens team and in the NYADA Players... her head hurt thinking about how busy her schedule was about to become again. "Have you put in your appeal letter yet?" she asked, since it was on her mind. She grabbed her bag again and starting pulling items out to fold and put in the spare space left in her dresser.
"Sounds good to me," Dani replied with a chuckle. She had saved enough money over her years not to actually need a job for a while, but she had thought about getting one anyway. Right now, however, she was glad that she got the chance to focus on studies rather than work. Not that it would be much different than before. It wasn´t like she had done no studying during the barricade, they´ve had much time after all. She just had to actually show up to class. "I did," she nodded. "It was...interesting to write. I was trying to make sure I was allowed back in without actually saying the barricade was a mistake, what about you?" Dani placed the flowers on the window sill and then turned back to Marley. "Did Santana ask you to write one for her as well?"
"I basically told them I believed we were in the right but that I had been an exemplary student and member of NYADA society up until then... well, mostly." At the mention of Santana, Marley tensed. She sighed, resuming folding a shirt and placing it in the space left in the drawer. "She did," she nodded, keeping her back to the other girl as she busied her hands with her clothing. "Didn't realized she'd gotten three strikes already in this supposed three strike program but I guess I'm not that surprised. This is Santana we're talking about after all." And Santana Lopez was a disaster. A chaotic disaster and she wasn't sure if there remained any nice, fuzzy feelings to carry her through writing another appeal letter. "She asked you too, huh?"
Dani nodded. "I remember them mentioning the strike program when I got here. But I was all over the place and had literally just gotten out of the dark cell so I don´t think I really registered it." she sighed. "So I only really remembered when he got the strikes and while i`m not really surprised Santana has three it´s still shit," She stepped next to Marley and nodded once more. "Asking is nicely put. She threatened to blackmail me. And I don´t know if I´d done it if it wasn´t life threatening." she bumped her shoulder against Marley´s. "But I don´t want to be responsible for another person´s death if I could have prevented it." Honestly, this was turning depressing. "Do you want to help me dye my hair later?" She nodded at the pack of hair dye on her nightstand. "I´ve been meaning to dye them blond for that field mission that´s coming soon. You know, pink isn´t exactly the best hair color to keep yourself hidden in the desert."
She had a point. Marley wasn't exactly jazzed at the idea of being responsible for the death of anything, or anyone, either. "Yeah, she's skilled with the art of blackmail, that's for sure," she muttered, stuffing a few rolls of socks and underthings into the drawer. "I think even Jesse St. James would write her a letter if she threatened him in the vaguest sense." And that was saying a lot, probably. She bumped Dani's shoulder back, then looked over her own to glance back at the bottles of dye on her table. It still angered her that that damn collar prevented her girlfriend from getting to change her hair to whatever she felt like. That she couldn't use her aether-given abilities like the rest of them had been deemed allowed to. She huffed out a quiet sigh - that was a work in progress. They'd figure out a way to get rid of the collars. But in the meantime? "If we open up the windows and I use gloves, I can help," she turned back to Dani with a smile. "Dave gave me ton of potions during the barricade to help with air purification and pollution, so I can break one of those out if need be... you sure you trust me with you hair though?"
"Jesse would probably do it just so he could get the attention from it," Admittedly, Dani had learned to ignore Jesse most of the time, they definitely didn´t rub each other the wrong way any more, which was good, considering the last thing she needed was more enemies. Especially if they were technically supposed to be on the same side. She glanced over at Marley and threw her girlfriend with a smile. "Of course I do. Of all the people in this place..." she paused to take the moment in. She couldn´t remember ever having said this to anyone before. "I trust you the most." The smile on her face got a little brighter before she moved towards the window to open it. She wasn´t going to lie, there was a lot that sucked, and it would probably still suck for a good while, but the good things outweighed the bad and it hadn´t always been like that.
Marley’s expression softened with Dani’s words. Trust was such a tenuous thing, hard to come by it genuinely. But they had it here, didn’t they? They knew the worst and the best of each other, and yet they were still here. It finally felt like a fixture in her life that could last. When Dani returned from the window, she reached out to catch her by the wrist and bring her in for a kiss. “... and I trust you,” she murmured, nudging her nose with a smile before pulling back. “Now let’s put some eye-popping color back into that hair of yours.”
