shelbyinubakilee · 5 months
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Happy New Year @bbasmos!
Rocket finds out about New Years on Earth goes to give his boyfriend a secret visit. And a quiet promise to spend the next year together and ALL the bad habits that go along with it!
Rocket might be a little drunk. Peter might like how ‘bitey’ that makes him.
Happy 2024 everyone!
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heyyywildchild · 7 years
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Saying deuces to 24 like...”bye seqoyyiuhh” lol 😂 #insidejoke #bbamos #ftlombb thank you 24 for giving me so many laughs and different experiences to remember. Really grateful I have made it to 25• ✌🏻🍂 (at Birthday Celebrations)
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myautumnflower · 7 years
THIS is Literally One of the most amazing videos on Internet!!! Don't fight me on this 😎💁
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shelbyinubakilee · 3 months
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"Um, what do ya suggest then? Mister expert?"
"What you do best…" Peter leaned down, and Rocket caught the light shining off the curls. Mentally he took back all the bald jokes he ever made. There were even strikes of amber mixed with the blonde. "Test things out… see for yourself… if you can use me as a cure."
Rocket took a deep breath. Was it getting hot here in the hangar or what? "All right. It was funny. I get it. Now knock it off." Rocket tried to back away, played it all as a joke. Even if his dick had different ideas. At this point the thing has laser focus.
"I ain't yer type at all."
Peter's first instinct was to creak a joke but something in Rocket's face told him now wasn't the time. Firming his nerves, Peter reached out and took Rocket's hand in his. Allowing a second for Rocket to reject him or not, pain having been his teacher, Peter rubbed his thumb over Rocket's knuckles. The contrast of size was considerable.
"Says who?"
A collab with the wonderful @bbasmos for the lovely @nerdy-and-dedicated!
-sorry for the delay. I still recovering from a slumping depression.
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shelbyinubakilee · 2 months
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Quill… estaba apoyando su cabeza sobre la suya, murmurando.
"¿Huh?" Rocket parpadeó, volviendo en sí.
Quill restregó su rostro sobre la cabeza de Rocket, de nuevo. "Pregunté, ¿si quieres tener una cita conmigo?"
Por un momento, Rocket estuvo seguro de que Quill estaba dirigiendo la pregunta a alguien más.
I feel like it’s been so long since I’ve draw anything. But it hope you enjoy
Story by @bbasmos! Chapter 1. Hopefully I can attempt to draw more. Hope everyone’s day is well!
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shelbyinubakilee · 3 months
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Early Mornings Family prompt -I will attempt to color later
based off @bbasmos’s story and added creatures! I just love them so much! https://archiveofourown.org/works/48309358
The bite prompt will be late. But what can I say. I’m not used to the time change. Ahh!!
anyway! I hope everyone has a fun week!
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shelbyinubakilee · 2 months
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The Date of Doom! -based off chapter two and three. I love these two so much! @bbasmos is amazing!! I love all their stories!! I found these pens that just wash out the moment water makes contact. So I use it like inking. Cause those pens can not go with anything else! Smears and marker ruiners!
sorry, rant over.
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shelbyinubakilee · 2 months
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The Date of Doom
When a date can nearly destroy you but you like that person so much anyway that it actually works out even more.
I’m so happy to find these stories. They comfort me so much. Thank you @bbasmos! For the the stunning stories.
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shelbyinubakilee · 3 months
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Building an army or Building a Family
Some of my favorite pictures for a deleted account. Graphite and watercolor are some of my medias. Actual skill is questionable. 🤣
of course, call out for Mira, the Roquill child of @bbasmos’s amazing story.
have a lovely day! Hoping for a fun drawing day.
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shelbyinubakilee · 2 months
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@bbasmos’s lovely and stunning Easter gift!! I just had to attempt to doodle something for it. As Rocket’s jeans finally crumple Peter’s soul to his will. Can’t wait for the next chapter. I need those bunny ears!!
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shelbyinubakilee · 11 hours
Hay Amor
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Dog Days are Over …Bailando.
En verdad, bailando.
Giraba sus caderas al ritmo de la melodía, igualando los pasos de Groot sobre la explanada de arena. Sus botas golpearon el piso, vivaces, a juego con los puños que extendían de arriba hacia abajo. La sonrisa plasmada en Rocket fue libre de renuencia, de fastidio. No hubo ni una pizca de bochorno al mostrarle abiertamente a los habitantes de la ciudad sus mejores movimientos.
Peter no supo cómo explicarlo. Su pecho se sintió apretado, llevando una lucha interna entre el pasado y el ahora. Percibió la música vibrar de las bocinas directamente hacia su esternón—un llamado intrínseco. Aun así, las botas de Quill se mantuvieron firmes.
Había transcurrido tiempo considerablemente largo, desde que Peter había soltado su cuerpo de aquella manera, dejando la música correr por su ser. Y sabía perfectamente por qué.