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werewolfwilds · 6 years
i redid an ask meme that i had originally done ~3 years ago to see the comparison so for archiving purposes im putting it in a lil journal entry here ! i wanna start doing small journal entries again it was fun when i did that
new answers bolded
1) what images do you have set for your desktop/cell phone wallpapers?
my desktop bg is literally just…. a collage of kageyama manga screencaps a h a,,,, and my cellphone bg are drawings some gay drew me like 74724 years ago :v // my desktop rn is actually a background from one of the dmmd routes LMFAO..... idk which one it is but i’ve always liked those bg pics!! my cell lock screen is p5 art and my bg is leopika
2) have you ever had a crush on a teacher?
nooooope // nah
3) what was your last text message?
my phone is dead so i wouldnt be able to tell you lmfao i dont even remember // it was a gif from kelly lol
4) what do you see yourself doing in 10 years?
hopefully working a job i enjoy and making costumes and being happy!! // god i have no idea and it freaks me out... hopefully working,,
5) if you could be anywhere else right now, where would you be?
hoommee ((or at katsucon tbh)) // at the beach with friends maybe
6) what was your coolest halloween costume?
a white cat probably lmao // i dont think ive ever had a particularly exciting halloween costume but one year i was sharpay from high school musical and i think i peaked then tbh
7) what was your favorite 90s show?
uhhhh….. i didnt really… start watching tv until like… the 2000′s so i really cant tell you man lol // spongebob started in 1999 does that coUNT,
8) who was your last kiss?
(answer redacted) // :/ someone should kiss me so i can change this answer lmao
9) have you ever been stood up?
nope //  nah
10) favorite ice cream flavor?
vanilla w/ vanilla oreos ok u need to underst a n d // this hasn’t changed i haven’t had this particular ice cream in a long time but i still stand by it
11) have you been to las vegas?
nahh // nope
12) your favorite pair of shoes?
idk i have these black ones i wear everywhere lol // i have a pair of white sneakers that i refuse to stop wearing now
13) honestly, have you ever cheated on your significant other?
i wouldnt even consider it. // no bc i’m not a piece of shit lmao?
14) what is your favorite fruit?
hmmm…. pineapple orrr…. strawberries but only if they’re the really good kind like they have to be perfect // pineapple!!
15) have you talked to anyone on tumblr that you could see yourself  dating/having sex with? if possible?
….. ye s… yes. // in the past apparently so but thinking about it now nah lol
16) are you into hookups? short or long term relationships?
hookups arent my thing eh i prefer long term relationships altho i cant really say ive been in a “long” term relationship pffff // i don’t think hookups will ever be my thing, emotionally long term relationships are what i’m here for but i’m also a Very Impulsive Person so i cant tell you if this will stay a fact :’)
17) do you smoke? if so, what?
nope dont wanna // no thanks
18) what do you do to get over your anger?
usually talk to people or shout into word // i have to vent about it to someone probably a thousand times even months or years after it happens tbh
19) do you believe in god?
nahh // nah
20) does the person you’re in love with know it?
i aint in love with anyone rn so no? // i’m not in love with anyone.
21) favorite position?
………….. for w hat………. // oh honey lmfao... N/A
22) what’s your horoscope sign?
virgo/ox ovob // Virgo/sun, Aries/moon, Libra/rising and Cancer/midheaven
23) your fears?
literally everything i already named a few so ill name some others… ghh anything in… the ocean or lakes and stuff frightens me and i really dont know why bu tlike…. fish and crabs and jellyfish and seaweed cuz it’s evil and stu f f basically anything that’s not a mammal or turtles or penguins…. lo l im a baby // uncertainty is a big fear of mine and also people being mad at me lmao... as far as physical fears though i have debilitating fears of almost all insects/arachnids and lobsters/shrimp/crawfish :^)))))
24) how many pets do you have? what kind?
two cats and a dog!! // one cat one dog
25) what never fails to turn you on?
i dunno,,/////// // lol neck biting/kissing oof
26) your idea of a perfect first date?
im okay with mostly anything i just really like spending time with the person ; v ; // i’ve never really had an answer for this? thinking about dates has always made me so anxious for whatever reason but i’ll be happy to just spend time with them doing whatever honestly, i’m a super indecisive person aha
27) what is something most people don’t know about you?
i dont really know tbh lmfao // i’ve considered in the past looking into mental conditions (anxiety/bpd/etc) to see if i might have one or two but i never want to say anything about it because i don’t want to self-diagnose anything.
28) what makes you feel the happiest?
nice weather and nice conversations w/ best people u//v//u // nice weather and hanging out with people who are fun and easy to talk to
29) what store do you shop at most often?
does….. arda wigs count or… // does arda wigs still count bc mood lmao but truthfully now it’s probably target
30) how do you feel about oral? giving and/or receiving?
kkdkjsfkjkjfj??fsfj/// go for i t??? i have no problems with i t??? i dont think ill ever be willing to put a dick in my mouth though // these random sexual questions thrown in here are something aren’t they lmao. not going to disclose much but i will stand by the fact that i will not put a dick in my mouth lo l
31) do you believe in karma?
sometimes ye // i believe that people will eventually get what’s coming to them but i don’t believe in karma as a solid concept if that makes sense? like i don’t think it’s guaranteed
32) are you single?
yup yup // yeah it’s been wild lmao
33) do you think flowers or candy are a better way to apologize?
i think being sincere is the best way to apologize– if you truly mean it the person will know. you dont need to buy your forgiveness. // the best way to apologize is just to apologize sincerely and change your behavior if it’s applicable.
34) are you a good swimmer?
ehh??? im ok i guess– i took swimming lessons as a kid but i havent done legit swimming ever since then lmao,, ive always been best at the backstroke tho yea // i mean i have the ability to swim but i’m not olympic-worthy or anything lmao
35) coffee or tea?
ehhh im not big on either tbh // chocolate milk and you can fight me
36) online shopping or shopping in person?
depends what your shopping for i guess?? online is more relaxed i guess // online probably because shopping in person Gives Me Anxiety
37) would you rather be older or younger than your current age?
ehhh im happy where i am tbh // older
38) cats or dogs?
do not make me choose // cats and dogs* there i fixed it for you
39) are you a competitive person?
ahaa,,,,, oh god yeah,, // OOF yeah
40) do you believe in aliens?
i believe there’s life on other planets somewhere?? so i guess?? // i believe in aliens in the sense that there’s no way we are the only living life forms in the universe but not in the science-fiction way you feel me
41) do you like dancing?
i do but i suck at it lmao // i do but i: A- suck, and B- have no stamina
42) what kind of music to you listen to?
nearly everything tbh // i’m not picky when it comes to music but imma be real w u. almost all of the music on my phone is kpop. seventeen is my favorite group along with astro, and i also enjoy super junior, shinee, red velvet, etc among so many others,,, im pretty wide spread !
43) what is your favorite cartoon character?
i will never be able to pick just one // i’ll literally never be able to answer this
44) where are you from?
philadelphia uvu // philly!
45) eat at home or eat out?
hmmm at home. // at home
46) how much more social are you when you’re drunk?
i never plan on being drunk tyvm // i’ve never consumed alcohol in my life and to be Quite Fucking Honest i want nothing to do with it
47) what was the last thing you bought for yourself?
bracelets ! ; u ; // uh... excluding food and music... earrings i think
48) why do you think your followers follow you?
uhhhhhhh lmfao i have no idea i think… a good amount are for my cosplays at least?? or id like to think so lmfao but i really dont know pfft // my followers have just accumulated and hung around over the years... i know i gained a good amount from my snk days as arlert-the-troops and then through my haikyuu phase, whether it was for my cosplay or other posts that i made... whenever someone follows me now im not entirely sure what its for but i appreciate everyone who’s stuck around!