Bailar con Rocket en Navidad había sido algo más personal, más íntimo. Rocket había llevado las riendas, y Peter se había permitido disfrutarlo, afectado por la fiesta que Mantis le había preparado y por un estúpido procyon que había encontrado la manera de derretirle el corazón.
Esta vez, fue distinto.
Al dar un giro, Rocket le dio la cara finalmente, quedando directamente en su línea de visión. Sus miradas se encontraron a la distancia. Por un segundo, los movimientos de Rocket perdieron sincronización al descubrir su presencia. Peter temió que Rocket se detuviera, que el hechizo se rompería—No sucedió.
Reanudando el esplendoroso contoneo de su cuerpo, Rocket inició una trayectoria directamente hacia él.
Instintivamente, el cuerpo de Peter hizo lo mismo, atraído como polilla a la llama.
Sus piernas fueron inseguras al doblarse ligeramente de las rodillas. Sus hombros estuvieron demasiado rígidos.
Al alcanzarlo, Rocket le guiñó el ojo. No articuló palabra. Estiró una mano hacia él en invitación.
Peter tragó saliva, volviendo a frenar en el centro de la explanada. El pánico que corrió por su sistema fue, tal cual, un cortocircuito. Imágenes del pasado se sobrepusieron con la actualidad.
—Meredith bailando con Peter de pequeño en la cocina, mientras su abuelo trataba de cocinarles el desayuno, quejándose que bajaran el volumen. Gamora, bailando con él en el planeta de Ego, al son de Bring It On Home to Me.
——by @bbasmos Chapter 12
I’m not crying!!!
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shelbyinubakilee · 5 months
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Rocket no tuvo defensas, terminando de derretirse sobre Peter con la estimulación. Parcialmente flotó y estuvo sujeto a Quill, cerrando sus ojos mientras acomodó su cabeza en el pectoral de Quill. Que permitiera que Peter hiciera todo esto sin objeción, habló de su estado físico y mental. Peter comenzó a tararear la primera canción que se le vino a la cabeza, enjuagando el cuerpo de Rocket con riachuelos de agua en el proceso. Rascó la cabeza, el espacio entre sus orejas, sus mejillas—donde el cabello había sido acortado por el fuego. Talló bajo su mentón, extrayendo gruñidos suaves muy parecidos a inicios de ronroneos.
@bbasmos story. Very much and always will be my comfort food in my downer days.
Very much in love with these two!
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shelbyinubakilee · 3 months
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A Mixtape is a Great Gift
Not a soul up ahead and nothing behind There's a desert in my blood and a storm in your eyes Am I the king of nothing at all? Then you're the queen of nothing at all Well I remember the fight and I forget the pain I got my hand in your pocket and my key on your chain Am I the king of nothing at all? Then you're the queen of nothing at all
Oh, through the wilderness You and I we're walking through the emptiness Oh, my heart is a mess Is it the only defense against the wilderness?
Cross my heart and hope to die Taking this one step at a time Got your back if you got mine One foot in front of the other One foot in front of the other One foot in front of the other
One foot in front of the other All that we have is each other One foot in front of the other
Not a soul on the road, not a star in the sky It's a desert in my heart, and I know where to hide I'm your king of nothing at all And you're my queen of nothing at all Well, out here in the dust if you don't have trust Ain't nothing left of us, this is the exodus They're just testing us, they can't flex with us They can't mess with us, they can't mess with us
Oh, through the wilderness How come even together there can be loneliness? Oh, our heart's a mess But it's our only defense to brave the wilderness
Cross my heart and hope to die Taking this one step at a time I got your back if you got mine One foot in front of the other One foot in front of the other One foot in front of the other
One foot in front of the other All that we have is each other One foot in front of the other
Oh, through the wilderness How come even together there can be loneliness? Oh, our heart's a mess But it's our only defense to brave the wilderness
Cross my heart and hope to die Taking this one step at a time I got your back if you got mine One foot in front of the other One foot in front of the other One foot in front of the other
One foot in front of the other Oh, all that we have is each other One foot in front of the other
In the so-called Land of the Free One foot in front of the other Don't you know that all we have is each other One foot in front of the other -One Foot, by Walk the Moon
more sketches from an deleted account. I just love these two pieces. mainly based on @bbasmos’s fanfic world on ao3. There’s a whole multi universe there! 🤣
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shelbyinubakilee · 3 months
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Posting some of my favorite pieces from my deleted account. Based off the early chapters by @bbasmos! I love this story! It’s Christmas each time it updates.
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shelbyinubakilee · 4 months
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The Bomb
I’ve been waiting to read this for so long! I’m very excited for it!! Thank you @bbasmosn for such an amazing birthday gift.
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shelbyinubakilee · 5 months
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Sketches done for this Jurassic Park version of Guardians of the Galaxy! by @bbasmos! This story is super fun! What started out as a nerdy joke just flew to infinity and beyond. I’m feeling better bummed out so I’m hoping to to at least push out a doodle a day.
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