49) how many hours do you sleep at night?
it’s never regular man // 6-9 (lol) hours is pretty normal for me
50) what worries you most about the future?
everything tbh // the future as a concept worries me lol
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afternoonblues · 3 years
yes! I completely agree with you. tumblr does kinda feel like an intimate space to hold our conversations <3 
I'm glad to know that you're happy with what you're doing, cause I think I'm just here to get through a phase ( in my class and with what I'm studying) and that's okay. 
btw nothing became of the script.... I, for the life of me, could not get the story to move forward or have the "correct" event unfold and meet up to the basic rules of storytelling so- I'm keeping it in the archives for now www 
The working title that I came up  for while I was cracking my brain for it was SAGE, don't know why but the word kinda sums up what (emotionally) I wanted the movie to translate to the audience. A mix of murakami, Filipino director Lav Diaz and the general concept of stillness and silence. There's a "traditional" image that comes to mind when I put the last 3 words together, but I'm trying to make it a little different so that it fits to modern times?? telling you about this now makes me a little motivated to take a crack at it again, maybe we should work on it together >< jkjk....unless..? 
tarot reading is definitely a part of witchcraft!! readings are done for other people, for yourself, for communicating with deities, spirits, and much more! I personally find it a little intimidating so I haven't really ventured into it yet, but I think in what I'm trying to reach and pressure in my path I'll definitely need to learn it soon haha
getting accustomed to abusive relationships and abusive tendencies aren't normal so maybe the fact that you still aren't used to it means that you have a strong will to not give up and give in?? Idk but I know that you're a strong person, as resilient as the Colosseum in Rome. The Colosseum was used to hold (among many other things) violent confrontations (between the socially marginalized, between wild animals and more) all for the sake of entertainment// and what I'm trying to say if that, it has held so much chaos within and yet it is still standing centuries and centuries later. It may take a while to heal, but you'll get their love, I have no doubts.
liyan, i`m always hoping for you to find a place for yourself in this world & no matter what happens i`ll always be hoping for that until you find it. do what you`re doing, don`t discontinue it considering you chose this yourself this time. of course, there are times when even if we love to do certain things, at some point, we lose touch with it. so that`s why it`s better that we take some lil breaks so that we can re-experience what we used to feel like when we started doing the thing we took a break from.
of course, i can help you out with it! although idk how much i`ll be able to but i`ll try my best. i`m don't write in scriptwriting form so you`ll have to teach me that but i can surely help you out, don`t worry! you don`t even have to ask for me.
oh then i was right?! idk why but i love watching tarot readings bc there have been countless times when the reader has said the exact precise thing that`s happening with my life, or with a person close by or had happened in the past which might affect my future interacts with human beings or any situation. the only tarot reader i watch though (after scheming through all the other tarot readings) is venessa her readings are so accurate & resonates with me. 
that last paragraph is so well written, liyan! thank u for saying that. although idk how accurate that comparison was considering i think i`m quite vulnerable & not very understandable when ppl see me in the most down state ever. there`s been only one person (and that`s my best friend) who knows how to tackle me when i feel down & vulnerable. but thank you for saying, of course, i`m not used to it yet although it`s been more than a decade now. maybe there`s still some goodness left in me, some hope for a better life & some more hope for being a better human being(?) that`s why i`m not used to it yet.
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uniformbravo · 7 years
idk how to start off this post im just gonna talk abt my day bc i need to get some things out or w/e
it wasn’t great idk i was supposed to put up an art video on my channel today but i guess a case of perfectionism got in the way? it’s the umbrella drawing, if u follow my art blog (i posted a wip there), and i really like how it turned out, so i wanted to make this video in particular rly good to live up to the standard the art set, i guess? 
the main issue was the music, because the original inspiration for the drawing was this song, and i would’ve loved to use it in the video but i’d need to buy a license to safely use it and pfbtbpt im not doing That (although after looking into it, it looks like if i used the song all that would happen is i’d get an ad put on my video? based on what the monstercat website says but im still rly iffy abt it so idk)
basically im not gonna use the song so i have to find an alternative, right. the next plot point is this piano cover by one of my favorite pianists on youtube god their stuff is incredible im blown away every time they upload a video jesus christ. anyway that video came out yesterday and i’ve been obsessed with it for the last 24 hrs, and it turns out the pianist put in the about section of their channel that anyone is allowed to use their music with credit so im like god?? bc i love the song so much
and i did think about using it for my video but 1. it’s very short, it’s like a minute thirty and 2. it’s already from something like it’s not just some random song it might sound weird to anyone who’s seen the anime and recognizes this song i’ve used for my totally unrelated drawing so hgggg but the length was the main issue right i like to try to make my videos around 4 min long at the least and even if i repeated this song it’d only be 3 min so 
which brings me to my third idea: i was inspired by the piano video and everything so i thought hey why don;t i just play my own little thing for my art vid that’ll work right. that’s a good idea right. i figured i’d try to do a little improv cover of that first song, the monstercat one that inspired the drawing in the first place, and i mean it is a good idea, except.
except for like 20 million things ok so i guess first of all i just haven’t been on the greatest terms with my piano playing in general lately? im in a weird spot right now where i’m trying to improve my skill level, especially with my left hand, and it’s like. i know i can do complicated things because when i have sheet music and im learning a song that someone else wrote, with enough practice i can get the muscle memory down and get used to playing it; it’s just the fact that im not able to improvise super complicated things that’s been frustrating me
and the ridiculous thing about it is that i look up to all the incredible pianists i find on youtube, especially the one i’ve mentioned in this post, and inevitably im comparing myself to them, which is completely stupid bc these pianists for the most part aren’t pulling these songs out of their asses, they’re putting together arrangements and then practicing them until they can play them perfectly. so it’s super dumb that i’m getting all upset over not being able to replicate their techniques on the fly bc it takes fucking dedication to get to that level right. they make it look effortless because they’ve practiced it. i play a song for the first time by ear and get all mad that im not putting in these fancy additions that aren’t natural for me
what’s frustrating about realizing this, though, is the reality that i just physically can’t practice as much as i’d need to because of how much it hurts my hands/arms/shoulders/back like i honestly dont know what other pianists are doing but i tend to just binge and play for like 3 hours straight it’s really bad i guess but the time just flies by it’s even worse than art
idk, i guess i just get frustrated because my skill level isn’t where i want it to be, like i Want to be as good as these other pianists i look up to but for one they’re much more serious about it than i am, i think? piano is mostly a hobby for me, like i don’t put nearly as much work into it as i do art or as i would if i wanted to actually improve at a higher rate, and i mean. i watch the techniques of other pianists and the speed at which they can play and it just blows my mind i can’t even imagine myself playing that fast unless i. you know. practiced one specific song enough hghudg god i dont know
basically the piano thing didn’t go well today and now my arm hurts (the left one, not really the right but my right hand and elbow were hurting by the end of the session today, im really fucking shit at making myself stop playing) and i recorded some things but i hate them and i want to try again tomorrow but the physical limitations are holding me back; it would be such a bad idea to try going back tomorrow, not because i wouldnt be able to record a song or two, but because a song or two wouldn’t be enough to get something im happy with: what i mean by that is after today i’ve realized that what i want for this video im making is a song to match the drawing, so i wouldn;t want to make just an improv thing like i did today, but rather i’d want to put together an arrangement for it, meaning something with a more concrete melody and not just me panicking and hitting the first chord that comes to mind over and over until i have 8 minutes of music recorded. essentially, i would want to put effort into this song, really make it fit the art, and the reality is that because of my injury i have such a limited amount of time i’m allowed to spend with the piano that this kind of project is just not possible for me
so today was kind of a realization of that, which i mean i already knew this because i tried to do the same thing last month and came to the same conclusion but the wall doesn’t get any less solid or painful the second time you run into it, right
anyway long story short i did not upload a video today and im not sure what i’m gonna do because i still want to pick a good song that lives up to the art but none of today’s potential options worked out so im either gonna have to just settle with a song i’m not as happy with or put off this video indefinitely and try to work out a different drawing i can upload tomorrow or idk whatever happens happens, i guess. it’s for tomorrow’s me to deal with im going to bed
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